
3 Reviews
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Seven Days (1998–2001)
Entertaining but flawed
17 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've always enjoyed time travel shows from Time Tunnel to Quantum Leap. Seven Days has a good mix of drama, comedy and action, however, at times the writing just gets plain lazy. Take, for example, the episode, The Football. Are we to believe that the man carrying the device which must not leave the president's side could just be left behind by the president and the Secret Service? Are we also to believe that the person given the responsibility to carry that device would choose a) to take a cab and b) to walk the streets with it when the cab breaks down? Whenever Frank makes a back step, the first word out of his mouth is "conundrum". This is done to ensure the listener's complete attention and cooperation. Yet, when he tries to tell Olga about the problem he can only mutter, "you have to listen to me" while she hangs up (twice). To further insult my intelligence, a gorilla can randomly punch the keys and get lucky with the correct combination, then, when faced with global destruction, Frank chooses to woo the gorilla rather than killing it. After all, killing a gorilla to prevent the death of billions of humans (and of course, that same gorilla) would just be cruel.

Let's not forget to mention that the security at this top secret location is so lax that Frank can escape armed only with a pair of bolt cutters. And why does Ramsey still consider Frank a screw-up after he has succeeded in every mission he has taken? The show is mostly entertaining but I can see why it was cancelled.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
What's all the fuss
21 October 2009
This show contains all of the annoying traits of "Seinfeld" and none of the humour. I watched the pilot and most of the first episode. What I saw was people misinterpreting situations (example - the tenting of the pants), people over-reacting to situations (example - the Hitler comment), and people being rude to other people (example, Jeff's making a big fuss over having HBO pay for Larry's porn video in the hotel). This isn't comedy. This is just irritating. This is just grown people acting like children. This is the same reason that I could never understand why "Everybody Loves Raymond" was such a big hit. The only redeeming feature of the show is the complete lack of snotty kids who treat their parents with complete disrespect and contempt.
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Interesting retelling of the story of Huey Long
29 December 2006
As a straight drama the movie tends to drag at times but considered as a thinly veiled account of the rise and fall of Louisianna governor Huey Long it becomes a riveting period piece. To see the similarities in the fictional and actual stories please check Wikipedia under "Huey Long", part of which states the following...

One of (Huey Long's) famous speeches was, "Your will is my strength and your need is my justice. They want to ruin me so they can ruin you, and I won't let them!" This quote was used verbatim in the movie.

Sean Penn dominates every scene in which he appears - a fantastic performance.
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