
5 Reviews
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Cracks (I) (2009)
Loved it!!
1 February 2016
As I had stated once before there has yet been a film/ show in which Eva Green disappoints! Her performance alone is always captivating..along w the supporting actresses this movie was def a great watch and I went in not expecting or knowing much about's based on an strict female boarding school in England during the 1930s and focuses on the relationships between a teacher and her charges and how they so desperately seek affection, attention and acceptance and especially the conflicts that arise during the arrival of a new gives you a great artistic cinematic imagery of how deep and far one can go for desire, obsession, jealousy, and the sense of belonging. I loved the way everything came together and how you remained on edge the entire time. This little indie film was as well captivating and emotional in itself and they did a great job showing you how regardless of your age there's always that deep dark desire inside of us regardless of who or what it may be aside from that I recommend it to anyone and I suggest you decide for yourself!
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The Veil (I) (2016)
Not too bad
26 January 2016
First of all i went in not knowing anything about this film it just caught my eye especially w the actors in it.. I believe this movie took certain big elements based on the actual Jonestown but completely made it their own and portrayed it with its own twist, theories and ghost stories. It did have it's spooky moments and it did its part in keeping you interested from beginning to end but I felt it could've been a little better in which I feel it was a little cheesy at certain parts and had a few plot holes.. I've seen worse and scarier movies but it's a nice quick watch if you're looking for something not too intricate or too scary with supernatural elements.. I feel like the ending could've been better but then again you can't expect too much with these type of movies so I guess it did fit for with the theme they were going for.. I did like the way they didn't do a footage style movie since they were filming a documentary based on this cult, also I liked how they portrayed two different angles such as flashbacks and present day it helped explain everything and give you a better visual on what happened, how it happened and why..aside from that give it a shot like I said if you take it for what it is it'll be a decent watch!
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Perfect Sense (2011)
Loved it!
20 January 2016
First all I absolutely love Eva Green.. She's a very talented actress and I have yet seen her in something I disliked..this movie was very artistic and poetic in its picture and frightening in the sense that what if something like this was to ever happen..although it was a complicated love story it was beautifully portrayed in the mist of a horrifying epidemic and chaos..the plot was intriguing and left you questioning life in itself and how we take the simplest things for granted.. Its erotic, emotional, funny, romantic, the visual art is beautifully done, Ewan and Eva's performance was captivating.. I really recommend this film it's an emotional roller- coaster and will leave you with tears in your eyes..
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Intruders (I) (2011)
Not a horror film
20 January 2016
This movie isn't a horror movie it does have some thriller aspects to it and depending on your capacity for horror to me it's not scary but more of a thriller. I ended up being surprised by how it turned out its just it took a little long to get there. For example it sort of lacked in fully gripping you and more dragged in the first half. I do like how they played out the plot and showed you two different children in different parts of the world ones story is in Spanish and the other in English yet both experiencing the same fear of this Hollowface character. The plot did end up having a nice twist and also the showing u the emotional bond of a parent and their child. I personally ended up liking this film I was just a little disappointed because I went in expecting it to be more of a horror film.
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The Shrine (2010)
Have other options
20 January 2016
I had decided to just watch this after being intrigued by the summary and cover and since I'm a huge horror movie fan I always give everything a chance regardless of my expectations or reviews, sometimes you find gems that way. With the Shrine I felt like the movie had potential but failed in fully executing it. I'll admit there was parts that were surprisingly good and scary yet that was about it. The plot was full of holes, the acting mediocre.. I mean it is a B horror film so do not set high expectations and it was quite frustrating at times to watch in which u wonder why someone would put themselves in that situation but I guess it was part of the plot say give it a shot but like I said don't expect much.
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