
37 Reviews
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Argylle (2024)
Stupid generic action comedy that is cringe and not funny
2 February 2024
Basically, a movie for middle aged cat ladies. Cavill was in the trailer just so they would watch the movie. I knew he will be a cameo since I watched the trailer. It was so obvious that he will be 5 min. In the movie if you actually paid attention in the trailer that he is an imaginary character, same as the singer.

Only interest I had for this is to check is it everything I expect it would be and it is. Some fine actors are wasted on this generic trash. There is nothing more to be said about this movie, I just have to keep going to fill in insane number of words for something so worthless in every way imaginable. Also, early 2000s CGI because reasons.
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Good old school spy thriller
20 December 2023
Never watched Matt Damon version, for me he is a bland actor and new movies look like just another forgettable generic action series (read> Craig Bond movies).

This is a TV miniseries, so don't expect anything exceptional, but actors are perfect for what it tries to portray- an ordinary man out of his depth, trying to figure out who he is because of amnesia and why is everyone trying to get him. It has this Hitchcockian realism and paranoia to it.

In a way this movie is interesting as how much culture has degraded over the decades because I assume realism of this movie would now be considered "boring".

Because every spy today= action star=superhero. Up until 1998 Ronin, that was the last movie of this kind, there was excitement in realism (to an extent) in these types of movies. Now really i can't believe any of the characters where they are invincible. Super over the top movies always existed but there were also spy thrillers for grownups. So, an interesting watch as nothing else, then to other time when popular culture was very different.
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Good even if you are not a basketball fan
9 July 2023
I know most of events because I like basketball history but even if you are not interested in sports there is solid drama elements in this show. Acting is mostly great, even the "players" are really good and that is achievement when you know they were limited by physical parameters in casting those actors.

Biggest problem people have with this show is very "imagined" portrayal of Jerry West. Actor playing him is phenomenal and to me he is one of more memorable and endearing characters. On the other hand, you can understand how a basketball legend could be offended being portrayed almost like a comic relief. You just have to accept that this character is nothing like real life person, but someone based on him, and it actually works great in the show.

Things I did not like are some dragging parts in first couple of episodes like Magic private life and family. There are actually some really interesting things there that explains character of Magic Johnson, but when it goes into hedonistic lifestyle tropes of sport superstars it gets repetitive fast and kind of boring. There is also passing issue and show is maybe too long and could be 8 episodes or less. Also, Jeanie Buss portrayed as some whiz kid with big impact on the organization so early on seems to me almost like a deliberate sucking up to current owner of the Lakers.

Where the show is great is in portraying these characters and then explaining why they are as they are and who and what affected them and is still affecting them to be this way. Like more subtle moments that for instance explain why Dr. Buss and Magic are close because they are actually two very similar people in a way they are both flawed as individuals.

Overall, I would give it a 7.5 but because most shows today are terrible it gets an 8 instead of 7.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Extremely mediocre and that's being generous
30 June 2023
Played all games, read all books, big Witcher fan. Season 1 of the show was flawed adaptation but still and adaptation. The music, the cinematography, and even most of the acting was good. Story changes in most cases added upon existing material and enriched it. It was a really promising start to something great if some positive changes were added. Unfortunately, after episode 1 of season 2 it all went downhill fast. Source material was almost completely ignored in season 2 and what replaced it was juvenile writing. Even if budget was obviously bigger, production quality outside of monsters was worse, and in patches even extremely poor.

In comes first 5 episodes of season 3 and things haven't gotten better in almost anything. If I can say anything good about season 3 it's that at least it tries to stay faithful to source material when it comes to main plot of the season. But there are still changes even there and they are all worse than what is written in the books. Outside of very clumsy road to conclusion about main big mystery of season 3 everything else around it is just terribly written and thought through. Show throws so many subplots in a very disjointed way that you fast lose tracks or interest in any of it. And most seem like pointless filler because if you trim it down, very little things happen of any importance and a lot of time is wasted on forgettable boring stuff.

And in regard to that, worst thing about season 3 is completely pointless "romance" subplot of Jaskier and an attempt to make him 4th main character. It's there just as brownie points for woke crowd and is completely unnecessary even in that regard because show is already full of stuff like that so there was no need to destroy an establish character. Forced attempt to make him more than he is (like Vesimir in season 2) makes him for the first time annoying (bad dialogue written for the actor doesn't help).

There are small patches of content that is almost good, mostly scenes from the books, but they are just thrown in between poorly written new content and are out of context because of it. The entire "flavor" of the show is very juvenile and kids friendly mixed with hard core GOT type of gore here and there.

Production quality and money spent seems to keep going down from season to season. If more money was spent on monsters in season 2, here this is clearly not the case and cinematography is extremely lower than in Season 1. Season 1 was an absolute peak of this show and even the show itself acknowledges this by constant self-referencing back to season 1 (same as it was done in season 2). Music is again forgettable like in season 2 (because extraordinary composer of music for season 1 was replaced after it). There are also places where they could make something good but always failed to deliver, a lot of missed opportunities (new rival bard is a good example).

Because Henry is leaving after this season, I think the show is doomed. I'm certainly not going to watch past this season. Because there is no point. His charisma is only thing that is still somehow pulling this bad show above the water, even barley. There are some other fine actors (I think Yen actress is doing best with what she has) but it's not enough to absorb complete trash of bad writing and dialogue when you don't have Henry as the Witcher.
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The Storyteller (1987–1989)
One of the best fantasy shows for kids and grownups ever made
10 February 2023
I remember watching this as a kid when it came out and you just can't replicate that excitement and magic this show radiated. It was a bit scary for a kid but also captivating and you just had to go through it.

It has a very unique dark 80s esthetics that in time I guess was considered modern, but today comes out as very creative. Like a slideshow of vignettes in surrealistic art imagery used to tell a visual story backed by John Hurt's narration. Very similar use of visual imagery as in a lot of 80s musical videos. Combined with Henson 80s puppetry magic and based on centuries old folk stories you have a perfect fantasy show. Too bad it didn't last longer. It's up there with things like The Labyrinth, Return to Oz or The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
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...and how is your private jet Mr. Cameron?
27 December 2022
Another preachy bs story from the billionaires of the world how we should all eat bugs to save the planet while Greta and her uncle Karl Schwab will fly their private jets to Geneva on ski vacation.

Recycled story from the first one (that itself was just Pocahontas in space with Smurfs), too long and overindulgent, with fake looking CGI. Seriously, every positive thing coming about this film is from people praising the it just boomers talking, and they never seen a video game cutscene? Not even a good one when whole concept art is so childish, simple and fake looking. You can never make something so ridiculous believable and "real" (what would that even mean?) so why waste money? Except to satisfy James Cameron's inflated ego.

If you like looking at a screensaver you will love this thing, otherwise a waste of money and time.
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Netflix made a show worse than rings of power
25 December 2022
This has nothing to do with the Witcher universe. It has some character and location names from the Witcher, but all the rest is just an awful fanfiction. Main actress has zero acting talent as most of the cast. Story is stupid and simple, told in a boring disjointed way. You can see that a lot of reshoot and edit was done, and still with all the exposition dumps and narration it doesn't help to keep the thin plot moving. You have to wander if it is this bad now how was it before the reshoot and cutting it to just 4 episodes. Its below 3 and a half h in total and it's a pain to watch, it feels like eternity. Production value is low, editing and sound is just bad. Total garbage. Fire Lauren Hissrich.
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Marnie (1964)
Ahead of its time but still a flawed movie
19 December 2022
I remember watching this as a kid and being impressed that someone in mid 60s wanted to make this type of a movie. Watching it now, it strikes me as mostly boring, maybe because I'm older or knowing what it is all about at the end. I think that Hitchcock wanted to mirror the two-part split mislead of Psycho in its story structure but here the mystery is just not as intriguing in the first part and melodrama in the second comes out flat most of the time. So, movie is dragging to a resolution that in the end does not justify its running time. It has moments in the second part when it's really interesting like when two main characters are confronting each other verbally and intellectually, even the acting quality picks up in those moments and is very fresh and contemporary. But then it's like it shies away from going in that direction and both characters remain flat, wooden and on the surface, unknown to us and just boring, giving expositions like all other characters. If it's understandable that Hitchcock couldn't really go there because of the times and portray this dark story to its fullest, he could at least develop the main characters more and give their interaction freedom to develop. As it is it's a strange movie and you really can't tell what it wants to do. At times its allegorical and cynical about man and woman relation, at times even comical but in any case, strong directional purpose in telling a story is lacking, unlike in previous Hitchcock films. If this was properly made 30y later, it would be an interesting dark erotic thriller but as it is it just falls flat.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Poorly written, low effort, not funny and extremely boring
24 November 2022
Barley survived first episode and will not continue. Main problem of this show is like with so many new shows today it just uses recognizable IP and first doesn't get it, and second it has people with no writing talent writing for it. They have no clue how to write Addams Family (in this case Wednesday) story to be creepy, funny or interesting so they just waste time on pointless things. Things happen, but most of them are just filler to fill the 1h mark. That makes this show extremely dragging and boring. Extremely bad TV. Wednesday motivation is silly, her dialogue is not smart and because of it not funny. Plot is disjointed and all over the place, some acting is really bad, some good, but it doesn't matter because what is written is of such low quality.
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Interstellar (2014)
A soap opera pretending to be 2001
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a terrible empty movie all around. All science replaced by talk about love as a dimension...really? Actors are good but material is insulting. Script is like written by a kid. There is no context to what is actually happening to earth, so that we have to abandon it. Best astronaut on the planet ever is not even contacted to fly the most important mission for survival of mankind. Until he "accidentally" stumbles upon "secret" base from what is left of NASA. (that in cringe twist at the end is himself guiding him from "another dimension" in a black hole lmfao) Then they are like, OK haw about you do it then? A movie about "love" except if your son wants to be a farmer. Promotion of consumerism when Cooper is talking to his dad and they reminisce on "good old days" of high capitalism when you could buy dozen of useless junk, American flag everywhere and baseball. Such universal humanistic themes and motives. Just disgusting. And at the end he somehow survives going behind the end horizon, into a black hole and from there into space back to fleet of ships lol Then it's even more confusing. I assume they were going for another lame Biblical allegory with him going back to Ann Hataway (how? How he knows where she is? How could he make it there even if he knows?) Two Americans as new Adam and Eve. So much for science in this move.
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Mother! (2017)
Pretentious postmodern crap
13 November 2022
Let me start by saying that I am an atheist, I don't believe in God, this movie does not offend me from some spiritual angle. It's just insanely stupid and in a way funny for all the wrong reasons. It's one note allegory that goes through entire movie and thinks this is so profound and deep idea when its actually imbecilic to insanity. And if you don't get after 5 min. What it is about you clearly skipped history classes and know nothing about history of religion. I hate this move because it's a movie that stupid and shallow people think is mind blowing and deep, like for instance, Interstellar. I don't think there is much more to say, I have to continue to fill in enough words, but this pretentious garbage deserves none.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Great sequel that falls on its ass in just a couple of last scenes
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Shame, with a bit better dialogue at the end and a bit longer and fleshed out last act this could have been one of the best sequels ever. I think the main problem is paradoxically, it makes too much respect to both source materials-books and first film. Especially the second one; In trying to have the same coldness and low emotionality characteristically for Kubrick movies it passes the opportunity for a bit more emotional closure at the end when Danny is talking to Jack.

And couple of last scenes are kind of rushed and confusing. Why was Danny possessed and why he regains for a moment himself and then just stays to burn alive in hotel? I get it and agree it should be like that but execution at these final moments is just so bad and rushed. If these couple of scenes were given a bit more context and explanation instead of rushed to the finish line it would be so much more of a satisfactory ending.

I also think that maybe, just maybe some sort of CGI de-aged Jack Nicholson would actually worked way better or at least don't show him or mother. If they just used Shelly Duvall's voice same as his and just silhouettes it would have fare more of an impact.

I also think that Ewan McGregor is miscast in this role. It does not matter much for quality of a movie, but his character is underdeveloped, or he is just toning it down too much. Kyliegh Curran and Rebeca Ferguson and her "team" are really good.

Overall, this is a surprisingly good sequel, and maybe it would actually worked even better if it was done as a mini-series.
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Fun little comedy
13 September 2022
Not a great movie but enjoyable. There is not much to say about this, situational comedy with 2 main characters at each other's throats. Silly plot and lack of story is just an excuse for Cagney and Bette to go at it, but it has when he headbutts her I burst out laughing, did not see it coming. Supporting cast is also good. People say Bette weakness was comedy, but I disagree, she was great in passive comedy roles, being a punchbag for comedic actor work. Cagney and her work well together and seem to have great fun doing it. It's a shame they didn't do more than 2 movies and something more memorable.
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It could work with different actors and more focused script
12 September 2022
Most of the time watching this I was thinking Bette is playing the wrong female role of this move, she should be the self-obsessed narcist. She is not that good in this type of role here, the quiet contained reserved dignified loner. Olivia de Havilland would be perfect for it; Bette approaches it wrong. In wanting to be low key she comes out arrogant and passive aggressive. It's not that she is bad but seems like there is no drive to her acting, like she is just doing a job just to get it over with. The other actress is not good either, actually even worse. She is playing in a totally different type of movie, a farcical comedy not drama. Sometimes she is hilarious, but I don't think it was intentional. Or I just completely misinterpreted the genre of this movie. Only in the last scene I get it that the whole point and story of this movie is love and lifelong friendship of two women whit all the ups and downs through time. And it has a very depressing line all through it, if it was supposed to be a chick comedy, especially regarding Bette's character.
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Deconstruction of male/female archetypes by deconstruction of Victorian era morals
12 September 2022
I think Aristotle (or Plato?) was the first one with idea (I'm paraphrasing) that artist is just a medium and his work speaks its own truth no matter what he thinks it to be. It goes the same for source material that this movie is based upon. Its creator considered it a postmodern take on a classical romance novel of Victorian era. But in doing the deconstruction he actually deconstructed his own time, any time, and give through its work some larger independent truths.

Pinter's script of source material is great, giving it a quality modern interpretation in wall breaking dynamics of two-time stories that intertwin without direct and clear-cut narrative relation. In "modern" time male and female character are discussing their affair in backdrop of a "movie" they make treating it almost as a social commentary in relation to a documentary piece of a second "classical" story.

And classical story is where the "meat" of the movie is. All the tropes of a big old school romance are there- the wild waters breaking above the sea cliffs, the marked woman doomed in her fate ghostly walking near them, the well-off gentleman with stability and future fascinated with this new mysterious female, the romance between them and his decision to sacrifice everything for love to "save her". And then the twist.

Both Jerremy Irons and Meryl Streep are great and work well together. Cinematography is also spot on, capturing the wideness of scope needed for classical melodrama. At the end point I see regardless even of creator's intent is that every time has its social constraints and prejudices in regard to sex and how women and men are, and how they are treated, but when you come to it face to face it is never as simple or as clear-cut as you assume in retrospect.
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Wow, what a stinker. Can't believe John Houston directed this
11 September 2022
And straight after The Maltese Falcon, nonetheless. It's a story about good and bad sister and bad sister doing her bad stuff but at the end getting what's coming to her.

Now, this is a really bad movie. Some acting is so cringe it reminds me of Walter Hill movies. It has some interesting elements like allusion to incestuous relationship, but it goes nowhere because it would not be allowed to be in a movie of that time. Even Bette Davis is bad. But this woman was so naturally gifted that even in this over-the-top role that just makes her look silly, she gives some captivating facial acting by just creepy stares, especially later on in the movie, gravitating to German expressionist avant-garde. Most descent actor is actually de Havilland but even she is hamming it by the end knowing it's a farce. There is also a bit of critique on racism in America. So much happens but movie is so boring and couple scenes here and there can't save it from itself.
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Now, Voyager (1942)
Interesting movie dragged in a wrong direction by too much melodrama
11 September 2022
I would give it above 7 but not 8 Mrs. Davis said in a later interview that she like to think that her character in this movie after it is over ends up with Claude Rains. And it's so true, her instinct was spot on. For first 30 min I found it boring and did not get what it is about. Partially because of the dragging sad impossible love story - he is married and has a sick evil wife, he can't leave her yadda, yadda, yadda. When first part of this romance was over and she returns home it gets interesting. Her transformation into a swan, the power dynamics with her mother (excellent role), their battle of wills and her relationship with the doctor are far more interesting part of the movie. But it wants to capture sobbing housewives of the 40s who all had their Paul Henreid fantasy when the hubby was not home. This movie is about triumph not a sad love story and boring impossible married man should have crashed his car with his sick evil wife or something and Doctor and Bette should adopt the daughter at the end.
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Movie that still holds because of leading actress
11 September 2022
What makes this movie great and interesting and still holding almost 90y later is portrayal of Bettes character. Contrary to most, even the main male character in the movie I think would agree that Mildred is not evil. She is just certain type of women portrayed in all honesty. She is not right for him, he knows it but cant resist her and she abuses it for her own benefit. Source material is way more grizzled but it could not be portrayed like that in early 1930s so its as far as it could get. Bette makes this negative character almost likable despite her actions, she creates an illusion that there is more to her we are not aware and there is a charm to her despite her actions. Motives about human nature and how a lot of times we want things that are bad for us or people who don't want us seem timeless.
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Movie about social conditioning
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Idea of this movie is behavioral theory about women using sex to control men. It is as old as civilization (and before). In modern western society this is used by the system to control entire population with a simple carrot&stick approach by imprinting "values".

What is considered desirable is bluntly forced upon males so they can have access to attractive females and it shows nature of modern society itself when desirable traits are shallow, narcistic and deprived of all morals or integrity. If encouraged to behave in certain way by positive stimulate most would comply without questioning it just to get the pie.

Movie starts and in most of it follows romcom tropes of a situational and character change of male lead for "the better" up until the meta ending that confronts character "growth" with consequences of it on his surrounding. Its not a film for everyone, some might find it pointless or this idea and approach too pretentious but I think it speaks certain truths. If it lacks in anything its a counter punch in terms in which females are influenced to behave in a way that makes this possible.

And that is the core problem I have with this movie idea; Social influence is not enough to explain behavior, some of it is human nature, biological and psychological difference between the sexes or just individual imprint of each person. But in general, yes; Most in a society are conformists and comply without questioning.
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A product of its time whit some wit and a chuckle even now
4 September 2022
Strange choice of actors for this kind of a movie and these parts. Howard as an all ego self loving actor, Bette as his off/on fiancé and de Havilland as star stricken rich girl. Maybe it would be a better movie with a different cast. They are all good in their performance but its just not working. If the movie was at least a bit grounded in non comedy to give point of reference. As it is it just stands hollow with no focus or point. Situational comedy and over the top reactions are really outdated but more sarcastic and satirical elements about fame, actors and in the end human nature and love still holds. Some elements of this script would even be called meta today.
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Waste of time and extremely boring
3 September 2022
I wanted to give this show a chance after 2 episodes because everyone is hating it, but now 4 episodes in and it's just getting worse. Most of the content doesn't affect or move the plot forward, it could be cut out and show would be the same, it's just pointless. Acting is bad and even production. I can't understand how some people praise this for its visuals, it looks like a Hallmark channel fantasy from 20y ago. Making present day social allegory in episode 4 was just insanely stupid, changing the lore and important plot points to suite some stupid messaging. I truly think that this show same as The Wheel of Time is some sort of tax evasion scheme for Bezos and Amazon because no way it's as expensive as they say and everything else in it is also just bad.
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Dangerous (1935)
Could have been great but tied down in a mess of a script and morals of the times
31 August 2022
This movie should been called Jinxed, would fit it more. It starts generic then gets interesting then ludicrous with high melodrama plot twists then again interesting and at the end kind of an ambiguous letdown. Its like it has at least 3 movies wrestling in it of which 2 are good, 1 bad and sadly, bad wins at the end.

Core idea that you should pay your due in life and own your mistakes is actually interesting twist on up to that point melodrama with Scubas motive. Problem is, for the time its presented as staying with husband you don't love and not going out of your social circle. Morality of said husband forcing wife to stay with him is not questioned making the point even more dubious.

Its kind of a wasted opportunity. With better male lead and a more of a focused and tight script this could have been an extraordinary movie.

Point or two more for Bette, consolation Oscar or not she is carrying this besides her a mediocre movie.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Average at best so far
29 August 2022
This is based on source material that needs a lot of dramatization written for it so it would work as an interesting live act and so far (2 episodes in) it doesn't seem like the writers know how or what to do to fill in those gaps with human interactions. That's why set pieces and characters are static, they talk to the audience exposition dumps not between themselves and there is very little meaningful dialogue. You can interpret this as subtlety but I think its just cluelessness on writers part. Also, contemporary political agendas even if not in your face are ruining characters, especially females by taking away their agencies as to prove some current day social point. It cheapens dramatic quality and them as characters. I didn't actually like GOT but if anything it did have characters with some complexity and a lot of them. So far in this show 2 episodes in and we know almost nothing about anyone except 2-3 people, way more narrow in world building through people and their perspectives. Judging by trailer for episode 3 I doubt this will change because its going into shallow season 7 territory with dragon fights. That's not why GOT became popular, there is no proper buildup to action to hook people in. So, this show will not have any comparable success to its predecessor. Just another forgettable action fantasy shlock.
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Pistol (2022– )
Has its moments but confusing directing, bad casting and too one sided
1 June 2022
Should not be called "Pistol" but by Jonesy's book- Lonely Boy because this is just his really one sided take on his time in the band. Most of it is dedicated to portraying Lydon as an idiot, McLaren as evil schemer and Jonesy as the lead man of the band, kind of immature take.

It has its moments when it is intelligent and interesting like showing how the punk sound spontaneously started by mixing over and experimenting with Reggae but is quickly lost in very disjointed and not clear cut directing.

Casting is also mostly bad. The best ones are some of female characters, actress playing Chrissie Hynde by far. I was surprised its one of her first roles, she seems like a pro among kids in school play. Vivien Westwood actress was also really good same as Maisie but its a minor role. Emma Appleton looks nothing like the character but still gives good dark portrayal. The rest are trying but either don't look like people they should play or just don't have it.

Then you have a bunch of very important people for music history who are put in there almost like extras and if you don't look in credits you would not know they were there. That's why origins of punk should not be set as one man perspective, especially this biased.
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As good as it could get in present day
31 May 2022
Original was US Navy draft add but blow up because of music and stile like a hallmark of the times. There was no point to sequel except usual motives ($) and as sequels go this is a very smart movie in regard to how it was constructed. They new exactly what people want and would like to see and gave them exactly that. But they also know not to overdue it with nostalgia. So, a good mixture and as title goes its a movie centered on Tom and he is again that character, so no passing the torch thank god. Most of other characters are ok but bland and forgettable.

Main dramatic conflict of the movie is lame but you have to have something. That is also a big problem for me, this movie is even less realistic and more silly then the first one. "The army" is not strict at all and is all "hugy" and "feely". It has no ideological preaching sub context almost a given for present day and that's a good thing. Its not even a draft add like the first one, there is not as much "America, yeah!" moments as you would expect.

Biggest disappointment in the movie for me are highly praised flight scenes. They are not that impressive with just identical closeups from front and lots of fast passed shaky cam. Arial shoots of original in my opinion are far more impressive and believable. End mission is also silly and unbelievable but that doesn't matter. The point of this movie and what audience wanted to see is Tom Cruise being Maverick again and kick ass and in that regard it completely delivers.
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