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It's a 6. The writing is a bit dull with many cliches.
ThomDerd16 May 2021
Aside from the uninspired writing, I did enjoy watching Silk Road. Story is familiar to most; the story of the guy that created and run the illegal website via the tor network which was selling all kinds of illegal things online... parallel to that was the story of a corrupt cop who was after Silk Road.

The movie connects both stories and gives us a bit of the cliches that we are used to in this kind of fast-illegal-success story which ends up bad for the protagonist.

I don't have a particular interest about the clear depiction of this story and how truthful it was presented on screen; I m only interested in the quality of the film and how entertaining it was.

It is still just a film and not a documentary so adjust your expectations.

Overall, it's an interesting film to watch on a sleepless night or on a Saturday afternoon and get an idea of the Silk Road story. Also Jason Clarke gives a decent performance here as the cop and makes this film a tad more interesting. However, the writing could have been much better and create a background for the ideological base of the protagonist. Also the dialogues are dull at times and the editing is not helping either. Maybe some more info on the way he created Silk Road would be more interesting for the viewer and also the way he hid himself and the website from the authorities for that long. There are indeed mentions on all the above throughout the film, but they r brushed off rather fast.

The backbone of the story is nevertheless interesting, so if you start this film, you ll probably stick to it wanting to see how it's gonna play out, even if you kinda know how... Mildly interesting and entertaining, 6/10.
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Story is very interesting; movie is a cliche
calicut11011 July 2021
The main reason to watch this is you'll learn all the important things about Silk Road and the founder. The movie itself was kind of silly, it took every cliche imaginable and incorporated that into the script. I wish this movie was made with a higher caliber director who could have done the story more justice. Watch it for the info not the entertainment.
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Feels like a screenplay written by a someone who told him the story
cd722 February 2021
Silk Road is a story that can not be made up. If there was a smart person who got their hands on this project, this could have been another "Social Network" kind of movie - this was not that - Even from my little knowledge of the true events, half of the time I was like: "This is made up - this did not happen like this" - and if it was fun or better than what actually happened. I would have been fine.

This movie just left more questions unanswered than it actually answered. People who never heard of this story now have to go listen to the podcast to actually find out what happened. I feel like that is not a great thing.

My girlfriend liked it tho and will not care that they skipped a bunch of stuff, so 5/10 - average to great movie!
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A sloppy hack job
Edeards20 February 2021
This makes The Social Network look like a documentary. I could forgive the use of creative license if the story wasn't so poorly mashed together.

Maybe I'm biased because Nick Bilton's book was so good but short of some decent acting there's little here to make it an enjoyable watch, let alone a half true retelling of the actual events.
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Intriguing, interesting and informative
ialexander0312 March 2021
A fantastic insight to a evolutionary revolution. Albeit an illegal one. Drugs is old game, everyone has seen a thousand drug movies, Silk Road is a drug movie where the drugs aren't the point. The technology is. Even back as recent as 2011, where this story takes shape, technology and the internet were still an unknown entity to most, think about it, just how much did you really know?! Exactly, and that's the point of this movie.

The founder of Silk Road, made 1.2million Bitcoin in the first day of "public trading". That's worth a eye watering £48,671,764,992 ($66,327,120,000) in today's Bitcoin value. Yep, that's right. A. Day. In The first day! The future had truly changed when Silk Road went live, and this story is a great insight.

The main cast, Nick Robinson, Jason Clarke & Alexandra Shipp do a great job delivering this story, which, yes, is slow and wordy to start, but once you understand the 2 sides of the coin and the technology at play, it's a brilliantly clever and well delivered film
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More to the story
Draysan-Jennings20 February 2021
I had never heard of Silk Road until this movie came out. I read up on the actual events and it looks like they left out a bunch of the story. Evidently Ross Ulbricht put out hits on at least six more people. Not to mention, a second agent was arrested, Shaun Bridges, who worked on the same task force and ran an even more lucrative scheme. Each were apparently unaware of the other's illegal activities. Both agents received fairly light sentences. Ulbricht, not so much. He received two life sentences, pretty harsh for someone convicted of a none violent crime. Somehow he still has access to a computer. He posts on Twitter quite frequently.
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Silk Road
JoBloTheMovieCritic28 February 2021
7/10 - compelling cat-and-mouse game between drug cyber criminal and past-his-prime federal agent shines a light on a fascinating real story that I had somehow escaped hearing about (also loved the Love, Simon reunion)
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Silk Road
rnixon-156638 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Silk Road 2021 15 Director: Tiller Russell Starring: Nick Robinson, Jason Clarke, Darrell Britt Gibson, Daniel David Stewart, Alexandra ship, Kenneth Miller etc

Overall rating 62/100

Silk road is about a philosophical twenty something Ross Ulbricht (Nick Robinson) who creates a website called Silk road, a dark net website that sells drugs, while DEA agent Rick Bowden (Nick Clarke) goes undercover to bring him down. Silk road had some great moments, and for me worked best when it was the cat and mouse game between the main characters, but for the most part was just too mediocre too truly be memorable or worth a watch, so let's get started.

My first few positives would be the interesting opening monologue, the good set up of both characters, good character conflict to set up development to the main character. A good connection between the two main characters and a good amount of explanation into the main plot point. I thought the opening to the film set up some interesting themes to do with the main character of Ross, he was very against authority and wanted people to make their own decision on what's right and wrong, this was told effectively in an opening monologue that set up his characters wants and needs well and was a good start for the film. I also thought the film did a good job at setting up both of the characters, they established a good amount of background into both characters lives, what was holding them back, their flaws and set up their roles for the film very effectively. I also really liked the character conflict between ross and his father, this was an effective way to start the development of his character as he is trying to prove his family wrong and that he can achieve something by himself, I also thought the obvious tension between Rick and his wife about his troubled past also set up the development between their relationship fairly well. Next, I thought there was a good connection between the two characters, the film did an effective job at linking two possible separate stories together, with Ross setting up a website linked with selling drugs and Rick's job is preventing cyber crime, this was an effective way to set up the future investigation and cat and mouse game between both of the characters. I also thought the movie managed to explain the main plot point of silk road very well, it went into a great amount of detail about the black market and how it works, also explaining how easily people can get away with it with things like bitcoin it was quite frightening actually.

However, my first few negatives would be the oddly structured beginning with lack of explanation or depth to the characters, the lack of sympathy for the characters, therefore making it difficult to decide who to align with, and the lapses in the logic. I thought that the movie had a very peculiar structure in the beginning, I think they rushed into the main plot point of Silk road way to quickly, with a lack of depth or any form of proper development or set up to the main characters relationships, it just lacked key scenes and explanation that would of helped the audience either connect to the supporting cast or raise the stakes to the film more sooner. I also thought that it was difficult to know who to support or align with. Both characters were bad people and that never really changed throughout the film, this just made it difficult to align with, and due to the poor writing and lack of any form of depth to the supporting cast, it made it difficult to connect with the film. Finally, I also thought that there was some lapses in the logic with the character of Rick. He was described as being reckless and out of control, and messing up a previous case badly, so I found it very strange that he was still employed at the police and the fact that he was never found out when he went undercover was a bit ridiculous.

My next few positives would be the interesting main character, the unique dynamic between the two main characters, the clever characters and plot points. As well as the development to the plot and characters, and the fun cat and mouse game between the two leads. I thought that the main character of Ross was very interesting, you were obviously not supposed to support him, but you couldn't help but admire his cleverness and intuition, despite what he was doing being wrong it was interesting to go inside the mind of a character like this. I also liked the unique dynamic between both leads, they were both very clever and not afraid to play dirty, despite the issues behind this, I still found it an interesting creative decision to have two somewhat unstable and untraditional characters go head to head. I also thought that Ross as a character was very clever, he thought of every little detail to evade getting caught and to ensure his success, every time you thought something would go wrong he managed to fix the issue. I also really liked the development to the plot and characters, I think the slow mental breakdown of Ross as a character as he became more and more obsessed with the website and success was really well done, it just made the cat and mouse game between him and Rick that bit more entertaining, the more Ross became unstable the more mistakes he made. So therefore Rick could lay traps and cleverly get Ross into more trouble, the police investigation and this fun dynamic between both of the characters was my favourite part to the film.

My final few positives would be the performances, building of tension, the balance to the key themes as well as the satisfying ending. I thought that Nick Robinson and Jason Clarke did a great job here. This was a different more darker role for Nick, but he did a great job. Showing the darker side to his acting shows more versatility and he did a very believable and solid job, Jason Clarke also did a great job with what occasionally thin material he got, creating a great balance of unstable and somewhat likeable qualities to his character. I also loved the rising of tension, As Rick went undercover and Ross started messing up more and more it became unclear what was going to happen, I loved being on the edge of my seat not knowing who would get the better of one another. I also did like that the film balanced its somewhat controversial themes, showing the negative side to making such an accessible drug website and making Ross realise perhaps what he created wasn't a good thing. The ending was also very satisfying, Ross got what he deserved and Rick had a pretty good character arc as he managed to start to mend his relationship with his wife and daughter.

My final few negatives where for me the reason why this film couldn't achieve the greatness that it could have. There was rushed pacing with lack of clear explanation into things, a very clunky structure, annoying editing. And finally, a really passive supporting cast. I thought the movie had so many pacing issues it really effective the structure, it was way too rushed and was a massive, missed opportunity for the characters to have much more depth and for you to actually care about their different relationships. Because of this rushed pacing and trying to balance two stories that took a while to be properly linked the structure of the film felt very clunky. Just when you thought something more would happen or an interesting character moment would happen to Ross, it would cut awkwardly to Rick doing something not that interesting, it took me out of the movie on a few occasions. I also found the editing really clunky and annoying; they would often just freeze on a scene and do a really long-winded fade or graphic match to the next scene; it wasn't done smoothly or effectively and often was just very jarring and made the film even more jarring. The worst part of the film for me was its passive supporting cast, I didn't know hardly anything about them, so therefore didn't really care about their relationship with the main characters, taking away some possible emotional weight. But all of the characters were just so passive and did nothing to stop the main characters from doing anything, it was a massive, missed opportunity to add more conflict and depth to all the characters and was a massive let down for me.

Overall, silk road works best when it focuses on the cat and mouse game between the two leads and the investigation and development to the characters that comes with it. But the overall plot and characters surrounding it are just simply too mediocre and poorly written for the movie to truly connect.
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How such an interesting and fascinating story could be made so boring?
fciocca15 March 2021
What the director and screenwriters did not understood is that Silk Road was at the time a big revolution: drugs that were always bought with physical cash transactions, with all risks for being caught on the spot by the police, finally moved to the hidden web, guaranteeing anonymous purchases from all around the world and having them delivered directly at home. The market became so important, that the website started to sell also other kind of products, and this in a little over two years, which is impressive. Nothing of this is portrayed in the movie, which focuses too much on things that does not matter at all. Why giving so much attention to Ulbricht and his girlfriend? Why giving so much space to Bowden? Everything is rushed to a point where certain part of the story are completely skipped: how the founder passed to sell just drugs, to also weapons and fake documents? We don't get to know.

Ulbricht is portrayed just like a clueless guy, that does not have any idea on how to handle his activity, which maybe was partially true, but let me tell you that a guy that he is able to build from the ground up a marketplace so big and important, is not for sure dumb. In fact he finished university and he obtained even a master. Why you did not show the craft of the website? How he came up with the name Silk Road? How he grew his business, which strategies he used? None of this apparently matter on the eyes of creators. We see instead a DEA agent that was transferred to the cybercrimes department, because he completely suck at his job and need just to work a few months to get the pension. We see him hanging around with his informant, that does most of the job that he is supposed to do. Absolutely ridiculous. Moreover is the classic cop that he is not able to understand that time changes and the job is different now, so he is basically the typical boomer, not able to accept having a younger boss, more experienced than him in IT, and he claims that the old way is always the best one. So cliché.

If you really want to make a movie about Silk Road, you should first of all really inform yourself, reading books and watching documentaries about the topic, making tons of research; understanding how this single website changed society, which were the consequences when was shut down and what inspired afterwards. The movie is incomplete, and made by people that clearly did not know anything about it. If you really want to know the true story, please go to watch "Deep Web", as it really explain what happened.
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Happy & Sad
Ckn485 October 2021
It's fun to see movies like this & see that even if it's only short lived, we can have some freedom.

But everything gets corrupted and the DarkWeb needs to be swept for worse things than drugs, it's just a shame this time it was drugs.

Interesting story.

With legal weed, most of this would even be necessary.
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Interesting subject, but...
G_top20 February 2021
While the subject matter of this film is certainly intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. Rather than focusing on the main protagonist, the film spends an excessive amount of time on a peripheral character, the cop. As a result, the heart of the story is lost, and the film ultimately falls short.

It's disappointing that the filmmakers chose to take a half-fictionalized approach to this topic. The subject matter is weighty and deserves a more serious treatment, perhaps in the form of a documentary. By trying to combine elements of both fiction and non-fiction, the film ends up feeling disjointed and unsatisfying.

Overall, while there are certainly interesting moments in the film, it ultimately fails to do justice to its subject matter. A more focused, documentary-style approach may have been more appropriate for this particular story.
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Get anything you want ...
kosmasp6 July 2021
I wouldn't watch this to understand Bitcoin or the dark web or ... well anything online. Or get a deeper more nuanced understanding of police work these days (which apparently is better done from your desk ... it feels like that is what the movie suggests) ... but just watch it as tension filled movie with flawed characters in the center of it.

Really good actors at work here and they prove once again the often said and never wrong saying of "... paved with good intentions". It has its flaws and it has its bumps and you may have issues with the likeability of any of the characters ... but maybe you can overlook these things and just enjoy this.
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Story partly fulfilled yet uneventful
Khulka6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For people who followed the story in real time it should at least be uneventful and fairly shallow, there's not much inner feelings involved or even a proper character development takes place.

It's basic at it's core. While the part on the alleged hits were fairly straight forward it is poorly executed since there's no hard evidence he himself ordered it. So it could have been done a little differently for sure.

It's not great, but it gets the thing done so I'd say 6/10
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Hollywood cliche road
dale-5164927 February 2021
This took an interesting story and turned it into a made for TV movie, a cornucopia of Hollywood cliches. First , there is the aging copper, dissed by the younger guys for his lack of tech ability,, but all done in such a harsh, over the top way it's not believable . There are multiple scenes with the main cop's little girl , and she and the mom are all boo hoo about him not being around because he works long hours. If it was up to Hollywood writers every pediatric cardiac surgeon would work a 32 hour week and be able to bring his kid to work, and any late cases would just have to wait, cardiac tamponade be damned. They also imply middle class cops should pay 35 k per for pre school. There is the mixed race girl friend, the rich best friend, the rude hispanic boss and the Ivy educated sounding PI. One character is less believable than the next, and the story unfolds in a boring way.
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Over-dramatized, loosely based on true events.
FreeLand9010 May 2021
I wish they had stuck to the original story. The corrupted FBI agent was one narrative and the scammer was another. They just mixed everything up in an over-dramatized & cliched way. I have consumed so much of Ross's story to know this could have been done better.
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Before this film, I never knew about Silk Road
Top_Dawg_Critic20 February 2021
Based on true events, this film written and directed by Tiller Russell, was one heck of an interesting story. The movie itself was well directed, and the cinematography was on point, but it was missing that "wow factor. It felt more like a Lifetime movie/Documentary. The screenplay certainly had plot and technical issues, but I also feel the casting and performances were off. The characters didn't feel convincing, except for Alexandra Shipp. I'm sure part of that was failure from Russell to direct his cast properly, but I think the actual casting didn't fit the actual characters. They didn't feel dramatic or authentic enough, but instead forced. The 112 min runtime felt longer with the slow pacing and some long dragged out scenes. Nevertheless, an enjoyable and more so interesting watch.
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Aaron Sorkin and Ben Mezrich should have written the script
mattdarey27 February 2021
Not a bad movie at all. But movies like these need to be fast paced and strong script to keep us hooked.Jason Clarke's talent is so wasted in this movie. He is a great actor. Give him Sorkin and this movie would have killed it.
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Pretty solid
Flickerater20 February 2021
Does a good job of conveying the basic Silk Road story, with some reasonable fictionalization. Those who want to compare it to the book will find may reasons to complain, but on its own... the acting is very good; the casting, direction, and production are all good; and dialogue is fine. There are a few minor plot glitches.

7 overall; worthwhile especially if you have some interest in the subject.
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Politically correct and thus boring
wp023667 March 2021
Historically inaccurate, politically correct, police = good / cypherpunks & libertarians = bad, intellectual depth = 0.01, character depth = 0.1 Why can't Hollywood make interesting movies anymore that are confrontational, provocative (no, not in terms of brutality or gender norms!) or at least non-judgemental / patronizing?
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Not a documentary, an OK movie
Waldorf-197920 February 2021
Tiller Russell's first feature has some rough edges. It gets boring and has a lot of exposition and one too many filler shots. It shows he comes from documentaries and TV.

That being said, it's an entertaining movie with decent actors.

And of course they got many things wrong and left many things out. It's a relatively low budget movie not an investigative novel. But after watching it, quite a lot more people will search for the actual facts and what happened. This is a good thing.

I hope Russell learns from mistakes and evolves.
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Just OK
slider949921 October 2021
When I heard that they were making a movie from the book, I was jazzed. The movie was entertaining, but it did not convey how Silk Road was created nor did it go into detail on how it all went down. The book which was 100 times better than the movie. The Jason Clarke character was very poorly written and defined. He had a much more significant role. Why they chose to play it down is beyond me.
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Underwhelming and lifeless
Leungzy24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This rushed movie barely touches the surface on the Silk Road - Ross' story and how he set it up is told in less than 1 minute in the movie and goes into very little detail. There are no likeable characters in this movie and the dialogues between them just feels rushed and unnatural.

Ross' final scene lacked any drama and intensity - somehow the movie managed to make it feel underwhelming and lifeless. The story feels like it is only half told and rushed and overall it could have been told better to have made it more thrilling.

If you haven't read American Kingpin but you want to learn more about the story of the Silk Road, I highly recommend reading it.
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Good Crime Drama
polsixe19 November 2021
Rough DEA cop is re-assigned to Cyber Crime and uses his old fashioned techniques to find the guy behind the anonymous dark web site. The cop's side of the story has a nice arc and is a decent "how" story. Lots of commmenters giving low scores here complaining on how the young antagonist is portrayed and the dramatic license taken in telling the story. Good movie and deserves a prequel on Bowden and his San Juan exploits.
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beucamihai7 March 2021
Important storyteller, yet mismatching other documentaries/book(s) on the same subject. The casting and acting was about to superficial, yet helpful for a briefly understanding over the Ulbricht/DPR struggle as well as the justice obstruction that was/is usually made across federal/governmental intelligence/counterintelligence agencies.
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Unnecessarily loose with the facts
noawareness4 September 2021
This film is so loose with the facts and I'd completely understand if the real story was boring or lacking in any kind of drama or "plot" but just watch the 2015 documentary instead. It's much more riveting and suspenseful than this garbage. Why was this even made to be a "silk road" movie? This feels more like a movie, loosely inspired by the story. Poorly written, even more poorly acted. Avoid and watch Deep Web (2015) instead.
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