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Atlas (2024)
If you ignore JLO, this is actually a decent movie
3 June 2024
"Atlas," directed by Brad Peyton, delivers a riveting sci-fi thriller that deftly combines high-octane action with thought-provoking themes about artificial intelligence and humanity's future. The film stars Jennifer Lopez as Atlas, a military intelligence officer thrust into a desperate struggle to prevent a rogue AI from exterminating the human race.

Jennifer Lopez bums in her role, bringing a blend of grit and vulnerability to Atlas. Her character's journey is lack in both emotional and inspiring, showcasing Lopez's lousy range as an actress. Sterling K. Brown delivers a solid performance as the conflicted scientist who created the AI, adding depth and nuance to the narrative. Simu Liu and Abraham Popoola round out the main cast with strong supporting roles, each contributing to the film's dynamic interplay of personalities and moral dilemmas.

Peyton's direction is taut and focused, maintaining a brisk pace that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The action sequences are expertly choreographed and visually stunning, with a blend of practical effects and CGI that immerses viewers in a near-future world teetering on the brink of chaos. The cinematography is crisp and evocative, effectively highlighting the stark contrasts between humanity's remnants and the cold, calculated efficiency of the AI.

The screenplay, while occasionally veering into familiar sci-fi tropes, is engaging and thought-provoking. It raises pertinent questions about the role of AI in society and the ethical implications of creating sentient machines. The dialogue is sharp, and the character development is handled with care, making the stakes feel personal and real.

One of the film's standout aspects is its score, which perfectly complements the on-screen action and enhances the overall atmosphere. The music, composed by Lorne Balfe, blends orchestral elements with electronic beats to create a soundscape that is both futuristic and emotionally resonant.

However, "Atlas" is not without its flaws. Some plot points feel rushed, and a few characters could have benefited from more screen time to fully flesh out their backstories and motivations. Additionally, the film's climax, while thrilling, may come off as somewhat predictable to seasoned sci-fi enthusiasts.

Overall, "Atlas" is a compelling and visually impressive film that offers a fresh take on the AI uprising narrative. It balances intense action with thoughtful commentary, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. Jennifer Lopez's standout performance and Brad Peyton's confident direction elevate this sci-fi thriller, ensuring that "Atlas" leaves a lasting impression.
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Sheriff (2024)
Unflinching and Gripping: Sheriff: Narko Integriti (2024) Review
21 April 2024
In the vast landscape of cinema, there are rare gems that transcend the boundaries of storytelling, captivating audiences with their profound narrative, impeccable performances, and masterful direction. "Narko Integriti" emerges as one such cinematic masterpiece, a tour de force that not only entertains but also enlightens, leaving an indelible mark on the soul of every viewer.

From the opening sequence to the closing credits, "Narko Integriti" plunges its audience into a riveting journey through the intricate web of morality, justice, and human resilience. Directed by the visionary filmmaker, Syafiq Yusof, this film transcends the conventional boundaries of the crime genre, offering a poignant exploration of the human condition in the face of adversity.

At the heart of "Narko Integriti" lies its exceptional cast, whose performances elevate the film to unparalleled heights.

Zul Ariffin delivers a tour de force performance as DSP Sheriff, a conflicted protagonist torn between his duty as a law enforcer and his moral compass. With every nuanced expression and subtle gesture, Syafiq Kyle as Inspektor Nazri immerses the audience in the turmoil of his character's inner struggle, eliciting empathy and admiration in equal measure.

Complementing Zul Arifin is an ensemble cast that shines with brilliance in their respective roles. From the charismatic antagonist portrayed by Elizabeth Tan to the supporting characters who add depth and dimension to the narrative, each actor brings a unique energy to the screen, enriching the cinematic experience with their unparalleled talent.

However, it is not merely the performances that distinguish "Narko Integriti" but also its thought-provoking narrative and meticulous craftsmanship. Syafiq Yusof demonstrates a keen understanding of pacing and rhythm, effortlessly weaving together multiple narrative threads to create a seamless tapestry of intrigue and suspense. The screenplay, penned by Yusof Haslam, Nazifdin Nasrudin & Syafiq Yusof, is decent in storytelling, deftly balancing moments of tension with poignant reflections on morality and justice.

Furthermore, "Narko Integriti" is a visual feast for the senses, thanks to the breathtaking cinematography and evocative production design. From the gritty urban landscapes to the opulent interiors of the criminal underworld, each frame is imbued with a sense of authenticity and visual splendor, transporting the audience into the heart of the narrative.

Beyond its technical brilliance, "Narko Integriti" also serves as a powerful commentary on contemporary issues, challenging societal norms and confronting uncomfortable truths with unflinching honesty. Through its gripping narrative and multidimensional characters, the film invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of morality and the enduring struggle between right and wrong in an imperfect world.

In conclusion, "Narko Integriti" is not merely a movie but an experience-a journey into the depths of the human psyche, guided by the steady hand of a master storyteller. With its exceptional performances, compelling narrative, and profound thematic resonance, this film transcends the boundaries of genre and emerges as a timeless classic-a cinematic masterpiece deserving of every accolade and acclaim. In a landscape oversaturated with mediocrity, "Narko Integriti" stands as a beacon of excellence, reminding us of the transformative power of cinema to inspire, provoke, and enlighten.
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Madame Web (2024)
there's little to redeem this cinematic misfire.
20 February 2024
"Madame Web" is a film that promised intrigue but delivered only disappointment. From its muddled plot to its lackluster performances, there's little to redeem this cinematic misfire.

The story, if one can call it that, is a tangled web of confusion. It's as if the filmmakers threw every cliché and trope into a blender and hit "puree." There's no coherence, no logic, just a series of nonsensical events strung together in the hopes that the audience won't notice the lack of substance.

The characters fare no better. Madame Web herself, supposedly the central figure of the film, is little more than a cardboard cutout with a few lines of dialogue thrown in for good measure. The supporting cast is equally forgettable, with performances ranging from wooden to downright cringeworthy.

Visually, "Madame Web" is a snooze-fest. The special effects are laughably bad, with CGI that looks like it was lifted straight from a mid-90s video game. Action sequences are poorly choreographed, and even the most basic of stunts are executed with all the grace of a drunken elephant.

In the end, "Madame Web" is a film that fails on every level. It's not entertaining, it's not thought-provoking, it's not even so bad it's good. It's just bad. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of this cinematic disaster.
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Kampung People (2019–2020)
trash malay comedy
17 February 2024
"Kampung People" had all the potential to be a charming sitcom but ultimately falls short of expectations, leaving viewers feeling more frustrated than entertained. The show attempts to capture the quaint charm of small-town life but ends up feeling cliché and uninspired.

One of the major flaws of "Kampung People" lies in its lackluster character development. While the ensemble cast is diverse and colorful, they are ultimately one-dimensional stereotypes that fail to evolve beyond their initial quirks. From the bumbling mayor to the sassy diner waitress, each character feels like a tired trope pulled from a generic sitcom playbook, lacking depth and nuance.

The writing of "Kampung People" also leaves much to be desired. The jokes often fall flat, relying on tired puns and predictable punchlines that elicit more groans than laughs. The attempts at humor feel forced and contrived, making it difficult for viewers to become emotionally invested in the story or the characters.

Furthermore, the pacing of the show is inconsistent, with some episodes dragging on while others feel rushed and disjointed. This lack of coherence makes it difficult to fully engage with the storyline, leaving viewers feeling disoriented and disconnected from the action on screen.

In addition, "Kampung People" struggles to address important issues in a meaningful way, opting instead for superficial treatments that lack depth and insight. Whether it's environmental conservation or LGBTQ+ representation, the show's attempts at social commentary feel shallow and tokenistic, doing a disservice to the topics at hand.

Overall, "Kampung People" is a forgettable comedy that fails to live up to its potential. With its lackluster characters, uninspired writing, and superficial treatment of important issues, it's a show that is best left untouched. Viewers would be better off exploring other sitcoms that offer more substance and genuine humor.
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Kandahar (2023)
Some good action scenes but lack depth
18 June 2023
The film's strengths lie in its action sequences and Butler's performance. The action sequences are well-choreographed and exciting, and Butler gives a strong performance as the CIA operative. However, the film's weaknesses are its predictability and lack of originality. The plot is very predictable, and the film relies heavily on clichés and stereotypes. Overall, Kandahar is an average action thriller film that is worth watching for Butler's performance, but it is not a must-see film.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the film:


Gerard Butler gives a strong performance.

The action sequences are well-choreographed and exciting.

The film is shot beautifully, capturing the harsh beauty of the Afghan landscape.


The plot is predictable.

The film relies heavily on clichés and stereotypes.

The film is slow-paced at times.

Overall, Kandahar is an average action thriller film that is worth watching for Butler's performance, but it is not a must-see film.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
the CGI was deliberately done that way?
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is a 2023 superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The film is directed by Andy Muschietti and stars Ezra Miller as Barry Allen / The Flash, alongside Michael Keaton, Ben Affleck, Sasha Calle, and Kiersey Clemons. In the film, Barry Allen travels back in time to prevent his mother's murder, but his actions inadvertently create a new timeline in which General Zod has returned and threatens to destroy the world. Barry must team up with Batman (Keaton) and Supergirl (Calle) to stop Zod and save the world.

The Flash has received mixed reviews from critics. Some have praised the film's visuals, action sequences, and performances, while others have criticized its convoluted plot and lack of originality. The film currently has a 47% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Overall, The Flash is a serviceable superhero film that is likely to appeal to fans of the character. However, the film's convoluted plot and lack of originality may disappoint some viewers.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the film:


Visually stunning Exciting action sequences Good performances from Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton, and Ben Affleck Cons:

Convoluted plot Lack of originality Some pacing issues Overall, I would give The Flash a 3 out of 5 stars. It is a fun and entertaining film, but it is not without its flaws. If you are a fan of the Flash or superhero films in general, then you will probably enjoy The Flash. However, if you are looking for a more original or groundbreaking film, then you may be disappointed.
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Blood Flower (2022)
laughable gore
27 May 2023
Seen this on Disney Hotstar and i can confirm that this film sucks. The lack of effort is in the script is so glaring. The film had me excited going as i thought it was made by Skop Production and i thought one of the Haslam kid was directing the movie turns out its Dan Said. Some of the scene was a bit stuck and the script was confusing at times. The actors were fine but since the script was horrible it didn't help the overall score with this horror flick. I end up pissed a bit because the ending was not satisfactory for me. Bront Palarae has a knack in movies with horrible ending. Please do better.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Return to classic Horror
23 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome to my review of werewolf By Night the TV special on Disney plus just in time for Halloween we get another sort of old school horror film in the kind of hammer horror era stuff like Bella Lugosi and wolf man yeah those older universal stuff and it was very unique and as we've seen in the trailer it's all in black and white it's very different from other MCU projects and that in that sense and it's only 51 minutes long and it's that's a it's a one-off so far you know it's like it's not a TV series or a movie it's just kind of like a just think of it like a Halloween special and this one basically Stars gal Garcia barnal Laura Donald and a few others and features basically a story about the Bloodstone and the society around this Bloodstone Who hunt monsters and so they've gathered from all around because the lead Monster Hunter has died and he wants to pass on his Society to the Next Generation and so they go on this hunt and whoever kills this monster will obtain the Bloodstone and continue the Bloodstone line so after seeing it I really really enjoyed it I thought it was a fun little tale

I liked the black and white cinematography so so you see that so rarely and you see it rarely done well and here it's done well there's some good action and I appreciated the Practical effects you know as the title implies were well by night I expected probably some big CGI werewolf right but they actually went the sort of classic werewolf look and while I may not think that those that that look is cool it definitely I appreciated the the the sort of man-in-the-suit kind of thing and they did the best they could with it

So I liked the characters especially a cameo by not many people who know this particular character some people are gonna probably confuse him with Swamp Thing This is not Swamp Thing That is DC this man thinks this is sort of Marvel's version of that and I thought he was the Breakaway star of this I oved it and I really really liked it so what did you guys think I think this is a must watch I really liked it I like the choice to go black and white I didn't expect that much action or that much Gore I was like well this is from Disney yes from Disney

This is probably the outside of I guess the connection to Hulu and then and then Hellraiser the most blood we've seen on the game itself the acting is great this is just it's a good watch, especially for 51 minutes perfect length no lag yea good pacing yeah I thought it was pretty good

I love the old the fashion horror movies I've seen all of them this definitely reminds you a lot of that I think that the look is great I love that the main thing I love about this movie is the concept that they're willing to do these one-off weird things yes I want to see so much more of that because there's so much room to explore/ I don't think they nailed it here I wasn't it's not something that I'm like you have to go see this one but I think it's pretty good stuff

I don't know I think there's some really good stuff out for Halloween right now that I would probably tell other people but I don't Hellraisers definitely one person should go see yes so I think this is pretty good stuff, yeah I so I really hope that they don't just do a one-off with this is because like Alex said there are a lot of creatures in the MCU that doesn't really get Spotlight

so whereas you know you got to Justice League you got justice league dark it does magic and creatures MCU has a lot of that too and werewolf by night could be maybe a once-a-year Halloween special that features different characters I really really found the I don't want to say anything we'll talk about it in spoilers but I found a particular relationship in this one endearing and I would love to see these characters return however if it's just a sort of Anthology or you know of different characters every year that would be freaking great so I think that the director does a good job and the Riders do a good job and they should be back for something

Else I'm not sure how this connects into the greater MCU but we'll look at that in the spoiler section so let's go ahead and give final verdicts this is going to be a solid 8 for me I really liked it just well we can't talk about that yeah no but other than that like I think everything was pretty spot on I just wish they'd do more of this stuff yeah so eight for me okay yeah I agree it's really good stuff I'm gonna go with the seven I think that this is definitely an enjoyable watch I think I mean I know that they're trying to go back to like the classic kind of cheesy horror things but I think you can I don't know I wanted a little more from the writing department but still really enjoyed it, yeah there are some cheesy bits and I think it's you know clearly intentional to throw back to some of the other some of the the stuff and you know because it's a one-off because it's short it's it's fine

I liked it so I'm gonna give it an eight out of ten as well Joe and I really enjoy it so check it out if you got Disney plus don't let this one sneak under the radar because I haven't seen really anything on socials I really haven't seen a whole lot as far as YouTube but I definitely want to bring this to you and I want to let you know it is worth a watch I would seek it out and watch it but see Hellraiser first all right guys.
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Black Adam (2022)
Good DC movie for a change
21 October 2022
I am happy as right now but I am not talking at all about the film I am talking about something else so there's going to be two sections there's going to be a film review section and there's going to be a storm spoiler section so you're going to want to stick around for the spoiler section because it is a victory no doubt but a Bittersweet one because if you look at the Expressions on my companion's faces that should kind of clue you in on Black Adam so Black Adam is getting blasted by critics right now I think the last I looked at it was 48 maybe oh it's got It's falling and we're falling now which is lower than Wonder Woman 84. Oh my God so well I just returned from the film and what do I think of it because I was like look I don't trust the Rotten Tomatoes okay never trust never trust a Rotten Tomatoes see the film for yourself I want to support Dwayne Johnson I want to support the future and so that's why I I don't feel bad about my ticket and buying their tickets and I also have a new round of tickets that I purchase I'm gonna go and see with Melissa and some I'm gonna go a few times so here's the thing though here is my opinion now realize if we hear the Angry Joe sure we are brutally honest no matter what happens and we tell it to you like it is Black Adam is an absolute mess it is it's not gonna make you feel any emotion in the scenes that it wants you to feel the emotion and it basically kind of falls into that same trap of every superhero film where it gets turns into a CGI Fest in the last act with an awful villain.

I will say that it does have non-stop actions so that can potentially please crowds right Mass going audiences however I was hoping for and I needed something a little more and that's because I love as you know I'm a DC fan I love Superman I love Batman Wonder Woman I love Black Adam and I think that something really amazing could have been done with this idea of Black Adam and being an anti-hero and really kind of a villain initially but that's not this is Black Adam is not an anti-hero he is he's complete he's completely and totally a hero in this film I don't know what happened I don't know if that's Dwayne Johnson's choice or the writers and directors which I apologize I'm gonna pull that up now as we're talking but I think that it feels like a film made by a committee or made by the studio it feels like a superhero film frankly from the 90s.

One thing I didn't expect going into Black Adam is a kid on a skateboard being a huge focus and skating around the streets of kandak and sort of rallying the 30 people in the city to fight in a massive CGI battle as he rallies people with sticks and stones while Black Adam you know is doing his thing I'm trying to stay away from spoilers right so that feels like a bad 90s action film in that sense and so I'll say I'm a little disappointed okay I'm a lot disappointed and all the best parts now Black Adam does kill p Adam when he's in action and honestly there are a ton of slow-moseople okay yes that I lovethe killing that's the good part okay so that those are the best parts of Black Adam.

You know how it feels like a lot of superhero movies they do that Trope where everything slows down and then they're trying to show up so yes they're there are a few shots in this film that are not perfect there's you know Black Adam is using his lightning powers on somebody's head you know choking somebody out they do a famous shot from the comic book covers from from his you know I don't want to say that either we'll talk about it in the spoilers but they get certain shots right unfortunately the film itself is not good I'm gonna kick it on over to you guys as I pull up who I think is responsible the writers and directors I have to know I looked it up I think the the writers are I think it said 40 chimpanzees three people oh okay Adam slick key Lyle Rory Haynes and show Rob Nash iravani got it I do not I'm not familiar with a lot of their work I'll look into it and the director was Collette Sarah weak plot is cheesy the emotion really didn't convey what they were trying to go for but with that being said it still had some pretty good CGI I like the fight scenes and it was better than I expected really yes okay I'm happy to hear that I didn't think I didn't think I was going in there with low expectations and I came out with it okay I went in with high expectations I don't know why eat well you saw the trailer I found I found what who the director is so the director lasted jungle cruise that makes sense right because he must have become friends with Dwayne Johnson on the last film Jungle Cruise but other than that he did a House of Wax orphan, non-stop Jungle Cruise the writer Alvin and the Chipmunks the road chip Diary of a Wimpy Kid the sequel the Long Haul Rampage oh that was a great one and Scuba what school the is this scoob Scooby-Doo school I think it was like a direct to it must have been HBO Max only thing anyways but it was surprised okay I didn't hate it you didn't hate it gotcha Adam or not Adam Alex I was thinking Adam Smasher oh how dare you he's big you're big right how dare you this is this is actually it felt like two movies and to be honest with you this this movie actually made me almost upset at Venom and Carnage based on how much violence there was in there because one of the problems I've had with it is it's a PG-13 anti-hero movie he's like it's not gonna be violent enough it's not gonna convey that this is plenty violent there's plenty of kills there's plenty of those things and so whoever was in charge of Venom and Carnage.

Now that we've seen that you can do it on PG-13 yes okay so back to this movie this is two movies the first half of this movie is setting something up that could potentially be interesting the violence is there they're sending some characters and the second half of this movie is absolute dog it doesn't make any sense like the firsthalf of the movie they're setting up a potential weakness that goes absolutely nowhere that's what I'm talking about it's such a mess it just like doesn't make any and then there's there's characters you're like I don't know if I like them maybe they develop them second half they don't develop anything no it doesn't go anywhere we have two characters that we spend no time we there's they're on screen a lot but they're not developed Smasher and Cyclone they are awful they're absolutely terrible and then a bad guy shows up at the very end and if we had just taken all of the Smasher andCyclone scenes and thrown them out and giving it to the bad guy and develop it to a point where it'd be more satisfying because what it felt like is the climax of this movie happens and immediately goes new bad guy and it's like it's the movie ends in five minutes what do you mean new bad guy I don't know what is his motivation what's gonna happen and he's in like you're like oh could it be a multi-faceted bad guy who you know he wants to rule this Kingdom but he's doing it in an evil way and then it's just all of a sudden he's just not pure evil and this movie is not very if you judge it based on whether how you feel leaving the theater people are gonna hate this movie yes I'm very very worried I I hope maybe the fans can lean on the action and stuff because this story is dog it's really about the characterization is is really bad there's no really to me although I love Dr Fame I think he's a really cool DC character and I actuallylike you know Pierce Brosnan in the role unfortunately the video game Injustice does a better job with Dr fadeand his powers and the way they look then this film does and the JSA in general feels unnecessarily injected in here and kind of takes away from it when I would have loved more characterization for Dwayne Johnson it feels like he's not given enough time it feels like maybe they're not confident enough in him and or something I'm sure they are he's a charismatic dude but there's less of that that Charisma here because they spend so much time with the JSA and the JSA just kind of is like Hey we're the JSA and nobody says anything I thought I was expecting a joke like justice league and they're like no we were before them you know something but it's like okay here we go JSA and Adam Smasher is like he's there and I don't even want to call him a character same thing with Cyclone Cyclones powers are even moreridiculous looking than what people made fun of the enchantress for and I like the enchantress so our powers are even more.

Cyclones Powers I mean it's terrible right so we got like Dollar Store Doctor Strange we got like whack Ruffalo who's over there and he because like they cast him he looks exactly like Mark Ruffalo but he's an imbecile and I hate him and then Harvey Birdman is like fine I guess but actually I did I did like Hawkman and like like if we just get rid of Pokemon I liked because this was so goddamn persistent that's the you want on your team you know what I mean even though he's not the best he's not very good at fighting he's got a lot of heart he's got a lot of heart in fact I don't think he lands one hit with this mace and if you know the power of the mace it's it's as if he hits you if he hits you with a mace it's as if he entire Earth hit you at once it has the power and strength of being hit with the wholeEarth at once but I don't think he ever lands a hit with it does he he does he does I don't know who he hits with it but didn't didn't seem like it mattered that much all right anyways so so much happens so it's the film is longer than I thought and so I was like oh this is like seven hours long I'm like wow this is gonna be awesome we're gonna have like a lot of you know character development character development and we get almost none so it's like I'm confused how did we do that with very little care so much happens so much is introduced and none of it is given any amount of time to breathe.
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RIP Michael Myers. Thank You Laurie.
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why on earth they can't just make a simple Halloween movie that isn't some type of commentary on the effects of being a victim of Michael Myers in some way and how that changes Haddonfield. The stars of Halloween are Michael and Laurie but they become sidelined for some reason and the plot tends to spend more time concentrating on mini Michael and Laurie's granddaughter love affair and how mini Michael becomes a killer. Don't get me wrong these aren't bad ideas but they're timing is all off, it would make much more sense if they explored this stuff at the start of the trilogy and then it wouldn't feel so out of place in the final movie of a trilogy. Nothing really makes sense and doesn't really follow any of the logic created in this universe, why is Michael so weak at times but so strong at others? Or why is Laurie so strong? Is Michael supernatural and does he have powers? Also the movie takes itself far too seriously, the narration by Laurie which serves as a reference to the fact she's writing a novel is just so corny and doesn't work. The movie is so full of itself and completely forgets what people watch Halloween movies for and that's to see Michael kill and to see how the his and Laurie's arc finish and while we get that it's pretty much an afterthought, something the writers decided to just throw in at the end of the movie to validate them making this movie and keep fans happy but it was ineffective as the movie was spent exploring a bunch of new stuff that fans aren't really going to care for as it's far too late in the trilogy for people to invest in any of it. Seems like there's far too many writers with too many different ideas and it just doesn't gel together, it almost feels like a movie that wasn't supposed to be a Halloween movie and was written to be something completely different. I'd honestly like to see somebody else take a crack at the franchise one last time as I feel the fans deserve an end to the story.
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The Munsters (2022)
unnecessary Halloween trash
30 September 2022
Rob zombie have the balls to release this movie for whatever reason and it's not gonna get any good reviews as it is horrible script and it doesn't have any direction. It felt cheap as a filler for a tv network special for Halloween. Could not recommend this to anyone except for kids and even kids would be pissed as well after watching this film. The film falls completely flat tonally as Zombie takes a step back from his more edgier and gore filled roots and instead leans into the comic and Kooky. A poor attempt to reinvent, The Munsters is not really a good movie. But it is great fodder to put on in the background of a Halloween party. Heh.
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Mat Kilau (2022)
overhyped action movie with historical drama context
19 September 2022
This film may get a kajllion dollars at the Malaysian box office however it will remain the most horrible film ever produced by the most popular director and it will haunt him to his grave. Syamsul Yusoff is Malaysia's Uwe Boll. He may produce and directs a lot a movies but had no actual contribution to the local industry itself collectively speaking. Disguising this movie as a semi autobiographical is a disrespect to Mat Kilau and his peers. Infusing overtones of racism, bigotry, Malay Nationalism and Islamic virtue signal calling in it's script, this movie did not represent or tell the true intellectual depth of the malays and malayans at the said events in time. This movie only appeals to the far right sentiments and only divides the society as a whole. Trash, trash, trash.
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Heropanti 2 (2022)
Bollywood 5 Star Dumpster Fire
30 May 2022
A truckload of over the top bollywood action sequences.

The movie sole purpose seems to be to showcasing tiger shroff with a good amount of kindergarten CGI and cheesy rope work.

The story line is dumb as a rock.

Probably a third sequel is in the works i guess.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
a disappointment
12 February 2022
Sloppy scripts drove this IP went over the cliff and Jon favreu could not get the vibe of the first mandalorian in this spinoff. I don't see a reason for a season 2. Please kill this project.
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24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made no sense (the premise was ridiculous) - Trinity was dead. No robot was going to change that. Neo was completely disfigured... why do robots care about his appearance, why reconstruct his face? It's not going to make him a better battery. Let's not even go into how everyone aged incredibly with the exception of Neo and Trinity. This was not really necessary as a plot device. They could have said 10-15 years went by instead of 60.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
lost interest after episode 3
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this show isn't about aliens, it's about people and their very usual problems in a normal life, it's a psychological drama for sure with a lot of closed up shots of actors faces , not a typical alien invasion thriller. The thing is you know there are some presence around, something's definitely there, causing some sorts of problem ,nose blinding kids, local power surges, people go missing, etc, but you don't see what's causing them. You're waiting for some big invasion , finally something or someone alien to show up, but nothing of that sort would happen, basically nothing happens! To be honest I don't get why the creators of the show needed aliens at all, where an engineer girl in Japan deals with sexist people in the work place, or a normal couple living in Long island have marital discord ,a kid in London struggles with bullies at school and things like that, you know the guys who made Big Little Lies did address all of those problems and even more and they didn't need to get aliens to invade earth!! There are rumors about a head spinning budget of $200m were spent on the show, but I really couldn't figure out what or where they spent that money on, except maybe traveling all around the world gobbled up most of that money!! So if you're looking for a Fallen sky type of show, wrong address, but if you want to see how people deal with their usual problems, amotinos and relationships struggles, while there are some invisible beings lurking around, causing a few problems but not very big though so people have plenty of time to sort out their personal issues first , then yes! That's the one.!wtf.
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trashy storyline for carnage
12 November 2021
Venom is way more funnier in this sequel however this CGI infested movie could not crawl out from satan's bumhole for it's lazy script and dumb story line setup for carnage. Still gonna wait for venom 3 though.
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plot holes, weak storyline
12 November 2021
Weak storyline to start, cool action scenes but the villain is so forgettable. Rami had a limited time on screen and his character was not properly developed. Not a BOND movie that i would recommend to anyone.
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Dune (2021)
Slow paced space drama part 1
22 October 2021
Slow burn my dude's. Pls watch the orginal. The movie is long and just an introduction to a franchise that may or may not get a sequel. I hope i am wrong.
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please let michael myers die peacefully
16 October 2021
I appreciate the original cast members was in this movie but it doesn't contribute or expand why michael myers did what he did. I don't see a point why this had to go on like this.
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Heels (2021–2023)
not really enjoying the first season
21 September 2021
Uninteresting characters and plot. I expect to see more character development in the second season perhaps.
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Spiral (2021)
please don't cast a comedian for a thriller even if you're the producer
7 June 2021
Chris Rock should not be cast in this spin off, no disrespect but his character is cringy as fock and Max Minghella should be the lead.
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Low budget movie on colonialist romanticism
6 June 2021
This movie sucks and romanticism of Brooks as white saviour to the people of Borneo is focking BS.
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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
Robot Chicken Marvel Edition
28 May 2021
Modok is a serious villain character unfortunately Marvel has taken in path of stop motion BS and I'm appalled.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
a boring Tom Clancy adaptation, avoid.
3 May 2021
The plot is cheesy AF, MBJ called the wrong people to work on this movie. A first black lead for a Tom Clancy however MBJ sucks in this action movie and i hope he learn and improve in future movies he producing.
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