
17 Reviews
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I love the movie and the book and I can't live without them
1 January 2020
I saw this movie as a child and it tore me apart. I had never felt this way about a movie before. I read the book later, as an adult. I am happy that I waited to do that, because the book is not like the movie. The characters and the story are darker and more complex. That isn't to say that the movie is weaker. Admittedly, there are some fundamental differences. Some things are changed, some key aspects and characters are left out in the movie adaptation. Nonetheless, it carries the spirit and essence of the novel it was inspired from. The differences are not disappointing or offensive, but balancing. They complete and complement each other. Both movie and book are unique and powerful in their own way, each offering something the other can't.

I find Gwenwyfar equally annoying in both (though I admit her redeeming features) and Morgaine equally amazing. It Lancelost and Gwenwyfar's relationship that is the most famous one. But I love the relationship between Arthur and Morgaine more. I remember how deeply touched and excited I was while watching for the first time. I was too young to understand all the complex nuances and subtle hints. As I got older, I saw it on a whole new level. I had an acquaintance who loves the movie and the book as much as me, but who could not accept that the love between Arthur and Morgaine goes beyond sibling love. I was quite moved. Even the first time, when I couldn't see everything that was left unsaid. I could feel it. I was quite shocked and excited to see that the nature of their feelings was presented much more unequivocally in the book and that I hadn't been wrong in what I had sensed.

I also came to discover new sides to the characters that were left out in the movie. They turned out to be much more ambiguous and layered than what we are led to believe in the film. The other wonderful surprise was the role Accolon that turns out to be much more substantial than what we see on the screen. And then there is Kevin, who doesn't appear there at all, but is a key figure in the novel and one of my three favourite characters, the other two being Arthur and Morgaine. The only serious gripe that I've got is the infatuation of Morgaine with Lancelot that doesn't bring anything neither to her as a character, nor to the overall story. It actually burdens the story and it feels very weird and out of place. Even though Arthur and Morgaine's relationship is supposed to be the scandalous element, I found her obsession with Lancelot and the way he treated her much more disturbing. I don't actually believe that she truly desires him. I actually think she sees him as another version of Arthur. And since she can't openly act on or even admit to herself how she feels about Arthur, she is projecting all those desires on Lancelot. But other than that, the whole plot line, the character development, the ideas invested, everything is truly outstanding.

What I want to close with is my belief that all those who claim that the story is anti-Christian, are wrong. It doesn't speak against Christianity. Pagans are presented at an equally harsh light. I believe it speaks against bigotry and extremism in all their forms, in all religions. It is a lesson she comes to learn the hard way. That names, images and symbols are not good or evil, right or wrong by themselves, but rather what we make them to be. It is the basic message the book begins with. The world around us is shaped and ruled by our thoughts and believes and there is no such thing as true tale, truth has many faces. Even the old goddess has many faces and seems to be equally generous and cruel. In the end Arthur tells Morgaine that to him she is the goddess. Knowing how he feels about her, it is a fitting comparison, aiming to show that ultimately we all choose our own idols. If we can believe in one deity with many faces, why not in its new incarnations? If people come and go, if they are born and die and change a thousand times during their lifetimes, why do they not allow the same to those in whose image they were supposedly created? I feel that this is the main point of the story and its true heart. It calls not to a god or a goddess, it doesn't speak against or in defense of any religion, but rather it speaks about faith, faith in humanity. It is what Merlin tells to Vivian before he dies. That maybe the truest expression of the divine is our human nature and the joy we find in being humans.
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Devious Maids (2013–2016)
Surely a very entertaining and feel-good show that I intend to watch again.
26 January 2019
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When I found out that this was a production of the "Desperate Hosewives" team I was in. The title alone had made me curious and when I found what who was behind it it all fell into place. It isn't as good as "Desperate Housewives' but still pretty good. I like all of the maids but Marisol (not really a maid actually) and Zoila are my favourite. I also really liked the Powells. Not at first but later they really grew on me. They are absolutely hilarious and also very sympathetic despite all their flaws. I was happy to see them reunite at the end. I also grew to like Genevieve. She is really endearing and so is her friendship with Zoila. My fourite moment between them is when Genevieve tells her: "You are the closest thing to a mother that I have" Zoila: "You realize that you are older than me right?" A really good show that I want to see again.
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A truly terrific movie
29 September 2018
This. along with "The Lion King". is my favourite animated movie. When at the end Moses's wife told him "Moses. look at your people. They are slaves no more". I teared up. What a wonderful story and what a powerful music! Another thing I appreciate about this movie is that the lines between heroes and villains are not so clear. Ramses isn't entirely cruel nor is Moses (or his god) entirely heroic. Especially when it comes to the slaying of all those children. A truly terrific movie. I wish someone could do one as equally good about Esther.
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17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I am surprised that this amazing movie - my favourite in this genre - has only 6.1 rating and that the positive reviews have so many down-votes. It seems that "Two Weeks Notice" has not only failed to impress a big part of the viewers but it has also made them angry for some reason. Why it is beyond me. I have never seen a better romantic comedy and I doubt that I ever will. This is Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock at their best. It is sweet and romantic but not too cute. It has just the right amount and kind of cuteness and some awesome lines and acting. It is such a beautiful touching fantastic movie.
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One Tree Hill (2003–2012)
3 August 2018
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Oh, I love this show. It is so good, so powerful. Much better than The OC. I used to watch the latter as well, but it never captivated me the way One Tree Hill did. It is on equal terms with shows like Dawson's Creek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I will always remember Nathan & Haley and Lucas & Payton! Two amazing couples. I really didn't want to see Lucas with Brooke and I would so hope that he would get back with Peyton. I do like Brooke, but she never touched me as deeply as Peyton. She is truly his soul-mate, much more like him than Brooke and generally deeper and more interesting character than Brooke. And Nathan & Heley...Oh, I love stories about someone changing for the better because of the person they love. Nathan went through such a huge change. Because of Lucas and, of course, because of the lovely Haley James. Peyton did too. We see her growing from a moody, immature teenager into a responsible, brave, open young woman. Brooke shows great growth as well. P.S. I love Dan's complexity and that he's not just "the villain" I love the shades of grey that abound in all the characters. Awesome show!
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
16 July 2018
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Despite what I told myself, I decided to watch until the end of season 14, because I wanted to see how one particular character's story would end. And now it's truly time for me to say goodbye. I used to seriously love this show, but the last really good season was 8. It's been going downhill ever since and Jessie Williams & Sarah Drew (Jackson Avery & April Kepner) were the only ones still holding my interest. Even if their screen time was less than what it should have been in my opinion. I was grateful for each moment. But now that's over. Aside from April's departure, I also don't like the way she departed. Her story's finale did not work for me, so I have chosen to ignore it. In my mind she and Jackson are together. There is no Maggie and there is no Matthew. And this is the way it's going to stay. My other favourite couples were Dereck & Meredith (it was how it all began and I wish Dereck had stayed and I wish Meredith had gotten a better story-line after his death), Denny & Izzie (Denny was part of the show only for a few episodes and so was their relationship, but I was deeply touched, nevertheless) and Mark & Lexie. I also liked him with Addison. They could have been an awesome pair if she had managed to let go of Dereck timely. And I love George. Even though he wasn't part of any couple I truly dug, he is still one of my favourite people on TV and always will be. And I will always love his friendship with Izzie. I also want to say that despite my criticisms toward the script, I also understand the difficulties. I suppose that it's unlikely for any show that has been running as long as Grey's Anatomy to stay on top of its game until the very end. I appreciate all the hard work the team has put into it so we could be able to enjoy the earlier amazing seasons and later Jackson & April and because of those parts - which I intend to re-watch many times - I am choosing to give it a high rating. I am giving it 8. And if the rest had been as good, it would have been 10. Thank you for this powerful and complex series.
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
10 July 2018
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There is so much beauty, gentleness and soul into this series and it means a lot to me. With the exception of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", this is my favourite show about teenagers. Part of it is that it's not like the typical teenage dramas that are somehow more overt and showy and which are usually filled with a lot of money, parties. sex, drugs and intrigues in them. It is more on the subtle side. There is some finesse to it that I really like. It's not one of those "cool" shows. And at the same time, it touches on some really sensitive issues and in a deep way. To me the best couples on the show are Pacey & Andie and Pacey & Joey. When Pacey & Joey paired up, I felt bad for Dawson, but did not miss the relationship itself. However, I was really invested in Pandie, so I wanted them back. Yet, I couldn't help being excited over Jacey as well. I think Pacey is incredible with both of them and both stories are really breautiful and powerful. If I had to choose only one, it would have been the latter, but truly, both hold a large portion of my heart. None of the charactes is perfect. All have had their ups and downs, I readily admit their flaws, so I am okay with others disliking them, even my mentioned favorite three. But I personally think that their positives outweigh their faults. I will always remember those words by Joey: "We talk like we know what's going on, but we don't. We don't have any idea. Look, we're really young and we're gonna screw up a lot! You know, we're going to keep changing our minds and ... and sometimes even our hearts. And through all of that, the only real thing we can offer each other is forgiveness."
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Absolutely gorgeous
11 June 2018
I have seen other documentaries on dinosaurs, but none of them can hold a candle to this one. And I always cry when I watch the last episode that features their demise. Such amazing creatures. I appreciate the fact that their ending isn't presented too graphically. Thank you, BBC, for paying such respect to those majestic giants by creating this fantastic work.
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Darvoto na jivota (2013– )
10 June 2018
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One of my favourite TV series and my favourite Bulgarian series. Generally I am not a fan of Bulgarian productions (I wish I could say otherwise), but "The Tree of Life" is something amazing. The music, the plot, the characters. I have seen it at least three times. I really liked the fact that there are no perfect characters, nor absolute villains. Everyone was presented with their strengths and weaknesses. There are many twists and turns. I was on the edge the whole time, but in a good way. It this was the case even on my second and third watch. I know what is going to happen, yet, it grabs me by the heart every time. I am happy that it didn't completely sad. I don't like finals where the ending is all sad or all happy. I will always remember Elena Kamenova, who is ready to sacrifice everything, including her life, for those she loves. I was disappointed with Hristo and the way he treats her, as I was disappointed with his relationship with her niece, but on another hand I understand him. Of course, I don't support the assault in the church that killed Iordan as well. When I saw his reaction and his attempt to stop the operation, I thought "Since you don't want to sacrifice your brother, why are you willing to sacrifice everyone else? Those people there too are somebody's brothers and sisters, they too are loved by somebody." In "Game of Thrones" Eddard Stark says "The who passes the sentence should swing the sword" If you aren't ready to suffer for your ideas, you have no right to sacrifice others. I will always remember Iordan, who devoted his whole life to the good of his people and who died this way. By giving his respects to the memory of a fellow soldier. And Panto, who went through such an incredible change. And Asra, Iana, Bella and Bojura, who touched me so deeply and who, I really grew to love. It goes without saying how happy I was when Iordan & Iana got together, but what was even more unexpected, was the friendship that developed between her and Panto.. I love their moments together, how he takes care of her and how much she trusts him. It was wonderful. The whole thing was wonderful.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Time Well Spent
4 June 2018
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Today I finished watching season six and I feel that it's a good time for me to stop. Naturally, I intended to see the final seventh season, however, what seems to be on the horizon puts me off. This whole thing about the adult Henry and his long lost maybe daughter he doesn't know anything about....Maybe if it wasn't going to be just one season, if we had been given enough time to get used to this novelty, after spending six seasons seeing him as a sweet young boy, it would have been different. But it weirds me out to know him as kid for so long and then, all of sudden and for only one season...You get my point, I suppose. Plus, we already had this story line. With him being the long lost kid who suddenly appears and changes everything for his mother. So doing it all over again feels unnecessary. Actually, the whole sixth season seemed like a rehash. It was good, but I also couldn't stop thinking that the writers had started to run out of ideas and were going in circles. So I feel that it's time for me to stop and settle for the place where the last battle is won and everyone gets their happy ending and where Henry is still a boy. Well, everyone, except Regina. I wish she hadn't lost Robin, but she will find someone else. Nowhere in the series is stated that she stays alone forever. She's really cool and I was surprised with the way she developed. I am proud of her. :) All in all, despite my criticisms, I really love this show and had a great time with it and I intend to re-watch it many times. :) I am grateful to those who made it happen. :)
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
The first two seasons
21 April 2018
This is for the first two seasons. I haven't watched the other two. I felt the need to stop. Not that I didn't like it. It's suspenseful and interesting, it's very intense, but....there is something lacking. It's like there's a lot of glitter, but not enough beneath it. I don't know, maybe I just didn't pick the right moment. Maybe if I had seen it earlier or later, it would have been different. I'm afraid that none of the characters managed to really draw me in and make me care. Well, I did develop a soft spot for Hiro. He's a cutie. But even he couldn't make me want to go on. There is something off. I can't put my finger on it, but...Well, still, I appreciate the fact that the writers wanted to create a powerful, complex, entertaining story. In a way it is. Which is why I'm giving it 7. But it's just not my kind of story. I may go back to it at some point.
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
I love it
18 April 2018
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This is my favourite comedy show. I never get tired of watching it. The humour isn't too heavy and tasteless, like in "Married with Children", nor is it too cute, like Perfect Stranges (I do love PC, though) Everybody Loves Raymond is warm, sweet and touching, without going overboard. It's very well balanced and the characters and situations are quirky and awesome. When I was a child, my favourite character was Frank, because he seems to be the worst of all. But in a really cool and hilarious way. He's mind-blowingly funny. However, now I can't pick. They're all great in their own way and despite their obvious and so entertaining flaws, they are generally really decent and loving people, hence the warm family atmosphere that always uplifts me. And I was so happy when Robert finally got his shit together and stayed with Amy for good. She is perfect for him and for the whole family, really. She is so sweet and innocent. Those people desperately needed someone like that. :) Everybody Lovers Raymond rocks. I love it.
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Desperate Housewives (2004–2012)
This show has it all
14 April 2018
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Such colourful, rich and exciting cast and story-lines. The sweet, romantic and adorably awkward Susan and the tough, practical and courageous Lynette, whom any man would benefit from being married to. Both of them are very down to earth and very endearing. Then we have the glamourous Gabrielle, who might be shallow and arrogant at times, but at her core is very loving and loyal and someone that really can be relied on, both as a friend and a spouse (yes, despite the affair) and Bree Van de Kamp who might be too harsh and uptight in some ways, but, as in Gabrielle's case, whose positives far outweigh her negatives. I was happy to see women in their middle years being the stars of the show. Beauty and youth aren't as important as people believe. Not that those gorgeous ladies aren't lovely, of course. They look spectacular. Especially Teri Hatcher (Susan). The guys were great too. And the mysteries, the funny moments and the romance. We have Mike and Susan that are a classical will they won't they idealized romance and Carlos and Gaby that are more edgy. I loved their banter, their fights and I wasn't worried about them at all. I knew that they loved each other despite everything and I'm so happy that they end up together, after all. And that Bree too finds her soulmate. She deserves it, after everything she goes through with the men in her life. And Tom and Lynette, who never divert ways, despite everything that happens to them. They are rock-solid. And I love Ian and Carl too, despite the latter not being all that reliable. The way he and Susan are in their, unfortunately, not too many moments together, reminds me of Carlos and Gaby. Beautiful, wonderful, exciting. It's romantic, it's realistic, it's sad, it's funny, it's dark and mysterious, it's warm and welcoming. This show has it all.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
I'm saying goodbye
22 March 2018
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Once I loved this show, it was my favourite, but for quite a while now I have been feeling differently about it. It's not what it used to be. At one point Jackson and April were the only characters I was still excited about and I reached a point where I would skip all other scenes aside from those with them, but even their story-line lost its appeal, the final drop being Jackson pairing up with Maggie and April leaving for good. But despite all that, I'm giving it 8 because of the good old times. And if I was basing it solely on the time when the show was at its prime, it would have been 10. Thank you, Shonda Rhymes and team, for giving me the wonderful earlier episodes.
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Charmed (1998–2006)
One amazing show
22 March 2018
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10 stars because of the first four seasons and the first half of the fifth. It went downhill after Julian McMahan left and on a re-watch I never get past this point, but everything prior to it is fantastic and I have accepted that the story ends there.

I never managed to get as invested in Paige as I was in Prue, but the family dynamic stays. She does a great job too. The whole show, prior and post Paige, is filled with sweet sisterly moments. I have never been close to my family and all my friends live far away, so I have been mostly alone in my life. However, when I see a show about family bonds that is genuine, cool and refreshing, without being too maudlin and artificial, my loneliness gets alleviated. It's like they are my sisters too. I know it's strange to get so attached. Those aren't even real people. It's all just a story. However, it's so well done, that my logic flies out the window and leaves me feeling very strongly about them. It is a testimony to the writers, the director(s) and the actors' talent. I love Prue and Piper in the role of the big sister, their strength and sense of duty and responsibility. Though I love their other sides too. I used to like Piper when she was the shy and awkward girl afraid of churches, of standing up for herself and of Phoebe stealing Leo away from her....She was so endearing. Then she grew and developed confidence and ultimately she was the protector of the family. As for Prue, it was the opposite with her. She starts as this tough, very serious, very uptight young woman, who is still working out through her issues and gradually becomes looser (in a good way), funnier, more flirtatious and interesting. The only thing I dislike about her story line is that after season 1 she stays in the shadows of Piper and Phoebe, who get those excellent story-lines with Leo and Cole. I had hoped that she would meet someone else after Andy, but she never does. Well, in a way it is better this way, because this way I can imagine them together in Heaven. As for the other two couples, I love Piper and Leo and they are absolutely adorable, but the ones that got to me the most are Cole & Phoebe and their dark, doomed romance. It was very powerful from beginning to end. One of the things that impressed me the most was how Phoebe assures him vehemently in "The Importance of Being Phoebe" that she feels nothing for him and yet, when in "Centennial Charmed" she finds out that this time he is really gone, for good this time, you can tell that she is really hurt and how much she will miss him. The way she picked up the photo with the two of them together and said "I suppose that it just wasn't meant to be" broke my heart. I wish she had cut him some slack and given him more chances and more time to come around, considering that she herself was evil once. I think that had she done it, there was a good chance for him to really overcome his weaker side. But maybe as a Charmed One she felt it was her duty to stand against evil in all its forms, even if it comes from the man she loves.

"Charmed' is one of the best things that have ever happened to TV. Along with Buffy and Angel, this is my favourite fantasy series. Oh, and don't make the mistake to decide whether or not you should give it a chance based on its alleged similarity to Buffy. People make it out to be a weaker rehash, but that's not true. There is similarity, but it's superficial. The show stands on its own and it's wonderful.

Here's a list with my favourite episodes. It's hard to choose, they're all great, but I will try:

Season 1:

Dream Sorcerer

From Fear to Eternity

Love Hurts

Déjà vu All Over Again

Season 2

Morality Bites (incredibly powerful and a good example for those who say that the show has no depth)

P3 H2O


Pardon My Past

How to Make a Quilt Out of Americans (another episode that makes a very good point)

Astral Monkey (also very powerful and raising important issues, despite the deceptively funny title)

Apocalypse Now (also very thought-provoking and showing how hard it is sometimes to know what is right and what - wrong and how grey things can be. I don't agree with the creed the sisters assume at the end, but I understand them)

Season 3

Once Upon a Time (what Piper tells Kate in the end, regarding her parents divorce, is one of the greatest speeches I have heard and it really helped me with something that happened to me)

Sight Unseen (very different from the other episodes and proof that the show is indeed turning darker)

Power Outage

Sleuthing with the Enemy

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Death Takes a Halliwell

Sin Francisco (it's so hilarious, the funniest Charmed episode)

Look Who's Barking

All Hell Breaks Loose (again, very, very powerful episode, the most powerful one in the series so far)

Season 4

Black as Cole

Charmed and Dangerous

The Three Faces of Phoebe


The Fifth Halliwell

Saving Private Leo

Bite Me

We're Off to See the Wizard

Long Live the Queen

Womb Raider (Cole's letter to Phoebe is so incredible)

Season 5

A Witch's Tail

Sympathy for the Demon

A Witch in Time (it was SO good)

The Importance of Being Phoebe

Centennial Charmed

Those are the best ones, but all episodes are worth it. One amazing show.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
I am grateful
16 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Originally published as a review for Angel, but since it's about both shows, I am positing it here too.

I saw both "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" in my teen years. One would think that now, as an adult, I will have outgrown them or, at the very least, that they wouldn't have the same appeal to me. But not only that both shows passed the test of time, but they actually grew on me. I have heard people calling them teenage shows, but the truth is that when I was a teenager I couldn't appreciate them to the level I appreciate them today. Since I have a hard time separating them, despite this being an Angel thread, I will write about both. Though what can I really say aside from: bloody awesome! Not that they are perfect. Like all shows, they do have their issues. But the positives far outweigh them.

One of the things that I love about them is the humour. The kind of humour I don't see on other shows. Buffy, Cordy, Anya and Xander are absolutely hilarious. And later Angel, which was the biggest surprise. After leaving Buffy, he turns into a completely different man. Actually, it was the same with Cordy. I liked her in Buffy, but it is in her post-Buffy phase that she really starts to shine. Cordy is a perfect example of another thing that I love so much in both shows. The shades of grey.

I have seen arguments like "The writers separated Angel and Buffy. Because they felt they couldn't do anything more with their relationship. But what made them think it would be different with Cordelia?" For one. Cordelia is very different from Buffy. With Buffy everything was intense and forceful. It was a great love story from the beginning, which might have been more romantic, but less believable. The relationship between Angel and Cordy was charming and sweet and developed naturaly, blooming out of a beautiful friendship.

And we see a different side of Angel with her. He actually ends up being a bit nerdish and awkward from time to time, but in the most adorable way. Initially she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and he needs to fight for her affection. With her he isn't always the perfect romantic hero, mysteryous powerfel and amazing. He is more human, more relatable and shows more layers. Besides, I find their relationship generally deeper than the one he had with Buffy. Maybe his relationship with Buffy was more epic and eventful. However, the fact that with her it was love at first side made him instantly put his guard up. Most of the time he would try to avoid her, because he didn't want to hurt her. After finding out about the curse, even more so. When their relationship was dramatic, it was very powerful. However, it lacked warmed, heartfelt, quiet moments. His relationship Cordy begins as a friendship, so he doesn't feel that he has to put walls around him and this enables him to let her in in a way he isn't able to do with Buffy. He feels safe enough with her. Gradually the friendship blossoms into romance, but at this point it is already too late and he cannot make himself stay away from her. Angel and Buffy are lovers, but not friends. Angel and Cordelia are both. This is one of the reasons why I think that he loved Cordelia if not more, than at least in a way that made him more attached to her than he was to Buffy.

The second reason is that while he and Buffy start as great heroes, Cordy actually grows under his influence. His love helps her become a better and stronger person. And he feels proud of her, probably sees her as his own creation. And this inevitably strengthens the bond.

Buffy too is fantastic. The writers manage to give us a wonderful, inspiring, full-blooded young woman we can all look up to. And, just like Angel, she actually becomes more interesting after their separation. I love them together and their relationship will always have a special place in my heart, but I have to admit that there is something missing in it. Cordy and Spike bring that extra something that I wanted. This is why I like them better with them than with each other. But that's just my opinion. I don't mind others disagreeing.

Which leads me to my other point. The eternal argument about who loves whom more and who should be with whom. I am really displeased with the pettiness it entails. More specifically, mean comments of the likes of "He/she is disgusting. How dares he/she be with him/her? He/she could never love him/her" and even go as far as verbally attacking those who think differently and the writers too. The most of this kind I have seen are regarding Angel and Cordy's relationship, which I love. If you are happy with your own view/version, then why trying to ruin it for the rest? Why not leave them have their own? This is the good thing about fiction. You don't have to be "objective" and "realistic" You can stretch your imagination and let it be whatever you want it to be. It's all a matter of interpretation and personal preferences.

When it comes to me, I'm not interested in deciding which couple's love is the greatest. I'm just happy that they happened. I love Angel & Buffy, I love Spike & Buffy and I love Angel & Cordy. I don't think that the fact that Buffy and Angel move on is disrespectful toward their story. If anything, I think it shows the opposite. When Angel thinks she is dead and tells Cordy that he feels guilty for being able to live with it, she tells him that this is a way to honour her.

I think that the characters that show the more growth are Cordy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Wesley, Faith and Darla. Although less popular than the mentioned above, I find the relationship between Darla and Angel incredibly powerful and deserving an honorable mention. It touched me deeply.

This is also the show that presents some of the best vampires. Angel, Dara, Drusila, Spike. And three out of four gain their souls back. I have always liked Drusila and I wish I had known her as a human. I think that the episode "Crush" shows that Spike still loves her, even if he cannot forgive her betrayel. I asked myself why doesn't he want to give up on Buffy as well, who pushes him away. The difference is that Buffy brings up the good in him. He doesn't like the person he was before he was turned into a vampire. Drusila delivered him from mediocrity and he is grateful to her. He is stronger and more confident as a vampire, but he loses his ability to love with his whole heart, he is no longer a gentle poet. And Buffy is the one who brings this part out of him. She reminds him of what it is to be human. I think Buffy reminded him that he was missing his soul. She brought it back to him. Figuratively and later literally.

I am grateful for having seen those shows so many times and intend to see them many more. Thank you for the fantastic work!
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Angel (1999–2004)
I am grateful
16 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw both "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" in my teen years. One would think that now, as an adult, I will have outgrown them or, at the very least, that they wouldn't have the same appeal to me. But not only that both shows passed the test of time, but they actually grew on me. I have heard people calling them teenage shows, but the truth is that when I was a teenager I couldn't appreciate them to the level I appreciate them today. Since I have a hard time separating them, despite this being an Angel thread, I will write about both. Though what can I really say aside from: bloody awesome! Not that they are perfect. Like all shows, they do have their issues. But the positives far outweigh them.

One of the things that I love about them is the humour. The kind of humour I don't see on other shows. Buffy, Cordy, Anya and Xander are absolutely hilarious. And later Angel, which was the biggest surprise. After leaving Buffy, he turns into a completely different man. Actually, it was the same with Cordy. I liked her in Buffy, but it is in her post-Buffy phase that she really starts to shine. Cordy is a perfect example of another thing that I love so much in both shows. The shades of grey.

I have seen arguments like "The writers separated Angel and Buffy. Because they felt they couldn't do anything more with their relationship. But what made them think it would be different with Cordelia?" For one. Cordelia is very different from Buffy. With Buffy everything was intense and forceful. It was a great love story from the beginning, which might have been more romantic, but less believable. The relationship between Angel and Cordy was charming and sweet and developed naturaly, blooming out of a beautiful friendship.

And we see a different side of Angel with her. He actually ends up being a bit nerdish and awkward from time to time, but in the most adorable way. Initially she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and he needs to fight for her affection. With her he isn't always the perfect romantic hero, mysteryous powerfel and amazing. He is more human, more relatable and shows more layers. Besides, I find their relationship generally deeper than the one he had with Buffy. Maybe his relationship with Buffy was more epic and eventful. However, the fact that with her it was love at first side made him instantly put his guard up. Most of the time he would try to avoid her, because he didn't want to hurt her. After finding out about the curse, even more so. When their relationship was dramatic, it was very powerful. However, it lacked warmed, heartfelt, quiet moments. His relationship Cordy begins as a friendship, so he doesn't feel that he has to put walls around him and this enables him to let her in in a way he isn't able to do with Buffy. He feels safe enough with her. Gradually the friendship blossoms into romance, but at this point it is already too late and he cannot make himself stay away from her. Angel and Buffy are lovers, but not friends. Angel and Cordelia are both. This is one of the reasons why I think that he loved Cordelia if not more, than at least in a way that made him more attached to her than he was to Buffy.

The second reason is that while he and Buffy start as great heroes, Cordy actually grows under his influence. His love helps her become a better and stronger person. And he feels proud of her, probably sees her as his own creation. And this inevitably strengthens the bond.

Buffy too is fantastic. The writers manage to give us a wonderful, inspiring, full-blooded young woman we can all look up to. And, just like Angel, she actually becomes more interesting after their separation. I love them together and their relationship will always have a special place in my heart, but I have to admit that there is something missing in it. Cordy and Spike bring that extra something that I wanted. This is why I like them better with them than with each other. But that's just my opinion. I don't mind others disagreeing.

Which leads me to my other point. The eternal argument about who loves whom more and who should be with whom. I am really displeased with the pettiness it entails. More specifically, mean comments of the likes of "He/she is disgusting. How dares he/she be with him/her? He/she could never love him/her" and even go as far as verbally attacking those who think differently and the writers too. The most of this kind I have seen are regarding Angel and Cordy's relationship, which I love. If you are happy with your own view/version, then why trying to ruin it for the rest? Why not leave them have their own? This is the good thing about fiction. You don't have to be "objective" and "realistic" You can stretch your imagination and let it be whatever you want it to be. It's all a matter of interpretation and personal preferences.

When it comes to me, I'm not interested in deciding which couple's love is the greatest. I'm just happy that they happened. I love Angel & Buffy, I love Spike & Buffy and I love Angel & Cordy. I don't think that the fact that Buffy and Angel move on is disrespectful toward their story. If anything, I think it shows the opposite. When Angel thinks she is dead and tells Cordy that he feels guilty for being able to live with it, she tells him that this is a way to honour her.

I think that the characters that show the more growth are Cordy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Wesley, Faith and Darla. Although less popular than the mentioned above, I find the relationship between Darla and Angel incredibly powerful and deserving an honorable mention. It touched me deeply.

This is also the show that presents some of the best vampires. Angel, Dara, Drusila, Spike. And three out of four gain their souls back. I have always liked Drusila and I wish I had known her as a human. I think that the episode "Crush" shows that Spike still loves her, even if he cannot forgive her betrayel. I asked myself why doesn't he want to give up on Buffy as well, who pushes him away. The difference is that Buffy brings up the good in him. He doesn't like the person he was before he was turned into a vampire. Drusila delivered him from mediocrity and he is grateful to her. He is stronger and more confident as a vampire, but he loses his ability to love with his whole heart, he is no longer a gentle poet. And Buffy is the one who brings this part out of him. She reminds him of what it is to be human. I think Buffy reminded him that he was missing his soul. She brought it back to him. Figuratively and later literally.

I am grateful for having seen those shows so many times and intend to see them many more. Thank you for the fantastic work!
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