
391 Reviews
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The Night Manager (2016–2025)
I miss Steven Spielburg
8 June 2024
Only watch this if you like reality TV shows, something to escape from everyday life, something to turn your brain off. If you are logical, mathmatical, or somehow gripped in will hate this.


Weirdly enough, the acting is actually good. The lead actress is the main weak link, while everyone else carries their load effectively.

The series has an interesting premise and is intriguing enough to keep you engaged

Cons: The writer or director has never had a real job and or did not do any research on this topic. If this is a police drama, you should research police procedures to add a layer of realism. This series is almost someone's romanticized idea of a spy drama.

Examples: 1. This is a billion dollar classified illegal weapons why am I talking about it on the elevator, in a hotel room, in a restaurant, in an open office with people around?

2. Security: Is none. A billionaire with a 100+ million dollar mansion, has no security cameras, no people walking around or an alarm system? I have a Ring camera, and will know instantly if someone is at my house. Even at the MI-6 offices, top-secret classified paperwork is left on top of some other papers like it was the day's lunch menu. Safes only require 3 digits, and I guess to access anyone's hotel room is just ask for a key.

3. Top spy agencies are just dumb. Multiple events in this series could have ben solved with a Google search, yet thse top spy agencies, are unable to figure things out. As a matter of fact....everyone is dumb. Series exist only because people are making stupid decisions.

I was about to give it 5 stars, but the ending was abrupt and overall...stupid and dropped it a star. You do not get any satisfactions.
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Under Paris (2024)
Rooting for the shark
5 June 2024
A movie is not good when you are rooting for the villian. In this case, the shark was my superhero.

First of all, with 50 years of advanced technology, robotics, cgi and advancement in film....that sharks today look less realistic than Jaws? It is insane how fake today's sharks look.

To the follows every cliche, nothing is original here, with scenes and dialogues almost straight out of Jaws or Deep Blue Sea.

Acting is way over-the-top, dialogue consists of screaming or incesseantly yelling someone's name. Sharks are fake looking, about the same level as a Sharknado And you cannot find one person making smart decisions. This is a complete miss.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
I made it 8 minutes
29 May 2024
Yes, I only watch 18 minutes and I want 20 back. Where do I start.

Signs of a bad movie: 1. If there is a steady dronning of music or sound effects over normal scenes. Check. That means the director/writer could not come up wiht a compelling enough scene or dialogue and they discract you with music.

2. Multiple scene edits. Check. That means the director/editor is trying to makea scene have more action than it really does.

3. Jumping from one scene to another without cooreation. Check. That means the film was edited too much, or the director is too bothered to establish world building. In this movie, yuou learn all the 'background details' in exposition or lame narration. Which leads to..

4. Narration without any purpose. Narration is a dangerous tool because it immediately establishes the the main actor is 'aware' of you watching. And unless you have Morgan Freeman or similar gravitas in voice, it it best to stay away. This film was a stay away.

5. Camera: This movie looked like it was filmed with an iPhone. Nuff said.

6. Dialogue. Stilted. Because of bad writing, the dailogue had to push the story along, which makes the story weak because it appears the actors are talking to tha 'audience' esplaining what is going on as oppsed to having a natural convversation.
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Night Raiders (2021)
Good story, bad execution
24 May 2024
This is not a complete waste of time, howevver, there are better ways to use this time(wash dishes, fold clothes, look at moonlight), all of which may be less boring.

The initial story is interesting, especially for those who watched Children of Men, which is absolutely fantastic. That movie had some action, some thriller, story drama, compelling ending, great acting and you cared about the characters. This one has interesting concept, decent acting and.......nothing else. It appears the director is the writer who had an idea but needed someone else flesh out the story. It is extremely boring, you never really care what happens to anyone, and a tacked-on afterthought as an ending.

It did do one thing...made me go rewatch Children of Men.
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Great premise....absoluting horrible execution
12 May 2024
This move had potential to be a decent horror action drama...except it was written and/or directed by the someone who has NEVER taken a single science or match class.

Pros: Concept is inttriguing, not really original if you have seen any Twilight Zone or Amazing Stories episdode The movie draws you in. Around the 35 minute mark it goes downhill quickly.

Problems: Science....there is none, take some riduclous scene from the Fast & the Furious movies and this will compete with it. I do not mean just once, multiple times to the point where you have not stopped eye-rolling, befor the next stupid thing happens.

Stupidity..These are trained military men, while I expect one or two to be dumb, or quick-tempered to create drama, here everyone is dumb and making dumb decisions, constantly.

Sense of Urgency...Zero. No one acts scared, excited, terrified for more than a few seconds. In one scene where everyone almost lost their life, they are having a conversation with the ssame tone of ordering a latte at Starbucks. Multiple times, they started talking about some other ssubject WHILE their life is in danger.

Finale.... I dropped it s star just for that alone.
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Them (2021– )
Only watch with your brain turned off-Season Two
5 May 2024
Pros: It is an engaging and intriguing storyline. It grabs your attention and makes you want to fing out what happens.

Cons: Wow

1. Make sure your protagnoist can act. It is really hard when the person that is in almost 95% of screen time is unable to act. No emotional changes in face or voice. Her voice when yelling at a criminal to freeze, when her relative died, or when shot at had the same expresionless monontone performance...She definitely got this role off casting couch.

2. This movie does not exist if one..junst one person makes the right decision.

If, an offier call for back up like they does not exist If a trained detective walk into the criminal hideout with a gun, movie does not exist.

If a very stocky, healthy 15year old kicks open a simple bathroom door, movie does not exist.

If a person realizing that there is a serial killer, go out at night, alone into the area with the serial doe not exist.

And on and on. The plotline only movies forward because the actor is required to do something stupid.
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Avengement--this is NOT.
3 May 2024
I will admit, I am a sucker for revenge films. Recent good ones have been Sisu and Avengement. Considering this had a main character from Avengement, I thought I would give it a chance. Wrong.

It had revenge & violence. What it did not have was a conhesive storyline, good dialogue(not sure if there was dailogue, every one was saying dumb one liners), editing poorly, did not know who was who until 2/3 through the movie, ex machina everywhere in a big city like London, dumbest crimininals(one criminal actually stabbed overhead like a cartoon), dumb cops and all together bad decisions. Be everyone. To top it off, loud music is playing through most of the movie to obviously distract us from the trainwreck.

Do your self a favor, go watch Avengement again.
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A Killer Paradox (2024– )
Does not go anywhere
3 May 2024
This series tries to be a little bit of everything and not enough of anything. It wants to be black comedy...but fails. It wants to be a detective procedural....but fails. There seemed to be a certain 'powers', but that was never fleshed out. Wants to be revenge drama and nerd gets tough narrative....but fails that also.

So much iss going on that you are not sure what is going on. There so so many dream sequences and flashbacks, that you do not realize what is real or not. The direction/editing is bad as you jump from scene to scene without coorelation. And biggest offense.....there is some constant music playing throughout the whole series along with very stylized visuals, which are tell-tell signs that things was added to distract the viewer from the weird, badly written series.

I did not care or root for anyone.
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18 April 2024
What did I just watch? Okay, here it goes.

I enjoy black comedies. Very Bad Things, Evil Milo and The Babysitter is how you mix horror, action, inappropriate things with a level of humor. But one thing those films had that this one does I did not find anything amusing because I am an adult with an adult-acting brain. This script could have been written by a horny 14-yr old and you would not notice a difference in the movie we just got.

The jokes are one-liners that appeals to no one over the age of 15(or people whose maturity level is not past 15). They are flat and unfunny. Outside of a brief moment with Paul Reiser, there is no dialogue, just different people making some random one-liner that the audience is supposed to laugh at. I can see someone rating this a 5 or 6, anything higher are fake reviews.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
Wore out it's welcome
16 April 2024
If this had been a concise story done in one season, I could see an 8 or 9 star.

Maybe if it had concluded in season two, maybe a 6 or 7 star.

Season 3 was unnecessary and season 4 was so stupid that it was only because of the acting that the final score was not lower.

Remember Game of Thrones, how the last three seasons destroyed almost all the goodwill of the show. Same here, except it does not have five good seasons first, only one.

Problems 1. No one dies. There is so many death fake-outs that you do not even take them seriously. Shot in the stomach, no problem, stabbed problem , fall off buildings that would hurt Spiderman....yet in the next episode or so...they popped up again like nothing happened.

2. Billion dollar corporations and spy agencies with zero security. Seriously, my office has more security hiding supplies then this show. You can walk up anywhere if you get past one stupid guard, can hack anything with a simple laptop and have confidential conversations in crowded hallways or coffee shops.

3. Plot device and soap opera. Everyone it betraying everyone else, everyone is asking everyone else to trust them, even though I have betrayed them two episodes ago. For a show taking across all of Europe and Asia, people randomly run into each other, in different countries and cities several times a show.

Great storyline if it was a min-series or one season, taking it past that requires lazy writing...and there is an abundance of that here.
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Fallout (2024– )
Only watch this if you liked Rebel Moon
12 April 2024
I know it is not, but it looks like a Zach Snyder vehicle.

Multiple locations without connectivity? Check Lack of character development? Check No understanding of character's motivations? Check Irritating music or score always in the background? Check Lot's of action yet still seems boring? Check Single thin female warrior who cannot act and you really to not care if she lives or die? Check Story pushed along by plot device instead of cohesive writing? Check Not sure who to root for? Check

The only difference between this and Rebel Moon is that Rebel Moon took place entirely in a green screen warehouse. Here, the actual backdrops are real.
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Three minutes!! Three minutes!
11 April 2024
It only took three minutes in this movie to realize just how bad it is.

Direction: Absolutely horrible. There are four distinct scenes in the first three minutes that gives you whiplash as they come from nowhere, makes little sense and not related or pass the story along. Three of the scenes could have been removed and the story would not have changed(would have been better).

Acting/Writing? Not sure what caused it but the characters were talking in complete whole sentences with zero emotion, monotone, without in inflection in their voice. 'You are a rogue agent of the CIA and that is why I have been sent here to your hotel room in Berlin to shoot you with my handgun.' That last statement is not exaggerated.

Editing. It appears as if they grabbed some clips for the cutting floor from other failed movies and stuck them together. There are 'news clips' that look EXACTLY like they are from Starship Troopers. Why?

Aaron Eckhart is a very good actor and he was reduced to a bad parody of Kneau Reeves which is highly frustrating.

The news scene are creepy, this movie should have been a comedy.
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Invincible (2021– )
Watch Season 1, Skip Season 2
7 April 2024
Like most series that has an amazing first season just to completely blow it the second season.

The problem is the main character works better as a sidekick. With season one, even though Mark is the focus a lot of attention is on Omni-Man. With season two the focus is only on Mark and it is absolutely horrible.

1. The story appeared to be written by a jilted 25 female virgin. In a superhero show, too much of it is teenage angst . You cannot have R-rated language and violence and have storyline more akin to a Nickelodeon Lizzy McGuire having a crush on a new student. Just stupid.

2. You are one of the most powerful people on Earth, yet the fight scenes are boring because you sit there and watch the villain walk right up to you and hit you(you have Flash like speed!!!!!!!!). You stand there, mouth agape, do not turn around, do not fly and talk stupidly in fight scenes. We had adult writers writing for adults, now we have Gen Z writing for Scooby Doo disguised as a superhero cartoon. On one scene a housewife with a glass shard did more damage then the superhero by using basic fighting tactic.

3. Blah, blah, blah. Too much talking without any purpose.

Season 2 is just bad, really really bad.
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Parasyte: The Grey (2024– )
Great storyline---horrible execution
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1. I like the storyline and the initial plot. It is a little bit Body Snatchers, little bit X-Men, little bit drama and police thriller.

The problem...execution.

Direction: Who ever directed this should be sent back to high school plays. The great storyline is COMPLETELY moved forward by plot devices.

A person with a two minute head start in a car, yet the pursuers are right behind them in ten seconds.

In just one episode alone, people coincidentally ran into each other at the exact right moment 11 times, in a city that has 1.5 million people. That is like people knowing each other and running into each other 11 times in Phoenix, San Antonio or Philadelphia, without the use of GPS and totally by accident.

No security anywhere...none. People are walking right up to police sergeant's desks and rummaging through them with no one noticing.

The main characters, police, bad guys & bystanders all make the most insane non-rational decision almost 80% of the time. You are chasing a villain that has killed multiple policemen with guns....and one episode later you say..'Let's split up'.

In another fight, let's go in without any weapons at all, after seeing a bunch of your colleagues die when they had weapons. Just Stupid

Editing: The whole let do 25 edits in a six-second scene ploy. Have to make the scene have more action than it really does.

I seriously debated on even finishing it because of how badly it was directed.
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Gravesend (2020– )
A low budget skip
4 April 2024
A low budget mafia series based in the 80's. I'm good with that. You do not need expensive props to make a series that based upon the drama of mafia families with a couple of shootings and stabbings every once in a while.

What you do need?

Acting. The ability to make the characters seem believable. Here the actors come across like high school students practicing for a school play about the mafia. Everything is exaggerated to the cliched stereotype of New York Italians. Having some of that is fine, having the majority of the cast acting that way is grating.

Writing. Maybe is not the actors fault, they may be doing the best they can with the material that they are working with. The dialogue does not have a 'natural flow', instead it is a collection of complete sentenced-statements (Jimmy, why don't you go to the refrigerator and get the butter and put it on the table for dinner at 7pm). No one talks that way.

Direction. N/A. You are jumped from scene to scene without correlation, background, or even knowing who the parties are.

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I made it 7 minutes in.....
1 April 2024
Yes, you read that right....just seven minutes into this movie and it was apparanetly clear how badly directed, written, edited and acted.

Editing First clue to a bad movie is when a very simple scene have multiple edits in just three seconds of scene. GUILTY. A chase scene was edited so badly that you did not know who were the good guys or bad guys.

Direction: The villain is only five seconds behind me, I ran off the road, get stuck, get pushed out and now the villain is about 30 seconds behind me. Stupid...just stupid. Oh, the the villain is steadily firing a machine gun and not hitting anything once.

Writing/Acting: I am about to lose my life and I rattle off a statement with the same emotion of ordering a soy latte.

Skip this movie.
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Requiem (2018)
Run! Save yourselves!
25 March 2024
Where do I start?

The lead actress must have won the role from the casting couch, because she could not have acted her way off a stopped bus with the door already open. She definitely went to the Kneau Reeves/Kristin Stewart master class of acting. She has the same deer-in-headlights looks whether she was mad, sad, disappointed, scared, happy or sleeping. The character, whether written or so badly acted that you hated the main character and was hoping she would be eaten by a land shark or something.

Too many of the characters are caricatures, the stupid police officers, the weird old person who only speak in clues, the over-acting young person, the bar full of people that stare and the lead character who is the smartest person yet the same old making the dumbest decisions.

Ending....not spoiling it, but it appears the writers/directors did not know how to end it, or ran out of money(not sure on what), or got approval for a second season so decided to leave everything open. In short, there are not the answers you are looking for at the end.
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On the Line (II) (2022)
Why...just why
23 March 2024
Do not watch this! You will be disappointed! Again do not watch this you will be disapponted.

This is a case where they started making a movie and decided somewhere in the middle to change the narrative. It is pretty obvious the writing/tone of the move changed and instead of a fullly flesh out story, they wanted to keep the budget below $100k(outside of Mel's salary) and cheated to give us this.

The acting was well enough, the tension was there but the decisions did not make sense. The biggest issue is the ending. It will make you want to throw something at the TV.

Do your self a favor...skip.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Sixteen minutes...
22 March 2024
Sixteen minutes into the movie....that is all I could take....and even with that I was rooting for the villain so much I skipped to the end to see if she died or not.

Plot as they a lady is taking a road trip alone and gets mixed up with a stalker/hunter. There are shades of 'Hitcher' which is WAY much better. With this movie is the protagonist makes every single dumb decision you could make, essentially the story is written so badly that if she made just one smart decision the story is over. I realized you need plot devices and coincidences to make many movies work, but here all the devices are based upon stupid, just stupid decision and coincidences that scientifically cannot happen.

She leaves a place, has a two hour head start and he appears in front of her?? How???

I'm done.
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Iron Reign (2024)
Do not watch if you have a brain
20 March 2024
Pros: Intriging concept. Mafia-like family controlling the port, with people trying to take over the throne, the backstabbing, the betrayals, the side deals, etc. So initially you get the idea of this being a Spanish version of Rome Suburra......except the execution is no where near the Italian counterpart.

Writing. There are so many scenes involving someone calling somebody's name or saying 'stop'. Way to many. Just irritating.

Very few 'real' conversations. Instead, it was people reciting individual sentences to progress the audience to the next scene. 'I am going to take our daughter and drive her to school' or 'I am going to call my brother on the cell phone and invite him to lunch tomorrow' are example of statements made to inform the audience what the character will do next, instead of natural conversation.

Direction. The shaky cam, multiple edits within one scene, face close-ups, loud music during action...all the necessary tricks to decieve the audience that more is going on. The fight scenes are choreographed so badly that one person actually had a knife over their head bringing it down to stab someone, I almost stopped watching from that scene alone. People would all have guns but for some reason forgot they had guns and fight hand-to-hand for no reason at all.

Ex Machina.....for a city with almost six million people, there appears to be only one coffee shop, one restaurant, one alley, one police station and only one side of the port because people kept running into each other by coincidence, throughout the series.
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Bored out of my mind
1 March 2024
How can a sci fi about people with powers be boring?? But here we are.

The first one was actually engaging, and aactually offered something different than the usual mutant power people. It was low budget, yet was able to craft a decent story with very good effects.

So what happened? It felt like this story had nothing in it. If felt very formulaic, no tension, no emotional The characters were one-dimensional, there was no story, and EVERY SINGLE person is making the worst decision ever. Everyone just stares at the threat until it is too late, no one knows how to hide and I cannot really remember any one showing a real one.

This is a hard pass. I can almost pick the movies that was written by AI, and this was one or them.
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The Oak Room (2020)
No payoff
28 February 2024
Decent atmosphere, decent acting, nice build up of tension......and ends.

Yes folks, it is one of those movies where a director had a good idea and did not know how to end it so they stopped in for almost no reason at all. The movie sets up for a thrilling climax or big reveal and you look at the clock and only a few minutes left and wonder how they are going to wrap everything up. Then it happens........the credits start rolling and you scream ''WTF?!!'.

Please take some advice from me and save yourself 88 minutes of your life. This is not worth your time unless you are one of those types that get caught up in the atmosphere more so than story.
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The Abyss (2023)
This family drama, not a disaster movie.
18 February 2024
For what appears to be a decent-sized budget, this move is bad. Now I can almost pick out movies where the script was written by AI, this is one of them.

Good Acting: The acting was overall decent. The daughter and father was a little over the top but over all the actors was able to display the range of emotions effectively.

Bad Writing: No real dialogue, one sentence statement jammed together. ALSO, this is not a disaster movie, this is a family drama movie that has a disaster in it.

Plot Devices: I stopped counting after 15. Everyone or everything happened just in time for the maximum dramatic effect. I have trouble finding people in my house, yet entire family find each other from different parts of the city 10+ times.....without the aid of cell phones.

Mica: Have a drink for each time someone says 'Mica' or Simon' and you will die from alcohol poisoning. So many times an entire scene is a different person screaming 'Mica'.
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Da Vinci Code--it is not
28 January 2024
This wants to be a poor man's Da Vinci Code, with weird murders, secrets hidden in paintings and scruptures, US detective way much smarter than all Euopeaan counterparts, and moving from city to city......but while Da Vinci Code was interesting, this is a boring, uninteresting and bland 'thriller'...and I use the word 'thriller' loosely.

Pros-Acting. Some decent actors and they play they part.

Cons-Writing and/or direction. Not sure which is which so both of them are combined. You never know how the clues are figured out. You see someone start chasing down clues without knowing how/why they had the clue in the first place. The flashbacks are so confusing that you do not know what or who you are looking at. The movies juts around without a clear one point I did not even know whether they were in US or some place in Europe. Just a mess.
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In the middle.
6 January 2024
It is very hard to combine murder/comedy and to do it successfully. Because of the comedy overtones, you cannot take the fight scenes seriously so it is hard to get invested or care to have any tension in the scene.

The comedy could work is funny. But the director is focusing on the wrong comedy part. The scene of the brothers being scared to tell Mom they were attacked by killers is funny when they get home and they see that their Mom is more gangster then they are. That's funny! But instead they focus on a overly cliched bumbling fool who belongs in a 3-minute SNL skit, not a multi-hour movie series. He is never funny, just stupid, and the actor does nothing to make the character sympathetic. Most of the time you are wishing someone will kill him.

I give credit to having some action in each episodes, but it felt like cotton candy, okay the first time, but the second or third time you throw it away in the trash.
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