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An exquisite new episode in the Star Wars Saga
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I consider myself a Star Wars fan. I already saw The Force Awakens twice and it was only out for just two days. I did not want anyone to spoil this movie for me, so I watched it early on opening day. I wanted to be in the moment the way the director intended it. I will probably watch it a couple of more times in theatres before waiting for the Blu-Ray release. Word of advice, just go for the 2-D version. I've seen it both in 3-D and 2-D. My favourite theatre had it only in 3-D and I wanted to see it in it's massive auditorium with a huge screen. It is the Ziegfeld Theatre in Manhattan. One of the last single screen theatres in New York. I don't like 3-D because the picture is darker and not as sharp. My preference would be an actual film projector and not digital, but that's next to impossible in this age of convenience. The Hateful Eight is something I will watch in glorious 70MM film.

Anyway, back to "The Force Awakens". The greatest mistake people make is criticise it too early for being "unoriginal". As if the original Star Wars, "A New Hope", was any different. It was basically a remake of "The Hidden Fortress" in space with bits and pieces influenced by the films "Metropolis" and "Casablanca" to name a few. Why can't people just enjoy the movie the way kids do without the baggage that comes with age. Kids don't nitpick on minute details like adults so long as they enjoyed the ride.

Going in I put my mindset as if I was still a kid. This film is a good mix of themes from Episode III, IV, V, VI with new takes. I feel episode VII will be the most familiar to the original trilogy fans and the future episodes will transform into its own thing.

All of the actors, old and new, were wonderful. I especially loved the exchanges between Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, and John Boyega. The least of my concerns was the colour of the skin of a certain storm trooper. The actor who portrayed him was great. And the reason for his wide-eyed portrayal was because he was portraying a disillusioned storm trooper who finally meets people that treat him as if he existed for other things other than killing.

And let's not discount Adam Driver's role. He was perfect. A complete surprise. His character reminds me of a certain family member of his who turned to the dark side. But he is more three dimensional.

Domnhall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac were great. The Ex Machina gang is back in action! Thankfully "The Force Awakens" is beautifully shot and the dialogue is spot on. My favourite J.J. Abram films are now "Super 8" and "The Force Awakens". The experience he gained from Star Trek helped this movie.

I am a fan who does not even discard the prequel trilogy. From now on my way of watching Star Wars is in this order: IV, V, I, II, III, VI, VII and so forth. I feel the new Star Wars films will bring balance back to the Star Wars saga. After watching "The Force Awakens", I feel that I will enjoy the prequels more.

Some might say Episode V is the best Star Wars film. I love that film, but I feel you need to see them all to get the whole picture.

Please enjoy "The Force Awakens". And keep eyes AND ears open on little things that you might pick up on from multiple screenings. After watching it a second time, some questions I had were answered. Who knows what else I will discover in "The Force Awakens" before episode VIII comes out in 2017.

Also, being a spiritual person helps fans understand the Force more. Remember that the Force works in mysterious ways and I feel how it's affecting "The Force Awakens". Just don't skim past the parts that deal with visions and Force using. They explain a great deal without saying much.

I can read between the lines, but some viewers have a hard time and need things to be spelt out for them. I read a few reviews that mentioned how they did not like the mystery behind "The Force Awakens". Not all of the answers will be answered by the end of the movie, which is a good thing. Please remind me if in "A New Hope",we find out that Darth Vader was Luke and Leia's father, and who the emperor was. I like that they kept certain details under wraps for future episodes. Don't worry, this film does not feel like some Marvel films that can't stand on it's own as a movie. Some might say that this film ends in a cliffhanger, but I feel sometimes that you don't need words to convey a message. After the subsequent episodes come out, all issues with "The Force Awakens" will be resolved. :) I like to watch people's eyes and how they tell you more than any words. After the credits, I heard how people were disappointed that there are no after credit scenes like in Marvel movies. I am grateful that J.J. Abrams decided not to because none of the Star Wars films have after credit scenes. If it's not in the movie, leave it for the next episode.

The reason I give this film a 9 out of 10 instead of a 10 out of 10 is because I am leaving that extra point out in case the next film is even better than this one. People who enjoy any of the Star Wars films, even the prequels, will love this film. At least I did. In fact, after each viewing I appreciate it more.

Remember to appreciate the imperfections. For beauty is imperfect.
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New Amsterdam (2008)
I don't want it to end!
25 March 2008
I really like New Amsterdam. I have watched all the episodes up to March 24th's. The main draw is seeing the transformation from New Amsterdam into New York. I love the flashbacks. I hope they don't cancel this show because I am very picky with what I watch. Because I am busy during the March air times, I hope FOX looks at the amount of people using its on Demand service. That is the way I watch a lot of their shows since my computer screen has high definition unlike my t.v.

It is the one of the only shows I watch every week. I recommend it to anyone who has a brain, which is why I do not recommend CSI and Law and Order. Even though New Amsterdam uses the idea of an immortal similar to Highlander doesn't mean it is a bad show. I mean how many shows right now are like CSI and Law and Order. New Amsterdam has this European flare going, which is what New York is at its core.
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