
478 Reviews
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Book is excellent, film isn't.
11 June 2024
I had been expecting to give this film a very well deserved ten, based on how good the book was, but the film was a let down.

It was sanitised too much with none of the expected hardships of those fighting displayed very much with them being on leave a bit too much for a war film. The romantic stuff should not have been in this film, it should have been a 100% action film and not just 60%.

How the film makers managed to go wrong with such excellent material to work with is a bit of a mystery. It has to be watched of course and Audie was a one off man of a type never to be seen again. I wonder if he was disappointed with it at the time?
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A good CFF film.
10 June 2024
The adult cast list was very impressive but the child actors and actresses were not all that great as they were a bit wooden, none of them seem to have continued to act after this film.

This film would have been very popular with children at the time but probably just for the very young now as tasted have changed a lot since 1967.

It's worth watching to see the wide selection of very well known adults that are in it and for a CFF film they must have been expensive to cast. An old car meets with a bit of a sticky end but it did appear to be a bit of a wreck and probably fit for the scrap yard only.
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A bit silly
8 June 2024
Being shot documentary style with a press style commentary didn't do much to improve this poor effort. I like 1950s Sci-Fi B movies but not this one as it dragged a lot, extremely cheaply made and it showed. The alleged night scenes were very obviously shot in bright sunlight with the brightness turned down slightly, not convincing at all.

I like films that are so bad that they become good but this one is just bad in just about every department possible. The flying spaceship special effect has to the worst ever to be committed to film.

Not worth watching for any reason other than for curiosity value.
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Not very good.
6 June 2024
I like silly 1960's pop music films and I was looking forward to enjoying this one and giving it a well deserved ten was fairly bad so just worth a five.

No decent tunes and the dance sequences were far too long and were just a bit of padding. Jumping on the pop music film boom of the time which would have disappointed paying customers who would have expected it to be a good watch.

Bad acting from almost everyone and no redeeming features. I did discover that Nicolas Parsons was young once which came a surprise as I thought that he was born old.

The "high spirited teens" were obviously in their twenties and not teenagers. One unusual feature for a pop film of 1964 was that there was no smoking in any scene, or if there was I missed it.

Not worth watching not even for nostalgia.
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Thunder Rock (1942)
Not as expected.
2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised when this turned out not the be a ghost story film but a war propaganda one. It was made when the Nazis had the upper hand and it was made to encourage people not to give up and to keep on going no matter the obstacles to be overcome until victory is achieved.

A great cast and very well acted all round and I had expected to see a "Buy War Bonds" advert at the end.

Well worth watching but don't expect to see a lot of action as there's practically none to be seen. The message is if you give up you will spend spend the rest of your life being haunted by having done so so keep on going against all the odds.
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Avalanche (1994)
Extremely slow and boring.
28 May 2024
Watching a snowflake slowing melting would be more entertaining than this "goes nowhere very slowly" painful to watch film. It's so bad that I could not watch any longer than ten minutes at a time.

Zero sense of danger or tension and the characters were so bland that an audience would not care in the least what happened to them, buried alive under snow, don't care if they are. Nice scenery is the only positive but this does not compensate for the many negatives in it.

Don't waste any time watching this, I had trouble finding it on IMDB as it was made in 1969, and it looks it, and not in 1994.
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Hot Money (2001 TV Movie)
Good fun film.
28 May 2024
Amazing that it's based on a true event and if the burning cash was used to heat a boiler it must be the world's most expensive heating system.

It kept my attention all the way through from start to finish and included actors or actresses from Coronation Street, Eastenders and Detectorists so a good cast.

An ingenious way of nicking cash that was going to be burned so as the robbers claimed it was actually a victimless crime. As always in a heist film it's difficult not to go on an attention attracting spending spree.

Not many reviews so far but it's recently been shown on TPTV in the UK if anyone wants so watch it. It is worth a watch so sse it if it comes on again.
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The Lusty Men (1952)
Terrible title but a good film.
25 May 2024
Going by the title I had expected to watch this for just a few minutes as I thought that it was going to be a tale of lusty cowboys chasing after lusty cowgirls, but it wasn't.

Certainly not short of action and the guys who actually ride bulls in rodeos must be mad. It did make we want to travel back in time to the 1950s to see a rodeo parade going down a town street as it must have been an amazing experience.

One of several possible endings could have been used but I think that the the one chosen was the correct one.

Arthur Kennedy is the star of this film be he didn't get start billing and even now his name is not well remembered.
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Ladies Who Do (1963)
Pinnies galore!
22 May 2024
A pinnie is a floral apron worn by UK housewives back then and a habit that some kept well into the 21st century. An impressive cast with just about every actor and actress recognisable with almost no unknown ones.

Great fun and a great plot, insider trading by char ladies. Great performances by everyone which was not a surprise considering the high quality of the actors and actresses employed. £5,000 in 1963 is about £127,00 in 2024.

I'm not usually a fan of Peggy Mount but she was excellent in this film.

Well worth watching and the office furnishings were a wonder to behold, a pity it was not in colour.
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A bit bad but in a good way.
22 May 2024
Not a great film but still an enjoyable watch with an unusual plot. It had the feeling of a "Doctor Who" episode from the 1970s, but not a very good episode. I was expecting the blonde dolly bird at the petrol station to be in it a bit more than she was, she didn't have much to do and may have been a relative of someone involved in the production so she got a small part to play.

The sets were a bit cheap and cheerful looking but I suspect that the budget was a small one. No idea why the head goodie was driving an old noisy car when he had a lot of stealthy sneaking about to do.

Worth a watch as a classic Sci-Fi "B Movie".
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Very quirky.
17 May 2024
I enjoyed this short and is was indeed possible to walk up to the front door of 10 Downing Street as I did about 1973, there were no barriers back then. A charming wee Scottish film shown on TPTV in the UK where many older and unusual films can be found but which are probably of little interest to anyone under the age of 50 or so.

Watch this to see a slice of Scottish life which in some small villages it has probably not changed much since 1966, except that there are a lot more cars about of course.

She became a one woman crime wave to get what she wanted. Not the best of endings but we can presume that it was a happy one.
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Doctor Who (2023– )
Can it get any worse?
16 May 2024
I thought that "Space Babies" was the worse episode of Doctor Who that I've ever seen and then I watched "The Devil's Chord" which achieved the impossible in being even more awful.

I've been watching Doctor Who since the very first episode aired on 23 November 1963 and this latest series IS NOT Doctor Who.

I don't know what character Ncuti is playing but it's NOT Doctor Who, and Millie is surprisingly terrible as a companion. There is zero chemistry between them and Ruby is a hollow shell when compared to previous companions.

And we now have "Doctor Who, The Musical". Thank you Disney, NOT.

The ideal final episode, this is absolutely going to be the last ever series as it's so bad, would end with the alleged "Doctor" being killed by a Dalek which opens up to reveal Mr Davies and Mr Chibnell inside thus making it official that they killed Doctor Who not just by awful writing but also physically.

RIP The Doctor you will be missed but the last few years have been increasingly terrible.

It's a bit odd that some who give it ten have only done one review and others very few.

"Boom" was a bit better than the first two and "73 yards" was a further improvement mainly due to the character formerly recognisable as being Doctor Who was largely missing.

There IS hope after all as "Dot and Bubble" was worth a score of 9 so this may not be the final series after all. Hurrah!
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Night Ambush (1957)
Slight let down
14 May 2024
I had expected this to be better than it was, it wasn't terrible but with a bit more effort it could have been a lot better. I would have liked to have seen the big battle on screen and not off it with wounded partisans being recovered and treated. Dirk Bogarde was miscast as he is too much of a lightweight actor to be playing a tough fighter.

I did manage to spot David McCallum and John Cairney, I recognised David's voice as he was hard to make out on screen. France did look like Crete and I though that it had been filmed in Crete.

It's well worth watching but to expect too much of it or a lot of combat, they were trying to sneak away so this will account for the lack of action scenes. A bit unusual for there to be no love interest for any of the characters.
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The Last Load (1948)
Pre CFF but similar to CFF
14 May 2024
Very similar to the later Children's Film Foundation films and even had the seemingly essential CFF scene of a baddie getting wet. Very enjoyable with a good plot and acting and a glimpse of bits of the UK long gone. A bit of a shame that more were not made but CFF filled the gap very well.

I recommend watching as many CFF films as possible as they are all very enjoyable but I'm not sure if they would appeal to youngsters these days as many are not in colour and are not full of CGI deemed to be essential in a film these days. Some of the child actors became famous later but most were never seen again.
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PSI Factor (1980)
9 May 2024
Bad plot, script, acting, special effects, muffled sound, the lighting was very dark, low grade picture quality. The plinky plonky "music" was very irritating as it could be heard, too loudly, during 90% of the film. Managing to make a fim as bad as this one as late as 1980 is some achievement, it's like a mid 1950s very bad "B Movie" Very few reviews so far and it's better that it remains obscure to avoid more viewers being tortured by it.

No idea what the plot was all about as we were no wiser at the end as we were at the beginning.

Only watch this if you want to see a really badly made film and enjoy such creations.
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Very laid back.
8 May 2024
I was expecting a "Carry On" type film but I should have known better with James and Henry in it. Both were perfectly cast with no upstaging attempts by either probably due to them being long time friends.

Not a laugh out loud film but a gentle situation comedy with some funny lines here and there.

The ladies were great and their dresses looked fabulous as did the interior of the house but was there any houses in the Wild West that fancy way back then?

Very well filmed in glorious colour and everything looked great included the wide open countryside. Well worth watching and not just by fans of James and Henry.
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Looks great.
29 April 2024
I felt very cold while watching this film and the cinema ice-cream sales must have been very low or even zero. I don't know how accurate this film was but it was certainly very entertaining. I didn't spot Christopher Lee in his part. The make up and the increasingly soiled clothes were very well done and convincing. Some of the painted backdrops, especially at the cottage, were poorly done and spoiled it a bit.

I was surprised to see that it was in colour which was a bonus. Well worth watching but have a hot water bottle handy. I am amazed that it's taken me so long to finally see this film. I did feel sorry for the hard working ponies and the dogs.
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Zero redeeming features.
28 April 2024
Diabolically bad in every way and it is not in the category of being " so bad it's good", it's just plain bad with zero entertainment value. This effort makes "Warpspeed" look like an Oscar contender.

If the DS3 in question had been a Citroen DS3 car that they were stuck in it may have had more entertainment value than being stuck in a bad miniature model with badly made sets.

Terrible "music", script, acting sets, and cardboard tube weapons. The obviously fake, cheap and nasty, security cameras were supported by pressed steel shelf supports attached by a screw going into the bottom of the cameras which would have damaged a real camera.

Not worth watching for any reason other that curiosity to see how badly made a film can actually be.
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Confused target audience.
26 April 2024
This was neither a kid's film nor a film for adults and by trying to please both it pleased neither. It looked fabulous and looks fabulous even forty five years later, it looks better than many films overladen with CGI effects which seems to be compulsary these days.

The acting was not up to much which was surprising considering the cast. It seems that the makers thought that how it looked, great, would compensate for the short cummings but it didn't.

I saw it for the first time in 2024 and was disappointed. It could have done with at least one younger character who could have caused a bit of trouble by doing stupid things as teenagers often do, this would have helped at the box office to draw in some younger audience members.
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Bungala Boys (1961)
Get me a ticket now.
22 April 2024
This film must have done wonders for the Australian tourist board and encouraged people to move there. A lovely house overlooking a sandy beach with nice surfing waves so who wouldn't want to live there. The interior of the house was great full of wonderful 1950s/60s furniture and decoration for us to enjoy 60 years later, the 60s was when interior design reached its height and had been unmatched since then.

The usual mixture of bad boys and good boys with a few sensible girls mixed in for good measure.

The goodies defeated the baddies of course and in true CFF style involved a right good soaking.
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A great adventure.
21 April 2024
With a great cast and very nice to look at the story runs along in an entertaining fashion. It did look very expensively made for a Hammer film which are usually made with cardboard sets but to build an actual sailing ship, that was impressive.

Nice strong colours with some of the pirates being particularly bright, there must have been a washing machine on the ship. Seemingly no expense spared in making this film but it must have done well upon release with this great cast and a great title to draw the punters in.

Recommended as an enjoyable pirate film suitable for all ages, even children will like it.
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Entertainingly bad.
21 April 2024
There was a good film in here somewhere but it was hidden beneath several thick layers of bad acting and even worse special effects. The story line was OK but the flaws above spoiled it. The worst actor was Tony who played the lead character Keith who is amazingly part of the famous "Walter Huston" family but he inherited none of their acting skills at all.

Very wooden performances from everyone and the monsters were not the most wooden even if they were made of wood. All lines were delivered in a robotic voice with the characters adopting odd stances.

It has to be endured by all fans of bad Sci-Fi films.
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Very disappointing.
20 April 2024
I was sure that I was going to enjoy watching this but I didn't. Who ever had the idea that Frank should deliver 90% of his dialogue at full volume made a very bad mistake, it was very weary some to listen to for so long and it made it difficult to watch.

Over all the acting was poor and the bunker interior was far too studio looking to be in any way convincing, the audience constantly being aware that it was a studio with studio lighting.

Not enough interaction at a reasonable volume level between Hitler and his staff to make it interesting.

I've not seen "Downfall" but even so I know that it has to be vastly superior to this poor effort.
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Gilda (1946)
18 April 2024
Rita looked fabulous in this and her clothes were amazing and must have been expensive, I particularly liked the very sparkly one. A great shame that it was not in colour. Presumably the Germans in this film were Nazis in hiding in Argentina and involved in all sorts of dodgy activities.

The script was a bit clunky at times with the wisecracks a bit over done being too numerous. It's not difficult to see why this film made Rita a superstar.

Nice performances all round and I liked the cloakroom man and did wonder if he was a former high ranking Nazi doing a low grade job to keep a low profile.

Well worth watching.
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Beyond terrible.
18 April 2024
This has to be one the the worst films ever made as it had no redeeming qualities. It looked very cheap, total budget $5,000? Terrible acting, sets, script, music, special effects ( especially the spaceship miniature). I like bad films that are entertaining but this was not one of them as it was just terrible in every way possible.

The old prophet character looked like someone from Ancient Greece and he had an awful fake beard badly glued on.

The best thing to do with all copies of this film is to put them in a rocket and send them on a swift one way trip beyond the universe.

Avoid at all costs.
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