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Ghosts (2021– )
The Gilligan's Island of Haunted Houses.
4 April 2022
Sure, the show was inspired by the British series; but after the first episode, there have been only a handful of similarities.

The ghosts are somewhat stereotypes of characters and attitudes representing the periods in which they lived and the class/genre or persons they represent. Like the characters from Gilligan's Island, they are given plots and stories allowing them to bounce off each other in a very hilarious way.

True, they lack the cruelty displayed by some of their British counterparts (a common difference between British and American comedies), but this allows the audience to like them more and to care about what they experience.

This show works. May it see many seasons!
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Creepily Enjoyable
24 March 2022
Sure, ultra right wing conservatives may be offended that what they see is a projection of how the country could become if their beliefs were taken to absurd lengths.

The story, however is of a woman caught in a dreary, confining, and oppressive world of theological rules, class hierarchies, slavery, religious justifications, double standards, and sadism masked as "God-fearing reverence." The world is seen through her eyes as she fights to survive both mentally and emotionally. What truly is scary is that the subjects portrayed actually have happened in our world.

The pace is not that of some adventure thrills story, nor should it be. (The 1990 film tried to do that with the story, and failed miserably.) The world is bleak, and her life is not that of some Victorian heroine who is destined to overcome her hardships and retire in a happy paradise.

The series is unique and tells a tale that is both horrifying and compelling as she strives to overcome and escape her situation. No, the stories do not resolve in easy, one hour segments, so those with short attention spans may ding the series boring; but for anyone wanting to experience a dystopian world and see both its rise and decay while seeing how the world changes people into creatures who both bully and fight, this is a great series.
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Project Runway: Fashion Week (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
Kara shows her colors
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone loves to hate Wendy for having some ridiculous plan to somehow undermine the designers and get ahead in the competition despite the fact that the judges were third parties who were looking at designs and execution rather than congeniality and mental states. In this episode, however, the true villain turns out to be everyone's darling, Kara.

Kara tries to cheat, gets caught and called out, then throws a Diva tantrum trying to justify her actions. Her attitude reeks of entitlement as she seems to think that because she has "good taste" she should be allowed to break the rules the other two finalists obeyed.

The producers gave her a VERY generous option to resolve her actions, but it is pretty obvious that her attempt to break the rules cost her the win as the producers had a role in selecting the winner, and having a cheater be champion would not have looked right for the show. Sadly, she really did have the most elegant collection.
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Project Runway: #STREETWEAR (2021)
Season 19, Episode 2
That's it for me
3 November 2021
The show now has gone head first into the full blown Drama Queen and Snowflake realm where racists and bullies are excused and coddled as long as they are attacking a white person, and where talentless designers are kept if they are minorities who cry and play victim.

I cannot stomach it any longer. The past seasons had fun. Too bad the show dropped it all this time.
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Wilderness (2021)
Season 4, Episode 10
Excellent, but something is missing.
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit there was an emotional "yes" I gave to Waterford's fate, but I so wanted to see him handled as a traitor by Gilead, and given the irony of meeting its justice system he had created. To me, that would have been a far more satisfying conclusion: to have him chased down and beaten by the women he victimized, then awaken in a jail cell to be tried and convicted before being put on the wall. Seeing him broken would have been wonderful.
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Ratched (2020)
I really WANTED to like this.
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am with the others who wonder why the lead character was taken from another work that does not match AT ALL with the genre of this series. The use of colors, the fashion, the cars, and the sets all are beautiful art works that can capture the audience's attention. The glaringly unrealistic plots and situations, however, destroy the production. (A man arrested for murder is tried and sentenced to death within a few weeks of being captured, then is sent back to the psychiatric hospital that earlier had allowed him to escape to await his execution in TWO weeks rather than being held at a maximum security prison while his appellate process moves forward? The source of major psychiatric trauma is fully discovered and diagnosed in one brief session? The Governor of California is traipsing around getting ready for re-election with only one PR secretary as his staff? A psychiatric facility is being run like a hotel with no locks on the doors?) I am a huge fan of AHS, but that series is a blatant suspend disbelief type of show. This show seemed to be attempting to cash in on the AHS audience, but put too much fantasy/unreal elements in it to stand up to any sort of scrutiny that accompanies the use of the character from a realistic type of story.
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One of the Weaker Episodes
2 September 2020
The writers seemed to have difficulty including a juvenile Jodie Foster into what usually were adult subject matter and innuendo laden sketches. She at the time was not a strong sketch actress, and often appeared a little lost in the sketches and what was going on. Poor Brian Wilson sang two new songs and one favorite from The Beach Boys, but his performance was extremely low energy and often off key. Although this was the second season, it still was obvious the show was discovering what formats worked and how to put things together.
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Mame (1974)
The Problem Goes Far Deeper Than Lucy
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who has seen Auntie Mame cannot help but think of it while watching this, and wonder what happened to that sweet, lively story. The answer is not simply that the title character is played by a woman too old for the role who could not sing the range needed for the part. The problem starts with the approach the production took to the story. The Mame portrayed by Ms Ball is much more serious and not as manically energetic as the portrayal by Ms Russell. Ball's portrayal probably is how the real Mame Dennis would have been. The rest of the characters also are less energetic and probably more realistic than those in Auntie Mame. There lies a big problem as the Fun and happiness that bubbled before is replaced with a dull, bland seriousness that does not play well in a comedy. The attitudes of the characters and the portrayal of the events In the story have a harsh and at times meanness to them. The goings on of Patrick's first school are revealed in a humorous dialogue in Auntie Mame, but are shown in all their sleaze in this production. Mame takes the helm and smuggly announces she has bought the property next to the Upsons in order to make their lives miserable by celebrating unwed mothers. In Auntie Mame, she gives her money to a charitable party who is purchasing it for the noble purpose of providing a home for war refugee orphans. The Upsons are portrayed as mean, hard, snobbish bigots when before they had been presented as silly buffoons whom the audience may not have liked, but did not despise. Mame simply is dull and a little sad because it lacks the happy, somewhat innocent energy that had been the basis for the story before. Yes, this probably is how the characters really would have been, but realism rarely is what works for a campish comedy - and it certainly did not do so in this instance.
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The Handmaid's Tale: The Last Ceremony (2018)
Season 2, Episode 10
One of the Most Satisfying Scenes so Far.
29 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this episode has some horrific elements in it, but it also contains the scene that actually got us to applaud. When Roy has his attack after the ceremony/rape, and his accomplice/wife calls for Emily to get help only to have Emily comment calmly that it is best she remain on her back, we cheered. Karma inserted at just the right moment. I hope there are more passive aggressive scenes like this to come.
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Judge Judy (1996–2021)
Just what sad, little people need!
17 June 2020
Are you old? Biased? Crotchety? Jaded? Impatient? Believe yourself to be better and smarter than everyone else? Enjoy making fun of people? Like being a bully? Have we got a show for you!!!

Yes! You who are frustrated with feeling you are superior to everyone while knowing the world actually sees you as the pathetic, ignorant loser you really are can live vicariously through this show as the judge yells at litigants, laughs in their faces, ignores or misapplies basic legal principals, makes completely inconsistent rulings based solely upon how she personally feels about the litigants regardless of what the facts or law might be, and refuses to accept anything that does not match with her preconceived judgment of the issues based upon her producer's faulty interpretation of what the litigants said before the show.

You can sneer at any man who dared to accept money or help from a woman, scoff at anyone who earns minimum wage or has to use government assistance, preach about dog breeds regardless of how wrong the relied upon stats might be, make up what some person should have done in a split second reaction during an emergency situation, ignore witness testimony and instead attack how they are dressed or speak, declare yourself to be smarter than everyone in the room, and tap your watch and get pushy when someone cannot speak as quickly and concisely as you want. Then you can make a sudden judgment, cut off everyone, and smirk as you leave them.

Yes! Angry, dull witted people, we know what you want. This is not at all how a true, dignified court operates, but it can make you feel better in your sad, little world.
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Nice Wrap Up
6 June 2020
Each of the seasons ended with its main story line wrapped up while just enough loose threads were left to tie the episode into a new plot for the next season. It appears the producers knew each season could be the last, so each had a definite finale.

Season three was no exception. The overly drawn out plot of the ancient queen closed in perhaps too neat and tidy a way, but it was put to an end, and the surviving characters dispersed to live out the rest of their days. (Yeah, Kate's resolution was bit unrealistic and out of character, but at least the episode showed where she now was and hinted at what she would be doing for the foreseeable future.) Altogether, this was not a bad episode as it managed to adequately resolve and close the series without leaving its fans in the lurch with cliff hangers and stories that never would be resolved.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
I give up
15 May 2020
I really enjoyed the twists and discovery of season one. Season two kept the intrigue going. Season three lost it all. Dark sets. Dark clothing. Dark moods. Protagonists from season one turned despicable, murderous, and cruel. Everyone discovering they are robots. No sympathetic characters to care about any longer. Odd, convoluted story lines. Nothing left but robots set on revenge wanting to kill and harm as many people as they can. This viewer is finished with this mess.
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D-Railed (2018)
Going so well, then...
31 January 2020
The film starts off with a pretty good story set up surrounding the murder mystery plot. The characters are a bit cliched, but they fit in with the spirit of the murder drama they boarded the train to experience. The twists, tension, and character changes in this part of the movie are actually very intriguing. Then the whole thing falls apart to become a silly monster flick with B movie dialogue and almost cartoonish acting. Watch it up to the derailment, then shut it off. You will be far more satisfied with the unresolved fates of the characters at that point than you ever will be with the absurdity of what is about to come next.
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An Overblown Student Film
25 January 2020
Choppy editing, horrible continuity, cheesy makeup, predictable plot, extreme overacting, silly dialogue, poor dubbing, "artsy" camera angles, and mismatched sound effects: exactly what one could expect from most student film productions shot on a zero budget. This thing had more money thrown at it, but the result was the same. Why anyone holds this up as some "classic" worthy of praise is beyond me.
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Ma's Roadhouse (2010– )
Gee. Another one.
23 September 2010
Let's see. "Ma" knows the cameras are present because the show's producers want her to be loud and opinionated and half drunk. She knows she won't get on the air or get paid if she isn't that way. She obliges.

The situations presented for the audience are obviously scripted/contrived to give her as much opportunity as possible to demonstrate just how loud and trailer-trashy the woman can be, and how (mock)exasperated or foolish/bumbling the rest of the "employees" can appear.

The "characters" patronizing the bar are blatant in their purpose to be outrageous, sleazy and stereo-typically "biker".

Yep. Another "reality" show designed to produce cheap situation comedy/drama for the lower intellects who really believe all this stuff is happening spontaneously before the cameras.

Sadly, it just might be a hit.
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MegaFault (2009 TV Movie)
And who says the "B" movie is dead?
21 September 2010
WOW!!!! Bad acting. Preposterous plot. Impossible science. Horrible dialogue. Low grade special effects. Hyper-melodrama. Padded scenes. More technical, geographical and continuity errors than can be counted.

Yep, this one had all the ingredients for a "B" movie. I love the "B" movies of the 50's and 60's because they are bad and know they are bad, but are presented just for the shear fun of it. Had this made-for-TV movie had that attitude, I would have been all for it. Unfortunately, this one wants to be serious.

Now it's just BAD.

Even my ten-year-old spotted the problems with the faults chasing cars; the untested sonic wave machine conveniently already up on a satellite ready to save the planet; and the fact that huge quakes were seen destroying buildings, yet when the characters were on the street, there never were any broken windows or debris in any of the backgrounds to suggest something catastrophic had just happened.

By the time this one ended, I really was scratching my head as to why anyone invested money to make this thing.
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The Brady Bunch (1969–1974)
Who Wouldn't Have Wanted To Be a Brady?
1 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Who wouldn't have wanted to have lived in that Groovy, three story house (counting an attic that expanded to a full-size room) somehow tucked into a split-level exterior?

Who wouldn't have wanted to have owned all those Groovy clothes that somehow always were up to date and never got handed down from one kid to the younger sibling?

Who wouldn't have wanted to have had no problem that could not be resolved completely within a week AND that never seemed to be worse than something as trivial as whether a boy would like a girl who wears braces?

Who wouldn't have wanted to have had all those Groovy celebrities just drop in anytime you became president of their local fan club or foolishly swore you could get them to perform for your school dance?

Who wouldn't have wanted to have been part of a Mod, Groovy singing group made of your siblings while somehow having time for all the other extracurricular activities of your school?

Who wouldn't have wanted to be a Brady? What a great, Groovy time this show was!
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Airline (2004–2005)
Now I REALLY do not want to fly Southwest
27 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I never liked to fly the cattle carrier that is Southwest Airlines, but after seeing this series, I want to avoid it like the plague.

I cannot fathom how SWA thought this would be something good for its image. Most of the show is made up of unhappy, frustrated, angry passengers who are given an opportunity to show the audience how they are the victims of unstated SWA's policies and just how rudely SWA employees treat them. Most of the employees come across as insincere, judgmental, condescending, uncaring, disrespectful and eager to exert whatever little power they perceive themselves as having. The results are appalling examples of how not to conduct customer service. Sometimes the detached artificiality of an employee's apology for whatever happened to the passenger is so blatant that it is a wonder the employee still had a job after the episode aired.

Scattered between these atrocious scenes are uninteresting "human interest" pieces showing SWA employees bowling or going on cruises, passengers competing in beauty or dance contests, and other assorted items having nothing to do with an airport or airline. Also scattered here and there are examples of SWA employees going above and beyond their jobs to help a passenger, but those are the rare spots on the show and they hardly balance or neutralize the nastiness displayed by these same employees in other episodes. (Actually, some employees NEVER are seen being nice.) Watching this show is like watching a plane crash. It is horrible to look at, but somehow you cannot turn away.
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Richard Jeni: Platypus Man (1993 TV Special)
A hooker in sensible shoes
1 December 2005
I caught this on HBO and laughed so hard thatI had to have it for posterity. Luckily, I managed to tape it on a re-run. That tape is almost worn out now.

Jeni is phenomenal in his delivery and self-depreciating humor. Stand-ups like him are rare talents, and it really is a shame he has not been given the acclaim he deserves.

His bits regarding porn stars, house noises, restaurant lobsters, weathermen, advice columns, cooking show hosts, platypus comparisons etc. are gems. I still lose it when he mimics the Galloping Gourmet. He wisely avoids references to current events and situations, so the humor stays fresh and undated.

HBO needs to air this show again.
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So Cheesy, it could be labeled "Colby"
19 January 2005
After watching the Gilligan's Island, Charlie's Angels and Three's Company exposé/fantasy romps, I really did not expect much when I tuned into this latest exploitation of an old television series. Even with my VERY low expectations, however, the thing still stunk.

This felt like whoever wrote the script decided not to interview or speak with anyone actually affiliated with Dynasty's production; and instead chose just to read some old National Enquirer gossip stories about the show for background, watched only a few episodes of the series (thereby confusing or omitting many major characters) to see what it was about, opted to portray the actors as having the personalities of their television characters, then wrote a trite script of what they imagined might have gone on behind the scenes based upon what they saw in some bad Hollywood cliché movies about television and movie productions. It appears the producers, network, actors, and everyone else involved bought into that thinking as well.

There had to have been a real story somewhere in the history of this television series, but there is no way this could have been it.
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Blow-Up (1966)
This must be an art film, so I need to say it is great!
20 July 2004
This contains huge SPOILERS and much sarcasm.

OOH! Look everyone! The movie started off with a group of mimes playing in the street! This is going to be an art film!!!

OOH! Look everyone! The main character of the film is a photographer! Isn't that great SYMBOLISM of the audience seeing only a small view of the world and only from a limited point of view? Isn't this fantastic art????

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer is bored with his life and wants to experience something new so he decided to buy an antique store. Isn't that wonderful IRONY??? Isn't that fantastic art???? OOH! Look everyone! He is going to buy it from a young woman bored with the useless old stuff in the store and wanting to go out and do something new! Isn't that great SYMBOLISM of the world leaving behind all the trappings of time and moving on? Isn't this fantastic art???? OOH! Look everyone! He just bought a propeller - the part that makes the plane go - isn't that great SYMBOLISM that the photographer wants to go somewhere else in life, but since it is not attached to the plane, isn't that great IRONY AND SYMBOLISM that he is trapped?? Isn't this fantastic art????

OOH! Look everyone! There is a couple in a pretty garden with a tree in the middle! Isn't that just like the Garden of Eden? Isn't that great SYMBOLISM? Isn't this fantastic art???

OOH! Look everyone! The 'Eve' is setting up the 'Adam' for death! OOH! Look everyone! The evil 'serpent' is hidden in the trees! OOH! Look Everyone! 'Eve' realizes she has been discovered by the photographer who thinks he is God and is trying to hide her sin! WOW!!!! Just like in Genesis. Isn't that fantastic art????

OOH! Look everyone! 'Eve' has come to the photographer's studio AND TOOK OFF HER TOP!!!!! Nudity!!! Isn't that great SOPHISTICATION! OOH! Look Everyone! 'Eve' is offering sex in exchange for the photographs! Isn't that great SYMBOLISM of the fact that everyone who sins must sin further in order to cover up what we have done? OOH! Look everyone! Now she is getting STONED!!!! Now we know this is a mature film for enlightened audiences!!!

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer is looking at his pictures more closely and finding hidden images in them! Isn't this great SYMBOLISM of the fact that there is much more going on than what we, the audience, see? Isn't this fantastic art?

OOH! Look everyone! Two women have come in to the studio to have SEX with the photographer! This proves this is a sophisticated, mature film! I bet someone will find the symbolism of their appearance, but I am too busy watching them frolic right now.

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer has gone to a concert where no one moves. Isn't that great SYMBOLISM of the people in the world just watching life rather than experiencing it? Isn't this fantastic art?

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer just fought for a broken guitar neck and then discarded it after he got it. Isn't that great SYMBOLISM of his pursuing something yet not liking it once he attains it? OR maybe it means that the great 'treasure' of the photographs will quickly be useless to him. Isn't this fantastic art???

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer just discovered that all the pictures and their secrets have been stolen AND no proof exists any longer of what he has discovered. Isn't that great SYMBOLISM and IRONY in that his knowledge now has as much validity and value as that of the thoughts of the vacuous models he so despises?? Isn't this fantastic art???

OOH! Look everyone! The photographer has met up with MIMES!!!! ART IN AND OF ITSELF!!!!! (I think I may faint!) And now the mimes are playing tennis!! What great SYMBOLISM!!!! Could they mean that we go through life seeing only what we expect to see (in that we are following a non-existent ball because we understand the context of what the mimes are doing) and miss out on what might really be happening? OOH! Look everyone! The photographer has chased the imaginary ball and has thrown it back to the mimes!!! Isn't that symbolic of him no longer having a 'voice' for what he knows and now becoming as meaningless as irrelevant as the mimes? OR could it mean he now looks at things in a new way and sees things that aren't there? OOH! Look everyone! The photographer is now all by himself in a field. OOH! Look everyone! He vanished! Isn't that great SYMBOLISM? Isn't this fantastic art????

HEY! It just dawned on me that there was no real plot or resolution of the thin story lines within the film… and the dialogue meant nothing… and I really didn't like any of the shallow, cruel characters… and the film strayed off into a lot of irrelevant scenes... BUT it has all the snobbish critics excited because it is different and "artistic", and I want to look sophisticated and above those who go to movies for something so mundane and common as "entertainment" SO I think I will say it was a great masterpiece or classic film rather than admit it was pretentious tripe. Then I guess I also need to think up put-downs for anyone who thinks otherwise (or just call them "teenagers") to show how intellectual I think myself to be.

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Phyllis (1975–1977)
Such a waste of a great character
15 July 2004
The character of Phyllis was not originally designed to be a leading role; rather she was a self-centered, opinionated, overbearing cameo character of sorts to add a zany counter to the tranquil Mary Richards. She was silly, but not really likable. Once the character had to stand on her own, she had to be toned down and made more appealing, thus losing the truly funny quality she added to the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

With the exception of Mother Dexter, her supporting characters did not do the necessary job of balancing the character of Phyllis, and the show often looked strained and weak. The show seemed to mirror the character of Phyllis in that it did not seem to know where it was going or what to do with itself after the pilot episode. The 'wacky' photography studio was dropped for the dull politician's office thereby dooming the show to current political topics and satire - but without the proper characters to pull it off. Nothing felt right and the second season was worse than the first.

I so wish Phyllis had stayed in Minneapolis!
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They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968 TV Movie)
The brain was saved, the movie wasn't
21 February 2004
I honestly started watching this movie with no idea of its plot (aside from that given by the title) and expected it to be some sort of cheap B movie from the fifties requiring me to suspend all reality of biology, physics, etc. as is necessary to watch so many sci-fi B movies of that era. I normally get a kick out with those movies because everyone knows they were made just for escapist fun . This one, sadly, wasted so much time on irrelevant subplots and secret agent chases added in the late sixties, that I fell asleep before getting to the original, early sixties movie.

The part of the film made in the early sixties has some fun in it (if one can suspend all belief in science and accept the head itself) and has the really bad/silly plot, over acting, melodrama and effects that made B movies what we expect them to be. It rambles along to its 'climax' (with the head reacting to fire as no real human head ever could). The jarringly 'mod' new story (with the car chase scene that can't seem to decide if it takes place during the day or in the middle of the night) added to the beginning almost is reminiscent of the silly cheesiness of The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - except this was intended to be serious and thus seems a little pathetic.

Overall, the final film is just bad – and not in a good way. Unless you want a good cure for insomnia, avoid this one.
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What Not to Wear (I) (2003–2013)
Anything but Cruelty Free
3 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
What a novel concept for a show! Let's follow someone around with a hidden camera, photograph her from unflattering angles, show the tape to two conceited fashion "experts" so they may make rude comments, grab the woman in front of her friends to mock and embarrass her while announcing that everyone thinks the poor woman dresses and looks terrible, root through all the clothing in the woman's closet, make demeaning remarks about each item, throw away the clothing, drag the poor woman around New York telling her to buy things that fit the "experts'" tastes, insult her hairstyle and force her to have it redone into something trendy, then stand her up at the end and expect her to say she appreciated it all.

The cruelty in this show is appalling! Each of the victims of these "experts" in fashion had an individual look and taste that may not have been what every one else felt was most flattering to her, but it was what she liked. The woman is humiliated and forced into being remade into the current cookie cutter look that the "experts" like. Two episodes were enough for me.
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Why tamper with a classic?
3 November 2003
The original show was a gem as its stories were designed so that the seven characters "bounced off" one another in a way that highlighted their stereotype, cartoonish natures. The show was pure escapism - and it worked!

It was a gem of comedy.

With their removal from the island and separation from each other, the characters' took on a dull, blah realism as they had to interact with other characters and situations germane to their respective "real" environments. They no longer were funny. The magic of the series was missing due to this, and the show seemed more a weak drama with shallow, predictable plots and a few strained comedic interludes.

While it initially was nice to see the characters again, I prefer to remember them as they originally were intended to be.
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