
20 Reviews
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A monster movie for people who don't like monsters movies
18 December 2023
I'm not a super big fan of monster movies. There's too much focus on the disaster aspect and they're littered with one dimensional characters only there to spew exposition and tell us what the monster can do. This feels like a post-WW2 drama that just so happens to have a monster in it. The story, character motivations, and set design are stellar, and for a movie with a relatively low budget the VFX are really impressive. There were even a few scenes that brought a tear to my eye, with moments of action and sacrifice sprinkled about that are sure to give you chills. The sound design, music, everything, just fantastic. A very, very good movie.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
8/10 but not for the reason you think
14 October 2023
I don't want to blow up anyone's spot if you're a believer but I genuinely watch this show to laugh. I view it as a comedy. I love watching grown men attribute anything and everything to the supernatural. The curtain moved, couldn't be a vent or a draft or a mouse running along the floor. Has to be a ghost. The door won't open. Couldn't be stuck- couldn't be locked. Had to a be a ghost holding it shut. "Look at the unidentified orb of light fly past our cameras lens, we've captured a ghost." Okay buddy, that ghost orb has wings and looks an awful lot like a moth. "This building has an odor, must be a demon." Are you're in an old building that hasn't had any occupants in 40 years. I'll be honest, I like the guys, they seem real genuine and seem to really think they're capturing evidence. It just isn't any evidence that's convincing me.
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Strong start
22 August 2022
I knew that if they stayed true to the story of how George Martin wrote it in "Fire and Blood" that it would really good, therefore I was cautiously optimistic. The production value is, of course, insane. The acting is really good and I'm already invested in a good number of characters (though I know how their stories end from reading the book). It was a bit of a slow start but the story telling kept me involved until the episode picked up. The editing during the tourney in particular was very good, which isn't surprising given the Miguel Sapochnik directed it. I'm very very impressed.
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Outer Range: The Land (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
25 April 2022
Really, really good. The family dynamic is great and Royal's frustration feels so real. The opening raised some questions, and the closing answered them, then raised a hell of a lot more.
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King Kong (2005)
Still holds up!
7 March 2022
I remember watching this at around 8 years old and not getting past the hour and 20 mark because I got so scared. As an adult, who's since attended film school, I can watch it in it's entirety and be completely blown away. It's a surprisingly emotional movie, and the CGI still holds up 17 years later, which lends itself to incredible set pieces and an emotional connection with Kong. It really is a tragic movie, and on that I think could be released today and no one would bat an eye at the special effects. They're that good.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Astonishingly good!
11 February 2022
Mild Spoiler for Spider-Man: No Way Home

I never watched this show but I knew who daredevil was and I had seen Charlie Cox portraying him. Me being an idiot, I always thought "Netflix shows might be in the MCU, but are they really the MCU?" Absolutely! When I saw Daredevil in Spider-Man: NWH and watched him catch that brick, I thought "damn, that was badass". I started the show that night and boy was I blown away. They got everything right. The tone, the stakes, the character and his motivations. It's perfect! And in this day and age of Marvel shows on Disney+ and can safely say that this, this is the best Marvel show ever made. They could bring back Iron Man in a show and I'd still call this the ultimate MCU television show.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Will grab you from episode one
22 December 2021
You know how with most shows you watch the first episode and you think "okay that has potential"? You think "maybe I'll give it another" or "maybe I won't"; not with this show. From the first twenty minutes I knew this was a winner. The performances are that of the highest caliber and the writing it so far unrivaled. I do have to add of caveat: I'm only on season 1 episode 11. Take this with a grain of salt, I don't know how it will end. Will it be a Breaking Bad level show with not single misstep? Maybe. Or will it be a Game of Thrones, where the show starts to waver on its last stretch? Couldn't tell you. All I can say is that the very small portion of this show that I've seen is an incredible achievement.
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The Newsroom: Unintended Consequences (2013)
Season 2, Episode 4
Give Us The Camera
19 September 2021
Very good episode! Writing is top notch, as always and the last ten or so minutes were heart pounding.
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Tenet (2020)
It's all in the 2nd watch through
12 September 2021
The first time I watched it I thought it was entertaining and sort of interesting. I was impressed with the visuals and I had a minor grasp on what was going on. The second time through you see the film how Nolan wanted you to see it. With eyes wide open. It's sort of like a temporal pincer move.
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Absolutely brilliant!
7 August 2021
This is likely the best superhero movie I've seen in the last 5 years. It feels like an anti-superhero movie, which, I guess is the point. It's heartwarming and hilarious and violent as hell. It also nailed something (or rather, many things) the original lacked, mainly being that it IS a suicide squad. It's a death mission and you genuinely fear that they won't make it out alive. The acting is so good and the characters (many being previously unknown to me) were lovable and funny. Unforeseen character dynamics form in the most rewarding way. The story was unpredictable and brilliantly formatted. The pacing was spot. There were character moments that brought tears to my eyes. Thank god for James Gunn!!
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Chuck (2007–2012)
The first show I ever really fell in love with
21 July 2021
When I was about 7 or 8 me and my dad were channel surfing one night and we caught the 2nd or 3rd episode of chuck. Every week we sat down together to watch it and by the time season 1 ended my brother, sister and mom had all migrated into the living room on nights it was on. Every week from 2007 to 2012 we all sat down together and watched it and every one of us loved it. But, enough of what it means to me, on to what it is.

It is a hilarious and touching spy show about friendship, family and doing the right thing but, surprising, it never becomes too sappy. The writing is top notch, in my opinion, and as a kid I just enjoyed the story. As an adult who's been to film school and on probably my 5th time through the show, more of its intricacies come out. For a relatively low budget show the action and thrills are incredible. No wonder the stunt coordinators won Emmys. It's a shame the rest of the show wasn't nominated for anything else, acting, writing, directing, etc. But awards don't make a show, do they. Zachary Levi is astounding. Funny, charming and brave, mixed in with a touch of childish fear and glee all at once. The chemistry between all of the main cast is palpable.

This brings me to the music. I owe a giant thank you to the person who found the music for this show. My taste is music was nurtured by all the songs and bands I discovered through this show and a lot of them are still some of my favorite bands today. From Band of Horses to Frightened Rabbit and Bon Iver, Jeremy Messersmith to Blitzen Trapper and Eels, this show had the best soundtrack of any movie or show I've seen to this day.

Chuck shaped my childhood and my adulthood. I really hope you check it out as well!
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great character development!
13 July 2021
A lot of people weren't fans of this episode, but so far it's probably my favorite one. It has nice quiet moments of character development with excellent dialogue mixed in with fantastic visual effects and an incredible single take action shot reminiscent of "Children of Men".
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26 May 2021
I had never seen any of the trailers of promotions before I started the show. I was scrolling through HBO and saw Kate Winslet. I love her and will watch pretty much anything she's ever done so I watched the first 4 episodes in a day and was astonished at how much the show grabbed me. Kate Winslet, as always, is incredible, the writing is incredible and absolutely top of is class! But, really, what else could you expect from something from HBO and Kate Winslet?
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Best comedy on television
7 March 2021
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the most consistently funny show on tv at the moment and maybe if all time. A lot of shows suffer from a drop in quality once they pass about 6 season but Sunny seems only to be getting better. The writing is phenomenal and the characters are horrible, rude, narcissistic, and lovable as hell. It's so well written that even when the characters are being cruel and asinine to a certain portion of the population it never feels as if it's the writers being cruel and even feels as if the writers are actively objecting to the things the characters say and do. The things this show gets away with is just tremendous and it's due to the incredible writing and acting. It never fails to make me laugh even on my 8th time through it. It's a show you can always go back to no matter how many times you've seen it, no matter how many episodes you can recite from memory, no matter how bafoonish the characters behave. Greatest comedy of all time!!
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Freaky (2020)
Take if for what it is and you'll be pleasantly surprised
4 December 2020
I went in with no expectations other than it was from the creators of Happy Death Day, which I didn't like, but they embraced the ridiculous plot fully and I was surprised at how often I found myself laughing. The jokes landed surprisingly well and Vince Vaughn was hilarious. He was so likable as the teenage girl I almost didn't want them to switch back bodies.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
Take it for what it is
18 November 2020
Not too far into the show so my opinion may change. Perhaps you might not even find this helpful. The acting is very good for the most part. Vera Fermiga and Freddie Highmore give brilliant performances, some of the side characters not so much. Again, maybe this will change. I expected something different than what it is but it's still entertaining, I do find some of the early plot lines a little far fetched but you have to take it for what it is. I think the creators executed exactly what they meant to and for that they have my props and just because I expected something different doesn't mean I should put the show down. I think it did what it set out to do and most shows can't even manage that. The high points for me are the two main performances and the atmosphere, but to I think Hitchcock would approve? No, I don't. But let's not forget it was a book first so I don't particularly think Hitchcock's approval is all that necessary. At the very least it's entertaining and at its best it's chilling.
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Brilliant writing, acting, and directing
10 November 2020
This show is hilarious! I loved the 2014 movie and I was skeptical the show would be any good without the 3 main vampires from the movie but, if I'm being honest, I might like these characters more. The writing is top notch and whip smart with hilarious vampire centric plots and quotable one liners in damn near every episode. The cast is pure gold, Matt Berry in particular. Every line he delivers, whether meant to be funny or not, has me dying laughing. I hope FX runs this show as long as It's Always Sunny. I could watch this show for another 10 seasons.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Incredible So Far
18 November 2019
I'm really impressed with this show so far. The first two episodes were incredible. The action is incredible and the special effects are big screen quality. The writing is superb. Every character, no matter how minor, feels fleshed out. I'm convinced that Jon Favreau is the man to go to when starting up big projects. He nailed Iron Man to kick off the MCU. He killed it with the jungle book to start off Disney's live action remakes. And now he's proved to me that Disney+ actually has the potential to make tremendous Star Wars TV show. Pedro Pascal is great as well. Though you don't see he's face (as of two episodes in) The Mandalorian feels incredibly relatable and sometimes funny. The show has heart as well. No spoilers here, but there's a character introduced in the final moments of the first episode that I love. But since the introduction caught me a lot by surprise I'll let you experience it for yourself.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
Incredible writing, performances, and emotionally fulfilling
12 November 2019
Rick and Morty is probably the most well written and well thought out cartoon out there. Hell, it might be one of the best written and thought out shows in general. Not only is the science incredibly entertaining to watch and the characters that make you cry with laughter, but the show also tackles some extremely deep and biting topics. It's incredibly original and for the first time a cartoon has nearly sent me into an existential crisis. Now that good tv!
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Being that I've read the book 12 times I'd say they nailed the vibe, atmosphere, and characters
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm 3 episodes in and I'm actually stunned at how well they captured the tone of the book. I read it for the first time in 2010 and it's safe to say it's my favorite book being that I've read it 12 times and have most of the pages highlighted like a bible. I seem to have been waiting for a screen adaptation for nearly 10 years and somehow I never wanted it to get made, thinking that there was no way it could be at the caliber that I found the book. The show (as of the 3rd episode) has been damn near as moving and enthralling as the novel was for me. As hard and embarrassing as it is to admit I've been in love with Alaska since I was 13 and the actress (forgive me for forgetting her name) absolutely nailed her incredible, loving, profound, and as the Colonel puts it, moody personality. The whole cast, for that matter, is exactly how I imagined them way back in 2010. Pudge is just as awkwardly in enthralled with Alaska as he was in the book, and though most of feelings are internalized through thought in the story, I feel the actor who portrays him is right on the money. The Colonel, for me anyways, seems to have nailed (and in some ways surpassed) his character. Takumi's actor is also quite the stand out. Being funny and serious all when he needs to be. I'm glad that the creators of the show felt the same connection to the book as I did and so far it's pretty safe to say they knocked it out of the park.
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