
86 Reviews
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One of the TOP Vamp Flicks Out There
5 September 2023
RISE: Blood Hunter is one of my all Time Favorite Vampire Flicks going!!

You've got the VERY Capable "Lucy Liu, and the GREAT Little "BIG MAN" himself, "Micheal Chiklis"( The BADA$$ from Award Winning "The Shield) , SuhWEET lil Mynx "Cameron Richardson" even Hanging Upside DOWN NUDE! And one of the all time Greats "Robert Forster! This is a GREAT Cast People! TONS of Talent going on here!

The movie is Dark, Chilling, and gives ya what you want in a Vampire Flick!

There's Action, Blood, Sexy Women and of course VAMPIRES! A particularly Nasty lot at that!

The Storyline is well told, Wardrobe and Makeup is SPOT ON, and the acting is nothing less than Superb. Being a Micheal Chiklis Fan from "The Shield" I LOVED his part in this! Mike always brings that UMPH to any part he plays!

Mostly I like the lighting of this movie... the entire movie takes on a Dark Tone which means to you, the viewer gives an Ominous Tone to the already superb acting.

I give this movie a GOOD SOLID 8, because I LOVE it, and it's Suspenseful! I think you'll like this one!

If You've followed any of my reviews you KNOW I give a Fair and Honest appraisal of the Movies I review! NOT the grandiose hyperbole, that no one can even understand! I'm just a Regular Dude, that LOVES Sci Fi, Horror and Deep Space Movies, and if that's YOUR genre too, you'll NEVER EVER get steered wrong by me!

So KEEP WATCHIN Folks! And I'll see ya on my NEXT sparkling Review lol!

Your ol Pal Harry Smooth.
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ONES? AYSM??????
24 August 2023
Ohhhhhhh my GAWD! How could ANYONE sit thru this movie and call it a ONE? I give it a good SOLID 8 for Costume and Acting alone!

The "Sets"? In a word INCREDIBLE! I was on the edge of my seat, (once it got rolling lol) from the time those boys went down the ladder, then WHAM! S**t starts rolling from there to the end!

GREAT "Hack em Up", Weirda$$ Bird Nose Man! Flick! Lol , but no BS, this is a Very Entertaining Flick, with a lot of what you watch a Flick like this for!

SAW! The leader in Mechanized Torture Meets "WeirdoA$$" BirdNose Man in a showdown! I can't wait for "AAT" TWO!!! They said it was comin, and I'll be RIGHT Here waitin on ya Baby!


Yer ol Pal Harry.
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Amazons (1986)
Gotta Love Scantily Clad Women!
14 August 2023
I LOVE "B" Movies, 70's, 80's...90's, and who doesn't like Hot Babes? Well this flick is Choc FULL of Hotties! In fact I dare say every ONE of em are HOT! Mindi Miller, Penelope Reed, whew! Don't GET any better!

Yeah it's a goofya$$ movie, but a Fun Movie to watch! And did I say Naked Babes GALORE? Lol... And how bout "Kalungo" LMAO, MAN that guys got a BIGA$$ HAID! Jeezzzz That Head looks like a Big Pumpkin! LOL Yeah, the acting is crappy, but Babes with Swords? Ya can't go wrong!

I Love all these kinda Movies like "SHE" with Sandahl Bergman! She was in Conan The Destroyer, with Wilt Chamberlain! Remember That one?

The Wardrobe & Makeup was GREAT! Loved the Costumes, they put a lot of their Budget in that alone! (Not a lot on the Woman! Lol...VERY little Material lol) But if ya want a Fun, Rainy Saturday Flick when the wife's not home..... this is for you!
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Deeply, DEEPLY Disturbing! UPDATE!
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start! This film is SO disturbing to me on SO many levels, I can't begin to even tell you.

I only watched about half the movie and HAD to turn it off. It evoked such a wide range of Emotions in me I couldn't watch it anymore.

I felt such Empathy for those Poor little girls it damn near brought me to tears, the such a RAGE for that Damn Auntie Ruth I wanted to Shoot the TV. I gave it a 9 just for that fact. The fact that the film evokes such emotion in the viewer demands at LEAST a 9 if not a 10!

Maybe some day I will/Can watch the rest of it, but I have no desire to feel such POWERFUL Emotions again anytime soon.

I LOVE Horror, enjoyed the SAW and HOSTEL Movies, but THIS is an entirely Different form of Torture and Abuse that most of us are not used to on the Screen, and as one reviewer said, you've got to be Psychologically Disturbed if you enjoyed this Movie a little TOO much, and I am sorry, it was just too much for me to bear.

Well, I went to bed after turning this off halfway thru and I COULD NOT get it out of my HEAD! I HAD to get up, and go finish it, and folks.... Like I said above, I went from a BLOOD RAGE, to a PROFOUND Sadness in the blink of an eye, I have NEVER wanted to HURT someone as bad as I did these KIDS! These were NOT Children, these were SICK, PSYCHOTIC Little SOCIOPATHS !!! ALL OF THEM, except of course little David! But even David SHOULD have gone to his Parents with this WAYYYYYYYYY Before it got to the level it did! I give this a 10, because it did EXACTLY what the Director intended! Oh-my- GAWD! What a Movie!
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Defiance (2013–2015)
Best SciFi Show that ever was!
27 July 2023
Don't care about ratings, don't care what YOU think, In fact don't care about what ANYONE says, DEFIANCE was one of the HANDS DOWN BEST SciFi Shows of all times! The Cast was AWESOME, the Make up and Costume, 2nd to None! The effects BIG THUMBS UP! And the Acting, Dialogue, and plot was what makes Defiance one of the best shows EVER!

WHY it got canceled I'll never know! The concept was AMAZING! And every show had a new surprise just waiting to explode!

I'm 67 yrs old, and have been into SciFi, horror, Deep Space shows/Movies since Lon Chaney played "The Wolfman! I KNOW SciFi! I KNOW what I like, and Defiance had it ALL wrapped up in a very Neat package!

It will be sadly missed! Maybe someday someone like HBO will recognize its sheer BRILLIANCE, and bring it back in a BIG WAY!

One can only Hope!
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Deep Space (2018)
Absolutely NOT a ONE!
5 April 2023
Ohhhhh the Ones the Ones! ALWAYS with the ONES! I've done MANY MANY reviews on here and NEVER, not ONCE given a movie a ONE! WHY? Because no matter HOW BAD the movie is, all concerned DESERVE more than a ONE for their EFFORT! This is a B movie people! You cannot Judge a movie from one scale! You have to "Scale" your review to commensurate the Level of the Movie! Judge "A" movies with an "A" scale, a "B" movie with a "B" scale!... follow me?

I even saw one Review that said they turned the movie off in the beginning because the Actors dropped an "F-Bomb" LOL...anyone that has been in any type of Military KNOWS that Service men "Cuss Like Sailors" LOL....if the "F-Bomb offends you, there sure are a LOT of GREAT Movies your missing out on! Better stick to the Disney Channel!

This movie had some Outstanding effects, the Actors were believeable, and the execution was very good! For the Budget they worked with, they squeezed EVERY pennys worth out of it!

Had a couple of Well known Actors, the rest were very good! All in all I have this movie a 7, for Effects, Wardrobe, execution, and Acting!

Again, for the Budget.... WELL DONE!

Really folks, please PLEASE stop reviewing EVERY movie you watch on an "A" Scale! You'll NEVER be able to enjoy a good movie! TONS and TONS, of "B" Movies are FANTASTIC!!! Your only hurting yourself!

Relax, get in the "B" Movie mindset, and ENJOY! Try it! Whaddaya got to lose?
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ONES??? .... REALLY??
4 April 2023
Oh my GAWD! I can NOT believe people actually gave this INCREDIBLE Movie a ONE! Unbelievable! This Movie is ACTION PACKED, AMAZING CG, and Effects, Wardrobe, every part of this movie SCREAMS "STUNNING"!

This has some of the BEST CG I've seen in a LONG TIME! SUPER Cool ships, and gadgets! GREAT Premise, and Very well Executed!

I really don't understand the "Ones & Twos"? There is NO Way someone watched this entire Movie , without being glued to their phones, or otherwise distracted, and gave it a ONE!

This is ab AMAZING Movie and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, you watching it! If you have "HUE lighting effects that Sync to the movie, and a REALLY good sound system, THIS is a movie that will be more of an EXPERIENCE! I watched it in a pitch black room on an LG 70" UHD4K TV with the HUE lighting, Onkyo Amp with KLIPSCH speakers , and I was damn near DROOLING on myself!

If your into SciFi, and LOVE GREAT EFFECTS! This one is for you!

PLEASE, ignore the 1-5's, THIS Is a SOLID 10+.

Don't miss it!
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Feral (2017)
1's?...... REALLY?
24 March 2023
GAWD..... the Attack of the Couch Critics strikes again!

This was a perfectly Good Movie! The Monsters were Creepy, disgusting, and Vile, just like a Good Monster is supposed to be! LOL, No Kidding though, I thoroughly enjoyed this Movie! Made me "JUMP" once even! The Cast were believable, some good Acting going on here people.... Thank GAWD I don't watch a movie based on ratings! In Fact, I read the ratings, and if there is an absorbent amount of "1's", (that means ALOT heh heh) I'll watch it just to "Spite" the Onedermen!!! LOL, and like THIS movie, I find quite a few gems that way! Give this one a try.... Stick with it! It's PFG!!!!
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Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
One Word.... DISTURBING!
19 March 2023
WOW..... I am GENUINELY CREEPED TF OUT!!!! I've watched Horror ALL my life and I'm 67, seen it ALL! But THIS Episode "Takes the Cake"! NEVER have I been SO Absolutely DISTURBED! But in a Good Way! This was PERFECT for "Billy Drago"! He was MADE for this part!

I'm not gonna go into all the Critic "Hyperbole", I'm just gonna say, if you think you've been Creeped out before, forget about EVERYTHING you have ever seen before because this will blow them ALL AWAY! The Torture and abortion scenes are SOOOOO well done they will make your Skin Crawl!

WOW! WOW! WOW! Just watch it and see for yourself! You will NOT be disappointed!
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Blood Moon (II) (2014)
26 January 2023
Yeah yeah yeah, ALWAYS gonna be the "naysayers" but you REALLY gotta ignore Reviews until you watch for yourself! This was one HELLUVA good Western/Werewolf Movie! Small budget but they did an AMAZING Job with what they had to work with! The Actors were "Spot On", Great Plot and Execution! REALLY good "Blend" of Characters/Actors! FORGET the Ones and twos, this truly was a good Solid 8 in my book! I LOVED the charismatic Gun Slinger! He was MADE for this role! If you like Western's, and Horror, this movie is for you!

I've done a lot of reviews on IMDB, and I think it's important to be Fair, and Honest when rating! Too many people just "Fire" off a bunch of Hyperbole and call it a rating!

Don't Miss it!
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16 January 2023
Holy SMOKES, so many "A" List Actors. It's hard to imagine this movie could be ANYTHING but GREAT! I've always been a Thomas Jane fan, as well as Ron Perlman, Sean Pertwee, John Malkovich, I mean WOW, what a LINEUP! I loved the "Dark" Setting the movies takes place in, it's almost Black & White, and the VERY Cool "SteamPunk" effects are AMAZING! This movie is indeed a Journey into the unknown, into the darkness, and into big trouble. Lol. These mutants were some nasty individuals! And I love the premise of the movie, the plot was well, executed, and all of these "A" List Actors EARNED their keep on this one!

DO NOT miss this! You'll be SORRY!
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The Blackout (2019)
24 August 2022
WOW! Best Movie I've seen out of Russia Yet! VERY well Written and Executed! Visual Effects are Magnificent, as is Costume, Wardrobe and Make-Up! TONS & TONS of BLISTERING ACTION! This is what it's ALL About!

THIS is how an Alien Action Movie is made!

WELL DONE Russia! DAMN Well Done!
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Cyborg X (2016)
Geeez, ENOUGH ya Couch Critics!
20 June 2022
Man I absolutely LOATHE people that can't enjoy a decent movie, for fear of actually LIKING IT!

This is a "B" Movie Morons!!!

No Money, no Deep Pockets, but at least they're getting out there and TRYING! This was a really Decent Flick that I thoroughly Enjoyed! WHY you ask?

Because I ALLOWED myself to enjoy it, instead of sitting thru the entire movie TRYING to find Fault and pick it to Pieces, then come here and ATTEMPT to "Impress" us all with their MORONIC HYPERBOLE!!!

Really guys, get OVER yourselves! And everyone else, please, give this flick a chance! Im SURE you'll like it if you just LET yourself!

It's GOOD! Actors did a Great job, cool looking Borgs! Neat movie!

Later on Couch Critics! You KNOW who you are! And I'm actually embarrassed FOR you! LOL....
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Revised Update July 2020
14 June 2022
REVISED: please read all the way down!

If I wanted to watch a dumbass soap opera, I would've turned on days of our lives... About 10% of this entire show is based on the moon, with what's happening on the moon, and the other 80% is back on earth dealing with days of our lives! This show had great potential, but it failed miserably! All of these eights and tens Gotta be people that have been home , from the Covid scare and got addicted to daytime soaps... For real space freak... This is a bad letdown! Real bad!

1/29/23.: OK OK./......I JUMPED THE GUN! I had only watched Season 1, I apologize for my Horrible Review Above. Breaking my OWN Cardinal Rule! NEVER Rate a Movie/Series BEFORE finishing it!!!!!!

After Season 1, WOW.....THis baby Took OFF!!!!! I'm changing my rating to a 10, and WOULD give it an 15 if they had one! THis was an INCREDIBLE Series! Joel Kinnaman SLAYED it! Knocked it CLEAN out of the Ball park!


And Please accept my most Humble Apologies for Jumping the Gun!!!!
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Pleasantly Surprised!
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do NOT do "Sub-Titles" but since this was "dubbed" I gave it a shot, and glad I did! This was a VERY Different premise from your everyday Sci-fi film! Plants take over the World! Who'd of ever thunk it? LOL, PDG!!!!

Take a peek!
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Prehistoric Planet (2022–2023)
28 May 2022
I have ALWAYS LOVED Dinosaurs, ever since I can remember, and at 65 that's a Pretty long while! And THIS, WOW, THIS, is one of the most AMAZING Things I have EVER seen!

Hell, I'll take THIS over ANY of the "Jurassic Park" movies ANY DAY! The CG is FLAWLESS! And of Course they could not have picked. Finer Narrator than " David Attenborough" (spelling? ) he was absolutely PERFECT for this!

This is a GEM for the entire family to enjoy! You will NEVER find a better Documentary on Dinosaurs ANYWHERE!

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they made this documentary mandatory watching in elementary schools in junior high's and even high school for students interested in prehistoric animals! If you have children this is a MUST SEE for them! My Gtandson is only 2 and he's GLUED to it!

You won't be sorry! .... WATCH!
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16 May 2022
Apocalypse now isn't a movie it's a journey, it's a journey through a man's mind that's taking a journey through a country that is strange, beautiful and wild...Francis Ford Coppola tells and extraordinary story here that makes the viewer feel like you're right there with the characters.

The best Vietnam movie ever made hell one of the best movies in general ever made very expensive but so so good! A classic that will never go away!

And being a Vietnam Vet, this movie hits on a LOT of S**t that was VERY VERY REAL! If you would like To see what Vietnam was REALLY like, this is your Movie! The closest thing to actually BEING there since " casualties of war"..... yeah, Plattion, and Full Metal Jacket were good, but I NEVER ONCE saw a "Charlie Sheen"looking kid, that NEVER got his hair messed up, OR that wore a Red Bandana on his head! THATS a "Shot in the Head" waiting to happen! This Kicks Platoons A$$!!!!! As far as "REALISM" Goes!
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What ELSE BUT a 10?
16 May 2022
I mean c''s "ALIEN"'s "Ridley Scott!!...Whar else could ANY SciFi/Deep Space Nut WANT? Another SLAM outa the Ball Park for Ridley Scott! Seems like everything this guy TOUCHES turns to Gold! I have NOTHING, Absolutely NOTHING, Bad to say about this movie except ONE lil detail.....I HATE DANNY MCBRIDE! After seeing just ONE episode of "Eastbound & down" as Kenny Powers! UGH, Can't STAND the guy, but oh well, I ain't the Director LOL...... also, on the characters, these are supposed to be Trained Professionals, I am a "Combat Veteran, and if one of my squad started acting like these women I would've put one in the back of both their heads, if not just to shut them up so they wouldn't draw anything else nearby, I mean really women STFU !!!!!

Not an a bunch of Screaming , crying women LOSING their f'n MINDS , and sniveling like little Schools girls that found a Snake! .... REALLY? That RIGHT THERE, is EXACTLY why ( with all due respect" should ONLY have women like "Vasquez" (Alien II) and not a bunch of crying School girls Losing their F'n MINDS on ANY "Away Mission" too emotional and can't take orders and GD can't follow SIMPLE orders! HOLY COW! !and a Tennessee "Hick" piloting a STARSHIP? C'MON man! JUST SILLY! I Please believe when I say I am NOT woman hater lol, but they really have NO place in the Battlefield under EXTREME DURESS! 1 in a MILLION Can and "Hold it together" but not for long!

I did NOT care for the entire cast except David. So I take it back, I DO have some gripes, like the XO, (Billy Crudip) a weakass, emotional crybaby, that had NO BUSINESS being 2nd in Command of such an Important Mission! Butt to STILL AN AWESOME BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE, right up there with apocalypse now! I'm

I Don't need to say anything else about ANY of the "Alien Franchise, as it speaks Volumes on its own!

Thank the GODS we won't be seeing THAT DUFUS "Danny McBride again! (What were you THINKING Ridley) I am VERY PASSIONATE about my "Alien Franchise" And have NEVER had ONE gripe On ANY OF EM but THIS one! .... Tennesee..... HA! What a Joke! They broke EVERY Quarantine protocol that was ever written and calls for many more new protocols, if the crew had just paid attention, and upheld standard " quarantine protocols, there may have been a very different outcome!

They should have NEVER brought a Sick Man on board a ship on a Strange Planet, the totally FREAK OUT and act like A bunch of indecisive high school Kids!, and stood by protocol, a lot of this could've been avoided... But still one of the greats as is ALL the "Alien/ Predator" Franchise!

Can't WAIT for the next one, and the one "Alien Romulus"after that, and the one after THAT and.......
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The Batman (2022)
REALLY? Twilight Boy?
4 May 2022
Ugh, I've NEVER been SO "Let Down" over a movie since "DUNE"! I was wanting this to be good so much, and to be let down so far was just a horrible experience.

I mean, they put this little skinny punk as "The BATMAN"? Are you SERIOUS? This movie sucked on SO MANY LEVELS I can't begin to describe!!

For one, how can you have a BATMAN that's 5ft tall and arms the size of PENCILS? Doesn't matter how good he looks in the suit! The suit makes EVERYONE look good.... OBVIOUSLY! Bruce Wayne is a BIG MAN! Well over 6ft and HEAVILY Muscled! Twilight Boy just doesn't cut the Mustard!

But, to each his own! Just MY opinion!

Watch it for yourself and see what ya think!

MY Opinion? ...... SUCKED! ANYONE but Twilight Boy as Batman! Might as well cast "Pee Wee Herman" as Batman! Same diff!
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Always Great from Carpenter!
4 May 2022
I Love ALL of "John Carpenters Vampire Series" yeah Bon Jovi's no actor but he pulls this one off without a hitch!

Just a Really Good Classic Vampire Flick! Solid Plot, good execution, and good acting! What else can I say without revealing the Secrets!

Hey, if John Carpenter has his name On it, you KNOW it's gonna be Great!!!

Good SOLID 7.
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Dying God (2008)
Pay NO attention to the "ONES"!!!
26 April 2022
I can NOT BELIEVE all the ones! This movie was AMAZING! Jimmy Horan acted his BUTT OFF! WOW! He was absolutely BELIEVABLE! Played an EXCELLENT Drunk Dope/Hooker addicted Cop!

Reminded me of "Bad Lieutenant" with Harvey Keitel! MAN was he Good! And Lance! Wow, Lance Henriksen was absolutely Stupendous in this as well!

This was a very well "Thought out" Movie, with a Great Plot, Awesome Execution, and Fantastic Acting! And the Effects are actually disturbing!

Yeah don't EVEN pay attention to thes "ONES!!!

I just tell it like it is! No fancy Hyperbole, no "Critic like" BS, just the facts! And this is a GREAT Movie!

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Paradox Alice (2012)
Poor ol Couch Critics.....
14 April 2022

Wow, so many 1's..... ya know what a 1 tells ME?......several Things:

First It tells me the person watched 15 mins and went to writin!!!!

2) it tells me the person was "Playing on their Phone, Conversing, or otherwise distracted, and paid little Attention to the Movie.

3) it tells me they don't know how to relax! They are people that are always on edge, and has to find Fault in something, anything, to make them feel more "Knowledgeable"....

4 ) also tells me they don't know how to watch a Decent Sci-Fi or any other movie without LOOKING for the BAD in it, instead of at least going in with an Open Mind, like a reasonable, intelligent, Adult and TRY to find the Good!

Look at the Budgets on these Movies people.

How many of you actually LOOK at the Budget? You MUST learn to base your decisions on facts, and other factors like BUDGET!

Do YOU think you could do BETTER? Yeah? Why aren't we reviewing YOUR Movies then! And think of ALL the "1's" YOU would get if you bumbled your way thru the making of a Movie!

This was. GREAT little Movie! Kept me entertained thruout, good acting, make up, Costume, effects, what can you POSSIBLY have to complain about?

The StoryLine was UNIQUE, and Fresh! Never saw anything like it! I thought it was Great!

A Great Pixxa/"B" Movie Night and VOILA! We got a Good one!

Relax! Take a Chill Pill and RELAX! You'll enjoy your Movies a WHOLE lot Better!
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A Living Dog (2019)
Like watching Paint Dry......
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I struggled with this one, good premise, pretty good acting and Good Effects, but it just dragged on and on and OOOOOOOON, but I still enjoyed most of it! No Verbal interactions whatsoever, no dialogue, ..... and the ending SUCKED!
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Errementari (2017)
Not what your used to!
21 February 2022
Now THIS is a Breath of Fresh Air! Something COMPLETELY Different for ya! It's hard to explain without Spoilers, but any of you that have seen my reviews in the Horror/Sci Fi Genres, know that I have pretty good tastes in the Genre, so TRUST me when I tell ya THIS is a GOODUN!!!! Lol Take a Peek!
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World War Z (2013)
Best Zombie Movie EVER!
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Do you want zombies? You got them! World war Z is the best zombie movie ever made! These creatures are CRAZY!!! They're FAST, they're STRONG and they are MANY!!! Holy cow! The Jerusalem scene is just amazing!!!!

Although there are some things that don't add up.... Like towards the end, the plane Brad Pitt is on crashes in Cardiff Wales, in the middle of NO where, but Pitt and his cohort manage to Find the WHO Facility NOOOO PROBLEM! Lol, just a few things like that, but still a GREAT movie!

Man, these Zombies are FAST as Hell! That REALLY Sucks more than anything that has ever sucked before! Ya can't get away from these boogers! Just INCREDIBLE Scenes in this Movie! The Jerusalem Scene was the Best in the Movie! Check it out!

Such a breath of fresh air in the Zombie Genre!!!!

Don't MISS this one!
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