
70 Reviews
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
8 March 2024
First ; Lena Headly, the leading actor in the 300, and one of the protagonist in this series, had her face so altered that it is very distracting! Why do these female actors, mostly, do this to their face?! It's ridiculously altered and not in a complimentary way! Yikes!

Second; the series is slow paced, stretched, to extend the time frame. Already boring.

Both, Solomon and Aster are suspicious of each other and this reason sets up the whole story untrustworthy. Her shipmates are all blasted in the crash yet Astor is speaking to them via telecommunications. Confusing, I'd say.

Is she a saboteur to cause harm to the "lighthouse" and Solomon if so why? Mysterious.

Third, the AI, Harmony, doesn't trust Astor completely either and takes measures to control or aid or something! Then the story twists where Solomon isn't Solomon, then who is he?

This is the series premise... so, wait and see if it is interesting enough to keep watching.
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The Thing (1982)
Very Intriguing!
24 January 2024
I generally do not rewatch anything , especially an old movies. But I could not remember this film's details so I clicked it on, even watching it with the commercials! Something I do not do any more. This made me nostalgic, like the way that it used to be on television. Imagine that! It was forty two years ago this was released or made.

I don't need to describe the plot to you here because the the descriptions are well explained on the IMDb site.

It is a great movie, the intrigue, and the mystery of who is effected and is only the shell of itself because the viral shape shifter could be one of them and they are all a possible alien specie thing! It is a disgusting thing and freaky as something from hell!

It's entertaining overall and captivating. You will enjoy it I'm sure.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Being Polite has its limits!
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god, the boy's tongue has been cut out! It did not appear normal congenital condition!

You know if your base instincts (which has been developed through evolution which took many thousands or hundreds thousand plus) is trying to tell you something is not right, or weird and odd, you must listen. Really listen! It is within us as a tool for survival. To dismiss it and shrug it off is to place yourself and your loved ones, especially the little innocent ones in a dangerous situation.

The two visitor protagonists are very stupid in this psychological thriller horror and anxiety riddled movie. By their ignoramous decisions they had placed themselves and daughter in a very dangerous position.

Being polite has a limit, in any sense of the way.

Being polite has reached in this film in the most extreme sense!

No! I am too much of a pragmatist and very American ways. I would have demanded early on to leave the darn place. F__k being polite!

As those few who have commented about the film focused on the anxiety buildup, I also think that it is so. Too much I think!

I'd have also shut their child's want of her stupid bunny to just accept its loss and forget it! She'll get another! The child was too old anyway for these attachment to a baby toys!

Very frustrating film and story! I cannot believe they'd journey to spend their time with the strangers they'd met at a vacation! Very stupid.

Overall, I really did not enjoy it! Very awkward and disgusting! Therefore, I'd only recommend watching for the educational purposes, what Not to do. Ever!
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His Only Son (2023)
Blind faith!
10 January 2024
I still cannot believe this and other stories of the Bible, the old and the new, and the Quran/Koran. These stories are something made up by those who believed this or that, in their minds, their hallucinations, used to create a better sense of the things that they couldn't comprehend.

What's amazing is that both had gained followers well over four thousand years!

Sacrifice order from the god, really?! What kind of god allow innocents to suffer as they do. All powerful, all everything the book says. In his name so many millions had suffered! It also says, through suffering one earns a place in heaven! Okay say that may be true for the adults, but little ones and the animals, what have they done to earn those horrific pain and death!

My brain keeps fighting it and no matter how much I try to study and make sense of it all, I cannot accept what's written and told by the "experts!" It's all bunch of a fictional tales! Made up to keep the masses in line of ruling! To give the sufferers the hope of a better life here after by the upper crusts of the society members.

If one takes the time to really contemplate on the whole thing, it's quite brilliant stuffs to keep the not so fortunate continue to be their lambs to direct to their will. Generational servitude!

This movie is no different than the old films. It's infuriating to watch! Makes me think and confirm my beliefs that people are really stupid and will continue to believe all of these garbage.

Yet another moronic film. Acting is mediocre but it's not the actors fault. They are performing what's written in script. They must also believe how stupid the tale is all the while doing their paid job!

No! I do not recommend it to anyone with a common sense!
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In Your Dreams (2023– )
My First S. African film.
25 December 2023
As my title says this series is my first intro to South African television fantasy programming.

So, I have watched what the South African family watched on their television. It is wild to think about that.

The world has really been changed and for the better because the internet and other things we have the great chances to see how other parts of the globe lives. And you know what, Africa isn't all a wild kingdoms and people living in just the huts anymore. Slowly all countries in the African continent will be brought up to the modern standards too I think.

This series certainly made my point that not all of the African nations are primitive as many believe it to be. Of course the coastal nations have had better opportunities to become modernized because they've had contacts with the world over. This series definitely has shown that.

Anyway, it is an entertaining family show with the many fantasy events. Kids will enjoy that I'm sure.

Adults can rest assure there's nothing offensive in it so they can relax and enjoy it together without anxiety triggers.

Overall, it is a good rated G show.

I've enjoyed the scenery shots here and there too.
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Risen (2021)
A movie?!
18 November 2023
It's more like mind torture and the added child molestation insinuated to give it something else.

None of it, it's plot, development is slow and tedious! They focused on a single woman of importance to appease their feminist audience.

My question is how they had been awarded so many accolades? Was this film the only one to consider in doling out recognition and that's how this film acquired those awards listed!

It could have been a film of note. It's got a great plot to develop on but the film fell short, I think.

Still, I had to see what the end was. I was hooked though it had sluggishly moved along.

It is as though how one gets hooked on a novel that is truly boring, but you have to know how it ends so you are determined to read it through.

I have never not finished a book! No matter how bad it is. Must always finish what you started mind set.

As I'd said it could've been a better film if there were more details and presentation. Too bad.

It was an interesting idea, the plot.

And the actors are only good as its script. Oh well.
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Pretty good for a B movie.
16 October 2023
Its title says it all, as far as the plot fans out.

I didn't think that the film would get my focus but it did.

The two girls were stupid, of course, never listening to their adults advices about staying safe and to following the safe rules that they've been taught. Therefore, the things occur as it often does and the two best friends face the consequences of their poorly conceived decisions. I mean what do the grownups know? Right?

It's as many horror films 🎥, wrought with the anxieties and nail biting at times and can't help yelling at the screen 📺- to say, "you idiot and stupid girls!" Can't help yourself from being angry at the characters as well. Then, you chastise yourself for behaving as though the characters can hear us and are real.

I'm sure you readers understand my sentiments.

Finally, I think that the film is decent and watchable too. I recommend ALL teens whether they are boys or girls Should See it! If nothing else they may learn what Not To Do!! Also, if ever they do end up in a similar situation, recall the movie's lessons, and behave as the two girls did and take brave and smart actions and survive!

Thanks. I hope you'll enjoy the film.👍🍀
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Silly love movie.
28 July 2023
As the other ladies said in their review, it is a light hearted and a silly movie for chicks. It is not a realistic portrayal of the real world portrayer but still lightly enjoyable.

It's a good, not a great, fantasy film that is sort of funny. As I'd said, a good chick flick, to view with your chicly friends. Can run a commentary while watching with your friends over a glass of wine and cheese and crackers and what have you. My opinion.

I don't really care for the leading actress, but she did okay. I wondered if she was one of the producers though because I was thinking if another actress would have filled the role of the protagonist better. Still, I'd enjoyed watching and following the story.

It's fun, nothing magnificent.

Wow! It is 17 years old! This film.
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Loving (2016)
6 July 2023
It's hard to believe this was a law! Disgusting!

So obviously unconstitutional. Since it's in the constitution that "All man are created equal!"

My husband and I would have been broken the law. We are one of the "Interracial" marriages - an Asian(a KoreanAmerican; an immigrant) and a -Scottish/Irish/English/Danish American! -ie A Caucasian! Married since 1977 and had two children.

It's nearly impossible for me to imagine that we couldn't be a married couple because of our race differences! I'm sure others who are also an interracial couples also feel as I do, we, my husband and I, do.

What the Lovings faced in the 1950s is unbelievable, like a fictional story. But all true! It's horrible that there were those laws existed in the first place. To actually face it with courage is commendable.

In the end, the Love triumphs over everything!

As you'll see how the Lovings has overcome their obstacles and remained true to each other.

By looking at the mr Loving one would think, oh, he's one of those southern "redneck" males.

However, he's anything but a man in love with a woman who's about to have their baby. They wish to marry, to acknowledge their love and to be a family. This should have been it and should not have been anyone else's business!

They fight against the state and ends up taking it all the way to The Supreme Court!

What courage!

I recommend viewing this historical tale. A love story, with all its involved, and of the couple who has overcome the mountainous obstacles.

Thank you all. 👍😊
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Boomika (2021)
What I've been saying!
21 June 2023
Well done film, not frightening at all.

What is to be expected when it is only saying what many of us has been saying to others about what we, humans, have done to the natural world.

I am glad about what the film makers are focusing on, not just the violence and killing each other and not caring about the home's health which all of us are living and benefiting from.

Take care of the earth and the natural world it will take care of you. It's been so for millions of years, after all. Had she not?

It's the so called industrial development and progress that they have failed to see the big picture!

As in the film, our planet is also a living breathing and functioning entity, in my opinion, therefore we must care for her as she cares of us.

I lack the eloquence to communicate well but you got the gist of it!

Care for the Planet as we take care of our own homes. She is our home after all!
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6 June 2023
Unlike those typical and traditional vampire films this tale was so much better! I think Lucy Liu did it superbly and the actor who played the cop, yet once again, performed very well. I liked all of the films and the series he'd been in.

Also, the Brit actor played a good villain.

The story had just amount of blood and violence, safe for the maturer children, other than the total nudes of the female form, it wasn't "gross" like other movies which often causes to be embarrassing to watch, even for the mature adults! It doesn't make one feel as though they are viewing porns, I think, although I have Never seen one I can imagine from what others described.

Finally, I think that the average rating is a bit low, because I enjoyed it thoroughly and it deserves better.
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Interesting series.
14 February 2023
Although it's dealing with a serious matters such as murders, lunatics, and morally corrupt people, it also had many little moments that were funny and very emotionally touching moments that were cute and memorable.

There really isn't anything that has not been already done but still it is an interesting and entertaining series. A few of minor details which were annoying and low grade editing that missed the mark, such as changing their place of living! The two brother's new apartment at first was a large and spacious building that overlooked the skylines but in the continuing episodes exchanged for much smaller closed in motel like place! As I'd said, it's nothing substantial difference but I hate that the "professional set designers" can't keep up the set continuity.

There were a few others but those are mainly the editors mistakes. They failed at times to continue the scenes, instead the upcoming episodes, nearly always, failed to keep the storylines straight! Don't they watch these episodes when they are editing?! Very bothersome.

Anyway, overall it is a good series with the smart young actors who had successfully delivered the story. Convincingly acted in most scenes, but missed a small areas. Nothing very noticeable.

It was well produced, directed, and plots well developed and conveyed by these young actors well.

I have enjoyed binging on this series. I can no longer watch any programming from a week to week. I want the stories to end in a few viewing and not linger as it were in the past. Is it still aired week to week?! I've no idea because I no longer watch anything on television. We've got a smart tv but it sits without ever being turned on.

Oh, a few times we did check to see if it still worked. Our little furbaby, a Jack Russell Terrier, barked at the huge on screen people! He doesn't know about the television for he's never seen any shows! It was a very funny moments!😉

Finally, I do recommend viewing it. It's a good entertainment! Enjoy!😊👍
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Curon (2020)
It worth watching!
8 January 2023
The basic story is built from a real place, and it's a good creative story! In order to get to its core you must sit through the slowly evolving process of its dark theme.

I did look up on the internet to see if there was a real place in Italy. There is and the clock and bell tower really is there in small town, well, what used to be a real town. Interesting.

Anyway, the fiction is very well crafted based on the real place, although the background is nothing like the series. Truly talented people who'd created this fiction. If there was a book it most certainly would have grabbed the reader's imagination and attention, I'm sure.

At any rate I think you'll enjoy watching this series! It will capture your imagination very quickly. I do recommend it to all. It's interesting.
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Behemoth (2021)
Yes, it's a behemoth stupid!
13 December 2022
I dislike films that are supposedly dark in the night where you must struggle to see anything!

My eyes are so strained from it I get very irritated!

The plot may have been okay had it not edited too darkly. It's no longer necessary for most movies which are made to be darkened evening or in the pitch black of the night to be shot. There are editing tools, programs, to darkened the scene, however, when there's just bits of lightness here and there - it is ridiculously the program is overkill!

I have not finished watching this film! Turned me off when entire film is turned to the viewer, to imagine what the heck is happening!

I don't recommend this to anyone, unless you have a Superman eyes, it will waste your time!

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Cute love but very annoying!
14 November 2022
This series was definitely produced for the teens because all I wanted to do while watching it was reach through the screen and smack the main girl knock some sense into her!

My goodness, whoever or many of the script writers squeezing out the story plot! Who in the right mind behave so friggin mousy! In this 21st century I can not imagine a young woman behaving so gutless! Not only that, her voice and behavior too was most aggravating too!

Wrong actress for the lead!

And that conniving bitch acting like a friend all the while giving another screwing to the mouse! I hated girls like that in school! Even though I was a shy introverted person, I'd have sooner reached my limit and fought back and give that bitch one two punch right on her conniving mouth!

I've skipped what I could for the sake of my curiosity and see how that bitch was handled in the damn series!! Ugh!

In closing, I do not recommend it for the adults. But the teenagers with the maturing mindset may learn from it some life situations, and to better handle those who are just pretending to be friends when all the while giving the f..k U!
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
One of the better zombie movies!
20 October 2022
Well thought out series foremost and stayed that way through out. Unlike many other zombie movies this series stayed true to the end.

It considered how human beings will behave in such a situation too. Some remained consistently remained through their personalities, a good kids remained good and bad ones stayed bad or worse! Some people rose up above their every day selves and became a hero, others became even worse than their ugly character in fact terrible!

The series really covered all areas of human characteristics and very well too. All of these youthful actors are truly marvelous! They portrayed their characteristics extremely well and commendable acting from everyone! Very believable! It was so supremely done one cannot stop from hating the bad ones, and liked others who were good and can't help but to cheer them on. Absolute top notch acting!

A very different than those other "B" movies. In fact this story exceeds expectations and equal if not better to the Brad Pitt's the "Z" movie!

Truly deserve recognitions from many areas! The acting and the production and the direction all supreme.

I enjoyed it thoroughly and recommend it highly!

Thank you.😊👍👌💜🏅🎭Excellent!
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Cafe Minamdang (2022– )
Entertaining series!
7 October 2022
Koreans have quite the repertoire of movie and television series.

I've been away from there for 52 years now and discovered only recently these films were available, and I've been hooked on them for a month and a half non stop. Making up the lost times. I'm more American than a Korean now but still love "K-Drama!" I am happy that the "K-Pop" bands are popular among the young adults here and abroad, global in fact! Very proud of how Korea have came into world renown now, in all things technology and automobile exports and so much more just in over fifty years. Nothing like the one I'd left in 1970. Unrecognizable! Their population increase in the fifty years also the testament to their healthcare and the economic growth! Korea is a resilient country like our country, 🇺🇸!

Oops, I've gotten off onto tangent things. Apologize.

This series is worth watching. A cute funny story to boot. Great entertainment. It's actors are well chosen for each characters, love their crazy, often unrealistic actions. As I'd stated it is "a good entertainment!" The stories on going and well developed too. The few actors are recognized from their other works and glad to see them in this series too.

Anyway, I recommend you to watch it, I think that you will be glad you did.
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Firestarter (2022)
Poor interpretation of the old.
30 September 2022
The first one made in the '70s with Drew Barrymore was much better than this piece of crap!

The "captain" the actress, was Never Ever a good actor! Even in her youth she was never believable, her acting very wooden and stoic! Terrible!

And her "new face" from injections and face lifts and the ugly eye surgery isn't attractive at all!

I'd never enjoyed watching her perform, and my thoughts of her haven't changed not one bit! Yuck! She looks horrible! Why can't these actors age gracefully?! Their egos are inflated to beyond measure!

This adaptation or remake really have not improved from the old. Barrymore was a better performer as well.

Typical Stephen King film, boring! Just like his books are, it fizzles out in the end. In my opinion SK's novels are all like this. The author gets flummoxed when nearing its conclusions, he cannot quite close it, the end I mean.

I've read many, if not all of the earlier novels, and always came away unsatisfied, kind of losing its flame.

Starts out well enough and through the body of the story but in the end it's a "phooy!" This film was like that also. Disappointed.
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Don't waste your time!
17 August 2022
Maybe it's the inferior everything, it's script, stupid dialogues, and just plain dumb, it's a big failure!

Maybe it's for children, the middle schoolers, because it's just not tolerable!

Total waste!
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The Silence (II) (2019)
12 August 2022
I don't know why had other viewers rated so low; avg 5.3? I thought it's got a great depth for a horror film. It had me gripped on the edge throughout the film.

Why must some humans do no good, I think they are born evil and they have suppressed their ugliness in the organized society but when there's chaos their ugly self rises up and they become the worst sort of human animal monsters! That fake priest deserve what he'd gotten. Oh the Irony of the hunted becoming prey in the end is fantastic!

And the mother's love for her children is just awe inspiring, like the notion you do not mess with the mama bear kind of instincts.

It's well done movie, I thought, and very enjoyable too. The "what's next?" held me gripped through to the end.

I think you'll enjoy it.👍
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Fine Film
11 August 2022
It's theme is basic, similar to the famous Melville's Orca, the captain obsessed with capturing no, killing it more like because the great Red Beast has been taking many ships down. It's a legend itself, the beast.

Killing the poor animal supposed to bring fame and fortune. Bla, bla, bla.

I'd stopped fully paying attention - catching only the glimpses here and there.
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The Titan (2018)
8 August 2022
I don't know why it's received below 5 star rating, really, because I throughly enjoyed this SciFI story very much. Sure the ending is a little shaky but it ends with the great hope for the mankind maybe able to save ourselves, however the future forms we take on.

I am glad that the protagonist hadn't lost his love for his family, and also glad the female doctor assistant didn't go in the way of evil. That main, the evil leading doctor had not gotten his way in the end!

I don't want to spoil the fictional tale but I think that the fans of the sci-fi would enjoy the premise it takes.

It's worth watching.
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Extinction (2018)
A good entertainment surprise!
5 August 2022
You will enjoy this film, I'm sure.

It had a great twist in the plot! A good surprise element. Acting was alright too. The actors performed well as they could in this sci-fi script. Michel Peña did a fine job. He is underrated actor in my opinion. Every film I've seen him in he performed well. It all depends on the quality of the scripts how well the actors perform.

I think Peña should be given a chance with some great script and a leading role.
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Love Powerful!
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although it was a very powerful and deeply emotional story, it left me with frustration! It was unfair I'd thought on the much older sister, more like a mom, the officers should have investigated further and not just assume that the adult protagonist has committed the killing shot! However, I can see the police point of it too, especially when the little girl had not uttered a word that she'd shot the officer. Yes, she was only five and didn't understand the complexity and of the consequences but since the little one was "only five" she'd have received the psychological assistances by the state or whoever will be involved in the case. Obviously she'd not go to jail! She's five!

Overall it's good. The acting superb by both actresses; S. Bulock and Viola Davis! Well, by all actors in fact! Great ensemble of all areas.
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Blackhat (2015)
Response to the review written in 2003
27 July 2022
This film came to be in 2015 per IMDb so how can someone write a review of it in 2003? Let's say it's a mistake meant to type 2013, still it doesn't explain the earlier post review!

I just find these minor details overlooked very annoying!
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