
274 Reviews
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Wanted Man (I) (2024)
Good Low Budget Action/Thriller. VERY WATCHABLE!
18 February 2024
This was fine. Nothing memorable and outstanding, but has a great cast. It's a Dolph film and he's the star. The actors do show the age, so don't expect John Wick or anything.

The other stars are in here for a short bit, but play a big role in the movie.

If you like 80's movies, and miss the days of simple plots and easy to follow scenes, then this is it.

Johansen (Lundgren) is an aging detective, whose outdated policing methods have given the department a recent public relations problem. To save his job, he is sent to Mexico to extradite a female witness (Villa) to the murders of two DEA agents. Once there, he finds not only his old opinions challenged, but that bad hombres on both sides of the border are now gunning for him and his witness.
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Lights Out (I) (2024)
Very watchable B-Grade Action movie!
17 February 2024
Very watchable action movie. It's about an 8 out of 10 to me as long as you don't expect Citizen Kane.

It has Adkins, a short cameo really and Grillo. Both should be household names and bigger stars. They are throwback guys with the edge and look to them that reminds me of manly men of the 80's.

Keeping in mind it's a small budget action vehicle with a decent plot. I uploaded the plot below but yeah, this is a movie you can watch on a Saturday afternoon by yourself or friends and not be bored.

There is everything you want in a B-movie in terms of plot. It DOES lack humor though and that is's more of a straight action movie involving family, protecting loved ones, deeper meanings like loyalty and friendship are also present.

Give it a watch.

A homeless veteran, Michael "Duffy" Duffield (Grillo), is always on the move, until he meets a talkative Ex-Con, Max Bomer (Phifer). Max notices Duffy's skills after he gets into a bar fight and offers him a well-paying job. Duffy agrees and discovers that the "job" is competing in underground fight clubs. The pair make a ton of money on the first fight and decide to travel to LA so Duffy can atone for his past and Max can pay back a crime boss, Sage Parker (Mulroney). They stay with Rachel, Max's sister, and Duffy quickly forms a connection with her. Duffy enters Sage's fight club and eventually wins, but it leads to unwanted attention. Duffy gets tied up in the crime world and offered jobs he can't refuse, including one with Sage's partner and Police officer, Ellen Ridgway. The deeper he goes in this world, the more deadly it gets. Duffy is a skilled fighter, but will he and Max make it out alive?
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Candy Coated Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
This Was an Excellent Boy Meets Girl Christmas Story and that's Okay!
24 December 2023
This Was an Excellent Usual Christmas Story and that's Okay!

Essentially the plot is a spoiled rich girl loses it all and goes to a small town to make ends meet again and it's more than meets the eye as she interacts with the town and it's people.

Yes it's cliche, but their are some unique elements.

The main actress is good as is the main actor. They are fine. They actually gave the main actress some PHYSICAL comedy bits and one liners and that was pretty fun and unique. She was actually great at line delivery and the physical bits.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this. 10 out of 10 from me. It's a Christmas movie with likeable beautiful people as ALL MOVIES should be!
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Best Superhero Movie Since the Dark Knight! Samaritan is a Realistically Crafted Hero...
26 August 2022
Sly Stallone has actually gotten better! While others(Arnie, Bruce,) have gotten worse as they age, Sly has achieved new heights from his already towering career.

Without ruining the plot, a hero has fallen, both figuratively and literally, and hasn't been seen in decades. But why and what happened? What caused him to go into hiding? It's a realistic hero movie that modern movies now lack and made on a smaller budget, which helped the story telling.

If you love the Dark Knight, Spidermn 2, Hulk TV series, this is almost hero perfection. There are some twists and turns, but it all comes together and is one of the best movies in 2022, and the best hero movie since the Dark Knight.

I consider the Winter Soldier the best MCU movie, this challenges it and to me, is a slight bit better depending on your taste.

Sly was ways a good actor and has gotten even better. Sly conveys emotions and is believable as a hero. What Batman Beyond as a movie should/could have been, but Sly did it first.

Samaritan is a 10 out of 10. Smaller budget movie made an impact and produced the best movie of 2022.
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The PROFESSIONAL is Old School Action with Flair! Long Live Belmondo.
26 August 2022
If you see movies like John Wick or The Man with No Name, many comparisons can be made to The Professional.

Firstly, the main theme, maybe the best music ever composed in movie history. If you like the music from the Man with No Name Trilogy, this will also invoke that sense of amazement.

It's about a man betrayed by his country for 2 years, but has no lost sight of his mission. To enact justice and complete his mission. He's a hardened man who is ruthless, yet likeable as a hero.

This has a great old school car chase scene, a cool hero, sexy ladies, betrayals, and realistic action. This was movies before CGI ruined it. It's a man's movie with a fantastic hero and cause.

9.5 out of 10.
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Romance in Style (2022 TV Movie)
Wanted to Like It BUT...this was Terrible. Overweight Girl Boss
18 August 2022
Fat girl with terrible personality meets charming and handsome man who loves her for no reason. She bosses everyone around, and is awful throughout.

It's the most impossible love story. At least be nice and a positive personality.

I saw the reviews and was like okay. Saw it and realized people liked it because she was fat,rather than the movie being good.
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Prey (I) (2022)
No, No...This Film was Not Good!
6 August 2022
No, no...this film was not good.

Similar to Rogue 1, people are trying to give a franchise a win for a mediocre attempt, because the last movie was so bad.

Predator 1 was an all time classic.

Predator 2 became good, because how terrible the sequels were and it had the right time period to be made.

Predators was decent, but tried to rip off 1, will less success, and too much CGI.

The Predator? Was awful all around and the worst.

Prey might be the 3rd or 4th best entry out of the five.

It's about a girl going to earn her title by hunting. Of course she is the smartest and can kill and over power about 15 men throughout the movie. NOT KIDDING!

The hacks are loving the last scene. I hated it as it ruined the lore of Predator 2 and I will leave it at that.

Arnold would be envious. I see Hack reviewers, some I like, pretending this was good. They are confused. It's the fact that the last movie was so bad and they are now are victims of subversion.

I give it a 6.5. In 2022, that's a good score. In terms of franchise rank it's the 3rd or 4th best out of 5 movies. Not great.
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Amityville Dollhouse (1996 Video)
How Do You Rate and Awesome Bad, Entertaining Movie?
6 August 2022
This movie is not high class. It's entertaining. The lines, the acting, the locations shots, the pacing all great.

I compare movies from the 90's to the ones post 2012 or so.

In terms of entertainment this is a 10!

The title is the plot point. It's about possession and a bit of sex appeal, beautiful ladies, handsome men; everything modern movies in the 20's now lack. It is a wonderfully entertaining movie which Hollywood has lost its ability to do.

Movie is a 6 out of 10, but entertainment and fun really makes it a 9.5 out of 10.
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Revealer (2022)
Terrible Director, Actresses and Plot
6 August 2022
Terrible Director, Actresses and Plot. 80 inspired horrible end of world lecturing the audience Marxist horse manure.

Girl boss.






Everyone from the Director, Actresses and Plot are the above.
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The Innocents (2021)
Terrible Nonsensical Boring Feminist Written Movie
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's slow. Starts off slow, stays slow, finishes slow.

Nothing stunning or brave. There are some undertones here. Everyone in the movie in intentionally unattractive.

Not joking.

It is about kids with powers, but of course on of them takes it too far and is eventually killed by girls because why not.

It's pretty terrible movie. Read the positive reviews. None are really reviewing's just Amazing, and Intense and so on.

Not a good watch. Boring, poorly done.
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RRR (2022)
As An American, This is Everything Modern Star Wars and Marvel Should Have Been
19 July 2022
SO long story short, word of mouth happened and more and more people including myself heard about this movie and here we are.

It's about friendship and honor and wants and well everything Star Wars Prequels should have been. It's everything Marvel should have been.

This movie is about 2 men, super human, some suspension of belief needs to be had. View it as a super hero movie and it delivers.

Plot: It's about 2 men; a hero and the anti hero. One has duty, one has family.

It's an action movie, think what Avengers Civil War, Batman vs Superman should have been. In modern American movies, the overuse of CGI makes the movies look cheap. RRR has CGI and some places it does look a little cheap, but for a modern big budget film, it delivers.

I have to give it between a 9 and 10. My expectations were low, but the AMAZING actions scenes were filmed very well, the acting and just the over the top hero moments were well done.

Highly recommended and a must see.
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Nic Cage Cages His Way Into Our Hearts and Minds Again
6 June 2022
So this movie is very self aware. What is it though?

Satire? Buddy Cop? Drama? Action Vehicle? YES!

It's all that, a farce, a homage, a tribute to Nic Fikkin Cage."

Plot: Nic plays himself, a struggling actor, who has family problems, financial problems and well performance problems and get recruited to fight crime and to act his way out of the farce.

A 9.5 out of 10 for both novelty and plot and well the acting is Oscar worthy. Seeing Nic kiss Nic is well worth it...unbearably so!!
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Not Good, BUT Very FUN!
29 May 2022
I hated the first, but found this fun.

IT has sexy girls, great music, nice location shots and hilariously bad and hokey events and acting.

This movie is anti modern movie making bc of the above.

PLOT: It's about 2 step sisters and friends deciding to go underwater cave exploring and of course sharks show up. Not just sharks but Blind super sharks.

5 out 10. IT's really a 10 out of 10 for fun and like a 3 out of 10 for the movie quality.
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Sneakerella (2022)
It was Bad, Not Even Hilariously Bad, Just Bad!
14 May 2022
It was very boring surprisingly. After the trailer, I expected unbelievable movie that was a fun watch, instead it was boring, a one and done watch.

It's about a guys who created "fly" sneakers and the sneaker king needs to find this man, for sneaker cons and his daughter is the royalty looking for the humble ghetto urban sneaker creator.

I cannot believe I wrote the above but yeah.

This was a musical, with awful tuned music and terrible dance scenes. It was bad.

The acting....was terrible, and not "Trolls 2" terrible where you can have a good time, just bad.

Plot was as above, bad and boring. It's like instead of doing something unbelievably god awful that you can have a good time making fun of it, they fell short and created something boring and terrible.

Thee trailer was more hilariously bad than the actual movie.
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Love Hard (2021)
Why Netflix is Awful Summed Up by Baby It's Cold Outside
23 April 2022
This movie is NEtflix pushing the agenda.

Could have been a memorable movie but they did it.

They claimed Baby it's cold outside is a r@pe song or something, and's distracts from what could have been. It has good points such as the main character being Asian and cannot get dates bc of it.

Essentially and Asian young man has trouble with dates, so he uses his less Asian friends and it worked. This unfortunately matches reality of what women are. So it' good in tackling that aspect, but again the identity politics and feminism ruined it. They constantly must praise and pander to women.

4 out of 10.
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Not Good...Wanted to Like IT / An Actual Real Review
10 April 2022
I very much wanted to like it. It seemed okay trailer wise but it felt it lacked humor due to the writers.

Some people can write humor and unfortunately this was written by people who can't write.

I want to say more, but I will be accused of being a sexist. This feels like it was written by women, and the jokes were very dry and unfunny. Again, I WANTED to like this.

It's about two girls, who are kind of stuck in an 80's caricature and it could have been funny, but just the writing sucked. You had an idea, but the execution was poor. Then they go on a vacation and unfunny stuff happens. The movie also seems to go out of its way not to cast sexy females.

One bright spot is it's brightness. The shots and backgrounds and characters were saturated in colors. The designers of the clothes and sets were fantastic.

It had potential and a great idea, but not good.
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Ninja Wars/Death of A Ninja is Pure Bliss!
9 April 2022
I often times fine most japanese cinema slow moving and dialogue heavy.

This to my surprise was not. It's almost like a real life Ninja Scroll. It deals with Ninjas, Samurai's, Black Magic, lust, ambition and death...lots and lots and lots of death.

It's about love, and the quest for power and anti-heroes, and heroes, and. So on.
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WarHunt (2022)
I Found This Pretty Good! WW2 Soldiers Go Into a Forest and Encounter Witches
27 March 2022
I Found This Pretty Good! WW2 Soldiers Go Into a Forest and Encounter Witches. has a decent budget feel. It's about hardened soldiers in WW2 encountering witches.

If anyone ever seen the Devil's Rock or Frankenstein's Army and liked it, give this a shot.

Could it be better yes..... Is it entertaining yes... Is it boring...NO!

8 out of 10 for me.
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Not Scary, Lacks Atmosphere
20 March 2022
The movie has a good budget, but lacks everything else.

No great lines, kind of predicatable. It's about a priest who has sinned and now must perform an exorcism. That is it, but there are SOME twists that are somewhat fresh, but kind of eye rolling.

It has tons of cliches, and the biggest grievance is it showed the possessed way too much which takes away from the effect.

I will give it a 5 or so out of 10. I can see someone giving it a 6, but the movies was not great at all.
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In a Day (2006)
Terrific Story I saw 15 Years Too Late
20 March 2022
If you like unique Romance stories, kind of like My Sassy Girl and Before Sunrise, this movie is for you.

It is unique. It's actually a mix between the above movies and those 80's Romance movies that were all so fun and fantastic and different.

This is about a man seeing a girl who has coffee thrown at her and decides to make his move.

That is all you need to know and enjoy.

9.5 out of 10. I wish I saw this while I was still in school...but it's more suited for adults anyway.
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Queenpins (2021)
Reading 96 other Reviews, Most Are Fake "Yes, Kweens" Reviews
9 March 2022
The movie is about 2 women, diversity is our strength women, creating a coupon scam through theft. Is a lesson learned? NOPE! Was there a point to the story, NOPE!

Be for sure, there is some Hollyweird talking points such as men bad and my body my choice.

Kristen Stewart look terrible in 4k and Joel Mchale has sold his soul to the devil to be in this.

But yeah, it's NOT FUNNY! I am not sure about the other 96 reviews as of March 2022, but most sound the same, written with the same Yes Kween, voices.

I honestly think it's a 2.5 out of 10. I just put a 1, because of the fake reviews.
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Dancing Ninja (2010)
This is A Good Bad Movie: Very Fun
28 January 2022
So I wanted to hate this movie. I expected too, but then something happened, I payed attention and turned my brain off and started to laugh.

This isn't Citizen Kane, it's more like Plan 9 from Outer Space. Yes! It's a funny bad movie.

It's about a White Ninja, who is a bit delusional. But has a destiny to be the..well the avenge his fathers....his masters....well there is a lot of things he has to do. The cliches are borrowed from Kung Fu films of the past and it works.

Highly recommended. Old school entertainment before the era of Woke!

9 out of 10!
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Night Patrol (1984)
Comedy the Post Joke Era Needs!
25 January 2022
Night Patrol came on Blu Ray around 2020 or so and I purchased it. I try to find comedy, before the Libs start banning them as part of their Marxist agenda.

I read reviews of Night Patrol and many said, it's disgusting, crass, rude, and I thought, well that is right up my alley.

Plot: And was I right. It's about a newly appointed policeman masquerading as a comedian, and he must hide it from the hihger ups who are searching for this masked vigilante.

Of course it's a hilarious sex filled offensive romp, the way comedy was and should be. It's a lo of gags and slapstick humor. The humor is like that of Airplane, but with a police twist.

I highly recommend, 9 out of 10.

One of the ways to know if something if hilarious is to read the bad reviews, look at what they say, they always attack humor, sex, men, and call things politically incorrect.
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A Man Becomes A Legend: A Boxer from Shangung
22 January 2022
Ma Yongzhen (Chen Kuan-tai) is a poor man who comes to a city. It's the typical Rags to Riches story, but from Shaw Bros. And it involves plenty of martial arts action, blood, revenge and real drama. The main character is motivated to be wealthy and get out of poverty, but how does he do it, is the question to this epic story. That is pretty much the gist of the plot.

It's a man's movie where quest for money, revenge, vengeance and redemption comes into play. It's a bit of a gangster film, mixed with Martial arts and it works.

I found this to be one of the best Shaw Bros. Movie, plot and acting. It's touching and it's a remembered epic imo. It is 2 hrs long, but it doesn't feel that way since it is so well scripted.

It has deeper meaning, friendship, loyalty and respect being some of the themes. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.

My score reflects what I think of the is near perfect and a 10 out of 10 for me. It is heart wrenching and memorable.
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Yes, American Pie introduced woke vocab meant to lecture men!
29 December 2021
I Like Bad Raunchy Sex Filled Movies: This was not that!

It tried, but it lacked the chemistry, the comrade, the likeability of the originals. This cast was bad and never was the comedic envelope pushed.

I though it would be a female American Pie, but it just has the name and none of the gags or fun.

Maybe it's the cast? Maybe the director or the writer, but whoever is to blame, this was a stinker!

Plot: Girls make a pact to have sex I guess with one guy and none of the gags worked, no laughter, no joy. It was a joyless movie, filled with some woke lines and scenarios.

Yes, American Pie introduced woke vocab meant to lecture men.

2-3 out of 10 to be honest. This lacked fun and raunchy-ness and where are the boobs and sex?
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