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Extraction (II) (2015)
Not that special of an action movie.
2 June 2024
This movie wasn't all bad (good fight scenes in the night club, especially in the bathroom with the assassin, and Gina Carano is nice to look at as well as her friend). However, her friend was also annoying and followed the antagonists' SUV way too close. You think they would've known they were being tailed! This movie also does a wink to the camera with Harry saying "that's how it works in the movies" which came off as cringe and overall the movie feels pointless, unfocused, and bland with its plot. Bruce Willis did not stand out in this and actually was a disappointment with his character and how much screen time he was given. Although, no one was given ample screen time since the movie is so short! Pretty much a throwaway action movie.
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A beautiful creation.
30 May 2024
Wow, I loved the writing and dialogue in this, plus the characters and the acting. This is a real gem and I'm very glad I watched it. This is one of the best romantic comedies that I have ever seen (and I'm sure that it can even be classified as another genre as well). The end fight felt a little less special and cool than the other battles that Pilgrim fought, however other than that this movie is pretty much perfect. The hilarious appearances and scenes with Aubrey Plaza and Chris Evans (shockingly just a year before he played the beloved Captain America/Steve Rogers) were icing on the cake. The entire movie from the very beginning felt quirky, original, and genius with its directing, style, and production. I was in awe the entire time from how good this was and I would definitely recommend it for a younger viewer!
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A fair romantic comedy for young people!
27 May 2024
It's quite something to see how young these actors looked back in 1998/1999 who were just getting started with their (mostly) extensive careers. While most of the movie was predictable (like other romantic comedies) and while some stuff may not hold up entirely anymore in 2024, it was good enough for what it was meant to be. Julia Stiles did good in her role and was a talented actress for her age, and Heath Ledger did well too (died tragically way too young, RIP to him and his unique talent). I even liked the teacher played by Daryl Mitchell who is hilarious and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's friend/partner in crime.
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
I didn't mind it! Just as good as the first and the third!
26 May 2024
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The jokes in this movie worked for me and at this point, you really know what to expect with this parody stupid franchise (ridiculous, over the top, and completely out of this world but nevertheless entertaining and that's the point). I enjoyed the surprise appearances in it and found myself laughing quite a few times. I can't call it "good" necessarily but if you like the first 3 you'll most likely have a good time (and in my opinion 2 is the worst). I liked the president, the Saw clown dolls, Cindy's friend coming back, and even how it made fun of the Village which I thought was unexpected (however at the time I guess that movie was easy to make fun of in some ways). I have still yet to watch The Grudge but now I probably can't take it seriously, oh well! Good laughs!
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Shocking and much-needed
25 May 2024
It's amazing how elite and powerful people manage to make themselves victims and are in constant denial after they've brutalized children and take away their innocence with inexcusable immoral annd disgusting acts. While I am a fan of some Nick shows and was as a kid, I am appalled by what was revealed to be happening behind the scenes and I had no idea that crap happened to Drake Bell before he did Drake and Josh. Quite a story that he told. I am happy that I was never a famous child actor after watching this and if my parents saw some of the suggestive material that came out with Nick shows in the 1990s (before my time), they likely would've never let me watch that channel. Unbelievable to say the least!
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Well-done expectation-defying material.
21 May 2024
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There are a few flaws, sure (the beginning partially spoiling how events proceed, Money with the gun letting the blind man get that close to him and disarm him without shooting him after warning him repeatedly, and probably the twist of Money's body getting stabbed with the shears instead of Alex which came across as not making much sense). Other than that this movie is great. Stephen Lang and Jane Levy performed well and literally the entire time you're on the edge of your seat with suspense and anticipation with what might happen next. The movie is disturbing but that's how you know it does well since it makes you really pay attention. It's unclear who's side you should be on too, you want these thieves to get at least some justice since they're the ones who are committing the crime but you also want them to get away since the blind man is for sure doing even more messed up stuff! THIS is how scary is done; unsettling, uncomfortable, but an unforgettable rush!
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
About as funny as the first movie!
19 May 2024
The humor in this installment was much funnier than Scary Movie 2 and in my opinion is comparable with Scary Movie 1. Them making fun of Signs, 8 Mile, and the Matrix Reloaded was on point and it even made me curious to watch the Ring which I added to my watchlist. Plus, the introduction and use of Anthony Anderson and Kevin Hart was awesome, they go great together on screen and I can't wait to see more of them together! Sure some of the humor went pretty far and of course this is a ridiculous parody movie but I still enjoyed myself and you for sure don't find yourself bored watching these! The funniest scenes might've been the one with the news teleprompter or the one with the rap battle toward the beginning, plus the wake.
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Serenity (2005)
Almost as good as the show...
15 May 2024
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This movie felt very special since it was the end of a series that was way too short. I really did want more of this team and their adventures and while it is a let down that it had to end overall, the rest of the movie largely isn't a let down. There are some minor transitions that felt awkward and I would've liked to see some things happen (like a romance between Captain Reynolds and Inara be finally fully realized), however besides those very small things, this is an awesome movie for many reasons. Summer Glau as River is an awesome badass and you really get to lean into/explore her character more, and her in action on screen was great. The fights in general were super cool, even the ones between Reynolds and the Alliance assassin. The CGI (mostly) looks fantastic and Chiwetel Ejiofor as the operative was an awesome villain that felt real and intimidating with every line. I literally gasped so loud in shock when Wash died too. I would highly recommend watching the entire show Firefly and then watching this movie. It's a sci fi universe that is crafted beautifully by Joss Whedon!
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Started off a little dull but ended up being quite a blast!
14 May 2024
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I really liked how many pop culture references worked in this film and how much it made fun of itself. While their romantic story felt a bit abruptly and needlessly complicated in the beginning, Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling did well together and surprisingly Hannah Waddingham performed well in her role too and I haven't seen her in a lot of stuff (eventually being a bad character you can't help but dislike and want to get even with). I had a minor problem with how unfocused the story got at a certain point with the plot focusing on the filmmaking aspect, the romance was aspect, and the crime aspect but eventually as the movie went on I didn't care and had enough fun to enjoy myself! As an experienced stuntman, David Leitch directed this movie very well and the action sequences were impressive and felt original. The humor worked as well, especially for those in the audience who are film buffs and into the science and art behind filmmaking. This film proves you haven't seen it all yet!
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Way worse than the first...
11 May 2024
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While some of the ideas that took the story in new directions were promising and while it was a special time in film history when practical effects were used very well, this movie got dumber and dumber as it went on. Toward the end it just got unbearably ridiculous with Kirsty putting on Julia's skin and the new doctor cenobite trusting her, plus Tiffany talking again out of nowhere and it not feeling special or significant enough at all. Plus, the dialogue/lines were terrible and also while it was disturbing it failed to actually be SCARY! I've seen the other sequels are rated even worse so I will very likely not even bother.
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The Road (I) (2009)
A slow-moving gruesome journey.
6 May 2024
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Viggo Mortensen gave a good performance, as well as the boy who played his son. The film also really looks like and convinces you that an apocalyptic event took place which stood out to me. A very dirty and cruel/harsh world with little room to trust other people and little opportunity to get comfortable. However, I wish I saw a little bit more of what happened after the event started and what made it get as bad as it ended up being. The plot got slightly distracted a couple of times and there was an odd edit where the son had just taken a bath and had his face cleaned but in the very next shot his face was dirty (and in the shot after that it was back to clean again just seconds later). It was an emotional story too though and the father dying actually made it a better ending that felt like an appropriate conclusion for his character.
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Firefly (2002–2003)
It's good sci fi!
28 April 2024
It took me a little bit to get into this show and it's just a little overrated, but it still ended up being a captivating world with really good characters. Every member of the crew feels so different yet they all have really good chemistry together. Captain Reynolds mainly is like another version of Han Solo, and the adventures that the crew embark on end up being very thrilling and get you invested. Jayne is probably my favorite (played by Adam Baldwin who does fantastic), and with that, the humor in the show is also good. Joss Whedon has quite the creative mind and ambition and it makes sense why he was put in charge of later projects after leading the production and writing of this show! I'm glad my friend recommended this to me!
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Barton Fink (1991)
It was good until the 3rd act...
25 April 2024
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The subject matter of this movie actually interested me more than I thought it would and the Coen brothers normally make awesome movies. John Turturro acts great, along with the supporting cast members who are the big Hollywood producers and writers. The film gets really interesting at a certain point when Mr. Fink wakes up next to a big surprise dead female body in his bed, which almost convinces you is a dream. John Goodman did well with his role too and his ability to make facial expressions that stand out, however I didn't like how they handled the closure of his character. I felt like they could've provided him with a better ending and one that was less ambiguous/made more sense. The very end of the movie with him on the beach though was a beautiful scene. I might rewatch it one day and I like and love other Coen brothers movies a lot better, but this works well enough!
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Kingpin (1996)
Actually funny!
23 April 2024
I ended up enjoying this and also wanting to go out and bowl myself! While some of the humor is subtle and quick, it really does work. Everyone in the film did great with their roles and performed wonderfully (Bill Murray, Randy Quaid, Woody Harrelson, and Vanessa Angel). This film may have nothing on the Big Lebowski (one of my all time favorite comedies that also had bowling in it) but it still largely felt original and clever. The story took unexpected turns and twists, especially at the end. Movies like this aren't made anymore and maybe they shouldn't be, they should be cherished for what/when they are!
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Frozen II (2019)
I didn't like it as much as the first one.
22 April 2024
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While this movie had emotional scenes and good animation with some creative spins and significant revelations, it was ultimately a sub par movie for me. There was no real villain in it (since Elsa's grandfather had died many years ago and wasn't a big part of the movie except brief abstract illustrations) and the threatening presence of certain forest creatures/phenomena that were meant to be intimidating and pose a challenge then got saved in the background for a later part too many times. They could've done more with the enchanted forest I think and there was also an overload of exposition earlier in the film. Other than that it was fair I suppose, but I'd much rather watch the first one which felt more human-centered and therefore relatable and more emotionally compelling.
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My second, revised review after a rewatch.
9 April 2024
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While it ended up having some problems (rushed at the beginning, not as good as the first one, lack of clear motivations from the villain, too much needless CGI, and less dark than anticipated) the Avengers team never disappoints. James Spader as Ultron was awesome, Elizabeth Olsen was and still remains interesting and beautiful, and the action/stakes were solid throughout the film (especially at the end with the Sokovia turning into a meteor and that big final battle, lots of badass moments)! This movie had important moments of character and relationship development for our main heroes as well, and the introduction of Vision and how his scene of exposition was handled was absolutely brilliant. What a neat new character! Yes, it's not perfect and probably the worst of the 4 Avengers movies even, but still very good and a noteworthy/significant MCU movie!
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REC (2007)
Very good, THIS is scary horror.
7 April 2024
There's one major inconsistency which is mainly how long the infection/possession goes into affect, and I found it a little strange that throughout the movie there would be different time windows for different characters who got bit. Other than that, this is the scariest movie that I've seen in quite some time and I admire it. It reminded me a little bit of Alien (1979) and Barbarian (2022) which are two of my many favorite horror movies. I even liked this one better than Cloverfield (2008) and I loved the directing/shots throughout the movie that were reflective of the awesome capabilities of the found footage style. The great things about this movie are it's short, to the point, easy to follow, keeps you engaged, and even has some mystery behind it toward the end that makes you hypothesize various things! I really liked the jump scares as well! They didn't feel cheap one bit!!
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The Defenders (2017– )
Not too bad.
6 April 2024
My main complaints: Sigourney Weaver plays a very stale and boring villain and many of the side characters and their motivations/backstories lack emotional investment (from me anyways). Matt Murdock/Daredevil was the main hero who I was invested in (being the main reason I watched the show) and was probably the best thing about it. Some of the fight sequences were really good and it was cool seeing Stick one more time too, who's a real badass. Some of the dynamics between the characters I liked and there were some smart choices made. Overall, while it's a bit of a throwaway show that should've felt slightly more special, I also like how they ended it for Matt Murdock and Karen and Foggy which felt gripping and cut deep emotionally.
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It's mostly pretty good.
24 March 2024
While this is one of the less impressive and less favorite Scorsese movies of mine that I've seen and while the plot sometimes gets a little too distracted with its story-telling for its own good (mainly with the crimes and characters), there are several good things. I always love Leonardo DiCaprio's acting plus Scorsese's directing and quality production behind the scenes, and the dramatic moments that aren't easy to forget. Lily Gladstone gave a pretty good performance as well. While the film goes on for quite some time, you become invested enough and I did not know much about this story and what happened with this event and so I was more surprised when it ended the way it did.
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12th Fail (2023)
A powerful and uplifting movie.
17 March 2024
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This film actually made me cry at the end which I didn't expect it would make me do, when he passed his application and got the position he wanted. The 3rd act was handled real well. I got really invested in the main character Manoj and everyone did very good in the movie with their performances. The film was shot and directed really well too and while this isn't typically my kind of movie, I have to acknowledge that it is a significant one. Life is truly a rollercoaster with ups and downs but if you never give up on your dreams and work incredibly hard, you can do anything you want to. I even enjoyed the romance angle of the movie and the chemistry and connection that Manoj and Shraddha had with each other. The only thing that came across as strange to me was how they spoke Hindi with English frequently being sprinkled in randomly. Is that a normal thing? Why did they do that? It seemed strange to me but that's a minor inconsistency. A real emotional film!
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Joe Kidd (1972)
One of the worse westerns I've seen, when they all have a high place in my mind.
16 March 2024
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I am normally a big fan of westerns, especially Clint Eastwood westerns. However I must say this film let me down. I liked some things like Clint Eastwood's presence and portrayal of badassery as always, the sniper shootout, and how the film was shot with the gorgeous scenery in the background (what I assumed was the Rocky Mountains). Other than that the plot was not interesting, the movie dragged too much (even though it wasn't that long), and the tension behind the bodyguard/henchman in the gang antagonizing Joe was cut short when he died way too suddenly with the trap door and it felt too abrupt and out of place. I wish they had a better final confrontation. In general, too bland and insignificant!
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Makes me laugh my socks off!!
13 March 2024
This show is even more hysterical than the newer Suicide Squad movie. Each character serves their role and purpose very well and all of the actors do a great job with their performances. John Cena is legendary as Peacemaker and so is his accomplice (Vigilante), who is a lot like Deadpool but more innocent. He might be one of my new favorite "superheroes" just because of how simple yet elaborate he manages to be simultaneously! The dialogue is rich with raunchy yet intelligent humor and we definitely DEFINITELY need more seasons of this. James Gunn is a comedic genius with his writing and for what this show is trying to be, it does an amazing job!
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A little flawed but very artistic!!
9 March 2024
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The animation and creativity that went into this movie's production for the early 1950s/late 1940s was very impressive and a very ambitious project for Disney back then I'd imagine. Sterling Holloway as the cat was a good part of the movie as well as the queen's presence and delivery. While it was a lot to take in and not exactly my favorite Disney movie, it's pretty hard to really hate it. Toward the beginning one could argue and easily notice that Alice's character is pretty dumb and hard to get behind/sympathize with, however it was all a dream in the end after all! I'm glad I gave this a second try, as I hadn't seen it since I was very little.
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This made an impression on me.
6 March 2024
I watched this movie in my world history class in high school and I was actually pretty stunned! The plot holds your attention and makes you interested and invested in the characters. The main character of Bhuvan is someone you can really get behind and the film sends a good message with fighting against racism and oppression, as well as what how they blended in the influence and even small dismantling of the caste system. I liked the music as well, it was very catchy and memorable and I'm not someone who watches a lot of musicals. It is a bit long, sure, but the stakes are high and the game that they played at the end was a great finally! Check this one out!
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Ben-Hur (1959)
Super impressive for the time!
5 March 2024
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I'll get the minor negatives out of the way. The movie was a bit too long and could've been shorter, plus the romance felt like a bit of a nuisance to the overall story. Those are pretty much the only flaws! The plot was easy and simple to follow, the action (specifically the chariot race) was very impressive and well-directed, the chilling appearances of Jesus and how he was handled was done very intelligently, and Charlton Heston knocks it out of the park with his acting! I liked the way they ended the film too with his sister and mother being cured. This may have nothing on the Ten Commandments but I admired it for what it was and I was largely captivated by it! We should have a rejuvenation and comeback for these kinds of artistic old-age dramas!
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