
113 Reviews
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My Three Sons: Peanuts (1972)
Season 12, Episode 17
Last season, finally!
11 April 2024
I find this season 12 a bit ridiculous, actually the show declined over the second half.

Mike got married and disappeared, like he died, never to be mentioned ever again, then that painfully annoying character and actor Ernie is adopted into family, he never changed from being an annoying character or hiss whole career in acting, I guess to still make 3 "sons", but Robbie has only been seen a couple of time more than halfway in season 12, so he no longer there, just his wife Katie and the triplets. Chips got married and only seen a couple of times. Dodie seems to have taken the front stage, meanwhile Barbara, who ged 10 years in one year, has 3/4 inch eyelashes which she never takes off, not even for bed, same goes for all the women wearing super long eyelashes which are ridiculous! Of course all American women have always gone to bed wearing a bra!

I was glad to see the back of the first Uncle, annoying grumpy character, as he was in I Love Lucy. Now Uncle Charly needs to be a grump for some reason... Unlike most uncles in both real life and movies. TV... The idea of filming advanced scenes, mix and max had some goofs, where Dodie has one from tooth then two, then back to one!
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My Three Sons (1960–1972)
Started real good, then...
31 December 2023
When it was B&W, it was best, then they moved to California.

Why did Mike disappear altogether? Fred mentions his 3 sons, but he includes Ernie and NOT Mike!

Why did the director/producers make that awful decision?

As for Ernie, the most annoying, irritating kid! If he was my brother, I would have disowned him!

Most of the show doesn't run in a timeline, there is little continuity, but apparently it was Fred's iea.

Katie is the most likeable character in the later, when she married Robbie.

The Uncle, first that annoying actor, who was just as annoying in I Love Lucy, leaves the show, then is replaced by another grumpy Uncle!

I've had several uncles, all were caring and loveable!

There is NO reference ever about the mother, no in memoriam, nothing.

Another super annoying thing is having to see the outside of the house in scene changes! It must have saved them many hours of screen time in the whole series! One way of spending nearly 4 minutes in every show! Cheap "trick".

I still watch it, at season 9 now. But I wonder how it will all end.....
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It's a long trailer.....
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
.... for a show/series that never gets made!

It's like the writers, producers got an idea, a good one, for a series about the demise of USA, or maybe the world, but never get it taken up by any studio or production company.

Now I could give Netflix nine out of ten for this "preview" but that's where it ends!

Another thing, no one tells the others what they saw, I don't think it would be a spoiler here, maybe it is. Why didn't they tell the owners of house about the big tanker beaching itself? Why didn't George, owner of house tell them what he saw on the beach, bodies, plane wreck, another plane diving into the beach, or the state of the neighbour's house?

Why didn't the creepy looking daughter Rosie tell anyone about the hundreds of deer?

Why didn't Clay or Amanda mention to George, the hundreds of Tesla cars, crashing into each other?

No one tells the group anything, but they all talk, talk, what about?

Personally, I think I wasted a couple of hours watching this.... UNLESS... They decide to make a series out of this preview!
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The Wedding Veil Journey (2023 TV Movie)
Hallmark stuffed up the order f the story....
23 November 2023
... Or lax IMDB did.

Now I watched the alleged 6th, before seeing the Expectations and Inspiration!

Now I can't simply state a fact without trying to find 600 words to say it!

Ok. The actress they picked for Lady Dalton is a pain to look at! Yeah, I know, not everyone is beautiful, least of all me since I am an old man now!

Tracy isn't the greatest either, she has Hemsworth's eyes, and the parentheses on either side of her mouth.... But I must say, seeing the beautiful landscapes makes up for it.

As always, Hallmark kind of wastes a lot of time during the film, then rushes the ending without any of "what happened" when they got back home to USA.

I don't have that problem with other movies, be it Mission Impossible, Indian Jones, Fast and Furious... Anyway, that's my opinion.
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Murder at the Country Club (2023 TV Movie)
Waste of time!
26 September 2023
First of, Layla Cushman, NOPE, does not belong in this movie, for that matter does not belong on screen.

Secondly and on and on, the acting is bad by everyone. A school play can beat this!

Also, too cheap to hire more extras? Two same people are in 3 different scenes, at least change their wardrobe!

This endless portrayal of unshaved guys is getting boring! NO guy looks good with three days growth on his face, if you are going to have a beard, at least have a decent shaped beard.

The whole story, from first scene doesn't add up.

The dialogue between characters is lame, there is little I can say that will be of any value, other than, don't waste your time with this.
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Chicago Fire: What I Saw (2019)
Season 7, Episode 15
How do we even know where the other half is?????
4 September 2023
I really hate these crossovers to shows I don't normally watch!!!!

Cheap production methods, lazy writers, lazy directors!!!

Crossover to SVU, never watched it, crossover PD, yeah saw some, crossover to Med, NEVER watched, I don't like medical/hospital BS, only one I ever watched was New AMsterdam!

So now, the show finished with "To Be Continued" without any information as to where is it going to be continued!

Typical crap way with American TV, far too many ads, and after ads, a banner across the bottom of screen with more ads, blocking my subtitles!

I think television itself is a dying thing. Everything is going to be streamed and there won't be stupid crossovers!
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Hijack (2023)
Great! But...
10 August 2023
I happened to see a promotion somewhere and decided to watch it from the first episode. Waiting for the next and the next.

It was pretty good. Glad they gave ground crew or rather airport staff the credit they deesrved in working out what was going on up there, better trained to read between lines/actions of the plane up in the sky. Glad they didn't rely on Government!

My only gripe was that I really expected an 8th episode to wrap everything up, the lives of the main characters, the ground crew, Idris, his ex wife, the son and did the get everybody involved in the hijack?

Not the sort of show that can have a sequel, because it is done.
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Chicago Fire: The Beating Heart (2016)
Season 4, Episode 10
Not for the acting, but...
30 July 2023
... for the cheating producers of the shows, by adding Chicago Med and Chicago PD as fillers for Chicago Fire while the producers, writers, directors are out on holiday paid for by the viewers of the show.

They just re-can complete untouched episodes of other shows under a different title.

This is the way to fool the viewing public. Well it may work if one hasn't already seen all the others, oh and including that SVU show thrown into the blender.

If you can't be bothered to write an individual episode because you have no clue or no idea, DON'T do it by misleading your viewing public!

Shame on you.
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Worth watching...
19 May 2023
For a start, way back, like 35 years ago, my wife and I both agreed that if a movie is Canadian, then most likely it will be worth watching.

There are a lot of good movies, TV shows coming from Canada, sure beats a lot of the rubbish coming out of USA or some other places...

This movie is Canadian, yes, some scenes didn't need to be in it, the paintings for one and some of the intimate scenes... But overall, it had a lot of good moments, the two kids were clever.

There is a message in the movie, people who are attracted to each other really need to know the inner person, not just the outside...
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Good story, good message!
14 February 2023
The whole movie/story is great! Very well acted by the actress, Katie Douglas. She did a fantastic job.

The message in this story is don't lose it! As she was repeating the words, noting details as best as she could.

Initially, the response from Police3 is typical, they won't do much if anything until 48 hours, runaway, staying with friends, blah blah.

I think young girls/women should watch it, it's almost like a training movie of how to deal with an abduction. That is of course if the abductor behaves like this character. He may just abduct, rape, murder and that's that! Sadly.

I recommend this movie to all ages....
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12 January 2023
In a way I know how it feels, even tho it wasn't a child or family member as such, but it was our beloved pet cat of 18 years. A neighbour shot her and dumped her body at the back of his place. I knew it was him cause a few days earlier he aimed at her sleeping in our driveway, I verbally abused him, so he did it anyway.

I would have gotten into trouble with the law, but his parents moved out when confronted by myself and a neighbour over some theft.

So this movie brings feelings of justice not being done over a technicality, as happens often and another victim is "needed" to catch the perpetrator.

It was well acted, as much as I despise Kiefer and his father Donald.

They have to be sinister in real life to be able to "act" these parts.

I only watched it because of Sally Field.

It was good with the proper ending.
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Pretty good.. and I am a guy!
4 December 2022
Yeah ok, you can sit there and pick some faults, some small discontinuity, or find faults with characters, which by the way are really nice, can't fault any of them, as people as well as actors.

There is the "cheating", she was "engaged", but she at least didn't lead Alan on, it happens in real life... It took a week for the notification of his mother's passing to reach him, that happens as well, when you are "famous" your contacts are not public.

She read his first book, before her mother's diary, but she needed to know him, now in her presence.

Another half an hour could have been added to the movie to tie up loose ends, to explain, to conclude, but use your imagination!

I liked it! I am a guy who has been cheated on, had women betray him a few times, but maybe a romantic who even tho it's too late in my life, I like to think romance and love does still exist...
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Like watching Fractured Flickers!
31 August 2022
My eyes get sore with the constant scene changes, I don't get a chance to focus on anything! Jumps around too quick!

As for some of the mechanical talk, come on! Do these guys really know anything about engines?

Measuring a crankshaft, she says "It's 165 grams out!" What? Which part? How do you weigh one part of a crankshaft by measuring it with a caliper? Then runs some sanding strip on the journal!

Checks gunk attached to sump plug, obviously a magnet at the end nd states "The bearings have been damaged" or something like that... The bearing shells on a crank's big end or under the main caps is not ferrous, so will not cling to magnet for a start.

A whole of jargon is not right. Yeah maybe someone who deals with food mixer or hair curler might be fooled, but... I can't see a season 2 happening!
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Kind of depressing!
26 August 2022
Nearly everyone in this story has a problem of sorts.

Audrey doesn't seem to find her place, she can't hold a job. Her adoptive family is no better.

There is hardly a moment one can smile watching this movie.
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Memoria (I) (2021)
How does it get a rating of more than 2?
21 August 2022
Nothing happens in most of this waste of time!

In the first scene, I thought the screen had frozen!

Changing language with no subs, couldn't make out half of what they were saying, mumbles half the time, but mostly no action, almost still images... Waste of time and those who gave it a high rating must be getting paid for it!
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I have to fast forward....
18 August 2022
I fast forward the stupid flashbacks which have little to do with survival!

Bad enough the "ghost" of co-pilot talking to her, but what happened with her dying father or letters or her would be "boyfriend" is of no interest to me, no relevance to "survival" Could have been good if it was condensed to 3 episodes with only her time on this island or whatever the plane had crashed on!
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Spoiled Brats (2021)
I enjoyed it!
26 July 2022
If one makes comparisons to a different version or from another country, it isn't fair.

Like the remake of "Overboard" it was good on it's own merit, story changed a bit. But everybody compared it to the original Goldie Hawn movie and that was not fair.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Not bad at all!
24 July 2022
There is plenty of action, Ryan Gosling does a good job of it! Ana De Armas is beautiful and Chris Evans finally does a bit of acting, better here than any Captain America!

I can understand the high cost of production, apart from having top actors, the scenes of chase, explosions, damaged cars, must have meant closing off streets, etc.

I did really enjoy it.
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Shift-Less (2022)
Season 3, Episode 16
What the?...
19 June 2022
What has this show become? May as well call it Days of Our Lives or something similar... If the producers want to make a show about other aspects of life, they should go do it, maybe no one will watch and stick with a show about a fire station and the daily emergencies.

Maybe a little behind the scenes like Chicago PD or S. W. A. T, but not the whole show from start to finish!!!
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Child Care (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
So? He had a life before you! Get over it!
24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If someone turns up from my past life, No One should be upset in my CURRENT life!

That selfish self centered Grace needs to wake up!

She has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be mad at Judd or at the teen who appeared. Grrrrrr

Of course it's different if there was an affair in their current relationship producing a child or not.
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The Bubble (2022)
I was curious...
3 April 2022
... as to how they the director was going to save this movie, never mind about the movie in the movie!

Some actors shouldn't be making even a good movie, because they would spoil it by just showing their face in it!

Some make a cameo appearance, but it is NOT "It's a Mad Mad World!" If you really have NOTHING to do, watch it to see how bad a movie can be when all the scenes are put together!
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Outlander (2014– )
When will it end????
6 March 2022
I am still struggling with season 4 or 5, hoping it ends with them going back to present time!

It's becoming boring in my opinion, Days or Our Lives... I can watch SWAT unlimited seasons, yes, all in LA, but a different story with different incidents... In Outlander it is different, first in Scotland, Highlanders, then back to present, was ok, then back to past, then America, Indians, .... I also wish Jamie would have a shave and put a comb to his hair!
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These women walk among us...
8 February 2022
Super alcoholic, mentally unstable... There should be more mental hospitals to cater for these people and protect the rest of the community!

It may supposed to be a comedy, but... Anyone who drinks one bottle a week has a problem, let alone consuming several... Plus the coupling ...? Nearly every second show has that same formula!
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Maid (2021)
Excellent series! But...
12 December 2021
... The most depressing truth about US inequity, inequality, whatever... Why is USA the worst civilized country with so little support for its people?

Why no Medicare?

Why do you single Mums have to go thru that?

Why worry about Iraq, when US citizens are ignored if they are poor?

I was exhausted after watching each episode....and I am a guy!
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The Rookie: Hit and Run (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Can't watch!
9 December 2021
What's with the running and bodycam footage???

Very annoying. Are the producers really just using phone cameras and running or actually using body cams?

Plus what's with the shopcam, with text watermark on all of it? Since when do you get 5 different angles from a vehicle mounted camera?

Also, Nolan driving at 40 mph in some suburban streets and constantly looking at his passenger and barely eyes on the road!!!!!!

Sack the camera man, the producer and the director!
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