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The Fall Guy (2024)
1 May 2024
Fresh out of an advance screening of The Fall Guy and this movie is sooooo FUN! If you loved Ryan Gosling as Ken this will only amplify your love. It's such a blast. Literally. Many explosions. :-D Emily Blunt is so cute too, high time she got to play a lighter role. Winston Duke as Dan was super great too! And Stephanie Hsu was a bad*ss! I really do believe this movie can be enjoyed by every spectrum of person, has nods to other movies, a great soundtrack, has love, has action, has a dog! Lol it's just plain fun. See in a packed theater, you will smile the entire time. (And make sure you stay for the credits) ;)
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Binged in one sitting..
21 April 2024
So I'm an idiot and thought the person playing Donny/richard was an actor, and the whole series I was thinking this guy is acting his ASS off, and only after did I realize it's actually him. Idk how he got through that. So emotional and raw. Line up his Emmys and Globes. And I hope every drop of the rest of his life is true and complete happiness. ♥

Beautifully and artfully directed as well, and goes without saying the actress who played Martha was just perfection.

Also for people that loved this, I highly recommend Swarm on prime. It's so extremely under talked about, and it absolutely rules.
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Abigail (2024)
A total blast
18 April 2024
ABIGAIL is an explosively gory good time. Perfect casting, actually funny, & all practical effects! This one ramps up more and more throughout and it's so so satisfying. By the final sequence I was smiling SO big and just cackling at Dan Stevens absolutely owning.

Also I NEED to know which writer/director was responsible for B***d and T***s, you made this lil punk nugget a very happy person. :) Nearly cheered in the theater.

Also the whole movie I was thinking we deffff need some kind of horror movie where Dan Stevens and Devon Sawa are brothers. Jus sayin

A new entry to my best horror of 2024.
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Sting (2024)
15 April 2024
I kinda feel like this one didn't know what it was. It's labeled as straight forward horror and rated R but then the first few mins are like horror comedy? But not much throughout? I do really like how it was directed, it has a charm, like a Tales From The Crypt or Creepshow episode.

Negatives: Plays very juvenile for an R movie, CGI (but did come through with some practical effects eventually), Animals/pets die :( cardinal sin of movies.

Positives: The family's acting was good, Beginning credits/egg very good, All the alt posters for the movie were neat, Frank the exterminator was hands down best part of movie.
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Immaculate (2024)
ok wow
8 April 2024
I've seen The First Omen and now Immaculate and I'm gonna go ahead and say I like Immaculate more. 👀 Throughout I was way more on edge and creeped out during this, loved the dread and claustrophobia, and obviously very powerful and unsettling for any woman. This was way crazier than I thought it would be plus a perfect taut runtime. And a beautiful score. (Especially loved the outdoor sequence with the chickens set to an upbeat but kinda creepy 60's sounding song). Sydney Sweeney's wide-eyed terror face throughout was so so good, and I loved that she said g*d d*mn it 🤣 and the f you ✊🏼 100% new scream queen is born.

  • Jess K, What's Up Weirdo Podcast, @wuwpod on IG.
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7 April 2024
The absolutely raving overboard "shocking blasphemous a masterpiece" reviews of this on Twitter have me really confused, if I'm being honest. For me it was good, not great. Nell Tiger Free rules, and it was beautiful looking, but for me the pacing was weird, and it could've gone a lot further with the gore/deaths. In the original Omen the deaths are crazy, and feel very sinister, in this one you're just kind of like ok? Haha .. And they do mess with the original lore a bit which will not sit right with some people. I didn't hate what they did with it though. I guess the raving reviews just set my expectations a little too high. And maybe a director's cut would be different. I did like it though, and it's def worth a watch. I would encourage those who like this to watch Paco Plaza's Sister Death and Veronica, both superior imo.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Hold onto your... nose..
4 April 2024
Buckets of blood, emotion, and vengeance. And it f'n rules. Dev Patel is so handsome it's like upsetting. He's crafted an absolute stunner. The film looks like it cost 100 million to make and it was put together for a fraction of that. It has you by the heartstrings the entire time, while the action and gore gets progressively more bonkers. Aka this movie was made for specifically me. Haha Dev is convincing, commanding, and he already is in our hearts, but I feel like this movie is about to make Dev Patel a big f'n deal. Go see it on a big screen 🔥🐵👊🏼 For fans of: John Wick, Kill Bill, Gladiator, Oldboy, Enter the Dragon.
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Vibes (1988)
Fluffy and fun..
23 March 2024
This is precisely what I want in a movie. It's got paranormal/psychic stuff, great 80's makeup and hair on Cyndi Lauper, and Jeff Goldblum is his usual adorable self. The dialogue in this is so funny, I love the writing, I genuinely cackled several times. It's like a cute rom-com meets Indiana Jones. Goldblum had this and Earth Girls Are Easy in the same year, and they're both perfect to me. Would be a perfect double feature. AND it has a young Steve Buscemi! And Columbo! Great date movie, great cozy movie, don't trust the terrible critic score, it's silly and fun, definitely will watch it again and again.
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Big fun :)
21 March 2024
I thought this was blast. Super fun in the theater, the cold open was really cool, then the action started right up, no build, it hopped right in. And I thought the effects were great, the huge ice popping up everywhere was crazy looking. Loooved the part at the paranormal lab and reeeally wish they would've drawn out that part showing us rooms and rooms of different ghosts, coulda watched that all day. But overall I love the treatment of this franchise. Family is cute and not annoying, the themes/problems are fun, the dialogue is believable, I think it's all great. I'll watch 5 more no problem :)
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Road House (2024)
It's as fun as you want it to be
20 March 2024
Road House is a wee bit too long but it's pretty f'n fun. Rumors of cgi fighting are untrue, they clearly put a TON of work into all training involved. Jake Gyllenhaal has never been hotter, Conor McGregor is unhinged. You truly aren't ready for the way they intro Conor into the movie. Lol .. His entire performance is so quintessentially him.

If you accept this as a reimagining of Road House in its own universe I think you'll have a blast. It's funny, crazy, action packed, and a great time. Looks beautiful and expensive too. The boat sequence near the end is bonkers, that's worth the whole movie.
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Precisely the weekend watch I needed...
19 March 2024
This was a very cozy watch. The acting is top notch by everyone, and a couple of the siblings are pretty much newcomers and they were super great. I really liked how they set up each episode to be about a different suspect. And I loved the set design of the house, it was like its own character, I wanted to live there. The ending was a little shaky for me, but the road to get there made it all worth the watch anyway. Annette Bening was exceptional, but ultimately I watched this for Mr. Handsome Jake Lacy and will continue to watch everything he's in, not sorry. (shoutout Significant Other 2022)
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This was made for me.
14 March 2024
Slick, Charming, Satanic! Late Night With The Devil sucks you in and keeps you held in horrified suspense in an era you might not've even been alive for. Lol If you love the paranormal, occult, and horror there's countless Easter eggs, and I might've even spied some uncredited actors just to further add to the wtf is happening factor. Idk how the hell they made this thing look so good, the perfect grain, the perfect colors, the perfect cast, every little thing was flawless, and so charming. This is unlike anything you've ever watched. It's an instant classic. And it was well well worth the wait.
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This one will stick with me awhile...
7 March 2024
Really skillfully done, and surprisingly very hopeful and endearing throughout. These girls could be anyone you know, and they have such beautiful, strong spirits. I'm so glad to see that hasn't been ripped from them completely. I loved the heavy dashes of F you: the inside church audio, the gutsy phone calls to past workers, and the One Way or Another part. ;) How brazen of these absolute criminals to leave behind all their evidence, that really speaks to how above the law they feel they are. I'm glad it was all there to be found, I wish happiness and abundance to all who survived, and anxiously await the downfall of every wretched person who contributed to this nightmare.
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Poor Things (2023)
Honestly Brilliant
1 March 2024
Unsurprisingly I was absolutely transfixed the entire time. I was so charmed by the way she innocently, bluntly, and so perfectly understood and vocalized every little new discovery. And the comebacks! In Paris when Ruffalo finds her & friend on the street and calls them wh*res she says something to the effect of "and yet your kind make us what we are" lol. Obsessed with her.

And the costumes and backdrops made you want to reach out and grab them, like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory I so desperately wanted to dive into this world and gobble it all up. This film is a masterpiece, and a triumph. Should've won best picture all season, and I'm fully in on Emma getting the Oscar. Formidable. ;)
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Nightmarish and disorienting (in a good way)
20 February 2024
Gorgeous directing and cinematography, and Georgina Campbell was great as always. Definitely an atmospheric slowwww burn, I do wish it went a little more insane when it started to turn, would've been more of a payoff for the wait, but they still pulled off some neat stuff. The climbing thing was perfect, so so creepy. This would be a good one for those who prefer suspense/true crime over heavy gore. Nice short 87 minute runtime too so it's not a huge commitment and it definitely keeps you interested. Very promising stuff from a first time director, would be glad to watch whatever comes next :) Also "I owe this land a body" is just the creepiest thing ever so specific props on that.
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Monolith (2022)
This is super great!
16 February 2024
I haven't been actually scared during a movie like this in awhile. From the cold open, the very first few mins, I was instantly so creeped out that from then on I was 100% in. And I loooove a slow burn, and an unexplained sense of dread, this movie is so good at making you feel like something terrible is gonna happen and you don't even know what you're scared of. Lol. On its surface it's a spooky movie, but it does have some deep themes, I implore you to read more about what the writer and director had to say on the movie after you watch it. It's really smart and well done. Lily Sullivan absolutely crushed it. She reminds me a lot of Victoria Pedretti and I consider that a huge compliment. If you like podcasts, true crime, YouTube docs, etc you'll love this. For fans of: The Fog (1980), The Invitation (2015)
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Felt it becoming my new fav movie while it was still going...
8 February 2024
Cute, Heartfelt, Candy-colored, and Twisted. When I tell you this movie had my WHOLE HEART from the title screen alone ?? -sobs- It's Heathers and Edward Scissorhands and campy and hilarious but also unique and its own thing, with hard nods to A Trip To The Moon, and NOTTING HILL. I EXPLODED.

And I was already a fan from Freaky but now I'm just a full on Kathryn Newton spazz, she gives the quirkiest, silliest, most endearing performance. And Cole Sprouse gave a really lovely, nuanced performance too. Liza Soberano (Taffy) was hilarious too, everyone was just really perfect.

The cuteness of this movie actually unalived me and now I need a tanning bed. The End.
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Stopmotion (2023)
It's body horror time
1 February 2024
Special makeup and effects / creature designer Dan Martin has become must-see tv for me. He's behind the insanely captivating, haunting, juicy (?? Lol) stop motion creatures in this movie, as well as some of my favorite films of the last few years, The Banshees of Inisherin, Infinity Pool, A Wounded Fawn (!), and he's doing the creature work in Sony's upcoming film Tarot.

If you take out the stop motion work this movie is obviously just any other movie. Granted the acting is very great, but you find yourself absolutely salivating for more of the stop motion. It's so effing creepy. There's something so gripping and yucky about it. It reminded me of my first watch of Hereditary. It's really somethin'. *watches through fingers*

For fans of: Beau is Afraid, May, Tales from the Crypt.
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Guitar and gore!
12 January 2024
Genuinely think this is a new horror comedy cult classic. Dashes of Evil Dead, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, The Leprechaun, even a little A Nightmare on Elm Street for me. My first introduction to Jonah Ray and he is very funny and cute, seemed a role tailor-made for him. The whole film was very high quality and seemed like so much work was put into it. From how it looked, to the gore, I really felt the love they poured in. And let's talk about Kumail Nanjiani damn near stealing the whole movie?? This was such great fun, and I know the whole horror community will wrap their chopped off arms around it :)
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Christmas creepy time
8 December 2023
The trailer kind of made this seem like it was going to be a creepy home invasion movie but boy is it not that. It's a straight up creature movie, think werewolf movie buttttt not a werewolf. Lol .. it's bizarre, but fun. I loved the saturated colors and look of the movie. It was well-acted, and the gore work was outstanding. Funny and over the top practical effects will always win me over. And surprisingly it has a twist ending I did not see coming. If you like a silly weird horror comedy (ie: Slotherhouse) then check this out. Always glad to add another Christmas horror to the yearly rotation :)
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Best horror of 2023 list...
16 November 2023
Thanksgiving is a blast. Eli Roth's best since Hostel. Also so happy to see Milo Manheim in the movie because I love him in the show School Spirits. It's wild because the film kind of plays like a teen horror for awhile but then the gore is just gnarly, which I love, think Scream and Final Destination franchises. A love letter to 80's and 90's slashers, it's fresh, funny, and brutally gory. The whole theater was wincing and cackling the whole time. This will be a yearly holiday rewatch for sure.

For fans of: Black Christmas, Violent Night, Happy Birthday To Me, Cutting Class, My Bloody Valentine.
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16 November 2023
Dream Scenario is very sweet and very sad. And ya know what, that's ok. Not every movie is a happy movie. Like most a24 films it will make you feel all the feels. I don't think I've ever seen dreams portrayed so realistically. It also really palpably got that thing where a dream seems so terrifying just to you, then when you tell someone about it out loud it doesn't seem as scary as it was when you were in it. Just beautifully directed by Kristoffer Borgli. Every single time I see a Nicolas Cage film I think no one else could've played this role, & I think that's really special.

For fans of Everything Everywhere All At Once, Being John Malkovich, Vanilla Sky.
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Sister Death (2023)
30 October 2023
I remember back when I saw Veronica I was struck by how gorgeous it was, there were certain stills in the film you could frame and hang on the wall, just stunning. Sister Death continues that completely. Everything is deep and rich and thoughtfully done. The nun's habits for example don't look like crappy costumes they look SO heavy and thick, and the statues and halls made for such beautiful shots, it's this attention to detail that will keep me anxiously awaiting anything Paco Plaza does. Also Aria Bedmar really gave us every emotion possible, what a performance, and what a scream! The story ends up going to a dark place, so this isn't a feel good or fun watch, but it will keep you scared, and keep you from reaching for your phone. I was all in.
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Ancient curse for you and you and you...
29 October 2023
Didn't completely do it for me but on the bright side Judah Lewis reeeally did the most (perhaps served a little Chuck Bass?), and it had some lines that made me cackle: "Demon octopus.. awesome 😒" "Then I must've really wanted to F my old man" 🤣

Was definitely intentionally campy, 80's, soap opera-y, so don't go into it expecting a straight-forward or serious horror movie. I think it's important for critics to remember that horror is one of the only genres where people can get weird with it. It may not be your thing, and it may not be Oscar worthy, but just be glad the creativity is alive and happening.

For fans of Malignant, Tales from the Crypt.
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They're coming to get you, Pedro...
29 October 2023
One thing Demian Rugna is gonna do is mess you up with some dead ass kids. 🤣 Another home run here. Anytime I'm on a podcast or anytime anyone asks I rave about Aterrados/Terrified. It's so unique and genuinely scary, and you have no idea what's coming next, and When Evil Lurks does the same thing. No one is safe, and you at home aren't safe either.

"I'm all the time trying to make a movie for horror fans. I am a horror fan. I want to make a movie with ghosts and killer children, kill everything *laughs* without anyone saying, 'No, you can't do that.'"

  • Demian Rugna 🤣🏆
(Trust me we don't want you to stop)
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