"Lovecraft Country" Strange Case (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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I'm so confused
toofancorp14 September 2020
Symbolism and some of the sfx here were very well done, but I am so confused as to the storyline here or really what the plot of this show is. They covered a couple of powerful themes and the actors did a fine job per usual. I might be in the minority on this one, but it was the weakest episode for me so far.
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Captures the Essence of The Show in the Oddest Way Possible
adrienjgag14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the points and themes touched on in this episode, along with the entire mood/vibe, feel like the quintessential episode of Lovecraft Country so far. It wasn't the best episode out of the 5 released so far, but the elements of the show are all there. The acting is fine as always, and so is the production value/quality. Now for the actual content of the episode: the entire struggle between Ruby choosing to be white or stay colored was portrayed very well. I felt myself almost slipping into the delirium of, "what's the choice to make" with her. The way it's delivered through grotesque metamorphosis is very graphic and gory and turned my stomach inside out in the best way possible. The show turns something as simple as "switching bodies" persay and makes it very interesting. There is one scene in particular, and if you have seen the episode you know what I'm talking about, that I feel may be a bit controversial. I felt it had its place in the story, as hard as it was to watch, but I think it went on just a tad too long and pushed it. Moving on to the parts of the episode that focus on Montrose, they needs a little more explanation (along with the rest of the show, but especially this). I'm not homophobic before anyone jumps to that, but I feel needless forcing of representation does more harm than good, although I assume it plays it's role as a plot device. On the off hand that it doesn't, I feel that it does more harm to the show as a distraction rather than help. Overall the episode was good... Odd, but good nonetheless if you're willing to overlook a few things. The writers and producers perfectly captured the spiral into minor madness that is so classically Lovecraftian as Ruby tests her boundaries as a white woman.
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The Supporting Characters Take Over The Show...
ObsessiveCinemaDisorder20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This week's episode of Lovecraft Country, titled Strange Case, has finally answered my storytelling prayers. Hallelujah. The ever-spinning wheel of dressing Lovecraft Country with a different pulp genre every week has paused (temporarily I presume) and this latest episode lets the story regroup itself and do some much-needed character building.

What is unexpected is the supporting characters' stories have completely taken over the frat house and are calling the shots. Yes, the supporting characters get all the character-building!

Montrose, having committed an unspeakable act at the end of A History or Violence, spirals into a sex-infused free fall like Michael Fassbender in Shame.

The more fascinating story belongs to Ruby, who wakes up after a night of passion with William and is presented with a magical potion that allows to metamorphosize into a white person. In perhaps is what the show's most entertaining storyline so far, Ruby uses the potion to becoming a white woman named Hillary to reap all the white privilege within her reach and scores a job as the associate manager at the department store we saw last episode, like the Eddie Murphy "White Like Me" sketch from Saturday Night Live but played straight.

What happens next with Ruby/Hillary is satirically entertaining and this is the first episode to really answer to the promise of the pilot where social commentary is being given through sci-fi fantasy elements.

It's head scratching that the supporting characters are more engaging and have the better stories. I don't know what to make it now and it would require finishing the entire season to access if this was an innovative out-of-the-box writing decision from the writers or just a miscalculated fumble.

Why couldn't this metamorphosis storyline have happened to Letitia or Atticus? Letitia and Atticus's story haven't progressed at all. Why haven't they gotten to the backstory with Ji-ah, Atticus' girlfriend from South Korea, yet?

Lovecraft Country has to stop trying to shock us. To use a Dragonball metaphor, you can only turn into Super Saiyan so many times. You can keep writing new levels of Super Saiyan and slap a new number to add tension but the impact on the audience's part weakens exponentially every time. Now the writers stuck in this trap of having to escalate something every week with a new reveal. Just tell the story, fellas.
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HOPSQUIAT24 October 2020
This episode is beautiful and terrifying at the same time. I love body horror so this episode was absolutely for me. However, the best thing about this episode is that we can see how oppressed people can easily become the oppressor if we they don't check their power. Ruby shapeshifts into a white woman and she begins to see the world differently in terms of her opportunities and how others are treated around her.

Ruby's challenge is what she chooses to do with this power and privilege. Will she use it for good or will she become the very people who treat her like she is worthless? This is an amazing question and it expands her character wonderfully.

Great episode. Very weird, yet beautiful.
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Sign_Painter14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the show up to this point! I'm angry at how bad the episode was created - no real plot apart from a touch of Ruby's storyline, unnecessary cheap violence, and thoroughly inelegant. Skip this and you'll save yourself an hour of your life.
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The Transition of Juan Romero
southdavid15 September 2020
Some wonderful gory body horror for the fifth episode of "Lovecraft Country" and another late twist, although this one I'm sure most of us saw coming.

Consumed by guilt for his actions at the end of the previous episode, Montrose (Michael K Williams) accepts a beating from his son, before finally coming to terms with who he genuinely is. Ruby (Wunmi Mosaku) on the other hand, is coming to appreciate who she isn't - having discovered that her night with William (Jordan Patrick Smith) has resulted in her waking up in the body of a white woman (Jamie Neumann). Eager to see what life is like on the other side, Ruby eventually comes to enjoy her experience, despite the violent horror of the transformation.

Despite its wonderful visuals, with the spectacularly gory bursting of Ruby from the constraints of her white alter ego, this was perhaps the first episode of "Lovecraft Country" that was mostly padding. Ruby's storyline is perhaps, as others have said, a little heavyhanded but it does touch on how quickly prejudice can come to people with power. It still too, maintains that trait I've talked about in previous episodes, of not explaining how key aspects of the plot took place. For example in this one, following her interview, Ruby changes back in a service elevator but the show doesn't tell us how a naked woman, covered in blood, managed to get back across the city.

There are still elements that intrigue me though, the idea to reuse Jamie Neumann is obviously deliberate - and makes me wonder who we actually met controlling those dogs in Ardham village. Atticus' call at the end, who was that too and what did it mean? But ultimately I felt like this one hit the same story beats too often and we didn't spend enough time with Atticus and Leti.
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Unrestricted voodoo
gacsogergely20 September 2020
You love body-horror? Werewolf-transformation, and all that? Here it is.

The darkest of voodoo is offered to an honest person, and it turns her inside out. Literaly and metaphoricly too. The pact was oh-so fitting. Offering to be on the highest social regard to a middle-class independent black woman - for the price to at times sink to the lowest class, be a servant. And what followed, was pure, unadulterated voodoo. And sure, there was a r*pe - but who says, a villain can't do that?

This was in contrast to the world of the black drag-queens, where the transformation resulted in something positive, though the look of that class from the general public is something truly monstrous.

The plot otherwise? Well, this series is more like reading a book, it isn't your going from Point A to Point B simple mystery-box Lost. Not to mention you should not forget, this show is more of the '20's blacks lives, than Lovecraft's monsters. But even at that regard, this episode has use: we learn, the pages of The Book are not lost.
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Wumni is beautiful, so wtf?
Eli_Elvis14 September 2020
Who the fk is this nasty old whyte chick? At least cast a pretty whyte actress!!! Great concept, this show needs more.
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ad889914 September 2020
The symbolism in this episode is brilliant. Metamorphosis - shedding skin, finding your true self, realizing what it means for something literally to be only skin deep. And simultaneously highlighting what it feels like to be in different skins, different genders, different sexual identities in this world. This series is raising the bar on the horror genre to the most exquisite level. It is highlighting the true horrors in the world
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Strange, disturbing and unnecessary case.
notar0b0t15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the previous episodes but this one I hated. Let me rephrase. I liked it for the most part but then came the rape scene. God. It ruined everything for me. A rape is never justifiable, even for a would-be rapist. Like another review said, if you miss this episode, don't worry; you didn't miss much. Except maybe the reveal that William is really Christina, but come on, we suspected that already; they'd never been in a room at the same time before and, you know, they look so much alike.
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Jamie Neumann was phenomenal!
hnt_dnl20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode STRANGE CASE was a strange one indeed, but no less fascinating. This is the first episode of the show's freshman season to focus on the supporting cast, in particular Ruby and Montrose take lead honors here while Atticus and Leti are in the background. Unpopular opinion, but I frankly believe Montrose to be a much more interesting character than George, who was just a pile of exposition and plot force. With Montrose as Atticus' father figure (even if he's not his real father), the story feels truly mysterious and deep. Michael K. Williams is exceptional, but I think this episode belongs to Jamie Neumann, who brilliantly essayed the white version of Ruby, perfectly capturing the actress' mannerisms, attitude, and speech pattern. Her physical acting was award worthy and the gross transformation special effects were like something from the 80s. I can understand why a lot of fans might have cringed at all the sex and violence in this one, but the acting on this show continues to be superb.
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Disappointing in many ways
culbeda-533-44696514 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cinematography and acting earn it a 4, everything else was painful or seemingly pointless.

The vast majority of the time in this episode was spent (or wasted as many of feel) on delving deeper into the characters of Ruby and Montrose. It felt like it was all secondary storylines and pointless "revelations". Ruby reveals that she is just as ugly on the inside and when given the freedom as she pleases, goes ape with murderous rage. In a single episode, she went from being a rather annoying, preachy but principled character to being irredeemably awful.

Montrose is revealed to be a closeted gay man when seeks comfort in the arms (and more) of his gay, drag-queen lover, ultimately feeling free and alive during a drag show at a gay club. O...K. While I certainly welcome any chance for an actor who's work to have some meat scenes to flex, this just felt out of place and unrelated to the rest of the story. Still not entirely sure what the point of this is and I found myself more bored than anything.

And then we have the "reveal" that the two freakish albinos are one and the same person, which I had strongly suspected since the last season and which became apparent with the hastily tacked on talk of the two of them coming in and out of the locked basement door and Christina's many hints. By the time it was revealed, my only reaction was "Obviously...". (Not even warranting an exclamation point)

Then there was the seemingly random, tacked on bit at the end with Tic's murderous fling in Korea, which appears to be the setup for the next episode.

The only bone, pardon the pun, they threw fans to keep those put off by these storylines was an extra love scene and nudity that didn't really further the story, IMO.
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Great episode, the haters are insane.
mikepitcher117 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why it's being ranked so low on here, I thought this episode was great. Fantastic acting, great production, music is amazing, the story plot is superb. Yeah it's gory in some parts but it's a horror show, named after HP Lovecraft, what do you expect? Pretty sure the 1-star reviews are coming from homophobes that didn't like the gay character reveals and that arc. I thought the whole episode was great, looking forward to next episode. And how about Shangela and Monet for those cameos! 10s across the board.
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Weird and entertaining.
cruise0120 September 2020
4.5 out of 5 stars.

Interesting direction. Ruby takes a turn into something else without giving away spoilers about her wishes. There is a twist in the end that may shock you. And a disturbing scene. Great acting. Direction.
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Much better than the previous ones
hankenchant14 September 2020
I must say that I find this episode really entertaining. The arc for Ruby's transformation is well paced and the twist at the end is absolutely stunning but there were actually loads of clues. Montrose's storyline is fine as well although there is much less tension but the emotional development is there. Honestly I was a little disappointed with the previous 2episodes which were unexciting and mediocre but things are indeed getting better. I don't get why this episode is so Low rated but I certainly enjoy this one.
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bokobojanov14 September 2020
What a waste of an episode. Just... why, i get it theres some symbolism or wtv in this episode but just; no. A waste of your time, just skip it, you dont really miss anything of the actual story.
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A very wrong turn
abacaxi8814 September 2020
I loved the plot and I loved the development of Ruby's character. If somebody told me what the episode was about I would be thrilled. It was one of my favorite TV shows of the year. But this one was executed so poorly that I'm at loss of words. If I wanted to watch American Horror Story, I would have. This TV show was so much more. I have no idea what caused such loss of quality. Very disappointing.
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Best episode yet.
zorrodg-316-23833015 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Both in terms of social commentary and Lovecraftian body horror, this is easily the strongest episode of LC to date. Much like Hillary, the gooey gory genre trappings are a second skin, hiding a much more complex and nuanced tale of racial inequality under the surface.

Week by week, Lovecraft Country continues to raise the bar on itself. Can't wait to see where this wild story and it's amazing cast of characters go next!
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duckboy-9417114 September 2020
Save yourself an hour of pure B.S. & skip this episode !
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She Skins Herself!!!
travisammons22 September 2020
She literally skins herself. The episode is worth watching from this one sequence alone!! And I'm not telling you who so it's not a spoiler!!
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the_nephilim7114 September 2020
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William's big reveal really took me by surprise. I guess I should have guessed as there were clues all along.
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No Real Substance
watcherfromthewoods15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you miss this episode, you miss nothing that moves things forward. Just another "white people are all horrible and not a single one has any redeeming qualities" story with some LBGTQ thrown in that doesn't actually move the character involved along on any path that has to do with what this show started out as. There is no thread that is holding things together. The "pages" subplot (and it is a subplot rather than the focus) can only hold you for so long; especially when it's little more than a side note.
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I want more! A whole lot more!
myrnavep16 September 2020
Jordan Peele and everyone else doing this brilliant show; thank you, thank you, thank you. I mean, I'm hooked, and I was from the get go. Just open your minds, people. And enjoy, be perplexed and provoked. Masterpiece.
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Ugly episode
paullaurino14 September 2020
I get that Ruby's act of rage on the store manager is meant to convey just how pent up her anger, feelings of powerlessness, etc. are from a lifetime of social oppression and familial disappointments. However, I think we as the audience should made to feel sad for her having to harbor so much rage, rather than supposed to revel in her act of revenge.
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Uncalled for
gotmilk_moo_8914 September 2020
I am a huge fan of the show so far. I have never left a review EVER and I think this episode took it too far with some of the gruesome scenes. Very uncalled for... and could've been left out or been executed in a different way.
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