
111 Reviews
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Reminds me of the Orginal L&O Criminal Intent
27 May 2024
I am really liking this show. It has some of the feeling of the old L&O Criminal Intent. That was my favorite spin off from the original series. I like the actors, and I am enjoying the stories. As an American, it is always nice to watch a show shot and set in another country and with actors I am not familiar with. I feel like the formula works very well and moves along at a fast pace.

One thing I appreciate is the lack of political agenda in the episodes. All the American versions are so preachy and you can tell the political leanings of all the writers. I am glad it got a season two. I highly recommend this version of a classic show.
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Nicola Bulley's death was an accident, coroner rules
18 February 2024
The show should be about condemning the media for falsely accusing people, and all these theories and craziness. They dragged up her past and printed she might have killed herself. The media did damage to her family and friends. They made this like a crime drama, it is was not a crime. She fell in the water and drowned. It was a sad accident. The public were like rabid dogs over this. The media ran stories night and day. It was ridiculous. This how things go now. The media invents their own dramas and goes hard on it. Also lets add a true fact, she was an attractive younger lady. If this was some plain frumpy older woman walking her dog and who went missing, or an older man?? Do you think the media would of gone so crazy over that story? No way.
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Plan B (2023– )
Give it time. Plan B is a creative and interesting show
20 January 2024
I will watch anything that has time travel as a premise.

In this one, they made the time travel a simple, yet I think clever idea how they enacted it. To me, the time travel part of these premises is not the method they use to travel back in time, it is what happens after characters get there. The people in the show are not that likeable. None of them. They all have flaws, they all seem selfish, and they all make bad choices. I was really not "rooting" for anyone. I did enjoy each episode. It did not feel groundhog day at all, because it is not like that. A lot of what happens makes sense, the choices our traveler makes, are more realistic then most time travel shows do.

The final episode is brilliant. I loved how they ended it. This is good show. The actors were good and the story was good. I am looking forward to a new story with season two.
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I want to like it.
28 October 2023
The premise sounds so good. Clever Indian Caterer, ( I was looking forward to the food), which has not been a true feature. She solves mysteries and keeps getting jobs on the day someone is murdered at various locations. That alone is a stretch. Now the thing is, I guess since her husband and father were cops, we are to accept her cleverness and ability to observe and solve these crimes. That plot point is pretty weak. The detective she keeps pairing up with, is quite harsh towards her and truly rejects her time and time again. I do not find them to have a very pleasant chemistry. It feels forced and clunky. His side kick officer seems wasted to me as a character. She obsessively takes notes and is not very well developed so far. The show does not flow. Her son is another character that is not working. He is just unlikable. He is immature and quite frankly I guess if they were going for Gen Z, living at home and being self centered and not helping out unless pushed, they nailed that. I believe in giving shows a chance, so I will keep watching, but I do not find this show that enjoyable. Maybe it will improve and find it's rhythm . Update- the 4th episode was an improvement.
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This show will move you.
25 October 2023
This show is very well written. The mysteries are excellent and are not run of the mill. They take a different path to find the solutions. The journey is very enjoyable. This is a genre I watch a lot of, and this show is clever.

What elevates this show to being above others, is the amazing portrayal of a brilliant autistic criminologist name Astrid and the partnership and friendship she develops with the other lead Detective Raphaëlle Coste.

What is so special to me, is the way they drop these beautiful nuggets of truth and soulful observations.

I have found myself tearing up at the smallest of these interactions because they have a sweetness that you do not see on television shows much.

The two lead actresses are superb. The entire cast is very good. I truly hope this show goes on to have many more seasons. I have watched season one and two, and this is one of my favorite shows.
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Behind Every Star (2022– )
Hard to beat the French Version. Still it is enjoyable.
12 June 2023
I am a huge fan of the French version, "Call My Agent". No one can do sexy and free and crazy chaos, like the French. I watched about half of the British version, 10 Percent, which was just shockingly boring and canceled after the one season. It did not capture the essence of the French version. Now I am almost done with the Korean version. The problem with the Korean version, it feels a bit buttoned up and formal. The daughter, who wants to be an agent, is so timid and subservient. There is no way she would become an agent. She causes so much trouble by her sheer naivety and some truly bad choices. I found her hard to root for. Which was the opposite in the French version. Director/President Ma was okay for casting and the only other character I feel has the fire like the original is the young female agent. In the French version, she was a lesbian, and in this version they make her a bit of a man eater to start out, but she evolves. This pretty much is remake for the most part of the original. It is strange to watch a show you already watched from a different country be made with the almost exactly the same scripts in other countries. There were some things they changed up, but nothing too major. I am enjoying it and finding it interesting to watch with the cultural differences. It feels like it hits it's stride more after episode 6. It loosens up a bit. There is some actual kissing, which I have not seen in many Korean shows I watch. If you enjoy the plot, I highly recommend you watch "Call My Agent" on a streaming service. It has 4 great seasons. I am not sure if Netflix offers it with Korean subtitles. Hopefully they do. This Korean version has been renewed for a 2nd season. I will be watching it.
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Solid K Dramedy
6 June 2023
This is the story of a rather naive, but very kind lady, who is married to a doctor, who is a cold jerk, a mother in-law who treats her like a slave and two indifferent spoiled children. She thinks her life is perfect, and she thinks she is happy. As a viewer you are rooting for her to "wake" up and do something about many various issues that get revealed as the show goes on. The show took it's time to get there, but once I settled into it, I could see why. It made for a more interesting show.

She realizes she is lonely and being taken advantage when she has a medical crisis. She used to be a doctor before you got married. She decides to return and be a resident at age 46. Which they act like that is on deaths door for an age. The almost all male panel who decides if she can be a resident. Was glaringly ageist and misogynistic. It is disturbing to see the patriarchy that these shows have going on. She does however get into the hospitals residency program. I did not enjoy some of the early scenes where she does act a bit dumb, which was hard to take, since she got a super high score on her exams. Also her horrible husband is undermining her and calling her clumsy a lot, which was very unpleasant. There is a very handsome doctor who helps her on her path, and is lovely to look at too. The show evolves over the 16 episodes. It started out more as a comedy, and then went much heavier into the drama midway and for the duration, with light touches along the way. I binge watched it in 3 days. I do not think there will be a season two, because they did a lovely job at the end wrapping everyone's story up. I felt satisfied like I watched a good movie.
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Maryland (2023)
Enjoyable, moving and well paced drama
28 May 2023
The story line sounded interesting and it was. Suranne Jones and Eve Best play two rather estranged sisters who are brought together when their mother is found dead, in a place she has never mentioned, nor told them she was at. The way the story unfolds is realistic as they discover one new fact after another. I felt their reactions were true and the acting was top notch. There were no over the top soap opera moments. Stockard Channing was wonderful. It was a pleasant surprise to see her in this production. Well cast.

Also well cast was Hugh Quarshie, whom I only know mostly from Holby City. He is such a good elegant and suave type of character for these kind of rolls. Who would not be charmed by him?

The Isle of Man looked amazing, as always when they shoot shows there. I could see this show getting a 2nd season, thought it feels like a one of. I am interested in spending more time with these characters.
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Hope Street (2020– )
Amara Karan as DC Leila Hussain made this show. She is gone and now it is just a mediocre soap.
29 March 2023
Amara Karan as DC Leila Hussain made this show interesting. Her character gave you someone to root for.

I was looking forward to Season Two. As I started to watch it, I was wondering when her character was going to show up. I FF'ed through the episode and realized she was gone. I googled it and apparently she left. There are no stories or anything about why she left or who thought this was a good idea.

I was enjoying the unfolding relationship between DC Leila Hussain and Finn. Who thought it was a good idea to bring back his cheating ex-wife and try to force them to get back together? She is dreadful. His mother Lil is the wicked witch of the town and is judgemental, harsh and horrible to basically everyone.

They removed the sparkle and element that made it interesting and we are left with a rather bland predictable afternoon soap opera.
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Christmas Sweethearts (2019 TV Movie)
Totally Gen Z movie
8 January 2023
OMG-this is so Gen Z obnoxious. Breanne Hill is nicknamed "ladybug", gag me, and talks in a fake breathy whisper. She is trying to win back her high school BF. Who is a big zero if you ask me. The other main female is an "influencer". That whole thing needs to die in this life and soon. This entire influencer/tik tok life is so shallow and not story worthy. Yet I notice so many of this churn em and burn em holiday movies have incorporated them into the plots.

The acting is like low level soap opera for the young characters. The older actors are good. But what the heck is Trevor Eve doing in this movie? A British serious actor, from the UK in a cheesy movie shot in California? That was strange. If you are a Gen Z maybe this movie is for you.
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It has real snow!
6 December 2022
This is not great, but it is not bad. It looks like a budget Christmas movie. No actors you will know. Oddly they credit Jon Lovit, but he says like 4 lines in narration. He is not in the movie. The lead actress was good. I feel like they could have leaned in more on the repeat a day theme. This movie was shot in real snow and what a difference. When they walk, they sink down, you can hear the snow crunching. Nice change from the fake ones shot in July.

It follows the usual Christmas movie play book.

This movie is a good low key basic story, and I feel everyone did a fine job. It does feel a bit like a local play, but they pulled it off.
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Chesapeake Shores (2016–2022)
I watch it just for the beauty of the location and the excellent sets
30 August 2022
This is a bit schmaltzy. It is low stress in the story lines, good for people who do not enjoy tension in their shows. I was not a big fan of the Trace story line, so since that ended I like it better. That was a bit too tortured.

You never feel terribly invested in the plots. It is like eating bons bons. Very pretty, sweet, and you would not want to eat too many of them.

I enjoy the beautiful location shoots, and the sets are like model homes. Indoor and out. Also kudos to the stylists on this show. They do great hair and make up and clothes. I always appreciate it when they give plots to older people too.

I have enjoyed it. I am sure Hallmark has a similar show in the works when this one ends with Season 6.
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The Amazing Mr Blunden (2021 TV Movie)
Entertaining and Charming
3 February 2022
American here. I have never seen the original. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I found it had a good pace, interesting story and I liked the cast. It made me smile. I found it very charming.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Season One- So much potential- Season Two- wow what a bomb.
15 October 2021
Season One was current and interesting. It ended on a high note of rebellion and standing up for what was right. Season two totally backtracked and ruined it all. Now it is just a high priced, famous people playing over the top characters in a freaking network soap opera. You have all seen this before. I am out.
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The Starling (2021)
Well done and not a downer either.
2 October 2021
This movie was well done. All the parts were played well. It was nice to see Kevin Kline. This movie gets the tone right of grieving and depression and trying to move forward. I have not had this loss in my life. I was moved by the movie and found it hopeful and uplifting. I liked the whole movie.
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The Rookie (2018– )
I enjoyed season one/two. Season three is appalling. I am out.
26 September 2021
What a shame. I like Nathan Fillion. The premise of his story was great. They started to lose that in season two. But omg- season three is awful beyond words. I watched 3 episodes and was appalled. I am out for good. Dreadful.

Go phony woke and go broke people.
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Bulletproof Heart (2014– )
LIghthearted and Enjoyable.
21 September 2021
It is hard to find "murder mysteries" that have a good cast and know how to strike that tone of "solve the case", and enjoy the ride. This one does. The journalist turned cold case solver premise works quite well. Teaming him up with a daughter he never knew he had really works. The kid playing her son is very cute and likeable too. I enjoy shows where the cast is obviously having a good time. Many times you can see smiles ready to burst out in scenes.
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Lovely, well made uplifting movie.
4 August 2021
I have seen most time travel/time loop movies. I enjoy that genre. There are a lot of real clunkers out there. This is not one of them! This movie is well done, fun, uplifting and has some great messaging. I felt all the actors did a wonderful job. Also how nice to see a movie without gratuitous swearing. Thank you for that. Refreshing and enjoyable movie. Good music soundtrack too.
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Debris (2021)
This show is boring and flat. It is missing something.
29 March 2021
I loved Fringe. I love SciFi. This show is so flat. It has some cool ideas but it feels like it dumped us in the middle of something without bothering to set it up or explain anything. The two leads have no chemistry. You have to care about the main characters to care about a show. I am going to watch the entire season because the premise is interesting. But they need to up their game on the writing.

I would say most viewers these days are not looking for another last season of "Lost". I will say ,I quit watching Manifest after season two because it got so convoluted and turned into a soap opera. Come on writers up your game here.
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Holidate (2020)
Do you really need to have a 11 year old say F-ck?
27 March 2021
Gratuitous swearing galore, and lots of crude going on. I feel like when writers have a lack of ideas and talent, they resort to crude sex jokes and swearing. Not a "smart" romcom. Emma Roberts lacks charisma. This could have been so much better with better writing.
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This should be a new Christmas Classic
31 December 2020
My family loved this movie. It is a feast for the eyes. As one professional reviewer alerted me to, watch this on the biggest screen you can. It is gorgeous. The colors are stunning. The costume design team has to win some awards for this movie. The special effects team as well. I love that this is an original new story. You just do not see that much in holiday movies. The acting, dancing and singing was amazing. Also they did not have too many songs. They had just the right amount. The plot drove the movie, not musical numbers. This is a joyful, heartfelt and lovely movie.
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Fresh, Easy and Fluffy. Enjoyed this movie
31 December 2020
After watching all the Hallmark/Lifetime/UP/OWN Christmas movies this season, I stumbled onto this one after Christmas on Netflix. I enjoyed it. The two leads have great chemistry. Supporting cast was good. The pace was good. It was a well done, feel good holiday themed setting, love story. One of the best I have seen in this holiday year.
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My Sweet Holiday (2020 TV Movie)
Not great
28 December 2020
This was an odd movie. The lead female character was unlikable. She was spoiled, pouts, and is very sore loser, who changed her major in college because she did not win a contest. She did not seem interested in the store or chocolate until her boyfriends stands her up and she goes home and discovers her parents are selling the store they have owned for 40 years, without even consulting their spoiled only child. This whole plot was sloppy and full of holes and awkward. Also why does Lifetime constantly list their movies under different titles? To hide the bad ones from people? This is the 5th movie I have looked up in their 2020 catalog that has a different title then the final title they run it under.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
The show got better with time. I like it now
10 May 2020
The new show is so generic. I do not like the girl playing Higgins at all. That entire dynamic is now sexually charged and that is a shame to me. The OG Higgins and Tom Selleck were great together as they developed a friendship. The new Magnum actor in no way has the charisma of Tom Selleck in his day. "Rick and the helicopter guy" are so boring! And omg Corbin Bernsen as Icepick?? Talk about horrible casting. I really like Corbin Bernsen but he is not a gangster. This show is way too serious, they sucked all the fun out of it.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Let it suck you in!
22 February 2020
I read some of the reviews before I watched it. I quite enjoyed the series. It was a bit long in parts, with some long chase scenes, which I just FF'ed. It could have been more like 6 episodes. It certainly kept my interest, and I binged watched it. The music was a bit heavy handed, but I like the opening theme. Try it before you knock it or skip it due to some cranky reviews. The actors were top notch and carried the show. The ending was not a bad one. I just expected a bit more twisty and dramatic one. It still delivered.
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