V-Wars (TV Series 2019) Poster


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Logic missing
bianca-423-520025 December 2019
Shows like See and this one have enough potential, but the writers seem to think that their audience is unquestioning. Why on earth would the most valuable scientist be sent out to hunt for the vampires with the police - I'm hoping something that ludicrous wouldn't happen in real life. There are a few illogical bits woven into the overall storyline, but it's not a bad watch. The vampires don't sparkle or read poetry which is a plus.
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I don't get alot of these reviews. It like we watched a different show.
daken-675446 December 2019
First I like the cast and the acting. As far as the story i like it. its a new take on the whole Vampire virus thing. Its graphic its gruesome and its worth some time.
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[5.5] A big mess
cjonesas8 March 2020
V-Wars started good, interesting with promise, but went downhill pretty fast.

  • The biggest problem of the show is lack of logic continuity in the script and flow of the episodes. You constantly have island storylines forcefully glued together.

  • The characters and their acting is mostly a mess with zero character development. Even, those who are acting good like Calix Niklos and the kid are dissolved in the acidity of the show.

  • Ian Somerhalder is Not believable as a scientist. Never was, never will be; Nor is he believable being a guy handling pistols and submachine guns, let alone bigger weaponry. His character's play is forced, shaky, not scientifically right and just wanting his son!

  • Connection and chemistry between characters are as strong as the ones between a shark and a seal.

  • Special effects, besides the slashed necks, are a total wreck. Vampires' faces and gaping mouths look like filters added by a mobile app; Just some teeth scenes are made good. The substance used as blood is as blood-like and near as paint mixed with syrup is.

  • The amount of money wasted on this show is forever gone and lost until a possible season 2 wastes another big load.

  • On a plus side, it is watchable in one day, if you have nothing else to do.

Throughout the episodes, I thought that it definitely deserves a season 2, but after seeing the final 5-10 minutes of the last episode, it became clear to me that it's better to let it be as it is and save whatever pride is left of the writers and producers.
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guyripley05 December 2019
So far reviews seem divided into the extreme "complete rubbish" and the "absolutely fantastic" categories. I can understand why. Although strangely addictive (and I really can't work out why) this derivative dross will probably warrant a second series. And I'll probably watch it.
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If you make it past episode 4 you've lost the remote...
mattogoesglobal5 December 2019
I made it through (almost) 4 episodes hoping the script would sharpen, the acting would improve, the settings would become interesting. Wooden, hackneyed, waste of time. If they'd had the courage to make this a spoof of every bad vampire movie, it would have been hilarious. Unfortunately, it's all played with a serious face and even some of the actors seem bored or happy with their first "big" break on screen.Meh.
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Ignore the awful reviews...
besc-980116 December 2019
I've seen better, but i've seen ahell of a lot worse. You get to know the characters quite quickly, also feel a certain empathy towards them. The acting isn't terrible, and the script is fine. Think the bad reviewers maybe have a vested interest in slating this for some strange reason
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Good for practicing throwing items at your TV.
Otte16 December 2019
I tried, but too many times normal standard protocols from 20 years ago are not followed.

1. Law enforcement heading to a known shootout and none of them have vests on. My local town cop wears his vest off-duty at a Pizza Hut.

2. Multi-million dollar technology, equipment and surveillance yet after finding someone via satellite from across the country somehow there are no cameras in main building, no doors locked in classified room/building and only one guard watching. I can't even get into the supply closet at work, yet here we walk/sneak in and out of militarily-controlled facilities.

3. Main actor never seems convincing, especially as a brain surgeon(remember Denise Richards as nuclear physicist in the Bond movie?).

4. Coincidences galore. Somehow in middle of forests, random alleys, or strange towns someone will pop up to save the day. That's okay a couple of times, it happens about three or more times per episode. There is zero tension.

5. Lights....very little of it. Houses, buildings, alleys....have little or no lights. People constantly walking into rooms and not turning on the lights. Regardless of stupidity, no one especially with events happening, would wander around a room in the dark. Even the military faciltity had what appeared to be 20-watt bulbs.

6. The subplots are numerous, boring and do not add to story. Definitely overuse of manufactured drama.
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Innovative Vampire Virus Concept
chema-650318 December 2019
As a Virologist, I have always found the concept for the cause of vampirism been a virus to be quite innovative & not outside the realms of possibility.

With that in mind, I found V Wars quite interesting. The polar regions are vastly unexplored territories so we don't know what lies breath them. So, the beginning of Episode 1, where the Prion existence for causing a virus infecting people with a disease that turns them into vampires is a great way to start a plot, that can offer many different angles for which the story can go.

While the plot turns out to not be as strong as I first envisioned after Episode 1, the ensuing episodes do makes an interesting story of humans ingenuity to combat the virus in every shape or from.

I found V Wars very entertaining. The characters could have been individually explored in greater detail, so as not to become mere caricatures of the actual plot. But the story is enjoyable enough to provide solid entertainment. The episodes do flow well with interesting stories.

I hope there is a season 2 so that the plot & story can be further developed.
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I say give it a season 2 see what happens
JustBe33313 December 2019
So I read the reviews for this show halfway through watching it... Just finished the season... OK first off I think some people on here are being way way way harsh... Doesn't mean some of them aren't making valid points I won't spoil anything and I'll just say my piece. Yeah the acting is pretty bad sometimes but you know what I don't blame that on the actors I blame it on the writers because they didn't write it right. Or the director because he didn't make the actors stick to the script... Either way the acting is kind of a mess. There is some good gore throughout the season, would have liked to see a little more or a little more intimate gorefest with the vampires. Need ideas for how this shit works it kind of reminds me of Z nation or helix or something like that... But the first season of those two shows somehow just captivated me... This one I wasn't captivated but I wanted to know what happened next and I forgive bad acting because sometimes bad acting is just what the doctor ordered... And I'm not saying the acting is terrible it's OK for what they are being given to work with... Not great or special but not unforgivable. The special-effects are fairly cool, pretty sparing but that's usually the fair for most shows like it they only have so much of a special effects budget so again I let it slide the effects look pretty cool. I say give them a season two and really put the riders to the test tell them the writing needs to be amped up and make more sense and feel more impactful... It's not a smash hit from the get go but I think it could have potential I like the idea of what's going on between vampires and people... It's a terrible analogy but kind of reminds me of somewhere between Z nation and true blood... I don't know how but those of the two that come to mind... Give it a chance expect nothing and I think you'll agree it's OK it's not terrible... Somethings are pretty bad but, I say give 'em a shot
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This is terrible.
pjdickinson-2782215 December 2019
The writing on this is unbelievably lame. A few episodes in one of the vampires says something to the effect of "we call ourselves Bloods". That is the first time this is mentioned and in the very next scene a character who is not a Blood and was not party to the conversation I mentioned because it was between Bloods suddenly starts talking about going after Bloods. An episode or two later one Blood is talking to their leader and starts talking about how she "used to bring her father cow's blood". It was a couple of days ago, lady. The entire story after quarantine at that point covers a few days and you are speaking of it as if it took place decades ago. The women in this show are just weird and after 6 episodes only two of them have any character not associated with insanity or suggestiveness at all. Everybody has extraordinarily cliched lines and even the jump scares can be seen coming from a mile off. If the Michael Haynes character had been better written the actor playing him could, I am sure, have delivered a very interesting character. He, the actor, is very good but the material he's been given is laughable. What a waste of potential. Awful, awful, awful.
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Feel sad there won't be a second season
jackie50776 September 2021
I really liked this! I like the cast and the virus story and was surprised and disappointed to hear there won't be a next season.
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Let's see how it goes.....
urbanspider5 December 2019
Ok, so the acting's a bit cheesy and the storyline is somewhat predictable but the effects and gore ain't too bad. Worth watching a few to see how it pans out.
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Painful to watch
RomanEich5 December 2019
First twenty minutes were okay but after that it turns into a cringefest, that is truly painful to watch. The acting is average at best, the dialogues are dreadful and the development of the story in the pilot gets worse minute by minute.

Don't waste your time watching this.

I really wanted this to be good, but Netflix doesn't seem to be interested in quality anymore. What happened to the good old days when almost every Netflix release was also a bit quality wise?
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Enjoyable, if you let it be.
alexabdallah8 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Being a medical student, I did enjoy the science backed into the plot. I felt that involving prions (the cause of mad cow disease) fit in well with the fictional disease portrayed in the series. The action was entertaining, but the special effects could have used some work (some of the "vampire faces" were not very believable to me, at least for the standards set in 2019). I thought that Ian Somerhalder actually did a great job leading the show; I also think that if it wasn't for him, the show would be a lot worse than it is. The acting was generally okay, with some great moments and also some complete lol moments. The plot itself kept me addicted, but there were some "wtf?" moments that I think should have had a bit more of an explanation (example: when Dr. Luther just ever so easily sneaks into a high security blood concentration camp to save his son). All in all, I think this series definitely deserves a second season, especially with the cliffhanger at the end of season 1 where Dr. Luther Swann (Ian Somerhalder) supposedly becomes a total baddass.
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jordanblog8 December 2019
Netflix. Stop funding trash. Production value is good. Acting isn't the worst. Concept isn't groundbreaking, but doesn't suck. The writing is atrocious. The dialogue is mediocre at best and cringeworthy at worst. This is a hard no.
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It's not that bad
agriffith-914378 December 2019
For Ian Sumerhalder to have produced and acted it this, it really isn't that bad. If you keep up with werewolf/vamp shows/movies then you'll see plenty of familiar faces. Over all season 1 gets a 7 out of 10 for me. I hope to see a season 2, but let's step up the game.
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From bad to dam right ridiculous
Trevorloud5 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is my second review. This has now gone from bad to ridiculous I already said about the lack of police/Dnc. It's like the writers forgot there own script. They start to gather all the bloods (vampires). Some are in chains and head masks, mixed in with anybody they suspect, all in one camp roaming with each other. But when patient zero turned he was able to break through hand cuffs and even broke a sink basin. So how are chains working now. Also why is so easy to kill them, with all that super strength they are quite easy to kill. And the people who are not bloods just accept that bloods are here in a very blasé way. But what I can't understand is why isn't there a complete shutdown of the United States, you would think they didn't want it spreading around the globe. This show has so many holes it truly unbelievable and frustrating.
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elizabethroberts-574296 December 2019
I have been waiting for this show for months and it definitely lived up, though the show is an acquired taste. As good as I thought the show was, it's not for everyone. But the story is well explained and makes sense, and overall the show is very entertaining! If you're looking for a weekend binge and like dystopian and the supernatural, try it out!
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I really liked it.
dollcat9 December 2019
I truly enjoyed this show - so much so that I could hardly do anything else over the weekend. I kept having to watch another episode. There were plots and twists that I never saw coming.

I also enjoyed the acting. The only off-note for me were the police chiefs, but maybe it;s a Canadian thing. They seemed like they were from another era. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the show and was glued to the screen. I thought Ian Somerhalder did a great job of playing a mild-mannered research doctor. The end was a bit of a shock. I was definitely not expecting what happened. But ... that was just another one of the twists of the show. Personally, I liked that the show kept surprising me.

I would definitely like to see a season 2.
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Low budget, terrible characters
Seminole4258 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show tries to be good but fails. Military was deployed which consists of a General and a single green painted truck. They could have at least cgi'ed some helicopters or something. The General behaves in a manner in which no real General ever would. Everyone also seems to be an idiot. A quarantine is the first step to containing an outbreak. It hasnt been brought up once by anyone. Theyre just letting it spread and hoping it gets better by raiding a single house at a time with a team of less than 10 agents. The main character, the Dr., is so boring. I dont know if its the actor that is bad or this is how he is supposed to be But i hate looking at him. I wont watch another season.
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I love this, you either like it or dislike it
andrewtst5 December 2019
For me, it is a great vampire show. this show is either you like it or dislike it.
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Not bad
mdnellundy-208799 December 2019
It became more entertaining as the season continued.
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Dreadful rubbish
gavinphillipgordon8 December 2019
Beyond laughable. Take any vampire genre TV series, sack the scriptwriter, the casting director and remove any direction whatsoever and this is what you get. Perfect filler for Netflix.
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Individuality with similar old screenplay and not equal to TVD
vpashokkumar7 December 2019
This will be disappointing for The vampire diaries/ the original vampires fans. The story started with some promising but at the end the whole season is like carbon copy of old vampires and predictable story lines. The taste of vampire story is missing at this point and more over targeting the government system instead of promising story. Can't watch twice. The performance of the characters are not good and everyone on their own like a scrap market.
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Sucks, in all the wrong ways
RogerBorg5 January 2020
Within the first two minutes, we're tortured with a "scientist" pronouncing thylacine as thy-lo-kin-e, and then dribbling on about the climate catastrophe melting glaciers which NO DOUBT will release prehistoric mico-viro-bacteroids - at this point, I'd stopped listening closely.

Then it went downhill, rapidly. Comically bad production values, an acting cast who failed the auditions for anything and everything better, and a script which seems like a rejected rough draft they found dumpster diving behind the SyFy channel HQ-trailer.

You've seen it all before, done much better. There is nothing original or enjoyable here. Why Netflix threw money at this is just baffling - nobody is going to renew a subscription to watch this sort of contemptuous quota filler.
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