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Spiritpact (2016–2018)
The best fantasy bl anime!...
11 June 2021
Not that there are that many. First off I want to applaud the writers and producers for pushing the bl aspect as far as they could, coming up with loopholes to have the m m kissing and implied more than that. Considering this was made in China where they have strict rules against gay relationships in the film industry though it seems that might be changing with how popular bl series like Untamed and Word of Honor were, I only wish this series had been made today. Its entirely possible tgus was canceled cuz of those aspects, however bl anime from Japan one that are action sci fi or fantasy only last one season, I cant think of a single one that went past one so the fact this got 2 really says something. Now as for the series itself the story is amazing and you will fall in love with the two mc's. I'm glad that the seasons were season long villains/arcs and not a series long arc so at least there was conclusions to each while leaving open what would have been season 3. So do yourself a favor and watch the series and dont let the bl aspect deter you as it's really not the main story it has to do with the supernatural, the characters and world building.
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Pennyworth: The Lion and Lamb (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
Remember this is a DC show
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok yes so the show for the most part has been grounded in reality except for storm cloud itself. And yes that final scene was a little ridiculous but in a good way, I myself liked it. The show is still part of the DC Batman mythos and I always expected it would eventually get fo be more on the weird and "super" type stuff so I'm a little surprised other people didnt. As for the baby, seriously calm down the show is not necessarily saying the girl is who will become i guess Batwoman? In place of Bruce. In fact I had a thought that either she would be a new sister character to Bruce or a darker thought that she would die at some point before Bruce is born. I'm hoping for the lighter thought cuz even in fiction I dont want a child especially a baby to die. Plus we arent anywhere near the point of Alfred wanting to hang up his guns and move to America and be the Wayne's butler. In the comics Alfie was already working for them when Bruce was born but as we saw the show is doing it's own thing. It got renewed for season 3 so I guess we will see.
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Invincible: We Need to Talk (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
People who havent read the comics...
24 April 2021
You are in for a wild ride for the rest of the series. I'm excited for those who havdnt read them to see what happens of the rest of the series. So yeah I read and loved the comics, and while there are quite alot if changes the story is the same. In fact I'm sure other readers would agree with me in that I like the changes so I dont know exactly what will happen next. Without any spoilers, in the comics Debbie never investigates the murders, the Immortal getting brought back is different etc. Also the big reveal that is coming next episode happens way earlier like in the 12th issue. But keeping that reveal until the end of the season made it more of a mystery especially for the non readers. I really hope they make more seasons and adapt the rest of the story. The comics had 144 issues so theres enough for at least 5 to 6 more seasons.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Great fantasy
23 April 2021
Fantasy shows on netflix is hit or miss, their biggest hit for me being The Witcher, this one comes in at a close second. It seems that they shelled out just as much of a budget for this show as much as TW. The sets, costumes and cinematography are all top notch. I find it interesting that the setting is like a fantasy world version of Russia. Plus gun battles and magic is not something I've seen in a fantasy show or movie before. The actors all do a great job as well, most of which are unknown to be except for Ben Barnes. I have not read the books but according to some other reviews the show is a good adaptation of them when usually their are massive changes. So if you are looking for a fun well made fantasy series this one is worth watching. I've watched half of the season so far and I'm trying not to watch the whole thing today but I'm hooked!.

Edit: ok I couldnt help myself, I watched the entire season cuz I think it was that good. However I have one complaint, at times the show is so dark you cant see what is happening, especially in the season finale battle scene. I'm talking Game Of Thrones battle of Winterfell dark, hence the 9. Other than that this is just as good as Witcher and Stranger Things, another success for netflix. Damn it I'm gonna have to read the books now, Please make a season 2!
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Did art imitate life?
18 April 2021
As everyone has said, Clark Middleton the actor who played one of the best comic relief characters on this show sadly passed away last year. Watching this episode made me wonder if in real life Clark was a big Huey Louis fan, and just like the episode the producers asked Huey to appear on the show to pay tribute to an actor he never met and may not have known existed like they did for Glen. Obviously Huey, the class act that he is, agreed to do it and I personally thought that was really cool of him. James Spader is always great, but I felt his final eulogy at the end was just as much James for Clark as it was Red for Glen. I recall seeing Clark in numerous other tv shows and movies and he was always great, but I particularly loved him as Glen. Rest in Peace both Clark and Glen, you will be missed.

Eye of the Tiger!
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I liked it
29 March 2021
Was it the best show ever? Nope. Was it so awful it deserves a 1?, nah not even close. I enjoyed it for what it was, I thought the young actors did a good job, and I'll admit im not always a fan of contemporary music in period pieces but it wasnt as bad as some have made it out to be. If you are looking for something fun for 8 episodes than check this out, and frankly hating on it cuz of the diversity is pretty stupid.
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Invincible (2021– )
A great adaptation
26 March 2021
I'm really glad Amazon decided to go with the animation route because if it was live action there would no doubt be alot of changes to the story. Though there are changes events are moved around and some are expanded upon but it's still the story done right. Amazon's other comic based show The Boys while is a good show on it's own is almost nothing like the comic just the character names and the basic story of supers being a bunch of Aholes and that's it. They got quite the list of actors to do this show and they all do a great job. I'm also glad they PG this series and tone down the violence because the comic did get very bloody and brutal at times in fact they made it more R rated by adding some cursing that wasnt in the comic, this show is most definitely not for children. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and I hope they make more of it.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
Really good
24 February 2021
I'll admit I was never thrilled with Tyler and Elizabeth as Lois and Clark in their guest appearances in the Arrowverse, dont get me wrong they did good but something was just I dont know missing,however in the first episode they were terrific. The show itself is far superior to Supergirl and I like Supergirl. I mean the budget alone is way bigger and the show looks very cinematic. As a big Superman fan I'm really looking forward to the show in the future, the final scene was interesting and I cant wait to find out what it means. My previous favorite Superman based show was Smallville but this has the potential to be just as good.
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The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
An end to another awesome season
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I dont get the hate this season has gotten, I was not bored or felt the show was slow for a single minute. Did people honestly forget how the first seasons wasnt all action every episode? Even the first season which had its action scenes was character driven show. It's like some people dudnt even watch episode 9 cuz they claimed it was all about Naomi when she was in it for about 5 minutes out of a 50 minute episode. Also about Naomi the villains this season are her ex and son and hey people are shocked and complain that she was given a bigger focus this season, and yeah she cried quite alot but try putting yourself in her shoes knowing that your child not only hates you but also took part in murdering millions of people and would know doubt kill millions more if anyone tries to stop him and your psycho ex. If that isnt something to cry about I dont know what is. Anyway I'm not giving this a 10 cuz of how they ended Alex, I knew Cas Anvar had been fired but to just randomly have Alex have a stroke was kind of bs. Also I thought he was staring in shock at something and didnt realize he died until later. I think that the character deserved to reunite with his family they could have easily made that happen between seasons.
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The Stand: The House of the Dead (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Anyone else catch King's sort of cameo this episode?
11 January 2021
At about 45 minutes in right after Nick and Tom rin from crazy blond woman they see a poster ad for Hemingford Home and its 5 people and King is second from the left.
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Lupin (2021– )
Fantastic show
11 January 2021
If you like the kind of show where the main character gets into situations where you cant imagine how they will get out of until you realize they are 10 steps ahead, than this is the show for you. It reminds me of the equally great series Leverage which was also about thieves as the protoganists. The star does a great job at being the man with a plan. This is one of the best international netflix original series to come out in a while.
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Cobra Kai: December 19 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
Awesome finish to an awesome season!
3 January 2021
Wow I cannot express how much this show is, the Karate Kid movies were a huge part of my childhood and this series is a dream come true and I want to thank Netflix for picking up the show. Each season has been better than the last and I'm looking forward to the 4th season. I feel like it should be the final season with the final showdown against Kreese ending on a high note.
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Peppermint (2018)
Awesome movie!
19 December 2020
I so loved that Jennifer Garner returned to her action roots as I loved her in her show Alias in which she was just as much a badass. I cant believe so called critics panned this great Christmas movie, yes I know it's not considered really a Christmas movie but it takes place around it and I just watched it today I say it is just like Die Hard. Anyway is it original? No it's a revenge story that has been done before but what they did with it really worked, the action scenes were done really well Jennifer nailed the role and I personally loved it, and after the hell that 2020 has been I needed to see just a good old fashioned badass revenge story and that is what you will get if you watch it, which you should.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
Felt more like it should have been the second episode, talk about skipping around!
17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok first off I was stunned by all the 1 star reviews, I mean I didnt think the show itself was not bad but i had no idea who Amber Heard is or the abuse done by her. So i do NOT support her as a person however this isnt "The Stand starring Amber Heard" guest starring the rest of the cast, hell she wasnt even in the first episode! And to boycott an entire show and criticizing the other actors is ridiculous. Actors need to work too and so they took a job, most of them probably hired before Heard, so you really think that actors hired before and after should have just given up their jobs? Also it's absolutely not up to the actors who gets hired in a film or movie they are working on. If you want to criticize anyone than do it to the casting director. Also calling for cancellation of the show doesnt mean anything cuz it's a miniseries!

Now on to the actual review, like I said talk about skipping around, mostly skipping ahead so much that anyone who hasn't read the book would be confused. They chose to skip the entirety of the the prologue and everything leading up to captain trips. I mean they made the very first scene of the book the last scene of the episode! And lets not forget showing us scenes in Boulder which do not happen until way later in the book. Also they should have shown more characters like Larry even Tom and Nick, it made it seem like Harold is the main character but I'm guessing each episode might focus on a different character. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Alexander Skarsgard as Flagg. So I'm giving the show a 9 even though it's a 7 cuz of the unfair criticism towards the other actors.
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Whitechapel (2009–2013)
A great crime drama from the UK!
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm from the states but I have seen many series from across the pond. My personal favorite is Life On Mars which is partially why I guess i love Whitechapel, they do have similarities. A straight edge by the book cop having to work with old school kind of frat guy group of cops and despite the huge differences they are an effective team. Of course there's no time travel here but be forewarned the cases are grim stuff starting with a Jack the Ripper copycat, and follows with other kind of murders that are based on others in the distant past, even if that's the far fetched part that every case is a copycat of sorts but that is the only flaw. The atmosphere and music are top notch and tte characters are all likeable and the cases very interesting and twisted and they move fast. So if you like dark crime dramas no matter where you are from watch this great show. Unfortunately it got canceled after only 4 seasons and with the last one showed that the series was going to head into a possible supernatural direction, something I really wanted, it unfortunately ends there after the last case is solved.
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Utopia (2020)
The original was brilliant, this works too
25 September 2020
Ok so don't listen to the people who were determined to hate this show for the simple fact that the US had the gall to remake a show from the UK. For months I've seen "why does the US remake all of UK shows? Can't they come up with their own?" To that I say come on you know that the majority of US shows they make are their own and original. Anyway after having seen said original and loving it I was skeptical by the horribly made trailer but as it turns out the show is actually really good. Yes it's the same story with a different spin but still good. I'm not sure why theres hate for the actors being better looking like really that's what you focus on? And to the one person who said that this show claims it's original and gives credit only to Gillian Flynn than they chose to overlook the fact that original creator Dennis Kelly is an EP and is mentioned in the opening credits. So go into this as if it's an adaptation from a book and judge it on it's own merits.
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Monster (2004–2005)
My favorite anime
24 July 2020
For some reason people always compare this series with Death Note as which one is the best suspense thriller anime. I honestly can't get that since they are both very different, one has a notebook that can kill and death demons, and the other is about the demons in humanity. I loved both but Monster which I only heard about on a top 10 mystery thriller list on YouTube is 74 episodes long, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I fully believe this underrated gem is one of the best anime ever made along with Cowboy Bebop and Attack on Titan. So do yourself a favor and watch it.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
A worthy successor to The Twilight Zone
24 April 2020
So as weird as it may sound I only just got into watching BM, I had heard of it but just never gotten around to it I guess, but with everything going on I have been watching them but not binge watching cuz they are very heavy and dark and leave you leaving disturbed. However despite that I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone just how brilliant it is now having seen most of the episodes. As I said this show us on par with the godfather of anthology shows TZ and I think if Rod Serling was alive today this is these are the kinds of stories he would write i think. Charlie Brooker is a genius writer who really has a grasp on where we are and where we are heading with technology and all the good and really bad that can come with it. In Hated in The Nation that one really showed the bad of pack mentality and the vicious jerks people can be in social media, I only rarely use FB, and the that one really hit home for me. So If you are looking for something to watch with absolutely brilliant writing, acting, cinematography and plot twists you will never see coming do yourself a favor and watch Black Mirror.
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The Outsider: Must/Can't (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
Not sure what people were expecting
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the showdown against El Cuco is low key, it was like that in the book too they just changed the way it gets taken out due to circumstances involving Holly and the Hodges trilogy which appear to have not happened in this show. In the book there was no big fight scene and no real answers about its origin are given because El Cuco himself doesnt even know, he doesn't even know if there are others like him in the world. Also people appear to think it should have taken more to kill it, why? Yes the whole show and book they don't even know if it can be hurt let alone killed but they try anyway. So once the El Cuco thing is done in the first half the rest is about what's next for all the characters and seeing Terry cleared of the murder.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
I have mixed feelings
2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say I really liked 8 out of the previous 9 episodes and i was finally starting to feel like Chibnall had learned from the mistakes from last season, and so close to having a good one and that makes it all the worse. But ny review here is for the whole episode not just the destruction of 60 years of a tv show. So the negative like most here I do not like the timeless child reveal, not only is the Doc not a regular time lord but the first one and from another dimension? Uhh! How is it that he thought messing with a 60 year continuity like that was a good idea? Does he really not get one of the things people love the most about Who is references to past incarnations and companions, events, villains, and it's long history and continuity? Here's the thing though in the movie from 96 considered canon the Doc was half human which they later got rid of cuz people hated that too. It would have been better if the Master was the timeless child he could have than bragged about how all time lords including the Doctor come from him and she would have still been shocked and would want to know how and when her childhood memories of him were altered. Or please let this either be a trick the Master is playing or the Doctor finds out in that deleted memory recordings that it's not true and they both misunderstood it. Now for the rest of the episode wasnt that bad, I did love the Doc escaping the Matrix to the Who theme music, hiding in cyber armor. However I didnt think it was possible to hate Ryan more but I do. Blows up a dozen cybermen "Yeah we beat the cybermen! Well actually it was just me!" Yeah you blew up a dozen cybeemen with a bomb someone else gave you, yup that's all the cybermen was that huge ship just a dozen everything's all good now! SMH! I read that if their is another season, i cant believe I'm saying if when for the last 15 years it was guaranteed, than for the love of God retcon this retcon, as I said Chibnall does seem capable of making a good season but I'm afraid for most people it's too little, too late.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Different showrunner
28 February 2020
Season 1 a 10 out of 10, season 2 is a 6 out of 10. Yes season 2 is not nearly as good as season 1, in fact I found myself quite bored at some parts but it was still pretty good. Like I said the reason why everything feels different is cuz the original showrunner is not there anymore. However the people complaining about the change of actors need to realize that this show is following the trilogy of books, and in it Kovacs gets a different sleeve in all 3 books, and this is a show about body jumping so the change really should not have been all that surprising. It's like this show is Doctor Who with different incarnations of the same character every season, it's universe certainly has enough to make many seasons. Anyway this is still a great show.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Welcome back Picard!
23 January 2020
First to address the negative reviews, most of them were written before the show started which is ridiculous that IMDB let's you do that. It's also equally ridiculous that some people were determined to hate it no matter what. Ive seen alot of "this is not TNG this is disgrace!" Yeah exactly it's not called ST TNG Returns its Picard! Last week people all over the internet freaked out when Stewart said that this is no longer the Next Generation. Yeah that's right things change even in shows about the future. Than there's the complaining that its serialized and not stand alone episodes, again its not TNG. Someone on here even complained that Stewart is even in this at 80 years old, I'm sorry but WTF? And than the person who complained about there being a strong woman in the show, like really your upset about a young woman with some things that are special about her is stronger and faster than an 80 year old man? Lol dont worry dude in the promo for the rest of the season you see Picard about to do a sword fight and he uses a phase gun of some sort so dont count the man out yet.

Anyway right from the start you could see that they spared no expense on this show. The sets, the costumes and the CG were top notch. Stewart slipped back into the role of Picard like putting on a glove. The action scenes were done really well and seeing Patrick and Brent onscreen together again brought a tear to my eye as TNG was a big part of my childhood. I am so grateful that Stewart and everyone else made this show. I'd say the only negative thing was the opening theme song, it wasnt horrible, way better than Enterprise's, but I won't be humming it to myself anytime soon.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
So glad to see Picard
23 January 2020
First and foremost most of the negative reviews here were written before the show even aired. I mean fir months people have complained that Data doesn't look the same that's because Brent's isnt a friggin young man anymore and his faced changed! Lol Apparently last week so called fans began shaking their fists at the sky cuz Patrick said it's not the Next Generation anymore and I saw many comments saying he killed Trek and it's not TNG anymore. One would think that's obvious since the show is not called The Next Generation Returns, i say grow up it's not 85-91 anymore people everything changes even a tv show about the future. I could write a much longer review about other things but it would amount to a short story.

As for the good this show had an excellent start. From the costumes, the sets and the CGI are all of course top notch and it looked more like a movie than a show. It was so great to see Patrick back as Picard and Brent as Data. Im sure everyone knows the plot so I don't need to get into that. Id say the only weak thing was the opening theme, it wasnt horrible and its way better than Enterprise's but I won't be humming it anytime soon. TNG was a big part of my childhood. My uncle who loved Trek as much as I do we would talk about it after every episode. Sadly he passed away last year so I hope wherever he is he gets to watch the show on a giant tv today. Don't listen to the people who were determined to hate this show before it started and watch and decide for yourself.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Come on, let's be monsters!
17 November 2019
Look people this isnt game of thrones or even Walking Dead for what it is its alot of fun. I'd really give this an 8 but giving a 10 cuz of all the hate. Like others have said it's a crazy fourth wall breaking dark comedy drama and it's great. All of the young actors do a fantastic job, the girl who plays Angelica is awesome going from foul mouthed badass to vulnerable moments with perfect ease. All of the characters get their moments to shine. You will laugh you will cry, you will be disappointed in them and than you will cheer for them. Josh, Wesley, and Angelica are great characters and I lived them Everything certainly does not end the way you would expect it to every episode has some great final moments, especially the final scene. There are great character moments I particularly loved the "let's be monsters" with Angelica Ms Crumble moment, honestly theres so many to list without spoiling anything but you will love seeing Angelica happy after that scene. And of course I cant forget the great Matthew Broderick who you will see him do something unlike anything else he has ever done. I really hope they make a season 2. I'll bet they all had a blast filming this I'd love to see a gag reel.
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Underground: Minty (2017)
Season 2, Episode 6
One of the best episodes of tv I have been able to watch.
3 November 2019
Where can I start, well first i dont recall seeing an episode in a show like this especially a serial show where tuey take a break from the story and someone who isnt a regular is telling a story for a full 54 minutes. I expected flashback scenes but was surprised and riveted listening to Harriet's story and message. It was like watching a one act stage play or a short film and the writing was very well done, And of course that was because of the amazing Aisha Hinds who brought Harriet to life right before my eyes, what a performance! If I had my way she would have gotten an Emmy, I think the real Harriet would have been proud. You can actually watch this episode without any prior knowledge of the show, though you should watch it cuz its great.
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