
6 Reviews
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Cute Movie, Great for Kids! (A Review from the US)
7 October 2005
When I read the reviews on this, nearly all of them were from across the pond. I know American and British tastes can be different, so I wanted to post an opinion from an American's POV.

Now, keep in mind that we got to see a sneak preview of this movie at a packed theater - for FREE. How much money is sunk into seeing a movie can sometimes taint how I feel about a movie. Since the only thing we bought was a small popcorn, it's hard to feel ripped off.

I will also preface this by saying I'm not much of a Wallace & Gromit fan. I've seen one or two of the previous films, and they were all right, but not really my "cup of tea."

This was an enjoyable, fun movie. Several belly laughs, and I can't say I felt bored at any time. Our two children, ages 3 and 5, LOVED IT. Our 5 year old asked if we were going to be buying the movie. The 3 year old barely fidgeted at all (which says a lot!). As many others have commented, the bunnies are really cute, and the expressions on the faces of the characters are uncannily descriptive.

One other note is that I can't think of anything in the movie that would make a parent uncomfortable for their kids to see. The language was very clean. There were a couple of references that were a little saucy and aimed for the adults, but I think they would go over most youngsters heads.

Give me Pixar any day, but I still had a good time. And yes, we will probably buy it on DVD when it comes out.
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Robots (2005)
Good for Kids, Boring for Adults
10 June 2005
Pixar this is not. I love all the Pixar movies. They are entertaining for kids and adults as well. My husband and I kept looking at our watches during this one and fidgeting in our seats. Just like kids would do at a serious movie. It started out cute, but began to drag about halfway through. However, at the end of the movie, my 5 year old son said he couldn't wait to see it again. My 2 1/2 year old daughter was somewhat entertained, but she has a pretty short attention span. They have some of the toys from the fast food kid meals, and seem pretty excited about them - my 2 1/2 year old even knows the names of the characters before she's told! My suggestion is to rent this when it comes out on DVD and let your kids watch it by themselves. Don't subject yourself to this!
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Very Entertaining, Funny, Pretty Original Story
12 February 2005
This was a movie that, at the end, I thought "Now that was an enjoyable 2 hours!" I hate spending around $20 (not including baby-sitting $$) for my husband and myself to have that "It was OK" feeling.

I think I like Will Smith better as a comedic actor than an action hero. He was well cast in this. His character was very likable, as was Kevin James'.

There were several laugh out loud scenes. It's also a romantic movie, so guys, if you want to impress the lady in your life, take her to this. Women will like it as much as any chick-flick, but I wouldn't categorize this as one. There is plenty of guy humor in it for men to enjoy. I think that's one of the reasons why this movie is so perfect as a date movie. It has romance AND slapstick. I don't usually like slapstick that much, but it wasn't overdone and I can't think of any those scenes that didn't deliver laughs.

I definitely recommend this movie. The first thing my husband said to me after it was over was "I want to see it again!"
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Liar Liar (1997)
Fun Fun!
2 October 2000
This movie is more than physical humor. I don't really care for physical humor, but I felt this was the perfect vehicle for Jim Carrey. This movie is about a man who is a victim of his own tongue. As much as he wants to lie, he can't help himself. The reactions on his face are hysterical when he realizes that what he wants to say won't be coming out of his mouth and the exact opposite does. It gets just a little schmaltzy in regard to his relationship with his son and ex-wife, but it's not so sentimental that it is nauseating. In fact, it adds a more human touch. When I originally saw this, I came out of the theater feeling like I had taken a little vacation from the cares of the world. I was thoroughly entertained, which is what I look for in a movie.
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Ughhh! Horrible!
14 April 2000
I feel like I'm the only person who hated this movie. I thought it was unbearable. The zipper scene was excruciating, and the "hair gel" scene was embarrassing (and I watched it alone). This is just not my type of movie. Give me "When Harry Met Sally," "A Fish Called Wanda," and "My Cousin Vinny" any day.
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Toy Story (1995)
The best film for big adults...
14 April 2000
It's too bad the first user comment was that this is the best film for small children. It's not just for kids! My husband and I were 35 and childless when we first saw this. We took a chance and purchased it before we saw it. After viewing it for the first time, we immediately watched it again. It was if we had been on a really fun ride, and had to get back in line again. And fun is the operative word. What a fun movie. It's what I look for in a movie - something that takes you away from the cares of the world for a little while and makes you feel good. Kind of like a drug without adverse after-affects.
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