
40 Reviews
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Too Much Madness
8 May 2022
I did not love or hate it. There were moments I enjoyed, such as the humor and some of the multi-verse scene shifts and the epic fights. What I didn't like was the Dr. Strange makeup, which consisted of heavy black hair dye with white streaks and a first scene that seemed incongruous with how you would want to begin a Marvel movie. It just hit a wrong note with me and was overly long.
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Not Worth It
15 March 2022
It was cute. I felt like it was a little stilted with the dialogue and that Ryan Reynolds fell back on his Deadpool character's persona a little bit too much. CGI was horrible on Ms. Keener's younger self. Music didn't quite work all the time and the chemistry between Zoe Saldana and Reynolds wasn't there. All in all, it was harmless fun, but nothing amazing.
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Amazing Film! Like Thomas said "This is so Amazing"!
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I always enjoy this movie and all the amazing performances in it every time I see it. Starting from when the ghosts must leave Thomas as a little boy, I am bawling my eyes out. I love most of Robert Downey, Jr's films and this one is no exception. Everyone did a bang up job on it. My 90's favorites are this one and "Chances Are". Next would be where he plays Charlie Chaplin, this man is a born actor!
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Interesting revisionist film about Mansion followers
14 January 2021
I thought it was good, but not good like you expect Tarantino's movies to be. I like DiCaprio and Pitt but this seemed more like a vanity project, than anything else. Great acting but no real storyline, just an opportunity for the director to reminiscence and have fun doing the thing he loves with people he enjoys working with. Not the worse but not a masterpiece either.
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Lucifer: What Would Lucifer Do? (2017)
Season 3, Episode 4
Interesting episode, but something's wrong with the writing...
8 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't particularly like the inclusion of Tom Welling as the lieutenant in the third season, but I still liked some of the episodes. I think the chemistry was off in this one. I didn't understand Ella's wild assumption that Pierce was into Chloe, among other things. There were glimpses of deepness concerning Amenadiel and Lucifer that I loved. Particularly after Lucifer went off on the reform school guy and Amenadiel did his speech about backing him up. The insight and restraint shown when Lucifer attempted to goad him in a fight was awesome. Just loved the acting in that last scene. They're allowed a few bumps in the road, as long as they don't go too off the rails. Like why does the young black guy have to be the one who steals cars and is thought to be a criminal? Stereotypical writing.
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Once Bitten (1985)
One of my favorites
27 January 2019
I like Jim Carrey in this comedy which they don't show often enough on TV for me!
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
Couldn't Watch The Whole Thing
24 April 2018
I tried to watch this movie because of the cast whom I like for the most part. (Not fond of Chris Rock or Kevin James, but they're all right) At first I thought it was Hot Tub Time Machine then I thought maybe it would be like it. That movie that was at least interesting and funny. I watched it up until the moment when they're talking about leaving and going to Milan and then I had to stop and find something else to was very sad. Just an exploration in excess.
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Scandal (2012–2018)
Liked at first, but disliking it more each new episode
22 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am another viewer wondering what happened to this show? It started off interestingly enough, but started to go down hill for me after several things happened: Olivia and Fitz broke up,(the first time) the black male team member was killed off, Quinn was kidnapped/went rogue and she and Huck got it on, to name a few.

I loved Joe Morton and Tony Goldwyn going at it, I think it was last season, but after that the next season just went from bad to worse. I frankly considered not watching it anymore, mainly because Olivia is so wimpy, I want Fitz, I don't want Fitz, I want Jake, I don't want Jake, I want to do my job, I don't want to do my job. Dammit woman! Make a decision and stick with it. Don't whine! Yuck!

I'll probably watch it to the end, but man, please don't torture me with any more of this crappy writing. I can only really recommend seasons 1 and 2. That's it. No show should just be a bunch of scenes thrown together just to get the actors on screen because that's what it's starting to look like with Scandal.
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Ms. Rhimes, You Can Do Better!
22 November 2014
I loved Grey's Anatomy when it first started, up until season 5. It had ethnic diversity, it was different and it shined as a show, at least until Mr. Washington called one of his co-workers a derogatory name and the lead actress got a serious case of tight mouth.

It seems that on Ms. Rhimes's newest shows, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder, Black women in power must lose their entire minds over Caucasian males instead of moving on with their lives, therefore making themselves weaker and much less intelligent as lead characters. Why?

As for Viola Davis, she spends so much of her time on screen looking crazy and crying or screaming hysterically that I can barely even watch an episode. I thought the show would be capable of so much more in the beginning and had such promise. I was proved wrong.

I also find there are too many gay and straight sex scenes in both shows to the point where it borders on excess and becomes comical and very unbelievable. (I'm thinking the Huck/Quinn hookup here)

I'm trying to give her new shows a chance and want to see more African American females in a positions of power in entertainment, but like Tyler Perry, I must ask her to please stop with the junk and come with better material!
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Tales from the Darkside (1983–1988)
Scared the crap out of me!
1 June 2012
More than the episodes scaring me, the beginning of the show used to. In fact it scared the crap out of me. I think I used to turn it down and wait until the eerie music was over before I'd watch it. I was 22 at the time! This and Tales From The Crypt (which was scarier) were the kind of 80's era kitsch(?) I enjoyed. Not sure which episodes are from which show, but I think this one had the slaves taking over the plantation or mansion something like that? I don't think all of these stories were meant to be taken seriously, but more tongue in cheek. I'm watching "Deliver us from Goodness" right now and it's ridiculous. Anyway it was good fun for the times if you just avoid the really silly or nonsensical episodes.
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Nip/Tuck: Sal Perri (2005)
Season 3, Episode 12
Lost me!
27 April 2012
Oh man, this show had me until I reached this episode. 1. Christian was a complete and utter a**hole to that patient. Who was that? At least before this he had some redeeming qualities, but in "Sal Perri" that person totally disappeared. 2. The whole situation with Julia was totally unbelievable and absurd. As soon as she thought what she thought had happened to her mother I didn't find it believable. Why? Because the writers didn't have the mother even hint that she might take her daughter's suggestion. 3. Matt's newest girlfriend...what is wrong with that boy? He's a disaster on two legs and makes the most insane choices. Rebellion is one thing, total and complete idiocy is another.

I lost all love for the characters mentioned with this episode, the only one who came out of it okay was Dr. Sean. Now I'm waiting to see if the writers come back to their senses beyond this episode or whether it's as I've read, more ridiculousness and out of character behavior. Maybe shows that have been on a while should just let the fans write the episodes in later seasons, they might be more watchable.
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Dexter: Shrink Wrap (2006)
Season 1, Episode 8
Is Dexter Rewatchable? Hell Yes!!!
18 May 2011
I am re-watching Dexter after watching all five seasons recently and am now waiting for the sixth to start. I'll even subscribe to Showtime so that I don't have to miss an episode of the new season. I must say that I barely thought of Michael C. Hall as handsome or a better than average actor when I was watching "Six Feet Under," but on this show he is throughly present and I am blissfully aware he's unusually cute/handsome.

I find myself addicted to this show and would really love it if they had him do more shirt off/sex scenes....(I also love that kill shirt he wears) anyway, back to the episode. Wow, the writing's great, the acting's great. I was riveted all the way through. Really loved seeing "Ghosts" Tony Goldwyn in the epi, he did a fantastic job as the psychiatrist.

I really do love anytime Dexter has a breakthrough toward becoming more of an emotional human being and learning to understand and perhaps control his "dark passenger.' For me his humor balances out all the gore and blood. I just hope they can keep the premise from getting monotonous.
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Tooth Fairy (I) (2010)
Cute. Funny. Formulaic.
14 August 2010
This is a cute film. I enjoyed it. I think it did what it was supposed to do, it made me laugh and was easy to watch. One of the few bad things I have to say about it is that it's formulaic, a little long and you know what the outcome will be before it gets there. Regardless of that, Dwayne, Julie, Billy and the English fellow do their part to make the film worth while, while Ms. Judd and the child actors make the story come together. There's a fair amount of whimsy and reality which makes it great for children and adults who are children at heart, the little cameo by Seth Macfarlane doesn't hurt either. All it in all it's not the best, but it's not the worst.
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The Invisible Man (1975–1976)
Wonderful show
29 January 2008
This didn't last long enough if you ask me. This TV show was one of my favorite little shows back when I was 14-15 years old. I was in hella love with David McCallum, particularly after seeing him in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and that Outer Limits episode where he grows a giant head from attaining so much intelligence. (You know I was glad when he returned to normal!) It seems the show was suffering from special effects and script quality issues which may have bothered adults of the time, but for kids and young teens, this show was fantastic! Maybe they geared it to the wrong demographic.

Whatever the case, I'm happy I was able to experience and enjoy it back then. Lots of TV shows (The Immortal, The Man From Atlantis, The Magician, to name a few) that were great for kids and teens got cancelled too soon and that was really too bad. I remember loving the fact that he was running around unclothed and doing good deeds. Some station should reshow those fourteen episodes. I'd watch them and remember the good old days. We didn't know how good we had it back then.
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Pierce doesn't kill Clean Willy!
12 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've noticed there are a couple of posters/viewers who believe that Pierce was the one who strangled Clean Willy, although we do see Sean Connery's character was seen by Willy and that's why he runs, we don't ever see Pierce actually chasing Willy as he runs through the city streets. I believe it is one of the older henchmen in Pierce's gang who kills Willy. If you stop the frame where the killer is standing outside the building after doing the deed you can clearly see the man is definitely older and shorter than Sean Connery is and he is not dressed as well, he also is not carrying the cane that Connery was holding earlier in the tavern scene. It is more likely that Pierce was the unseen person distracting Willy with the object falling down the stairs. Check it out! Great book! Good movie!
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Click (2006)
Surprisingly good...a little uneven
27 October 2006
I loved the funny parts of this movie and actually laughed out loud a few times, but I was taken for a gigantic loop when it got extremely sad and dramatic a la "It's A Wonderful Life." Maybe it didn't need the dog humping scenes...I still didn't quite believe Adam when he cried sometimes, but other than that he did a wonderful job, especially the Dad scene and his own scene near the end.

My main problem with the film is that the segueway from comedy to drama could have been better. Perhaps they could have shown trailers that reflected the fact that it was a comedy-drama and not a full fledged comedy or drama. That said I thought the aging makeup by Rick Baker was superb.

Bottom line everyone did a fine job all the way round. I probably wouldn't have gone to see it at the movies, but I definitely rented it!
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Something New (I) (2006)
cute movie
19 May 2006
I thought this was a very cute movie and I never got bored. I personally have had thoughts along the lines of Sanaa's character concerning being with someone of another race, but nothing has happened. Perhaps I should have "let go and flow" a long long time ago.

I enjoyed this film immensely, for a change the woman did the chasing. (although I believe it means more when the man does it) And Sanaa Lathan and Simon Baker (is he a Brit?) had some great chemistry. I truly believed that this cinema couple might really stoke some fires together. Especially loved the "breaking down your door to get to you" scene. Hot, hot hot!!! I recommend it to those who not afraid of men and women getting together in one of the best ways two human beings can. Nice romantic comedy film!
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Sex and the City: One (2003)
Season 6, Episode 12
The dreaded Russian
7 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I know some people are going to dislike this opinion, but of all the boyfriend's Carrie has had during the show's run, (and there's been some stinkers!!) I think the Russian artist was the absolute worst. Did Mikhail badly need a job? There was absolutely no chemistry with this man, so why did the writers or whomever is responsible for him coming on the scene make this happen to her? Totally useless story line, but I guess it helped Carrie see that Big was the guy for her.

For me the last season was partially the worse of the lot for Carrie's personal life, plus Chris Noth had lost some of what had made him so attractively handsome in the first place...just my opinion, speaking in the physical sense only. Still a great show, though. I could watch some of the reruns for days....
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See only if you like Alan Rickman and Hugh Grant
16 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie today. It was interesting, but weird in the beginning, and I must admit I rented it only to see Alan Rickman, an actor I've enjoyed watching thoroughly since I saw him in Die Hard and Quigley Down Under. (I actually liked him more than Bruce Willis or Tom Selleck and they were both pretty hunky)

Alan Rickman is one of those actors who frequently plays villains that I truly love watching, (Gary Oldman being another) They are both handsome in offputting ways and have something about them that makes them unique. (loads of acting talent, mesmerizing voice, deep eyes) Anyway, at first I was intrigued by the story of young Stella, but I was quickly bored after not seeing Mr. Rickman more than halfway through the movie. I fastwarded some and saw him riding in on his motorcycle and then enjoyed the rest of the movie until he fell off the!!!

I wouldn't recommend this film unless you like convoluted stories about nasty people doing nasty things to each other. I would however, recommend it for the acting, in that vein, it's pretty believable.
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Villa Alegre (1973–1977)
One song remains in my head. Villa Alegre!
13 August 2005
Does anyone remember a little ditty that went something like (forgive the bad spelling) "Oh, bacamarah, oh bacamarah, oh bah oh bah oh bah, oh bacamarah, oh bacamarah, oh bah oh bah oh bah. Banga alair me chaca some thing something..." then that's repeated.. If anyone remembers the song what does it mean????? I think it came from this show, I was probably in my early teens at the time, so this is about all I recall.

I really loved this show because of the fact that it taught me another language. A shame so many children are still to this day kept away from other cultures and people. This show and the 60's and 70's in particular was on the right track when it came to trying to teach universal love and peace.

I know the show is tied up from public viewing by the widow of Dr. Rene Cardenes, which is probably why we won't see it or get a wav. of it anytime soon....
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Let It Ride (1989)
Before Sex in the City actress spotting
1 August 2005
Great movie! Very funny.

Anyone notice a before Sex in the City Cynthia Nixon in the bar scenes? She has braces on her teeth and dirty blond long hair, she looks like a little girl. Well, a little girl smoking a cigarette betting her $200 in the big race. Great to see folks who are more prominent now in their early roles. I of course love love love Mr. Dreyfuss in most anything he does, especially his early to mid time roles. I can't think of any movie's that I really hated him in. Same for Teri Garr, she's been in so many great films from Young Frankenstein to Mr. Mom, she's only slowed down lately. This film had so many great actors in it and was directed well, they hit it on the nose with this one. One question...Whatever happened to Mr. Johansen?
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Ray (I) (2004)
Genius! Great movie, great acting, great music !!!!
12 November 2004
I just saw this film today and it is a moving, realistic representation of the life of musical genius Ray Charles. Jamie Foxx does a magnificent job of capturing Charles's physical traits and mimes the songs believably for the most part. All of the cast does a wonderful job and director Hackford is to be commended for a job well done!! I enjoyed it very much. The period costume and cars took me into an era I can only experience through it's music since I was born in 1961. As a child I listened to Ray Charles during his ABC/Paramount years and as an adult I still get joy from listening to his catalog. See this movie for the memories it brings and see it most of all to learn how a disabled young man became the great Ray Charles.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Slam Dunk!!!!!
11 July 2004
This is even better than the first one! When he's not falling from great heights, Spidey is magnificent, graceful, explosive and just out and out a beautiful sight to see as he goes spinning his webs throughout the city! Despite all the personal problems he faces he still manages to come out a winner in this one. The first scene with Doc Ock and his invention, the snatching of Aunt May, the fight with the Doc on the train and Spidey's attempts to stop a runaway train are splendid examples of how to do a movie right. I even saw a bit of the Matrix moves intelligently spun into the action scenes. Talk about catch your breath, put you on the edge of your seat action. I recommend this film in all its respects...even at the point where there's a bit too much dialogue slowing it down in some areas, it's not enough to dampen what is essentially a visual and aural delight. Don't waste time...Go see this one!
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Funniest comedy of the eighties (one of them)
19 January 2004
I loved this movie, so did my husband. It is so cute and so fun. It also never hurts to have a James Brown song and some dancing to make it more memorable. We are just partial to Dan Ackroyd, Howard Hesseman I guess. I also thought the Devo theme was hilarious. Let's not forget T.K. Carter and a certain nasal sounding female escort. A fun film even if it's not a genius work by Dan. Some of the lines and acting are still memorable to me to this day! I'm watching it now as a matter of fact. It's just so hilariously stupid! Good memories if you saw it in your twenties and loved it. Much better then "Nothing But Trouble", which was a piece of crap but had it's moments! Sorry, Danny.
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Not As Good as the First, but Enjoyable!
17 May 2003
The Matrix Reloaded is the kind of movie that starts slowly and builds to a fever pitch. It's not as good as its predecessor, but it is still an entertaining movie. In it we have the first trio, Neo, a slightly heavier Morpheus, Trinity and Agent Smith. However where The Matrix WAS tight and COOLLY ferocious,this one is nowhere near it. The soundtrack is bland and there are too many scenes of Zion for my taste, the love scene is too contrived,(Neo & Trinity nude interspersed with scenes of Zionites writhing and dancing in slow motion)and Jada Pinkett's Niobe seemed to be thrown in just to extend the cast and nothing more. The best parts of the movie are the fights, in particular the ones between Neo and the multiple Mr. Smiths and Trinity's car and motorcycle chase on the freeway. Perhaps the last of the trilogy will satisfy any deficits in this one. I surely hope so.
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