
43 Reviews
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Well Worth That Wait~~Absolutely Mind Blowing!
16 December 2022
"I See You" The Way of Water, wow just wow. If you're on the fence and perhaps not quite sure if it's worth going to theaters to view one of the most visually spectacular modern pieces of Cinema to ever grace your eyes thereby sending the euphoric images straight back into your visual cortex, and before you know it three hours and 15 minutes is up and you're only left wanting more and more. It's the first time in my 50 years I have ever become addicted to a movie other than a Kurosawa film.. It's been a very long time since I was able to enjoy a good movie in modern times because it seems like cinema nowadays is required to push the message in each and every cookie cutter horribly written movie nowadays.

I had absolutely no expectations when going to the early premiere of James Cameron's Magnus opus Avatar ll, just as I had back in 2009 with the original when I took the whole family, my middle child was eight back then, little dude loved the original so damn much at the time, we viewed it together nine more freaking times in theaters. As fortune would have it, I was able to reunite the fam to see this this stunningly brilliant masterpiece. My son is now rd 22 years old and very cynical on modern Cinema, he tells me all the time " it's almost all junk nowadays," and "why can't they just make a well written movie instead of pushing an agenda?!" or "it's all pretty much garbage dad," the last five movies we seen with the exclusion of maverick, big Dude absolutely despise most modern Cinema, he said, thankfully, a new avatar is damn near perfect, and not once was this film trying to push the message."

Carpe Diem.
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Black Panther (2018)
Wakanda Never
10 November 2022
What an absolute waste of talented actors! As a lifelong Black Panther comic collector I know this story inside and out, up and down, over under and completely threw and threw. With that said, this movie is a debacle and personally for me, it takes a Gargantuan dump on the legacy and memory of the late and truly great Chaswick Boseman! This monstrosity is a virtue signaling masterpiece for the feebleminded Simpletons who believe that anyone, especially petite women can easily take on the role of the guardian of Wakanda, The Black Panther and without hesitation take out muscle bound villains with ease. I'm starting to believe now that they have emasculated The Hulk, Thor, and now T'Challa there are forces greater than we know that are actively conspiring and willfully trying to destroy the American culture to implement some kind of new great reset or something? Either way, if you love the comics are the original marvel movies, then you probably won't enjoy this unpalatable junk.
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The Savior of the DNC, Dr. Saint Fauci
1 November 2022
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen".

~Samuel Adams

FACT; 99.9% of Americans did not know Saint Fauci willfully conspired with top members of the DNC to illegally perform gain a function on Covid viruses to be used as a weapon against humanity, which is 100% illegal and unequivocally forbidden in the Geneva convention. The Saint of misery, despair and the countless untold suffering along with the utter devastation of civil liberties, Dr. Saint Fauci gleefully bragged In 2017 about a big meanie orange haired man he and his buddies didn't like so they were going to have a 'Surprise Outbreak' During Trump Administration "There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases," Fauci with a gargantuan smile across his face when boasted about to anyone that would listen within ears distance. It was as though Dr. Fauci knew that his cohorts where going to take down America's great republic with impunity knowing that there's no one left with a moral compass or a spine to stop them.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Despite a rough start, I enjoyed it overall!!
17 July 2022
I am truly an OG gargantuan Resident Evil fan. I always make sure that I make time on the calendar so that I'm there for every premiere of a new Resident Evil.

With that said, I nearly stopped watching the entire season after the first half of the first episode. It was so cringey and forcibly Woke, I actually felt physically ill. Thankfully my intuition kicked in and I finished the first episode, which did a complete 180 by the way. Episodes 2-8 was really freaking good, despite half of the first episode and the fifth episode being as boring and fun as watching paint dry.

If you love the Resident Evil genre like so many of us, do yourself a solid and try to stick it out through the first two episodes, it will draw you in and win you over, then leave you wanting more.
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Ambulance (2022)
Absolutely Brilliant!
26 May 2022
Not a dull moment throughout the entire nailbiting action extravaganza of madness! Undoubtably the best heist movie ever made, besides Sam Peckinpah's Wild Bunch of course.
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Way Better Than The First 0ne!
25 May 2022
Top Guns Maverick far exceeded my expectations, I tip my hat 🎩 to every single person that help this movie come to fruition. If you Love the first movie, then you'll Love this one even more. Everyone in this movie from the Movie cinematographer to the choreographers brought their A game. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, other than the fact that when you walk out after seeing this epic coming-of-age action masterpiece, you just might have some pep in your step!
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Broke The Damn Mold
24 May 2022
I went in with no expectations, and I was completely blown away with how well written the story was. From the acting to the directing, cinematography to the fight choreography, this masterpiece is a cult classic in the making!! To put it into simple terms, this is what Hollyweird can produce and create in 2022 if you just let the talent be talent by taking off all the restraints and the leashes.
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The Man Who Fell to Earth: Under Pressure (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
By far the best episode
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Under Pressure is by far the best episode in the series so far, it was hard to get through the first three without being nauseated from the horrible writing. Although the writing in this episode fall short of believability, the ensemble of thespians deliver a powerful performance in this episode. Unfortunately we are led to believe Justin Falls a.k.a. Naomie Harris's character single-handedly, by herself achieved fusion. In reality it would be the combined effort of decades of research and thousands of scientists working in tandem, with a budget of about 100,000,000,000+ dollars. They want us to believe in this episode, that without Justin's help, civilization is doomed.
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This is The Scarlet Witch
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was all about scarlet witch, very little was about Doctor Strange whatsoever. The fact that they introduced America as a character we know nothing about, In advertently made me not care for her throughout the entire film whether she lived or died. The fact that Doctor Strange would let thousands of his students die with impunity for a little girl from another dimension that he doesn't even know, really emasculated Doctor Strange's character in my eyes. The writing in this debacle was absolutely abhorrent. In fact this is the straw that broke the camels back with me and the MCU, after what they did to Thor and the Hulk, I just can't anymore with the MCU.
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Firestarter (2022)
Well Worth The View!
13 May 2022
This movie has so much potential to be so much more. I don't want to give anything away, but I believe many parts of this remake are better than the first. And I even would have to say, the acting from this little lady takes child acting to a whole new level. I truly hope they make a sequel.
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Severance: The We We Are (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
I'm disappointed I can't give it an 11
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry for the ambiguity, but I do not want to give away too much. So many questions were answered in this epic episode. Now we know why Helly's outie did not want her back. Mark now knows what has happened to his wife! Dylan just found out about his family life. But sadly Irving wasn't fast enough in this episode to know his true fate. To say that I will be counting the days until season two finally rears its head, would be a gargantuan understatement. Ben Stiller's directing of this masterpiece has give me a new appreciation for this man.
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Moonfall (2022)
CGI Eye Candy
4 February 2022
As long as you're willing to suspend your belief in physics and in reality, this movie is just for you.

I knew going into this fun fest thrill ride sci-fi roller coaster of a film, it was going to be two hours of awesome entertainment, and that it was.

Although just remember, this is meant to be entertaining, not a deep dive into what could be.

So Please Enjoy!
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Missed Opportunities
2 February 2022
Very very loosely based on a true story, sprinkled with many historical inaccuracies all throughout, for instance in the opening credits of the movie the filmmakers want the viewers to believe that Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver) and Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga) did not meet until 1978, when in fact they were married in 1972. There are many more historical accuracies I will not mention. I followed this case closely in the 90s, like me the whole world wanted to know what really happened to Maurizio Gucci. With that said, this movie is a masterpiece that doesn't miss a beat with the finest thespian ensemble one could ever wish for in a movie. Although I do believe they could've cut at least 20 minutes out of this movie, I would have liked to seen the story go into more in-depth into the demise of Maurizio Gucci. Well anyway, it is definitely worth seeing at least twice.
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Best Matrix Buy Far
22 December 2021
Matrix four Resurrections far far exceeded all my expectations!

Since 1999 I have watched the first three Matrix movies well over 100 times, with that said,

I tip my hat to every single person that made this production come to fruition. 🎩
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Bruised (2020)
False Advertising
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This debacle of a movie started out very strong, but turned into an LGBT love story! Well there's absolutely nothing wrong with LGBTQ movies whatsoever, just like any other movie in America, it must be rated properly for the viewing audience. This is a movie you would not want young impressionable minds watching. Not only does Bruised absolutely send the wrong message, it becomes very preachy and promotes immorality as normality!
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Donovan: I am the Shaman (2021 Music Video)
Undeniable Legend
30 November 2021
After 60 years of performing Donovan sounds better than ever. I have every single one of his albums and yet still not only does Donovan continue to amaze with his brilliant ability to be a wordsmith, but unequivocally beyond a shadow of a doubt, his voice has gotten more beautiful with age!

I Tip My Hat To You Donovan 🎩
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The Game (1997)
Perhaps the greatest thriller of all time!
21 July 2021
Michael Douglas and Sean Penn's chemistry throughout this film is mesmerizing, let alone magnetic. There are very few movies that can sell realism like this one does.
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Them (2021– )
Very accurate
29 April 2021
Thankfully towns like Compton California, Chi-Raq, Oakland, Detroit are the safest cities in the United States because they are predominantly African American communities. This New groundbreaking drama is a very accurate historical depiction showcasing just how mean every single white person was back in the old days of the 50's, unfortunately them meanie old white folk are even worse today because of the diseases and madness of the mind they be spreadin. But thankfully Compton California has become a true utopia on earth, a paradise like heaven because of the brave pioneer family's like the Emory's!
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Much Better Than Expected.
26 March 2021
Whoever thought that Saul Goodman could be such a badáss action star? The trailer to this epic feature does it no justice. Nobody far exceeded my expectations. It's basically John Wick light with a twist of lemon. I just truly hope and pray that this will become a series.
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Mary Sue As The Mercenary
21 March 2021
Why in the H E double hockey sticks is Hollyweird constantly making these kind of films? This cringe worthy protagonist, that's a 100 pounds soaking wet, is portrayed as a top shelf flawless modern day gladiator, yet they want us to believe that Ruby Rose's character is better at fighting and more clever than any man that stands in front of her. The only way anyone with two brain cells to rub together can ever make this scenario as believable as this debacle of a movie, is by suspending your belief in reality. Even if there were an infinite amount of parallel universes, this scenario could never be possible with the same parameters of life as we know it. This movie would've been an eight or nine, had they just used any other man on earth as the protagonist. Undeniably Forrest Gump would've been more believable then Mary Sue, I mean Ruby Rose as the protagonist.
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Best DC Movie Ever Made! PERIOD
20 March 2021
The acting is absolutely flawless! The cinematography is eye candy! The rewrites, are unfathomably mind blowing! The Snyder cut has renewed my faith in cinema! Need I Say More?!!!
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Low budget snooze fest
16 March 2021
My biggest complaint is that this movie uses no common sense. They act like the world will shut down and go into total chaos and catastrophic disaster if 100 million people die, which would be only 1.4% of the worlds current population. Well that would still leave 7,900,000,000 people alive on earth. I guess the writers don't want people use their critical thinking skills. Even a 5th grader could easily figure out this movie is pushing Propáganda garbage.
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Project Power (2020)
Project Cringe
6 March 2021
It checks all the boxes for the modern day Culture Cringe. Why can't they just make a movie that everyone wants to see? What an absolute waste of talented actors.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 9: The Marshal (2020)
Season 2, Episode 1
Disney Are Gargantuan Bigots & Hypocrites
20 February 2021
Gina Carano gets fired by Disney, simply because she does not support the discrimination of an entire group of people. Yet Pedro Pascal is allowed to make anti-Semitic tweets with impunity. Disney allowed China to completely remove John Boyega out of the movie promotion poster of Star Wars because the Chinese do not like a certain demographic of people that come from Africa. As an African-American myself, my entire family sat down together and decided we will no longer spend one red cent on anything that comes out of Disney. My family stands in solidarity with John Boyega and Gina Carano. With that said, Good Riddance Bigots!!
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Far better than I expected.
6 February 2021
South Korean cinema artists know how to make Epic entertaining sci-fi movies. My only complaint is that this movie could have an extra three hours, and it still wouldn't have had a dull moment.
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