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Gossip Girl: Gone with the Will (2009)
Season 2, Episode 15
Insane episode!
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel sooooo bad for both Blair and Serena in this episode. I know Dan isn't doing anything wrong, but he still needs to tell Serena wants going on because he trusts her. I feel worse for Blair though, she's honestly so proud of Chuck and he treats her awful in this episode. He's so mean to her. My poor girl. Also, what kind of name is Rufus?

Btw it's messed up how Penelope and Nelly leaked Lily's secret. This episode just gets so crazy. Also, Jenny is super annoying!!! The Chuck & Serena /dan story lines are probably the most serious storylines this show has ever had. I have always and will always love Chuck Bass, but this is a really messed up thing to do. Even though he's only 17 and bound to make a mistake like this, Blair really thought he had changed and would do a great job at Bass Industries.
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This was GREAT
19 May 2024
I'm not even a football fan but of course I know who Tom Brady is, and I LOVE ROASTS especially ones where Nicky and Jeff partake in the roasting..... my husband wanted me to put it on for him yesterday & I watched it with him and we were cracking up the entire time!!! It was hilarious!!!!! Nicky, Jeff, Kevin, Tom, Kim, Drew, and that guy Tony were all phenomenal!!! It was good. Poor Tom took it like a champ. I think Ben Affleck was clearly effed up on Blow. Don't believe me? Look at how sweaty his face was, he was stammering, and rushed off of stage very quickly. I don't even think he had one joke.
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Melrose Place: Till Death Do Us Part (1994)
Season 2, Episode 31
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode, I'm watching it for the 5th time but I have a couple of gripes. The way that Amanda earnestly approaches Alison asking for forgiveness and asking her to lie on the stand because she doesn't know Alison saw what she saw, makes me so mad because even though Amanda has her tail between her legs but because of how she has treated Alison nearly every episode In the past she expects Alison to forgive her and lie for her???? Alison saw what she saw, why would Amanda think for one second that she could ask something of Alison. She has a lot of nerve.

Also the molestation story line ended weird. Alison's father is just TOOO CREEPY and his voice is despicable. I don't understand why Alison ran away from the wedding instead of just screaming and calling for Billy and then the police. I don't even like Billy, but he didn't deserve that. All in all, a good episode. Michael looks so sexy as usual.
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Ignore the bad reviews
11 November 2023
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I don't understand all the hate for this movie. Yes, it does run a little bit slow but it's a great movie and it makes me sad. I feel so bad for Gina. Played by the incredible Blake Lively, Gina is a mostly blind wife who seems to live a pretty content yet boring life with her incredibly ugly husband who she is rather dependent on although she has never seen his face, it really seems like she loves him and he enjoys her "need for him" once she gets a life changing surgery & starts to get her eye site back she realizes how gorgeous she is and starts wearing makeup and dressing more confidently & seductively. Gina starts to enjoy life even more because she can see colors & things she has never seen before but James does not like that. She has special eye drops the doctor told her to use to help bring her eye site back even more, but Mr jealousy starts poisoning her eye drops which takes away her eye site and makes her eyes bleed. She figures this out but doesn't tell him she knows. A bunch of other messed up things happen and my heart husf breaks for Gina because she's being mistreated for absolutely no reason. The ending is rather ambiguous and doesn't leave us with much except we can see that Gina is very sad. Give this movie a try even though it is a bit long and I would have changed a few things about the movie if I was the one who wrote it. I've seen it about 3 times.
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5 October 2023
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I am so sick of Chris and Jane. This is my 4th time rewatching the series and it just gets worse with time. Jane, Billy, and Chris are all so insufferable and rude. I feel bad for Sydney and Jake. Michael is up to his crazy antics, dipping into comedy a little bit while still being evil. Chris is harassing Sydney and Jane is starting to gaslight Sydney which only gets worse in the next few episodes. A lot going on in this episode especially. The Jo storyline is starting to get old already. In what world would the "not even in laws" of their dead son's one time baby mama have any right to sue for custody? The fact that Jo actually thinks they have a case and that they would have any real chance of taking the baby is completely a work of fiction in the real world. If you thought this episode was crazy, wait for the next few, they're insane.
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Gossip Girl: New Haven Can Wait (2008)
Season 2, Episode 6
28 September 2023
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Blair is soooo childish in this episode and so nasty and ungrateful to everybody, especially Serena. It's clear she's very jealous of Serena. Serena always puts her life on hold for Blair and she had every right to go to orientation at Yale. We all know she doesn't end up going to Brown anyways. I wish that Serena ended up going to Yale and did not have any problems with anybody. Fairly childish and boring episode. Season 2 had some amazing episodes but this is not one of them and the story line around Dan & Nate was not good. However, I do like how Chuck acted in this episode. Chuck is always perfect and it's nice that he temporarily had Nate's back.
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Desperate Housewives: Something's Coming (2007)
Season 4, Episode 9
One of my favorite catastrophic episodes
8 June 2023
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This is my favorite catastrophic episode in the series. This show has amazing episodes especially in season 4!! This one is very dark. Literally (the tornado weather) and the subject matter. It makes me so mad what Edie did to Carlos and gaby. This episode is soooo good and the next one after it. I'm so glad that victor is gone though! I'm watching this episode for probably the 7th time. I highly recommended whoever wants to watch this episode start from season 1 episode 1 and then just when you think the show can't get any more crazy you get to THIS EPISODE! It's worth the wait. I think however though the scenes at the hospital with Mike are a little dramatic and over exaggerated for no reason. He went one day without his pain medication he wouldn't be withdrawing like that OR ANGRY.
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Nurse Jackie (2009–2015)
31 May 2023
Absolutely phenomenal show. The first time I watched it I was so enthralled. I really love Jackie and Dr. O'Hara. Jackie is so likable and I felt for her as both a mother and person. I'm not the biggest fan of her husband, I like Eddie a lot more for her. You can see the shift when the writers changed though and although I wouldn't say the show necessarily declines in quality I do not like certain plot lines at all. I don't want to put any spoilers but seeing Jackie become an o****ly and the way they all treat her especially zoey absolutely disgusted me. Jackie did some messsd up crap but that doesn't make her a bad person. The ending made me very emotional. When you see the last episode you'll see what I'm talking about. It's time to rewatch so I need Amazon prime to make it free or Netflix.
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Good Behavior (2016–2017)
Truly the greatest
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly one of the greatest shows I have seen in a while. My Husband and I binged it in TWO DAYS!! If I was just watching it myself I could have finished faster. I was hooked from the very first episode. Letty is very smart and likable. She's smart, slick, sexy, and witty. The love that Javier and herself have for each other is unmatchable and perfect. I love this show and there were some great storylines, however our devil matriarch (Estelle) is just a miserable old lady who treats her daughter (Letty) terribly. I'm also not thrilled with what she did in S2 episode 3 (when they go on the winter vacation together) I think that there should have been less focus on Teo especially towards the end and a little more focus on letty and Javier. I had only discovered this series in early 2023 and I am so disappointed that there is no season 3. Actually I could have watched 7 seasons of Javier, letty, and Jacob. I wish that Hulu would produce new seasons of it that pick up where it left off. This Is a GREAT show that will make you laugh a lot and maybe cry a little bit. Do not skip this show.
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Grey's Anatomy: Thanks for the Memories (2005)
Season 2, Episode 9
Worst episode of season 2
18 March 2023
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It is our first thanksgiving episode so it is viral episode and "classic greys'" but this episode is very boring. George's brothers are rude and annoying. I'm rewatching this episode for the 10th or 11th time and it's just not good. It's sad about the father who woke up after 16 years to see his family moved on. That ties in with Meredith being abandoned by Derek which makes sense and is very sad. Meredith and Derek working together is nice and sweet but everything going on at the house is boring. I like what izzie tried to do with bringing everyone together, and maybe it looked better on paper but it just doesn't play well on the screen. This is a balloon episode so it is okay to missed because it doesn't move the story along. Only thing we learn in this episode to move us along is that Bailey is pregnant.
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Easy A (2010)
Very funny movie
16 March 2023
I love this movie. Watching it right now for probably the 8th time. I think it was very well written and entertaining. The character of "Olive" is funny, peppy, and she has a lot of Moxie. I honestly wish I had her confidence. Amanda Bynes looks great in this movie (this was her last movie) Olives teacher has a very annoying voice and that's hard to deal with and Rhiannon is a TERRIBLE friend but other than those small gripes this movie is a fun watch. It's not cheesy. I don't like how they make fun of Christians in this movie and the writers made them look stupid. Other than that, great movie and highly recommend for both genders. Plz click on the 3 dots above this review to view all of my other reviews please!
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I liked it
27 February 2023
It wasn't the WORST movie I've ever seen. TBH it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. The acting was very dry even christy Carlson romanos acting was off which was surprising because she's been acting for 20+ years. It doesn't take long to figure out what's going on with this movie. There's little flash backs that show us what happened in the past to bring the characters where they are today. I love the character of Rachel. She's very beautiful and portrays a good mom. This movie is definitely twisted and has its problems which would explain why it most likely was a made for TV movie (I don't think it was in theaters) it was still entertaining though. One of my biggest gripes with this movie though is with the twins who played Mia. Mia is supposed to be 3 or 4 but they clearly used ADR to dub over their voices (clearly the twins can't act) but it sounded like they used a 2 year old with a speech impediment for the ADR. That was not the voice of a 4 year old. I don't know any 3 or 4 year olds that talk in a baby voice like that. It's actually very awkward and uncomfortable although the twins were very adorable! I was satisfied with the ending and glad that nothing worse happened.
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The Prestige (2006)
Amazing movie
6 February 2023
This is a really good movie. It's interesting to watch. The first time I watched it I was a little confused until the END!!!! The end really got me. Such an amazing twist, but some parts of this movie are sad. It's a little sad but very heartwarming as well. I didn't think I would like a movie about magicians but wow this movie is amazing. I have seen it 4 or 5 times in the past 6 years since I first watched it. When you realize what's going on it will blow your mind. It helps also that Christian Bale is not hard to look at as well. He's absolutely so gorgeous!!! I do have to say that every time I watch it. I get more and more intrigued by the twist. This movie is top tier!
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm 2 hours and 2 minutes into this movie and it has to be the most boring film I have ever seen in my life. 2 stars for adorable Jonathan lipnicki as "ray" and Tom Cruise as a sexy bachelor who has a good heart but doesn't know how to commit and see what's really important in life. This movie is just a drag, boring, it does not seem like a "feel good" movie to me. When is Dorothy going to catch a break? It just seems like nothing positive really happens and it's a big disappointment, but its immensely dragged on. They could have made this movie 30 minutes shorter and sped things along a bit. No reason to drag things on this much. I might have watched this as a little kid I vaguely remember, but after rewatching this today I will never watch again.
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
10 January 2023
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Absolutely terrible continuation of the amazing original GG from 2007-2012. The acting is stiff and terrible. The only people who can act in this show are the guy who plays Obie and the guy who plays the "new chuck"(max I think) also the girl who plays Audrey is a pretty good actress that's because she has acting in her blood and has been an actress for years. These other people I don't even know how they got cast. Nobody in this show is attractive, they can't act, it absolutely wipes out the glitz and glamor of the original GG. The fashion is horrendous. There are no "cute uniforms", Julien wears hideous sneakers with her hideous outfits, max's dad dresses like a woman but wears hideous frocks just like the teacher Wendy. It's hard to watch. I am all caught up surprisingly but it was very hard to get through. There are so many things I could write about this to steer you away but you'll see for yourself after the first two episodes. There is no shock value, no drama, it's just constantly whining about social justice issues, a lot of made up racism, protesting, this is just a very left leaning after school special that can cater to the "gen z" crowd but it's not even appropriate for the 15-17 year olds that will probably watch this. It's almost very childish, but not even appropriate for children. I know it's HBO max not the CW, but they could have done things differently if they wanted it to have adult Content. I love max and Audrey but the constant sex scenes, orgies, and threesomes feel very dragged out and boring. This show could have been done so differently especially if they casted attractive people and people who could actually act. The liberal agenda in this show is sickening as well. It just doesn't seem like a soap or teen drama at allll almost just seems like it's a bad parody. I may do a video review of this show for my channel. If you want to watch a juicy, sexy, shocking show watch the original. It's timeless and amoral as well as apolitical.
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Grey's Anatomy: Sledgehammer (2015)
Season 12, Episode 1
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You can already see the transition at the end of season 11 where you can see the show start to decline. This episode is the start of the demise of the show: Amelia, Maggie (barf), and Meredith are now living together in the intern house. Alex moves in with Wilson in a loft (yuck). Apart from the writing being stale and the acting being stiff, the music that they play in this episode (and the next episode) is absolutely awful. We don't get a lot of good medical cases in this episode it just seems scattered and all over the place. It's already well over a year since Derek died and there is no mention of him but you can really feel his absence. At least when Maggie first came on to the show we still had Derek to still make it feel like greys. Meredith and Alex continue to be the stars of the show and rightfully so. The Jackson and April plot is disappointing and sad. The show never recovers after this episode except for some good story lines and episodes in season 16 with the teddy and Tom romance. Don't waste your time watching this episode, and if you do watch it you will see that you will never see a good season of greys ever again, unfortunately because it was once an amazing amazing show.
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One Tree Hill (2003–2012)
I Watch it over and over again
15 November 2022
This is one of my favorite shows. Being to young (and not allowed to watch it) when it aired I didn't really know anything about it except for chad Michael Murray (who I adored) and Sophia Bush were in it and it was juicy. I had seen a couple previews for the dvd releases but by the time I discovered this show in either late 2014 or early 2015 I didn't know what I was getting into. It started out slow but it quickly drew me in. I couldn't race home fast enough from work to binge this. Incredible show, incredible shock value in some episodes. Lots of drama, and the music in the first 4 seasons and even some of season 5 is absolutely amazing. All of those early 2000's alternative rock songs playing in the background really make the show. It was edited and scripted so perfectly. I will have to say that seasons 1-5 are the best. Season 6 is watchable but not on the same spectrum as the first 4 seasons. With the change of season 7 we start to lose a lot of feel for the original premise of the show and it becomes more of a prime time kids show I feel like instead of the juicy teen drama we all loved. There are some crazy things that happen though in the last couple seasons and it's good to stick it through. I am on my 7th or 8th rewatch in the past 7 years, it's just that good. Don't let the first few episodes scare you off with the dawsons creek vibe because it absolutely is 10X better than that show. It can be heartbreaking at times so get your tissues especially for season 3!

Age recommendation: 14+ with parents supervision. 17+ with no parents supervision. It's a good conversation starter to teach your kids about certain topics. Don't let this one pass you by before they remove it from streaming. It's life changing.
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
25 October 2022
Terribly boring, cheesy, not funny, and the acting is subpar. There could have been good potential for a great movie with this plot and the cast as well but I don't think they were given a lot To work with with the weak script. Ryan Reynolds's has much better movies than this. I will never watch this again. I'm 48 minutes into it and I just can't continue to watch it anymore. I love Amy smart but she just doesn't have a good character in here unfortunately. This review is still to short, so I need to keep adding stuff. 3 stars for Ryan Reynolds's because he is absolutely stunning. Anna Ferris character is driving me crazy.
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18 October 2022
This movie is impeccable. It wasn't what I was expecting at all, because I basically went into it not knowing anything. It's much better than Blue Velvet and more entertaining. This movie gets very confusing but it seems to all come together at the end. When you get towards the end and the story shifts you get to a realization that everything you thought you knew was a lie. I'm not going to tell you what really happened because you need to watch it and figure it out for yourself . This movie is also very sexy, and the ending is a SHOCK and will make you a little uncomfortable but it really makes you think.
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Similar to my childhood
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very unsettling. I consider it to be almost on the same level of discomfort as Requiem for a dream (although not nearly as heartbreaking, profane, and not on the same topic) although this movie is about children, as a 29 year old woman this movie is really pulling on my heart. We follow the story of Dawn "wiener dog" weiner who is neglected by her parents and overshadowed by her two other siblings (one older, one younger) although the parents don't seem to favor the older brother or even like him too much it's clear they like him a lot more than dawn. I grew up with 5 siblings and my older brother was literally worshipped by parents (like these awful parents worship the youngest daughter) but ten times more while my parents actually abused me verbally and physically while the other kids ignored it or laughed about it. I had nobody on my side either and it was miserableI can relate to the incessant bullying dawn received on a daily basis with absolutely no help from the school but in the movie dawn retaliates to the bully's even going as far as calling her literal only friend a British cigarette. I can understand she's at her breaking point, but that's something I never did. I sat back and took it from every year I went to school until eventually dropping out mid sophomore year and moving 3,000 miles away by myself. Dawn is lonely, frumpy, dorky, her mother is so nasty to her and a boy threatens to rape her 4 times. Dawn is overall a good girl and just wants to be liked but she'll never be cool enough to impress her bullies. I honestly never heard of this movie until I saw someone post a screen cap of a scene on fb last night and decided to give it a go not knowing what I was getting myself into. I thought it was an angsty comedy, boy was I wrong. I feel truly bad for Dawn but this is just a b grade movie I think an independent film that's just kind of mundane showing her daily life with not much of a character arc or any growth on anybody's part. I do recommend it if you have time to kill. Although a bit Cheesy it is pretty accurate (although very mild) to how cruel kids can be in middle school and then it sucks when the bullied child goes home to still be treated horribly at home. Luckily we never see any physical or verbal abuse from her parents, they're just plain mean and cold.
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Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
28 August 2022
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This is soooooo boring. It doesn't hold my interest and it seems very dated even for the 90's, Melrose place is much better! There's not a lot of drama on this show and tori spelling is just hard to look at. It's boring and hard to get into! Plus as they get older they seemed to have no idea where to direct the characters and their futures and so the newspaper story arc, and everyone being poor and a failure and Kelly's short hair and ugly clothes just seemed out of character. They could have gone another way with the show and it could have been better. At least the 90210 reboot had a lot more glamour, suspense, and some shock value.
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23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead:

Great movie with all of my Favorite actors. Lots of laughs, but I didn't like how some things turned out. I really was laughing so much the whole time, but I'm Not happy that he ended up with the wrong missy romantically. I thought since he was such a nice guy he was going to tell her hey look I'm sorry but there was a miscommunication and you weren't supposed to be here I really found someone I vibe with but I would love to be friends with you, you're a crazy girl but we can be friends . That was the only Sad part of the movie other than that, the rest of the movie was top tier, hilarious, crude. All of my Favorite things.
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Better than I expected!
20 August 2022
The first few minutes were a little bit of a drag and I didn't understand the whole point of having the teacher lady there but I became intrigued and I have to say that PLOT TWIST with the mother character was a really good turn of events, and was not what I was expecting. I expected something completely different. The acting is reasonably good and the character of Esther's brother is a tool, but otherwise it's a good film and I was sad that it was over so soon. Don't listen to the bad reviews just go for it, and then watch the original orphan after!
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Veronica Mars (2004–2019)
Better than I expected!
5 June 2022
I haven't finished this show yet, I only made it up until somewhere in season 3 but it's actually really good. Veronica is smart, funny, quirky and so lovable. I also love weavel, the gang member. The finale for season 1 was absolutely insane and really had me thrown. I do recommend this show and I would liken to finish it and watch the movies sometime and finish the story.
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Actually intriguing
1 May 2022
I actually really liked this movie. Horror movies typically don't scare me and are usually really lame but I really liked this one. It was a bit of a slow burner it took a while before the scary stuff started but I thought it was immensely well written and had me hooked from the beginning. A lot happens that I wasn't expecting and there were a few jumps. My only complaints is that towards the last 20 minutes or so it got slightly confusing, almost a little silly, a little rediculous, and the cgi was very bad it just looked completely fake especially for something that was probably filmed in 2015 I swear I've seen things from the year 2000 that have better cgi, but it's a great movie and I will watch it again.
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