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Supernatural (2005–2020)
One of the best...
29 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say off the bat that I am a sci-fi/"other worldly" show junkie. I was obsessed with Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and about the first half of the series of Charmed.

"Supernatural" is one of the best shows that I've seen in a long time. The dialogue is wonderful, the chemistry between Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles is genuine and the audience gets the feel that they could be brothers, and the legends are all legends that most of us grew up knowing (ex. Bloody Mary, The Hook Man). Even though this is a paranormal-centric show, it seems that this could really be happening, if it was possible.

The storyline between Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and his brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) is well acted by both male leads. Though it seems that Padalecki is supposed to have more of story revolve around him, Ackles steals a lot of the scenes and isn't due to poor acting or better acting on either part of the two guys, simply the dialogue. Ackles seems to get through better as the "concerned/protective big brother". However, Padalecki does have his fair share of shining moments as the soft, "misunderstood" younger brother. Both Ackles and Padalecki's acting is stepped up a notch when Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester; Sam and Dean's father) is in the scene. A perfect example is that of the Season 1 finale. All three actors hit it out of the ballpark with the intensity and emotion that was oozing out of them for the entire episode.

This was said a few times on the DVD extras that Supernatural is written like a one hour mini-movie every week and it truly is; only with an on-going storyline for the plot of the series. Most of the time, it doesn't work for a series. It actually works in favor for Supernatural.

The whole "classic rock" music throughout the series is a perfect fit for the show and I for one, am glad that the latest hot band isn't playing on the show. It would take away from the feel of the show, and make it just like every other show on TV.

Personally, when I started watching this show, I couldn't stop watching it, and that hasn't happened to me since I started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer back in '01. I've had a few that I've liked A LOT, but this just blew them ALL away.

If anyone out there likes a paranormal storyline, with some major mysteries, twists and anticipating drama, this show is for YOU!
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Is the message still right?
24 October 2005
Back in the late 30's (early 40's) when this movie first came out, the message ("Don't look further than your own back yard") seemed to fit in with what was going on in the world at the time (The Great Depression, World War II, etc.)

But in today's world and society, is the message still useful? Is it just me or does it seem to not fit in anymore with all the possibilities that young adults have today? We live in a society where dreams aren't impossible, so, is it a bit condescending if someone (like me who is only 18) watched this movie and heard the message to not reach for their goals and to not try and do something great with their life?

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE The Wizard of Oz, and I think it has great characters and let's kids run wild with their imaginations, I just don't think that I agree with the message at the end of the story anymore.

Agree or disagree, it's just how I feel.
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Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
Essential show...
4 May 2005
Well, growing up during 90210's run, I missed out on all the hype that this show received. Now, thanks to SoapNet, I can watch shows that were on while I was busy playing dress-up.

Let me be the first to say, that I never ever thought that I would EVER watch 90210, or get hooked on it. During a few weeks that I was grounded from my computer, I didn't have anything to do after I did my homework at 5 o'clock, so I turned on the TV. I normally would have put on Angel, but it was an episode I didn't care to watch, so I stopped on SoapNet and low and behold, 90210 was on. Immediately I went for the remote to change the channel but then I stopped and actually watched it. I was HOOKED. Mostly what hooked me was the romance between Dylan and Brenda.

Anyway, mostly what I remembered or heard people talk about 90210, was that it was all about drugs and sex and who was sleeping with who what week. (I don't know if that's true yet, but I have a feeling that it's getting to that point. I'm still in the "high school years".) As I watched more of the plot lines going on in the first, second and third seasons, things seemed really familiar. As I looked more at them, I really began to realized that 90210 curved the pathway for today's teen dramas like "Dawson's Creek", "One Tree Hill", "The O.C.", etc. Without 90210, these show's most likely wouldn't have been created.

So, the question becomes, do I think 90210 is a good show? So far, yes. But I think it was essential to have something like this (at least in the first few years) on the air for teenagers to watch so that it could make a pathway for other shows of this kind.
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I'm with Lucy (2002)
cute story
30 March 2003
I just went out and saw "I'm with Lucy" and to be honest it was more than I expected it to be. I was thinking it was just going to be another typical chick flick, but this one was different.

It follows Lucy, who has just been dumped by her boyfriend in an elevator (with other people around), and is trying to move on with her life. So, she goes out on 5 blind dates over the course of so long. A year I think.

Date 1: Doug, an antamologist. Lucy doesn't want to go on a blind date so she locks herself in her bathroom drunk until her sister boots her out.

Date 2: Gabriel, a play write. There is such a physical attraction between the two that they start to kiss.

Date 3: Bobby, a baseball player for the Mets. He comes on too agressive that Lucy doesn't like.

Date 4: Barry, a Software Co. owner who is a major geek. But in a charming way.

Date 5: Luke, a doctor/ physical therapist, who is smart, handsome, and seems flawless.

Over the course of the movie, it follows Lucy's first date with each of these guys and at the end she marries one of them. Can you guess which?

Originally I only rented this movie becasue I am a HUGE David Boreanaz fan and I was pleasently surprised with his character and his portrayal of Luke. I was also very pleasently surprised with the movie itself. Monica Potter and the rest of the cast did an amazing job! Go rent this if you need a up lifting self movie! It lifted my spirits for the night!
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The Burning Bed (1984 TV Movie)
15 August 2002
I grew up in Dansville and was very familiar with what happened there with Francine and the Hughes house. As a teenager, I couldn't really comprehend the psychological damage that was being done to her on top of the domestic violence. As an adult, and as a wife and mother myself now, it's shattering to watch again. To watch and know that it didn't even seem to cause an eyelash to twitch to some of the people she confided in. They knew. They accepted. They complied. I cannot imagine all of the pain beyond the physical that this woman suffered during those horrific years of her life. I was glad to know that she moved far away from the toxicity she had found herself in and was able to restart and reclaim her life and the lives of her children.

As for the film, Farrah Fawcett is simply brilliant. The directing is of a caliber that literally makes you feel as though you're in Francine's shoes. Sure, it's been associated with starting the Lifetime Movie of the Week trend but it is a Gold Standard that they wish they could live up to.
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