Andron (2015) Poster


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Pointless & a waste of my hour and half
defmuse18 June 2016
The Score: unoriginal, regurgitated, and outdated. A few of the pieces sounded like they were lifted off the Mortal Kombat soundtrack.

The Acting: horrendous... it's so bad that characters who are supposed to be dead, are clearly seen breathing on film.

The dialogue: worse. There are lines that are completely redundant... like they've been thrown in there due to lack of anything coherent by the writers.

The saddest part: Skin is terrible. I cringed every time she tried to "act." I don't know why, but she kept sounding like she was reading her dialogue to kindergarteners.

I want to give this movie a higher rating due to Baldwin & Glover being involved, but they don't add even a percentage of class or relief to this movie.
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Trivia sums it up "shot in 21 days"
jackmeat18 August 2016
My quick rating - 3,2/10. Well, not the WORST movie I have ever seen, but pretty awful. A group of really bad actors I mean, slaves, are put in some dungeon and must fight there way out.They call it a maze yet always seem to know where things are. Anyway, the group faces a madman (Alec Baldwin, who must've lost a bet and dragged Danny Glover into this mess) that is trying to eliminate their spirit for a game show? I think I have it right. Hard to tell but for some reason the "bad guys" who can shoot lightning from their hands and morph their bodies tend to resort to fist fighting for no apparent reason. Of course, a couple of the detainees are poor martial artists, but that goes without saying (or they are good martial artists who are choreographed so poorly that their sensai will be furious this was ever filmed). I really don't know if their is much redeeming about this movie and if I didn't use gut instinct on my rating, reflecting as I type this, I almost want to knock it down even lower. Don't bother since there are plenty of decent to good movies out there waiting for you.
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Don't bother wasting your time.
erixstrong24 August 2016
Really, really, really cheap version of hunger games. Bad acting, bad realization and bad direction.

Most importantly, bad writing.

If you are a science-fiction fan, don't waste your time on this movie cause it looks like a bad TV movie.

Exactly like PaladinWhitestar, I actually created an IMDb account for the first time ever for the sole purpose of writing this review so I could let people know how horrible the movie was.

It is probably the worst film I've seen.

Honestly I recommend not wasting your time on this film unless you have nothing better to do.
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For the love of god,PLEASE make it stop
don-152273 June 2016
I don't know if this is the absolute worst movie that I've ever seen but it is certainly a contender. Believe me, it's not a movie that's so bad that it's good . . it's just BAD.

It's a vampire that sucks up an hour and forty minutes of your time that could have been spent on something more entertaining, like hammering No.2 pencils into your corneas.

This movie does not suspend disbelief, it celebrates it. My impression was that everyone involved just wanted to get the thing in the "done" column so they could go do something (anything) else.

It seems that no effort was spent on trying to immerse the viewer so it was torture seeing it through to the end as a detached observer rather than being drawn in to a subjective, personal experience. They just didn't make me care a bit about any of the characters', it would have been more interesting and more dramatic watching insects fly around one of those bug zappers.

The only award this stinker deserves is a felony conviction for impersonating entertainment.
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Terrible writing, bad acting, unoriginal theme
missionary-5677115 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers

While I agree with a previous reviewer that the acting in this movie was terrible, I have to say that quite frankly, it really didn't matter. The best acting in the world can't make a badly written script suddenly become good. And a badly written script can make an otherwise great actor look REALLY BAD.

***SPOILERS FOLLOW FROM HERE*** So the theme here is that the world is badly over-populated and can't sustain the full population. Nearly everyone on the planet is a slave, with a small handful of people running things who are not. Let's pause right there and consider the logic behind this for a moment. If there are SO MANY people on the planet that losing 9 BILLION from the population doesn't even put a dent in the population crisis, and nearly all of those alive are slaves who hate the way they're forced to live, that's EASILY enough to start a rebellion and overthrow the small number who are making their lives miserable. But let's suspend our disbelief and put that logic aside for the moment. If that many people are unable to overthrow the elite few, then those elite few must have some REALLY SICK advanced technology, right? OK, so if they have that kind of tech (which is clearly the case judging by the massive flying ships near and at the end of the movie), why the heck haven't they left the planet and colonized the Moon, Mars, or just plain built massive space stations complete with colossal hydroponic farms to accommodate all those people? I mean, with that many billions of slaves, it wouldn't take long at all. And you can't say there aren't enough mineral resources to accomplish it, since they clearly have enough tech to mine asteroids, the moon, or other planets, not to mention cannibalizing and recycling outdated tech for its materials.

So what's their answer to over-population instead? ***insert fake sarcastic tone*** Let's create a game that kills off 90% of the people who bet on it. I mean, we're insanely greedy, megalomaniacs, so if we have too many slaves to support everyone, it's probably best to just kill off a few billion of them rather than using that man-power to expand our power and wealth, right? ***end sarcasm***

I really wonder if the writers ever bothered to stop and think about the logic behind this script (or lack thereof). Combine the bad writing with a juxtaposition against other movies with similar themes (Hunger Games, Maze Runner series, Cube (not that I liked Cube all that much, but even THAT had better writing and more of a point than THIS movie)) and this movie totally bombs, which is a huge understatement. This movie is comparable to a 2-year old with a toy steering wheel on their lap, sitting next to mom or dad in the car and believing that driving with their toy is comparable to what the parent is doing with the real car. The simple fact that I've even taken the time to write this review is an OVERWHELMING testament to how bad this movie was. Seriously. I have never written a movie review before, even though I've seen some truly horrible movies. But this one was so bad, I actually created an IMDb account for the first time ever for the sole purpose of writing this review so I could let people know how horrible the movie was. It really was THAT BAD! Taking the time to write this review was a FAR better use of my time than actually watching the movie.
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This is a first, for me..
skinn6825 August 2016
This movie is SO bad, that it needs to get some kind of recognition with at least a short review. In my life I've seen many, many bad movies, but believe me, even in the worst cases I would always find a reason to finish it...maybe a bit of curiosity, or just to see HOW low it could go, or by just telling myself that if I had already wasted one hour of my life, why not making it one and a half and see if there was a remote chance it got (dare I say it?) 'better'? But this one was just too much, I stopped it 40 minutes in and never turned back. For some reason, I had not checked IMDb's ratings before, but I certainly did after, and it's funny to realize that I have now spent more time on the film's page on IMDb than watching the movie itself. Yes, it's THAT bad.
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Incredibly bad
brunnengustel19 January 2017
This movie is unbearable bad.

Bad acting is cloaked with a story of such stupidity that it is only matched by its complexity. Nearly not bearable and completely useless. No Message, just fragments of mismatching story parts combined with brain dead violence.

If - after watching this movie - I'd been asked for a plot, I'd honestly have to say: "Sorry, no clue. But there's dramatic music, minor special effects and some violence"

An absolute need not see.

Let's hope the don't waste any money for a sequel.
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Why sometimes the trailer says it all!!!!
Ariela228416 July 2016
I would rate andron as a -1 but i give them the credit of at least putting this reject of the hunger games wannabe together somewhat and getting Danny Glover and Alec Baldwin to star in it unconvincingly!!

From the trailer i sense this is a made for sci fi channel or cloo , Sunday night at 8pm TV special! it is so mind boggingly bad that my sense of even writing a review for it is leaving a bad taste in my mouth!

From the opening of them not remembering where they are , then getting chased and followed by the upstarts who think this game isn't fair sounds familiar anyone.

Please you have been warned don't watch!!!!!
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larrys321 August 2016
I'm sure I won't be the only person asking the question whether Alec Baldwin and Danny Glover really needed a paycheck that badly to be in this catastrophe of a movie? After selecting it from Redbox, I came home and saw the 2.8 rating on IMDb and knew I was in big trouble.

I could go on and on writing how on so many levels this film is abysmal. Let's just say I found the "plot" to be a convoluted mess, the emotionless acting left me uncaring about any of the characters, and I would have turned it off much earlier but I stuck it out, I imagine, to write this review.

All in all, just a very painful hour and a half.
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The only thing going for this movie is:
ksgrisse16 September 2016
Baldwin and Glover only had cameos. (Thankfully, as both of them suck) Any more than that and it would rate a ZERO! (I wish that rating was an option on IMDb)

That's all I have, but I MUST type 10 lines... so here are the remaining lines.

This movie really sucks.

This movie will take away time from your life that you will never be able to get back.

Why does IMDb force us to write more than is necessary?

My first 2 sentences were sufficient to make my point.

This line is completely pointless and unnecessary.
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Not Good. (Typical British understated way of saying, 'Fracking Awful'.)
junk-monkey30 November 2018
Well it's nice to know the Crap Italian Science Fiction Film industry isn't entirely dead.

Andron is a totally awful Hunger Games / Maze Runner knockoff that featured a standout awful performance from someone called Skin, who looks gorgeous, is, I understand, some sort of singer, but has the acting chops of an untrained high school wannabe. Unfortunately for her (and us) she gets screeds of undeliverable clunking expositional backstory dialogue to deliver. I would guess the writer/director's first language was not English because some of it is pure gibberish. A proper actor would have put their foot down and reworked their lines till it made some sense.

Danny Glover and Alec Baldwin made some pocket money standing in front of (different) green screens for a couple of days - in the sure and certain knowledge that no one they knew or cared about would ever see what they did in front of them.
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A good intro to a Dystopian story and I hope to see more in the future.
PsycoKai5 June 2016
I'm a huge fanatic of the Dystopian genre, which is pretty wide. I really enjoyed Andron. It might not be the most original story, but originality can be difficult when it comes to the Dystopian genre. I was able to sit through the whole movie and give it my undivided attention, which is extremely difficult for me to do. I like how they put the story together; how it made me think of movies like Rollerball (1975) and others I love so much but with it's own look and feel. Andron feels kind of like an intro into something bigger, like a series. I hope that a sequel is made cause I'd like to see what happens next, and to see the characters and the society more in depth. I highly recommend Andron to Dystopian junkies like me, and for the more generalized SciFi & action fans I still recommend Andron. No sex, no nudity, and no romance were a HUGE bonus for me! Just give me the Dystopia and violence.
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When is there a part two of this?
vilseipannkakan7411 June 2016
We are beginning to see some more films in this new and popular genre of dystopian adventure and action - with the story centered around a maze as the core of the story plot. Other films that comes to mind are: The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner series. Andron fits in nicely with these films and adds with its own unique interpretation of Dystopia.

The movie begins with ten contenders waking up in a maze with no memory of who they are and what life they used to live. Slowly their memories comes back and they begin to work towards a common goal; to get out of the maze.

The film is an original and does not borrow from the other films in the genre, at least not intentionally - not counting the maze part of the movie. If you like adventure, action, sci-fi and dystopia this is for you.
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Love the concept, but might work better as a game cause it's not a good movie.
subxerogravity13 June 2016
Ten people awake in a maze that's really crappy looking, with no memory of who they are and only one of them is allowed to get out of the maze alive.

The game concept works. Each player has a symbol tattooed on their neck that matches a symbol on a wall to get a cool weapon. Most players got simple guns while other got some really cool stuff straight out of a video game (like one guy got a really cool Mega Man like weapon). Once in a while they battle androids robots that look like ninjas, as well as fighting each other until their numbers dwindled down.

As a film the story was just too weak to care about anything that's going on.

Alec Baldwin appears in the movie. His character is pointless and seems to be created just to have Alec Baldwin in your movie in hopes that his star power will fill seats. The same goes with Danny Glover's cameo like role in the movie.

I actually went to see the movie because Leo Howard was in it. I'm aware of the young actor from his marshal arts driven Disney TV show, Kickin it. The movie does have him do some kicks and punches but not enough to salvage the flick.

But really, Andron has a bad story arc and messes up the game they play and leaves you with nothing overall.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life
Krypteia126 September 2017
The world is now run by Really Evil Corporations, who for evil reasons nuked the earth and enslaved all 2 billion remaining people. Every year, to keep the slaves from revolting, the Really Evil Corporations hold a Hunger Games, er, Andron tournament.

Ten slaves are chosen to compete in an Evil Maze for the ultimate prize - their freedom. Also, time travel exists, so the slaves are from different eras and the game itself happens in a different time period each year. But the other 2 billion slaves can still watch the Evil proceedings in real time because the players have nanocameras embedded in their eyes, and they have really good WiFi.

The maze is haunted by an evil ghost lady who can shoot lightning out of her fingertips, and evil ninjas with red pants and glowing LED eyes. Also, the maze drops random weapons for the contestants, because video games. Oh, and the contestants have selective amnesia.

The entire thing is orchestrated by Evil Alec Baldwin, whose presence in this movie tells us he spent all that Capital One money. Evil Alec sits behind a desk in a well-appointed palace and manipulates the game while yelling at his hot Secretary. But Evil Danny Glover, who also needs money, is Evil Alec's boss and the two have creative differences about how they should gruesomely kill people in this maze.

Maybe they're worried about ratings. But how can they be when the only audience is 2 billion slaves who don't get any other channels? They're the only game in town, like baseball in mid-July.

Anyway, this is hands-down one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. The plot is nonsensical. The dialogue veers from cringe to cringe. The movie even robs the characters of names, so we get conversations like this:

"Hey, where's that guy with the glasses?"

"I don't know, wasn't he with that other girl?"

"What other girl?"

There is one mind-blowing thing about Andron: That this script wasn't immediately tossed in the reject bin, nevermind given the greenlight. It's one of those movies that makes you marvel at how ANYONE could have thought it was a good idea.

Fair warning, this movie is not the kind of bad that's fun to watch because it's unintentionally hilarious. It's just bad. Proceed at your own risk.
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Dull, meaningless and cheap-looking special effects. Avoid at all cost !
peterp-450-29871627 September 2016
"10 must enter the challenge. The goal is the conquest of freedom. Welcome to the season premiere of the redemption games."

There are bad movies. There are horribly bad movies. And there's "Andròn: The Black Labyrinth". Normally I succeed in finding something positive in a movie. But no matter how hard I looked for it, I couldn't find anything positive in this one. Whatever aspect I even looked at. The conclusion is that it's in each case a failure. It's nothing new that nowadays a moderate version of a successful Hollywood product is being made once and a while. They try to ride the waves of success of those blockbusters, of course. You would expect them to be at least a bit more creative with the stolen concept. Even this film doesn't bother about that. It simply copies the stuff shamelessly.

Ultimately, this looks like a kind of "The Hunger Games". It's set in a maze as in "The Maze Runner". And all of this is happening in a post-apocalyptic, overcrowded world, as you could admire in "Elysium". In "Elysium" the poorest population lived on earth in deplorable conditions, while the happy few floated in an orbit on an artificial paradise. In "Andròn" they keep the world population in balance by organizing bets on a contest organized in the black labyrinth. At stake are the lives of the wretched population itself. So, if you bet on the wrong person, it's goodbye glorious life. A kind of "Bet to Win". So it's better you don't lose.

Alec Baldwin and Danny Glover weren't really picky in terms of movies recent years. That's a fact. Baldwin starred briefly in "Still Alice", but I can't remember any film after "Lethal Weapon" with Glover in it, which was actually worth a watch. But what got into them to collaborate on this project, is a mystery to me. Not that they play such a weighty roles. And they aren't very excited about it either. The ten unfortunates who get caught in this maze where they have to struggle for survival, are all unknown actors to me. To be honest, this was noticeable. Sometimes it seemed like they were waiting for the prompter, so they could remember their next dialogue line. Even the battle scenes with terrible looking Ninja Turtles were poorly coordinated. It seemed sometimes like an ordinary game of tag. Mostly they just waited for their opponents to attack them.

The only one I recognized was Skin, better known as the lead singer of Skunk Anansie. I'm not a big fan of this band. And I won't become a big fan of her as an actress either. It all felt pretty forced. Although the characters sometimes seem really stupid and meaningless, the actors themselves aren't to blame. It's because of the worthless and confusing story. Most of the time you're wondering what on earth it's all about. The victims run around in a circular maze. But I guess it's pretty hard to walk in a circle when you look at the geometry of the walls. And that's the only thing you can expect. A group of contestants plagued with amnesia, stumbling through this maze (although it looks more like a factory building by the way) all distraught and confused. Alec Baldwin controls the show using high-tech gadgets. And Glover's contribution can be called ridiculous.

For those who have reached the end without falling asleep, the closing scene was really disappointing. Unprecedented one of the worst movies I've seen this year. A meaningless story, pitiful performances and also quite cheap-looking special effects. It wouldn't surprise me this will be a new way of torturing, used in a dictatorial country somewhere. Mandatory watching "Andròn : The Black Labyrinth" for hours. Painful!

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There's no Light !
zoran_kamen4 June 2016
Remember those days of your life when you were depressed and just saw everything blurred, gray and lifeless. Like world and life had no colors.. or at least no happy, joyful and light colors. I felt similarly watching this movie right from begin till end. I have no intention to disgrace director of this movie, I am just sincerely writing about my experience watching this film. Movie started lifelessly, continued lifelessly and ended so. Acting was similar, like they all actors suffered from deep depression and under influence of some heavy medicine which made their perception and mind just dark and heavy. I also felt during movie like I cannot breath deeply at all and had just limited amount of air before I died -I felt like being in suffocating room with no air or stucked in some pipe and couldn't really move much ! I remember my gut feeling telling me before watching movie that it sucks and that only my time and energy will be wasted. It was true, that subtle gut feeling. I also remember wanting to watch Spider- man from 2002 by Sam Raimi. I regretted for not listening my guidance ! Or I should have done something more useful for me or others.! It was truly torture to watch this and I love movies. Why would someone made movie where you feel just worse and worse as watching the movie ?? This movie could parents use as effective means for punishing the naughty children ! Or state could punish criminals by forcing them to watch this movie 3 times per day. That would be more than enough !
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Worse than Bad
blee07444 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie for free, and I still overpaid. Alec Baldwin is, once again, a ham sandwich on two legs. Add the insufferable Danny Glover and you would think things couldn't get worse. But wait....poor photography, choppy editing, poor acting and corny dialog all contribute to making this a giant stink-burger.
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You'll want to go out of your way to miss this one
Leofwine_draca17 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
ANDRON is a gloomy and derivative sci-fi B-movie made with a cast of has-been British TV actors and a singer who simply cannot act. It was shot on the fly in a matter of weeks, with a number of contestants trapped in an underground maze complex and forced to battle against android robots to the death. Sadly, the stilted execution is so poor as to render this near unwatchable, and you do wonder just what poor old Michelle Ryan's casting agent was thinking. Alec Baldwin slums it in one of those behind-a-desk roles and you have to feel even sorrier for a barely-glimpsed Danny Glover. Add in a handful of bad CGI and you have a film you'll want to go out of your way to miss.
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shakamalakum23 September 2016
Worst POS I've seen this year with the Fantastic 4 reboot coming in a close second.

Plot - same old amnesia gimmick done ad nauseam. To call this movie "science fiction" is laughable at best. Just watching it will make you cringe.

SUPER low budget - filmed in an abandoned factory or power plant to save $$$. Probably the most money spent was on the sparse special effects.

Acting - WAY sub-par. If they used Danny Glover & Alec Baldwin to lend this movie any credibility, they failed big time. I expected better from Michelle Ryan but even she can't polish a turd. All I can say is "I hope they got a decent paycheck."
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I don't typically write reviews, but this one definitely deserved a good verbal smackdown
tattgirl84186 January 2018
Imagine The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner had an incestuous baby in a Waffle House bathroom - that about sums up this movie.

Here's what to expect:

Unoriginal, dare I say over-done concept

Terrible lighting

Sometimes dizzying cinematography

Absolutely HORRIFIC acting and dialogue - felt very much like a junior high school project

Scenes or elements that seemed to make absolutely no sense, nor had any real importance to the plot line

Exactly how many times can someone seemingly be dead but then all of a sudden pop up and start fighting again like nothing happened?

Many times characters had bits of dialogue to tell you what has happened (in the past? future? when? what?) rather than show you

And, to top it all off, the ending of "welcome to round 2" was a blatant rip-off of every other (and better) 'last person standing' film, not to mention leaving it open for a sequel that every human reading this should pray NEVER EVER HAPPENS.

The ONLY reason I watched this to the end is because I was desperately hoping that all of them would die miserable and stupid deaths. Sadly, I was let down one last time by this vomit of a film.
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A must see! Loved it! Want a sequel!!
marythomas-9206125 June 2021
I thought this was one of the best sci-fi movies that I have seen in awhile. I'm I am a Sci-Fi fanatic and I cannot believe that I hadn't seen this movie before. The graphics were pretty darn amazing in the storyline kept you on your toes. I believe someone should take it upon themselves such as Amazon or Netflix and make a sequel to it. I believe this is a must-see for any sci-fi fan.
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Alex Baldwin completely redeems the film as the evil villain
banglainey11 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible on pretty much every plane. Most annoying, though, was how the plot does not evemn begin to explain itself at all until the movie is almost over. I mean, it could have been halfway decent if they just re arranged the script into a coherent format so we knew what we were watching. It's basically a series of random, pointless scenes until about an hour in, then finally there's an information spewage where one character pretty much reveals the entire plot in one long run-on sentence. From there, things make more sense, but still not enough to redeem the movie.

The one thing that DOES redeem the movie is awesome Alex Baldwin doing an awesome evil villain role! He totally made the movie worth watching.
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That's a really bad movie, really bad.
Paulo_Clemente1 May 2017
Let me start for saying, what the hell are Alec Baldwin and Danny Glover doing in a movie like this? The acting on this movie is so weak that even both of them are ridiculous in they parts. It could be a good idea for a plot, in the future somewhere in the year 2154 a group of people is ruling the earth after a catastrophe, and they made a game where they put some people in a maze where only one can survive.

Good idea, but all the rest is wrong, the maze is stupid, the dialogues sometimes look like children play at school, the acting is uauau what can i say, bad is not enough.

After 93 minutes you want to quickly forget the movie, if you love your time on earth please stay away of this movie.
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A sad excuse for a movie!
krice233 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am normally quite forgiving when watching a film. Even when I'm critical I still find redemptive qualities Somewhere. But this, this is not something even I can forgive. I gave it a #1 rating only because they managed to complete and actually distribute this poor excuse for a movie. Not even Alec Baldwin or Danny Glover could pull this off. Their characters could have been played by Anyone and I have to believe this will go down in both their resumes as the film they most regret making. It is the type of film a leading actor might wish to purchase all known copies of, just to destroy the evidence! I can't even bring myself to write a serious synopsis; where would I even start and what is there to say? It's just a bad, poorly made movie and I strongly urge you to reject any thoughts of watching , even to satisfy your curiosity of what "bad" looks like. In the end Baldwin's character says, "Welcome to level 2" to the survivors, as if somebody actually thought there might be a sequel?! My best guess here is someone lost a bet and was forced into making this; don't make the mistake of following them down the rabbit hole. All you will find is more hole.
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