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The Acolyte: Lost/Found (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
6 June 2024
I've done episode reviews for "Star Wars" shows before, notably on "Book of Boba Fett" so perhaps I don't have the best track record with it - but, I have free time so I might as well do it again with "The Acolyte" which I started last night. As with quite a few first episodes of shows, this has too much to establish to really form much of an opinion about it.

A century before Republics would shift to Empires, Osha (Amandla Stenberg) is arrested for the murder of a Jedi Master. She protests her innocence to the crime but is identified by a witness and set for transport to Coruscant. The transport vessel is taken over by the other convicts and crashes on an ice planet. Earlier in her life Osha was a trainee at the Jedi academy and her former master Sol (Lee Jung-Jae) leads a team to recover her. At the crash site, Osha sees a vision of her twin sister Mae, long thought dead and apparently the true perpetrator of the crime.

I'll keep this review a spoiler free as I can, but perhaps the most notable thing that the show does is kill off someone who you might have considered one of its key characters, from the advertising if nothing else, in the opening scene. Perhaps flashbacks will give us another opportunity to see them, there is certainly some story to be mined in how Osha left the academy, if not exactly why, but still it's a surprising twist. Her relationship with the Jedis pursuing her is interesting, Sol clearly wants to save and clear her; Yord, played by Charlie Barnett from Headland's hit series "Russian Doll" warily draws his sabre and Jecki - played by an unrecognisable Dafne Keen in prosthetics curiously watches on.

Interesting to see the usage of Neimoidian's in the series and the Jedi temple looks like it has in previous incarnations. No other links to the preexisting Star Wars story, which I'd suggest is probably the right way to go.

As I said, hard to really judge the episode as it's got so many characters to introduce as well as the inciting incident, but I'd describe the episode as being fine. I'm not particularly blown away, but neither am I considering not watching the next one.
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Inside No. 9: The Curse of the Ninth (2024)
Season 9, Episode 5
From The New World.
6 June 2024
I don't know whether to be happy that I've got another horror episode of "Inside Number 9" now, or slightly disappointed that they are perhaps not holding back to end on one. I've said in my other reviews that the more horror an episode has, the more that I like it and that was certainly true here, though admittedly I'd have preferred just one more notch up on the scary scale.

Whilst struggling with producing his 9th symphony, a disturbed Nathaniel Burnham (Eddie Marsan) locks himself in his room and then takes his own life. Several years later, Jonah (Reece Shearsmith) a piano tuner and fan of Burnham's work comes to the house to work on the same piano that he used to produce his masterworks. He finds some musical notation inside the piano and presents it to Burnham's widow, Lillian (Natalie Dormer). Along with her lawyer Dickie (Steve Pemberton) they explain about the curse of the 9th symphonies, which has affected many composers, and reveal that Burnham is buried with the rest of his final, unplayed, work. Later the maid, Devonshire (Hayley Squires) presents Jonah with a horrible idea.

Horror and Natalie Dormer. They're really spoiling us with this one. I really liked it from the moment that .. something .. steps out of the shadows behind a working Nathaniel. Anything you don't get a good look at helps in horror stories and with the embodiment of The Curse largely kept in the shadows, or only seen in reflections it is very effective. There's quite a horrific effect at the end that's really well done for the relatively small budget the show would have. Performances are great as you'd imagine from a stellar trio of guest stars. Hayley Squires, who appeared with Reece in Ben Wheatley's "In The Earth" has been great in everything but this is the nearest thing to a comedy she's done and genuinely appears to be able to do it all.

The plot twists backwards and forwards in ways you might have anticipated and in ways you might not and there were some comedy lines that made me laugh. If it was just that tiny bit scarier then it would have been an absolutely top tier episode. As it was it's probably the strongest of this season so far - and with only one last chance to beat it!
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Quatermass 2 (1957)
Quite-a-miss too
4 June 2024
Another film watched for the "House of Hammer" podcast. I watched the first Quatermass film a couple of weeks ago and whilst I thought it was solid, I had a few issues with its pace and with Brian Donlevy's characterisation of Quatermass. Though I was a little warmer to Donlevy this time I do feel like this was an inferior film.

Whilst investigating a prolific meteorite shower, Professor Quatermass (Brian Donlevy) discovers a mysterious industrial plant that looks oddly similar to plans for moon colonisation that he submitted and was recently refused funding for. During his investigation, Quatermass' colleague Marsh (Bryan Forbes) is infected by one of the meteors and carried into the complex by armed hazmat suited guards. Quatermass tries various methods to get inside the building and see what's happening but meets resistance from all sources.

Yes, Donlevy is a little bit more tolerable in this film. It perhaps helps that, unlike in the previous film, this is not all his fault - but rather a situation he stumbles into, so his frustration and lack of contrition is understandable. He is still unbelievably short with his staff though. The only other member of the cast I recognised was Sid James, who returns to Hammer to play a perpetually drunk journalist, albeit one who comes good towards the end.

I wasn't overly fussed about the film though. "Invasion of the Body Snatches" had been released the previous year and this feels like it borrows liberally from that, though in truth the bulk of the plot was present in Kneale's own Quatermass 2 TV series, which included ideas of Alien infiltration a few years earlier. Whilst this film has some good special effects, particularly the melting man, it was again a little slower than I was hoping for - maybe it's watching it through the prism of a thousand movies on a simar theme, but I found myself thinking - 'OK, I get this' quite a bit and wanting the film to move on.

Whilst this isn't the end of Hammer's sci fi period, nor even its last "Quatermass" film, Frankenstein had shown them the profitable way forward and they're leaning that way from now on.
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Challengers (2024)
15 - Love
4 June 2024
For my sins, I've not seen any of Luca Guadagnino previous films. "Call Me by Your Name" is obviously a big miss, but for me it's the "Susperia" remake that is the most egregious failure as I love the Argento original. I made the effort to see "Challengers" last night though, before the film closes in the UK. I can see what some people have disliked about it, but I quite enjoyed it.

Coming back from an injury, and lacking in confidence, Art Donaldson (Mike Faist) is enrolled in a regional Tennis tournament by his wife and manager Tashi (Zendaya). The aim is an easy victory to get on a roll ahead of the upcoming US Masters, but unfortunately, also in the tournament is Patrick Zweig (Josh O'Connor). Art and Patrick were friends since childhood and looked to be on a similar track for Tennis success until they both fell in love with Tashi and over the years their complicated love triangle drove wedges between them.

I say I understand the criticism, but actually I think it largely seems to rest on the fact our three leads aren't particularly likeable, which I think is true, but also a rather childish view of the world. It's a complicated series of relationships between them, which includes the fact that Art and Patrick have love and desire for each other as well. You then factor in professional jealously, and living vicariously through failed dreams and it starts to explain why they aren't great to each other all the time.

I was impressed with Guadagnino's style. I dislike Tennis as a televised sport but there's a dynamic artificiality provided in this, mixing both CGI work and practical shooting techniques that makes it way more interesting. He loves a big sexy close up on a sweaty face too, and there are lots of those in this. The score, by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross is perhaps most memorable for the way that Guadagnino uses it, pushing the thumping baselines into scenes with dialogue, occasionally overshadowing the words. It's a fascinating way of using music to heighten the emotions of the scene.

I really enjoyed "Challengers" and I'm going to have to work harder to dig into Guadagnino's back catalogue.
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Keep on travelling.
3 June 2024
I have a certain number of Blu Rays now that I'm not proud of. Films that I actively don't like but keep so the collection is bigger and more impressive than it otherwise would be. One such film is 2010's "Gulliver's Travels" - a thoroughly unlikable vehicle for Jack Black that seemingly has no target audience.

Whilst heading to a remote location for a travel report, Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) is caught in a storm. He washes up on the beach of the island of lilliput and discovers that population are tiny, relative to him. He's imprisoned, as they are fearful of his size and in the prison he meets Horatio (Jason Segal). . . . even as I write this, I'm too bored to get through it.

It's just not funny - that ultimately is the problem with "Gulliver's Travels". Black is gurning and dancing and singing about and there's a little bit of amusement in the scenes where he recreates "Guitar Hero" or tells the people his life story via a bunch of film moments. But those scenes are few and far between and are mixed in with some of the more tedious and nonsensical elements that I've experience in a while. The scene at the end when he starts to sing "War" by Norman Whitfield and the rest of the cast join in is one of the worst things I've ever seen, I physically cringed when it happened.

Nobody looks like they're having any fun with this, particularly Emily Blunt, whose contractual obligation to the film meant that she couldn't play Natasha Romanov in "Iron Man 2". The only supporting person to escape with any credit is probably Chris O'Dowd - who at least gets to play an actual character which almost nobody else does.

I suppose the target audience is supposed to be kids, really young kids probably, but I can't imagine they'd be very into it, and it's certainly a bad time for everyone else.
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Doctor Who: Dot and Bubble (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Slug and Fiddle
3 June 2024
This season of "Doctor Who" has really been on a strong run after the shaky opening and this episode, that refused to settle into the conventions and attacks bigotry and stupidity in an increasingly effective way, is another good one.

Lindy Pepper-Bean (Callie Cooke) has a great life living in a walled off colony city on an alien planet. Ensconced in a world of social media, for all her waking hours, she's oblivious to the fact that some of her friends haven't been online recently. That is until her feed is interrupted by Ruby (Millie Gibson) and The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) who encourage her to drop the A. R façade for a moment and take an actual look around. She discovers that their city has been infested with giant slug like creatures, who are eating the inhabitants.

A little derided ahead of it's release as being a "Black Mirror" knock off, the extrapolation of social media to an almost absurd level is admitedly one that both shows have explored. Another episode written to accommodate Gatwa's "Sex Education" commitments, the show largely focuses on Lindy - played in a make up effect to give her an almost CGI look - by Callie Cooke - who I know primarily from the BBC sitcom "Cheaters". She lives "literally" in social media bubble and the camera is focused on her face and her reactions a lot of the time. The bubble is designed to not turn off, even as they walk around their world, they don't look at it and are instead guided by a sat nav style instructions. The scathing indictment of a society that sacrifices experiences for shallow connections is not particularly subtle.

In another episode Lindy would change from a victim to the heroine of the episode, but I think the episodes masterstroke is not going that way. Without specific spoilers, our opinion of her worsens across the run as her selfishness comes to the fore. Then there is the ending, when the Doctors help is refused by the group. I have to admit initially I thought that it was just a critique on the arrogance of privilege, that sort of "I went to Eton" class assuming that they know best because of who they are - but, in retrospect, of course there's a racial aspect to that. The look on their faces and the use of the word "contamination" makes it horrifically apparent and the dawning reaction on the Doctors face as to why they're refusing his assistance is brilliantly performed.

We're on a great little run at the moment, long may it last.
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Inside No. 9: Ctrl Alt Esc (2024)
Season 9, Episode 4
Doctor Death Steve Williams
31 May 2024
Gah... almost. I really liked this episode up to the reveal of what was actually happening. I didn't hate it after that, but I was much less interested in it from that point on.

A family, Jason (Steve Pemberton), his wife Lynne (Katherine Kelly) and their daughters Millie (Kalli Tant) and Amy (Maddie Evans) are doing an escape room together, as one final family outing before the aloof Millie goes to University. Having been introduced to the setting by the enthusiastic Doug (Reece Shearsmith) they begin "The serial killers lair" but are told that should anyone come into the room, it will be the killer returning and they should hide.

Really loved the characters in this one. Katherine Kelly is always great, and she is again here, and the two girls were good too. There were lots of funny lines between them, though not without an immediate sense that something is off in the dynamic. It felt a little like a callback's episode, with Doug's struggling actor not a million miles away from Olly Plimsoles. The escape room environment gave them a chance to show some clever writing ideas, like they did with the earlier episode "The Riddle of Sphinx" and I imagine that Steve Pemberton in particular enjoyed coming up with that. I want to keep this review spoiler free, so I won't be specific about the twist, but it also reminded me of another piece of work, a certain play and film written by another "League of Gentlemen" alumnus Jeremy Dyson.

I have written in other reviews that the horror episodes are my favourite, so its when they deviate away from there that the show shook me loose a little bit. Only a bit though, I won't say that it ruined it for me and there were still more clever elements in the reveals of the ending that I did enjoy.

Can't believe that there's only two more to go.
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The Young Offenders: Episode #4.6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Season Four Review
31 May 2024
It feels quite unusual for a series to take four years off between production years and then to continue as if nothing has happened but that's what's occured with "Young Offenders". To be fair to them, they've not missed a beat even though one actors schedule has caused for the dynamics to be different.

Having both been arrested for inadvertent drug smuggling, Jock (Chris Walley) is in Colombia, and is serving an eight-year prison term. Connor (Alex Murphy) makes is back to Cork but is also arrested there and sentenced to six years. Three years later Connor is released to find that his beloved Linda (Demi Isacc Oviawe) is engaged to Gavin Madigan (Daniel Power). His Mother, Mairead (Hilary Rose) has married his former nemesis, Garda Tony Healy (Dominic MacHale) and they are living together. Without his best friend for at least five more years, Connor ends up with explosive Billy Murphy (Shane Casey) as his replacement.

This was another really good season of "Young Offenders" even with the dynamics between the characters being changed by Jock's absence, caused as I understand it, by Chris Walley's schedule in particular Netflix's "Bodkin" series. This restricts him to only really featuring in the final couple of episodes of this run. The new dynamic sees Shane Casey promoted from just being a part time headcase to trying to be Connors new best friend. There's also an elevated role for Dominic MacHale too and a heartwarming episode that sees him bond with both Connor and reunite with his father.

As ever, the grossout elements of the series, of which there are less this time, are still mixed in with these touching moments, especially the season finale that puts almost all the shows conflicts to bed. (So much so you wonder if that might serve as a series finale - though there is clearly story to be mined when Jock returns to Cork).
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Be Cool (2005)
Cool-onic Irrigation.
31 May 2024
Another DVD watched out of the door, in this case, straight into the bin was "Be Cool", sequel to 1995's "Get Shorty". I'd never seen the film before and, if I'm honest, wish I hadn't seen it now.

Eager to get out of the film business and into the music world, Chilli Palmer (John Travolta) is inadvertently present for the murder of Tommy Athens (James Woods). Witnessing the hit makes him a target for the Russian Mafia, but Palmer also makes himself a target for producers Raji Lowenthal (Vince Vaughn) and Nick Carr (Harvey Keitel) by poaching talented singer Linda Moon (Christina Milian) away from them. In teaming up with Athen's widow, Edie (Uma Thurman) in their music studio, Palmer lands himself another issue, as Tommy owed money to gangster rap mogul Sin LaSalle (Cedric The Entertainer).

A lot of the blame for the failure went on the late decision to switch from an R Rating to a PG13 certificate and, truth be told, that doesn't help. It lends a level of artificiality to a story about murderous gangsters and rappers, as they can't swear that much. But it's really killed by the terrible performances from literally everyone in it. Admittedly, time has not been kind to the not one, but at least three white performers who inexplicably talk like their playing at being black gangsters. I'll accept that was in the culture at the time, but it does leave Vince Vaughn giving the most offensive and unlikeable performance of his career - which is strong when you consider he also played Norman Bates. But everyone, even Thurman and Travolta are aful.

These terrible performances give the film a semi-improvised feel, a fact that is further compounded by the crowbarring in of whatever musical artists were contractually obligated to appear in the film. "Do you want to go and see the Black-Eyed Peas tonight?" "I mean, there's several variations of organised crime trying to kill us, but sure!". This is also true for the dance scene with Palmer and Edie which clearly only exists to call back the scene between the two in "Pulp Fiction".

It's a tedious, self-indulgent mess that has only gotten more offensive with age.
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Doctor Who: 73 Yards (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Long distance relationship.
30 May 2024
've given myself a little bit more time to sit and think about this episode of "Doctor Who" as it's one of the more divisive and considered that they've done in a while. Choosing not to give answers to questions is going to be seen as either a cop out, or a master stroke depending on the viewer; perhaps those answers are only being held for a later episode?

Arriving on the Welsh coast, The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) accidentally breaks a spell circle and vanishes. Ruby (Mille Gibson) is alone, save for a woman on the horizon who seems to be exactly the same distance away from her, regardless of which direction she moves in. Unable to find the Doctor, Ruby eventually heads back to London with her otherworldly follower maintaining the distance. Decades pass and it's not until the emergence of a politician, Roger ap Gwilliam (Aneurin Barnard), that Ruby gains any idea what it all might all be about.

What's undeniable is that, whilst watching the episode, the woman in the distance is terrifying. She moves through a loop of actions seemingly uncontrollably; it reminded me of Reece Shearsmith's Silent Singer from "Psychoville". It only worsens when she interacts with another person and tells them something so horrific about Ruby that that they run away screaming. We never get to hear what that piece of information is and according to Davies, we never will - but it's masterfully sold by Michelle Greeidge and by the returning Jemma Redgrave. Other questions of the episode, like what happens to the Doctor, aren't answered either. It interesting though that they're still building "Doctor's Day Off" episodes into the show, even though it's now only 8 episodes.

There are other themes that continue. Susan Twist appears in the episode, again in a new role and Ruby seems to half recognise her this time - showing that perhaps there is something going on there beyond a casting director reusing an actress. Also, we're again, as with the "The Devil's Chord", rather more in the world of magic, than science fiction, with no rational explanation given for any of the events.

I can see why some people didn't like the fact that it's not providing those answers, and even I'm not sure exactly what the point of letting Marti stumble into Roger's clutches was, but whilst the episode was happening, I can't say I was anything less than enthralled.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
It's the (tar) pits.
30 May 2024
I've reviewed each season of "La Brea" and you can find those lodged against the final episode of each run. Now it's (mercifully) over, I thought I'd put something here too - a warning if you will, to avoid like a hole; a hole in the plot or a hole through time, there are dozens of both.

A giant sinkhole opens in Los Angeles and the people who fall down it awaken still in the same place, but in 10,000 BC. This divides the Harris family, with Eve (Natalie Zea) and her son Josh (Jack Martin) in the past and her estranged husband Gavin (Eoin Macken) and Daughter Izzy (Zyra Gorecki) in 2022. Gavin has, for years, suffered from strange visions, which has driven a wedge into his family but now the visions seem inexplicably linked to the new location his wife and son find themselves in.

I mean, let's be clear, this is garbage. On a both a conceptual and technical level. The acting is bad, the characters are boring, and the CGI work is usually pretty terrible. It's the latest in a long line of shows to try and recapture "LOST's" zeitgeist impact, but it's trying to do it without spending the same amount of money, either in terms of promotion, or calibre of performer, and just having a weird, high concept, plot isn't enough to get you there. It's also really bad at two key aspects of telling a story like this, which are - I've no idea where we are geographically, by which I mean the distances between places seems to change to suit the story. One set of people will travel all night to reach a place and another group will be there in minutes. And also, I've no idea how much time has actually passed since they arrived through the timehole, it feels like days, but they've really not done much, but nor are they fighting over what meagre resources they do have.

It all has no consequence because it doesn't feel real. By which I mean not that I can't parse the high concept of it, but more that nobody seems to be struggling with the lack of running water, or getting enough to eat, or really anything, other than the occasional wild animal.

As if realising that their selected time period was boring, they later find the excuse to bring dinosaurs into the mix, which feels like it should have been the decision made when pitching the show in the first place. Also, almost none of the cast end up having to stay in 10,000 BC, coming and going with the new dual portals. Characters I don't care about appear from nowhere and switch sides, from a side I don't understand to a faction I'm not interested in. It would all be OK if the show just committed to being campy fun, but it doesn't, it's suddenly all about confused paramilitary organisations that have ludicrously impractical plans.

I don't normally hate watch shows, life isn't long enough, but I did with "La Brea" which I think has to take the crown as the worst series I've watched all the way through.
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La Brea: The Road Home, Part 2 (2024)
Season 3, Episode 6
Season Three Review
30 May 2024
Free at last ! I really hated "La Brea" from start to finish, watching it has been one of the most painful televisual experiences I've ever had. It was awful and it was only my own stupid sense of duty that kept dragging me back.

The destruction of the portal machine leads to random portals being created and for prehistoric creatures to end up in 10,000 BC also. The destruction of their camp sees the survivors form an uneasy but closer alliance with the nearby village. Gavin (Eoin Macken) is desperate to find out what happened to Eve (Natalie Zea) and tries to track down Maya Schmidt (Claudia Ware) who he believes may know something about it.

I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse here but "La Brea" remains terrible by any metric you care to weigh it against. The performances are awful, the effects are poor, the story is confused and nonsensical and it continues to ignore its own established rules of time travel, let alone proposed ideas from other (better) science fiction stories.

As if realising that their selected time period was boring, they find the excuse to bring dinosaurs into the mix, which feels like it should have been the decision made when pitching the show in the first place. Also almost none of the cast end up having to stay in 10,000 BC, coming and going with the new dual portals. Characters I don't care about appear from nowhere and switch sides, from a side I don't understand to a faction I'm not interested in. It would all be OK if the show just committed to being campy fun, but it doesn't it's suddenly all about confused paramilitary organisations that have ludicrously impractical plans.

I don't normally hate watch shows, life isn't long enough, but I did with "La Brea" which I think has to take the crown as the worst series I've watched all the way through.
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Real Steel
29 May 2024
Another film watched for The House of Hammer" podcast, "The Steel Bayonet" sees Hammer still flicking between low budget black and white films and full colour expensive affairs like "The Curse of Frankenstein". Despite being one of the former, I quite enjoyed "The Steel Bayonet" and thought it prime for a remake. I should also say that there are two versions of the film on Youtube at the moment. I'd suggest that, if possible, you should watch the colourised version. (Normally I hate those, but the overall quality of both the visual print and audio track are far superior).

Towards the end of the North African campaign of World War 2, a depleted force, led by Major Alan Gerrard (Leo Genn) is tasked with securing and defending a small farmstead. The farm is of key strategic importance as Military intelligence believes that the Germans are massing a larger army to lead a counterattack. From the farms water tower, Artillery Captain Mead (Kieron Moore) can call in strikes on the advancing Afrika Korps, but they eventually become aware of his position.

I thought that this was a really good war film, betrayed slightly by its filming location being somewhere in rural England and certainly not the North African desert. The main performances are really good, though on the version I watched it was unfortunate that the poor stock meant I couldn't tell a lot of the soldiers apart, so when they began to die it didn't mean as much to me as it might have. (I had no idea Michael Caine was in it until I read the Wikipedia page). It's a good story though, of heroism and sacrifice, and is perhaps surprisingly critical of the war office, given how soon after the conflict the film was made.

It's the first of these Hammer films that I've thought was crying out for a remake. A more genuine filming location and a little more realism in the dying acting is all that's required. As it was though it was a nice surprise and one of the few I'd actively recommend.
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Bass Hunter
29 May 2024
I've been watching "Yellowstone" and its historical spinoffs over the last few years and whilst, no longer technically taking place in the same universe (whatever that means in an historical old west context) I, of course, settled in to watch "Lawman: Bass Reeves" too.

Having escaped from his 'owner', Confederate Colonel George Reeves (Shea Whigham), Bass Reeves (David Oyelowo) eventually establishes a life for himself and his family on a struggling farm. He meets a Deputy US Marshal, Sherrill Lynn (Dennis Quaid) who he assists on the capture of a criminal. Seeing an aptitude for it, he becomes a Deputy himself, earning quite a reputation for bringing people to justice. Though it's not directly his responsibility, he comes to wonder if justice delivered here is truly that, particularly for African Americans.

Despite not being in the world, tonally the show is pretty similar to the rest of "Yellowstone". It's a grim story of violence, threats and retribution with little in the way of humour. Taylor Sheridan can still pull in a good cast though, including smaller but key roles for Quaid, Barry Pepper, Donald Sutherland, Paula Malcomson and Dale Dickey. The second strand of the story is the home life that Reeves leaves behind. His wife is played by Lauren Banks who clashes with their eldest daughter, played by Demi Singleton, about the relative safety Reeves position gives them, so soon after emancipation.

I will say that perhaps the show includes a bit too much of the home life, especially as, assuming this is the end of the series as is, it doesn't really go anywhere. The subplot to that subplot, involving Grantham Coleman as a man with a vision of black sovereignty in the future also doesn't really go anywhere. Much of this feels like it suffered due to the decision to switch the show from an ongoing series, to a one and done.

However, it's great whenever David Oyelowo is on screen. Bass Reeves is a smart and capable hero, albeit one struggling with the result of his skill and Oyelowo displays the duality of all of it. If it was just a little more consistently focused on him, I think I'd have thought even higher of the series as a whole. Instead, it was just good, rather than great.
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Bone Trouble (1940)
Bone of Contention
28 May 2024
I've been neglecting my watching of the films in the "shorts" section of Disney Plus recently, so thought I'd get back to one. The next one was "Bone Trouble" a 1940 Pluto short back in the RKO distribution era.

Having woken up hungry, Pluto (Lee Millar) spies a bone next to his still sleeping neighbour Butch the Bulldog (Clarence Nash). Unfortunately for Pluto Butch wakes up and chases Pluto through the town. They end up at the carnival and after a few other rides they end up at the House of Mirrors, where Pluto spies an opportunity turn the tables.

I've said that rewatching some of these classic era Disney shorts has been somewhat of a mixed bag. This one though I thought was pretty good. The visual work, particularly in the hall of mirrors is particularly strong, as Pluto morphs into various other animals. The music too is also strong in this one, as the action is set to the notes, which wasn't uncommon in this period of animation, but this is an example of it noticeably working well.

I wish they were all this good.
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The Fast and the Furiosa.
28 May 2024
Whilst I don't have much history with the other "Mad Max" films I did see "Fury Road" and, like everyone, thought it was amazing. "Furiosa" whilst not quite as dynamic or immediate as the film it's prequel-ling, is still great.

Furiosa (Alyla Browne) is kidnapped by a Dementus (Chris Hemsworth) torturing and killing her mother to get them to give up the location of their settlement. Years later, Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy) is now working on the War Rig, shifting supplies between Immortan Joe's (Lachy Hulme) Citadel, the Bullet Farm and Gastown, which is now under the control of Dementus. Dementus though has plans to rule all the wasteland, which may give Furiosa her chance for revenge.

Whereas "Fury Road" was a nonstop chase movie, this is much more of a world building action drama. The relationships are established, and we take the time to see Dementus take control of Gastown, rather than just learning that it has happened. Furiosa begins as a young child, traded for her lack of mutations then escaping and growing up pretending to be a male in the Citadel. Taylor-Joy has barely any lines of dialogue and it's mostly her expressive eyes that do an able job of conveying her emotions. Fortunately, she's supported by a staggering performance from Chris Hemsworth. Whilst the fake nose might be questionable, the verbosity of a man driven to psychoses by grief, the duality of his ambition mixed with incompetence, and the threat of Dementus are reason enough to see the film.

Thought they're fewer and further in between than in "Fury Road" the action scenes in "Furiosa" are similarly spectacular. The best of which is probably the attack on the War Rig by The Octoboss, one of Dementus' lieutenants who becomes disillusioned and goes rogue.

Whilst not quite as visceral as its predecessor, nobody makes these film quite like George Miller, I really should try and see the earlier set.
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Inside No. 9: Mulberry Close (2024)
Season 9, Episode 3
You can find the perfect blend.
24 May 2024
This was the first episode of this season of "Inside Number 9" that I felt a little underwhelmed by. It was fine, but not funny, clever, or nasty enough for my personal tastes.

Damon (Reece Shearsmith) and Val (Vinetta Robinson) move into a quiet suburban street. Their loud arguments and 'tone lowering' Halloween decorations draw the polite scorn of neighbours Kenny (Steve Pemberton) and Sheila (Dorothy Atkinson) and dog walker Larry (Adrian Scarborough). One morning, after another loud set-to, Damon hauls two suitcases to the car and the curtain twitchers come to the conclusion that he has murdered Val and is disposing of the body. Eager for the Netflix documentary, they decide not to call the police, but to investigate themselves.

The conceit of the episode is actually quite good. It's filmed entirely on a static doorbell camera, pointing across at Kenny and Sheila's house. It captures the private barbs the couples fire at each other when they're out of direct earshot of each other. It's absolutely the sort of restriction that breeds innovation. Performances are good, as you'd expect from a trio of respected and capable guest stars. The tiny twist gag, which I won't spoil, at the end is pretty solid stuff too.

It just felt, by their standards, a bit of a middling effort. To return to my opening paragraph, it was reasonably humorous, somewhat clever and had a sting in the tail - just not quite strong enough in either aspect, or focused enough on one, to hit the absolute sweet spot. I enjoyed it fine, and, as I've said before on reviews for other episodes I haven't loved, Shearsmith and Pemberton on their worse days are better writers than most on their best. The episode just didn't do enough for me.
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Mon-key to the castle.
22 May 2024
My love for the "Planet of the Apes" franchise I'm afraid doesn't run particularly deep. I liked the trilogy that Matt Reeves provided, but I've never even seen the original run and, naturally, disliked Tim Burton's reimagining. I thought this one was reasonably good, but perhaps a bit lightweight.

Several generations after the death of Caesar, Noa (Owen Teague) sees his village burned and his friends and family captured and forced into slavery for a local tribal king, Proximus Caesar (Kevin Durand). Noa sets off to rescue his tribe, joined by an aging Orangutan Raka (Peter Macon) who remembers the true teachings of Caesar and Nova (Freya Allan), a Human who has not fallen victim to the intelligence stripping virus.

I suppose, despite the many qualities the film does have, the main criticism I had was that it felt a bit like it was produced to keep a franchise going, rather than because there was some super compelling story that needed to be told. There is an interesting aspect to the plot that could be explored if this does go on to become another trilogy, that Caesar has become a mythic, perhaps even religious figure and, much like humans do, atrocity and oppression is happening in his name. The other main thrust of the plot would likely be the organisation of the remaining smart humans and I'd imagine, if this trilogy continues, that they'll take over as the antagonists.

It does look amazing though. The apes are photorealistic, and Weta remain the preeminent visual effects house in the world, at the moment. The action scenes are solid, and it might be laying the groundwork for some more interesting ideas and films in the future.

It was fine, I guess. Is the bottom line, but if it's going to continue, I'd like it to do something wholly more interesting.
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Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
Time Bandits
21 May 2024
I've written reviews for each season of "Criminal UK" that you can find against the final episode of each run, but now I've seen all we're going to get (I presume) I thought I'd put something here.

"Criminal UK" is a shortform miniseries - released on Netflix that tells the story of three unconnected police interrogations - though there is some narrative stretched over the top of the episodes related to the lives of the interrogation team. I understand that there are similar variations of the show set in Spain, France and Germany, each using the same sets but with different stories. I haven't got to any of those yet, but I'd like to at some point.

I feel like this season was fine, if never quite hitting the heights again of the first episode, which is what it needs to be. Shorn of anything too flashy, given their only allowed three sets, the show feels like a play... and in that case, what it really needs is an acting masterclass from the suspect (or the suspect's lawyer) up against the regular cast. All of whom are fine and well established actors in their own right, such as Lee Ingleby or Katherine Kelly. This though is only really is the case in the first episode, where David Tennent is mesmerising as he both stonewalls and then offers an explanation for what happened to his murdered stepdaughter. In the second one, Hayley Atwell (whose a fantastic actress) was, I felt, a little miscast as a council estate woman and in the final one, Kevin Eldon does well as the solicitor and Youssef Kerkour is fine, but they're overshadowed by that first episode.

I like "Criminal UK" quite a bit and I say this as a man who doesn't really like police procedurals. The performances are really good, from the main cast and the guest stars, and the cases are compelling and smartly written, always with a twist, even when they're just trying trap a person they believe is guilty. The guest stars in this season are Sophie Okenedo, Kit Harrington, Sharon Horgan and Kunal Nayyar and they're all great, though "Big Bang Theory's" Nayyar is perhaps the most revelatory, if that's the only place you've seen him before.

I know that obviously enough people weren't watching the show and that's the only factor that matters, but it does feel like this could have continued to run and run for years and, with the set building and decoration apportioned across all variants of the show, it seemed like it should have been an easy win.
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Criminal: UK: Sandeep (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Season Two Review
21 May 2024
Years ago I watched the first season of "Criminal: UK" Netflix's interrogation focused police procedural. I always meant to come around to the second run but it passed me by, until now! The second season is again strong stuff and I do think that the show is one of the biggest misses of Netflix's time.

The specialised Met interrogation team return for four more cases. A convicted killer's wife who reveals more than she should, a businessman accused of rape, the head of a paedophile hunting vigilante group and a convicted killer, who they believe potentially has another victim. The cases see Vanessa (Rochenda Sandall) get a chance and disgraced former colleague Hugo (Mark Stanley) get a chance at redemption.

I like "Criminal UK" quite a bit and I say this as a man who doesn't really like police procedurals. The performances are really good, from the main cast and the guest stars, and the cases are compelling and smartly written, always with a twist, even when they're just trying trap a person they believe is guilty. The guest stars in this season are Sophie Okenedo, Kit Harrington, Sharon Horgan and Kunal Nayyar and they're all great, though "Big Bang Theory's" Nayyar is perhaps the most revelatory, if that's the only place you've seen him before.

I know that obviously enough people weren't watching the show and that's the only factor that matters, but it does feel like this could have continued to run and run for years and, with the set building and decoration apportioned across all variants of the show, it seemed like it should have been an easy win.
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: The Way Out (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
Season One Review
21 May 2024
Two years ago, "Tales of the Jedi" was a minor, if interesting exploration of some aspects of the "Star Wars" sage that hadn't been seen before. This "Star Wars Day" was marked with a new sister season, focusing on two previous existing villains, one who repents and one who does not.

Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto) survives an attack by General Grievous in her youth, rises to the role of magistrate of the planet Corvus and attempts to assist the Empire. Her thwarted endeavors see her make an ally in Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen). When the Empire falls, she refuses to realign with the New Republic. Barriss Offee (Meredith Salenger) a jailed former Jedi is offered the chance to join the inquisitors and hunt Jedi's. She accepts but quickly becomes repulsed by the tactics employed and goes into hiding.

Utilising the same 3D animation art style as "Rebels" and "The Bad Batch", like those shows this looks great. The vocal performances are terrific, usually utilising someone who voiced the character previously or played them in a live action appearance.

They are though, as with the Jedi run, a bit slight. You can, and I did, power through them all under a two hours. It's better then to think of them as a bonus, extra but perhaps inessential back story to some characters. It's certainly easy to feel that way about them when they come out on May the fourth. Viewed through that ideology, these shows are a triumph. They are also in a more sensible order this time, than they were in the Jedi series.

It's a cool time. I wonder what we'll get in two years' time "Tales of the Rebellion", "Tales of the Sith" or my choice "Tales of the Road: With the Max Rebo Band"
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3 Body Problem: Wallfacer (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Season One Review
21 May 2024
I've never read the source material, but I was intrigued when I learned that this adaptation would be Benioff and Weiss' follow up to "Game of Thrones". I enjoyed it, though even in this apparently simplified version, I can see why it hasn't quite caught on quite like "G. O. T" did.

A group of friends, who were training as physicists but have subsequently diversified into different fields are drawn into the response of humanity to an invasion by an alien race, one that is announced, but won't take place for 400 years. The aliens currently have vastly superior technology and are capable of monitoring Earths response, even down to private conversations. There are also a covert group of humans eager to welcome the San-Ti to Earth and are carrying out their instructions in preparation.

I understand that there are many changes made from the source novel, both to change the Chinese characters into more of a worldwide structure and to simplify some of the science and theories that's utilised. It's still got quite a high concept though. Alien invasions are not a new story, but preparing to fight one in four centuries is, and the other ideas, like that the enemy knows anything that's spoken about, making planning almost impossible, are new too. It's not exactly an action-packed series, though there are a few murders and one very memorable set piece around the middle of the story, and I wonder if that might have been a contributing factor to the show not quite becoming a phenomenon. The idea that this one small friend group could be quite so integral to the defence of the world is a bit of a stretch, but also it's another conceit that makes the show accessible, the interactions between the characters provides an emotional centre to what is a show ultimately about rationalism.

It's actually quite a British production at heart. Both in the central characters and in especially in the (slightly odd) guest stars that feature in the video game segments; Mark Gatiss, Reece Shearsmith, Phil Want, Naoko Mori and the actor Kevin Eldon. As always, Benedict Wong is the MVP and brilliantly steals every scene he's in.

It's a shame that it's not done well enough to allow Benioff and Weiss to make all the seasons they had planned, but a return to conclude the story (if that is indeed what's happening) is welcome news, I'll certainly be back.
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IF (I) (2024)
If only.
20 May 2024
Whilst "IF" is not perhaps the worst film I've seen at the cinema this year, it's certainly the one I disliked the most. It's going to take some explaining, about both myself and the movie to get to why, but first, obligatory plot summary.

Already shaken by the death of her mother, Bea (Cailey Fleming) stays with her Grandmother Margaret (Fiona Shaw) whilst her father (John Krasinski) undergoes an operation, the seriousness of which he's downplaying. Bea sees a strange creature one night and follows to the upper floor of her grandmother's apartment building. The creature is Blue (Steve Carell), a purple monster and Cal (Ryan Reynolds) eventually explains that Blue is an imaginary friend whose child has grown up and forgotten him. Cal is trying to find Blue, and other forgotten Ifs, new children and Bea agrees to help.

OK. I'm a middle-aged guy now and I'm beyond the need to be "cool". I don't need everything to be dark and edgy to enjoy it and I've come to learn that crying at the cinema can be a great, cathartic, release. This is to say that my issues with "IF" were not that it was maudlin or sentimental - it's that it doesn't earn its emotional moments by hanging them on a compelling story. It is, truth be told, a bit of a confused mess, the "rules" of which are never made clear. For example, Bea, Cal and Lewis - voiced by Louis Gossett Jr - interview the imaginary friends to try and best pair them up with a potential kid, but none of this matters as, apparently, kids can either see an imaginary friend, or they can't, so why bother with them in the first place. You bother, because it gives a chance for all of Krasinski and Reynolds friends to appear in the movie as a voice for a little while.

There are positive elements in that the CGI and its interaction with the real world is quite well done and "The Walking Dead's" Cailey Fleming gives a really good performance in the main role. But it's not very funny, and tonally is much different than the trailer presents as that seems to focus exclusively on the broader comedic moments. I can't imagine what it would be like to bring younger children to this expecting something comparable to "Kung Fu Panda 4".

Those small positives do exist and that's why I'm drawing the distinction between "worst film" and "film I disliked the most".
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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Sweet Child O' Mine
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Russell T makes a call to another one of Nu-Who's former showrunners to return and do what, arguably, he did best - a high concept, one off episode that lives long in the memory. "Boom" isn't quite the match for his best efforts, but it was good and, for perhaps the first time, showed that Gatwa's Doctor is indeed the same person as the ones that came before.

Having dashed to try and respond to a scream for help on distant planet, the Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) stands on a landmine. With the slightest shift of his weight liable to set it off, Ruby (Millie Gibson) has to try and save him before time runs out. The planet is currently involved in a war between a clerical army and an unseen opponent, with A. I. weaponry, like the landmines, or the roaming ambulance droids playing a key role in the conflict.

So far, whilst I've enjoyed Ncuti Gatwa in the role, for plot reasons as much as anything else, I'm not sure he's really felt like he's the same "Doctor" as before. I've talked about the fearfulness that he needed to overcome in both of the previous episodes, but also, he's much lighter than other have been. Here though is when that's switched on its head. It a thrilling central performance from Gatwa and there are moments when the vengeful Time Lord rears his head, almost condescending in his scathing for the algorithmic acceptance of tolerable casualties.

Away from that it's perhaps most notable for a role being played by Varada Sethu, who we know is going to become a/the companion next season. It's not the first time that a companion, or even a Doctor, will have appeared in the show before returning in a more significant role, but it's interesting that it comes in such a quick turnaround this time, especially as we're told that she's not playing the same character - there's always a twist at the end though.

I guess my only real complaint was that there was an element of deux ex machina to the conclusion - quite literally in this case - that I'd have preferred to be a little more planned and there were a few elements of the "stand still and don't move" that stretched the credibility a bit. But it was good, really good, the best episode so far.
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Alice in chains?
17 May 2024
Another Blu ray watched at Random out of my big box of Blu Rays was "The Disappearance of Alice Creed" a British thriller I was aware of but had never seen before. I enjoyed it, though I might have to leave it long enough to forget what's happening before I watch it again.

Two men, Danny (Martin Compston) and Vic (Eddie Marsan) kidnap Alice Creed (Gemma Arterton) and take her to a flat they've prepared. They make their demands and wait for confirmation to provide instructions on where to drop the cash. Vic is a professional criminal, as is pleased with their choice of victim here, but Danny, who first suggested Alice as a target, may have had an ulterior motive.

The film feels like the sort of one we made in the 90's quite a bit. An extremely low budget crime thriller, with some two young stars and a slightly more recognisable face in Eddie Marsan. It recalls something like "Shallow Grave" or "Twin Town". The performances from the cast are really good. Arterton is the most put upon, as you might imagine, exposed as she is handcuffed to a bed for much of the film. But there are depths to the kidnappers too that are revealed across the run and Compston and Marsan ably play those too.

The story had twists and turns that I did not see coming, which is always a big bonus for me, given the volume of plots I've seen before. As I said, it won't stand up to much repeat viewing unless I forget what happens but if you've not seen it, or it's been a while, then I'd recommend it.
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