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The Samurai (1967)
Stylishly cold
29 May 2024
The hitman in The Samurai (which I must note, does not literally contain any samurai) is a stoic, disaffected character far from the likes of suave, charismatic James Bond type figures found in other action movies. The film has a slow pace and deliberate cinematography, showing a bleak existence where the hitman reduces Paris to a tunnel vision mission and goes home to squalor. One day he messes up and gets tangled up with both the police and his employer who has turned against him, leading to chases and deceptions across the city. Despite sounding like an action movie, The Samurai is fuelled mostly by suspense, as every fleeting word and glance offers to betray him to those conspiring against him. The film is nihilistic, slow and cold, but will still leave you on the edge of your seat.
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Inferior pastiche of Martin Scorcese
28 May 2024
American Gangster is Ridley Scott's attempt at imitating Martin Scorcese, and he doesn't attain the same heights. Starring Denzel Washington as Frank Lucas, the drug-dealing kingpin has an air of tranquil fury punctuated by increasing outbursts of impulsive violence, underpinned by a convincing suave that endears him with the community. However, despite masterful acting and a lively period atmosphere, the plot is mostly by-the-numbers and plays out the same tired rise-and-fall tropes with his disillusioned family leaving by the end. One saving grace is the character played by Russell Crowe, whose boy scout like enthusiasm seems to jar with the amount of prosecutions he can carry out, but at least constitutes a fresh breath to the genre. Overall, despite some bright spots, American Gangster is a repetitive and meandering that doesn't live up to its potential.
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Another classic film noir
27 May 2024
As far as film noirs go, this one's a classic that ticks all the boxes (or maybe invented them) - private detectives, femme fatales, stylishly lit cinematography and more twists and turns than a rollercoaster. The suave, slick portrayals of all the characters, hinting at secrets below the surface, set the scene for acting in many noir films to come. As the title suggests, the plot is heavily based around the past catching up with characters who tried to escape the world of organised crime. The flashback story is intense and exciting, as the protagonist Jeff falls in love with his target and tries to run away with her, fleeing the pursuits of a crime boss along the way. The "present day" story is not quite as interesting, as there are a lot of dull sections evading other side characters, which is what brought my rating down. Ultimately, the plot goes full circle and all the double crossed characters catch up with each other, culminating in gunfights to resolve all the lingering threads "out of the past".
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Slow descent into madness
26 May 2024
Aguirre is the sort of slow burner that captivates the viewer throughout, due to its turtuously brilliant performances and harsh setting that offers no relief for its protagonists. Set during the time of the conquistadors, the film follows a hapless group of expeditioners searching for "El Dorado", unprepared for the dangers that arise from the jungle and even within their own group. Long before the floods and arrows afflict them, the members of the group quickly fall to jealousy, rage and fear, turning on each other in desperate attempts to either escape or get ahead. The plight of the group is terrifying in how it quickly devolves into imagery of cages, sickness and warfare with no end in sight. All of this is underpinned by the leering and erratic nature of Klaus Kinski's protagonist, using the free reign of the boundless and unforgiving Amazon rainforest to pursue his twisted fancies and impose his madness on the whole group.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Two fun films in one
21 May 2024
Planet Terror: As one part of Grindhouse, Planet Terror is the more fun of the two, but suffers from overdoing its style. As a goofy sci-fi comedy, it works in its own cheesy way. Starting with some smoking bright green chemical weapons turning everyone into zombies, we quickly get introduced to an ensemble of memorable characters who promptly deliver nonsensical quips, mention half-baked backstory and kick ass in ridiculous action scenes. It's enough to make for a great film, but the number of times the film flashes "this is a cheesy pastiche!" in the audience's face is just too excessive, like a wannabe comedian ribbing you after every joke and asking if you thought it was funny. The point where I gave up on the film was the overtly telegraphed "missing reel" that shuffled around the entire roster of characters just for the sake of it, which was the equivalent of the comedian shaking you by the shoulders after their attempt at a joke.

Death Proof: As the second half of the double feature Grindhouse, Death Proof is the more serious and more intense counterpart to the silly Planet Terror. Following the exploits of an insane homicidal stunt driver and parallel groups of women, it begins very slowly with Tarantino's penchant for excessive small talk as a way to get to know the characters. After a false start where the initial protagonists suddenly die, the film really kicks off when it turns into a pure car chase film with incredible tension as the other protagonists are nearly driven off the road and every swerve is a matter of life or death. The intensity is continued when they go on a Tarantino-style revenge fest, amping up the stakes and giving some much needed catharsis for the characters. It's an uneven film with uneven characterisation and suspense, but a fun ride overall.

The trailers: Extraneous and best skipped.
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Death Proof (2007)
Grindhouse's better half
21 May 2024
As the second half of the double feature Grindhouse, Death Proof is the more serious and more intense counterpart to the silly Planet Terror. Following the exploits of an insane homicidal stunt driver and parallel groups of women, it begins very slowly with Tarantino's penchant for excessive small talk as a way to get to know the characters. After a false start where the initial protagonists suddenly die, the film really kicks off when it turns into a pure car chase film with incredible tension as the other protagonists are nearly driven off the road and every swerve is a matter of life or death. The intensity is continued when they go on a Tarantino-style revenge fest, amping up the stakes and giving some much needed catharsis for the characters. It's an uneven film with uneven characterisation and suspense, but a fun ride overall.
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Planet Terror (2007)
Fun, but overdone
21 May 2024
As one part of Grindhouse, Planet Terror is the more fun of the two, but suffers from overdoing its style. As a goofy sci-fi comedy, it works in its own cheesy way. Starting with some smoking bright green chemical weapons turning everyone into zombies, we quickly get introduced to an ensemble of memorable characters who promptly deliver nonsensical quips, mention half-baked backstory and kick ass in ridiculous action scenes. It's enough to make for a great film, but the number of times the film flashes "this is a cheesy pastiche!" in the audience's face is just too excessive, like a wannabe comedian ribbing you after every joke and asking if you thought it was funny. The point where I gave up on the film was the overtly telegraphed "missing reel" that shuffled around the entire roster of characters just for the sake of it, which was the equivalent of the comedian shaking you by the shoulders after their attempt at a joke.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Incredible twist of time
20 May 2024
Run Lola Run is one of the rare films I give a perfect 10/10. I first watched this movie knowing absolutely nothing about it, and was blown away by the twist. The initial premise seems like a straightforward crime film, with Lola's boyfriend on the run after losing a considerable amount of money he was delivering for a gang. The dedicated Lola has twenty minutes to find the money, setting her on a wild run across the city to her banker father, her boyfriend, a supermarket and many passersby. Just as the film is over - bam - she starts again and gets another twenty minutes! The differences between each time loop compound on each other and hammer home the idea that our choices make a huge influence on those around us. The frenetic style is lifted perfectly from late 90s music videos - think hard-hitting techno and rapid montage cutting - and fuelling the incredible tension of the film. Despite its back-to-back action, it still takes time to show the personalities and lives of the characters within its microcosms, with plenty of tensed relationships that come together with a happy ending.
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Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Very stylish Marvel entry
19 May 2024
As far as Marvel Cinematic Universe entries go, Werewolf by Night is one of the best, and deserved a full feature length release. The experiment with black and white gothic horror paid off, and sets this installment apart from the other Marvel releases with practical effects and many visual callbacks to classic horror movies. The setting is well established in the beginning with a dark backstory, frazzled monster hunters and a flamboyant announcement of the magical "bloodstone" in the labyrinth. Despite starting out as a monster hunt, the story has a surprising number of twists and turns for its short runtime, and nobody is who they seemed to be at first glance. The main characters are sassy but lovable, and by the end we are desperately rooting for them to succeed in their unexpected challenges. Just be warned, it gets bloody!
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Sober look at alcoholism
14 May 2024
For a film about an alcoholic, The Lost Weekend shows less drunkenness than you would expect. Instead, the brilliant performance of the protagonist funnels his energy into another state of mind - desperation. Over the course of a few days, we see drawn out scenes where he scrabbles around his apartment for hidden bottles, begs for a drink at nearby bars and steals to fund his addition. It's a portrayal that holds back nothing, baring tears and pleading entreaties so close to the camera that the audience feels like they are the ones being implored. Eventually, the consequences of this single weekend come crashing down and he ends up in a hospital for those at their lowest. His brother and his fiancee play the role of the witless relatives who just can't figure out how to help and end up just as desperate for a solution. As a film, it can get a tad melodramatic and repetitive at times, but as a piece of acting, it shows just how much alcohol addiction can turn lives into a sad series of constant desperation.
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A thoroughly mixed bag
7 May 2024
It's hard to tell what to think of this film. First dismissed as trashy titillation, and now revered as an underrated classic of the 2000s, which impression is more accurate? To be honest, it's somehow both at once. The film's strengths and weaknesses follow a "spiky" profile with very strong points and very negative points at the the same time.

Let's start with the positives. Megan Fox was surprisingly adept in her performance as Jennifer, the high school queen turned seductive succubus, with every glance and smile showing her powers of manipulation over the other characters. In other scenes, she expresses fear, insecurity and love, demonstrating Fox's range beyond the shallow first impression many had of her in the 2000s. The other side of the coin is Amanda Seyfried's performance as the bookish and attached "Needy", who goes through her own transformation into a fierce demon slayer. The dynamic between these two characters is the real heart of the film, which is about Needy outgrowing her attachment to Jennifer and her self-centred ways.

Then to the negatives. Unfortunately, the critics are right about much of the film being by-the-numbers slasher fare. The deaths of many characters seemed like the same repeated scenes of idiotic horror film characters walking into their own demise. The film may have been trying to do something original by reversing the genders, but it barely goes beyond the trashy exploitation of Species (1995), and never really made any "empowering" statement to me. The aftermath of those deaths are also handled badly, as the film doesn't really know whether the audience is supposed to hear funny quips and laugh at what's happening, or see traumatised teenagers and feel deeply impacted by what's happening. This whiplash between comedy and horror muddles the emotional stakes of the film, as the protagonist is fuelled by avenging these deaths.

All in all, it's a fun film, it just didn't live up to its potential. It's a real shame that this 6/10 film was not "fully cooked", because the ingredients of a strong 8/10 film clearly lurk underneath and reveal themselves at times - but only for brief moments.
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Memorable character, convoluted plot
6 May 2024
The infamy of Sweet Smell of Success rests on the portrayal of its protagonist, the slimy publicist Hunsecker. Played by the talented Burt Lancaster, Hunsecker is one of the most obnoxious characters ever put to screen, embodying the script's biting dialogue with reflective glares and intrusive mannerisms. Every aspect of his character's journey is calculated to manoeuvre his social connections to wreck his sister's relationship through the power of the media, dropping hints and leads to manipulate the public and enrage her fiance. Even after being found out, his callousness knows no bounds and his attitudes towards abusing the journalistic profession continue unabated. It's ultimately a story about success at all costs and the type of person who pursues this - let down by some convoluted twists along the way.
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Umberto D. (1952)
Tragic social realism
6 May 2024
Umberto D. Is a classic of Italian social realism, along the same lines as The Bicycle Thieves. It follows the intimate story of an old man (the Umberto D. Of the title) and his dog as they try to survive on a meagre pension in post-war Italy, going through all of his daily tribulations. Because of its naturalistic setting, the characters are all grounded and offer no solutions, only more desperation and strife. No details are spared as Umberto D. Tries anything and everything from selling his belongings to negotiating with his landlady to begging on the street. It's very tense to watch as he slowly runs out of options and sadly even tries to abandon his dog, knowing that we as the audience would not be able to try much more, especially with so many social forces acting against him. It's a simple but heartbreaking story, but one that needs to be told.
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The Birds (1963)
Supremely silly
6 May 2024
Even Alfred Hitchcock, the master of suspense, couldn't save this film. The famous director applies all of his talent to make the birds as scary as possible, but it's far too limited by the silly premise. For sure, there are certain scenes that can be tense and make us root for the characters to get through the latest flock of birds unharmed, but it all quickly goes downhill as soon as the birds appear as hokey puppets or start dive-bombing through windows in bizarre fashions. The Birds is best viewed as a comedy, because it's not worth much more than that, and I don't think anyone can make mindless flocks of birds seem like a truly formidable force. The only part I found genuinely eerie was the sequence near the end when birds cover the entire landscape, sit still and watch the protagonists silently as they walk slowly through their driveway. Those few shots were the only thing stopping me from submitting an even lower star rating.
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Classic fairy tale film
1 May 2024
Beauty and the Beast (1946) is the classic kind of fantasy film that makes you feel just like a child reading the original fairy tale for the first time. The soft film and lush historic setting combined give the world an ethereal atmosphere, accentuating the action and emotions. At the same time, the drama of the main characters feel relatable and down to earth, as Belle's tribulations with her sisters are a timeless testament to sibling rivalry. The discovery of the castle is an incredible visual and technical achievement that shows the eerie phantasmagorical nature of the space, plunging the characters and audience alike into another world. The combined ferocity and tenderness of the beast is the true lynchpin of the film, as well as Belle's relationship with his dichotomous nature. Like the Beast's tumultuous nature, the story takes on twists both sweet and terrifying, culminating in the climax in the glasshouse. It's not quite as lively as the Disney adaptation almost fifty years later, but it's just as heartfelt, thanks to the fantasy atmosphere and romantic acting.
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A Wes Anderson film before Wes Anderson
23 April 2024
This film is far before its time. It's a quirky hipster indie film that pre-dates the current crop of quirky hipster indie films, it's a Wes Anderson film before Wes Anderson and it's an "emo" protagonist before anyone had ever heard of the term. The premise is bizarre to the point of surreal - a fake-suicidal death-obsessed teen has an affair with a criminally joyous elderly lady, going on wild adventures and alienating the regular folk around them whose attempts to understand them are equally as comical. It veers so far into extremes and caricatures that I don't think it's even trying to impart any philosophy of living life to the fullest, just some insane characters taking the audience on a zany ride whether they like it or not, all to the beat of cheery retro classics.
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Classic British drama
22 April 2024
As a classic of British literary adaptations, Great Expectations far surpasses its source material. While I dismissed the book as sentimental nonsense, the film imbues more life into the characters and escapes the book's trap where they are chess pieces arranged solely to deliver a moral. The protagonist Pip is played by Tony Wager and John Mills in a performance that balances the book's overtly idealistic innocence with a familiar yearning for adventure. Estella has a greater presence in the Havisham household and actually has a personality beyond just being a blank object of Pip's affection. Miss Havisham herself appears as a haunting figure, balancing Estella's energy with a heavy melancholy that pervades her larger-than-life mansion. All of these improved characters fuel the plot, which is greatly enhanced by being streamlined into its most coherent and dramatic moments, trimming off all the unnecessary fluff from the original. However, it unfortunately still suffers from endless coincidences that lessen its believability and constrain its potential.
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Laura (1944)
Classic film noir
21 April 2024
Laura is a classic of the film noir genre, establishing the hard-boiled investigators and plot twists that we all associate with that era of film. Dana Andrews plays the brazen detective assigned to investigate the shocking death of the titular Laura, a magnetic figure who attracted the adoration of everyone around her. In flashbacks, we see how she became tangled up with her mentor, her fiancé and a model, leading to many intrigues that show a darker side of everyone involved. Just as the audience thinks they have it figured out, the film throws an infamous plot twist halfway through that up-ends everything in the present and leads to an even greater conspiracy. Now it's up to the detective to press even harder for the truth, which reveals that Laura may not have been as innocent as she once seemed. The seemingly simple situation turns out to be more brilliantly involved than it appeared at first sight, and the acting reveals similar layers beneath all the main characters. Watching this film felt never-ending, with no end to revelations, and all the more intriguing because of it.
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Suspenseful Western drama
14 April 2024
The Ox-Bow Incident starts out like a typical Western film, with macho horseback riders quarrelling over a dispute in a dusty desert town. What follows is a subversion of the usual story that turns justice into a mockery of itself, a trial turned into a lynching. In a tense hour long segment reminiscent of 12 Angry Men, several men are accused of stealing from a locally respected figure and shooting him, and must convince the mob of their innocence before they are summarily hanged. The clashing characters and their ideals reflect the harsh conditions of the west where violence and justice coincide as one, sometimes to the point of lynching in the name of necessity. It's a very tense hour, fuelled by the stakes and utter convictions of the participants, though it does get dragged down by a lack of variety.
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Kapoor & Sons (2016)
Ups and downs
10 April 2024
As stated in Anna Karenina, every happy family is happy in the same way, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own unique way. Kapoor & Sons is a family drama that absorbs the audience into their family's own unique brand of unhappiness as two brothers reunite after a lengthy time away. Every character brings problems that send the family on an exhilarating downward spiral, from career plagiarism to infidelity to financial issues. The film's strength is in its impressive actors who convincingly portray characters that veer rapidly from sympathetic reflection to apoplectic conflict and back, bringing the audience with them. By the end, you'll swear you know this crazy family yourself!
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An incredible improvement over the first film
9 April 2024
Having been vastly disappointed by the first Frankenstein film, despite its star status in horror movie history, I was pleasantly surprised by its sequel. Retaining all the key points of the first film that made it memorable, it uses these to tell a story that is more character-driven and humanistic rather than a monster-of-the-week scenario. For once, the monster himself is treated as a character and the brilliant sequence with the blind man is adapted from the novel, showing how his destruction comes from his inner longings. Now that he can speak, we learn that all he wants is a companion, which of course becomes the obsessive hobby of Dr. Frankenstein. To make things more complicated, Frankenstein's mentor arrives on the scene to imbue his own kind of scientific madness, tempting him to join forces. As before, the harsh lighting and dark settings combine to give the entire film a starkly otherworldly feel, which accentuates the indecisive torments of the characters as they try to grapple with the consequences of their experiments. An incredible follow-up.
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Safety Last! (1923)
As funny as it is tense
2 April 2024
Harold Lloyd may not have had the stardom and influence of Buster Keaton, but his comedic talent is a close match in Safety Last! Typical of the 1920s, it has a rather simplistic plot with a sweet romance and a hapless, down-on-his-luck everyman trying to make it in the world. It's an endless stream of rapid-fire comedic situations with one department store mishap following another, all punctuated with Lloyd's brand of clumsy acting and an ensemble of pointedly caricatured supporting characters. The final sequence is the highlight of the whole movie and is as nail-bitingly intense as any modern thriller. With impressive special effects and another endless stream of physical mishaps, Lloyd climbs up the side of his building with a heart-pounding determination matched by the audience. Every level has its own gag, its own near-fatal accident and its own sympathetic moment - and never running out of fresh ideas! Safety Last! Is a true classic of the silent era that blends comedy and tension to tell a unique and heartwarming story.
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Glory (1989)
Compelling war story
31 March 2024
Glory is a film that drives the audience forward on several levels - both as a war film and as a personal story. Deftly balancing the journeys of Matthew Broderick's officer and the entire black cast, Glory manages to show the endless racism during the Civil War as well as its overcoming. Broderick's nervous and understated performance actually fits his role well, as his young officer character is thrust well out of his depths and learning how he relates to his soldiers is inspiring itself. At the same time, the yearning for the soldiers to be heard and respected constitutes its own journey, leading to strife but resolving through endless efforts for justice. It all culminates in a bombastic finale that gives the soldiers what they worked hard for, although this scene was too muddy and impersonal to act as a real climax.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Disservice to the novel
27 March 2024
Frankenstein (1931) is a well composed film that established a lot of classic horror film tropes - the dark grainy texture, the electric atmosphere, the gothic castles and the cackling mad scientist - but it does the novel a complete disservice. The characters are reduced to caricatures acting out a now overdone monster of the week plot. The monster is purely monstrous without any hint of humanity (not even the ability to speak!), moaning and groaning to signal a superhuman threat and nothing more. The scenes are brilliant and tense, from the suspenseful resurrection to the fiery lynching, but the characterisation is just too shallow to back it up beyond stock stereotypes and innocent townsfolk.
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Tense thriller
26 March 2024
The Conversation is a film of fine, fine details. Gene Hackman plays a loner involved in the surveillance business, planning elaborate schemes to capture vital information from his targets to pass onto clients. His associates range from enigmatic middlemen to hapless assistants, and it's clear he's just as much in the dark as the targets he records. The real genius of this film is in how it makes the audience go back over the same details with a fine toothcomb, over and over again, just as the protagonist analyses each phrase on his tape recorder. Although it may sound tedious on paper, each revelation increases the stakes of the investigation and we realise just how much danger everyone is in. The protagonist, forced to abandon his detachment, finds no choice but to intervene in the couple and his client. With constant trepidation and uncertainty, he finds that nothing is as it seems and he is just as much a target. A truly chilling story given great power by the tiny details and inflections of the performances, hinting a lot but betraying very little.
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