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Good Visuals brought Down by Weak Writing and Acting
17 April 2024
I liked Dune part 1 better than this sequel.. Its visuals were better and the story and acting were good to at least half decent...It sparked enough interest in me to at least want to see More...I was hoping to see the Guild navigators and the Folding of Space!..Part 2 here almost had me snoozing off mid movie...The acting was weak and wooden and Unconvincing from the principle characters,especially Timothy and the woman playing his mother.... Ive seen the original Dune movie from the 80's , many times and frankly, it blows the current away as far as creating a surreal world and drawing you in with fascinating characters..Even the old by todays standards, effects and cinematography were levels above the big budget attempts of the current movie...This one today, feels effects laden, but devoid of soul, that essense that was captured in the original so well... I also really like the children of Dune series, its characters surpassing the interest I found in the current story here... to each his own..Its visually very good but visuals alone do not make a story hold the interest of the viewer.. that takes good writing and compelling acting, qualities absent in this movie.
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Beautifully Acted and Superbly Written episode
1 April 2024
I havent been that much into the series since the original walking dead ran its course... Alot of spinoffs yes, some decent some are duds...This one sets the bar high as far as quality of writing and in this episode especially, some of the best acting seen in a long while on this whole franchise...The Glances, how they look into each other's eyes, this is something you dont see very often.... I dont see how anyone could not have given this episode a solid 10.. this is top notch entertaintment.... On a side note, these imdb rules Demanding extensively long reviews has got to go.. sometimes what you want to express just is what it is.. we should be allowed That expression, be it long short or in between.
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Halo (2022– )
Incredible SciFi ! Intense ,Gritty and Well Acted
25 March 2024
Im Not a gamer, ive never played it so I am reviewing this show as a scifi lover...How anyone could not find this series immensely engossing and thrilling as well, is beyond me. There are so many reviewers here who are not able to view the show without their minds comparing it to the Game or a Book ect..OF course, this way of looking at something will seriously affect ur ability to simply enjoy it for What It Is...There is a great arc of character development,especially of the master Chief and Kai, theres nothing shallow about this scifi, it hits deep, gets you invested and involved .. It makes me wish the shows were longer...The dynamic and relationship/romance of Makee and master chief was one of my favorite parts of season glad to see her once again in season 2... This series does some of the most fierce and terrifying reptilians that have ever been shown in a series or movie... For contrast, the Gorn shown on the Strange New Worlds series were disapointingly tame and underwhelming by comparison... These creatures here are positively Monstrous... Fight scenes showing the strength of the enhanced spartans and the CGI in the show is Top Notch...season 2 takes things in a different direction and some characters are lost but it was equally awesome as well.. Love this series! One of my all time favorites!!!
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Warrior: A Window of F*cking Opportunity (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Outstanding Finale for an Incredible TV Series!
28 January 2024
Im giving this a 10 because it just blew me away! Everything you could ask for, edge of ur seat excitement, not afraid to kill off major characters, a cast that I just love and I dont mean just 1 or 2 but the whole lot of them are so well chosen and such interesting players with depth that really gets you involved, multiple mega plotlines all converging, I could go on but you get the drift! Not many series have this kind of writing these days...Banshee was one of those that did and I believe its creators are at it here doing this series...Its got the same kind of Ultra badassery going on, same kind of over the top but supremely entertaining fights, hot babes and That Vibe! ...This season ended with a wallop! I'd say the most interesting and explosive one yet. Hope there are more seasons to this adrenalin packed powerhouse of a series! Loved it!
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Stellar Performance by Aaron Eckart
23 November 2023
If you thought this was just gonna be yet Another MMA movie with the same old storyline, you are in for a surprise! Eckhart delivers an incredibly powerful and Convincing performance in this heart wrenchingly sad role...He literally altered not only his speech and mannerisms but his posture and how he carried himself along with doing some hardcore fight scenes very well.... He plays a man whose lost his way and himself,remaining but a shell ...Someone who abused himself and also was abused by the world he was drawn into...Beautifully shot and the cineomatography Really draws you into his world...This is not ur typical MMA by the numbers story..It looks like it took alot out of him as the lead actor and that the man poured his soul into the role...Certainly different,yet Very intense,high action scenes with a deep and moving storyline and some superb acting by Aaron whom is almost unrecognizeable in character..
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
The Fission Fizzles and never really Explodes
10 November 2023
With all the hype surrounding this movie and all the stellar actors in it, one would expect this to pack quite the impact! I found the opening half of the movie leading up to what turned out to be one of the most Anticlimactic expression of a nuclear bomb ever filmed...You might say How can that be possible? Just watch the detonation, cling to ur seat, prepare to be amazed and blown away and then you will see what Im talking about...Cinematography was good,for sure throughout the movie, but nothing memorable nor outstanding..Similiarily with the acting,n as everyone did a decent to excellent job but nothing exceptional..Maybe its the writing,which seemed patchy and inconsistant in engaging interest,especially in the parts after the bomb demo and the final parts with the Hearing going on, I just fastforwarded thru ...This is what I mean that the movie had its moments but could not sustain them and those moments were mixed with long, ,boring, drawn out sequences that could have been left on the cutting room floor..There Should have been More focus on the horrors of the bomb,its devasting effects on the people it was dropped on and the equally devasting effects it had upon oppenheimer's psyche and his soul..Completly avoiding the showing of the dropping of the 2 bombs was just biazzare in a movie that could have shown the Real horror of the use of an atomic bomb and instead,skipped over it and focused on courtroom hearings...Its a good effort,it has that "cinematic" quality all about it especially in the opening half but it Fizzles out and looses its spark and just becomes a tedious and frankly ,uninteresting story twords its end...Decent yes, outstanding masterpiece? No, not at all..missess the mark of greatness and falls short.
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Gen V (2023– )
Trying to Cash in on "The Boys" but Missing its Magic Entirely
15 October 2023
If you loved The Boys, you certainly would be eager to check out any and all spinoffs.

This one tries to capture the magic but All the characters here fall flat and fail to grab intrest nor do you really care about them one way or the other. The attempts at gross humor are here in abundance as it is ib The Boys, but that only works when the writing is stellar and the characters are such that you care ,,,without that, gross humor as it is here, simply comes off as gross. Maybe its because they are kids and not adults or maybe its the "Wokeism" that again is being infused in Everything these days...The stories feel generic,uninteresting and lack the intensity and crazyness of the Original series..Some shows are "Lightning in a bottle" and just cannot be replicated even in a spinoff of the same genre..Its the magic of the chemistry of characters that all enhance and play off one another so well and edgy writing thats over the top yet Oh so good! Mixing intensity with humor,just the right way...That said, certainly check it out but dont expect the same level of entertainment...This show is Not in the same league.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Politically Correct and Painfully Boring with moments of Inspiration
13 September 2023
On the second season and its Still a sleeper of a show that has its moments but certainly not nearly enough of them.. Not a fan of thick accents that are a struggle to understand even though its english,,,I could also pass on the kiddie portion of the show... what interests me is the asian lady going inside the ship and translating its intentions.. definitely one of those highlight moments... The show tries hard ,like every current show or movie these days to check all the politically correct boxes and this one is no exception, the thing is ,this appears wayy to formulaic , just too perfect and predictable instead of like real life where such things as diversity occur randomly...The thing with the aliens is their seeming ability to have created vast ,city sized motherships along with advanced technology Yet, they have no means to create it in looking at their appearance, no opposable thumbs or hands, just how does a race of barrel shaped aliens with spikes for appendages manage to create Anything? That said, the other inconsistancy is their ,herdlike, utterly mindless violence that is not consistant with a race of beings evolved enough to have that technology or one able to travel from another world to ours...No attempt to communicate, just attacking with a mindless rage.. it makes zero sense and makes it a tough if not impossible story to far, its a slow ,boring long burn series with a typical generic aliens conquering the earth with no explanation nor even attempt at 1st contact...Only giving it a 3 becuz of the rare moments of interest... fastforwarding thru most of it.
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Very Entertaining! Great Casting!
10 September 2023
Sikora's steals the show with a compelling performance and very likeable character.

Sure he's over the top, intense, yet funny at other times..supporting cast is well done with tommy flanagan and lili simmons being perfect as antagonists .. Lili was a tough character in Banshee and here , she is dialed up to 11 on the badass scale! She looks especially hardened and coarse looking here in this show vs Banshee and it adds to her tough character... Sikora does the white boy acting like a black man role so well ,its just a blast watching him "do his thing".. you know he is walking a path to danger but the ride there is so interesting you cant turn away...Very entertaining, and I like the full 1 hr format... I am Not however, liking this new "Forced minimum character business in regards to review length"... not everyone wants to write War and Peace! Sometimes people have a few comments to share and that should be acceptable..
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Didnt live up to the Hype..The Flash Fizzles
19 July 2023
Its strange when the lead character is the Least interesting one in the movie! I was open to Ezra trying the role but in this movie, he falls flat and fails to all.... Granted he was in the role previously and did a passable, if not quirky job at it but when given the title role, there just isnt the substance in the writing nor the acting chops to make it fly..I actually fast forwarded thru alot of Ezra;s goofy moments of which there were Many..The silly posing of the characters,in the middle of action scenes, not only the flash but also supergirl, was just over the top and frankly looked ridiculous...That said, some of the better moments were when supergirl was on screen..i liked what Sasha did with the character even though the fight scenes were a stretch to believe..Here you had 2 Kryptonians, supergirl facing Zod, both possessed of hieghtened super powers, yet the 90-lb supergirl was throwing around Zod like he was paper mache'... they were Both from krypton and he was twice and more her size, she shouldnt have stood a chance here but did..Sasha played the character well though with her own unique way of doing it..I liked it! Micheal keaton? Whats not to like? The dude was a highlight of the film along with supergirl and Zod..the Flash himself was for me the low point...this role has been done Infinitely better by others, namely the excellent portrayl by Grant Gustin... seeing Ezra's attempt at a solo role was a letdown and I would hope the role gets passed to more capable hands along with better writing because this was a mess...this movie tries the "lets add everything And the kitchen sink" approach along with some not so good CGI with super heroes looking like they were lifted by wire harnesses, which in truth,they were! But the audience should Never get that impression...This hodgepodge is Not a keeper for me..there are so many super hero movies that would put it to shame with actors who do justice to their characters..Henry Cavil was someone who did a superb job in his role yet was dropped yet here you have someone who if dropped, would not be missed ,from this role and yet remains... Who decides these things?
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Low Budget,Crazy Insane and alot of Fun
18 May 2023
With a name like Cocaine Bear, you Know its gonna be a wild and wacky ride and this movie does not dissapoint.. Its silly but holds your interest because it IS over the top, so much so, you cant look away.. Great to see they drafted 3 cast members from the Americans and bought them together for this! I didnt even recognize Rhys in that crazy opening scene until I checked the credits..Ray Liotta as well in probably his final scene,knocks it outta the park,.. Dont expect great writing or story or character development...What you can expect is insanity, gorey scenes that dont hold back, an over the top premise and a killer soundtrack... The bear had its moments too, looking totally menacing and while at the same time looking like it was tripping out of its mind...This is a popcorn flick with some exciting moments and some laughs thrown in...Dont take it seriously, just enjoy the wild ride.!
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Beef (2023– )
Incredibly Moving and Appealing Series..Off the Chart Great!
9 May 2023
Wow, just blown away by how good this series was! Steven Yeun and Ali Wong just knocked this out of the park with their real, heartwarming and heartfelt performances!

This is the 1st time ive seen Ali in anything but I well remember Steven as Glenn fro The Walking Dead...I doubt anyone watching that series could Ever forget Stevens end in that story! Here, both he and Ali are just so relatable and Likeable as characters and have an incredible chemistry going on between them..You just cannot dislike them no matter how cruel they seem with each other...The whole cast, so well chosen and such a flow between them all...I absolutely Loved this series! The writing was so well paced and so interesting , its some of the very best ive seen in ages..I'd love to see a season 2 if that were possible to see how things evolved after the finale...As I said, just blown away as far as how good and how entertaining this story was and well acted it was!!! Thumbs up and stars off the chart for this one!
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A Beautiful Finale to in Incredible series
18 April 2023
Seeing these characters onscreen again after what I thought was the end of the series, was a wonderful surprise... What can be said about the actor who plays Utrid? Alexander just knocks it out of the park with his intensity, integrity and heartfelt performances..The stories, including the series and this final movie are so beautiful in their execution that I could easily watch many more seasons if they had chosen to make them..I remember watching the series when Vikings was also on and each has its own flavor and feeling..The tale of Utrid is one of Sacrifice and Honor .. The losses this man endured and how his integrity was important to him above all things, made these tales unique and deeply moving.. It would seem, without giving anything away, that the story here was meant to be its Finale...The ending was so well done Its hard to believe anyone would find fault with it... I loved the series and loved this beautiful Epic tale of closure.

I give this 10 stars.
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Highly Enjoyable,Creative and Well Acted!
18 April 2023
I wasnt sure what to expect here..Was this going to be yet another Disneyfied,watered down silly campy mess or perhaps something different? Well this one really surprised me with a perfect blend of light humor sparsely mixed into what was a rather serious toned, even intense at times storyline.. Paul Rudd was able to show his dynamic range here playing it funny initially but taking serious to the max when threatened by Kang.. Majors did an Outstanding job with Kang"s character, whether it was the subtle facial mannerisms or the downright stone cold shift in tone from friendly to someone who would crush the universe and think nothing of it..The guy Made this movie..His performances stood out and elevated the storyline into a seriously awesome one...I only hope future appearances of the Kang character are as intense and terrifying and well acted as he was in this movie...The scenery was incredible to watch and extremely creative in design ...This is a very good scfi adventure,if you like a little humor very lightly mixed into an eye popping ride that is dark,intense and thrilling at times...This is Not another gooey mess like the recent Thor movie... Its a solid, well written and better still acted ,quality scfi..thumbs up!
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Doesnt even hold a candle to The Rock's version
9 April 2023
I never cared much for the previous Shazam movie with Levey and this one is really no better.... Flat,childish performances that dont belong in this super hero genre...Take a look at the Rock's version of this kind of character and then view this...Night and day...there were some funny moments for sure, especially when shazam calls lucy leu "Hey Khaliisi" when she was flying on a dragon that looked like it was stolen right outta game of thrones..The dragon looked like one that the hight king had converted and even did the same poses ect..This is a weak attempt at the super hero genre..I do Not want comedy or the content turned into a kiddie movie when watching this genre...
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Creed III (2023)
Decent sequel but Stallones Absence is Strongly Felt
1 April 2023
I wanted to keep an open mind watching this because we all know stallone is Not in it...The 1st 15 mins in I was already feeling a different vibe and not liking it.. A;; rocky movies begin their new sequels with an opening of how the previous one ended and they take off from there... thats a Rocky thing and of course its Not how this movie preceeds..However, even with those initial feelings, the movie began to engage me and win me over with really heartfelt performances by micheal B and the fellow playing his childhood friend and ultimately, his nemisis...The movie has good "bones" so to speak ,it lays a solid foundation, the action scenes considering these are movie actors doing choerographed boxing, looked alright for a movie..the camera work tries hard to have you Right There, in the ring ,attempting to make you feel the violence and the punches... All that said, whiles the 'bones" are good, its missing its Heart and the total dismissal of Rocky, as if the man never existed snd asll that he gave to Adonis, to help him be where he now is, this is Absent and believe me, its takes away from what Could have been an even better, more Complete saga of Creed...It seemed these guys wanted to go it alone, cut the ties to the past, and make the movie strong on its own merits of which, there are many...there are some excellent performances here but performance alone does not replace what is absent.

In all rocky and creed movies, there needs to be a sense of lineage, of continuity, showing and Respecting that which brought them to where they now are...Removing that, cutting it away and ignoring it, is like removing the heart and soul from someone and expecting them to be Fully what they are...overall, a decent movie but it Could have been so much more.
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Glacial paced Imaginative scifi thats not going Anywherewhere
25 February 2023
I also thought, like some other reviewers, that this may be like "For all mankind" showing an alternate possible timeline..However, while that show grabs you from the get go and doesnt let go, this one wows with a stunning and imaginative set design and cinematography, yet the story itself seems to plod along and really does not go anywhere, at least in the 1st 3 episodes...I doubt I could give spoilers becuase theres no real events going on To spoil! it a total scam thats about fleecing people out of their money or are they Really offering time shares on the moon? Well, the tech, albeit a strange blend of prehistoric retro and yet they Do seem to have mastered antigravity...That tech would easily allow travel to the moon so the story has set the grounds for it being Possible..What I didnt like is 3 episodes in and not once being show life On the moon except in black and white commercials...Here is something that makes No sense in the show... they obviously Have antigravity yet they show an old style rocket spewing flames as the means to getting to the moon.. what gives there? Why would you use old prehistoric rockets to do space travel when you have antigravity? Another thing that seemed so contradictory was Billy Cudrup talking in the car to the young man he recruited..The young fellow was unhappy with his earth life and fantasized that living on the moon would be "The change" he needed to live a different life... Billy says to him, more or less, that " living on the moon is no different than being here, you cant escape ur problems and worries, you will take them with you..Yet billy later in that same show, is marketing his timeshares as a way to "change ur life by moving there" he's either a blatant hypocryte or a liar who is conning people when he Knows better.. anyway, an Initially interesting storyline with gorgeous and imaginative visuals, but it Needs to Move Beyond the main characters doing sales pitches as it will grow old , quick if it leads nowhere...If you are selling time shares on the moon, you need to show that scenerio in the storyline and not just Talk about it.
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An Epic Masterpiece of a Movie
1 February 2023
Right from the first 20mins in, you Know you are watching Something Special here.

The acting, the casting and the effects are all of the very highest caliber..This is one stunningly beautiful and superbly acted movie easily on par with the Epic nature of Infinity war in its Granduer...Tenoch was Incredible as Namor and I would Love to see this race of underwater super beings again in future films..the storyline here was what made this movie so epic... One super technically evolved race of almost super humans going up against another civilization of even More powerful beings! Thats gonna make for some mindblowing conflict on a huge scale...As far as the new Black Panther?

I have to say that I would have preferred that it be played by a male only because of the physicality of the role. While a female in this case is Enhanced far beyond her own limitations to levels of great strength, it just seemed less believeable especially in the fight scenes requiring her to go up against, not just men, but superhuman men...That said, the actress does an excellent job ...Gender swapping of established roles seems to be the Thing these days and here ,its no exception..How anyone would not be thoroughly entertained and frankly, blown away by this movie is beyond me...It stands head and shoulders above most of the super hero movies from DC and Marvel that have come out recently..This one is a keeper for me and thats rare these days..Its one of my all time favorites that I look forward to watching again. Lastly this movie was very respectful in regards to Chadwick's passing and I felt it was expressed beautifully...I'll bet he would be proud of it.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
1st feeling was "Not Another Gay Storyline" But this was an Exceptional Episode
31 January 2023
That was my 1st reponse, like Really? But I watched anyway because I am enjoying the series and I Loved nick oberman from the series "Devs"... While I would rather this had not been yet another gay storyline, this episode deserves all the praise its been getting. Credit given because this is so well written and superbly acted, that you Cannot as a human being help but be moved by it.. Love is Love ,gay or otherwise and thats what this episode portrayed so well...I enjoyed most of it despite my initial resistance and just fastforwarded thru the gay love sceens because most every tv show or movie in these times have them slipped in..Dont let that keep you from watching the rest of what could be great television ... thats what fast forward is there for LOL .

Another aspect of this series thats Great to see is people being decent, kind, and helpful to one another...This IS a zombie apocalypse after all and I never cared for all the horror,treachery and inhumanity to man than people did to People during said apocalypse in The walking dead...More often than not it was the uninfected people that were the greatest threat by far to the main characters..why not show decency? Why not band Togetther and Help each other during such hard times? ..anyway, this is a cool series with its own unique take on the zombie world.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Incredibly Satisfying, if not Different than Expected Conclusion
22 November 2022
Wow! Talk about Epic story writing! This finale had it All! Very cinematic and ultra action oriented from the get go, this could easily have been a movie and held its own on the silver screen...With all the slow paced, nothing happenning filler episodes that we are all accustomed to over the series span, its ones like this that Rea;;y stand out...Of course no budget could allow for production of this caliber on a weekly basis but its awesome to see when all the stops are pulled and they really go for it! I saw a good bit of negative commentary on the finale and im amazed that people were Not impressed with it...what More could you ask? It was immensely satisfying to me as a long term fan since day 1.

What was Different than expected was the long burning and Inevitable clash between negan and maggie... I Really though she was going to seek a vengeance upon negan that would have been the karmic balance to his past actions ...And we all Know what those acts were! I thought for sure thats what awaited the end... however, the direction this took was beautifully done, superbly acted by both and showed a higher path...I loved it.. seeing also the future possibilities for spinnoffs, this really ended on a high a note as one could expect amidst a zombie apocolypse!
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Falls Short if you are a car Enthusiast
19 November 2022
If you love cars and movies that embody that, you may find this one sorely lacking in that department...As a fan of almost anything Frank Grillo appears in, I was all for seeing him in this role, however, he seems miscast and I felt at times I was still seeing characters from some of his other roles, leak thru...In other words, he did seem thoroughly embedded in his role and thus did not, at least for me, come across convincingly......then the is the car action or should I say, the utter lack of it.. Aside from the opening scene of the Lambo vs Ferrari, which is played over and over again during the movie, there is almost no other car driving or action scenes worth mentioning in this movie...Compared to Ford vs Ferrari, its not even remotely in the same league as far as acting or Content and thats being kind...This movie focuses on the life and loves and melodrama of the man's choices and the consequences of them... in that sense, if Thats what you want to see, its worth a watch but if you are expecting the cars to play an equal portion of the screen time, you will be sorely disappointed... It does give a glimpse, into the mans life and its a sad tale, a man who had so much, yet had noone really in his life to share it with... However accurate that is , who really knows?
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
Oh Man, this is Really Bad! This needs an overhaul, Pronto!
26 October 2022
I watched one episode, tried to watch the. 2nd and 3rd but they are loosing me... As others have said, its empy and is devoid of that special Something and chemistry, that made Supernatural so popular...Im a fan of the original, not all of it mind you..It ran a hell of a long time and there were many many broing, monster of the week ect episodes in there as well But it shone with its angel and demon mythology ,espicially Lucifer and the whole Archangel arc...Really Awesome stuff! This show feels like a rehash, and not a good one...If they were gonna redo anything from the old series, I wish we could see more of the Archangels again.

Unfortunately, that card has been played out to infinity...The original rocked with just the 2 boys and a couple of periphel characters... I dont care for the creation of a "scooby gang" trying to do what sam and dean did..Other series such as Flash and arrow did the same thing with their scooby gangs and it ruined the specialness of the main character in short order...This show is like supernatural in its early days when they tackled a monster of the week...only this is even worse... Drop some of the uselss cast, keep mary and winchester as the core and get moving quickly into the angel/demon storlines that really helped supernatural take off... no more monster of the week shows...please... supernatural 2.0..the lite version.
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Unique and Supremely Interesting! Vampires done Right
21 October 2022
I Love this new series! Such a refreshing change from the usual Buffy and Angel,Underworld,The Originals ect type of vampire depiction..Now I happen to also love those shows and movies but the vamps are always are alittle far out there in the way they are shown.. In this series, everything feels and seems so believable and realistic, its just really different and Very cool as well as sad.

The actors are so good in their roles, especially the lead girl and her dad.. Im also watching the other new series Interview with the vampire and it pales by comparison...Maybe its the gay theme,once again and ever present in just about everything these days,but I'm tired of seeing it pushed so much..Its great to see a series or movie where its not forced into the writing...I love seeing nick stahl again!

Anyway, this is some great writing with some very good acting...the stories go by so quick,or maybe im just really into it! The only thing I wish here is that the stories were Longer...its That good! If you like vampire shows, definitely check this one out!
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House of the Dragon: The Lord of the Tides (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
House of the Dragon Whisperers
12 October 2022
Im enjoying the drama, even though its a slow burn in many episodes, it has the Feel of game of thrones to it..What i Dont like is the constant Whispering! This is not just in a certain scene or even certain characters but rather, All the actors are talking in whispers...All The Time!

Theres not one who speaks with any enunciation , no one peaks above a whisper ..its like they are all afraid of being heard by anyone...I can understand it in some scenes but All the time? Ridiculous! I dont recall that being the case with the original Game of thrones...people spoke in a normal tone and voice, not this whisper talk... anyway, thats my rant! Otherwise, cool story that goes from pedestrian slow burn, nothing happening, to mega drama in a split second!
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Speak No Evil (2022)
A Slow Burn.. Engrossing and Disturbing Horror
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This IS a slow burn and I will admit to hitting the fast forward in the beginning to move things along...However, once the families are together, fireworks and disturbing things begin! As may have been mentioned in other reviews, the last 30 mins is intense and where the film peaks...Its sad and may shock some people depending on what they have witnessed in life...I can certainly see Why some have said this...If you have not seen Real horror before , this would shake you up...The More haunting aspect than the physicality of it was the Psychological where the victim was asking " why are you doing this to us?" and the positively Chilling response of the aggressor was "Because you LET me" ....Here is where I found the story sad..the victim offered No resistance nor real fight to aggressors who really had no weapon other than force of will...He was a bully and thru sheer intimiditation, dominated those poor souls, humiliating them and Much worse., not to mention what was done to their daughter with no resistance from the parents...Granted the male being bullied did Not know how to fight or defend himself or his family, but even without skills, he could have responded with wild anger and aggression, which Could have saved these horrors from happening.

They made it so easy for their aggressors to take advantage of them as a family in the worst possible that, it was very sad to see happening...The film was a very interesting watch, very well acted and quite atmospheric....definitely a proper Horror film.
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