
39 Reviews
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Perfect family movie
9 June 2024
Finally a good movie that isn't seeped in sex, drugs, violence and bad language. It won't be considered for awards but it is great regardless. It deals with the human issues of not being a success and reaching your goals. Many people are forced to give up on their dreams for various reasons and it is nice to see that a few people don't take no from the universe and keep trying. Everyone wants to be a winner and be recognized for something good but our society unfortunately just continues to award celebrities/musicians/athletes over and over again. It made me think of how many meaningless award shows are televised every year with the same people getting awards and the every day heroes are quietly recognized by friends and family. Lesson to be learned is ---that's okay---Jesus is watching and the most humble act of kindness to man or beast matters more than all the money and fame in the world. The scenery and race itself is something to behold---as I didn't know this sport even existed. The main thing is the love between humans and animals that is a purity only known to be similar to the relationship between man and God. In this day and age of such depravity and violence, it is good to remember that there are heroes and love . I cried over the dogs and cats I have lost in my life and hope to see them again one day. Donate to the Arthur Foundation or your local animal shelters.
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Interesting with some new information
5 June 2024
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Domestic violence is such a complicated and misunderstood topic that the series would have been better off injecting more time in explaining that----instead of repetitive information from family and friends and the repetitive and lengthy intros. The home movies and photos of Nicole are worth the price of admission. The Brown family was lovely and truly the poster for the old Herman Hermit's song, "Mrs. Brown, you've got a lovely daughter...." .

I watched every day of the O. J. Simpson trial, every night of the pundits, all the news, read all the books so I have a general idea of the story and aftermath. This series does introduce some new information that is interesting but at the same time, I actually became less sympathetic to Nicole for various reasons---which sounds cruel ---and more sympathetic to her parents and the Goldman family and police. I have first hand knowledge of a domestic violence survivor (mother) who met my father at 17. I was able to question her at various times during her life to try to understand the mindset. She said, "He is everything to me. He is my FATHER, my husband, my friend, my lover, my co-worker, my provider, father of my children....." Nicole, at 18, didn't go off to college to become her own woman and start a career. She was basically adopted by O. J. Simpson as a teen and was groomed into the same all-encompassing relationship as listed above.

Secondly, like O. J.'s first wife Marguerite, the battered spouse of a famous person knows that if you ruin their public persona and put them in jail, the money train comes to a halt. Nicole had options to return to the Brown family, more money than most single mothers have access to, and great looks/youth to restart her life and remarry. Critics would say that O. J. was a relentless stalker and she couldn't get away---but she could have if she put him in jail where he belonged. Both wives and numerous girlfriends chose not to take a hard core legal approach. Yes, women are killed by determined ex'es every day and restraining orders don't stop killers--but Nicole had the funds to hire a lawyer/contact police and authorities, diary/photo evidence--enough to get O. J. quickly jailed for a decade. It was inflammatory for her to date O. J.'s friends and associates.

Hopefully Lifetime Channel will do the same type of series on the Goldman family. Ron Goldman was the real victim in this saga.
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The first scary movie I ever saw
1 June 2024
The song line, "the first cut is the deepest", is apropos for the effect this movie had on my childhood. I had recently been going to the movies alone at age 8/9 to see the wonderful Disney Classics that were in that golden era. Movies like Swiss Family Robinson, Bambi, Snow White, Cinderella, etc. Of course those movies had an evil witch, stepmother or the death of Bambi's mother and you had some low level fear or sadness but the inevitable Disney happy ending. Invaders from Mars was a totally different genre for children as it was in black and white/science fiction. Science fiction was becoming popular as film noir gangster films were losing their popularity. The atomic age and UFO's were being ushered in --It Came from Outer Space, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still and my other favorite 1950's movie--Them !!! (giant ants mutated by atomic radiation). The beauty of Invaders from Mars is that it was a devastating psychological thriller that made you frightened of the most important relationship in your life. I did not recover for months. The same kind of reaction a future generation has after seeing Jaws.
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Will Trent (2023– )
Going downhill
6 April 2024
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I enjoyed the first season and was looking forward to season 2. But I just can't keep watching as the writing and plot lines are stale. The cast seems like a diversity project with...let's get a handsome Latino man (unlike the book series) and surround him with strong black women, a quirky Asian dog sitter, a cute rescue dog. That should make everyone happy. The first issue I had was early on with boss Amanda mumbling through all her dialogue. Very hard to understand her downtalking style. I have always thought Erika Christiansen was an underrated actress and found she and RR's backstory was interesting. But now it seems like they are artificially delaying the couple's reunification with ridiculous roadblocks. Just not interesting or fun anymore.
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Elsbeth (2024– )
5 April 2024
I tried three episodes and am giving up now. It was clear from the beginning that this was a remake of the old Columbo series with Peter Falk---using a female lead. The bumbling detective but always knowing and apprehending her suspect. Plus it's a little too formulaic---the reason I don't like Blue Bloods and other series. Her voice is frankly annoying--the tone and the Fargo-like Frances McDormand accent. Layering the crazy fashion sense and tote bags is a ploy and then we can add in the TV series McCloud, starring Dennis Weaver in the 1970s show that had outsider/cowboy coming to Manhattan to settle up the district scores. I do like Only Murders In The Building, the late Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul : even Monk was a great and engaging show. This series is missing something.
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The Regime (2024)
Eh !
20 March 2024
Not going to continue watching after trying 2 episodes. The people who gave it 9/10 out of 10, say that the people giving it a 5/10 just don't get it, (too shallow or stupid to pick up on the sly, wry, sophisticated dry humor, satire and innuendo of brilliant scripts and acting). Eh ! People enjoyed shows like Arrested Development, Veep, West Wing, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Catherine the Great (Helen Mirren), Mr. Bean, Borat.....but Kate Winslet (and the eh accent) doesn't hit the mark for relaxing entertainment. Thoroughly enjoying SHOGUN (subtitled) on F/X if you want political intrigue, better scenery and subtle cultural humor.
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Had a bad feeling
7 February 2024
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I was enjoying the movie for it's original idea-----but had the nagging feeling that the writer was not going to be able to pull it off. The ending was a flop as expected. Did not stick the landing. But Nicolas Cage is an excellent actor and the premise was interesting until ??....It even would have been better if he had turned into a real serial killer than to just be a failed, divorced man. I think this was a fast food take on the movie Inception--less complex and a nod to social media and coincidentally, the new Apple Vision Pro type device used in the 4th quarter of the movie. It seemed like there was some material hijacked from the Lucky Hank television show starring Bob Odenkirk, but maybe it was my imagination.
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Priscilla (2023)
Subtle tone examining quiet desperation
31 January 2024
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This movie is quite the opposite style of Baz Luhrmann's hit "Elvis". But the somber tone and beautiful photography capture another truth in the Presley family drama. It is especially poignant following the recent death of Lisa Marie Presley and the "Me Too Movement" . The story of how Priscilla and Elvis met has long been in the public record ---the beautiful teen student in Germany who caught the eye of the lonely U. S . GI Elvis Presley. It seemed to be a fairytale and that she was the luckiest girl in the world to have captured the heart of the most famous musician in the world. On the surface, I had always accepted the rendition of Priscilla leading a charmed life---as if she was plucked from the soda fountain counter and thrust into stardom like a Lana Turner ---to live a life of wealth and privilege. But revisiting the fairytale, the cobwebs and darkness descend and the misery is palpable. Although Jacob Elordi is a fine actor, I believe he is miscast as Elvis which is a distraction in this film. His lanky, thin and too tall frame just doesn't evoke Elvis. Secondly, many of his words are lost in "mumbles" as he speaks the dialogue in the deep-voiced, southern accent. Although I was always familiar with the couple's age gap and circumstance of meeting, this time it really hit home as to the inappropriateness of the entire event. Now you see Priscilla almost being targeted at the rec club to be taken to Elvis by club talent manager Terry West. And it only gets worse at every subsequent meeting. It would be illegal today and a police matter as is happening in so many schools today with teacher/student illicit relationships. The Beaulieu parents are to blame and Priscilla has paid an enormous generational price for it. She never recovered from the interrupted childhood ---a Lolita-esque cautionary tale.
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Sorry I spent money on this film
23 June 2023
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I was very disappointed in JW-4 and stopped watching it half way through as it was tedious, repetitive and boring. Just hours of mumbled dialogue, dark interior sets and non-stop Ninja fighting. The fights went on for hours and they did not make sense as humans didn't seem to be killed by bullets or knives and there was no reasonable explanation for it---the bad guys were not all robots. The plot was murky and we already know that Keanu Reeves is a robotic, deadpan actor. I have no clue as to how this film got rated 7.9. Unless kids and teens, under 35 people love to watch gratuitous, meaningless, poorly acted violence.
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Valkyrie (2008)
Historical thriller
3 June 2023
A general consensus for those who don't delve deeper into history, is that the German people did nothing to stop Hitler. The story is compelling and should be a part of upper high school and college history classes. The saying, "history repeats itself" is no truer than in today's headlines. The world has always lived (and died) with violent dictators (Ghengis Khan, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc. ). We currently witness the hermit kingdom of North Korea---run by Kim Jung Un in brutal fashion. A most interesting thing was to see an image of world electricity use (night photos from satellites) and the ability to pick out huge international cities such as Paris, New York, Tokyo, etc. Looking across the globe photos, one can see less lighting in the Australian Outback and the continent of Africa---and the only nation on Earth in total blackout was North Korea.

My one criticism of Valkyrie was the accents. Tom Cruise used a mundane American accent ? And there were several distinct British accents on what was supposed to be German leaders...and then some officers and soldiers used German accents. The disparity was somewhat offputting.
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Eye candy
18 December 2022
The cinematography is stunning. I have been a fan of Colin Farrell since his early days on Ballykissangel. He is underrated and deserves the awards for this performance. This was my favorite movie of the year---the subtle intricacies, the angst, the depth---is amazing. Finally a gem for the viewers who do not watch the superhero movies, the horror movies, the teen nonsense fare. In the same vein as Three Billboards, Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Mcdonagh once again weaves a visual, dramatic and emotional tale clothed in a painful beauty. The cinematography, pace and acting in Nomadland had similarities which made it a Best Picture (2020) and other awards. The intricacies of friendship, aging, loneliness affect everyone and one needs a "quiet" and introspective beauty to witness it. The continual parade of buddy movies, gun violence, gratuitous sex, and commercial schlock is tiring but movie companies have to pay the bills.
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Father Stu (2022)
Heartwarming on many levels.
14 June 2022
Released around Easter time---it was very uplifting and inspiring during the world's current trauma. So nice to see a movie without guns, violence and CGI. Everything and anything is possible with God. Chills !!!! My only criticism was that several times it was difficult to understand Mark Wahlberg's dialogue as he was talking fast, low and with the Stuart Long accent. Hope MW gets an Oscar nod.
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19 May 2022
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Any viewer who is a huge Outlander fan will find this series underwhelming is still worth watching if you like the genre of romance/time travel. Think movies like Somewhere in Time, Winter's Tale. And at this time of year (late spring), TV choices tend to thin out. As someone who is so tired of song shows, talent shows, reality shows---it is a refreshing diversion. Having read the book, seen the movie---I am always up for a new interpretation and new actors. The only minor complaint so far was that there was way too much of naked Henry and buttocks shots. And he looks so hairless/covered in cooking oil. Of course, Theo James is total eye candy and HBO has the leeway to show nudity but it is so would be more artistically interesting if the camera angle or photo set up on his "naked returns" were less full on graphic every single time---the white, perfect body , greased up and rolling around and regular buttock focus was.....more distracting than sexy or according to the story---a primal dilemma that he must overcome (get out of danger, find clothes). I would cut the glaring nude male by 40% and aim for artistic nuance of the naked return scenes.
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Marry Me (2022)
Made for television
25 April 2022
I have no idea how Lopez convinces movie studios to back her films. All her movies are low quality that belong on Lifetime or Hallmark Channel. I did not pay to see this movie in a theater---because of her track record. I waited until it was free on Peacock cable network and I had a boring Sunday to fill. I literally stopped watching the movie after the first half hour because it was formulaic, predictable, boring schlock. I actually went back out of severe boredom at home on a Sunday night to finish the movie 6 hours later. It improved slightly but was barely watchable. The only bright spots in the movie were singer Maluma, actress Sarah Silverman and Tank the dog. And a few songs were good. Otherwise, the story was horrendous, Lopez' acting was terrible and her accent has always irritated me. How Owen Wilson got roped into this nonsense must be explained by pure need of money. Jennifer Lopez is the most untalented person who has made a great living. It boggles the mind. I would love to speak to her fiance Ben Affleck and see what he really thinks of this movie. And if he plans on putting her in any of his movies. He knows what happened when they were together in the flunky movie Gigli.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Interesting (medieval) legal case
27 January 2022
Unfortunately, this movie did not succeed at the box office---100m to make and 30m plus profit......even with substantial star power. Director Ridley Scott blamed the failure on cell phone obsessed millennials. I think the public's obsession with Harry Potter movies and the Game of Thrones series proves that the lack of success is the fault of production, not a low brow audience.

Personally, I enjoy historically accurate tales and also legal dramas this combined both in a sort of medieval #me too drama. The cinematography was excellent. I believe the downfall was in the simplistic and stilted depiction of the de Carrouges marriage ( not enough screen time spent on the depth of love/romance) and not enough screen time developing Jacques' obsession. Basically it was too dry (blaming screenwriters) and adults expect more graphic flirtations, more graphic sex scenes and more emotional conversations concerning the legal penalties they faced. The movie was stuck in low gear due to imbalanced emphasis on the two story lines. The dynamic between the friends (J & J) and their places in medieval hierarchy was stronger than the character dynamics of the marriage and crime. It should have been the opposite. This flip flop made the movie a rather dry and "too long" story that one would see on the History Channel. Which does not appeal to the 15 to 35 year old audience.
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TV quality movie (Lifetime or Hallmark)
17 October 2021
I would have been disappointed if I had gotten dressed up, driven to a movie theater, paid $13.00 and saw this. It was okay to watch at home during a pandemic for an already paid for HBO subscription. Half the premise was semi-interesting. Angelina Jolie was a real miscast. Firstly, she is way too thin, looks anorexic---unfortunately and most likely due to her previous major surgeries, the death of her mother and then a high profile divorce. She has never regained her weight and has looked unattractive for years. She basically hides under long skirts and trench coats in real life. To put her in a movie as firstly, a kind of sexy rebel, working in a male dominated field (didn't work) and then in constant action scenes while she is thin as a toothpick/frail (didn't work) and lastly, adding an underwear scene is only compounding the problem. The second problem was her HAIR. The long wig was completely unbelievable, unattractive and distracting. I guess the director wanted the biggest name star he could get to help the movie but....someone 46 years old/frail----cannot play a Lara Croft type or a Mr. And Mrs. Smith type. She used to be that person (that's what the movie needed in her role) but she is not that person anymore and it really took away from the movie.
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Powerful episode
3 September 2021
The White Buffalo episode had a lasting effect on me as a small child. Very moving and poignant for episodic TV in the early 1950s. I consider it the best episode of the series.
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Land (I) (2021)
Scenic journey but.....
30 May 2021
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Script is not based on a book or true life story. As opposed to the movie" Into the Wild", which I also found frustrating to watch the main character's stupidity as they go into rugged terrain totally unprepared.

And what are the chances that Robin Wright is rescued by a handsome, age appropriate hunter who wants to take care of her ? This is an adult fairytale. With good scenery. A higher quality Hallmark Movie/Lifetime Movie. Too predictable. TV show script with movie quality cinematography. Nice soundtrack but I would definitely wait till it is FREE ---not worth the money.
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MI is the best movie franchise.
18 April 2021
The old James Bond movies from the 1960s-70s are great nostalgia pieces-----the birth of sophisticated spy movies with great scenery and gadgetry. And always the sly ,sexual ,double entendre dialogue. But MI has really taken over as the premier franchise for espionage/gadgetry/action/drama. The stunts and scenery are great in this movie. The Burj Khalifa and haboob totally mesmerize.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
18 March 2021
Obviously a second attempt at the Hugh Glass story as portrayed by Richard Harris in Man in the Wilderness (1971). But technology has come far in the last 44 years and the cinematography is breathtaking. The technology to re-create the "big scene" is awe inspiring. Able to watch it twice and then will let it percolate and watch in 5 years. It will hold up as did Dancing With Wolves.
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Synchronic (2019)
26 January 2021
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The movie seemed like a hybrid of "What Dreams May Come"/"Limitless"/with a touch of Wachowski's ("Cloud Atlas" or "Inception"). Except it didn't deliver. Some scenes were interesting and the concept had potential, but it never fully fleshed out and unfortunately stayed at the level of an hour long TV program. The dialogue was frequently muddled, low volumes ; weird accents so that it was not relaxing to have to concentrate so hard on "hearing" what the actors were saying. I expect dialogue problems when I am watching some British shows----but not in an all English language movie. I do not have hearing or cognitive issues and found this to be a problem throughout the movie. The opening concept of the snakebite was interesting but went nowhere ; the scientist who created Synchronic was interesting but went nowhere. The examination of the Dannelly marriage is boring. Brianna needed to be more complex and sympathetic so that the rescue was intense. I knew more about/cared more about the dog than Brianna because she only had a few lines before she disappeared. The movie does give food for thought to sci fi fans and was okay to pay for a rental while stuck inside during a pandemic. BUT----it was disappointing .
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The Alan Burke Show (1966–1970)
28 April 2020
Alan Burke was an amazing show for its time. I was 14 and it really had an impact on me. Others copied his style---Morton Downey, Jr., Jerry Springer, Howard Stern----it was theater of the absurd. He also had celebrity guests and discussed topics that were not seen anywhere else. Out of this world. A true pioneer.
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The Durrells (2016–2019)
Love this show
6 November 2019
This show has everything---fabulous scenery, humor, drama, animals, culture and most importantly--an interesting family. Based on a real family. I am sick sick sick of cheap reality TV on other networks highlighting shallow, disgusting people. PBS provides high quality programming for civilized, intelligent people that do not need explosions, violence and nudity to hold their attention. There are books available to read about the Durrell's and by a Durrell (Larry).
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Booksmart (2019)
5 September 2019
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A few clever moments/ideas but did not live up to the hype. Once again, heavily promoting LGBQT agenda---which is 4% of population but treated like 70% of population in TV and movies due to current activism, media manipulation and social trending. Fake news.
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Paid price for husband/sister-in-law cooperation
19 August 2019
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I watched the documentary twice. It is very telling that the Hance's refused to participate. The main interviews are from the husband and sister-in-law. It seems they were handled with kid gloves in order to get their cooperation to do the show. They are both in severe denial about Diane and it takes an hour for them to admit she drank a little and smoked weed, a little. Too vague. Let's have some real questions to the husband. Marijuana was illegal back then so who did they buy it from and how often and how much did they spend on it ? Did hubby partake? He can't admit it or lose custody of his only child. So no decent interviews or lab tests on her hair for marijuana use. No collateral interviews from other relatives about partying, social events and drinking. Diane seemed to be controlling, Type A, wound tighter than a top, no sleep and on a path of self-destruction. No one noticed this? Ambien use ? It is also very strange for a woman to never discuss personal issues with other women. And for the husband to accept that his wife "didn't want to talk about why her mother left the family when Diane was a child." Something serious is off with the husband and their marriage and if he can't smell marijuana on his wife ---I do not see when she ingested the pot on the van trip home. An abscess tooth defense is pathetic. Very sad that 7 innocent lives are lost over someone that needed a psychiatrist/marriage counselor but appeared to be a control freak and know it all and boss that no one would go up against. Not enough impartial witnesses from both sides of the family !!!!!!!
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