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Zulu Dawn (1979)
Even-handed imperial Brit war epic
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about a big battle- as such it is highly effective. There are superb panoramic camera shots, you get the sense of scale that the director had to be going for. This was the telling of a doomed military expedition, a battle that shocked the empire. Looking back I see no dishonor in losing when you are outnumbered 10-1 but this loss shook London to its foundation. The battle scenes are effective; the idyllic scenes that intersperse the movie provide adequate contrast or foreboding to the horror to come.

A good cast and good pacing offers up a brooding spectacle. Overall this is a very decent history lesson in less than two hours. 7.7 stars.
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Our Man Flint (1966)
We need men like Flint today...
31 January 2023
Very cool entry into the movies that spoofed James Bond, this one is so incredibly '60's' that is also functions as a decent time capsule. Lanky James Coburn is our irrepressible hero, Derek Flint, a scientific ultra erudite millionaire man about-town who comes to save the entire planet from nerdy madmen. Along the way we get to ogle almost two dozen scantily clad babes, so what more could you ask for ? This is a very charming film to casually enjoy on a lazy afternoon, but it is not serious like the Bond issues- this puts James Bond into a more proper perspective. Don't forget to dig the neat-o multi purpose cigarette lighter gadget thingy ! Seven stars.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
Not as good as people think...
12 November 2022
Pure spectacle- no depth. This movie is famous due to it' s then ground breaking CGI dinosaurs. The plot is thin , there is no character development arc, no moodiness, no real atmosphere, not one single plot twist. Typical Spielberg. Despite this criticism, Jurassic Park is good entertainment for the entire family. Basically this is your typical monster-on-the loose flick, cloned dinosaurs chase a variety of humans, most of whom are sympathetic, while some of the victims are decidedly rotten. The CGI and the puppet animatronics really is the meat of this movie, no pun intended. This was the bleeding edge in film special effects in 1993 and holds up very well today. But overall the film is predictable, could have been better.
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Coronet Blue (1967)
What might have been....
10 November 2022
Stylish well made yet short lived drama-thriller, this is suppose to be an addition to the 'man-on the run' or amnesiac genre. Our hero has no memory of who he is, or why people are gunning for him (Ironically, he is never actually "on the run."). I think if the writers had kept things that way, made the series a chase across country, then this one would have become a huge hit but as things turned the original premise seems to have been put on the backburner since several episodes meander way too for off the plan. Despite, or maybe because of the change, these thirteen very powerful episodes well deserve the cult status they possess today.
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Terror in the English countryside
31 October 2022
This is a fantastic zombie film. The movie runs very realistically, set in a beautiful English countryside. We have shopkeeper hippie vs an old school tough detective, plus the dead are resurrecting and threatening whoever is nearby. There are no 'impossible' fight scenes, which was a good element.

Just marvelous. The science fiction explanation for the chaos really was thought provoking. I especially enjoyed the fact that the scale of this was limited to a few people in a few buildings, basically....gave it more intimacy.... I had never heard of this one until a few months ago, it is surprisingly obscure and under rated- hopefully that will change soon, with IMDB and all. 7.6.
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Suspiria (1977)
A close-to great horror film full of symbolism
28 October 2022
Beautifully directed, with a full lush color palette, amazing camera angles, and spooky music, this film is a marvelous mélange of elements all combined very well to produce true mystery and horror, without going over board on gore and blood (but comes oh so close). Some negatives: The plot is simple, the dialogue is basic. Sometimes the characters speak in such hushed tones I had a difficult time understanding what was being said. For this I almost rank this one below 7 but I am all-in to keep the seven stars.

Visually this is so good you could turn the volume off and just watch - parts of it, maybe. The soundtrack is integral to the story but occasionally the hi volume can be annoying. Some scenes might have been better without the raucous score. Overall a well made landmark horror film that deserves it's reputation.
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Chino (1973)
Dull western not a good fit for a tough guy action star
19 September 2022
I love Charles Bronson movies- I've seen about a dozen of them and I must say, this one is quite lame, unlike all the rest. Very slow paced- at the one hour mark you had zero gunfights and only one fistfight, and no real danger to our protagonist so far... This gives new meaning to the word 'meandering.' This snails pace could have be forgiven if the ending had been more satisfactory, but alas, it was not to be, as the director and script writers had other. More mundane plans.

I'm not against careful methodical unfolding of a films story like you see in some great movies that are targeted towards a more mature audience- but come on, this is suppose to an action flick, its Charles Bronson ! Not recommended unless you are a Bronson completion-ist.
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The Immortal (1969–1971)
Ben Richards could be on the run for a very very very long time....
8 September 2022
Christopher George is excellent in this short lived man-on-the-run series. The stories are odes to friendship, loyalty, honesty, treachery, perseverance etc., the show is about life, the episodes are morality tales.

The Immortal is derivative of The Fugitive but don't be disappointed when you compare the two. The producers were not trying to equal the former show and The Immortal should not thus be judged too harshly for not measuring up. It is not The Fugitive 2.0 but it is a lot of fun and adventure, even when on occasion the writers could have done a better job.

Let us examine alleged plot holes.. Some ask why is he running, why doesn't he just go to the police for protection from the evil corporation ? Or, why doesn't he just agree to make regular donations of blood to Maitland (or Braddock) and remain free ? 1. We should assume that Maitland is kinda all-powerful, he controls the political machine in a large swath of the nation, as well as the media. This is why Ben Richards cannot just go to the police or FBI for protection, they are corrupt. 2. If Ben Richards agreed to make regular donations of blood to Maitland it is easy to see how this arrangement would quickly fall apart. For one thing there would eventually be a host of other 'Maitlands' lining up to have a piece of the immortality pie. And back in 1970 technology could not extend ones blood components like we can today. Every rich dude in the world - or just ordinary folks with big dreams- would, be wanting a piece pf Richards, this tug of war would probably result in the premature death of Richards through misadventure. This is why Maitland must be the sole controller of the blood source and Ben Richards must be captured and isolated.

I watched every episode and the pilot. Most of them knocked the ball right outa the park. Highly recommended.
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One dimensional film masquerading as a good spy thriller
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILER ALERT) When I started watching this, I thought this movie had all the ingredients of a top notch spy thriller. Sadly, after a strong start, this one began to unravel like a cheap suit. Yes, there is a big star, almost non-stop action, exotic locales, beautiful women...despite these things, it just does not add up. The plot is ridiculous - if the Russians wanted to conspire to kill civilians in order to start a Chechen war, why bring the Americans on board? That would only make the Russians subject to blackmail, which is a premise of part of the film. Russian intelligence is capable of doing sneaky lethal stuff all on their own, thank you. Also, why would anyone place the blackmail evidence that could destroy their own career inside their safe? Why not just destroy the evidence? That way no one can ever steal the goods on you.. Those incriminating photos really don't serve any purpose for the owner. Another issue is when the protagonist/hero slashes an innocent woman's femoral artery. The movie is unclear as to if she even survived or not. How can such an act endear a film hero to an audience ? Almost no character development in this one, the whole film seems flat and one dimensional. Not recommended unless you are a Pierce Brosnan completion -ist.
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Tango & Cash (1989)
Enjoyable action cop buddy movie
29 August 2022
This film is a bit over-the-top, esp. The automotive smashups in the finale. The action never slacks up, it is just a lot of unpretentious fun. Stallone and Russell work very well together- the jokes are not knee slappers, they are subtle, as they should be. The villains are villainous in a cartoonlike way. Terri Hatcher rounds out the ensemble by playing Katherine Kiki Tango, the love interest for Kurt Russell's character, which should have been enough to squash the innuendo associated with this movie. Overall, this one is really enjoyable.

Trivia: I saw that two guest appearance characters from the original Star Trek series were in here too- Michael Pollard, who played in the original Trek series episode 'Miri' and. Clint Howard (Ron Howards brother) who was in the Trek episode 'The Corbomite Maneuver.' 6.4 stars.
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When you fall from grace, that's it.
24 August 2022
Deep philosophical and poetic time capsule film circa 1972. A main character seems like a young yet more wholesome Klaus Kinski. Lush scenery and intense authentic native tribal rituals. As 'decadent' civilized misfits trek deep into the jungle searching for paradise, they find bitter truths. Awesome soundtrack by The Pink Floyd. This is an 'idea' movie accompanied by a vibrant and wonderful landscape. This really could have happened exactly as portrayed in the film. If you want to know what it was like to be a globe trotting mystic hippie in 1972, this one is for you.
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Unusual directorial style- not for everyone. Kinda decent story.
16 August 2022
Ok, you either hate this one or you really like it. Note, I did not say 'love' because no one really loves this offbeat crime thriller starring Mel Gibson. The directors camera lingers upon seemingly mundane scenes for interminable amounts of time. You are left wondering "Is this purposeful, some sort of over-our-heads cleverness or is the director just dumb and foolish ? Ok, the movie is too long, needs editing.

Some of the violence just did not sit well with me. Likewise the overall plot, esp. The ending, left me cold. I was not satisfied.

The best part is Mel Gibson, he put in a great effort.
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Aliens stole my little black book...
8 August 2022
Initially slow paced and flawed B- underwater thriller... turned near the end into a B plus alien monster flick that was well worth the watch. We also get to see an unusual interpersonal conflict- a pacifist scientist at odds with the military crew. The ending offers a novel explanation for the makeup of the alien saucer, plus the creature is just terrific looking, I was impressed. 5.7 stars.
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Kurt Russell does it again...
18 July 2022
When I started watching this I did not expect much. The first 10 minutes were a bit 'eh' but then the story began to grip. This under rated action thriller is really good- the plot involved some intricacies that pushed the limit of realism yet one could still suspend disbelief. The action is perfectly modulated by moments of near stillness; the casting choices could not have been better. In a less talented directors hands the finale could have come off as a bit dopey but here it works- somehow. The plot eerily foreshadows the 9-11 tragedy yet this film is still appropriate for the whole family. For the naysayers out there you have remember that this movie is not trying to be more than something it isn't- it just IS. So grab some popcorn, sit down, and enjoy.
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The Martian (2015)
Inadequate yet visually impressive commercial for NASA...
15 July 2022
The visual effects in this movie are superb, esp. The Martian landscape. However, this film overall lacks heart. Viewing it felt emotionless. The scenes with Matt Damon were the best but even those seemed to be one dimensional, as if the director and writers could have poured more soul into it but didn't. The film runs like a long commercial for NASA. Some corporation product placement was obvious too.

I find if very hard to believe that a ships captain would only bring along disco tunes from the 70's to listen to for two years- she would have more eclectic tastes in music than that. The political correctness was in-your-face . The mission to Mars crew seemed to be staffed by college freshmen and their instructor.... instead of seasoned best -of- the- best astronauts. The one scene where the 'outsider' astro-math whiz kid had super computers confirm his equations- well, that was total cringe. NASA, JPL etc. Have computer linkups to whatever they need, there is no need to make a special trip to some godlike computer building to work out some trajectory math problems. The ending was very predictable, the plot for this is too linear. I wont ever watch again.
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Maybe a deep film/ not quite the answer to Easy Rider but worth it
13 July 2022
This film is not for everyone. On the surface if appears to be little more than a slice of a few peoples life over a few days- a razor thin plot and sparse dialogue, acted by non actors except for the guy excellently played by Warren Oates. What some (most?) might find boring is a movie that is essentially a road trip across Americana circa 1971. I do dispute this somewhat- there is never any mention of Nixon or the Vietnam War, plus was everybody really into drag racing back then ? There isn't much action and the dialogue seems to hint at what's beneath the surface. The silence between the characters is presumed to be very deep, letting the audience know that the road trippers want so much more and are quietly going mad. (Barely) Seven stars.
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In the Year 2889 (1969 TV Movie)
Interesting yet poorly made doomsday film
3 July 2022
Atomic Armageddon has arrived and only a handful of people survive in this 1967 remake of 'The Day The World Ended' ( 1957). Very low budget with an overall directorial awkwardness, I liked this one for its presentation of the interpersonal drama of the characters. The prepper father assumes command, and this very lonely outpost of civilization (just a large house and yard in the country) is threatened more by a scheming petty crook than by radioactive fallout. The interplay/juxtapositions between very different types of girls and guys- a fallen go-go dancer, the sweet girl-next door, the petty crook, and the decent grad student- is what makes this film effort more interesting than most think. The idea that this could also be humanity's actual fate one day adds to the viewers enjoyment. Be sure to watch the remastered version. Four stars.
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Gods instruments...
2 July 2022
This is a good film, maybe even a very good film. Very entertaining if you 'get it'- the script is a cartoon. If you take the story too seriously, you will find much to object to here- mainly the warped vigilante sense of justice, which admittedly is way over-the top ( the movie was condemned by the Catholic church). The comedic elements are deftly executed- in the hands of a lesser director the attempts at humor would have fallen flat; the overall effect would have been ridiculous but here they work very well- it is a razors edge between being funny and not funny that was navigated excellently. 7.4 stars.
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"May I kill him ?"
24 June 2022
This overlong. Emotionally restrained yet too graphic film is not all its cracked up to be. The main character - the troubled Lisbeth- comes across to me as almost creepy and not really nice to look at. On the plus side the acting overall was good and suited the atmosphere of the movie. Maybe here and there we could have gotten a bit more character development though. I found this one to be a bit gratuitous with the sexual situations- in another era Alfred Hitchcock would have come up with more clever and subtle hints- Here, the audience just gets clobbered with the violent carnality. This left me emotionally numb.

Multiple stereotypes are used, which is just the director taking the easy way out... The copy I watched may have had an audio issue so the reveal near the end was mostly unintelligible- I had to go online to look it up. But I suspect the same thing happened in the theatres for some people, some movies have moments where the dialogue is not well enunciated and this is one of them, at just the most critical point too. I found the truth about the missing girl to be quite a stretch, thus wrecking my suspension of disbelief. Btw, we barely even get to see the 'tattoo,' its just a blur, so the title does not even seem to fit.
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Ebony and Ivory Mama's on the run...
21 June 2022
Enjoyable cheesy woman's prison flick. Decent storyline even if the girl-on-girl stuff is a bit over- the -top. This will appeal to a certain demographic- don't watch this one with your mom or your kid. The cartoonish bad guys really were a hoot. Two things stood out for me: this was filmed in a beautiful lush tropical setting, I think the Philippines. Gorgeous green mountains and jungle valleys. The other thing is, a main character or heroine of the story does not get the typical Hollywood ending, if you get my meaning. Smooth flowing realistic action + the two sexy babes pushes this women's prison flick across the finish line, A solid 6 stars.
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Commando (1985)
Definitely not one of Arnolds best
12 June 2022
I'm going against the grain here on this one- this is one big tedious predictable film. Absolutely no surprises, and chock full of clichés. This soo screams 80's cheesy action film. The best part of it are the scenes that include the woman played by Rae dawn Chong- in the middle this almost became interesting and unique. But by the time of the final battle this simple movie descended into comic parody with way over- the- top gunplay. Fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger should try some of his other movies instead.
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Early low budget speculations on Moon travel and alien life...
12 June 2022
I found this one to be a bit uneven in it's presentation- one minute a ship launches into outer space; then it seemed like they too suddenly landed on the Moon. Here and there we get to see aeronautic culture of the time, so that was a plus. This film is also notable for its 'diversified' crew. The biggest downside to me though was the apparent sudden shift in plotline 3/4 the way thru- what was a Moon exploration effort became an attempt to rescue the earth from a deep freeze- there should have been more of a build up to that. I also felt that the alien factor could have been elaborated upon. This one is just too clunky, mostly fit for a boring Saturday afternoon when you have the flu and just want to zone out. 3 stars.
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Captive Women (1952)
Hope never dies
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did not expect much from this one but found it to be more than OK. Three factions contend with each other long after a nuclear war devastates the earth. A theological themes runs throughout- one side, disappointed that God seemingly has forgotten them turns to devil worship. This aspect could have bene more developed, but oh well. The plotlines and dialogue are very interesting, even if the fighting scenes could have used some more effort. The main thing here is the interpersonal relationships between characters from each faction. I sense that the scrip read deeper than it was acted out, which is a pity. The amazing use of a story from the Old Testament to win the final battle was pure genius- the ending sealed up this yarn as being a thought provoking morality tale all along.. 5 stars.
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When the world ends, seek God-but he might not be looking for you.
5 June 2022
Stunning yet overwhelmingly bleak cinematography sets the mood for this post apocalyptic tale. We see a ruined world, from which a seeker emerges- he wants to explore a museum that is normally underwater. In the end we find that we are dealing with a strange yet weirdly appropriate theology, yet our would be prophet or liberator is probably just a madman, mad with a god-induced delirium? Or is it really just that the world has lost its collective mind and the protagonist is merely trying to cope ? It is hard to understand exactly what the director is trying to say in this one,. You get the Tarkovsky vibe throughout but I think this film is more 'dark' than what Mr. T usually made. ( Director Lopushansky studied under the great Mr. T ) The final 25 minutes are some of the most emotionally stirring scenes in film history; however, there does need to be some editing done here and there to trim down the movie a bit, to make it more compact and accessible.
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A cautionary tale wrapped up in a low budget quickie film.
5 June 2022
This is not meant to be high art, so don't get your hopes up. The costuming and animal special effects are minimal, maybe even very bad. But The twist ending makes it worthwhile though. The conflict between tribal leadership rivals and the use by one of the boy as a pawn is interesting- But the boy is a visionary who seeks to discover and know, and maybe overthrow his clans gods in the process. The Robert Vaughn character is a deep thinking revolutionary- too bad this film could not have gotten a more generous budget. In any event watch it and be forewarned of todays real military conflicts that could turn this movie into our reality. 4 +
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