Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016) Poster

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Mediocre cinema, with a frustrating perspective on autism
smashtheelder26 September 2016
Just some disclosure: I have mild autism, the part of the spectrum formerly known as Asperger's Syndrome. Personally, I don't think it's useful to consider Asperger's as autism. There is a world of difference between the wordless, gurgling, infantile severely autistic and the kooky weirdo Asperger's people. This kind of inclusive diagnosis throws off statistics, and when people like those in this documentary say that 1 in 250 children are diagnosed with autism, and present this as a horrible thing, I take it as an insult; I know that they are thinking of the severely autistic, who are difficult and a little frightening, but I get the sense that they don't see a difference between that and people like myself.

Anyway, the documentary itself: it is not an all-out anti-vaccine screed. It specifically targets the triple strand MMR vaccine. More to the point, it argues that the particular vaccine as currently produced has major problems that those higher up refuse to do anything about. The film sums up its agenda at the end, and since it asks the viewer to have their children receive the single strand vaccines instead, it is clearly not saying to never vaccinate your children. The problem, of course, is that this nuanced view is not what most people, particularly its primary audience of those who already refuse to vaccinate, will take from it. The film doesn't help its case here, since the parents it presents hold this general anti-vaccine view, and it shows a couple of PSAs that warn against vaccines overall, rather than targeting the suspect MMR.

Andrew Wakefield is the director, and he also presents himself as one of the main interview subjects. He does an excellent job of selling himself: not knowing beforehand, I thought he was the most sensible subject in the film and thought the director would have done well to focus more on him. Well, he's clearly a scientist/activist, not a cinema man. If he is sincere in his intentions, he could have done a lot to improve his film.

For instance, he spends at least a third of the film on "heartbreaking" stories from parents of autistic children. This is mainly communicated through the parents telling the camera about how difficult it was. I don't have enough space to discuss the film's perspective on autism at length, but suffice to say that I don't feel it made a convincing case that it is something to worry about. The black boy who accidentally got a double dose of the MMR vaccine was a prime candidate to demonstrate how horrible autism is. His facial expression looks mentally disabled and spends all of his screen time watching Blues Clues on a laptop. However, the film gives greater prominence to a white boy who is only mildly autistic. This boy was undoubtedly difficult to raise, but, judging by what we are shown of him, he could easily get a decent job and live a good life if someone taught him social skills. I found it offensive that the film equated this level of autism with honestly severe cases and it undermined the film's presentation. And here's a thought: why doesn't the film show the effects of measles, mumps or rubella? If autism is so much worse, it couldn't hurt to show it, and it gives parents a better chance of making an informed decision about what is best for their children.

Vaxxed rubbed me the wrong way when addressing autism head-on, but that is not the whole film. At heart, this is a conspiracy story in the mould of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. Whether or not you agree with its conclusions, Moore's film was entertaining and excellent cinema. The same cannot be said of Vaxxed. That's inevitable, since the implications of its conspiracy aren't as drastic (what's scarier, your child getting autism or being sent overseas to die for a meaningless, profit-driven war?) but there is still much room for improvement in the presentation. The driving narrative device of the film is the surreptitiously recorded confessions of Dr. William Thompson, but the film is neither dynamic enough to turn his whistleblowing into a compelling conspiracy narrative, nor is it neutral enough to be intellectually convincing. It's possible Wakefield watered down his original vision to make the film commercial: perhaps he added the emotional arguments because he heard that's what convinces people, and just isn't talented enough a director to simplify scientific issues without becoming dumbed down.

As is probably evident, I don't have strong opinions on the vaccine debate, though I feel that they could come up with a better argument against than autism. It's not really necessary to see the film if you can get an objective summary of its contentions. Namely, the MMR vaccine may cause autism, this being less likely if given later; there aren't strict enough regulations for vaccines relative to other pharmaceutical products; and there is corruption in the CDC, an example being their attempted cover-up of the alleged link between the MMR vaccine and autism. I have tried to judge this film as a self-contained work, since I lack the knowledge and interest required to address the factuality of its content.

In short, I disagree with its presentation of the problematic nature of autism and, as cinema, it is about average. Hardly worthy of the controversy it stirred up. 5 out of 10.
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This is Designed to Trick You (Review)
rlstringer-8198517 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Is a pseudoscience documentary film alleging a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

According to Variety, the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine"; this is a anti-vaccine propaganda film

The film was directed by discredited anti-vaccine activist Andrew Wakefield, who was struck off the medical register in the United Kingdom in 2010 due to ethical violations related to his fraudulent research into the role of vaccines in autism.

It was scheduled to premiere at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival but was withdrawn by the festival. In reviewing the film, Indiewire said that "Wakefield doesn't just have a dog in this fight; he is the dog"

According to Variety, the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine."

The film features the so-called "CDC whistleblower" narrative that is based on anti-vaccination activist and associate professor Brian Hooker's paper describing claims by senior CDC scientist William Thompson that he and his co-authors had omitted mention of a correlation they found between vaccination and autism in African-American boys in a CDC study.

However a 2011 IOM report showed that evidence favors rejection of a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The film contains edited excerpts of several phone calls between Hooker and Thompson recorded without Thompson's knowledge.

Hooker's 2014 paper on the narrative was subsequently retracted due to "serious concerns about the validity of its conclusions" and in 2015 the CDC had confirmed that any such initial correlation had ceased to exist once they performed a more in-depth analysis of the children in the study.

These sometimes spliced-together unauthorized phone recordings of Thompson, according to the Houston Press, form the "crux of the entire movie ... And ... that's it". On the "CDC whistleblower" narrative, Philip LaRussa, a professor of paediatric medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, said the film-makers "were saying, there's this silver bullet here, and the CDC is hiding it, and no one else has looked at this issue, which is not the case". Thompson does not appear in the film and did not see it before it was released.

Thompson had released a statement on the controversy in 2014 which the New York Times discussed in its coverage of Vaxxed; the Times described it as "saying that while he questioned the 2004 study's presentation of some data, he would never advise people not to get vaccinated."
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A known fraud is trying to scare parents and clear his name
arsic_sasha23 August 2016
Bunch of pseudo scientific fear mongering based on an thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory. The author of this film is a known fraud who lost his medical license, this is his pitiful attempt to clear his name. He is also counting on parents seeing this movie and being afraid for the health of their children. I want to give explanations and proofs for those not familiar with this story. Andrew Wakefield is a guy who falsified his research to show that the MMR vaccine is causing autism. He was payed handsomely by lawyers suing the government on that case and so he published a report in 1998 to give them scientific base. It backfired, everyone reacted, scientists tested his research and tried to reproduce his results. It was proved deliberately falsified so he lost his license. The Dr.Thompson story is covered on the "scienceblogs" site, here in short: there was no cover-up, Hooker did a very bad study that was later retracted and the story of this movie is proved false.
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sdealz8192223 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm guessing the high reviews are from anti-vax people who are huge supporters of denying science in the face of evidence (citing a vaccine court that does not prove fault, only correlation, and has a low payout compared to the size of the industry to date) that vaccines are safe. Unfortunately, holding this illogical position and not being open to hearing anything else from the rest of the world only deprives the world of health, in an America where the court has used a legal description that vaccines are "unavoidable unsafe", and anti-vaxxers pretend to know what this legal terminology means (it does NOT mean that vaccines are unsafe, and you can't avoid this). There is also a rising awareness of autism in this country - which comes with an overdue awareness of the fantastic and unique humans who make up its citizens. I'm wondering when people are going to stop blindly quoting natural news for long enough to pursue literally any other factual website answer. This movie was emotionally driven. It did not make its (not it's) case. Not only were the stories emotionally compelling, but it also included some common misconceptions and blatant lies that I've heard circling for years on this issue. No matter how much one blabbers on about a lie (that we should all not vaccinate), it continues to be a lie. This movie was not well done. It really, really did not make a case. Now it's up to the general public to recognize how little they walked away from the theatre understanding. For one, if there was really some irrefutable fact from a "whistleblower" in the CDC, why in the world didn't they include that recording? Oh wait, because not everything was recorded. Oh but the transcripts of the calls exist - oh, not there either. Well why did they splice his words? Oh right - they needed dem dollahs to continue pushing a fear-based, manipulative misconception.
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This movie is ridiculous
kinkemam6 May 2016
It is an outright lie that there is any link to autism and vaccines. To say otherwise is downright disrespectful to those with autism and only serves to ruin the progress made by vaccinations preventing horrible diseases in modern times. The "doctor" that has published the results of a link to autism is a fraud, a crook, and a terrible human being. He would be the laughing stock of the scientific world if his writings were not so incredibly dangerous. The claims that this movie makes about any cover up are also false, along with the notion that vaccines have not been tested. Vaccines for children are quite literally the most tested chemicals on the face of the earth with an astounding amount of evidence indicating very, very few complications while preventing some of the most vile and deadly diseases.
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Please Watch!
sermilox-233637 August 2021
Everyone must watch this documentary and make their own decision!
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If you think your doctor has been poisoning you, this is your movie
Mikey300014 September 2016
The premise is that people at the CDC, and ostensibly, the pharmaceutical companies and all doctors who administer vaccines, are all in on a giant conspiracy to kill you. But not just you. Since pharmaceutical company executives and their families, and doctors and their families, and politicians and their families, and the CDC and all its employees and their families, all get vaccines, apparently the conspiracy is one of mass-murder suicide. So, yeah. If that makes sense, enjoy, this one's for you.

If however, you think "teaching the controversy" is bunk, and that it just might be the case that not all stories have two equal sides, and that everyone is not, in fact, out to kill everyone, then congratulations, you've earned the right to propagate and you should spread your genes so that those who believe the first paragraph above become extinct.
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Check the first 25 "reviews" of this movie on IMDb
tkeene-4084126 April 2016
Of the first 25(all one star) 23, yes 23 were made the day it went on IMDb and haven't posted a review before or since. I think that says all that needs to be known about the credibility and importance of this film.Honestly I see shills on the internet all the time, but I am stunned after the hatchet job the media did on this film, they still kept their foot on its proverbial throat.

FYI: the 2,4 and 6 month vaccines babies receive are totally useless, and are known to have no benefit to the children but are only to "train" parents to bring their children in for well visits. Which on its face is an absurd concept, you only go to a doctor when you are sick.
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Vaxxed From Cover-Up to Catastrophe: The film they didn't want you to see? No, the film that shouldn't have been made
Platypuschow7 August 2017
Documentaries are notoriously bias, often have agendas and are best watched with a comparable documentary from the opposite side of the argument. Some documentaries though are just plain ludicrous in their subject matter and this is one of them.

Promoting a message like this is legitimately dangerous and simply should not have been allowed. The message is as rational and as educated as advising people that prayer is a better choice for ailments than actual medical care. There are people out there who will believe this nonsense and their children will suffer and by suffer I mean very likely die! I often question why people cling to conspiracy theories. My belief is a combination of paranoia and a desperate need for life to be that little bit more exciting than it actually is.

Vaccines have saved countless lives, eradicated ailments and do not have any connection at all to autism.

The earth isn't 6000yrs old, the LGBT community have no "Gay agenda", chemtrails aren't a thing, the planet isn't flat, Area 51 contains no alien spacecraft and evolution is proved. Pull your collective heads out of your collective rears and don't put your children at risk over this ridiculous hysteria.
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Important film, the first of many
Terry-248 April 2016
From the 1970s to today, parents have been reporting damage to their children after vaccinations. Given the sheer numbers, the videotaped evidence, the corroboration of pediatricians, the Vaccine Injury Court payouts, it's not even a question any more that kids have been harmed, and will continue to be harmed.

The point that the film makes --

What we need to know NOW is how often, and how many kids are harmed, and in what manner. Vaccines work, to some extent, and vaccines harm, to some extent. So it's time for a double blind study between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, that includes the entire range of vaccines. Incredibly, this has never been done.

What parents need to know are the rate and severity of all side effects, vs the rate and severity of possible diseases. Then an informed decision can be made.

Having no answer to that question is not acceptable.

Naysayers to this film have an almost religious faith in vaccines, and ignore the data points of harmed kids, and even the key data point of the documentary: a top scientist says they not only forged data, the data shows a connection between the vaccine and autism. The more scientific approach would be to include these key data points in building an overall perspective on the issue.

Don't rely on religion. Rely on science and logic.

Naysayers also seem to get caught up in what they've read or been told or read regarding Dr. Wakefield. For example, they will say he authored a study that claimed a link between MMR and Autism. They can't even get that right (but it's understandable, if you get your information solely from wikipedia.) The actual study -- yes you can read it -- states the opposite, that no link was proved. (Surprise!) (One should also note that the study was designed by 14 scientist, not one scientist with an agenda, and also that the data was not faked or forged, only the process was criticized.)

It's bizarre that mis-reported criticisms from a case series from twenty years ago should have any relevance to a current documentary on a CDC whistleblower, but that's what people do.

The documentary is eye-opening, hard to watch at times, shocking, and makes no scientific claims that haven't been vetted as true.

The beauty of the documentary is that it represents a turning point -- there will be many more to come, as concerned parents demand answers, real studies, and ultimately (in the very long run) individualized vaccines that can be given with confidence, rather than the current system of roulette, some percentage of children will be irrevocably harmed, but that's all right, because there will be too few to matter.

It's not too few to matter if it's your child.
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This is a fictional presentation
web-8791029 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Ignore all the reviews that give this ten out of ten. They believe this film to be a non fiction exposure of the CDC. It isn't, and they don't know the difference - and that's as dangerous as a child who can't tell the difference between real life and World of Warcraft.

It has been established that William Thompson was misrepresented by Brian Hooker, and I understand Thompson had spoken to lawyers about a defamation lawsuit. Thompson may well be talking to his lawyers again after this pack of lies was shown at that show that subbed for Tribeca. Wakefield is simply riding Hooker's coat tails with this bunked fictional film that can hardly be described as a documentary. Vaccines of any description (let alone the MMR) do NOT cause Autism. Autism predates the first vaccine and has existed for a lot longer than any anti vaccine proponent is prepared to admit, even probably as far back as ancient Greece. It is genetic in origin.

Everything about this picture is a lie, or based in a lie. Anyone who believes this to be true is being misled and badly. There is a mountain of proof that Wakefield and Hooker are not telling the truth and should not be listened to.

Do not watch this film if you want the truth. It doesn't tell it - at all. I believe it defames William Thompson and the CDC and should be burned as a threat to the health and safety of children who should be vaccinated.
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The horrid Reactions to These Vaccines is Not One Big "coincidence" !!!
acousticality20 April 2016
Vaccination is a medical treatment administered to an otherwise healthy individual. Virtually all other invasive medical interventions occur only once someone has fallen ill. Vaccination, like most medical treatments, can involve some risk. And therefore it should be undertaken only after careful consideration of its risks versus its benefits.

The dangers of vaccines are real, can be substantial and life-long, and for some, life ending. Additionally vaccines:

* have not been subject to toxicity studies for many of the ingredients such as aluminum and mercury, which are known neurotoxins

* have not been studied for adverse effects in the combinations in which they're given (multiple shots in a single day for infants and children)

* cannot be guaranteed to provide the benefit of immunity for which they are given

* are used to "prevent" benign childhood diseases, diseases which actually "teach" the immune system how to work properly

Vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe" and contain "unavoidable" viruses, phages (viruses that infect bacteria), and contaminants. No other drug or medical product is similarly manufactured – if contaminants are found in them, the product is recalled. The FDA even recalls food when contaminants are found.

Some of the viruses contaminating vaccines have a known effect, as in the case of the simian virus SV-40 that causes cancer (see Cross-Species Contamination below). Other effects are unknown. In 1975 Gena Bari Kolata wrote an article in the journal Science in which scientists at the FDA admit that all live virus vaccines are "grossly contaminated with phages," even though it was against FDA regulations at that time.

Rather than recall the vaccines, the FDA changed the rules so that a recall wouldn't cause undue concern for parents. In 1987 the FDA decided this about vaccines: "seed virus used in manufacture shall be demonstrated to be free of extraneous microbial agents except for unavoidable bacteriophage."Bovine (cow) serum is a frequently used vaccine growth medium and the most frequently contaminated animal serums with bacteriophage.

Vaccines have many other agents as well as the viruses and contaminants that can cause significant injury (see the full list below) to a child or adult. These injuries include brain swelling and permanent brain injury, seizures and convulsions, blood disorders, and even death. Since 1988 over 3 billion dollars in compensation has been paid by the federal government to vaccine victims. And yes, they have paid for autism.

Studies have definitively shown that vaccines can result in autism, a disease that has increased from 1 in 10,000 in 1990, to 1 in 150 in 2000, to the current rate of 1 in 68 children. According to the CDC, the most recent numbers breakdown to 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls diagnosed with autism.

Enough is enough! Support this film.

Society is finally waking up! People no longer believe the lies from these corporations, the media and the govt., all in collusion to suppress the truth about the dangers of vaccines.
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Dont vaccinate, just take a gamble with your child life
chrisloveskitten12 March 2020
Let's bring back polio and allow measles etc to become epidemic again. When people start dropping from this pandemic watch the anti vaxxers change their tune. I dare anyone who gets bitten by an animal with rabies not to vaccinate- you will die a slow horrible death with only one chance to live- vaccinate.
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This is actually criminal activity from Netflix
valipod6 August 2020
Spreading this kind if s#!~ is literally criminal, and surely hundreds of people will die as a direct consequence of them believing what they see on TV.
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Lacks scientific evidence and experts in the field.
montana-2501231 January 2020
Autism first of all is not a disease. There is zero feedback from an autistic person which is quite sad .Here you have doctor Wakefield who is not an expert on vaccines..He is a gastroenterologist, his work has been discredited.. He even admits in the movie he is not an expert and cannot sufficient evidence to back up his claims which have been discredited. He's lost his license and for good reason. As for the other experts you have grieving parents that are emotional and need to understand that autism is genetic disorder but it's hard to see the truth when you're busy living in the problem. Then just for they throw in a supposed behavioural expert who makes claims like well in my time it wasn't as common. Even though she cannot diagnose anyone with autism and it's lacking evidence once again on her claims.

Perhaps there is less diagnosis in the past because the discovery, proper diagnosis has changed since 20-30 years ago?

If you want to listen to anodoctol stories this movie is for you.. If you want facts I suggest to look elsewhere.
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Corruption at the CDC is the order of the day!
christinehbot2 April 2016
I thought this movie was going to be about bashing vaccines, but it wasn't.

It was a well researched documentary on the fraud that was committed by the CDC regarding safety studies on vaccines for children in America. A lot of information comes to light- Vaccines are not properly tested, the people who oversee the system are the ones making money from the product, the Pharmaceutical companies basically own mainstream media, also that there are some good people in this world who will stand up for children!!!! Bravo to everyone involved, from the producer to the director to all the families. I hope every person in America takes time to see this film. Just like cigarettes were pushed for years for being safe... so too are vaccines. And only a matter of time before the truth is accepted.
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All Wrong
ogrejob26 January 2020
If any of this"documentary" was true, everyone would be autistic.
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A must see for everyone!
lpianos3 April 2016
As a mom of a vaccine injured child, I have waited a long time for their to be some truth about vaccines and how unsafe they are to reach mainstream media. As a mom who has been on an autism journey for a while I did know some of the facts talked about in the movie but also learned a few new things. I had read the book "vaccine whistle blower" which this movie is based on but was very impressed by the way the director and producer presented the information. They took you to the brink of tears and then added humor. I think this movie was very well made and will touch thousands of lives. It has already deeply moved me and all the people who have seen it thus far.
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What a complete and utter...
ryukfan19 April 2016
If you take a stroll through the countless reviews written by the pro-Wakefield conspiracy theorists, you can see full well the extent of the cognitive dissonance.

This completely, and unashamedly biased documentary attempts to appeal to reason to restore the wrong-doing by Andrew Wakefield RE: the MMR report doctoring. However, he's gone ahead and laid blame to everything he possibly can by gating all possible interviewees to those that would align with the anti-Government/ anti- Pharmaceutical, anti-Epidemiological and immunological communities all in one helpful little documentary.

After the hullabaloo that started with DeNiro rescinding the viewing on Tribeca, the anti-vaccine community quickly took the Internet by storm in a whirlwind of scorned fury; how could a person possibly be the parent of an Autistic child and then remove a documentary that will obviously shine a light on the conspiracy known as "Big Pharma" and their perpetuation of Autism from vaccines (there is unequivocal scientific evidence from multiple journals citing no link, which of course is just a cover-up and we're all conformist sheep).

To summarize, this documentary is a complete and utter load of b-----ks. Don't throw your money at this completely doctored anti- science documentary. Willful ignorance is nothing to be proud of.
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Never more evident than right now in the midst of a Plandemic.
albatrosscott16 April 2021
As humans we all have a natural and amazing immune system we are born with. We do not need manufactured toxins and harmful organisms injected into our healthy bodies. This is something the Big Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex has brainwashed you into believing you need. We need none of it. Do not believe the lies. You must use critical thought. The Sheeple have come up with yet another label for free thinkers. They are labelling us "anti vaxxers" when in fact they are actually "anti science". When in doubt follow the money and power. Currently in 2021 "they" are attempting to genocide the majority of the people via the (alleged) vaccine. This medical experiment does not legally qualify as a vaccine thats why they are calling it "The Jab". It will change your DNA and kill or maim you right away or in the not so distant future. Watch and see for yourself.
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Well, that was an exercise in science-illiteracy
steengoddik19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I had expected the worst, and it was worse than that. I already knew that it was directed by a physician, losing his license due to fraud, so I suspected an agenda. But this wasn't agenda, it was propaganda. Paranoid, fear-mongering propaganda, with any original fact or data twisted to fit a narrative of the fraudulent claim. No balance, no science, only paranoia and conspiracies. Nothing had meaningful documentation, nothing had independent evidence, nothing was peer-reviewed. It was essentially a "because I say so" postulation from somebody already caught in lying for financial gains, to the extend that the work he did was already withdrawn from a Scientific Journal (and that takes quite a bit), and whose co-authors have disavowed the research and conclusion. You are much better off looking up the real story, exposed by the British Journalist, Brian Deer. Look at his exposure of Wakefield's lies and fraud, and will tell you a lot more about reality, than this fiction.
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Go watch this and make your own mind up!
karenaenlle18 April 2016
This is the movie they do not want you to see. Do you really need more incentive? I saw it yesterday and I would suggest you see it soon if you are about to have children or if you have kids. Corruption in big corporations and the government that has been bought by them does not surprise anyone. But if you think they stop at little babies, well maybe you need to see this movie to make your own mind up. It is well made and it carries you through very much capturing your attention. It can get emotional because there are accounts of real people with real cases. Overall it is a documentary about a cover-up, not about antivaxxers, but about a group of people that have unearthed this huge fraud. And this stuff is so radioactive no news outlet wants to touch it. That is why it was pulled from the TriBeCa Film Festival.The stressing point

is on getting safer vaccines and fixing the regulatory process that is totally corrupt. It the typical case where the fox is guarding the hen house.
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Takes honest reliable truths and distorts to fit its narrative.
hungmosquito19 April 2016
I was intrigued by this film as lets be honest it has had a lot of publicity, not a lot of it positive. After viewing the film I had a long and serious discussion with several friends and I did a good bit of research. people had given me links to web pages and groups..healthyliving pages, you know the type. What annoyed me was those pages proclaiming truth, honesty and honest info were as honest as this garbage film.

The film lies, not small lies, those lies that are done to prey on our irrational fears for our kids..if you are considering going to see this movie then at least be forewarned and get "real info" not from pseudo health practitioners. This film should be made to pay a fine for every piece of fear mongering it throws out at it's viewers.
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Amazing -- In Its Stupidity
Texshan18 April 2016
This "film" is full of lies, misinformation, cherry-picked sources, and a lack of even the most rudimentary scientific knowledge. It was made by a man who lost his license to practice medicine due to fraud and his own lack of integrity. This is a mockumentary -- it flies in the face of everything we KNOW about medicine. It's a disgrace. The people behind this thing and the people who support it want a return to the good old days -- when children weren't vaccinated and people had a dozen children in the hope that at least a couple of them might make it to adulthood. They invent fictitious "vaccine injuries," deny germ theory, don't understand science, and dose themselves with the contents of their spice cabinets and pantries rather than go to an actual doctor. They are responsible for the return of diseases we had nearly eradicated. They are disgusting, and so is this waste of film.
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If you don't check facts and want a bad documentary, go see it
ril-3064418 April 2016
Saw it. The few people in the audience were clearly Wakefield fans.

As a film, it's tiresome.

As a documentary, it's just not. I've followed Andrew Wakefield closely for over 10 years. I've followed his telling of the William Thompson story since it broke.

Wakefield takes great liberties with the facts. In case that's not clear--he lies. He cuts and splices conversations out of context to tell the story he wants it to be, not what actually happened.

The main subject of the film is Andrew Wakefield--the redemption of Andrew Wakefield. The claimed subject is William Thompson, who appears from sound clips that are edited, spliced and taken out of context. Wakefield makes Thompson into his personal CDC Sock Puppet.

Wakefield tells us that one scientific decision by the CDC means that vaccines cause autism and the CDC are lying to the world. And, get this, apparently the CDC have some secret hit squad for dissidents. No, I'm not making this up. Wakefield tells us that he had to betray William Thompson (making his identity public) because if they didn't, we'd be "dredging the river for his body".

Wakefield tells us that we need to separate the MMR vaccine into three parts. Same story he's been telling us for 20 years, and same lack of evidence. There's been a ton of studies on the MMR and autism (money wasted because of the Wakefield scare) showing it doesn't cause autism. But because the CDC (remember, they are evil, they have hit squads) can't be trusted. Apparently neither can about a dozen other research groups around the world, because much if not most of the research on MMR is by non CDC teams. Wakefield doesn't discuss that at all.

Since it's Wakefield, we see parents in pain. This is to convince us through emotion that vaccines cause autism. But step back and recall that these parents believe because Wakefield and others have been lying for over 20 years. Look at the pain and you see one of Wakefield's greatest crimes.

While many decry the harm Wakefield has caused to public health (measles in endemic in the UK after having been eliminated, and it's very possible it will come back here in the US), it's the harm to the autism community that is where he's done the most damage. But that fact is usually forgotten in Wakefield discussions. Wakefield would like people to think that autism parents are all behind him, but it's really not that many of us.

As far as the one result from one small study that makes up the entire controversy here--it's meaningless. Wakefield claims that there's a link between the MMR and autism. Not only was the "result" he focuses on minor back in the day, many studies since then show that there's no link between the MMR and autism. Watch the film with the mostly white cast and ask yourself, "was it clear that this result was supposedly only about African American boys?" Even this study--even his buddy Brian Hooker's reanalysis--shows no hint of an association for most of the population. And Wakefield won't tell you that William Thompson has a public statement that this study doesn't show a causal link between the MMR and autism, even in African American boys.

This is one of those examples of Wakefield using Thompson as a sock puppet. Thompson isn't correcting Wakefield, so Wakefield says whatever he wants.

For people who want an idea of Wakefield the director/writer, he has a YouTube video on this topic. It's very, very bad. Wakefield spins a tale of the CDC running a new Tuskegee experiment, no really, and that CDC researchers are worse than Pol Pot, Stalin and (and!) Hitler. As a video, it's bad. Bad sound, bad writing, cheap production. But he was able to get a lot of people who hate vaccines to fund him to make a feature length film out of it and that's Vaxxed.
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