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Dateline NBC: Secrets of the Snake Farm (2023)
Season 31, Episode 24
Should be in Jail for Life
4 April 2024
Really ridiculous this Killer did not receive the First Degree Murder Charge she apparently deserved. Also sad the Murderer's father doesn't recognize the monster he raised. 16 Years in Jail is clearly not enough. It is a travesty of justice she did not receive a lifetime behind bars.

This episode should serve as a good reminder to beware people who are the flotsam and jetsam from troubled relationships. People rarely change. It is sad innocent decent people need to pay the price for what seems to be a degenerate Jezebel hell bent on a life of mayhem and crime.

Hopefully, the Family of the Innocent Victim will sue the convicted Murderer in Civil Court so she can remember her wrong doing for the rest of her life.
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Surprisingly Good
17 January 2024
This was a very good Documentary in what is becoming a very crowded Cult Documentary genre. It is always sad how people start out with an idealistic vision of the World and how people should live, and somehow it always gets corrupted along the way. The Film Maker really did an exceptional job walking the viewer through the history of Synanon and how her perspective and feelings about living and being part of this movement as a child changed over time. Her Parents and many of the Synanon Members, both former addicts and not, really seemed like decent people. It's too bad a non-Cult hasn't taken the place of this organization to provide a lifeline to the ever growing number of drug addicts today.

It remains a Mystery why people enjoyed playing the Synanon Game (which does not look like much fun), or why Utopian Communities always fail. Perhaps topics for a future documentary!

Worth Watching!
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Ted (2024)
Funny Start then Struggled
14 January 2024
The first 2 or 3 episodes were funny, especially the regional humor (Friendly's, Bradlees, Chuck's Steakhouse). Then the show took an unnecessary turn for the worse when Macfarlane tried to turn this "Comedy" into a platform for his Woke Ideology. By the end of the series, it appeared to be one never ending Public Service Announcement / "The More You Know" TV Special. Most viewers watch a Comedy to see something funny, not for social advocacy. Unfortunately Macfarlane's last project, The Orville, was ruined and cut short by the exact same mistaken philosophy. People want to be entertained not indoctrinated.
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A Woke Farce
18 August 2023
A very sad attempt by some lost souls to blame others for their misfortunes and failures in life. Unemployed people with a lot of free time on their hands, should not expect to be paid for volunteering. Attendees of a Religious University should not expect to be automatically appointed as Ministers upon graduation. People who are living lives that are not in accordance with their Church's teachings, should find other Congregations that are more consistent with their lifestyles.

There do not appear to be many secrets or victims in this dull and uneventful tale of woe, mostly unhappy complainers with unrealistic expectations.
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Informative Complicated Modern Story
26 June 2023
This Documentary was a lot better than expected and really provides an insight into a type of Nuclear Family that has not existed for very long or one that many people may know much about. After watching the Documentary the viewer understands how complicated some issues, that are taken for granted in traditional families, can be in same sex families.

Overall, the Documentary is very balanced and provides a very honest and open look into the damage that custody battles have on children as well as every other personal involved. It's a sad story without any villains and can best be summarized with the. Dave Mason lyrics:

"There ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy There's only you and me and we just disagree"

Good Documentary.
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A Lot of Unanswered Questions
25 May 2023
This was a good documentary that presented a story that was beyond belief. Based on the three Episodes, a number of Adults were convicted of serious crimes due to what was presented as what possibly was the fake and coerced testimony of children.

The Documentary did a good job of presenting the background of the incident and interviewing many of the people involved. They all came across as credible and believable.

While it seems more than likely the accused criminal acts did not take place, it would have been a stronger story if they had:
  • Interviewed someone from the Prosecutors Office, who still believed in the convictions (if any)
  • explained why the older daughter still stood by her original testimony / accusations and explained whether she had reconciled with her parents and siblings
  • explained why only one of the Foster Mother's huge number of foster children, in addition to the two in the documentary, accused her and her husband of abuse.

Even with the questions, the Documentary provides an eye-opening insight into small town / backwoods "Just Us" vs Justice......
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The Railroad of Justice
24 May 2023
The production quality of this documentary is not great, but content and interviews are excellent. Very interesting story without a smoking gun conclusion. At the end of the day it all comes down to the probability of the evidence. Whether or not this burden of proof was objectively met remains an open question.

It certainly seems like this case was mostly about optics, and the need to hold one or more people accountable for a sensational unresolved death, After watching this Documentary, it would be hard to believe the average viewer does not have some doubts about the guilt of the alleged perpetrators of this crime.

Overall a tragic story, with a lot of victims, and no happy endings.
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From (2022– )
Steep Decline
21 May 2023
Season 1 of From was enjoyable, Season 2 is not. It's not clear whether actually being in the fictional From Community or watching any more Episodes would be worse.

Like many new Series, the creators only seem to have sufficient original ideas and content for the first season. If the series is a Hit, they rarely have enough talent or creative writers to see it through.

At Episode 5 of Season 2, there doesn't appear to be any Plot, and it's difficult to decide whether the story-line or dialogue is more boring. Both have become completely absurd and the "acting", without a sensible script has become hard to watch. If the existing cast members are smart, they'll ask to be killed-off quick.

Maybe they should think about renaming this show "Was" or "Done"
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The Wake of Narcissism
11 May 2023
This was a very good Documentary that had a very compelling and interesting cast of characters and gives the viewer a lot to think about. The two lead characters, Husband and Wife decided to make a living traveling the world's oceans. What comes across very clearly is the high price their family paid for this decision. One of the sons lost his life, the other children might have wished their parents had lived a more stable and less adventurous existence.

Any Adult can choose to live the life they wish, but when other people or dependents are involved it's very unfortunate when their desire for fun and frolic has a lifetime negative impact on others.
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Snapshot of Modern Suburban Life
11 May 2023
The Murder in this Documentary was tragic, it's portrayal of today's suburban family life was even sadder. Between the alienation, mental illness, substance abuse, and complete distrust between family members the entire 4 Episodes are a fairly grim watch. Most viewers would probably be grateful not to be related to many of the family members in this series.

One of the most troubling aspects of this production was the large number of secret recordings that appear to have been made with a complete ambivalence or disregard of the immorality of doing so. A person's need for answers and closure doesn't justify betraying other people's confidence or personal rights.

As other comments have noted, a lot of theories related to the investigation were explored, but to date, not much in the means of resolution.
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The Way Down (2021–2022)
Not Much There There
9 May 2023
After watching all three episodes of this "Documentary" not certain what the point or conclusion is supposed to be.

Yes, out of a church congregation of a few thousand people, there are going to be a few disgruntled ex-members.

Yes, to belong to a religious faith, members do have to accept and follow certain principles and practices.

Yes, Custody Battles and Children leaving home and joining their Spouse's religious congregation do cause hard feelings and hostility.

Yes, many of the people searching for religion and / or structure in their life are mentally ill when they join a religious congregation and are every bit as mentally ill when they decide to leave.

There's not much of a story here and appears to be a sad attempt to capitalize on the Cult Craze as well as the sensation surrounding this Church Leader's death.

Waste of 3 Hours of viewer's time.
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Silo (2023– )
Went Off the Tracks Fast
6 May 2023
This Series had a decent Premise and interesting Lead Actors. Unfortunately there does not appear to be a lot of depth to the Plot, and the story seems to be a very generic an unoriginal dystopian saga.

If they had kept the Two Main Leads instead of the Bait and Switch replacement with a Cast of Nobodies, the Series might had a better chance of success. Giving an Executive Production Credit to a relatively unknown actress won't prove to be a good decision either.

After Two Episodes, am pretty disappointed with the Series and don't think I'll be watching further. Apple should focus on quality Content versus Pulp. At least it's not as bad as Foundation.
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A Dud!
23 June 2022
Update - Watch How a Mysterious Third Party (Studio?/Producer??) is trying to Game the IMDB Ratings. Click on the Names with the ridiculous 9 and 10 Star Reviews. You will see an Account that is 5+ Years Old and only One Review. These are known as "Aged Accounts" and seem to have been Purchased to Manipulate the IMDB Stats. Beyond Pathetic and Completely Unethical.

Very Disappointing How Disney Can Never Bring any of these Spin-Offs / Money - Makers to a Conclusion. The Finale was completely ridiculous and rather than providing entertainment for Star Wars fans apparently is only meant as a platform for even more Star Wars Spin - Offs.

The Star Wars franchise should be rebranded "Golden Cow" because Disney is Milking it for all its Worth.

The Quality of the Star Wars Spin Offs has deteriorated significantly and Future Projects should probably be classified in advance as "Must Miss".....
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Should Have Been Two Seperate Series
20 June 2022
Overall an enjoyable Series, but the Transition between Series 1 and Series 2 was very rough. The First Series set in New York, was a Thriller / Detective Series, the Second set in LA, was essentially the Story of a Young Women and her Family Struggling with Substance Abuse.

Other than the Occupation of the Lead (The Flight Attendant) and her relationships to some of the Cast Members, there is almost no continuity or consistency between the 2 Series. Cuoco did a good job acting in both seasons and provided a very believable and realistic performance of someone dealing with Substance Abuse and trying repeatedly to Escape.

The Second Season seemed to tie up any and all loose ends. Doubt there will be a Third.
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Wilfred (2011–2014)
For a Comedy, both Sad and Thought Provoking
20 June 2022
This was a very good Series that worked on many Levels. On one Level it is a show about the adventures of a Man Dressed in a Dog Suit and his Neighbor. On a Deeper Level it's about a Man struggling through a relatively difficult and unhappy life.

The Cast is Excellent and provides a consistently good performance throughout the Entire 4 Seasons. All of the Cast Members are all very relatable to people in most viewers lives. They also serve as a good reminder that regardless of how successful and happy someone appears, many people have significant long term struggles beneath the surface.

The Central Message of the Series appears to be, Problems in peoples lives rarely fix themselves, but it certainly helps to have a Good Friend / Wilfred to share them with.

Worth Watching !
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Barry (2018–2023)
Disappointing Decline
13 June 2022
The first two Seasons of Barry were very good, the third and fourth were not. Perhaps some of the the writers became infected during the Pandemic and lost their talent and writing ability

The Story Arc moved from funny and semi-believable to nonsensical and absurd. Barry became tired, literally and figuratively. This Series was over long before it Ended. It would be hard to believe anyone other than the Paid Review Trolls not being disappointed by the decline.

The Viewer gets it, its all about the money and trying to milk out the last dollar from each and every Series at the expense of creative quality and entertainment. Barry should have ended on a high note at the end of Season 2.
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Severance (2022– )
Hard to Know What To Think About This Series
29 April 2022
This has been a Fun Series to Watch and it has an exceptionally Talented Cast. Unfortunately the Series and Story-line are hard to follow and do not make a whole lot of sense. By the end of the Last Episode of Season 1, and 9 Full Episodes very little of the Mystery and Details regarding the Severance Project have been revealed. It would be nice to think next Season all will be explained, but that seems very optimistic. Based on the pacing and direction it seems more likely to continue to be a Slow Mysterious Trip to Nowhere a la Twin Peaks or Lost.

Another disappointment is the under utilization of some of the well known Actors / Actresses (John Turturro, Christopher Walken, and Patricia Arquette). They have been given roles that could have gone to much less well known and talented individuals (Pay Must Be Good!).

Unless there is a significant change of direction early in the next Season, don't see most viewers sticking around for another Season.
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Not a Story of Redemption that's For Certain
23 April 2022
An interesting story of two Self Absorbed Narcissists who seemed perfect for each other. Never a care or concern about how their selfish and criminal acts negatively impacted any one else in their lives, especially their sons or family. It seems clear these two co-conspirators are equally responsible for planning and carryout of their Financial Fraud, and equally share the blame for the fall out and consequences from their actions. It is amazing that their sons had the ability to try to forgive either of the parents for their long term deceit and selfishness.

The clear message from this True Story is that people do not change. If these two were again provided with the opportunity to do what's best for themselves at the expense of everyone else in their lives, they undoubtedly would.

Hopefully the UK has restitution laws that ensure any proceeds from this mini-series are turned over to the Life Insurance companies and financial victims these two defrauded.

Hat tip to Karl Pilkington. Nice Job in Dramatic Role. Keep up the Good Work!
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Fall River (2021)
Better than IMDB Reviews Suggest
16 April 2022
This was an interesting Documentary and provided an accurate view of life in a failing New England Community in the late 70's / early 80's. There are many victims in the story as well as both minor and major criminals. It also provides a good historical and current perspective on the judicial process, typically favoring politics, optics, and sensation over the actual pursuit of truth or justice. For the average Defendant caught up in the judicial systems without wealth or influence, "Justice" is "Just Us" / Not them.

There are a couple of critical faults with the Documentary. First, the Film Maker mentions the coincidental nature of Robin Murphy turning in both of the people later convicted in what the Police believed to be completely unrelated crimes, but what he omits or does not clarify is that Robin Murphy is the only person who confessed to be present at all three Murders. Robin Murphy's confession about her involvement and presence at all of these crimes is clearly stated in the court transcripts and written legal appeals. In addition, the Film Maker edits the footage of Robin Murphy's Parole Hearing to seem like she is trying to set the story straight to prove Carl Drew's innocence and non-involvement in these crimes when in reality she is trying to recant her own involvement and confession about being present at each of these murders. When she was provided with the opportunity to tell the truth at Carl Drew's rehearing, she certainly did not choose to be honest or do the right thing. The Film Maker's desire for Robin Murphy's participation in this project clearly outweighed his desire to be factually accurate.

It is also interesting that Robin's admitted she was one of the last people to see Karen Marsden alive. Two people (young boy / now adult as well as Carol Fletcher, friend and neighbor of Robin Murphy) also claim to have witnessed Robin killing Karen. When Robin Murphy was confronted by these statements on camera, instead of denying the murder directly, goes into a long convoluted narrative about how she had never been on the roof where Karen's murder most likely occurred, as any skilled Liar or master manipulator would.

The Film Maker successfully provided Reasonable Doubt about the conviction of Carl Drew and should have ended it there. He also should have highlighted and emphasized that Robin Murphy knew all three Murder Victims, confessed to being present at all three Murders, had a history of violence, and as an aspiring Pimp herself, had a motive to strong arm independent prostitutes that didn't do what she wanted. It seems likely she was in fact present at all three murders and most likely played a significant role in each.

In the End, two lessons are learned, Leopards Don't Change their Spots (A Manipulator / Liar remains a Liar) and Ultimately Justice is Always Served (All three of the Incarcerated, were / are exactly where they belong).

Good Movie!
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Went Downhill as Time Went On
22 March 2022
Sad what happened to this Series. Had a Strong Start then went Downhill rapidly as the Woke Revisionist Writers infested this Series. It was very troubling to watch as each Episode became less Historically Accurate and More Absurd than the Last. In spite of the moronic uneducated Wokester's beliefs the number of female Viking warriors and / or non-indentured African's wandering around 10th or 11th century Britain was unsurprisingly few.

Instead of an unrealistic historical message, the writers and producers should be more focused on historical accuracy and entertainment. This Series should have ended a lot sooner.

How Much are Studios paying for Fake 9 and 10 Star Reviews these days......?
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Primarily a Rationalization for a Chosen Life
14 March 2022
This was a good Documentary, and this Hippie / Planned Community turned out a lot better than most. Whether these residents came to their community with more funding or life skills than the other (failed) Hippie / Planned Community groups is not addressed.

To the now aging, and some recently departed, first generation, this might have been a good life choice. For their kids, not so much. While the closing credits lists the present day careers of some of the "Ranch Kids", now adults, they appear to be more like aimless drifters, unable to adapt to life outside of their childhood community, than anything else.

Perhaps their idealist / possibly narcissist parents should have remained childless or waited until their children were fully grown, prior to dropping out and doing their own thing.

Good Movie!
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Deeply Flawed Individual, Not A Hero.....
3 March 2022
As another review points out, a contrarian / counter factual Documentary in the same vein as "Why every house needs a Shark in their Bath Tub" or "Why Alligators Make Great Pets"

Spoiler Alert - They Don't!

Benedict Arnold was both Brave and a Talented military leader, but none of his accomplishments make up for his later treachery and deceit. If Benedict Arnold felt unappreciated and lacked confidence in his leadership, nothing prevented him from resigning and going his own way. Betraying his country and his countrymen was completely inexcusable, and any ridiculous narratives or documentaries to the contrary are completely absurd.
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People Never Learn
19 February 2022
This was a good documentary and its is really admirable that many of the female victims decided to participate in the production as well as assist with bringing the Dirt Bag Con Man to Justice. The Documentary also provides the viewer with a good understanding of how these animals find their victims and how the victims are taken advantage of (step by step).

Unfortunately, it is very disappointing that no one seems to learn much from their experiences. The Con Man is not really punished adequately for his crimes, and at least one of his victims is back online looking for her next soon to be disappointing superficial and perhaps fraudulent relationships.
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Half Baked
18 February 2022
Definitely not one of Netflix's better Documentaries. It's a sad story with many tragic victims and gives the viewer a lot to think about The people in the story appear to be everyday people with at least average intelligence. It seems hard to believe that each of them could be deceived over such a long period of time, and yet they were. Perhaps, today's Super Hero obsessed world where every one is made to feel like they are a Special Snowflake makes them especially vulnerable to a Con Man with a Secret Agent backstory.

Unfortunately the Documentary does not have much of a conclusion. In reality if the alleged "Puppet Master" had broken any laws he would have been arrested again. This production seems to be more of a Hit Piece and makes the viewer wonder if a 300000 British Pound Estate had not be involved, whether two of the primary narrators would have been so forthcoming or whether the Documentary would have been made at all.

Sadly, there are no Happy Endings, although there is the hope the Victims will be able to move on with their lives.
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13 February 2022
Energy Issues are an important issue facing our Planet and was looking forward to this Documentary. Unfortunately, the Documentary went off the Tracks relatively quickly and had very little to do with Energy or Energy Production.

Instead, the focus seemed to be how impoverished regions of the World seem to feel some sort of entitlement to free energy instead of an accurate realization that political corruption, theft of electricity, and over-population are the primary reasons why these countries do not have modern electrical grids and / or infrastructure.

Perhaps it would have been a better documentary, if the focus was less on hand-outs / and an expectation of charity and more on practical solutions such as mandatory population control and third world national and individual accountability.
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