Extinction (2018) Poster


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Extinction: Nice surprise
Platypuschow11 December 2018
What is it with Netflix lately? They're taking over, everything I watch seems to be a Netflix original movie. And in some cases such as this one that's not entirely a bad thing.

Extinction is an oddly enjoyable little scifi tale starring Michael Pena, Lizzy Caplan and Mike "Luke Cage" Colter. I went in knowing nothing and expecting very little and walked away pleasantly surprised.

I'm not a big sci-fi guy and the cover certainly makes this look like a generic alien invasion film. I can assure you that it isn't, in fact it's a well constructed highly original clever little movie.

Arguably it's a big "Twist" style movie so I can say very little. What I will say however is that it's well worth a watch regardless of your stance with the sci-fi genre. I found myself genuinely shocked by what I was watching and that doesn't happen very often.

Netflix gets another thumbs up for one of their originals, good going.

The Good:

Some excellent ideas

Looks great

The Bad:

Mike Colter is underused

I still struggle to like Michael Pena

Yet another Netflix movie that feels like it should be a tv show

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Lizzy Caplan is immortal and refuses to age
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armanwhannell14 January 2019
The movie was OK. But after watching it I started hating children
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Im balling because everyone hates those kids!
ozzymexitech28 July 2018
Im laughing so hard because I didnt think I was going to be the only one who thought the movie could have received a lot higher rating if it wasnt for those insufferable kids! >-<
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Had Potential But One Child Ruined It
lcwater26 December 2020
This could have been a great movie, but the youngest daughter got on my last nerve throughout the entire movie. Whoever wrote her story messed up the movie. Her ways were not always warranted.
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It's OK
freqeteq27 July 2018
The story is quite fresh, I went in not knowing anything about the film so didn't see the twists and turns that it takes coming, which is quite a rarity with movies these days for me. The effects both cgi and practical are well done for the most part, though some of the cgi does suffer from looking like really good cgi rather than something that's actually real. Overall though it's a solid bit of science fiction fare to spend a couple of hours with.

The negatives for me mainly concerned the child characters, they were badly written and it was obvious they were just there as plot devices to make things happen. There are 4 instances in the film where children were used purely because if they didn't do whatever stupid thing they did at that time then no action would have taken place, it's lazy writing 101. Plus they cried, constantly. The youngest one cried and whinged for probably 80% of her screen time and she had a LOT of screen time, and sure that may be the way a real child would behave if put in her situation, but hey, I'm watching a science fiction movie about an alien invasion with spaceships and laser guns, reality has already left the building so it wouldn't have hurt for them to tone down her reactions a little bit to make her less irritating.

There's an exposition dump in the 3rd act that goes on forever and the ending feels a bit anti-climatic (and setting up for a sequel that I doubt will ever happen), but I still gave this movie a 6/10, I enjoyed my time with it I think it's a solid 6 and I might have even given it a 7 if it wasn't for the annoying kids.
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Yep, those kids are just so distracting...
jamesvass-6231611 February 2021
As the plot unfolds and you gradually become invested in the story and it's trajectory, the child characters do their best to distract the viewer by just being little pains... They seem to actively do everything they can to get the main characters killed off... I think this Netflix sci-fi flick should have rated much higher had it not been for those characters... Shame.
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Good writing but those damn kids!!!
staryellow14 October 2018
Reason I'm reviewing is mainly due to my frustration with the kids and the poor decisions. Unexpected plot though, really great concept and the annoying factors actually kept me intrigued. The more I said "I can't with this" the more I watched, found myself yelling at the tv and scripting my own versions of how I'd handle those kids! Discipline! Sigh!
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Good but
ashenvillain27 July 2018
Good film really enjoyed most of it but the kids in it with their incessant whining, screaming and crying at inoportune moments giving away the families position drove me mental. Probabaly the most annoying children I have ever seen in a film
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Bloody kids
phillafrenais14 January 2019
Cut the whining annoying kids and have a slightly bigger budget and this would have been pretty good.
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Good story but very irritating
Gordon-117 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The story is good, particularly the twist in the middle. However, the children were far too annoying in the beginning, and the ending is too irritating. Stopping the train to risk the lives of hundreds isn't acceptable. Slither irritating thing is that the father sits next to the window when he's being shot at, which is pretty stupid.
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The Children
corbinclendenin28 July 2018
The movie overall wasn't bad.... That being said the acting by the children was terrible, absolute garbage. The youngest daughters constant whining single handedly ruined it for me.
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Some balance here...
lat29727 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a review, but felt compelled to do so after reading some of the 1 star reviews here.

This is no Citizen Kane or Matrix. It's never going to deserve a perfect 10. But it also doesn't deserve one star. To all the people giving it the lowest possible score because of the 'annoying children', I have a message for you: as a parent, I can 100% confirm that their reactions were accurate and well scripted. All the screaming. Totally realistic. The 'poor decision making'? Yup, would totally happen too. I'm sick of how binary reviews have become... didn't enjoy the movie? Worst movie ever. Seriously, get a grip.

Anyway, here's my review (trying my hardest to avoid spoilers, unlike some people here):

Things this movie didn't do well for me: first, the 'visions' were over too soon. We needed another 5-10 minutes of that. It felt too quick and rushed in. Second, when the reveal comes, we needed more of the backstory... at least another couple of minutes. It all made sense, but it really warranted some additional background, particularly regarding the evacuation. Third, right at the end, the scene in the train was super rushed. The CGI as it went into the mountain was distractingly poor, so they could have spent a little more time on that one... would also be a super simple re-edit if they're thinking of making tweaks to the movie. Finally, I was left a bit unsatisfied that yet another movie with a grand theme such as extinction failed to zoom out and show the bigger picture. This is a pretty big world, and yet we're zoomed in on one area of one city... I really wanted more context.

What worked well: first, the action was really good, definitely had me sitting up at points. The stress of trying to save the kids and the wife at the same time felt real, I really empathised with the protagonist and thought they nailed some of that. Second, the premise for the movie was genuinely brilliant. There's a story here that they're barely scratching the surface of, and I'm not sure I've seen it told this way before, so some marks out of ten for originality of plot. Finally, the twist... you can feel it coming from the very first scene of the movie, and it's slowly drip fed to you... you kinda feel like you know what it is, which is why I found the reveal so satisfying, because it really does take you by surprise.

Anyway, that's my tuppence, thanks for reading ;)
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Nice twist
ddiesonne27 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of the movie is pretty boring and reminds quite a lot of a cheap 90s B-movie. Then there's the twist, and things get a lot more interesting. I felt like... my patience was at least partially rewarded.

Pena's acting is decent, but not impressive. I liked more the new guy, Israel Broussard, and Lizzie Caplan.

I still feel like the script had a lot more potential, but this movie is anyway better than its initial ratings show, especially since it comes after a pretty long series of recent Netflix disappointments.
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Good idea, execution mediocre
alphonsesclessin31 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Attention: SPOILERS!!!

The whole idea behind the story is a nice twist on known alien-invasion stories but the execution for me has some big flaws which made this movie hard to watch.

First of all, the children. Although the thought of robots developing some feelings in one way or another is reasonable but robots acting so emotional/non-rational as the kids in this film is just moronic and totally unbelievable. The worst here is that the behavior of the children is also totally useless for the story and brings no added value whatsoever.

Secondly, we're watching robots which seem to be technologically very advanced and are capable of doing and thinking out everything humans did/thought out before but when it comes to equipment, skills etc. in battle man comes up with seemingly better technology, better skills ... And all of this was built up in exile on Mars? Second big logical flaw for me, and again, the story could do just without.

Third, although not the most important for me. Some effects looked cheap. The bridge disapearing at the end could have been a scene from The Thunderbirds.

I think more could have been done with this story which has potential in my point of view.
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The kids... and some other stuff
peter-graat30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite ok.

Yes the kids are annoying.

They caused a lot of damage and death.

As soon as the plot was clear I rooted for the humans.

We're not always nice, but hey, it's our planet!

There are some holes in the story.

For example, why didn't the humans destroy the infrastructure. If you want to kill a city population, you should destroy all ways out of it. Also a certain bridge. Considering the load of flying stuff the humans brought. Further it's just kinda stupid to stop and hug for about a full minutes with 50 enemies on your tail.

But I can forgive the makers, because I still enjoyed myself.
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Is it wrong that I started to root for the aliens?
ebwolk19 August 2018
At minute 51 I gave up in the humans and their inane decisions and started to root for the aliens. Alice's makeup remains flawless, however.
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The kids ruined the movie!
ninochandra26 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This should probably potentially be a decent movie.. but throughout the film I was sooooo distracted by the loud whining kids and its so annoying... they're not even essential to the movie. Yes I get it that the movie wants to potray a regular family having some alien attacks, but please... it was too over the top and makes you cringe... I believe alot of viewers would want the kids to be dead instead of being empathetic to the characters.

And the train scene when finally the parents came to the peron, the kids had to run to them and have a huggy kissy moment while a bunch of people chasing them... REALLY??? it's not even believable...
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Could have been a solid 9
kingsx_6429 September 2019
If the dialogue went like this; Father- Come on, we gotta go Little annoying twit; -I don't wanna daddy Father- OK, fine. Then stay here by yourself. I never liked you anyway. Little annoying twit- Your leaving me? Father- Hell yea, shoulda dropped you off at the orphanage a long time ago.. Movie crowd cheers giving dad a standing ovation.
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too boring for its main conceit/surprise twist (Spoilers in review, summary in title)
phenomynouss29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It feels to me a bit like cheating nowadays when i write movie reviews that end up needing to be marked for spoilers and basically end up describing the whole plot. In some cases, where the spoilers issue encompasses so much of the movie, it necessitates either an incredibly short, concise review amounting to little more than "stuff was happening, then WOW watch out stuff changed! I didn't like it" or a play-by-play of the movie in full spoiler mode. In some cases, spoilers for a movie or TV show can actually be what entices someone to watch it (in my case, i had absolutely no interest in Battlestar Galactica the 2004-2009 series until I read spoilers on how the series ended, and so I gave it a shot and absolutely loved it)

This is one of those films where its surprise twist encompasses basically the entire conceit of the film. Without it, the film has no reason to exist. As such, it's down to either a quick summary of my thoughts, or a full (or limited) play-by-play.

Luckily, my thoughts on it fit in the title. So for the spoiler-free review, you've already read it in the title.

As for the rest...

This film looks and comes across as a pretty standard fare science fiction alien invasion type thing. It takes something of a risk (in my opinion) by casting Michael Peña in the leading role, a guy who has been around for a while and in a lot of things, mostly as the token hispanic or the sidekick to the main hero. Nothing in his performance can be faulted; the problem is the way his character is written is just flat-out boring.

The main character guy is an ordinary John Everyman who loves his wife and kids and is a perpetual disappointment to them and constantly apologizing. The only interesting thing about him is he's constantly having nightmares about an alien invasion, nightmares which get so bad that he's passing out for hours at a time and missing playdates with his kids.

We're only briefly teased with these dreams being something more when he goes to a mental health place and sees another guy talking to him about his own identical dreams. Rather than delve into that or make a brief mystery out of it, they blow their load early and have the supposed alien invasion unfold that very night.

For the next 10-20 minutes is some utterly unremarkable action/survival scenes in which the John Everyman and his family and some friends over for a party must escape their apartment building as the aliens blow up chunks of the neighborhood. It's ably shot, though completely dry and rote, very much aware that it's been done before, and done better, both in terms of storytelling and in terms of action and exploding setpieces.

To skip ahead just a bit, pretty much all the major action scenes are like this; ably executed, but thoroughly unremarkable and ordinary; background noise and filler material to pass the time while you're left thinking about the big revelation of the movie.

And that brings me to the main conceit of the film, one for which they could have done a far different movie about that could've been far more interesting and fun:

The "alien invasion" is humans.

It turns out John Everyman's dreams were not some manner of prophecy of the future; they are memories of the past, because he is an android and his wife is an android, and decades ago they were all droiding it up while humans freaked out about the threat of AI, briefly and very, very lightly tapping on some of the same emotions, prejudices, and discussions about immigration --- there's literally a news panel on TV the protagonist is overhearing with a pundit clamoring hysterically about how the synths are "taking all our jobs".

Maybe the casting of Michael Peña in the lead role was meant to or could have played some manner of role in this, the hispanic Michael Peña as the ordinary "other", target of baseless racism and prejudice, only not because of his ethnicity but because he's a robot.

But nothing is done with this. We get a very brief expo-dump from one of the human soldiers captured alive, where he reveals to the protagonist that, after all the violence and fear against synths, humans went and tried to "decommission" them all with extreme violence, leading to a synth uprising which somehow managed to force all humans to flee to Mars, where the captured human soldier guy was born and raised, having spent his entire life there, prepping and waiting to take back Earth.

All the while the protagonist and his wife, having found his android children and adopted them, got their memories of the war wiped so they could go on living the exact same life for 50+ years, apparently oblivious to the fact that they never age or change in any way.

So much could have been done with this concept, either from the Humans vs Androids angle, the Humans as Aliens angle, the two whole generations of humans being born and raised on Mars, anything and everything, and instead they went for a straight-forward ordinary action movie as utterly indistinguishable as virtually any other in the "alien invasion and human resistance" genre.

It actually makes me feel bad for this film and the people involved; they aimed high with their ideas, then proceeded to do almost nothing with them in the execution. This is probably one of the absolute best "Could Have Been" films I will probably never see.
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Don't give up on it, honest
daneder-404961 April 2022
This thing starts bad, real bad. The acting is mostly cringe-worthy, the two little girls make you want to never have children, ugh. And Michael Pena in the lead role, that almost kept me away in the first place. His early scenes so bad that I actually did quit this movie once, but picked it up again, and glad I did.

The effects and CGI are remarkably well done for what otherwise appears to be a low budget film (they certainly spent pennies for actors). There are an awful lot of 'as if' moments, where the impossible becomes second nature. But overall, the story ends up revealing a very wise thought, call it a plot twist if you must. Getting rid of the two annoying kids would have made this better, but they were central to several plot devices.
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Lucy & Herman The Doll Should Die First
syamrezca15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
And then we can all enjoy the movie and its surprising twist in peace.
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The twist *is* what makes this film a brilliant and rare gem
Top_Dawg_Critic30 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I read a few reviews people complaining about the 'twist' and thus I didn't know what to expect. I had seen the trailer and found it interesting, curious, and was impressed with the visuals but hesitant with Michael Peña's acting, but still decided to see this film.

From the start, everything was on point - the directing, editing, visuals, cinematography, score and story all held my interest quite well. I was really impressed with the modern/futuristic sets. I felt some of the SFX (i.e. Some of the CGI explosions) could have been better, but still adequate. The pacing felt a little slow, but started to make sense towards the end.

But initially I was not impressed with Michael Peña's acting, I felt he was being lazy and struggling with his character, as was Lizzy Caplan. I kept thinking to myself that the two children where much better actors - until the 'twist' happened. Only then did everything fall into place and I understood the two lead characters performances (I don't want to give anything away) and was blown away by the brilliant concept.

Finally, a sci-fi with something uniquely different and refreshing that was produced exceptionally well. I am truly blown away as almost an hour has passed and I can't get this film out of my mind and certainly want to see it again. My only critique was that I felt the story could have been tighter. I usually complain that a film is too long but for the first time, I'm complaining that I wanted it longer with more in-depth details of the back story.

I get the wanna be critics slamming this film (mostly for stupid and infantile reasons), but am shocked that the real critics didn't see the brilliance this film had.

I really hope the producers ignore the negativity and come out with a sequel, as this film is certainly a contender for a cult following status for the true and real sci-fi fanatics such as myself.

Bravo to the entire production team and especially the writers for creating this little brilliant gem of a concept and executing it into a remarkable film.

Even though at first you may think, there are no let downs in this film, only pleasant surprises if you're patient. A well deserved 9/10 from me. Please create a sequel!
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Wait for the second half
Alexander_Blanchett13 August 2018
Okay I must say it was one of those films that truly develop during the watching experience. At first it starts like your usual alien invaion film, ultra boring and your standard fare. But then there is a twist and the film got a total turn around and new perspective, It actually became interesting, dramatic and thoughtprovoking. It was nice to see Michael Pena in a leading role, which is rare. He was quite well. Lizzie Caplan was also decent enough. I liked the two girls as well. Otherwise it was just rather mediocre on the acting department. The effects looked a bit cheap at times, as did the costume work. The editing was good and the score as well. I really think a lot of people actually switched it off after the first half hour or the first encounter with the strangers, but I think it deserves to be given a chance as there is an explanation for many things that seem to be a directional error or cheap effect/look.
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Go here , no go here , be quiet ! Here is a flashlight
eric_tillqvist28 July 2018
Go down , stay down , get up , go up! DOWN!!! .....quiet , be quick ! Careful, RUN!!! Stop ! GOGOGO
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The kids
dariusmclean-3587323 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this movie twist really got me. At first I was like, why the hell are humans attacking humans.. now it all makes sense.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one frustrated over the excessive crying and screaming from the kids. I was starting to contemplate if I even wanted to have kids after watching this.

The daughter was the reason for most of their problems the beginning of the movie Lolol.

I had to make an account just to express the same frustration everyone else was feeling. Overall good movie.
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