
35 Reviews
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Doctor Who: Space Babies (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Doctor Who should not be for kids
13 May 2024
I don't know how many times this needs to be said. Classic Doctor Who worked because it never patronised its audience. Never treated the show as a show for children. It was science fiction written by intelligent writers that could be enjoyed by adults and children alike.

I don't know how they can get this so wrong. You have the genius idea of being able to place the story anywhere in time and space which opens up a world of possibility. And the best they can come out with is Space Babies. And bogies. I mean come on.

I have to say I really want to like Ncuti and Millie but again the acting seems very forced and far too hyper.

Here's hoping it picks up because that was an awfully weak opening which does not augur well.
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Bewitched (2005)
Why could have been
27 January 2024
I loved the original series. And I avoided watching this because I thought ugh Nicole Kidman as Samantha. She can't do comedy. Will Ferrell yeah no worries.

And then: Will Ferrell is the massive problem with this. He has zero charisma: I mean, really. Zero, nada.

Nicole Kidman is enchanting, wonderful as it goes. With Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine in tow this film really highlights what separates the TV actors from the actual film stars.

I think by the end, the film itself actually aligns with the script. Sorry Will there's nothing left to try and resurrect this, let's finish now. And it did. Just when you thought things might pick up, all done 👀
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Ok you've done it.
8 December 2023
A few series have done the musical episode, Moonlighting and Buffy being the more memorable examples. Once More With Feeling works so well because of the crucial story arcs expounded from a series very well established. I think that's the problem here: Although we are towards the end of series 2 there isn't enough to really work with and it all feels like the writing team just fancied doing it for the sake of it. It's a bit early in its run to be going with the whacky episodes. It's all quite well done and the songs are pleasant enough (thankfully with some auto tune for the ropier singers).

My thoughts: You've done it now, well done, please don't do it again 🙂
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Match Point (2005)
Good grief
24 November 2023
I seem to remember Woody Allen films having dialogue that felt fairly natural, even if a little cerebral. And then we entered the 1990s and Woody's films started to crash and burn.

Considering the awesome cast in this, it all feels incredibly stagey. The dialogue is as wooden as an oak table top. The script and story is ho hum. All of the ideas feel terribly rehashed.

As a chap, the only saving grace of this film is Scarlett Johansson. I don't know how she does it, but she manages to steal the camera in every scene she's in. Her dialogue is still as stilted as the rest of the film but my goodness.
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Ok but the weakest in the series
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Mission Impossible series of films has been one the best things about mainstream cinema in recent years, inventive and full of interesting, gripping storylines and characters. This one just falls flat; the long exposition of the big bad AI and it's human face Gabriel is drawn out and confusing. What could have been an interesting premise somehow just doesn't work and Gabriel is a weak villain with a tacked on back story.

The supporting cast are given too little to do. Newcomer Hayley Atwell does, well, well. But it does rather seem like she's just a like for like replacement for Rebecca Ferguson who gets bumped off in one of many fairly emotionless scenes. The whole film is lacking in emotion and as someone else's review said, it's like the film was written by AI. The score is also too overbearing at times, intruding rather than complementing scenes. Cruises face looks more distorted with every film but he still knows how to carry the franchise.

Hopefully part two can bring things to a satisfactory conclusion. This is certainly the weakest of the Series so far, just behind MI2 and a world behind the excellent Fallout.

All in all, a disappointment but still a decent watch.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Quality but exhausting
21 July 2023
I'm a big fan of Nolan's work so was really looking forward to this. I understood there would be some flipping in timelines and I'd need to concentrate. I didn't find this to be a problem at all and the storytelling was beautifully done. The acting was universally excellent. I saw a review saying Emily Blunt was rather OTT but I didn't find that at all.

I think my biggest gripe with the film may mean that I'm just getting old. I found the direction quite jarring with jump cuts galore. While it did keep things moving along apace, it was all rather exhausting. I also found the music and sound very very loud to the point of intrusion. Much like other Nolan films as it goes: Interstellar that I love, also had *very* loud music.

All in all this is a quality watch. It just left me longing for the days when so called 'cerebral' biopics, were a little more tranquil.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Hugely overrated
19 July 2023
To preface. I've been a fan of Star Wars since the original film came out and wore out a pirate tape of Return of the Jedi back in 1983 😄

I'm a bit astonished at the 9 and 10/10 reviews of this. I mean, it's ok but no more than that. Some hugely derivative episodes and weak storylines. And people are rating this higher than truly great series?

I can only assume that either there is a bot army voting, or there are people whose idea of quality programming has a very low bar.

It's fun and acting is ok. But I can't help thinking that Disney is extracting every last ounce of life from the franchise and spreading storylines very thinly.
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Yeah pretty good after a mediocre start
8 July 2023
This takes a little while to get going, and the multiple alternate graphic effects/styles are initially quite jarring. After the first hour I must admit I'd have considered leaving if it wasn't for my lad being with me. It then picked up and the story worked it's way in.

I think what is two films will probably have been able to be made in one concise film. I suspect there'll be some greed on show, but hoping the second is a tour de force to prove me wrong. This rescued it as it went along but is still not in the class of the first film. Not far away though and I'm crossing my films they knock it out of the park with the denouement.
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More diminishing returns
22 June 2023
The first John Wick was terrific. A real shot in the arm for the action film. Then the second and third films were pretty much repeats, but with each iteration the action becomes more dull, more tedious.

This is more of the same; like a video game from the 1990s with each part of the film leading to a bigger 'boss' to defeat. But with none of the fun of a video game because you aren't playing, you're watching. And the outcome is pretty much obvious from the outset.

The action scenes that were the highlight of the first film, have become the bits to fast forward as they are so repetitive. The only interest is how the story progresses. And that is a fatal mistake as the story is thin at best.

Please just stop now.
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Office Space (1999)
A B Movie at best
6 June 2023
Extremely disappointing, even allowing for watching it many years after it was released. I've worked in a soulless office like this before so can appreciate what they were trying to do. The problem with the whole idea is that it's all just so stale. Every joke feels like it's been done before. Even the main premise of the story admits it's lifted from something else. I was actually really looking forward to it having seen some great reviews. Jennifer Aniston looks stunning, so there's that. I don't tend to write that many bad reviews but I think I'm writing this because it had potential to be a lot better than it ended up.
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Dune (2021)
Great looking but without depth
26 March 2023
I'd been meaning to read the book for years and with the film coming out I thought it was about time to get into it before watching this.

Having read it, I can see why it was deemed unfilmable. So much of the plot is held within character's internal monologue and very complex political interactions. Unfortunately while the film looked great and was faithful to a few of the scenes, it failed dreadfully to bring any depth to the story. There is no background to speak of with any of the characters who appear and disappear as quickly as they came. From this point of view it has to be seen as a failure, both for people who have read the book and find it lacking. And those who haven't, who either won't get it at all, or will see some weak mystical Matrix / Star Wars type hybrid.

Disappointed with this, I think I'll seek out the series.
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15 March 2023
I really wanted to love this film as the writer plus Gleeson and Farrell have wonderful chemistry as shown in the terrific 'In Bruges'.

The film is described as a dark comedy; however I think I chuckled once during a very dark and depressing film. The cinematography is as lovely as you'd expect, given the scenery to work with. The film itself though, is just relentlessly depressing. Where you think it might pick up and be a different story, it just drifts deeper into despair. I get all of the existential stuff, I just don't get why they had to make it so tough to watch.

*Spoiler for The Whale*

Considering The Whale actually had the main character dying at the end, it comes across as a beacon of light and hope compared to this. Life's just too short, save your time and go out and enjoy yourself doing something else.
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Enough now Marvel
17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A serious case of diminishing (if you'll excuse the pun) returns happening now with the Marvel (P)universe. (Sorry)

After a hohum start, the film is sucked into the Quantum realm and that's where the viewer begins a CGI yawnfest.

Part of the charm of AntMan is the ordinary guy finding he has superpowers and making his fascinating way through a tiny Earth. As soon as you take this into an area like the quantum realm, any of that wonder is gone. The film's plot for what it is, is reminiscent of a million others. The realm has more than a whiff of Star Wars about it, with duplicate baddies like stormtroopers. The big bad is a bit Darth Vader and the various quantum creatures look like extras from the Lucas cutting floor.

Even Paul Rudd's charm is tested and the ageless man is finally starting to look mortal.

I won't be bothering with any more of these. Sadly from the adverts before this, looks like Hollywood is just one reboot after another.

Please can we get back to some decent writing and originality. God knows there are plenty of brilliant Science Fiction writers out there just begging to be adapted, if that's the target audience.

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District 9 (2009)
A science fiction mish mash that doesn't work
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I came to this film knowing nothing at all about it, I just happened to see a connection with Peter Jackson and was intrigued.

I'm a fan of intelligent science fiction and having seen a high rating I was expecting good things.

The start of the film, however, seemed to take forever with the documentary style forced and amateurish. It was pretty clear from the outset that the film was a mash up of other, better, films and tv series. The comparison with Nazi experimentation, concentration camps and apartheid was clunky. The redemption arc for the main character was predictable. The raid on the lab was completely unbelievable (even given the film parameters).

And then, unforgivably, the ending was rubbish. "Leave them wanting more". Well maybe. But actually completing the story would have been better.

Good points? Well the alien effects are impressive. Aside from that, I was very disappointed.
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An apparently underrated classic
21 January 2023
I'm a little confused at the IMDB rating here. Was expecting to see at the very least 8 point something. I've no idea why anyone wouldn't enjoy the hell out of this.

This is a wonderful film, direction is great, performances from both Cusacks, Minnie Driver and especially Dan Aykroyd are sparkling. I'd go as far as saying it's Aykroyd's finest. The cameo from a scared Alan Arkin is also lovely.

The story is totally far fetched but that's not really the point here. It's an essay on growing up, life and the surprising turns it can take. Oh and did I say, it's an absolutely killer soundtrack.

If you've never seen it, watch it. If like me you hadn't seen it for a while, go watch it again, you won't be disappointed.
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Bananas (1971)
A difficult watch
21 January 2023
I was a big fan of Woody Allen when I was younger and I remember Bananas as being a laugh fest. I'd been looking forward to checking this out again, together with Love and Death, another favourite.

On rewatch today it has aged very badly. Barely a smile raised and Woody himself cuts a very awkward figure. Some of the slapstick humour is reasonably done but the timing all seems off and it is jarring rather than amusing. There's little story to speak of, sometimes in a 'madcap' film that can be a good thing but not here.

All in all, this is pretty terrible, if nostalgia pulls you this way, I'd reconsider.
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Amazing in a bad way
18 September 2022

I'll preface my review by saying that I've really enjoyed all of the Thor films so far, with Ragnarok being my favourite of all of the Marvel films (alongside Iron Man). I've no problem with the use of humour, and the effortless charm of Ragnarok was one of its strengths.

I think that per budget, this may be one of the worst written films I've ever seen. It tries so hard to recapture the humour of Ragnarok and instead just makes it ridiculous and worst of all, boring.

I've no idea how they managed to waste so many good actors. The MCU has been so good over the years and I guess complacency has set in, big style. I wish I could unsee this but heyho.
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Charming fluff
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this kind of film has been done a million times before and the acting is pretty appalling here. But it's Keanu and Winona! Reeves' acting is notoriously wooden and in this he doesn't disappoint. But it's Keanu! And he comes across as such a lovely chap (irl) that you can forgive him. The script here is fun even if half the time it sounds like it's being read off of cards on the other protagonist's forehead. It's a short, sweet, time waster and goes exactly where you'd expect. It'll never win any awards but I enjoyed it.

Ps as an aside I'm curious as to why reviews on here now need to be in excess of 600 characters. Surely people want to have concise reviews rather than someone wibbling away and therefore spoilering all over the place? We look at reviews to see if someone liked it with a vague idea why. I enjoyed this because it was charming despite the ropey acting.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
TV Magic
31 August 2022
This is probably the only TV Series that I've returned to more than twice. It's that good. The Sherlock Holmes analogies are spot on (I've always liked a mystery) but it never got tired from my side like some programs can.

The show is held together with some wonderful acting from Hugh Laurie and the excellent ensemble cast. It's consistently funny, challenging and the characters are given time to develop real depth. From the first to the last though, the relationship between House and Wilson is the real heart of the show. Some absolutely wonderful episodes, the two part Broken being a particular delight.

It's cracking, watch it. Then probably watch it again.
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Quality popcorn film
24 August 2022
A most enjoyable film even though the plot could have been written on the back of a matchbox. It's all about the charisma of the lead and the incredible cinematography. All of that said, this is, what it is. Enjoyable fluff and nowhere near some of the 10 ratings on here. It's a very good 7 from me.
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Fletch (1985)
Beverley Hills Cop with a less appealing lead
7 July 2022
Chevy Chase unfortunately has none of the charisma of Eddie Murphy. The film has ego and drugs of the time written all over it. It had good possibilities to be a winner but the hugely unlikeable lead makes it 'a watch if there's nothing else on'.
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A fairly weak finale
4 July 2022
I ended up getting quite bored with this. It all started off pretty well but gradually as the storylines played out towards another finale like all the others, I just thought: "Please, can we just have a conclusion now".

Hopefully the 'final' season is just that. And hopefully the episodes aren't all 10 hours long.
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World class 😁
24 June 2022
The epitome of the modern day footballer and then a bit more. A man with a decent talent at football, simply unwilling to understand his limitations. Blaming everyone else for his mistakes and ultimately being a sicknote because he couldn't handle the heat. An embarrassment wearing the badge. Jog on. Although that may be a bit high tempo.
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The Batman (2022)
18 April 2022
I get that Batman films have set a new benchmark in 'dark' storylines. But this is curiously devoid of any passion, fun, excitement. It's flat as a pancake.

Pattinson is good as Bruce Wayne and Zoe Kravitz is stunning. But it's just dull dull dull. A boring plot and massively overlong.

5/10 for the production values really. It's not a patch on the wonderful Nolan trilogy.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
15 April 2022
Watching the first series which by all account is up there. And I find myself wishing I was watching reruns of House instead 🤷🏻 It's alright. But it's no House.
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