
11 Reviews
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Every Woman's Dream (1996 TV Movie)
Interesting and entertaining but ...
7 June 2024
I enjoyed this drama. It was well written and acted and absolutely easy to follow. It was particularly well developed in terms of how women can be seduced into a web of deception without a clue. These were bright, successful, women who went down the rabbit hole. I'm not sure what the mystery was since, to me, it was apparent that Mitch was a smooth talking conman-perhaps because I have a long history with such people-who moved much too fast. I have one criticism: where exactly was the comedy? The story held together well, as a true drama, but there was literally no comedy whatsoever. Was that just put in there to attract more viewers? Is so, it wasn't necessary.
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Great Premise and Presentation Until the Non-ending.
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this movie was first class! The acting, dialogues and subject matter were all beautifully done and compelling. However I am sick of these pseudo intellectual non-endings. What I can only assume is meant to be artsy and thought provoking is actually a recipe for frustration and a sense that "I just wasted an hour and a half of my life". I think it's lazy and disrespectful to the audience. I don't need sunshine and rainbows at the ending of a movie (or book). I do, however want to walk away with some sense of satisfaction. When it come to experiencing open ended stories-day in and day out-that's life.

Just end your freakin' movies!
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Requiem (2018)
Beautiful Scenery, Acting and Story-Until The Ending
24 April 2023
This movie was beautiful and very well presented-until the last episode. Then the audience was kicked back into the real world, feeling frustrated and hungry for a real answer. I'm so sick of the writers/producers of these non-ending series whose only objective is to secure another season and don't give a thought to their audiences having any satisfaction after the last episode.

Life is full of unresolved relationship, events and situations. I watch TV and movies to escape. So as much as I dislike long dramatic "beat the viewer over the head with story ending" endings, PLEASE give me a freaking ending!
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Mosaic (2018)
Lazy Ending full of Loose Ends
4 November 2022
I gave this series 6 because I found the acting good, the story compelling and the nonlinear method of storytelling really engaging.

I was a super fan right up to the last episode. I won't give any spoilers, but, when the credits rolled on episode 6, there were so many loose ends, completely unanswered questions and unresolved ... okay, you get it.

Here's the thing: I don't like being force-fed plots or endings. I love thought provoking entertainment. This wasn't that; this was clearly an ad for the related app and/or a plea for a second season. The end was um... not there. This recent trend of intellectual babble (by those responsible for these non ending movies and series) about "making the viewers think" or "creating a stage for further conversations" are just excuses for lazy producers. Life is full of endless mysteries and ambiguity; I don't need more. "I want to spend 6 hours watching a series that leaves me with big fat question marks for eyeballs," said no one ever-or at least not me.
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This Movie is Art!
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was the most beautiful, touching movie I have seen in a very long time! Everything from the storyline to the incredible cinematography is breathtaking and unforgettable. The story is timeless-in our effort to give our family a good life and secure future, we lose touch with loving, caring and raising our children and cherishing our partner-but the beautiful Estonian countryside and the gifted cinematographer take the story to a new level. I am an American, but lived in Estonia for several years. I could clearly see the Estonian culture shining through the characters. The Estonian connection to, and love of, nature was palpable in the cinematography. The characters were so dimensional and real it was difficult to completely sympathise with, or hate, anyone. They were all just so human. The movie is long and moves slowly but the story is so rich and every scene opens like framable art... This movie is truly a masterpiece.
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A Waste of Time
15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I expected so much more from this movie because I generally really like British movies.


Unfortunately, I figured out the plot (albeit not all of the minor twists) in the first 5 minutes. I give the writer/director credit for vivid character development without beating the viewer over the head. And the acting was stellar. But other than that the movie was like a predictable roller coaster ride (only because the acting was great, not because I wondered where the ride was going). But the ending left me absolutely wishing I'd gone for groceries. It was one of the least satisfying, predictable conclusions imaginable... It was fairly clear what had happened but there was no realistic ending.

What a disappointment!
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W. (I) (2008)
Fair and Balanced
28 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure both sides of the fence can point out how the movie was lacking or incorrect. I felt that some people (Paul Wolfowitz and Carl Rove) got off very easy and Condie was probably not as whiney as she was portrayed, but that's subjective and based on here-say, since I wasn't actually in the White House :)

I was surprised that by the end of the movie, I felt a certain empathy or even sympathy for W. His relationship with his family and sense of insecurity led him into something he was unprepared for and absolutely incapable of preparing for because he was lacking any curiosity; he believed he was Right. He had no interest in listening to "the other side" or "further intelligence" because he simply wanted to build a case for what he wanted—what he believed in. Unfortunately his beliefs were informed by little more than blind nationalism and a belief that God was leading him.

I felt empathy/sympathy for the elder Bushes as well. They were products of a different era and—however well-deserved—it was sad when they ultimately had to reap what they sewed, which was ugly. But I doubt they had a clue as to where they failed their son.

This movie was a clear indictment of the media and how it is used to manipulate the public. It should be mandatory for all voters to watch prior to voting.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
Just when I thought TV was dead...
24 September 2012
I've been almost completely off TV for a very long time now... Reality shows and even most series and sitcoms have grown tiresome for the most part. But Downton Abbey is the antithesis of mindless, artless reality TV. Almost every character in DA is developed so perfectly that I can love them, dislike them, be annoyed with them and sympathize with them (Well maybe not Thomas but...). The relationships and clashes between the servants themselves, the servants and the family, and even the British and American cultural clashes are cleverly developed—multi- dimensional, humorous, gut-wrenching and intimate, often all at the same time. Watching Downton Abbey as an American living in UK is beyond delightful. Maggie Smith and Shirley Maclean are brilliant—but factually no one upstages anyone in this series. The braiding together of personal lives, issues of class and culture and even the discomfort that came with post WWI Europe are done beautifully with such precision—perfect usage of words, facial expressions and cinematography—that there is scarcely a moment to breathe as I watch this art unfold. I love it (I suppose that's redundant) and am hooked on TV again, after decades of pretty much ignoring it.
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A tearjerking feel good movie
20 October 2009
As a USA transplant to Scotland, I loved the way this movie portrayed 19th century Scots. It actually managed to present a genuine Scottish feeling without horrible stereotyping and corny dialog. My local friends own the movie and love it— a real statement for what a good job was done.

The scenes of Edinburgh are great (with the Edinburgh Castle backdrop). The story-line is so lovely and engaging that, even though at times I knew that I was being manipulated, I cried, laughed and loved every minute of it! The movie was obviously made in a different time in the history of film making; while at the same time the story is about a different time in humanity. I felt that the datedness of the filming techniques made the story even more beautiful and evocative.

The dog is a show stealer, the kids are adorable and the adults are absolutely believable...

Although I pretty much cried from beginning to end, I felt hopeful and more compassionate towards my fellow human beings after watching 'Greyfriars Bobby' than I felt beforehand.

This is truly a classic and I loved it!
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Syriana (2005)
It's about time! Possible spoiler - not sure ...
26 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's no secret that George Clooney is 'mad as he@# and isn't going to take it anymore'. Many of his recent movies and not so recent (ie We Three Kings) have been sending the message: things are not as black and white or cut and dry as we are being led to believe. But Syriana takes this message up a notch. It not only destroys the notion that terrorists exist separate from good God fearing folks, but it also destroys our belief that we are good God fearing folks. If I were to voice a complaint about this movie it would be, it's a bit vague about one issue, although it alludes to it: we, as Americans, with our rampant consumption and horrific waste (cough, cough SUV's, McMansions ...) create and foster the corruption of the oil industry. Our high demand and excessive lifestyles are the wind in the sails of these criminals. This movie was thought provoking and relatively realistic, although perhaps a little over done when it came to the boy's school (this seemed a bit like an American attempt to portray Arab beliefs/Muslims); although I might be wrong. I liked the way the story was presented in, what appeared to be snippets of various unrelated events and then put the pieces together. Very intelligently done!
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Keeping Mum (2005)
A seriously entertaining movie
25 February 2006
I went to this movie looking forward to a mindless comedy. I was very pleasantly surprised. Very! I was first introduced to Rowan Atkinson in the 70's and have only seen him in silly, caricature ( a caricature of himself) type roles and I love him in these roles. But he did an amazing job as a serious, thoughtful (bordering on glum) Vicar, and was absolutely believable as his journey and his attitude changed ... I would never have put him in such a role, but he really pulled it off. I was also surprised, pleasantly, at the intense spiritual undertones (okay, at times overtones) woven throughout this most enjoyable film. It was interesting to see a movie use religion as a backdrop for such a deep look into what (in my humble opinion) is clearly a non-religious aspect of human spirituality.
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