14 Reviews
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Exceptionally Bland
19 May 2024
Disney and Star Wars... Two things that, as a child, I would've said would go great together.

Oh how young and naive I was.

Disney has proven time and time again that they are utterly incapable of realizing the potential of the Star Wars IP. In various projects, but this particular rendition is an exemplar of just how BLAND these shows and movies can be.

It looks cheap and somehow too expensive at the same time. The whole show uses ugly digital environments and a cookie cutter visual style.

The story is completely forgettable, predictable, and all around uninteresting. And that's not to mention how poorly it fits into the wider Star Wars narrative.

It feels like a generic action series using the skin suit of Star Wars to get eyes on it.

I really disliked it. I actually couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Snappy, Snarky Fun
19 May 2024
This show has won over the world largely because of its fantastic dialogue and lovable/hateable cast.

The first few seasons of this show were downright addictive to watch. For me personally, it sort of runs out of steam by the end. The last two seasons begin to feel like the show is running in circles until the conclusion.

We retread on the same ground a little too often and the ending of the show was actually a bit of disappointment to me. Not necessarily because of what happens in the end, but more in how it's executed. Kendall's wife and her relationship to the themes of the story were a good example of that for me.

The last season just felt anticlimactic, and I understand why but it doesn't make it more entertaining or compelling for me. The same sense of tragedy could've been accomplished with more emotionally satisfying conclusions.

So yeah, I'm not wild about this show like lots of other people are. But it's definitely a good show and worth watching.
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5 May 2024
I'm okay with changes to Tolkien's lore when necessary. Although, as a fan of Tolkien's writing, I'll say that I'd only advise doing that if you have a really strong idea for something different. I don't think these writers had strong ideas... in nearly anything.

This show's downfall is its absolutely soulless writing. The characters are bland, the dialogue is awful, and the story is uninteresting. It's clear that they spent a lot of money hiring talented CGI artists to come in and give the show beautiful CG artwork. It's just a shame that the actual direction of each episode is as bland and uninteresting as the writing. I think this show was one of the biggest wastes of talent ever aired on TV. All these fabulously talented Visual Effects artists wasting their efforts on a show that has absolutely no heart and no honest feelings in its script.

Tolkien's stories thrived on a delicate balance between the deep sense of history and the grand personal adventures of his characters. His characters fit perfectly into a mosaic of story arcs that range through a long and beautiful history. His work is absolutely phenomenal to those who can appreciate it, but this new show really feels like it was made by people with no understanding or appreciation of what made Tolkien's stories so amazing. Instead, the show feels like a gigantic corporation wanted to make a popular TV show (like Game if Thrones) so they decided to purchase whatever Tolkien IP they could in order to pump out a product with "Lord of the Rings" stamped on it. All so they could make money off the value of Tolkien's legacy while paying no respect to him... oh wait that's exactly what happened!

Don't be fooled by the showrunners acting like this show has a positive moral agenda. I swear, that's a cynical manipulation tactic to try and get audiences to overlook the fact that this show is an utterly shameless cash grab that Tolkien would, no doubt, absolutely despise.

Try and imagine these writer's creating their own fantasy story... NOBODY would watch it. They're getting eyes on this story because they're coat riding Tolkien while also acting as though they're somehow "fixing" his work. I genuinely hate it.

People are free to disagree and enjoy it as much as they like. I know a few people who really like the show and that's awesome for them. I have noticed that these people tend to be easily pleased and enjoy it mostly for its loose connection to the world of Middle Earth (details like Balrogs, Orcs, Elves, Locations, and characters ect.)

But I genuinely don't understand it. I like big fun fantasy stories and I love Tolkien. I'm exactly the kind of person this show SHOULD appeal to and yet I genuinely think it's terrible. It's a shame, I wanted to like it.
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Showcases Austen's Genius Beautifully
3 May 2024
This show has a kind of low budget look and feel to it and yet I enjoyed the way it was made. I could complain about the costumes feeling a bit cheap but...

I loved this story so much. The film was great but it was nice to spend more time in this world and with these characters. I feel like I know them all a lot more than from the film. I felt the tension between Darcy and Elizabeth even more in this rendition.

And the actress playing Elizabeth was just phenomenal. So much of the story is delivered through her glances and expressions. She carries this whole production on her back and made it look easy.

Everyone was excellent in their roles (with the possible exception of Lydia, who felt somewhat overacted).

But whatever minor gripes I could find to complain about don't change the fundamental fact that this story is just immaculately written.

Jane Austen's dialogue is unreal. She's also super funny. The mom in particular was cracking me up.

RIP Jane. Thanks for the great stories.
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One Piece (2023– )
Charming, but Merely a Shade of the Original
3 May 2024
I guess I just don't see the point of this rendition. Nothing is better served by this format so... Why do it?

Are the sets good? Eh... They got a lot of personality! But nowhere near the personality in the original Manga.

Are the characters likable? Eh.... Yeah, just not nearly as lovable as the original characters.

And on and on, that same sentiment just repeats itself for me. I didn't find the action as engaging or fun. It wasn't as funny, it didn't get me as invested.

It just feels like One Piece abridged-lite. Like the diet soda equivalent.

It's definitely the best live action anime I've seen, but that's not really saying much. I don't really like the idea of these companies mining animated shows and making these cash grab remakes, like Disney remakes or something.

The cast seems cool though. I'm glad they've found some success. Especially that kid playing Luffy. He seems like a cool guy.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
3 May 2024
I love the original show. I love it so much. It's got such a cool world, and these really charismatic but tragic characters. It's got a great "bounty of the week" structure that slowly reveals a larger story. It's got amazing design and action. It's funny, it's got great music.

This show... Has absolutely none of that. THIS show has awkward unfunny jokes, lame unexciting action, a cheap looking setting, bad designs and a poor overall direction and vision.

It fundamentally fails to bring to life anything the original did so well and also fails to establish it's own unique identity. It's in the awkward cosplay limbo that just makes it impossible to take anything seriously.

Don't watch it. It's very disappointing and frustrating.
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Game of Thrones (2011– )
The Biggest Fumble in TV History, and I Still Like It
3 May 2024
I'm not offering any new perspective. Just documenting my feelings.

This show started off strong by sticking fairly close to its source material. EVERY time this show deviates from the source material, it's usually a mistake. Even in the earlier seasons.

However, those early seasons are still easily some of the best seasons of television ever made. Seasons 1-4 are genuinely fantastic. Great characters, great battles, and plot twists. Everything is great. The shows lower budget was even fairly charming and artfully done.

It's strange because as the production quality goes up, the writing and story telling quality goes down.

I'm one of the people who firmly believes that the main issues began to come in the moment the source material had been exhausted. But even prior to that the writers were slowly stripping the material of its depth and emotional resonance.

I basically love the first half and hate the second half. It just gets worse and worse. Culminating in one of the most insultingly horrible endings to a great story that I've ever seen.

Calling it disappointing doesn't even come close to how bad I think the writers screwed up the story.

Danaerys' end was awful, Jon's arc was ruined, every character was destroyed. Almost like they were trying to ruin it, intentionally.

And honestly, there were actors in this that I never thought were any good. Kit Harrington isn't an actor that I find interesting or compelling at all, and Sophie Turner was always terrible.

I still love the first two seasons but I can't justify giving this show a higher score than this based on my overall feelings.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Best Historical Fiction I've seen on TV
2 May 2024
THIS is how to do compelling historical fiction. It's a disservice to this show to compare it to Game of Thrones, as many have. It's appeal is completely different.

A lot of the show's finer details aren't spelled out for people to just take in without some genuine reflection. It really challenges and believes in the intelligence of its audience. And I respect that so much. That's a risk in today's media climate, I'm glad to see it paid off so well.

The story is intricate, and filled to the brim with compelling themes and feelings. It balances the perspectives on offer beautifully. Everything feels even handed and very non judgemental to the characters.

It's the kind of show that gets better the more you think about it and watch it. And a lot of that is carried by the absolutely fantastic acting performances and direction. Mariko was the highlight for me. It felt like she was the true heart of the story and her actress clearly took her role very seriously.

And on top of being well written and emotionally affecting, it's also incredibly well produced.

I have no idea what the budget of this show was, but it looks absolutely phenomenal. I love the lenses they used. They have such beautiful blurr quality. And the compositions they create with the cinematography are absolutely beautiful and highlight the mannered and orderly aesthetic of the Japanese culture depicted.

And that's not even to mention the show's most impressive aspect: the production design. Holy... S***t, this show is immaculately produced. Perhaps the best set designs and costumes I've ever seen on a TV show. The level of work put into respecting and recreating the history of this time period is nothing short of inspirational.

I hope this show serves as an example for other studios/creators seeking to create historical fiction. Or perhaps it could lead to more historical fiction produced with such passion and intelligence. I would love to see tons of historical narratives portrayed in this kind of high end style.

But not Alexander the Great, I'm gonna write that myself. I call dibs ;)
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Best Produced Fantasy on TV
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a massive fan of the world of Westeros. My love of this world began with the original Game of Thrones TV show. I watched it, loved it, and then read all the books before the show caught up to the book's storyline and eventually went passed it. Long story short, I love the books, I kinda half hate the OG show for screwing up the conclusion so dramatically. Which is why I was not looking forward to this series when I heard it announced.

I was sure it was gonna be a cash grab, cynical slog at the same quality as the final season of thrones but... I was wrong. Very wrong.

This show is fantastic. Respect to those who dislike it, I'll just say that for me, this is everything I wanted and more from a show about Westeros.

I love this story. I love the themes of Duty vs Freedom and the conflict between those values. I LOVE the characters and their conflicts, flaws, personal histories and motivations. I love Viserys and Daemon and Raenyra and Alicent, Otto, and Christen, and Aemond, Aegon, and all the rest. There's so many characters to enjoy and each one is compelling in their own way.

Also, can we all at least recognize that this is far and away the best produced fantasy television series of all time? The sets are unbelievable, the costumes are gorgeous, the cinematography is stunning, the props, the makeup, the VFX, EVERYTHING is firing on all cylinders.

My only criticisms are that the time jumps are handled somewhat clumsily in terms of casting and characters develop off screen more than they should. And I thought it was stupid when Rhaenys killed all those people in episode 9 and then didn't kill her literal enemies who imprisoned and threatened her because she "didn't want to start something".

There are minor gripes I could flesh out, but why would I when the show offers far more in the way of enjoyable and downright addictive television?

I watched every episode as they came out and plan to do the same for season 2.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Honors the Source Material
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Last of Us video games. I love the story of those games dearly, played them as they were released.

So I was cautiously optimistic when this show was announced. HBO is easily the best network producing narrative fiction on TV so that gave me confidence. But then again, they have their misfires as well.

I'm happy to say that this show exceeded my expectations! It captured the spirit of the original story very well and allowed me to recapture the feelings I felt playing the game all those years ago.

The best thing about the show is how phenomenal the production is. The VFX, makeup, costumes, production design, creature designs, editing, cinematography, and music are all absolutely fantastic. Many of these elements are recreations of designs and ideas from the original game but the original game is so perfect, I'm happy they decided to faithfully realize it in beautiful fashion. HBO proves yet again that they are committed to next level quality in television in a way that no other studio has managed to match.

As far as how the story and characters land I'll say it's a mostly faithful adaptation where there are a few changes to the original story. Which is great because the original game's story is absolute perfection. In terms of its changes, some work a little better than others. I loved the expanded role of Bill and his lover. Their love story was really touching and surprisingly effective at fleshing out the themes of the story. Another strong change was how Henry and his brother were adapted. Henry's brother being deaf and so much younger made him even more immediately sympathetic. The added material in the first episode fleshing out Sarah and Joel's life before the outbreak was a completely natural and warranted change that I loved.

My only gripes are that I don't like some of the casting decisions. Pedro Pascal is perfect as Joel, different than in the game but in a good way and the original actress for Marlene was surprisingly fantastic in the show. Whereas Bella Ramsay never really won me fully over. She's somehow less likable and charming than Ellie in the original game. She doesn't have the charisma that the original Ellie had and her bad attitude feels less like a mask and defense mechanism and more like an attitude problem. I also, wasn't really feeling the actress who played Tess although that may be a result of her relationship/chemistry with Joel feeling somewhat underdeveloped. And I actually think the actresses for Kathleen and Riley were genuinely terrible casting choices. Kathleen's actress just didn't fit the menacing and violent nature of her character. She was unconvincing as the terrifying, ruthless leader she was meant to portray. And Riley's actress just wasn't believable in her performance at all. Her performance felt like a school play to me.

In fact, that was easily my least favorite part of the whole show. Ellie and Riley's relationship being fleshed out takes away from Ellie finally spilling her guts about it in the end. Plus I think the way it was executed lacked emotion, believability, and basic logical consistency.

But apart from that, I loved this show. I'm happy it introduced this story to a whole new demographic of people. Highly recommend this one.
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Fallout (2024– )
Beautifully Produced, Underwhelmingly Written
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While there is certainly a lot to praise in this rendition of the Fallout universe, I still can't really call myself a fan of this show.

Beginning with the praise, this show was beautiful to look at. The cinematography was strong, the costumes were great, the production design was absolutely fantastic, and the visual effects were well done. Basically every technical aspect of the show was very well done and often times exceptionally so.

The makeup for the ghouls was excellent, the designs for the creatures and world were stylish and interesting, and the action sequences were well choreographed and well executed.

Beyond the technicals, the show's cartoonish tone and sense of humor was sometimes very effective. There were a few times that it made me chuckle, no doubt. And I was genuinely impressed with the setup of the story. The initial scene that established the Nuclear Fallout was excellent, and Lucy's introduction was very well done. You get a real sense of who she is almost immediately and are drawn into her perspective effortlessly.

Part of that is the lead actress' talent. In fact, nearly every member of the cast performed their roles quite well (with a few notable exceptions).

And overall, despite my criticisms (which I'll get into), there were definitely moments in the story that were entertaining and engaging. I was curious about the mysteries the show introduced and was interested enough to follow it to the conclusion.

But that's all the praise I have to offer. Now, I'm afraid, is the time to discuss my criticisms.

For one thing, the story's cartoonish tone and sardonic attitude made it hard for me to really get invested in the dramatic aspects of the story. And the show definitely wanted me to be invested and really care for the big dramatic revelations during the finale, but I just wasn't buying into it. The final episode was full of big twists that I saw coming a mile away (partly because they were very unsubtle in setting them up) but also because it's actually such a cliche trope at this point. The father character, who the protagonist idealized, is actually a bad man... SO SHOCKING!

I found the introduction for Lucy's story to be interesting but as it went on it just repetitive and less and less engaging as it went on. Her disillusionment felt forced. It was driven by a series of reveals where things she admired or cared about were systematically deconstructed and shown to be evil all along, just like her dad. And over and over that just kept happening, and it just became trite and predictable before long. I didn't feel any emotion for her story in the final episode.

The Ghoul (who's also the cowboy actor, I'm forgetting his name) also had the same arc and his character was a symbol of the deconstructionist mentality of the entire script. His false cowboy identity is the perfect metaphor for what this story is saying overall. The "cowboy" is a myth that's just a nice looking mask for bad men who were violent and what not. That heroic ideal isn't real, it's just a mask. Just like the Ghoul's wife isn't really a good woman, she's a cartoonishly evil corporate monster who pretends to be good. The one thing I actually like though about the cowboy angle is how it's a reversal of Lucy's role in the story. The cowboy tames the wilderness, Lucy is made wild by the wilderness. That was pretty cool.

Easily the worst character in the story was Maximus. His contribution was so bland and poorly executed, I wondered why they even included it. He was a character I really felt nothing for. They didn't stress what his attachment or investment in anything was. I never felt his motivations properly. I observed that he was unhappy with being bullied, I guess. But his murderous lying attitude made him fundamentally unlikable and stopped my from pittying him like I think the script wanted me to. His plotlines are overly driven by convenience and contrivance, and he's ultimately given a redemption arc that feels entirely unearned. He also has a very thin and emotionless romance with the lead that I felt absolutely nothing for. His friendship with the nonbinary brother was emotionless as well. I just felt like every scene with him was a waste of screen time.

Oh and did I mention that not all the humor is funny? And that when it isn't funny, it's actually fairly annoying? A mismatch between silly Ned Flanders like performance and brutal violence or dialogue is only funny so many times before it gets old...

And I don't know, in general this show is so cynical and mean sprited. It takes every opportunity to claim that wholesomeness or reciprocity is little more than a mask for selfishness. It makes sure to try and "disillusion" the viewers of the idea of "good guys" as nothing more than naivete but then it has cartoonishly evil "bad guys" who are greedy illuminati types that have nothing but selfish/bad intentions for their actions. If believing in fundamentally good guys is naive, then isn't believing in fundamentally bad guys? Because ultimately that's the same thing. It just shifts a good guy into meaning "not as bad as the really bad guys".

The whole show mocks and insults the naivete of the vault dwellers and seems to suggest that their reciprocal ideal is old fashioned and just a cynical lie, but I don't buy that. I also don't think the story earns that as a conclusion, I think it contrives that conclusion. Lucy's story reminds me of the classic "small town girl moves to the big city" story. She's from this small, sheltered community and heads out to the "real world" and is forced to adapt and become less "small town" in order to make it. I think that's where this whole show's philosophy comes from. It's city dwellers who have internalized the "only look out for yourself" ethic as universal and then cynically insist that everyone secretly feels the same way deep down. And projecting that mentality onto an Apocalypse suggests that it's human nature to feel this way.

But again, that feels like a contrivance. I'm certainly convinced that there's genuine value in those ethics that the show failed to confront, and that failure made it hard for me to get invested in Lucy's character turn because I didn't feel "disillusioned" along with her. I just felt like "well they just decided to make everyone with that point of view a liar, that feels totally contrived. It doesn't prove or convince me of anything".

Perhaps you're an extremely cynical person. Or perhaps you're just not keen to interpret themes so intently. If you read it at merely a surface level, I could see enjoying it just for the jokes and the spectacle.

Before the end of the review I must also point out the irony of the "anti capitalist" messaging in the show. Coming from Amazon of all places, that's totally rich.

But yeah, not the worst show ever. Not by a long shot. In fact, it has many redeeming aspects. And depending on how deeply you intend to read into the story or your worldview this could be more or less enjoyable. I personally found the messaging to be a roadblock but I can see that hasn't been an issue for many others. But I am having a hard time understanding why other people seem to think it's well written as a narrative. I just don't find it to be engaging or emotionally effective. Lucy is the only character I care about and the rest feel like 1-2 dimensional cartoons and little more. The drama lacked drama, so to speak. But that's just how I felt.

It's worth checking out regardless. If you're not sold by episode 3, then turn it off.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Beautifully Produced and Written
12 April 2024
This show works as a fantastic fantasy where you imagine yourself as one of the rich and noble of Gilded Age New York.

It's beautifully written, full of colorful characters that each feel as motivated and purposeful as all the others. Their lives are fleshed out and their potential for stories is always taken to its limit.

Even though my own circumstances are about as far from the lives of these people as is possible, the show still managed to get me to feel for and understand the mentality and feelings of all the characters.

Not every sub plot is a knockout and not every interaction is engaging, but it's one of the more consistent writing jobs done in this genre.

Beyond the exceptional writing, it's a beautifully produced show. The costumes on particular are fantastic! Every episode brings a new set of special dresses to admire. And the sets.... Absolutely gorgeous. This is arguably the best show of it's kind in terms of production design.

All around, I wasn't expecting much when I initially turned it on but I was very pleasantly surprised. It's fantastic.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Pitters Out By the End
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who isn't a fan of these books... I was seriously underwhelmed by the 2nd and 3rd seasons of this show. I got invested in the story after season 1 (though I had my issues) and felt almost tricked into watching the rest just to see how it would play out.

The world building is just really subpar and the writing becomes more and more convoluted as it goes. Some of the ideas presented have loads of potential. They're just executed in such lazy and uninspired ways.

It feels like it's sort of trying to be an "anti-Narnia" but it's philosophy just comes off as an edgy 8th grade atheist who loves acting smarter than everyone else (I would know from experience as I was once an edgy 8th grade atheist).

If you're Christian, I'll save you some time. Don't watch this. The villains are a thinly veiled analogy for the Christian church lead by "The Authority" which is just God. The show explains that The Authority pretends to be the creator and calls himself "father" when really he's just EEEEVIIIILLL!!!!

All the Fallen Angels are actually the heroes and the main goal of the story is to overthrow God. Like how Christians believe that Satan's goal is to overthrow God.

Even the hero of the Rebellion, Asriel, is clearly meant to be seen as a Satan-like figure. Rallying an army against heaven. Witches and Shamans being his allies. Even the name "Asriel" is a play on a name for the Angel of Death.

His Dark Materials has a sort of Gnostic universe. Lots of Christian names and references but the world is ruled by an evil deity. "Enoch" being a significant name in reference to gnostic and apocryphal Christian texts.

I don't have a problem with people being non Christian or anti Christianity but I also don't like the lazy demonization of that worldview that this show attempts. And I personally believe the Christian worldview is far more meaningful and important than this story straw man's it to seem.

A good example of this is the lack of proper motivation or humanity for the villains. Nothing that any of the villains does for the entire show is EVER given proper motivation. Even selfish or immoral motivation. A few of them just give vague speeches from time to time giving a straw man argument in favor of authority in general and blind obedience.

That's the problem for me. The whole show's story feels immature and lazy. Like it was written by an undergrad Anarchist or someone who thinks that ALL authority is inherently evil. But that's just childish nonsense to the extreme.

And beyond the childish philosophy, the story is just poorly constructed. I hate the way the narrative jumps around between points of view. NONE of the plot threads are anywhere near as compelling as Lyra's and every time they moved away from her, it felt like a waste of time or else a bit of homework that's necessary to understand what's happening.

Plot turns feel SO forced and contrived, it's painful. The whole show goes by and you never feel like you truly feel for or understand on a deeper level WHY anybody is doing what they are doing.

The lazy plot device of the prophecy was just dull and felt totally uninspired. The witches don't feel like a real group. They lack a sense of history in their world. They have some interesting abilities and a few rules specifically for their kind but I don't feel like they make sense in this world.

Does the magisterium fight them all the time? Are they aware of the deeper conflicts at work in this world? What do they know? What do they want? Do they all feel the same way about these matters? Where do their powers come from?

All these questions and more will never be answered and feel redundant as the show constantly drops characters and plot points all willy nilly anyways.

Seriously, I can't overstate how poorly written I think this narrative is.

However, the show's saving graces are it's often excellent cast members and it's stellar visual effects and production design.

On a technical level, the show is quite impressive. It's just a shame all that talent was wasted on such a lame, lazy, and shallow story such as this one.
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Barely Better than Shyamalan's Disaster
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show fundamentally misunderstands the original story and its characters. Its poorly acted, poorly directed, with bad production design and the worst dialogue I think I've ever heard in a show THIS expensive and highly anticipated.

I was fairly optimistic and hopeful before it's release. Many people had already written it off well before it's release but I was one of the few who kept an open mind despite the numerous warning signs.

This show handles adapting the source material about as poorly as it could have. It rearranges events in ways that lessen the emotional impact of each event changed. It subtly changes character motivations in ways that rob the characters of their flaws and their personal trials. It, ironically, dumbs down source material made for children and ruins the pacing of a perfectly paced masterpiece.

I was open to changes, I just happen to think every change they made was a significant misfire that only served to ruin the experience and lessen the impact of the story.

Aang was a terrible actor, Katara was made bland and performed poorly, Gran Gran was UNBELIEVABLY terrible, the Fire Lord was made far less menacing by showing his face and by having Zuko ruin his powerful menace by "defeating" him in combat as a little child.

They crammed several storylines into one episode sometimes (including episodes from later seasons) and then artificially extends other episodes in ways that feel like a waste of time.

I hate what they did with Bumi's character. Hate how they introduced Azula, Mai, and Tai Lee so unceremoniously.

I hate how the whole show takes place is hideous digital environments that feel flat and artificial.

I hate just about everything it did. And it wasn't even well shot. The only thing I can say in praise is that the VFX weren't terrible for the bending and Sokka was a good casting choice.
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