
2 Reviews
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The Encounter (2016– )
Pureflix, please stop
9 March 2020
On a Pureflix page, they compare this to "Touched By An Angel," which is just plain blasphemy. That show had great writing with actual depth, authenticity, and good production value. This... immature writing and sub par production. Flat, uninspired, no nuance - it's like a student film. Why, why, why do they keep doing this? Why, why, why does the audience keep watching? They've conditioned people to accept such bad quality. Please, Christian viewers, demand more. This won't reach a single non believer and it only lends to the view that Christians are bad filmmakers. They should be better than mainstream. That's the only way to reach beyond the walls of the church.
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Hitting the Breaks (2016–2017)
No. Just no.
7 November 2019
Ugh. So bad. I would never recommend any of the stuff I've seen on pureflix to a friend - not even to a Christian friend. There is no honest, authentic depth of story or character. The narrative and production quality comes off as naive, inexperienced, and immature. I tried to like it, I want to Christian film making to be successful, but they just don't seem to get that preaching to the choir with flat, false earnestness will never reach a real audience beyond the frustrated Christians willing to swallow any clean entertainment put out - even if its bad.
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