The Perfect Weapon (2016) Poster

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Nothing is what it seems
nogodnomasters26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes place in 2029, however it is more like Orwell's "1984." The Director (Steven Seagal) is watching and uses The Controller (Richard Tyson) to maintain law and order through operators such as Condor (Johnny Messner). He is tasked to put down the rebellion, those who speak about freedom, although those against government oversight look like organized crime...a film with all bad guys.

Condor fails a mission and is destined for "reprogramming" but things don't go as planned. Once Steven Seagal shows up, the movie goes downhill. This time he didn't even pretend to fight, and listening to him talk about spinal nerve connections and massage was more of a laugh than anything. The film has twists you don't see coming, the final one was simply for the sake of having a twist, and it was dumb, most likely a Seagal insertion.

Guide: Brief sex and nudity
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Voice Coaching by Steven Segal...
vindalootiger20 July 2017
Really, really bad action movie, with even worse writing. Plot holes and nonsense throughout the movie. The story touched on a very good point in the beginning about, how regardless of politics, power corrupts told in an Orwellian fashion. The rest of the writing is cliché laden garbage so I have no belief that the writers even know that they had actually touched on a good point in the beginning. On a side note this is the worst "movie" assassin I think has ever been penned to paper, really you are going to go back to your home after escaping? Every actor spoke at the same speed with no emotion, it almost felt like Steven Segal was their voice coach. I struggled hard to find something about this movie that was redeemable but I found myself dreading having to watch the inevitable "boss" battle between the main character and Steven Segal's character at least it was brief. The ending, so painfully obvious from the horrible character development, I sat there waiting for the multiple double crosses. I wish I could send the studio a bill for my time watching this movie. The reviewer that called this movie malware or a virus was very accurate. There were so many executive producers I felt like they had to beg a lot of people for the money just to make this movie.
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bland, stale and boring
talllwoood1319 March 2021
I admire them for making this science fiction without aliens or robots but this is like a watered down version of a Hitman agent 47 video game character movies. I probably know one persons name. However what keeps this from being a 1 star is the odd shot or two with really good looking visuals of the city and i'm not talking about those poor looking videos on the screens. Those get funnier every day. This isn't the worst movie Steven has been in as there is somewhat of a plot to follow though I only know one persons name when this finished.

However this movie is bland, stale and boring. feel they should have spent more time making Steven into a villain that we hate. The last fight scene if I can even call it that was just lazy. The movie is just forgetful. Other than a few boring shootings and all. I question why Steven Seagal even signed up for it. Thankfully this is one movie I'm glad he's not in the entire movie as he pops up from time to time. I almost want to give it a 4 star for the ending but the hitman is WAY too boring and is just there if that makes any sense. They might as well have made the movie first person.
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Cinematic Equivalent of Malware/Viruses
kmichaelpm21 September 2016
No danger of any accidental spoilers here....this absolute rubbish so called movie is a spoiler from start to finish.

The most absurd part of it is that the actors seem to be reading from cue cards and are operating under some strange rule that says that they must all speak at the same so many words per minute.

As for story/plot/directing/dialogue etc....the kindest thing I can do is to make no comment.

Steven Segal made some decent movies in his early days....then disappeared from the scene only to re-emerge and pollute our screens with incredible rubbish. Additionally this self professed health fanatic returned as an obese man just to add insult to injury. Obviously he decided that there are enough gullible cinema goers out there to enable him to simply take their money, by pumping out the worst garbage possible, every chance he gets. There really should be some kind of law protecting the public from this kind of abuse.

Additionally, I think that these so called movies are Segals only chance to get his hands on young vulnerable women in naked and semi-naked states without the risk of being arrested.

Having said all that.....I strongly recommend that you get hold of a free copy of this so called movie (do not spend any money) and pass it along to as many people as possible with the condition that they also pass it on to as many people as possible. That way....having watched it, people will never again run the risk of watching another Segal movie which may have the same effect as antivirus/antimalware software, and prevent the release of any more of this rubbish
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Wrong title...
brett-762602 December 2020
The correct title of this movie should actually be called "The Perfect Turd". Movie is so bad its just plain wrong. Sensei Seagal is back playing the same character we've seen for 35 years. Movie was so bad I need a shower just to wash the stank off. Just utter garbage that should have never been made. Dont bother with this one folks as it perhaps is the worst film Sensei has ever been in. Ug
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A New Low in Filmmaking
lavatch27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Perfect Weapon" begins like a sequel to George Orwell's novel "1984." The year is now 2029, and it is the essence of the mind control exerted by Big Brother, as conceived by Orwell.

But instead of developing a strong theme about human freedom, "The Perfect Weapon" is a muddled and excessively violent action/revenge film.

The two main characters are named Condor and Nina, and they presumably are the two rebels who value freedom and want to free the world from Big Brother. But there are two many double crosses in the scenario, so that it is difficult to empathize with either Condor of Nina.

The crucial scene is when Condor finally has the opportunity to reunite with Nina. It appears that she has betrayed him, but it is clear to us as the viewers that his love is genuine. In the moment that follows, the film falls completely flat with the decision made by our "perfect weapon" named Condor.

This film has received one of the lowest numerical rankings I have ever seen on IMDb. Those low numbers tell the whole story about this film turkey.
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Incoherent, underacted and generally awful
dmstokes7311 November 2016
The acting in this is truly terrible, it goes back to the style of those cookie cutter direct to video productions of the 80's. Under or over emotion in all the wrong places.

This has Steven Segal all over it, poor plot line, pacing all over the place and B grade to bone. Do not go here, you will actually be a worse human at the end of this.

This is supposed to be post-government lockdown - quest for rebellion thing but it just doesn't gel at all. Writing problems in the script which led to character development problems and a basket case of a movie.
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The complete opposite of perfect
TheLittleSongbird20 September 2018
Steven Seagal has done some good, or at least watchable, films. Particularly 'Under Siege'. He has also done a lot of mediocre and less films, indicative of laziness and that Seagal was well past his sell by date, and a good deal of them are even very bad.

'The Perfect Weapon' is one of the very bad ones, though not 'Contract to Kill' awful, almost anything is better than that. It is not quite one of Seagal's worst, but that's hardly an endorsement and there is nothing redeeming here. Did not expect much, but watched it because Seagal has shown signs that he can be halfway decent and as said not all his films are bad. Also do appreciate the action genre and there are good films out there in the genre, classics even. 'The Perfect Weapon' is far from that, more closer to a waste of time that shows little signs of trying.

Seagal himself, in a role that is much shorter than is advertised (what is it with all this misleading marketing?), gives yet another lazy and wooden performance that shows that he was not interested and wanted to be somewhere else. His reading-from-an-autocue-like and robotic line delivery in particular betrays that. The rest of the cast are just as poor though in all fairness have little to work with and over-compensate.

The characters are ones we know very little about and don't care what happens to happen, so unengaging and one-dimensional they are. The dialogue is risible, with a lot of cheesiness, awkwardness and far too much talk delivered with little emotion or momentum and bordering on the near-incomprehensible.

Its excessively talky nature affects severely the pacing, which never comes to life. There is no urgency, let alone tension, intrigue or suspense. The action doesn't feature enough in comparison and suffer from pedestrian choreography and laughably bad editing. The story is by-the-numbers, dull and not always easy to follow.

Direction is flat and ill-at ease, while the sound/soundtrack are one-note and obvious as well as poorly recorded and the whole film looks cheap. And it's not just the editing, the slapdash effects and drab photography also.

At the end of the day, terrible in every way. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Perfect Crap!!!
zardoz-1315 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Killer Dogs" director Titus Paar's fifth feature film "The Perfect Weapon" ranks as a subpar, Orwellian, sci-fi thriller set in 2029 America where a repressive totalitarian state maintains 24/7 surveillance. Paar and three other scenarists: first-time scribe Alex Brenner, Jesse Cilio of "The Story of Your Life," and Ulysses Oliver of "The Refugees" are to blame for this formulaic Big Brother potboiler that brings nothing new to the table. Undoubtedly, Paar inserted recurring neon-scintillating, nocturnal city-scapes designed to evoke Ridley Scott's landmark "Bladerunner." The society of "The Perfect Weapon" has just survived a terrible war, but a ruler known as the Director who intends to keep its fascist practices to hold society together. Paar displays neither imagination nor artistry in staging the action scenes. Johnny Messner doesn't make much of an impression. Richard Tyson plays the most interesting character, while the paunchy Seagal gives his usual peripheral performance. Clearly, the low-budget is reflected prominently in the shortage of futuristic cars. Most of the technology looks Microsoft inspired and the cell phones are only nominally altered. Johnny Messner portrays an anonymous "Hitman" type assassin with a cleanly shaven noggin named Axon Rey. Code-named Condor, our hero brandishes two automatic pistols with silencers. An honorably discharged veteran with medals who has been wounded three times, Condor is an elite assassin with 38 successful sanctions to his credit. The natty Condor demonstrates his expertise with an automatic pistol when he ices a traitorous politician, White (Lance E. Nichols of "American Heist"), who has been hacking propaganda inserts into the Federation's television network. Disastrously, Condor errs when he spares by the life of an innocent bystander with the politician. Condor's lapse in judgment prompts the Controller (Richard Tyson of "Black Hawk Down") to point a gun in his face and tell him he must have his emotions purged. Meantime, with his slicked-back hair and orange-tinted sunglasses, Steve Seagal plays The Director of this futuristic society in what is essentially a supporting role. Predictably, he isn't happy about Condor's conduct and prefers to kill him. The Controller convinces his superior to allow Condor live and be reprogramed.

No sooner has our heavily tattooed protagonist been packed off for reconditioning at Gulag 7 than he breaks out of custody. This change-of-plot action occurs about a half-hour into this thriller. Our hero discovers that his affectionate wife, Nina (Sasha Jackson of "Jarhead 3: The Siege"), is alive instead of dead. Indeed, Condor has felt horrible since his blond wife supposedly died two years earlier. They have a steamy shower scene together after they reunite. Before these long-lost lovers can consummate their love, the state's storm troopers smash down the door and The Interrogator (Vernon Wells of "Weird Science") shackles him to a wall and torture him with gusto. Of course, we expect our heroes must suffer for the good of society. The Interrogator wants to know the identity of the mole who helped Condor escape from the Gulag. He uses pliers to extract Condor's teeth. Ultimately, he wants to use a razor to slice off his genitals. "It is unavoidable," the Interrogator defends his judgment. The Controller surprises both Condor and us when he blasts the top of the Interrogator's head off. The Controller informs Condor that he must now eliminate the Director.

Condor and the Director square off. Initially, the Director trounces Condor and then struggles to reason with his best killer. Mind you, the Director should have killed Condor, but you cannot kill the hero of the movie. "The Perfect Weapon" then deploys its first surprise. The evil Controller has programmed Condor so he believes that Nina is his wife and that she has died. Condor is in the Director's lair when he sees the video of the Controller's revelations. The Controller is the actual insurrectionist, and Condor sets out to destroy terminate him. The second surprise occurs when Nina guns down the Controller at point-blank range. After he learns that Nina has betrayed him, Condor executes her without the least bit of sympathy. When Condor and the Director share drinks after the outcome, our hero kills the Director with a knife and leaves him to bleed out. The Director's red-bereted guard is prepared to splatter our hero all over the palace, but a swarm of sword-wielding people intervene and frees society. In the third and final surprise, we learn that the Director's brother had been impersonating him the entire time. The real Director is poised to step forward.

"The Perfect Weapon" qualifies as a perfect bore. Not even its three surprises make it worth watching.
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Terrible. Just terrible
bowlcoach-113586 June 2023
This is a class B movie that is awful. The acting is awful. The action scenes are the only thing that kept me watching and they were terrible. I have seen many a movie that should have never been made or released. This is another of those movies. Who has the money to throw away and finance this junk. The plot stinks. The actors need help. I almost quit watching but my curiosity of how bad this movie could be took over. Most days I would have given up on it. Not much here and anyone who watches this movie will be disappointed. How many times can you kill or torture this guy? It's one of those Segal movies that just doesn't belong on TV or anywhere else.
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Really cool 90's throwback action movie that fits Seagal!!!
marcodekkers-8067928 December 2016
I watched the movie yesterday and I thought it was great. What's wrong with all the haters! Respect for Titus Paar and what he accomplished with almost no budget. He made an awesome movie that has everything. Great story, cool action, cool actors and it felt as a throwback to the old action/sf movies. I really hope he gets to work with Seagal (or other action stars like Van Damme, Lundgren because I like them also) again, because he did a great job and knows how to shoot action. A refreshing role for Seagal and one of his best movies in years (although not a full Seagal movie). This role also fits Seagal and his age. Cool movie!!
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Killing Machine
unbrokenmetal21 May 2017
The year is 2029. After a war, The Director (Steven Seagal) rules The State by permanent observation of everyone. The killer Condor (Johnny Messner) fulfils his latest mission to eliminate a politician opposing the Director. However, he lets one female witness get away, ignoring his usual instruction to leave no witnesses alive. Since the death of his wife Nina (Sasha Jackson), the killer struggles with his emotions and becomes unpredictable. The Controller (Richard Tyson) thinks that Condor needs re-programming to become an effective killing machine again. Condor escapes before his brain-washing and finds his wife alive and well. Together, they begin a fight against the rule of the Director.

This could have been an interesting movie with a better lead actor (Messner is a poor man's Vin Diesel here), three times the budget and a reworked script (it holds some real surprises, but some dialogues made me cringe). The colourful scenery of a future America with Asian influence reminded me of 'Blade Runner'. Although 'Perfect Weapon' has a couple of good moments, there are too many lows along the way. For probably the first time in a decade, Seagal gets a different role than the usual retired CIA agent - but that's not enough to save an ambitious, yet unconvincing sci-fi flick.
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Seagal drops the fists to "direct" the hit men.
jackmeat20 September 2016
My quick rating - 3,9/10. All I could think of watching this was "I saw the movie Hit-man". Well, if you have seen that, then you get the plot of this movie. Just a lesser version of it. Problem with this movie, somehow no one ever gets hit amongst thousands of rounds of bullets shot. Only time someone gets hit is with a single shot basically point blank range. Aside from the A-team-ish shootouts, there is Mr. Seagal. It is very strange, yet nice to say he may have started to realize his fighting days are over. He just uses his screen presence in this film. No fighting. I will admit, he worked well as the head guy. I won't say more since that would be spoiler territory. Unfortunately this alone could not save an obvious plot (if you don't guess the twist, you are new to the cinema) and very poor acting. Enjoy only if you want to, you will be fine since it is short.
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perfect weapon
shahueyou2 January 2017
I love Steven Seagal movies, I am a fan of his too for decades but this movie was terrible, the futurist movies I hate and Steven plus took a back seat in it. Oh please Steven do not make another one. Plus to me he should have been the main person. I had to keep hitting fast forward in it to find him, until I just about got to the end. And there he was, just like special opt sniper that was bad too, he was hardly ever seen. And when get a Steven Seagal movie I want to see Steven, main person not in the background like some extra, as he was in these two movies. I do hope he makes no more of these kind ever again. Be in the front always and forever in your movies
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This Movie is just Terrible
Wavester22 December 2017
I am not going to go into how bad this movie is - I see others on this page have done an excellent job of describing that. I just wanted to add my voice to theirs. It's such a shame. Since Above the Law, I was a BIG Fan of SS. But since his direct-to-video movies of late, the quality has gone down and down and down. This movie is awful. I really hope he stops making movies like this. And Johnny Messner, don't get my started with that guy. The last movie (and only, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt) I saw him in was Weaponized, and he was terrible in that as well. Not a great actor, at least so far.

I really feel bad for anyone who bought this movie. If you can, try to get your money back.
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"Be sure to bring a smile to work today."
classicsoncall19 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I think I'm beginning to learn my lesson. I recently caught Seagal's film "A Good Man", and it was a shocker to see how old and out of shape he's gotten, not so good for a former action star. But here, and thankfully he's not on screen that long, he's simply ballooned all out of proportion to someone who once took his art and fitness somewhat seriously.

But what's even worse here is the story. There's so much inane stuff going on that it's hard to keep a straight face. Like the most inept team of assassins ever, firing upon the story's protagonist, Axon Rey, the Condor (Johnny Messner), and his former girlfriend Nina (Sasha Jackson), somehow miraculously brought back from the dead, until we find out it was a body double that was buried in her place. So there's that, but what's entirely laughable is the idea that Axon and Nina would attempt to find refuge from the hit team in his own apartment! He even mentioned it was the most likely place for the goon squad to look, which made the whole idea even more of a joke.

I don't know what it could possibly be. Does Steven Seagal actually need the money to appear in and produce a picture this bad? If this isn't the hokiest assassin flick ever I'd be surprised to come across a worse one, at least in the present day. And if the Matt Lauer look-alike Johnny Messner shows up in any more pictures like this, he might as well abbreviate his last name to Mess.
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Oh the twists
bearsss30 January 2018
First off, this movie is awful, it has very few redeeming qualities. Segal has a really weird creepy role where he touches some poor girl and then shows people he knows basic martial arts. The end of the movie however, makes this an amazingly awful movie. It has twists, like 7 in a row. Who knew a movie with almost no plot could have so many twists. I both hated and loved this trash bag. Worth a good laugh.
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Nu Image style actionsploitation trash done in 2016 with a quarter of a budget of it's 90's peers.
daniel-mannouch11 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Seagal vehicles are a safe bet for me because at best i am going to get an action film with poor acting, but an intriguing story (Pistol Whipped) and at worst an incomprehensible dumpster fire top loaded with poor creative decisions (Out For A Kill) with more comedic value than the last five Will Farrell movies combined. THE MATH puts Perfect Weapon at 55% the former and 45% the latter exactly.

To the surprise of no one who has seen Seagal's output in the 2010's, one of the world's greatest living leaders according to Vladmir Putin is in this entire film for less than ten minutes. The majority of the film revolves around a Vin Diesel looking government assassin and his girlfriend trying to evade the clutches of the deepest of deep states and true to action sci-fi form, the assassin becomes the saviour of a resistance group trying to take the man down. The story is cliche, nonsensical and ridden with plot holes.

The one time enjoyment of The Perfect Weapon will be found in the 90's time warped art direction, the multi-coloured cinematography, the surprisingly bloody violence and the care free attitude of the cast, who all manage to chew bare the scenery through their aimless understatement. This is no different than anything Seagal was making in the late 90's and there's a chintzy, only slightly pitiable charm to be found in that.

The Perfect Weapon is sci-fi action trash served straight wide a serving of Steven Seagal's trademark empty headed pontification.
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Surely, Seagal Can Not Get Lazier, Sillier Or Sleazier Than He Is Here
slightlymad2222 November 2019
I just watched The Perfect Weapon (2016)

The Hitman meets Blade Runner, think it sounds promising?? You'd be wrong! Johnny Mesner is no Timothy Olyphant and Steven Seagal is well, Seagal!!

The guy is so lazy here, he gives an aikido lesson sitting down!! Yep. Sitting down (he sits behind desks and tables in a lot of his later movies) then, there's the funny flashback of a young Seagal who is played by a stunt double with his face hidden in the shadows while he kicks someone's ass. God forbid he'd have to stand up for anything. As usual, we even him in a bed with a naked Asain chick too. In this one, he again faces off against the hero, and just to placate Seagal's ego, we see he's a much better fighter than the man we've been calling a "killing machine" for the entire movie. He literally kicks the ever loving out of Messner, who doesn't land a successful punch or kick on Seagal. He's just extra creepy here too, for this Zoner, he seems to be playing himself. He also has a brief monologue while massaging a naked lady to add to his creepyness.

The only thing worth mentioning is Richard Tyson (Kindergarten Cop) and Vernon Wells (commando) pop up and DAMN.... Sasha Jackson is hot!! Seriously check her out.

This had the potential to be good, but it's just dull Once you have seen Seagal on giant video screens talking to the city, you think you have seen it all!! Then comes the ending!! Just WOW!! I am assuming it was meant to set up a sequel that never came.

I gave it 3 stars one for its effects, which are pretty decent for a dtv Seagal flick, one of the stunning Sasha Jackson and one for the novelty of seeing 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger bad guys in one movie
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A Steven Seagal Stinkfest
stanrogersmith27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this movie a zero, I would. I really don't know what I was thinking even attempting to watch this trash. I only made it 45 minutes and then I stopped, retrieved a gallon of gasoline, poured it all over my big screen TV, lit a match, tossed it, and walked away. I'm not even gonna begin to try and dissect this nonsense. There's some bald dude, he's a bad guy, then he's a good guy, a blond chick whose dead, then she isn't, Seagal wearing stupid glasses and dressed in black - surprise surprise. Yada, yada, yada, couldn't care less. If you want to be entertained, forget about watching this dung heap, you'd have more fun tying your shoes.
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vladimir89 August 2017
I really do not understand why people rate it so low. Actually I would give it 11. I watch movies quite often both in cinema and at home. This is one very unusual, very good movie, produced with extraordinary deep thought and mind. The film has a genius plot and many very clever ideas behind it. Every minute something clever happens. It is very close to reality. This particular film is also very beautiful, great operator work and very nice music. There are multiple realistic and sad ideas which are portrayed in a genius fashion: (1) liar politics (2) fake love and how a man can be manipulated by a woman in modern world (3) a future without freedom (4) the power of thought and dreams (5) how people get deceived by feelings and ambiguity of this situation ...and many other ideas.
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Seagal tries a new genre
cheikine8 April 2017
I couldn't stay from watching this flick due to Mr. Seagal in sci-fi genre and I really enjoyed it for some reasons. I like the visual performance of it - it's a new look for Seagal movie and it's with no doubt stylish and fresh. I like the characters and how they were played - what is rare as we are judging directly to video production - I didn't notice any that was odd or stupid but all the characters were well written and played. That of course was a nice surprise and that is a sign of solid production. Every sustainable character was in its place and actors did really fit. I ask everybody here not to judge The Perfect weapon in terms of A-list movies because of inappropriate levels of budgets, promotion, stuff etc. But in a raw of directly to video movies its really decent piece of art that makes a better impression IMHO than preliminary waiting. An effect was multiplied keeping in mind Steven's recent outcomes that were fairly blamed and crashed by fans. I would say comparing to Sniper: special ops, The Asian connection, Code of honor this flick is a really masterpiece (once again tribute to its budget, short shooting period and young director who makes his first steps in action genre). I base my statement on my personal impression during watching it. I mean that during watching ordinary directly to video you decrease the scale of your inner critic to accept the faults every time you suffer from some trademark lacks in professionalism that are usual things for this type of flicks. You just say to yourself: "Oh my Lord, they made that crappy stunt, doubling, editing, dialogue once again. When they stop treat us like that?" Rings the bell, guys? Thats why I rate The Perfect weapon high because I didn't feel like that during all the showtime. So my congratulations and many thanks to T. Paar and the crew who made a really entertaining flick with no excuses to the limits. Really good start in Hollywood for director. As for Steven's performance I truly believe that it was his best cameo after his appearance in Machete. Just watch his scenes with no prejudice, he really looks naturally and dedicated to his character. We got used to the opposite for the last time and that was young man - Mr.Paar who inspired Steven and offered him the role that fit his physical and mental personality very well so personally I could enjoy his short but decent appearance. Best regards!
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Bad movie, unless you prepare for a beat the baddies and some "message" from the director
hack_bird27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviews got it spot on, but basically the errors within the movie are painful to watch sometimes. I could not understand how object in the movie where more important to display than reason for them to be there. No good can come from this and the hidden message is clear enough if you understand "police state" and "facebook" + "google"...there are better movies depicking these topics. rewatch Judge Dredd or Minority Report.

Here be spoilers SPOILER, but when a person is trown against a mirror, and it breaks like car windows do. Like tempered glass, breaking in there little square blocks and the goodie beats the baddie by grabbing a big chunk, a real shard and behind the baddie, you can still see the whole mirror, in one piece, broken, but all glass still in place... Its relatively in the beginning of the movie.

So, if you can take this or drink some beer and want a beat em up movie... this might be something. There is some partial nudity and some "deeper" message that Seagal tries to bring upon you. but he could have written a blogpost and made more headlines. this movie is painful to watch, direction errors, people don't seem to talk yet you hear them, somewhat plot holes and the kills... seem unrealistic and needlessly displayed more bloody then would in real life. and no.... sadly not so badly that it is funny. CGI is 90s B movie style... overall, a bad movie.

Who is gonna read my review if others written better ones? well, if you find my review weird and still wanna watch it. Go on. There is some cute blonde girl in the movie and Seagal is fighting bad... SPOILER, goodies... what? yes, this time he is the baddie. But hes older too, so no awesome real fights, just cutscene just so it seems he fights. There is some message you could talk about, like how many times you see a Illuminati reverence. And why (SPOILER) does he kills the lady he thought he loved. And ..

MESSAGE TO Steven seagal: do you really intend for a second movie? please... Don't. make some reality show in Rusia or ask Trump for some whitehouse action BeatTheBaddies. This was not it and the ending.... insert disappointing strong word.
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Far from perfect........
FlashCallahan12 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
And the year of Seagal continues, with this, his take on 1984's Big Brother, and oh my gosh, is it poor stuff......

In the not so distant future (is there any other kind of future?), society is controlled by a powerful State and a very strangely haired, goateed, former credible action star dictator known as the Director.

Condor works as a hit-man (47) for the State, but a reunion with someone he thought was dead forces him to consider who his enemies really are.........

Seagal has had some stinkers this year, from the Sniper film, to the Asian Connection, to he one with Craig Sheffer in, and another one where the title is part of a weapon.

But now he's ventured back into science fiction, and if you thought Attack Force and Against The Dark were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Seagal is thankfully barely in it, but that means you only have to be intolerant with another 'actor' who is trying to be Agent 47, but comes across as a seriously constipated mute.

Everyone is being watched, no one is safe, and in this dystopian future, you really couldn't care less what happens or if Seagal's director will be overthrowed.

It all ends with Seagal looking morbidly obese, explaining to Hit-man about life and how good the early nineties were to him, but it tries to fool the viewer with a twist, and if you are a Seagal fan (which you must be if your watching this trash), then you will know the final scene is lifted straight from Marked For Death.

And then there's the promise of a sequel.
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amateur movie
NijazBaBs19 December 2021
This is one of worse or more amateur movie with Seagal and that main actor, can't remember his name. I liked few things like falling in love, having sex, torture, and lesson not to trust anybody including women. Also good weapons, environment, and traditions like using swords and talking about life. But I did not like seeing Seagal more, because he is the best actor here, and everything looks fake, and too dark. Also unsolved at the end and too negative, random, and not completely clear.
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