
114 Reviews
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All time Greatest Hood movie
9 April 2024
I remember my grandmother took me and my cousins to go see this movie back in 1991 at the movie theaters. It was so strange because my grandmother was totally against these type of movies but being a fully grown man now I understand why she took us to go see this movie. This movie had a strong message about what goes on in the hood, the things black men face from polices in the hood and the dangers of being a gangsta(like Doughboy) and it also shows the results of not being a gangsta and living a straight life (like Trey) We basically have a choice to live a straight life or a gangsta life and we see the results and consequences of living both in this movie. This movie also shows how important a father is in a child's life not having a father around can greatly affect a child's life. As we see with Doughboy and Trey. John Singleton did his thing making this movie. Without a doubt one of the greatest hood movies ever with a strong message. I decided to live a straight life like Trey but two of my cousins(the same two that went to see this movie with my grandmother and I back in 1991) decided to choose the doughboy life, now one is serving 25 years in prison and the other one was killed in 2002.
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Candy Cane Lane (I) (2023)
I enjoyed it.
3 December 2023
I personally thought this was a decent Christmas movie, wasn't the best Christmas movie but it was still enjoyable to watch. Eddie Murphy wasn't his usual over the top funny but I understand it's a PG rated family type movie. I thought D. C young fly was funny as the news reporter lol, Jillian Bell did a good job as pepper, the little statue people were funny. The whole plot of the movie was entertaining finding the gold rings. This movie did have its funny moments, boring moments and entertaining moments. I would say it's entertaining enough for a one time watch atleast. Maybe young kids would enjoy it much more.
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In the House (1995–1999)
Too many changes but overall good show
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed watching this show as a young kid in the 90's. The first two seasons were perfect, very funny and highly enjoyable. I really liked Jackie and lil Austin. Austin was very funny and he didn't overact like some of the other younger characters that be on these type of shows and LL cool J was surprisingly good on this show, I had never seen his acting abilities but he did a wonderful job in all 5 seasons of this show. Now on to season 3 which was still a good season in my opinion but I was sad to see Jackie and Austin leave the show but LL, Tiffany, Max and Tonia held it down and kept the show enjoyable to watch. In my opinion Tonia(Kim Wayans) wasn't always that funny to me, she seem to overdue her comedy to the point you just want her to shutup. Now season 4 and 5 was truly when this show became a real bore, I mean season 4 had a few good episodes but overall it lacked the magic Season 1-3 had and something I always hate was the remodeled clinic, I liked the old clinic better because it seem much brighter and lively to me, then they remodeled the clinic and it was darker and more lame looking. Now on to the final season, Season 5. I try to forget this season ever existed. It was beyond terrible, very boring and not funny at all. Tonia(Kim Wayans) left the show and Tiffany was only in 2 episodes then she was gone and we're left with just LL, Max, some unfunny lil girl that was the daughter of Marion's girlfriend and Tiffany's unfunny friends, I personally never thought they were funny and I was hopeing they were be gone at the start of season 4. All and all Season 5 was TERRIBLE and I understand why their were only 6 episodes in Season 5. But all in all In the house was an enjoyable sitcom, had some bad moments which I mentioned above but it had alot of good moments too.
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House Party (I) (2023)
Oh my goodness this was bad
12 September 2023
Im a big fan of the original first 3 house party movies with Kid N Play those movies made me laugh so hard back in the 90's. So I happen to see they made a new House Party movie in 2023 at first I rolled my eyes and said to myself why do they always have to remake classic movies but against my better judgement I decided to watch this movie and from the very beginning I knew this movie was gonna be crap, the main characters are lame and unfunny unlike Kid N play, I probably laughed once throughout the whole movie, this movie truly made no sense it's like the director just didnt give a f###. Im a fan of Lebron but bro just stick to playing basketball because your acting skills and movies are garbage. First Space Jam now this, just sit on the bench when it comes to being in movies. Im gonna just pretend this movie never existed.
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The Ledge (2022)
I liked it
20 August 2023
It wasn't the greatest climbing action movie, that title still belong to "Cliffhanger" but it wasn't the worst climbing action movie either. It had a good amount of action scenes, I thought the plot was good and the actors were good actors. The bad guy a.k.a Villian of the group was pretty convincing. The lead female was pretty hot with a nice body(totally off subject but had to add that in lol) I didn't think I would like this movie because alot of Hulu movies are lame but this movie was quite entertaining from the beginning to the end. I probably wouldn't watch it again but for a one time watch I think you'll enjoy it.
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Dream Lover (1993)
Another great 90's movie
12 August 2023
The 90's was filled with great movies and this is one you can add to the list. This was my first time ever seeing this movie and it blew me away, very well made movie that keeps you locked in from the beginning to the end. The two lead actors were great in this movie and the female was very beautiful and she definitely made this movie worth watching. This movie had alot of twist,turns and surprises. Glad at ran across this movie on Tubi, its always great to come across a good movie you've never seen before. The 90's definitely made the best movies, too bad nowadays you can never find good movies like these anymore.
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Decent movie
2 August 2023
Honestly I only wanted to watch this movie because the main girl in this movie is FINE! But I end up actually enjoying this movie, had a decent plot and the actors were good actors in my opinion. Wasn't the greatest movie but it wasn't the worst either. These type of hood movies have been made a million times but this one was more enjoyable. It was a low budget movie and it could have been much better if more money was spend on it. It kept my attention throughout the whole movie so It was made just right. I would like to see the two main actors (the female and guy) in more movies, I thought they did a good job, a lil over the top sometimes but all in all I enjoyed watching them in this movie.
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I liked it
11 December 2022
I came across this movie years ago while I was browsing channel one night and I seen this movie playing so I decided to give it a watch not expecting much but surprisingly I enjoyed this movie wasnt the best anthology movie ever but it definitely wasn't bad. It had a few good scares but my favorite one was the story about the guy that was killing women that story was definitely a lil creepy and scary but the other stories were decent. I definitely would watch this movie again and I recommend giving it a watch if you've never seen it. I always enjoyed anthology movies but most are dumb and unwatchable but this one was watchable in my opinion.
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The Children (1980)
Just terrible
7 December 2022
This movie is without a doubt the worst piece of crap I've ever watched. The kids were nowhere near as scary or creepy as I expected them to be. The kills were beyond lame, they seemingly just hug their victims until they turn into overcooked lasagna, they basically walk toward their victims with their arms out while the victims yell "what are you doing" "stop it". Dont get me started on the terrible acting skills of the actors in this movie, just put it like this if you looked up the actors of this movie and see what other movies they made after this movie, their profile will have this movie as the only movie they've ever made, doesn't surprise me not one bit lol. Who approved this mess to ever be released on video? That person deserve a life sentence in the toughest prison in America.
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Ghosthouse (1988)
An Abandoned house with working electricity
24 October 2022
This movie just didnt impress me, things start off so slow and when we do see some action, it's ruined by the terrible acting skills of these actors, my goodness they could of just paid me and my buddies a few hundred dollars to act in this movie. I was really hopeing this movie got better but unfortunately it got worse a whole lot worse. I would think a title like ghosthouse would be a scary movie that would keep you up at night but this movie will only put you to sleep at night. Im glad I was able to see this movie for free or else I'll be one upset person right now, even spending one dollar to rent or buy this movie is way too expensive.
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Masters of Horror: Imprint (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
Very disturbing but Good episode!
23 October 2022
Wow this had to be the most disturbing episode of Masters of horror but you can't turn yourself away from watching it. It started kinda slow but got better and better and more and more disturbing. It starts with this guy looking for a lost love and then he meets a prostitute that tells him a disturbing story about her upbringing and the things she had to do and deal with it, you definitely feel bad for this woman but she did some bad things in her life but they're a surprising twist at the end that explains her reasoning for doing these things. It's a lot of torture scenes, sick scenes, incest and abuse in this episode, definitely not for the weak minded or the cancel culture crowd but I was able to view this episode on Tubi and im glad I seen it but the name of this episode is definitely the right name because it will leave a imprint on your mind.
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Terror Tales (2016)
23 October 2022
Who thought this was a good idea? Who approved this mess for release? That person need to be arrested not tomorrow, not next week but RIGHT NOW I dont care if he's sleeping, wake him up and arrest him somebody need to be held accountable! I can't even say I've seen worst movies because this has to be the worst. I normally love these type of horror anthology movies but this movie has put a sour taste in my mouth and im not sure if I'll ever look at an anthology horror movie the same again! My apologies to all the other movies I've called stupid, worthless and pathetic in my life because compared to this movie all those other movies were a masterpiece.
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Very Entertaining Cartoon
22 October 2022
I remember watching this show as a kid, I loved Tales from the Crypt so I didnt think much about the cartoon version but to my surprise I enjoyed the majority of these episodes and I like how at the end of each episode the bullies learn a valuable lesson and change their ways for the better. I happen to watch a few episodes on Tubi recently and even as a fully grown man now I still find these episodes entertaining. It's too bad kids nowadays can't experience watching these type of cartoons. Shows like Tales from the cryptkeeper, Goosebumps and Are you Afraid of the dark was basically my childhood.
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Masters of Horror: Sick Girl (2006)
Season 1, Episode 10
Strange episode but I liked it.
21 October 2022
This was without a doubt a bizarre episode lol but it was different than other episodes of Masters of Horror and I liked it. It had comedy and creepiness nothing really scary about this episode but the women were both strange to say the least, both were beautiful and both were good actors. It started off kinda slow but started getting more interesting midway through. I know people have mixed views about this episode being stupid but i actually enjoyed it. It's ashame I've never seen either of these women in any other shows or movies, I thought they were great in this show and they definitely made this episode more enjoyable to watch.
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Masters of Horror: Jenifer (2005)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best episode!
21 October 2022
I personally thought this was the best episode of Master of Horrors. This episode was a mixture of everything you want in a horror episode although I thought this episode was more creepy than horror. They never explain how or why Jenifer became disfigured but she had a way to get into men heads, she had a sexy body but disfigured face I guess for men all you need is a banging body. She eat humans and one cat, the part that disturbed me is after she ate the family cat then she went into the room and had sex with guy and she was licking him and this is after he just seen her eat the cat. This episode started feeling like a disgusting porno after a while lol but never the less I enjoyed it very much.
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Lisa (1990)
90's movies were the best
16 October 2022
This movie was good from beginning to end full of suspense. The young girl that was the lead actor did a fabulous job and the mother was great too, not to mention Richard played the psycho stalker role to perfection. The whole cast and the movie itself were perfect. This just one of those typical movies that could happen in real life, young girls will be young girls but it's important to always listen to your mother's advice their overprotective for good reasons. I think we all did prank calls at some point when we were kids, we just didn't think we could prank call a killer. This definitely was a movie that frightened me as a kid.
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Definitely enjoyed this movie
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't expect much from this movie but once I started watching it, it got better and better. The actors were good and you really feel sorry for Shelly because of her burns on her face made her an outkast but once you know about her background and her childhood you totally understand her pain and suffering. She became obsessed with Alice because of her looks and she basically wanted Alice to herself forever. The ending was strange but my guess is that she was always obsessed with her dollhouse as a kid, her childhood was destroyed by her mother. So she looked at Alice like a doll and she even told her she looks like barbie. I think she kept Alice as her own personal doll inside a dollhouse her childhood was stolen from her, so now she can relive her childhood the way she always wanted to.
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Mikey (1992)
Not at all impressed
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just recently seen this movie 30 years after it's release and now I'll never watch it again. Even for fictional child killer movie things that happened in this movie were just plain ridiculous. He killed his whole family at the beginning and the cops just let him be and allow him to get adopted by another family(ok this can possibly happen because you wouldn't suspect a kid of that age to murder his whole family) but when he kills the neighbors boyfriend in the pool, I just laughed because first off the girl was standing right by the window but she couldn't see the young boy standing by the pool?? And he stood there for like 20 minutes atleast it felt like 20 mins talking to the boyfriend before he executed him in the pool( just so happen a radio was right there so close to the pool) what's up with everyone in this movie having all this electric things plugged inside the socket while there in the pool or taking a bath? I know why to make sure Mikey have easy simple kills lol LAME. Then when he kills his new adoptive mom she just lets him stab her then she does that phony looking run, then at the end when he throws that fire bottle and it blows up the whole house I laughed my butt off, no way that simple looking fire bottle could blow up a huge house like that and of course the little boy survived unharmed without a scratch on his face. Definitely a movie i probably would have enjoyed more as a young kid but watching as an adult I see all the imperfections of this movie.
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Awesome movie
29 August 2022
I just happen to catch this movie on Tubi, I've never heard of this movie and I honestly thought this movie would be trash but I was extremely wrong! This is a very unique horror movie, it's really more of a comedy/horror. It starts off a lil bizarre but as the movie goes on it gets more and more entertaining. Kristy Swanson played in alot of these hidden gem movies back in the 90's and she's a very good actor and very beautiful too I might add lol. This movie had alot of action, good comedy and good scenes. It keeps your attention from beginning to the end. I can't believe this movie came out in 1991 and im just now seeing it for the first time. I definely would highly recommend this movie you wont be disappointed.
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Tales from the Crypt: Fitting Punishment (1990)
Season 2, Episode 12
Definitely the scariest episode of the series
13 August 2022
This episode terrified me as a kid but now as an adult and after seeing this episode on YouTube it's still a scary episode im just not as traumatized anymore. With this whole episode being in a funeral home made it even more scarier. The uncle was a cheap, mean dirty a-hole that got exactly what he deserved but the actor that played the uncle (Moses Gunn) was a great actor(may he rest in peace) and he made his character so believable. Another scary episode was Television Terror. These two episodes were the scariest episodes of Tales from the Crypt.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best predator movie since the original
8 August 2022
I really liked this movie. Well made and good actors and nice suspense. The original predator movie was the best but all other after that one were crap but this hulu movie here is the best predator movie since the original. The lead female actor in this movie did a wonderful job and the ending fight scene between her and the predator was awesome. Thank you hulu for bringing life back into this predator series. Well done!
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The Sixth Man (1997)
Awesome movie
7 August 2022
I remember watching this movie as a kid and I loved every minute of it then I watched it as an adult and I still love it the same. A funny movie with an emotional touch. I still tear up towards the end of this movie.
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Body Parts (1991)
I liked it
7 August 2022
I remember watching this movie with my mother as a kid, my mom use to always watch these crazy type of movies lol but I remember it being scary but entertaining. Now as an adult it's hard to find this movie, it's never shown on T. V. and it seem to be hard to find online.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Not the best Scream movie
2 August 2022
I still think Scream 3 was the worst of the series but this movie was average at best. It had some good moments and bad moments but I truly think it's time for this franchise to die especially with Wes Craven gone now. I mean it's only so many times you can make the same storyline over and over again with different killers each movie. It's getting boring now.
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Speed (1994)
So much action!
18 June 2022
This movie was good from start to end Reeves and Bullock make a good team but everyone involved with this movie did an excellent job, it's rare to find movies as good as speed. Will forever be one of the greatest movies ever.
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