
13 Reviews
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Although unreal , a very entertaining and well written series
9 June 2006
This is only the second TV contemporary American thriller series I've watched, besides 24's first season. Although the plot is unbelievable and the film-making not extraordinary, the writers are really very talented and they are always surprising the audience with their genius. Each episode is well conducted with a very intelligent dramatic line and the performances are also fine. Wentworth Miller is really a great presence and he deserves a good career from now on. The creator of the series has done a great job with so many characters taking part, giving each one a special importance. It is not easy to be original having so many Hollywood prison films since the 30s with classic titles as The Shawshank Redemption and The great scape and many more I don't remember now. A very entertaining offer.
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Attempt of professional erotic Cuban film before the Revolution
24 April 2006
This is one of the serious attempts of making a serious erotic film in Cuba in the late 50's to be "à la mode" with the French and the Italian erotic films of that time. Technically, the movie is well made, nothing to envy in comparison with Mexican or Argentinian films of those years. The performances are not bad. In the movie appear some of the most famous and important Cuban actors of the 50s: Minín Bujones was one of the leading dramatic actresses. Jorge Félix was one of the young and handsome actors of Cuban theater and TV. Enrique Santiesteban was the most respected character actor of that time. The main problem with the film is that it now seems ridicule and kitsch. But, nevertheless it deserves a glimpse.
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Suite Habana (2003)
Documentary Cuban drama: a true work of art
28 October 2003
Extraordinary documentary filmed with fiction cinema techniques captures the essence of hard life in contemporary Havana, showing a day in a life of several real people from a ten-year old Down Syndrome child to a 79 year-old retired lady who sells peanuts in the street in order to make a better way of living. No dialogue. Superb use of sound and image, although filmed in video and later expanded in 35 mm. A true work of art.
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Extraordinary documentary virtually unknown
18 September 2003
Extraordinary documentary filmed in the late twenties of the last century in a remote region of the former Soviet Union, anticipates Buñuel´s Las hurdes in showing the poverty and hard lives of people with a mastery work of cinematography and edition. Mijail Kalatozov exhibits here very early why he could do I am Cuba more than thirty years later. Virtually unknown by young movie critics, it´s undoubtly a must for all movie critics fans.
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Good Cuban comedy with an irregular script
13 August 2003
Symbolic comedy about an old aristocratic lady and his young nephew who writes an erotic novel and wins an international prize. The clash between the old and the new. A parable of the change a closed society must suffer. Good filmmaking, but irregular script often makes difficult the meaning for non-aware spectators. Nevertheless, an interesting film which may gain followers with time.
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Technically well done, but lacking a good story.
11 August 2003
Terminator 3 is technically well done like most of Hollywood films, and is also entertaining for a young audience. But the film lacks the good story the two previous parts had. Nothing new you haven´t seen before. The major problem in my opinion is the absence of personal charisma and chemistry of Nick Stahl and Claire Danes in their roles. Both performers had shown before their talents in other films but here they are totally wasted, showing a poor character design for their parts. That´s why I consider Terminator 3 a mediocre movie.
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The Core (2003)
A traditional science-fiction film well made
7 August 2003
The Core is a science-fiction movie with all the traditional elements of a conventional picture, but it is really well made. Besides the amazing special effects, and the other highlight technical aspects, at least there is a true plot with certain scientific explanations and a bunch of good characters and performances. I never felt bored. Maybe as I´m a Bachelor in Physics I appreciate the preoccupations of the writers in trying to achieve a credible experience for the viewers.
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Flash Gordon (1936)
The best of all American serials
27 March 2003
Flash Gordon is, undoubtedly, the best of all American serials. In a date so early as 1936,Universal was capable of making such an entertainment story, and twenty years later when I watched it for the first time as a kid it involved me in a great adventure and emotion. Buster Crabbe was the hero we always wanted to be in our childhood, and Jean Rogers the beautiful girl we always dreamt to be in love with. Dragons, octopus, monsters,gorillas were also the attraction. Charles Middleton was a great presence as Ming, the Merciless. A true predecessor of George Lucas´s Starwars.
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One of the most underrated films of movie history
17 January 2003
Signora di tutti is truly one of the most underrated films of movie history. When I saw it ten years ago I was marveled about its modernity although belonging to 1934. I´m sure Welles undoubtely watched it before filming Citizen Kane, because Max Ophuls´s narration and editing techniques in that picture somehow anticipated Orson´s landmark screen jewel. This movie deserves a standout place in the development of film language.
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De Havilland wasted
6 January 2003
Olivia de Havilland, one of the great American actresses of the 40´s, specially for her performances in The Dark Mirror, The Snake´s Pit and The Heiress, is wasted in a delaying thriller about a woman who accidentaly gets trapped in an elevator at her home. Later, a bunch of crooks begin to steal all the apartment´s things. Incredible and poor plot trying to give a metaphor of the increasing violence in society. As a suspense flick is truly worst than Sorry, wrong number, and De Havilland never matches Stanwyck´s acclaimed acting in this last film.
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Beautiful WB production of the 40´s
30 December 2002
Beautiful WB production of the 40´s really surprised me because of its dynamic pace, excellent cinematography and wonderful performances. What could had been only a tearful melodrama is instead a very good film with a powerful script and many alluring characters. Except Cagney, who never was a great actor for me, although he gave notable performances in Yankee Doodle Dandy and White heat, and tries hard in this picture, Sheridan is much better than usual and the rest of the cast of WB supporting players is really excellent. Kennedy was always a great presence, although he never was a star, but he could easily classify among the best American character actors of all time. A very young Anthony Quinn does a good job as a dancer-seducer, and Elia Kazan in a magnificent early role as an actor gives me the impression of having serve as a model for the young Robert De Niro of Mean Streets. Also the terrific fighting scenes, though keeping the time distance, seem a true inspiration of what Scorsese reach in Raging Bull.An underrated film which deserves further recognition.
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Landmark Cuban film of the 80s.
6 November 2002
Considered by almost all Cuban critics as the most outstanding film from this country in the 80s, Papeles secundarios is important for changing the stereotypic vision held officially before by Cuban cinema. Its daring treatment of the intimate conflicts of a mature actress in a group theater as a symbol of the struggle for a personal achievement in life is combined with dramatic complexities of a love story with a young newcomer actor. A difficult and inspired film beautifully photographed.
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Sunrise (1927)
One of the greatest and original films in movie history.
25 October 2002
One of the greatest films in movie history, and perhaps the supreme artistic achievement of silent cinema. Although the plot may be very simple (a happy marriage threatened by a vamp), the original way the director Murnau tells the story blending drama and humor confirms his genius.
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