
66 Reviews
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Told ya so
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Average paint by numbers less than thrilling thriller where main character is being watched and followed, but... no one believes her. So, she cries a lot because she's in a Country where she didn't know the language until She is befriended by her next door neighbor who does know the language. Big surprise. Suddenly she ...disappears. People still don't believe her, until the guy that's been following her commits a murder! Big shock. Boyfriend realizes what we the audience and the main character knew all along. She should have told her less than understanding Boyfriend, "I told ya so." "I toldddd ya Soooo." Ho hum.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
Horribly boring
1 June 2022
I can't believe I had to sit through 5 seasons of these unsympathetic characters, because My Husband said this was good. The acting and execution are poor and laughable. It was like watching a terrible play each week. I do not recommend this dud.
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Loved the original
16 April 2022
This was horrible. Who's idea was it to have it from the point of the two humans taken over by this meteor Monster for most of the movie? The first movie was much more effective than this slog in the second movie. One of the Brothers was stabbed at the end of the first movie but he's alive and well here, sitting in a cell. Why?

The same person wrote this that wrote the first one? You would never know from looking at this mess.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
1 October 2021
Who wrote this? Every contrivance possible. Horrible writing and trite characters make this one of the worst series of the last year and maybe even decade.

How about a time portal to somewhere interesting? The future? Another World? Different dimensions?

I give it half a season until they fill it with an Ellen Degeneres game show.
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
Caught me off guard
4 August 2021
Me being a Trek fan since the late 60's, I was surprised that I had never heard of this but Was blown away at how good this was and true to the spirit of the Original series. Great scripts and Damn good Actors in this rolls made famous 55 years ago. Stand out here is the Actress who plays the ships Counselor Michele. Specht.
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Horrible film
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is full of unlikeable characters and after all the abuse the main character took, she stayed with them in the end. What a nightmare.
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Good but not Great like Infinity War
16 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Infinity War so was counting down the days until this opened. After that Amazing set up in the first film, I don't like some of the decisions the writers made for this movie and it suffers because of them. Fat Thor and Professor Hulk don't work here and the time travel slows the pace down of the overall story. Also, Captain Marvel disappearing for the entire movie defeats the impact of her even being in the movie. I loved the end battle, the performances and death hits you in the gut. This is not a bad film , I just think it could have been great like Infinity War.
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P.S. (2004)
I saw a Sneak Preview of it last night.
14 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the movie and especially the performances. Loved Lauran Linney as usual as well as Marcia Gay Harden. I was surprised at Topher's performance as I don't like That 70's show. The story started out good and then derailed. They never follow through with the premise of the reincarnation aspect or why this guy looks like the woman's dead boyfriend. The movie just ends and I was disappointed because of that. It could have gone on and explained more but chicked out.

So, I will recommend the movie for the performances but I think the story could have been more developed.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
Horrible mess
25 March 2003
It's rare when you can get a good Scary thriller from Hollywood. There's movies like The Ring or Mothman Prophecies or The Others which are few and far between and then theres movies like this which probably tried to make a good movie but missed. This movie starts out good and has good potential and then about 30 minutes in we are introduced to one plot contrivance after another and the characterizations are put on hold for gore and a plot that doesnt make sense. What's so surprising to me is that Lawrence Kasdan who wrote and directed my favorite Movie The Big Chill and wrote The Empire Strikes Back and Silverado had anything to do with this movie. I am looking for someone to blame for this fiasco because it was truly a horrible experience. Do we blame King, who Ive always felt is overrated in the first place, and his source material? Was he so drugged out after his accident a few years ago that he didnt know what he was doing? If you think this might be one of those cheesy B-movies, it's not even that good.
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Bosom Buddies (1980–1982)
One of the most underrated shows of the 80s
22 August 2002
These guys dressed up before it was cool and it was often hysterical. I have a feeling this show was a bit before its time. Great cast and top notch writing made this one of the few comedy shows on TV that actually made you laugh out loud and was a real cut above most of the shows on back then.

I dont know, maybe if it were done today, it may stay on longer but this went to rerun land much too soon. I have most of them on tape but would love them to be released on DVD someday. Hey, maybe they could even do Bosom Buddies: The Movie and Ton Hanks could direct. How about it?
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Zoolander (2001)
14 April 2002
I wasn't expecting too much from this movie but I enjoyed. It made

me chuckle and laugh out loud and how often do movies do that


Ben Stiller is great as always and there are some really funny

moments in this movie skewering pop culture, Models and

Movies and even a a clothing line based on the homeless.

Politically incorrect movies are fun and this is one of them.

Do yourself a favor, sit down have a drink, maybe smoke a bowl

and and have a good time.
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Rose Red (2002)
I had high hopes...
2 February 2002
But after Six hours I felt letdown. With 6 hours you can do a lot and

explain a lot but most of the time goes to reaction shots of the

people and Long shots of the house. I still dont know what happend at the end or should I say, am just

not sure. Something to do with the House and the Woman and her maid

killing the Husband because the maid was having an affair, yet

they were hanging out together at the end and killing everyone? What did that have to do with the young kid who grew up there and

came back (Matt Kesslar)? I was scratching my head by that point. Was the little girl channeling the house? Why did it stop when she

was unconcious. At the end it turned out she didnt have anything to

do with the goings on and what was with the Nancy Travis

character? Was she just mad or did the house possess her like in

the Shining? Had a few good scares but if you want to go see a good Haunted

House movie, go watch Poltergeist again or a movie that few

people have seen called Burnt Offerings.
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Overrated Hollywood Dud....
26 January 2002
I generally like Dramas that concentrate on real life events or

movies about triumphing over difficult circumstances but I believe

this movie reduced everything to a TV movie of the week mentality. The main character was unlikable, I didn't understand how his

student was even mildly attracted to such a big doofus with no

social skills and it was paint by number plotting from start to finish.

Guy meets girl, acts like an ignoramus (but he's a genius) and

they conveniently get married, he starts having problems and BAB,

she's pregnant. He starts acting strange and throwing stuff and

she gets scared. Give me a break. I've seen this countless times over and over

again. This trivializes Mental Illness to a point where I was rolling my eyes

and waiting for the credits. Its too bad that after years of working in the Business that Ron

Howard doesn't know the difference between a contrived and

cliched piece of work. the music was cranked to pull on our emotions all at the right

spots. The performances were schmultzy and overly melodramatic.

And this won a Golden Globe? Further proof that Hollywood is

corrupt. Pop Cinema at it's best.
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Hollywood Gipped us again
21 January 2002
I really liked the first movie. It was jevenile but funny for a nice

laugh. The second one on the other hand tries to be crude and as

funny as the last one and it fails miserably. The whole cast is back in bits and pieces of various scenes clued

together but theres not much story and the cast seemed like they

know that. I wanted to like this movie but it was bad and I dont mean in a

good way. It was cranked out to make more for them and take our

money away. Alot of Actors from the first one are here but they

arent doing anything worth watching.
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One of the few good movies of the Summer of 2001
18 August 2001
How did this movie get maid and released? It has character

development, no car crashes, dinosaurs or Aliens to bring in the

big bucks. Wonderful movie about normal people who, straight and gay, their

friendships, relationships and their lives. This has been a really bad Summer for movies and the good

movies worth watching are far and few between. I liked the characters, I liked the witty dialoge and the Actors were

very enjoyable. Lisa Kudrow shows up in a bit part, Doris Roberts

and Andrea Martin (one of my favorites) and Christina Ricci. They

are all supporting to the main characters.

Check this one out. A good movie to help wash out the taste of all

those empty Blockbusters of the Summer.
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Finally a good Summer movie for the Summer of 2001
21 July 2001
After another dreary Summer of Hollywood candy that you forget once you leave the theatre, a movie with substance thats fun as well. You get Comedy, Drama and ...Character Development!? We cant forget some really great music too.

If you want to see something different and something that will stay with you. Something that will move you and make you laugh; go see this. I really hope that Hollywood watches and learns from this movie but I really doubt it.
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Dude, what were you expecting?
8 July 2001
People on here make me laugh. You went in to this movie thinking it was going to be an Oscar Nominee? I am always saying, if you read my other reviews that Hollywood is always cranking out a teen movie a month and they are paint by number crap. Sure, this is no Brain surgery but I sat down with some friends and we laughed. The thing is, this is nor your typical teen comedy, it has some stoner guys, yeah, but they meet a lot of weird people on their way to find their car. Stoner Dogs, Alien Woman and Men and killer Ostriches. If anything, I think it mocks the teen genre. I excepted it for what it was, fun and I had a good time. Its right up there with Romy and Michelle and Dumb and Dumber. Sooo, Dudes, check it out., Party a bit and have a fun time.
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Spy Kids (2001)
Fun! Fun! Fun!
15 April 2001
A lot of people Ive talked to are scared off by the title of this movie

but like the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, if you get past the title,

you are in for a big treat. Lately kids movies are geared towards the average age of 7-10

and thought kids will enjoy this, Adults will enjoy it equally. If i had to pigeon hole it, Id have to say its across between good

bond movies, the recent Charlies Angels movie and Willy Wonka. Its one of those films that you just sit back and have fun without

your intelligence being insulted like Phantom Menace. Good to see a movie that the whole family can see and have fun

and then give them something to talk about together. The movie is

about family and what better movie to bring a family close together. Check it out!
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Memento (2000)
A good movie from Hollywood?
8 April 2001
I can't say much that other people havent said except, what a Great film. After Months and months of moronic movies about dumb teens coming out of Hollywood, it's refreshing to see a movie with some thought that has gone into it, an interesting story and a movie where you can actually talk about it with people for days afterwards. Hollywood doesnt do that much anymore and when they do, it usually doesnt do much business at the Box Office. What someone else said above and I have to agree with, is why dont good movies like this play in Big cinesplexes? We have to see the crap made for mass audiences like The Wedding Planner and drive miles to go see movies like this. Why? Movies like this put my faith back in Hollywood, I just wish they would wake up and make more of them. Go see this movie. You'll be talking about it and thinking about it for days.
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Why, Oh why?
9 February 2001
After I didnt think movies could get worse then Most Jerry Bruchimer movies, then comes along this little Gem that makes The Bachelor with chris O'Donnel seem like Shakespear. My one question after kissing my good hard damn money that earned, is why did I get cohearsed to go see this. I thought, maybe the romantic in me might get a sweet little smile on my face and like it like I like Xanadu. The smile turned to a cynical frown, if there is such thing. Whos the guy who wrote this movie and I want to go visit him and give him a piece of my mind, and a bill for the 8.50, I mentioned earlier. Bad dailogue, Characters that make no sense and scream eractically for no reason other than to get a chuckle out of the audience. God these charcters just made me really mad! This reinforces my theory that hollywood is asleep at the wheel. God I hope they dont make a sequel!
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Billy Elliot (2000)
20 January 2001
I had seen the commercials and they emphasize the dancing aspect of the story which is great but there is so much more to this movie. It deals with death and it touches on Mens feelings of loss and what a Man is and even deals a bit with homosexuality. Theres not many times where I sit though the end credits anymore but I was mesmorized. I laughed in this movie and I cried too. The dance scenes were terrific too. The boy who played Billy should get an award hands down for this movie. I watched the emotion on his face and it was amazing. This is the best breakout performance by a young boy since haley Joel Osmant in Sixth Sense. I have to say I just loved Julie Walters too. Where has she been since Educating Rita. Inspite of the swear words this is a movie that families should see. Its hard to believe this gets an R rating and movies like Scary Movie get...only R ratings. I dont get it. Strange that two of my favorite recent movies are from the British...This and Croupier. Word to Hollywood, make more movies like this or at lease import more like this. Dont miss this one!
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Croupier (1998)
A fine little movie
16 January 2001
This is showing as not released on the board but I rented this and watched it today. I had been curious about it for sometime now and the wait was real worth it. The main actor was incredible. the script and interaction of character was very intriguing. I only wish Hollywood would make more movies like this. Wow. This took two years to get to the states? I want this as part of my collection now.
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Scary Movie (2000)
This movie was rated R?
7 January 2001
There are some truly funny moments in this movie and I was

lauging out loud but this was very raw. I'm no prude but balls

coming out of some Gay/Womans shorts? being empaled by a

Penis? Yikes! Films like requiem for a Dream are released "Unrated" because of

the content but this gets an R? Really makes you think
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A real fun movie
7 January 2001
I remember seeing this with a friend in 84 and the theatre was

almost empty. I can understand that it was very hard to market, I

just wish it had done better. It deserves to. I just wish I had a good copy of this film. The VHS copy I have is

really bad and the pan and scan version. Why cant the studio

released the DVD? I think there is a market for it. Anyway, this is a very imaginative movie with a great cast. its

kindve a cross between the versatility of the TV show Buffy the

Vampire with alittle bit of Bond and Back to the Future thrown in. If you like wacky movies that are fun, check this one out
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Very intense film
1 January 2001
Mostly people reserve comments of "Intense" to action movies but

this small film is very intense in emotion. Some scenes the actors

do not even need to speak and you know exactly what is going on

in their heads. This is a simple story by all means but like the

other reviews say, the cast elevates it to something much bigger

than a normal movie. Hollywood probably wouldnt put up the

money for something like this nowadays because its about people

and there is no murder or terrorist activity going on as a subplot. I love this movie and I wish they would put it out on DVD. Another

one paramount seems to have forgotten about.
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