
40 Reviews
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Got really high hopes for this!
26 January 2024
Just finished the second episode and all I can say so far is that I am incredibly impressed. When I saw Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks's names attached to this project I was really excited. I thought back to their other war series including the pacific and band of brothers and was really hoping for the same magic again. And the first two episodes have so far delivered on all fronts.

The action is great. The casting is spot on. The story is captivating. But perhaps what this series is doing so well so far and what BOB and the pacific did so well is to not forget that their characters are human. The humanity which shines through in the story is deeply moving and this series has so far shone its brightest when it has delved into the human aspect of war.

Really excited to keep watching and I can't recommend it enough!
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Never thought I'd say this... Zac Efron deserves an Oscar
22 January 2024
Just saw this one in a theatre and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Where to even start with this movie? The chemistry between the brothers felt so genuine and real; the pacing was spot on; the characters were so well developed; the acting was incredible... everything about this movie was amazing.

I've seen a fair few of Zac Efron's movies (most recently the high school musical movies) and I've never really thought much of him as an actor. But he absolutely took me by surprise. His performance in this movie was the heart and soul of it. The emotional complexity and raw emotion he was able to show whilst still attending to the nuances of his stoic character was incredible. His performance absolutely blew me away and I really hope he gets nominated for an Oscar this year because he totally deserves it... I never thought I'd say that!

The sadness in this movie is deeply profound and will stay with you for days afterwards. It's a movie that leaves you thinking and challenged to avoid the mistakes of the story. I absolutely loved this movie and can't recommend you see it enough. Here's to hoping Zac Efron stars in many more movies like this. Because he is a phenomenal actor...
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Saltburn (2023)
What the heck did I just watch?
5 January 2024
Alright... don't get me wrong: I DIDN'T HATE THIS MOVIE. However, I feel like it kind of wasted its promising potential by being just a little bit too weird.

Hats off to the writing team, because the premise of this movie was unique and the pacing was pretty on point. The casting was spot on and every one of the actors was exceptional in their role. Barry Keoghan was particularly impressive as the wildly deranged Oliver who would do anything to impress Jacob Elordi. So on a movie making level, I have absolutely no problem with this one.


I feel like some of the visuals and plot points were just a little bit too much. It wasn't that I was offended by how in your face this movie was. I went into it knowing exactly what to expect. For me, it just didn't make sense in the context of this story. I think there were definitely better ways to show how off the rails Oliver was than those that were used. But then again, I knew what I getting in for, so there's definitely that too.

Overall I'd say it was okay, I just didn't love it. It's definitely a movie made for a select group who loves that genre, and I spose' it will be a real treat for them. But it's definitely the kind of movie where by the time the end credits roll, you'll be asking yourself the same question that I did...

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Elemental (2023)
A really solid movie... and that's coming from someone who thought Disney died out a long time ago
13 November 2023
Look... if you want to compare this movie to the highest of highs that Disney has put out, it probably won't top the list. In no way does this film even rival the heights of Inside Out or Cars or Toy Story, but it is certainly a top tier recent PIXAR movie. The animation was stunning and the story was satisfying even if it wasn't the most original thing PIXAR's ever come up with.

The story was a lot different to how the trailer made it out to look, and to be quite honest... I think that's a good thing. I didn't have high hopes for this one after watching the trailer but was pleasantly surprised by the solid story telling in this one. Probably won't watch it again any time soon, but it was still very decent.
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Tom Cruise just gets it...
8 July 2023
Just saw this one in a theatre, and boy... what an adrenaline rush it is. The latest Mission Impossible features some of the most incredible stunts ever put to camera. The story is absolutely exhilarating and continues to bring new life to a veteran movie franchise. The sheer scale of this movie is epic, and with every twist and turn of the movie, you cannot help but marvel at the incredible sets used to bring this movie to life. Such a movie begs to be seen on the biggest screen possible where you can truly feel the grandeur of the film. Tom Cruise has once again delivered one of the best movies of the year, and I cannot recommend that you see it enough!
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Extraction II (2023)
So much fun!
20 June 2023
Wow... the action in this movie was flippin incredible! As I watched the 21 minute one take action scene I was absolutely blown away by the production value of this movie. Normally Netflix churns out cheap garbage movies just to make a bucket of money, but this one felt like they actually put some serious effort in. I hope to see Chris in more movies like these. I absolutely loved him as Thor, but perhaps it's time for him to put his talent into different projects... extraction being one of those. The action in this movie was literal edge of the seat kind of stuff, and even though the story was pretty basic, I was genuinely invested in the characters. Two thumbs up!
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Absolutely phenomenal...
17 June 2023
That's all I really got to say about this movie... the first act in itself was amazing, but added together with the second and third, this movie was absolutely gripping. I rarely find myself verbally willing the characters on in movies, but this one had me muttering 'cmon, CMON!!!' every single time the action ramped up. I love Jake in just about everything he does, and although this was no exception, it was the interpreters performance that took me by surprise. Balancing calmness and urgency, Dar Salim absolutely took me by surprise. I cannot recommend this one more than I already have so I leave you with one last phrase... SEE THE MOVIE!
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Exactly what movies should be
6 June 2023
No. This movie is no Oscar winner and it is so far from perfect it isn't funny. Honestly, I'll probably even forget about this movie in a week or two and then dig it up someday in the future and think to myself: 'oh.. that's right... I did watch that once'

But for once, this was a movie made with the sole purpose to entertain... not to push an agenda on anyone, but to make you laugh and reminisce about the way they used to make movies. Two big movie stars just having fun on screen is frankly fun to watch, and with a story so unbelievable, this movie never takes itself too seriously. I had a great time watching this one and gave it a solid 7 out of ten for the fun I had watching.

It's definitely no masterpiece, but man!!! It's a lot of fun...
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9.5 Stars for a literal masterpiece
1 June 2023
Being honest, I kinda just went to the cinema to see this one for the sick visuals. It was opening night, so of course the whole room was packed with die hard spidey fans, and I sorta wondered to myself what all the hype was about. I'd seen the first one and thought it was really good, but it wasn't my favourite comic book movie by a long shot...

But now I understand. Every single frame in this movie felt like it belonged in a museum. The emotional complexity of the story was completely unexpected but incredibly welcome. I don't think I've ever been as excited for the second part of a movie series as I am for this one now. Infinity War and Endgame got nothing on this...

Easily the greatest marvel movie of all time, and dare I say it, a worthy contender for the best superhero movie of all time. See it on the biggest screen possible... it's well worth the entry fee!!!
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And I swore off giving 10 star reviews...
13 May 2023
A few years back, I swore off giving 10 star reviews to any movie, because at the end of the day, I didn't believe that any movie could be perfect. But this movie came so close to being perfect that it more than earns a 10 star review. This movie had me in shivers throughout, and by the end of the movie, I was so engrossed in everyone's story that I genuinely did not want the movie to end.

I would honestly go as far to say that Jonathan Roumie is one of the best working actors out there at the moment. For a man to be able to switch from depicting Jesus so accurately in The Chosen to a broken man who desperately wants to see the Church of Christ revived takes some serious talent. He had me utterly convinced throughout this movie, and everything else shines because of his anchoring performance.

I have always appreciated a Christian movie that doesn't shy away from the nitty gritty of life. Last year Father Stu unflinchingly depicted a broken man who turned his life around in the best possible way, and this year Jesus Revolution did the same in a different way. We need more movies like these to actually reflect the true stories of Christians who are just as broken as anyone else. I for one appreciated seeing the brokenness instead of the classic plot line of 'life sucks, I pray, and everything gets better'. Man... I really hope that such a good trend of Christian movies continues.

Get out there and see this one, I would strongly recommend...
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All hail King Keanu...
15 April 2023
When I heard the buzz around this movie, I dragged myself to the tv to watch the first three wick movies just so I could fully appreciate the fourth on the biggest screen possible. After the first one, I was absolutely convinced that I was in for something special, and king Keanu did not dissapoint.

John wick 4 is loaded with some of the greatest action scenes out to camera, some of the coolest set pieces ever created, and has an emotional depth to it that we'll and truly took me by surprise...

All I can say now is that I really hope they just leave this franchise alone at this point. I'm down to see spin-offs and prequels, but I genuinely hope they leave the central story untouched, because this movie was the perfect ending to one of the greatest action franchises of all time. Rarely do you find a film series with not a single week link in its library, but John wick has somehow managed to do that, and I really hope it stays that way...

Big two thumbs up!!!
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Poker Face (2022)
7.5 Stars for a solid movie...
8 February 2023
This movie was genuinely a good quality film. Sure, the plot was a bit overstuffed in spots, and the dialogue felt a bit clunky here and there, but it had a general story that kept me invested, interested, and really entertained. Crowe and the rest of hist cast deliver solid performances that are entirely serviceable and easy to watch. Granted, the film won't win any awards, but I don't think that's its intent. It's just a good old fashioned movie made for the enjoyment of the audience without any agendas. I would certainly recommend this one as an easy (if not slightly forgettable) watch for anyone looking to pass the time with a solid movie...
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Nightcrawler (2014)
I once wrote a review saying Prisoners was the pinnacle of Gyllenhaal's career... I was wrong
24 January 2023
As a fan of just about every Jake Gyllenhaal movie I've seen, I was keen to watch this one when I first saw it's raving reviews. It didn't top my watch list though, as I couldn't help but wonder to myself, 'how good can a movie about the media be'???

Flippin' awesome is how good it can be...

I once wrote a review on IMDB saying that prisoners was the pinnacle of Gyllenhaal's career, but I hadn't seen Nightcrawler. The acting was superb, bringing to life a script that may not have otherwise been so magical. Gyllenhaal anchored this movie with an oh so haunting portrayal of a man willing to stab anyone in the back for the perfect shot, and thanks to him, I can easily say that this is an instant classic in my head.

I got only two words for those who haven't feasted their eyes on this spectacle: SEE IT...
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Underrated for mine...
28 December 2022
I actually really enjoyed this movie. It was funny, touching, and had some good things to say. Russell Crowe gives easily one of his best performances in recent years, and The Greatest Beer Run Ever marks a welcome return to form for him.

Sure... it is no where near the Oscar worthy movie that it could have been, but what you get is far better than reviews let off. Zac Efron was a pretty perfect choice for this one, and you can tell he gives it 100% for the whole movie. The story, while unbelievable at times, is never dull, and this movie keeps you interested for the whole time. I would certainly recommend a viewing because, although it might be forgettable, it truly is the Greatest Beer Run Ever...
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Glass Onion (2022)
Really entertaining
28 November 2022
I was initially really sceptical that Knives Out needed a sequel. The first was already so good, and as is the case with most movies these days, sequels are usually not as good as the first...

But this wasn't the case with Glass Onion.

Glass onion had an outstanding cast and an outstanding story to tell. I like to think that I'm usually pretty good at guessing how a movie is going to end, but this one had me guessing the whole time. The premise was really cool, and the explanation at the end was more than satisfying. Glass onion is a movie that knows what it is, and never once gets to smart for its own good.

Strongly recommend seeing it in a theatre, though no matter how it's seen, it is sure to amaze...
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Prisoners (2013)
Fantastic... but not for everyone
18 November 2022
I was genuinely shaken by this movie. I'm usually a firm believer that the best way to watch a movie is to sit down and finish it in one hit. But an hour into this movie I was forced to get up and do something else for a bit to let things settle.

The performances in this film are so flippin' good that it feels almost too real. Hugh Jackman is literally scary as a father willing to do whatever it takes to get his daughter back, and Jake Gyllenhaal is excellent as the detective just trying to do his job. Melissa Leo performed in this movie like her life depends on it, and Maria Bello is all too convincing as the mother who turns to substances to calm her depressions.

And with these performances, I will admit that the story felt so real, it was hard to watch...

But boy was it worth it! The ending might have shaken me to the core, but I was genuinely touched by the genuine depiction of love that the film portrays Drover to have for his daughter is inspiring. Whilst he might not always make the right decision, the film serves as a pertinent warning for doing the wrong things for the right reasons. The twist at the end is masterfully executed, brought about by the masterful pacing and the only thing I would have liked to see was a little more closure on some of the minor characters. Apart from that though, everything about this movie screamed perfection.

I cannot recommend this movie to anyone purely because of how brutal it is, but I can genuinely say that it is one of the greatest films I've seen in a long... long time...
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Father Stu (2022)
Outstanding performance by Mark Wahlberg
13 August 2022
This movie was inspiring, it was funny, and ultimately, it was deeply moving. By the time the credits rolled on I genuinely felt attached to the characters and was wholly engrossed in their stories. Mark Wahlberg's effort to get this movie to the screen over the past few years has been well worth the time. His performance was fantastic and I believed every minute of it.

This was a Christian movie that felt much grittier and full on than any other of its kind. Helped along by believable conflict between Mel and Mark's characters, this movie didn't just feel like a movie... it felt real. God uses people in mysterious ways, and he uses this R rated movie in a similarly mysterious way. The scads of profanity help to make it a beautiful movie with a beautiful message about how God never gives up on us, even when we give up on him. He can use even the down and out sinners for a holy purpose if only we open our hearts to him.

Two thumbs up!!!
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A triumph in every sense!
27 May 2022
Top Gun: Maverick ticks every box... it delivers a long belated sequel which captures the nostalgia of the first whilst giving fans something so wonderfully new. The chemistry between the leads is outstanding, and anchored by a standout performance by Tom Cruise, this movie was a smash hit. Get to the cinema to see this one... it is sure to be a great time.
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A Steven Spielberg Masterclass
8 April 2022
From the amazing choreography to the heartfelt performances of Ansel & Rachel... WOW!!! I absolutely love a good musical and this one delivered on every front. It's always tricky as the director to recreate what was already a super popular movie, and I believe none has done it better than Steven Spielberg. His vision for the movie was insane. The sets were magnificent. The performances were extraordinary. And all that is thanks to one man... Mr Spielberg himself. Well done on a terrific movie cast and crew. Absolutely loved it!
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Stillwater (2021)
A harrowing, gritty depiction of a man willing to do anything to save his daughter...
19 February 2022
Saw this one last night, and I can genuinely say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Matt Damon was as excellent as ever, and his charm brought a life to this movie that not many actors would have been able to bring. His rawness and vulnerability make this movie harrowing and gritty whilst building up to an ending that matched this theme. Whilst it may not have been the most fast-paced movie I've ever seen, it was still expertly paced, keeping you on the edge of your seat, wanting desperately to know what happens at the end. I'd certainly recommend this one for the thriller fans out there.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
An unnecessary, yet still great movie...
18 February 2022
After The Bourne Ultimatum I really didn't think that this franchise needed another installment with Matt Damon, and even after seeing it, I still don't think it did. But this movie was nevertheless amazing. Although it didn't quite measure up to the other 3, I was still thoroughly entertained in edge of your seat kind of stuff. I'd definitely recommend this watch...
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The Marksman (2021)
Decent Watch
13 February 2022
I really enjoyed this movie for what it was. I don't believe it was meant to be anything super fantastic, but instead just another good Neeson action flick. And that is what it was. An easy watch, a nice ending, and a story line that (despite its predictability) was thoroughly entertaining.
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Jerry Maguire (1996)
Pretty Decent
28 January 2022
I enjoyed this movie. It had a some big names in it, and is hailed as a classic movie of our modern age. So with all that in mind, I gave it a look. What I got was a good yarn, and that's all a movie should be. There was nothing extremely outstanding in this movie, but it was still definitely worth the 2 hours it took to watch it. I'd certainly recommend.
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1917 (2019)
Beautiful ode to our veterans
28 January 2022
This movie was hands down fantastic. I thought that the performances by the two leads were so incredibly good that I felt like I was a part of the experience. I really loved the way the movie was filmed too. It was a pretty big feat to pull off a film that appeared to be one big scene, but I thought it absolutely worked. It made you feel even more engrossed in the movie.

1917 also pays a beautiful tribute to our veterans. I thought that it was a fantastic way to try and portray what they actually go through, and seriously appreciated the rawness of Sam Mendes's script and direction. It was riveting, mesmerizing, and best of all, it was just a great story. I would definitely recommend this one to anyone.
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Really Good
28 January 2022
I absolutely loved this movie. The action sequences were on point, and the acting was superb. I particularly appreciated the addition of Jake Gyllenhaal to the MCU. I thought his work as Mysterio was masterclass, as he turned a potentially dark and brooding villain into a dark and comedic villain. Tom Holland's performance was great, and he only continues to get better in the role of Spider-Man. I also really loved the heartfelt humor in this movie, and really hope they sustain this in the next installments. See this movie... it's well worth your time.
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