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Simple and straightforward but has moments that are captivating
paulijcalderon21 August 2016
Courtroom dramas are interesting and this one is a fine addition. Nothing that fancy or over- stylish, it's basically very straightforward and has a simple style. But, that's OK because it works for this film. It doesn't try to be anything it isn't. The scenarios and the dialogue is all very well handled and thought out. It makes you think twice a few times as well.

Some scenes really work and have great tension and intrigue. Especially whenever there is a court scene. Some aspects would have been nice to have seen explored more like when they explain how to tell if someone is lying when testifying.

Keanu Reeves does a good job here and isn't so stale like some people like to say he usually is. There might be some truth in that for some films, but here you can see that he stepped up his effort. The role was originally set to be played by Daniel Craig, and I can definitely see how his acting style would have worked well for the character. It's a shame he dropped out last minute, but Reeves makes the character his own and you can understand his motivations.

The ending was unexpected and included a strange little twist which the movie could have done without and still worked well and perhaps in some ways been more effective.

The film is interesting if you want a mystery with some turns and it has some captivating courthouse scenes which are in some moments disturbing.
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"...every defense lawyer has to choose between his own need to know the truth and the best interests of his client."
classicsoncall26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film tires to be just a little too clever with the final twist that brings the story to a conclusion. There are hints along the way that could help you figure out who killed Boone Lassiter (Jim Belushi), but it takes a while to get there. All the while you think Boone's son (Gabriel Basso) is taking the blame for his abused Mom (Renée Zellweger) for the murder, even though there was ample provocation and a good self defense argument to be made on his behalf. I actually thought the not guilty verdict was somewhat questionable given the defense strategy of attorney Ramsey (Keanu Reeves). What the courtroom scenes revealed more than anything else was the idea that character witnesses often have reason to lie, or at least not tell the whole truth about what they know in the interest of self preservation. Why son Mike didn't spill his guts on the real killer is probably the biggest mystery here, as he had no cause to protect Ramsey, even if he was a long time family friend. You would think his devotion to his mother would have been the clincher.
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Engaging Courtroom drama
Floated213 April 2017
The Whole Truth starring Keanu Reeves playing a defense attorney to a case of a teen accused of murdering his father. The case here works because Reeves character is portraying a defense attorney to a close friend of the son, and mother. Typically in courtroom dramas, there can be no close friend-type relationship.

The acting is very solid, and the film isn't too long which it doesn't drag on or become stale in several parts. It might have a slow build up but within each clue and piece of evidence, it pays off in the end.

The ending is offered in a slightly different tone, and may feature a unique twist (and I believe it works here). Looking back, now knowing the ending, there are several little clues along the way. here are some questionable motives of each characters, especially of the son Mike and his behaviour throughout (he is soft spoken and mostly mute throughout), but the answers come out in the end. Otherwise, the Whole Truth is a very solid and entertaining thriller. Worth the watch.
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Good Courtroom Drama
rutzelb2 February 2017
Ramsey (Keanu Reeves) defends his teen age client, Mike (Gabriel Basso), who is accused of killing his father Boone Lassiter (Jim Belushi). The problem is that Mike has confessed to killing his father, but won't confide in his lawyer. Oh, oh, this can't be good.

This one will keep you guessing trying to figure out who is lying and Ramsey believes everyone lies. He takes on Janelle (Gugu Mbatha- Raw) a lawyer who is known for her bullshit monitor – she can tell who is lying. So we go round and round trying to figure this all out. Is Mike, the son, protecting his mother Loretta (Rene Zellweger) or is she protecting him? Or is it something else? Inquiring minds want to know.

It's really good courtroom drama, but we just cannot come to a conclusion. Can you?.

Near the end Janelle comes to a conclusion. Will your conclusion be the same or is she wrong? Hmmm……… There is good suspense and the acting is very good all around. Will your conclusion change when Mike does take the stand and talks? Hmmm……...

Is there a twist you ask? Of course there is and it will shock you.

There is suspense, but no real tension. But wait, wait, that tension comes at the very last scene, but then everything fades to black. Sorry. It's over. But now you know. ('bout time) (7/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: Kind of as seen from a distance by a neighbor. Nudity: No. Language: No.
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Twisty-turny fun
asage1920 July 2020
It's nice to see Keanu Reeves in a mature role. He's capable of great subtlety in his acting, and he does a great turn in this movie. Renee Zellweger, likewise. Gugu Mbatha-Raw was terrific, doing a lot with a not very sympathetic character. Actually, everybody did a good job, including Gabriel Basso. It's really Keanu Reeves' movie, though. It was kind of low-key, which I appreciated. I don't like court-room drama novels or movies, and was pleasantly surprised.
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better than expected.
ksf-26 August 2021
Keanu reeves, renee zellweger. And a rare, more serious role for jim belushi. Ramsey is the attorney trying to defend a teenager being tried for murder, as an adult. But his client isn't talking, so this will make his defense so much more difficult than it might be. A lot happens. Surprises come out at the trial. It's the job of the jury to figure out who is telling the truth. And who is not. It's quite good. We skip over some legal points, and some presentation of evidence guidelines, but oh well. Minor details for the film, i guess. Written by nicholas kazan.. he was nominated for Reversal of Fortune. Directed by courtney hunt; nominated for Frozen River 2009.
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Renee, is that YOU?
untilnow9914 September 2016
First of all, I have to say that I am glad I skimmed through some of the other user reviews. Those "thumbs up" reviews encouraged me to take a look at this film. That, and the fact that I always love seeing Keanu on the screen. I think "The Whole Truth" is an okay movie. Nothing special, but watchable.

Secondly, I want to say that whomever it was who composed the film score is responsible---- immensely so---- for distracting me from my complete enjoyment of the film. Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle go the piano keys. It got so annoying, at times all II could think about was "Who in the heck thought this constant 'drama' music was needed?"

What really got to me, though, was how I kept thinking the kid's Mom reminded me so much of Renee Zellweger. At one point I even asked myself, "Does this actress find it hard to get work simply because she is such a dopplegänger for Zellweger?"

Hahaha. The joke is on me. IT IS Renee! I swear I didn't know, until I looked at the cast and credits. My jaw hit the ground. Wow. Oh, Renee. You and Jennifer Grey. Why? WHY?

I'm glad I didn't know during the movie, as then I would have been too focused on why in the hell Renee would have something done which would so drastically alter her appearance. I liked her the way she was.
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Objections overruled
tomsview15 March 2017
This is a pretty good courtroom drama, maybe not right up there with "Anatomy of a Murder" or "Presumed Innocent", but with enough twists and turns to make it stand out from the crowd.

If the film reminds me of any it is "The Lincoln Lawyer" with Matthew McConaughey.

Without giving too much away, the story involves the murder of Boone Lassiter (John Belushi) a prominent lawyer, and the attempts of another lawyer, Richard Ramsay (Keanu Reeves), to defend the person accused of the murder, Boone's son, Mike Lassiter (Gabriel Basso).

The film has an interesting cast including Renée Zellweger as Loretta Lassiter, Boone's wife. Renée Zellweger is an amazing actress who dissolves into her characters, she does it so well here that I didn't recognise her at first.

Keanu Reeves is fine as Richard Ramsay. I thought his narration was a little heavy-handed at first, but later we see how it helps set the scene for the revelation at the end.

Beautiful Gugu Mbatha-Raw, so memorable in "Belle", is a surprise as a young lawyer overcoming past issues.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but after watching hundreds of crime movies and series on television, I feel that stories with a low murder count often have more weight than serial killer dramas with corpses all over the place. Just look at any of the really good series such as "Wallander", "Jesse Stone" or "Vera" to name three; it's usually only one murder, two at the most, allowing for more complex character and story development. Shows with big murder counts, unless based on real cases, often lead to over-the-top dramas with extreme, unbelievable behaviour.

"The Whole Truth" bears this out. It is tricky with an appealing cast and a classy score by Evgueni and Sacha Galperine, which helps set the mood for this fairly intimate movie, set for the most part in either the courtroom or the bedroom where the murder took place.

It may not raise the bar to the heights of the great courtroom dramas, but "The Whole Truth" gets you in and keeps you there until it delivers a killer blow at the end.
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Pretty Damn Good Movie
chicagopoetry16 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Whole Truth is a courtroom drama. If you're not up for that, then don't watch it. Courtroom dramas take place in a courtroom. If you're not up for a movie that primarily takes place in a courtroom, then don't watch it. If you like courtroom dramas however, this is sure to please. The closest I can compare this to is perhaps Primal Fear. Keanu Reeves plays a defense attorney who is tasked with representing a client (relative of a friend actually) who refuses to speak. The happenings in the courtroom are complimented with speculative flashbacks (could it have happened this way or maybe it happened that way). As things unfold we learn that there is a deeper conspiracy at play that I won't go into because that would spoil it. Suffice it to say, for a movie that was less than two hours long and primarily was shot in one location (the courtroom) I never got bored. This is no work of genius, mind you; it's not A Few Good Men nor is it To Kill A Mockingbird--but it's pretty damn good nevertheless. So if you like courtroom dramas, do check it out.
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An unbelievable story
jothegreat10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I made a list of all the things I found wrong with this movie.

1. What was up with the narration? Was he lying to himself or what? Who was he narrating for? It's supposed to be his thoughts spoken out loud, but that makes no sense if he was lying?

2. Why did Ramsey want the kid to speak so badly? Surely this was the best possible outcome for him? What did he want the kid to say? Confess that it wasn't him and pin it on the mum instead? How would that help anyone?

3. How on earth did no one question why there was blood on the handle of the knife? That just seems so unlikely from one stab and made it so clear it was staged.

4. How on earth was he found not guilty? They based that off of one single testimony which happened to be from the guy on trial. Even when he was asked "were you in danger at that moment" he couldn't give a straight answer at first. Makes no sense.

5. Why didn't the kid change lawyer? Was he really so confident that he could outsmart a lawyer who clearly wanted him to get convicted?

6. Why did Ramsey kill the dad??? The dad didn't even know he was one who had an affair with his wife. Like what kind of psychopath kills his friend just like that. And how convenient that his watch fell without anyone noticing. I thought they were caught in the act by the husband and that his clothes were on the floor and he then forgot his watch or something. THAT would've made much more sense if Ramsey then killed him in self defence in the heat of an argument. Instead of planning a murder in like five minutes for no reason.

7. And what kind of cold hearted sociopath of a mum decides to pin the crime on her innocent son? Especially when she was happy to take the hit when Ramsey asked her to, why not do the same for her son? She could've admitted that the son was lying and said that she killed him in self defence like she had already planned. She showed so little emotions during the whole film too. I guess that made her and Ramsey the perfect psychopath couple, but still wth. It suddenly at least makes sense why her husband called her stupid all the time.

All in all, it was watchable because it was just simply too unbelievable of a plot. That does not mean I recommend this movie to anyone though.
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Great movie
btreakle25 June 2021
Jim Belushi and Keanu Reeves were both excellent in this film. Great story as well. Well worth the watch.
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Compelling But Low Key Courtroom Drama
sddavis6322 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Mike kill his father? Did Mike actually do it? Who else would have killed Mike's father? And why was Mike's father killed? All questions that permeate this courtroom drama. It's actually a pretty decent little film. It's pretty much all set in the courtroom as evidence is offered (and as flashbacks portraying the evidence being offered.) Mike (Gabriel Basso) is a 17 year old accused of murdering his father. He isn't being very helpful to his defence lawyer (Keanu Reeves) because he refuses to say a word to explain what really happened. As the trial progresses we learn that Mike's father (played in the flashbacks by Jim Belushi) wasn't a very nice man - verbally and possibly physically abusive to his wife and Mike's mother (Renee Zellweger) and possibly abusive toward Mike as well. There are reasons to suspect Mike, and there are reasons to suspect others. There's really no way to know how it's all going to turn out in the end.

I wouldn't call this a suspense type movie or a thriller. It was too low key for that. Although it's a fairly short movie (a runtime of a little over an hour and a half) it still has a fairly slow build up to the story - but in this case, "slow" does not mean "uninteresting." It didn't have me on the edge of my seat, but it did keep me watching. In the end I thought it went a little bit too awkwardly from a low key and slow build up into several twists and turns that suddenly had your head spinning. That change of pace was too abrupt for my liking.

Overall, though, that didn't change my appreciation of the movie. It's pretty well done - and a good, well constructed "whodunit" is always satisfying. (7/10)
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No, This Is Not the Way It Is In Real Life
gsandra-2687616 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
No, there is no way this smart kid would risk life in prison to protect this person! I was dumbfounded when the verdict was announced (I thought he was guilty because he had other choices rather than murder) and then the real killer was revealed. Really? The defendent would protect the person having sex with his mother? These people had no better choices they could possibly make? C'mon... A Metacritic said that this courtroom drama "reflects how real trials are conducted". REALLY??? The attorney is usually the real murderer? In real life, the son could have gathered video and/or audio evidence of his father's abuse and sent him away for decades. This was a really smart law student. No reason for him to bail out the lawyer. He and his mother had a fortune. They could run off and live anywhere. Stupid, manipulative story. Made me mad for wasting my time.
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Great movie, Keanu returns to being a lawyer!
gamertaboo5 February 2017
The movie starts out as a mysterious "who done it," and is able to keep this mystery going for most of the movie. More than once I went back and forth in my mind between who I thought was the real culprit, and at the end I can say that I was actually somewhat surprised. Though to be fair I must say that the twist isn't all that huge; it's more of a twist because the writers withheld some key evidence from the viewers until the very end, but they did hint at it once or twice.

The Whole Truth is a slow burner. There's never much action taking place, and there's not really a whole lot of depth to any of the characters. The acting is well done however, and I thoroughly enjoyed Keanu Reeves, Renée Zellweger, and Gabriel Basso. While I also enjoyed Gugu Mbatha-Raw's performance as well, I didn't find her character all that necessary to be honest. I'm guessing her character was just meant to be sort of a distraction, and she was.

So there you have it. The Whole Truth is by no means a blockbuster. It's not a twisting thriller.... but it is a decent watch. I enjoyed it.
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Everyone is lying
Gordon-1115 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about a teenage guy who is on trial for murder of his own father. The family friend is the defense lawyer who tries hard to defend him, but this proves very difficult as the teenage refuses to talk.

"The Whole Truth" is a very intense courtroom drama. It captures my surgeon throughout the film, as there is much suspense and mystery in the story. It is an hour into the film that the teenager finally talk, and when he does, it freezes me and I find myself unable to breathe or move because what he says has so much impact on the situation. The film ends by explaining what the truth really is, which echoes the central theme of the film. It is a thoughtfully constructed story, well told and built. I enjoyed it a lot.
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This movie is better off as a Law and Order episode
sjculb331 March 2016
Keanu Reeves stars as Richard Ramsey, a small town Louisiana lawyer who takes up the murder case of family friends son who may have murdered his father in cold blood. To make matters worse, his young client refuses to speak to anyone on the matter except to say that he is guilty. The boys mother, played by a barely recognizable Renée Zellweger, begs Keanu to save her son from prison but does she have her own secrets to hide?

While the trailer to this movie looks like an intelligent, and mysterious courtroom drama, its sadly misleading. The movie sets up the murder and the characters right from the beginning however the entire movie is played out in either the courtroom...or a series of short flashbacks. It really could have been shot anywhere and except for a few bridge shots, it has no connection to Louisiana. While I have no qualms with the acting, the story is at best, basic. There is no real payoff at the end and when we do see the guilty party, it certainly isn't much of a surprise.

My biggest complaint is about Gugu Mbatha-Raw, a fine actress whose talents were wasted here on a part that plays no serious role in the movie. Her character almost didn't need to be included in the movie.

Like I said, this movie could have easily been a two-part Law and Order episode. No wonder Daniel Craig bailed on this.
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very good idea -- needed better script
kathiklein4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this as I do like courtroom dramas and it had a shorter run time the most movies -- but there were so many holes left in the script, and there was certainly enough time in the film left over, to fill in, to bring more satisfaction, closure.

It did keep me interested, but I felt kind of used, manipulated by the end of the movie. There was a lot of trickery in Keanu's VO narratives, clearly needed to pull it off, but it bothered me... it just wasn't smart enough. But perhaps feeling manipulated was part of the idea because everybody was manipulated in the movie.

I think this movie wanted to have a big wow of a twist, like Sixth Sense... "I see dead people" but they didn't totally pull it off. I knew way too early in the film something was up, Keanu was the surprise factor.

Keanu felt very bland and boring. Gugu is always worth the watch, and wish there had been more of her arc in the movie. Renee was unlikable, which I think was the point, but still... she does look painfully strange. It just made it hard to watch her.

I thought there were too many flashbacks especially the one at the end with Boone, too many seeds are planted that do not get reaped at all.. and that bothered me, and it's where I felt the script fell short in the telling of the story. The wicked witch of the west, in the movie, is the only one who's life is not ruined...
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one big twist
SnoopyStyle17 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Defense attorney Richard Ramsay (Keanu Reeves) has known his new client Mike all his life. The teenager is accused of killing his dominating father Boone Lassiter (Jim Belushi). It doesn't help that Mike won't speak to Richard whose only strategy seems to be rope a dope. Mike's mother Loretta (Renée Zellweger) is concerned. Janelle (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) joins the defense team.

There is a reveal at the end of the movie. I swear that one minute before the reveal, I thought that Ramsay needed more connections to the Lassiters. The plot needs more twists and turns before the reveal. Instead, it seems to concentrate all the twists into one big twist. There is obviously something hidden but it needs a better setup. While the courtroom stays just compelling enough, it could have been more and this could have been a great thriller.
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Pretty good movie
bryanhicksa27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I dont care what anyone says, I like Keanu Reeves as an actor, and also Renee Zellweger as an actress. Both seem like pretty regular people away from the screen. The twist at the end was not terribly surprising if you pay attention, especially during one particular scene. Good courtroom drama and solid acting., and Jim Belushi plays a fairly convincing jerk. Give it a watch.
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Good qualities, but some questionable aspects
gdw194826 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Whole Truth is an absorbing courtroom drama. Courtney Hunt's directing is solid and the actors' performances convincing. And to its credit, The Whole Truth does a good job of articulating subtleties in the communication and relationships among the characters.

However, the extensive use of flashbacks to show that everyone is lying raises some questions in this viewer's mind. Does the film go too far in depicting the justice system as corrupt and flawed? Does it foster an exaggerated sense that truth and justice are hopeless causes? That the outcomes of trials are arbitrary and untrustworthy? In short, does the film portray a falsely bleak vision of reality?

But to close on a positive, the unexpected ending is deftly presented.
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Only thing worse than the story line is the acting...
frankump30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what movie everybody else was watching, but this movie was horrible. Reeves was OK and he was the best. The Prosecutor had one facial expression and one emotional state throughout the entire movie.

As far as realism? Let's start with the beginning of the movie when a female deputy arrives at the scene of a murder, where she finds the defendant leaning over the victim who is appears to be dead with a large knife in his chest. How does the deputy react, does she pull her gun and order the defendant to put his hand behind his back? Nope, she does nothing at all and looks more afraid than anybody in the room. BTW she later testifies in court wearing civilian clothes which is not the normal procedure for uniformed officers.

Yes, there is a twist at the end, but one of the reasons that it comes as a surprise is the narration provided by Reeves. Without trying to give the ending away you'll find that most of the questions he raises he should already know the answer to. You're also understand why a defendant who refused to even speak to his attorney wasn't given a psych evaluation.
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A great ending tops off a solid film
jtindahouse1 January 2017
There's nothing like a good courtroom thriller. The thing I love about them is that everything can't possible be as it seems, because otherwise there would be no point in making the movie. There's nothing at all interesting about a straightforward court case, however one with a twist is a thing to behold. The only problem with this is that a lot of them end up getting rated purely on the strength of their twist. Everything that has happened up until that point can tend to be forgotten. That's sort of the case again here. A solid, but not stunning movie comes alive with a very strong ending, and it certainly adds some plus points to the final opinion of the film.

I tend to really like Keanu Reeves thrillers. A lot of his dramas and sci-fi films are completely forgettable, but when he signs on to a thriller it often seems to turn out very good. Renee Zellweger on the other hand is far from a personal favourite of mine. She has a serious lack of charisma and her appearance change is very distracting in this film. I feel like there are a lot of actresses who could have done a better job in this role.

'The Whole Truth' is a film that is entertaining throughout, partly because you are almost certain there is a twist coming, and partly because the story is well written and movies at a good pace. Then at the end it goes Bang! I really enjoyed this film and I think any thriller lovers out there will have a good time with it too.
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Nice easy watch
actualhayleywatchingtv13 April 2023
An easy watch, you don't have to concentrate too much and I was able to check my phone, make a cup of tea etc without missing anything important. It's not a bad movie and a kind of interesting storyline, but I felt there could have been more.. or it could have been longer. It ended a bit oddly, and as a mother reviewer said, it feels like it ended in the middle of the story.

All of the characters had potential for more development, and to dig a bit deeper into their background, lives and their future. Especially the Mother, and the son. Nobody really stood out as the main characters.

Perhaps the story could have been better as a short series. I expected a bit more intensity.
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The Whole Dud
punisherversion122 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Whole Truth: Directed by Courtney Hunt and written by Nicolas Kazan using a pseudonym Rafael Jackson.

Keanu Reeves as a defense lawyer defending a teenager who killed his father and confessed to the crime. He also refuses to talk to his attorney. This makes his job almost impossible. This movie is intentionally deceiving in a lot of ways. The mystery of what actually happened is the entire crux of the movie and it was flimsy to say the least. You know right from the very beginning that the boy didn't kill his dad.

You get the sense that the kid is clearly protecting his mom. His mom is supposed to have been in this horrific abusive long relationship with Jim Belushi's character. It doesn't feel like it though. Renee Zellweger, an Oscar winner for Cold Mountain is just lifeless in this movie. Keanu Reeves has more personality than she does. We all know how limited he is. He's fine in this movie. He also is holding onto a secret.

This movie really hinges on this mystery. It tries to confuse you with different points of view as for how things happened. It doesn't necessarily walk into Rashomon territory but it runs close. It just does not work and the twist comes out of nowhere and doesn't begin to redeem this very lifeless movie. I give this movie a D.
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OK as a TV episode. Not so much as a feature
MT-1508719 August 2016
Just the other day I stumbled upon an animated short called "Sebastian's Voodoo". It runs about 4 minutes with closing credits and was made by a sophomore student on a shoestring budget. It has it all – story, characters, visuals, drama, climax, finale, meaning. Now you need to hear it again – it's under 5 minutes.

I'd have thought that the stuff that runs one and a half hour, features Keanu Reeves and Renee Zellweger (I … guess) and cost at least several millions should be able to offer at least something along those lines, shouldn't it? I mean if it is not by design in the same category as, say, "Mechanic: Resurrection" – that is not a piece of totally senseless action entertainment which does not even pretend for a second to be anything more than that? Unfortunately, it's not the case here.

It's obviously not a movie one would want to write a dissertation about, so let's be brief. Good news first. The story is semi-OK with a couple of more or less legitimate twists. After two decades of preparation Keanu Reeves delivers something that remotely qualifies as acting (at any rate his lawyer here is perceptibly less wooden than in "The Devil's Advocate" and the remnants of his trademark acting quality are somewhat justified in the context of the plot). That's it.

Now, would it be good enough? It's not that anybody asked for my opinion, but as far as I'm concerned – not quite. What would be the justification of a multi-million project with major stars if at the end of the day the outcome feels, as one reviewer pointed out, like a TV show episode? Except for paychecks for all parties involved?

The truth is that the movie feebly hints at some points but they are dropped halfway and ultimately not really made. My guess would be that it might have been different in the script but changed during the production – it would explain why one of the main characters suddenly becomes kind of 'unnecessary'. It is as if the movie was afraid of getting too poignant and chooses to play it safely.

The direction is equally mediocre and all about 'been there done that' (repeatedly) thing. It does not even hint at any original vision. No, that's not true. At some point you can have a glimpse of Renee Zellweger's (still guessing … but definitely not a body double's) naked posterior. Despite the fact that it's not as ample as it used to be, this revelation is commendable. And it's never been done before. But again – that's it.

Then again, since patent mediocrity has always been the main specialty of mainstream Hollywood, this all is not surprising. What is, however, is why people like Keanu settle for it time and time and time again. With his ability as a performer mentioned he is hardly in a position to be picky. However, with his financial ability he certainly is.

Why not to produce meaningful mid-/low-budget projects and finance them with his own money to retain total creative control while minding their commercial potential as well? Reportedly Keanu tried something of the sort recently. But, apparently due to a half-measures approach implemented, wound up with "Exposed" after "Daughter of God" was gang raped by Lionsgate executives.

Well, Neo, everybody falls the first time. Get a decent crew of inventive dudes who actually have something to say and try again. Stir this morass a little. Who, if not you? Because even "Exposed" has more meaning, real drama as well as artistic and, ultimately, overall value to it than "The Whole Truth".
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