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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Unexpectedly enjoyable!
10 September 2023
I personally really enjoyed this version of The Little Mermaid. I know everyone complained about the casting but I honestly thought she was the perfect Ariel. Eric was a more rounded character with more substance, and the animated animals weren't as bad as people made out. I have to say, one of the real stars of the movie was Melissa McCarthy as Ursula. She was phenomenal in the role. All the music was also really enjoyable and I enjoyed some of the additional songs they did.

I honestly thought it was a really good film that was close to the original but had enough unique parts to make it its own film.

I would absolutely watch this again.
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Overall, weak
19 November 2022
This film had some great stuff in it, there's no doubt of that, but I felt it was overall weak. I can't imagine how hard it was for everyone in the film to come back without a lead, and most importantly, their friend. Chadwick's passing is unbelievably sad but it did leave a gap for Marcel to fill, and they could have done it so well. But they didn't.

Firstly, the good. All the emotional scenes were well-scripted and well-acted, and I have to commend Angela Bassett and Letita Wright for their fantastic acting. I never cry in the cinema but this film really had me going because it felt from the heart in some scenes, and I am sure it was.

I also enjoyed the costumes - wow were they beautiful. The only one I didn't like was the Midnight Angels (or whatever they were called). They didn't feel like they fit. Some of the fighting was great as per.

The rest of the film felt slow, boring almost. I've just come from the cinema and I am struggling to remember much of it.

The story was gaping with holes and so much was skipped over with little explanation. The beginning when T'Challa dies felt cold and rushed. That should have been the pivotal moment for the story, but it was brushed over. However, maybe it was too hard for the cast and crew to linger on.

The Talokan/Atlantis story was odd to me and felt so disconnected from Wakanda. I didn't enjoy that storyline. They could have made it so much better.

Anyway, it was enjoyable and I'll maybe watch it again. But I won't rush to do that.
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Thor: Don't Bother.
30 September 2022
This film doesn't deserve more than the few words I have to say about it.

The 2 stars are for Christian bale who was the only redeeming thing about this film, and it was a waste of Christian Bale and a good baddie.

What ruined this film? Well it might have been that they had to make everything a joke. For the majority of it, you can barely get through 10 seconds without there being a joke. It just means you lose the good jokes because you were fed up of hearing the bad ones every second.

The storyline could have been so good. It was a waste of the Thor and Jane Foster timeline, and like I said, a waste of Christian Bale and a good baddie storyline.

It just annoyed me because it could have been so good. No, instead we got screaming goats and Russell Cross putting on an accent.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Funny, beautiful and devastating
27 April 2022
I feel like I'm very behind having not seen this until now, but I am so glad I did.

The story follows a group of several individuals in the UK who become best friends during the 80s. During the 80s, the HIV/AIDS epidemic hit and affects them all and their exploration of youth. It feels unfathomable that it wasn't taken seriously and put off for so long by the government. Lives could have been saved and they should be ashamed of themselves.

The story was beautifully written and told. I was glued to every second of it.

It was so excellently cast as well and so well executed. It was funny, sad and devastating. I see this is up for a couple of BAFTAs and it deserves them, and more.
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Good war film
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was an interesting war film, I found it quite engaging. It was shot well with some great cinematography. It was nice to see a different perspective shown in the form of Nazi-occupied Netherlands, which is often not shown, as well as Canadians fighting in the war.

My only niggle with it was the British soldiers side of the story. They are in the Netherlands and split up, but we never find out what happens to the others. It's a bit odd. They're there for a bit and then they're not and we never find out what happens to them.

I think this would perhaps have made a better series than a film.
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Lacklustre but an excellent performance from Craig.
19 November 2021
Im in two minds about this one. Whilst I enjoyed the more emotional side to Bond and I thought it was sort of a fitting end to Craig's time as Bond, at the same time I feel like they missed the mark.

Take out the other 007 and things wouldn't have been much different, so the character was moot. We hardly saw Rami Malek, who plays the villain of the film. There was room to make that so much more, but they had to go back to Spectre and Blofield for whatever reason. Why go back to Vespa again, even though he has a new love interest? The story only got better at the very end and by then, kind of too late. They catch your interest with the opening scene but then revert back to old habits.

My other complaint is the lack of fighting in this. I'm not asking for action in every scene but I felt it was very lacklustre in that area. Even when we got fight scenes, Bond seems to miraculously miss all the bullets and grenades. The chase scenes were also quite half-hearted.

This film could have really hit the mark with a good, new, story and good thought out action.

It was a decent film and Craig put in an excellent performance. But this film let him down and they didn't do his exit as Bond justice.

Time for the next 007 to make their entry.
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Dune (2021)
A film made for cinema
6 November 2021
It sounds silly. But this film was made to be a cinematic experience, not just to be watched in your living room. It was intensely good and fully immersive. I can't wait for the next part.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
5 May 2021
For the most part this series is good, and I imagine I would enjoy the books. But I have to say it is too rushes. Barely any character development, and some very general characters, nothing unique. The acting is ok. It is predictable most of the time and cringey a lot of the time. But if I were a YA, I would probably really enjoy it. The best characters were the trio, I found no connection to the main character.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Terrible but a guilty pleasure
7 January 2021
If you want a period drama like the Jane Austin adaptations, turn around and try again. This will not be it. It will be not be another BBC Pride and Prejudice. There is cleary confusion on what time period this is set in by the makers of this series. Leaving all historical inaccuracies aside (and there are a fair few), this show comes with lots of bad but some good. The writing is relatively poor, it has its moments where it is ok, but sometimes it is very cringey. The acting isn't so bad, it has quite a few well known names in it so I'd expect the acting to be relatively decent. Although at times some of the acting is painful and cringey. The story is OK, however I feel it was extremely rushed. For example, the marriage should have been at the end of the series. The unveiling of Lady Whistedown was also very rushed. Speaking of which, I'd like to see how they explain this one because that seems highly implausible. The good now. The acting is decent as mentioned. This has nothing to do with the show but the lead actress has such a beautiful face. The clothing, whilst sometimes inaccurate for the historical period I think they're aiming for, is most of the time quite beautiful. And whilst it has all these flaws, it is binge worthy and has made me want to keep watching. You want to see where the story goes (although it is painfully obvious where the main story of Dalphne and the Duke is going). So if you want a guilty pleasure series and you won't get too upset about historical inaccuracies, then you'll enjoy this. Just don't watch it with your parents, you'll know why within the first 15-20 minutes of the first episode.
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Mulan (2020)
Enjoyable, family-friendly watch
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Out of the live action remakes (which personally I wish they'd stop doing) this has been my favourite so far. Putting aside the original Disney Mulan, as a stand alone film this was pretty good. Is it a game-changing, amazing film? No. Is it as good as the original animated? No. But it's still a good film. I like some of the references to the original animated film, such as in the music, and I liked the use of the kite for the phoenix.

Also, putting aside the controversy about the lead actress Yifei Liu, she was OK. I would have liked a little more emotion from her, but overall she did good.

I had a couple of issues with it, confusing things, unneeded roles, inconsistencies. I felt the story itself was made far too complicated, which I think leads to its downfall. The animated original has a simple story, which is partly why it is better.

Some of the fighting was a bit ridiculous. Weapons not even close to someone yet they make dramatic movements, a lot of flying through the sky etc. I don't mind a little over dramatisation, but it was a little much.

I felt the witch didn't really have a place in this film. All she really did was help them get through the garrisons and in some wYs "uncover" Mulans true self. But there could have been better ways of doing that. Mulan could have also got to Bori Khan without the witch. I guess they wanted more strong females in the film. There were also inconsistencies in it, such as when Mulan returned to tell them about Bori Khans plan, she told them a ton of information yet the witch barely told her anything?

Anyway, it is an enjoyable watch that both kids and adults can enjoy. It is a Disney film after all, it has to be for all ages. Just don't take it too seriously. And remember, you can't have courage without fear.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Fantastic show
7 August 2020
I was surprised to find myself quite hooked to this show. We, my partner and I, were devastated it was cancelled after 3 seasons. It is a very underrated show for sure. Superb acting from so many, really impressed. Excellent fighting too, I've never been one to enjoy that type of sport but I actually was getting quite into it (I do realise real life MMA is slightly different).

The show had some great stories and im so sad they won't continue those stories anymore. The last few episode were so emotional and quite shocking.

My only criticism is that some of the big story lines kind of go nowhere fast. The season or episode will end, and then the story line is forgotten. There are many examples of this happening.
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Athlete A (2020)
Cover up after cover up
27 July 2020
Athlete A documents the journalism behind the cover up of abuse of Larry Nassar toward the gymnasts in USA Gymnastics, this cover up was conducted by the USA Gymnastics themselves. Not only is it about the journalism behind the big news case, the documentary interviews several victims, who bravely tell their story. This documentary will make you angry, sad and proud. Proud of those women for standing up and facing their abuser and those who covered it up, sad because at the time these were just young girls who didn't realise what was happening and no one was there to protect them when they should have, and angry because someone should have stopped that man years ago but chose to allow more and more girls to be abused, and because Maggie was dealt an injustice for reporting her abuse and was left off the team because of it.

This documentary perfectly highlights why victims of abuse are so reluctant to come forward. The USA Gymnastics a perfect example of why victims are afraid to report things. They brushed years of abuse under the carpet. In the end, well over 100 victims came forward about Nassar. The women who stood up against him, and USA Gymnastics are so brave and I am in awe of their courage.
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Boring and not rehashing old ideas.
11 July 2020
A basic rehash of the second Jurassic Park film, this film hits new lows for the franchise. I enjoyed the first one, however this one was boring and just a rehash of old ideas. It had none of the suspense of the old films. In those you're on the edge of your seat, biting your nails. With this I was on my iPad, doing something else. I mostly don't understand the need for this film. Jurassic World ended on a good ending. Why make a terrible sequel? There were some good moments in this film, however. Some interesting ideas in using the dinosaurs as weapons and the debate of whether they should have been saved like other endangered species. But that was about it.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Grief, love and friendship
6 June 2020
Jen finds herself dealing with the grief of losing her husband and father to her children, then she meets Judy. A friendship blossoms, but Judy holds a big secret. The story unfolds and Judy's secret is found out, along with many other big secrets held by many in Jen's life.

Both leading ladies deliver a stunning performance. This series will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. I maybe wouldn't recommend if you yourself have recently experienced some grief, as the series does draw heavily on the grief of both women, and many of the supporting characters. I think I cried watching almost every episode.

The first season was knock out, fantastic, turns at every corner, keeping you hooked. The second however, dipped in the middle a little but came back right at the end. The acting throughout both seasons was fantastic, it never faded.

What I liked about this series what how to displayed real raw grief and how people go through it differently. For Jen it is experienced through secret crying (hiding it from her children) and anger, and trying to be a good mother in the most difficult of times. For Judy it was through trying to love too much and trying to do the right thing. This series also showed lighter elements and wasnt just gloomy and sad. It also showed a blossoming friendship, realness in the land of "perfect" on the outside, family dynamics and the innocence of children.

A fantastic series and one I hope they renew for another series. But I hope this is the final series, it would be stretch the story too far to do more.
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
1 April 2020
Without thinking too much about the animated original, this film was truly magical. Cinderella was never a favourite of mine, but this new version certainly is. The step-mother was given depth and background to her character. All the acting was brilliant. The story had emotion and had me in tears a number of times. It was just sweet and beautiful. Warmed my heart.
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Honestly awful. Wonder Woman only redeeming part.
12 January 2020
Just an awful film. The CGI, which is basically the whole film, is terrible. Theres so little build up to what happens, it's just BAM something big happens. The plot is terrible, but does nicely link some of the Justice League characters.

Why does the flash have lightning? How did Batman see the flash when he was moving so fast? Why is Aquaman stronger than Wonder Woman?

One frustrating thing for me was the sexualisation of Wonder Woman. The whole Wonder Woman film didnt do that, but this one decides it's necessary. She is one of the only redeeming thing about this film.
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Exciting and gripping
16 November 2019
What a brilliant film. Even if you don't know much about Le Mans but enjoy motorsports, like myself, you'll still really enjoy this film and the story. The racing scenes are so gripping and you feel you're watching the race live. Well made, well acted and a must watch.
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The Duchess (2008)
Beautiful but heartbreaking
22 September 2019
Im unsure why this film has received such a low score when it is such a fantastic film. It has been filmed beautifully, the costumes are incredible and the acting was brilliant. I think this is one of Kiera Knightly's finest performances. The story is not a romanticised costume story. It is one of true heartbreak. Every time I watch it I'm truly moved.
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Glee: The Quarterback (2013)
Season 5, Episode 3
A beautiful tribute
23 July 2019
This episode is the most beautiful episode of any show I've ever watched. I think Cory would have been very touched by it and to know that so many people loved him. I'll be honest I cried throughout the whole episode. I remember watching it when it aired and I cried then, and 5 years on I've cried again as an adult. The emotion of the cast was so raw, you can feel the pain from every single person. I think that that's a testament to the person that he was and the impact of his character in Glee. I couldn't imagine trying to do an episode like that whilst grieving, so the cast did a brilliant job. I know what people mean when they say it's odd to watch the cast grieving through the episode. But I commend the cast and crew for getting through it and helping their fans grieve too.

Cory, you were a star and I hope that midnight train has taken you to a happier place.
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IO (2019)
Slow, not much happened and disappointing ending
24 January 2019
The trailer looked promising and so we decided to give it a go. Honestly it was so slow and really disappointing. The ending was predictable and such an anti-climax. The dialog was really slow. Everything was just slow. It was such an interesting concept too. It had so much promise.
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Seven Seconds (2018)
Good, but a disappointing ending and questions unasnwered
27 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the positives. The acting was great; All actors in this TV series were brilliant in their parts.There's been criticisim on the woman who played KJ, saying she was wooden and a bit blank. But I think that's her character. She didn't show emotion on her face. because not everyone does.The series itself was gripping and I watched it over three days (trying to stop myself from binging it too quickly). It was an emotional series that does make you feel. It does bring to light some political issues going on in America at the moment. However, this political view it took seemed far fetched in some ways. For starters, the sentence in the end. I cannot see that with the evidence presented, that he would have only gotten one year for it. Especially when they said the minimum for an automobile fatality was minimum 5 years. I cannot see only one year being given. I imagine the directors aim of this sentence was to show the injustice against black members of the community and how white people often get off lighter (and this of course does happen in the real world) however, I cannot see how a judge would give such a light sentence regardless of his colour. Anyway, getting away from that. The plot holes. One outstanding plot problem for me was Nadine's death. A witness who turns up dead the night before her testimony raises tons of questions and the fact that it's just dismissed because she had a previous drug record is ridiculous and wouldn't happen. When she died I imagine she fought having the needle pushed into her arm, which would leave bruising. An ME examiner would see that, So why this doesn't come up, I don't understand. Why there was no investigation into it, I don't know. They didn't even follow it up, a witness saw it. (#justiceforNadine) Aside from that, the ending just left me with more questions and to be honest just feeling frustrated with a TV series I had emotionally invested myself in. So many unanswered questons.
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Super super good
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic reboot of Star Wars. Blindingly better than the other new ones. JJ blew this out the water. Fantastic job. From the beginning I was almost jumping out of my seat in excitement. They've rebooted with a feel for the nostalgia and a feel for the new and exciting. All the negative reviews about it basically being Episode IV. It's a reboot guys. It wasn't THAT much like it. Yeah there were similarities. But it's got to have some throwback to the originals. It's this epic film series that people have trying to reboot for years. Finally it's been done right. The new characters were fantastic. The pilot was an unexpected character. Hadn't heard anything about him but he was cool. Just go watch it and don't think too much about the logistics of it. Enjoy the film

Don't nitpick it. Enjoy the bloody film.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
Hyped up and disappointing
7 November 2015
I went to see this with my boyfriend, we were both excited after all the hype. Both of us were particularly excited about the cars featured in this film (perhaps not so much for the Fiat 500). But disappointment followed our viewing. It had an air of Quantum of Solace to it. I hardly remember anything from it. The story was OK, I liked how it followed on from the last few films, albeit a new story line would have been preferred. The big big hype about the DB10 got me all excited for a lot of DB10 car action. When in reality it was around 10 minutes of mild racing and driving in Rome. Both the DB10 and Jaguar were highly impressive however but I'd have really enjoyed a lot more car action. The relationship between Bond and his female sidekick was weak. I felt little connection. I don't even remember her name. She said "I love you" very quickly and I just felt no development that would have led up to that. There were some very funny bits on in the film. Q and M were particular highlights in this film. Ralph Feinnes as the new M was fantastic. The villains were OK in this but not that great.
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2 March 2015
Fantastic look into human nature and the way we British are with one another. Living in a rural town myself I have met a few people like those in this mini-series.

I would thoroughly recommend this to everyone. The story is originally by J.K. Rowling so of course it's going to be brilliant. She once again blew me away with her detailed and thrilling story. The BBC did a fantastic job with adapting it too. Really well written. And they had an incredible cast from Michael Gambon to Keeley Hawkes (a particular favourite of mine).

What nailed it for me was the ending. A true look into how unlucky you can be (or how lucky) and to know who your real friends are. Moreover, the little things can create a domino effect and become bigger than you thought. I was in emotional shock in the end. I love it when a film or TV series is SO good that I don't see it coming.

Now stop reading this and go watch it!
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Be prepared to be sitting on the edge of your seat
30 January 2015
Im currently binge watching this show on Netfix and I cannot stop watching. It's so addictive and so very good. I haven't come across a show like this for a long time. My sister introduced it to me and I've been hooked since. I'm a bit of a Harley fan myself so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw all the Harley's. And then I saw Jax and I think my girly romantic heart skipped a beat. In terms of the writing, producing, directing, etc. All excellent. The one thing, and trust me, it's the only thing, that is bugging me is the overuse of the phrase "Jesus Christ". This isn't a problem for me in terms of blasphemy but I hear it at least 5 times in each episode and it is kind of getting on my nerves now. For an English watcher, Im not sure on the regulations on swearing in the US. But they could try and broaden their cursing or outbursts. Other than that, this show is perfect. Surprises at every corner and moments you go "No way!" and "Dont do it!". I'd seen this show advertised before but never really looked further into it, regretting that now! It's excellent. Side note: be prepared for a lot of Charlie Hunman's butt. It's a true piece of art of which could be compared to Michaelangelo.
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