
19 Reviews
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The Comeback (2005–2014)
Okay, but not much of anything.
20 April 2006
I've read all the comments here, so there's no need to go into the plot or what happens, I'll just voice my opinion on why the show didn't really connect with me, the general public.

It seems like it really wanted to be 'The Office' or 'Extras'- two brilliant shows from the UK. But the overall problem is, this woman that Kudrow plays is quite privileged and rich- she lives in a mansion, has a marriage, has a JOB, and is a former sitcom star. It's just difficult to feel sorry for the 'haves'.

Anyone who wakes up in her mansion and complains about a silly line on a worthless sitcom is simply not a woman most people can relate to. She doesn't have to be 'likable' at all, she can be despicable, but if I don't relate to her or any of her situations, why should I care?

James Burrows makes a guest appearance as her director. He's the son of Abe Burrows, by the way, an American icon who wrote the musical 'Guys and Dolls' among others- and various other 'real life' sitcom people pop in and out, but still I couldn't muster up much interest past the first few shows.

It's true, when she went to Palm Springs, the story finally took on some much needed depth- her friend who had cancer and the changes in the hotel were funny- but even then, when the friend who was meant to be 'free of caring what other people thought' took off her bikini top, she quickly covered it up with a magazine in one of the most awkward gestures on television. Was this a comment that she was NOT really free? I wish. It was just shot poorly, and was clearly a comment that they hired an actress who was ashamed of her own (quite beautiful) body.

I wanted to love this show. I think Kudrow is a terrific actress. But ultimately I just didn't care.
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3 April 2006
This movie is a delight from start to finish, the story is uniquely told, the actors are all marvelous- and I'd never seen any of them before- the music and photography are all original, it's just delightful.

A story about falling in love told from the woman's point of view, I felt like I was reading her journal at times- it borders on the cliché, but is told in such a confident unique way that I knew she'd never take us down the easy street.

Miranda July wrote and directed and starred in it, and in her own way she's like Woody Allen (back when he was great)- a point of view of the world that is smart and genuine and makes you see things a bit differently.

By the way, this movie also has some great child acting in it, something that is rarely done well in any movie. They're cute, but not cutesy.

Definitely worth renting!
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King Kong (2005)
3 April 2006
Yes, the effects are amazing. Yes, it's an epic that can only truly be appreciated on the big screen.

But why did it have to be three hours long? This was just plain difficult for my family to sit through, the kids got bored, even with the long chase scenes, and we all got hungry and antsy. Maybe on DVD it'll be better, because you can stop it and do something else for a while- like get a good nights sleep.

The acting was all fine, especially by the APE! That guy is fantastic, and stole the film from all the other actors trying to act up a storm next to him. I don't know if it was effects or the actor under the ape suit, but that part of it worked.

It reminded me of some of those Spielberg movies that just go on and on and have 3 or 4 endings and a ton of publicity that makes it feel like an event, but ultimately leaves me feeling empty and bored.
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The OH is just OKAY
3 April 2006
I wanted to like this movie more than I did, but I just didn't. Some of the people at the SXSW fest really enjoyed it, but there was a large majority- such as myself- that almost walked out.

Parker Posey is, well- Parker Posey again. Sometimes I find her funny, but a lot of the time I find her shtick a little tedious, and where I really like her as a supporting player, when she's the lead I start to get a headache. Perhaps that's just me, but if you ever thought she may be a little over the top, this is not the film for you.

Paul Rudd is okay, but he has scenes with Micha Barton, who is to acting what wood is to forests, so there was no hope for those scenes.

The standout for me, surprisingly, was Danny DeVito. He brings a warmth and reality to a supporting role (clearly based on Wallace Shawns character in Annie Hall) that took me by surprise and made me remember why I love him so.

The film itself tries very hard to get noticed, sometimes in that puerile Farrely Brothers HEY LOOK AT ME! kind of way, which I'm sure my 14 year old nephew would enjoy. ("Hey, they're talking about SEX!! Wheeee!") but after a while it made me long for a comedy like, say, Annie Hall or Manhattan (am I dating myself?) where the people are adult and smart and interesting and attractive and don't try so hard to be funny, but just ARE funny.

I'd be interested to see this director/writers next film, hopefully they'll have a little more faith in themselves and a little less need to keep the volume so loud.
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Chocolat (2000)
Delightful fun.
5 August 2001
And a moral tale to boot, but the moral is so well hidden in the,

well, chocolate, that your kids won't notice. Beautifully acted and

directed, shot in the most beautiful village you'll see in film this

year, this is worth the trip. I loved it. Juliette Binoche virtually

shines, as does everyone in the cast. Depp is brooding and

mysterious- he always does that well- and Molina just about steals

the film as the perfect nemesis. Highly recommended.
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The first half is enjoyable,
5 August 2001
although I must say the music was a little 'wall to wall' for my taste.

I kept thinking "Kubrick would have had bold silence instead of all

these strings telling us how to feel". But it's a great stretch for Mr.

Spielberg and I applaud him for it. The performers are all game,

especially Osment and O'Conner, who looks amazingly like Mary

Louise Parker. Jude Law seemed a little 'actory' for my taste, he's

the only one I didn't believe. The story is great and the camera

work superb, Mr. Speilberg is at the top of his game- but the script

lets him down in the second half. I could've done without the 'flesh

fair' and the 'blue fairy', and all those endings. A noble effort.
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Okay for a plane ride.
5 August 2001
But just barely. Sandra Bullock is all snorts and pratfalls in lieu of

a real character, and Benjamin Bratt is just, well, quite handsome

and not much more. The standouts are Caine, Bergen, and

surprisingly enough, William Shatner. He has just the perfect mix

of goofiness and bravado, without letting us see the sweat. Not

much of a plot, and a lot of 'ads' for Texas don't elevate it from 'fluff'

level, but it's okay if you're stuck on a plane with nothing else to

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Sugar & Spice (2001)
A lot of fun.
2 August 2001
I think this film was terrific fun, poking fun at all kinds of stereotypes and doing it while winking at the audience. The two lead kids are great, practically nudging us to get the joke but in a gentle way, and the supporting cast is clearly having a ball. The 'dubious morality' of the piece is not really an issue, since it's so clearly a fantasy. I'm interested in seeing what else this director can do!
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Cats & Dogs (2001)
Could've been great.
22 July 2001
This is a movie that proves (along with Dr Doolittle) that there is

now the technology to do great talking animal pictures.

Unfortunately, this is not that picture, unless you're 8 years old. The

script is the weakest link I think, although the lead dog- voiced by

Toby Maguire- is so uninteresting and bland that it's hard to care

for any thing that happens to him. A few inspired moments, but

other than that a tremendous waste of time and talent.
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Great film.
22 July 2001
I loved this movie even more than Babe, which is saying a lot.

True, it goes to a darker place, but it's a magical tale befitting

Grimm or Anderson. Very well written, beautifully acted and

directed, this could be a childrens classic once all the bad press

passes. See it right after Babe, it makes a great double feature.
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Babe (1995)
One of the greats.
22 July 2001
This is a kids movie that is really for entire families, and I loved it.

It's got a great message at the middle of a terrific story well told.

Beautifully acted and directed, and the talking animals works

perfectly. I've seen this movie at least 4 times and would gladly

watch it again, it's really that good.
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15 July 2001
Yep, this is just absolutely brilliant. The new DVD has great quality as well, that's the way to see this if you missed it on stage. There's a reason this musical got the Pulitzer Prize, and it's evident in this astonishing film of the play. Patinkin and Peters are perfectly cast and do brilliant work. I can't speak highly enough of this- go and rent it, you'll see. True, it's a bit thick in the beginning, but it's worth the ride.
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The Wrong Man (1956)
I love this film.
15 July 2001
`True, it's not one of Hitchcocks showier flashier films, but at it's core is a paranoia and fear that to me perfectly sums up the fifties. Henry Fonda is the perfect odd 'hero' of this strange story of mistaken identity, and he plays it to the hilt. For the life of me I couldn't find the "Hitchcock cameo", even though I know it's there. A great score by Bernard Hermann and beautiful black and white photography add to the haunting quality of this deceptively simple film.
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Father Ted (1995–1998)
I Love This Show!
8 July 2001
The first season just came out on DVD, and it is worth it. Irreverent, silly, and just plain dopey, it's one of the better sitcoms made. Sure the production values are a little on the cheap side, but do yourself a favor and give it a go. My personal favorite is "Father Dugal", the dim-witted priest who isn't sure if he believes in organized religion. A hoot!
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A lovely parable.
8 July 2001
I think that all readings apply to this beautifully shot black and white film- it's both cynical and hopeful. I choose to lean towards the hopeful- the power of the childrens love has transformed the criminal, and at a key moment he tosses out his gun without violence. That was a lovely surprise, as was Alan Bates beautifully interpreted performance as "Jesus Christ". Well written and beautifully directed, this is just a lovely piece of work.
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My Horrible Year! (2001 TV Movie)
Terrific fun.
3 July 2001
This one caught me by surprise this morning on a cable channel, and I watched it to the end with a big smile on my face. It's a lovely little light footed teen story, but not like I've come to expect in recent years, in that the girls are really smart and don't look like bimbos, and the guys seem to really care about them. The parents aren't dolts, either. The whole thing was refreshing. A great cast, most of whom I've never seen before, with the exception of Mimi Rogers and Karen Allen. The photography is superb, and even the music is fun. Offbeat, I'd say, not your typical fare, which I kind of like. I recommend it highly, it was really good.
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Outstanding drama.
3 July 2001
This man is something of a Schindler, if you will, but he focused mainly on saving artists. Beautifully played by William Hurt, with great supporting actors all around him, this film was obviously made on the cheap, but that doesn't cheapen the content which is worthy. A good family film. I recommend it.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
The best thing on television.
3 July 2001
This is simply put the best show on television today. Bold and violent, yes, but with finely drawn characters that are not only cool- they're smart and funny and I've come to love them, even the ones I hate. Great music, HBO is really putting their money in the right things. This is far better than any network show I've seen this year, or any year for that matter.
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
My favorite white trash show.
3 July 2001
And I mean that as a high compliment, after all I think that's what they were going for. A great show that I love and will continue to love even in reruns, Roseanne has really set the bar high for any following 'white trash' shows that may come along. Even the supporting characters over the years are great, such as Shelley Winters etc. A great show!
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