Siren: Survive the Island (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

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We need more WOMEN POWER!
wpxgzxrf18 June 2023
After watching so many so-called women programs, this is what we women really want to watch! I must say I need the second season RIGHT NOW! I feel excited to see their muscles and power! What we need is muscles that protected ourselves not the beauty/pale skin/skinny legs!

One point is that the show didn't title them with something like 'policewoman', ignore the sexuality ,that's what we should do.

All girls are so impressive, but I have to see my bias is always firefighter team and athletes! They are so cuteeeeee

BTW hope the next season will introduce points format, so we can watch how they compete more.
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gpalss6 June 2023
In korea, we suffer from gender issues nowadays.

Idk why, but it usually focus on professional women are physically weaker than professional men. So director's intention would consider about korean social issues like feminism or something.

It can be attractive, and give positive pov for women who've got some profession to protection.

First this program has a great art director, so the symbols and ideas are so cool.

And it gave some feeling of teamwork, victory and patient.

Even though some viewers said "united makes the series boring" and it is a little bit right words to say, it is the great series to watch.
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Unique concept that avoids many of reality television's biggest pitfalls
SevenDaysOfFire8 June 2023
There will be a temptation for some to liken Siren to long-running strategy and survival shows like Survivor, or physical competitions like the recent Physical: 100. However, whilst Siren takes inspiration from many of its predecessors, it is different in several key ways and these differences culminate in a reality television show that is superior to most in this genre.

Unlike Survivor and Physical: 100, there is no product placement and Siren is noticeably free of advertising throughout. This means the show is always focused on the contestants and the competition - there are no distractions. For a Korean reality television show, Siren does a good job minimising the amount of multiple angle replays and lacks the usual screen clutter from jokes and pop-up information. It is also less sneaky in its use of editing to suggest a false narrative, though there are still some minor moments when the editors are clearly lying to the audience. Siren also distances itself from both these shows, and most other reality programs, in its distinct lack of interviews with the contestants. Whilst they do turn up occasionally to offer some insight, these interviews are usually professional and free from fake drama. The overwhelming majority of the show is live footage and this really improves its pacing.

Siren is also unique in its blend of survival, strategy/diplomacy and physical competition. The survival aspect is persistent in the background throughout, but it's less extreme than Survivor, in which contestants regularly face medical emergencies. The participants in Siren are almost always physically capable of performing at their best thanks to this and the competition benefits from it. Furthermore, whilst diplomacy and strategy are still present and important, Siren doesn't suffer from Survivor's problem where strong opponents are unfairly eliminated early and the winner is often an undeserving "nice guy" caricature. Contestants are rewarded for their teamwork and ability in Siren. Unlike in Physical: 100, however, the ultimate winner is not necessarily the strongest all-around competitor and the show is less predictable as a result. Here, Siren manages to strike a unique balance between different aspects of this genre to create something that is both fairer and more exciting.

The show is not without some problems, but these are all relatively minor and do not have a significant impact on the viewing experience. Some sections of the competition feel underutilised and lacking - perhaps there was not enough interesting footage to work with? The pacing of the show is good, but at times it almost feels a little too fast with some teams and contestants getting noticeably less screen time. Again, this is perhaps due to a lack of usable footage but it does result in some teams being significantly less interesting than others. There are also some questionable refereeing decisions, though thankfully these do not impact the fairness of the result.

Overall, Siren is competitive reality television done right. It avoids most of the problems that commonly plague this genre whilst retaining a unique blend of the most exciting aspects. There is still a lot more than can be done with this format and I hope these possibilities are explored in the future.
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One of a Kind
reneosherifi2 June 2023
I would like to start off with the fact that this show is a one if a kind there is nothing else you can compare with , it's production level is very high, the production team have clearly though about every move they will alllow the participants to do and not a single loophole can be found.

This show is perfect for survival enthusiasts who love the type of situations where startergy is very important especially when against others, such as how they should defend their camp and when they should attack other camps.

In a way I'm jealous because I would love to participate in this show as it also seems very fun.
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Fell in love with the strong women on this show
gracechrista7 June 2023
It's been so long since I've watched a show with such great premise, execution, fairness, rivalry, and camaraderie. I absolutely fell in love with the firefighters, and they have inspired me so much to be stronger myself. This is a show for people who love rooting for underdogs! For such a competitive and at times anxiety-inducing show, the ending was also very heartwarming. You can tell the women really enjoyed their time on the show and genuinely loved competing against one another and with one another. Even in the last moments, they were smiling at each other while proclaiming that they were excited to go down fighting together. THAT is a great reality survival show! I was yelling and freaking out and celebrating audibly at many different times; I recommend this to everyone.
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LOVE IT!!!!!!
kinsu-1648817 June 2023
I love powerful ambitious and intelligent women!!! Thanks for creating this type of show, love it very much. Every one in this show did a good job!!

This kind of show which is full women is very rare nowadays. Actually that's the reason why I chose to watch it. We can simply see the track of man everywhere,but we have to search for women.

This show presents many main characters of women, which are often ignored by people.

We should admire these, instead of criticizing and limiting them.

Here is one famous sentence:" If I could have watched this type of show when I was a child..."

Looking forward to next seasons!!!!!
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They cracked the code of the forced binge-watch and I'm not mad at all
Mvandermeulle320969 June 2023
Woah! I've never watched a full season in a day until now. I just couldn't stand stopping when the episodes ended. I literally called people and changed plans for my day. They shirked the 'every episode follows a format' concept, and my guess is that they shot and captured everything that was interesting and wisely divided it up into 40 minute segments regardless of where things would leave off or how many episodes it would amount to. It was an intense watch, but you couldn't cleanly break from the show for a day or so between episodes because most of them left off mid-challenge/battle. My congratulations to the victorious team (though I rooted for others for most of the show). I hope the next season comes fast, and I also hope more countries follow this show's example. From the U. S., hats off to South Korea for their amazing talent for drama and excitement! Many of us are watching closely, excited for much of what your country churns out. Keep it up and we love you! Maybe later seasons will feature the best teams from different countries, or even the best players comprising teams to represent each country. Who knows. This show was an inspiring breakthrough! Yet another in a long line of great South Korean creations!!!
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coles_notes12 June 2023
One of the latest reality competition series on Netflix, Siren: Survive the Island hosts 6 teams of 4 contestants, all female, coming each from 6 different professions: Police, Firefighters, Soldiers, Guards, Athletes, and Stunt Performers. Each of these teams must survive on the island competing challenges for 1 week, the winning claiming themselves the champions and taking home the prize. Honestly looking back I'm still unsure what the prize was, but it really doesn't matter as the games in this series are the real treat. It's quite difficult to create games that will pan out long term, not be too complex in rules, and still be entertaining to watch, but I will say the series does a good job. The games can be confusing themselves, they spend some time going over the guidelines, however underlying the surface is a complex rule set that it seems only the contestants themselves saw the full scope of. The gist being each teams gets a "base" in which they can store their minimal gear and sleep. In each base must be stored a team flag which if captured during the once-a-day "base battle", that team loses, and the capturing team now gains control of that base. During said base battles each team member has a flag strapped to their back that if pulled out that player also loses, and must wait until that base battle is over before re-joining their team. These base battles are the means of eliminating contestants and eventually claiming winners. Secondarily, there are a few arena games, all themselves with special rules and gameplay which I wont get into, but those typically award advantages to the winning team in the subsequent base battles. Finally, theres a store where players can use up calories burned each day as "currency" (tracked via what looked like apple watches on everyone's wrist), which could be used for basics like food, to tools like shovels, to defences like smoke bombs. All of this complexity certainly adds to the drama when done correctly, however at only 10 episodes typically shorter than 40 minutes I was found wanting more content, even just the mundane planning or conversations in the bases, I would be much enjoyed that rather than things feeling over-cut and fast paced. All in all, it was fun, I had favourites, and I will certainly return for season 2, which they heavily implied was coming. Netflix described the series as "Survivor meets Physical: 100", which got it to the top of my list and honestly felt like a good description. Would recommend.
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pommedeterregj6 June 2023
This show is somehow very authentic and refreshes me from other contrived shows.

Firstly I was thinking this was just a women version of survival games. However after watching this, it feels like a new genre as it brings other values.

Strong but not violent, competing but not in a selfish way, so focused but not money oriented. The women in this show are very raw, and therefore beautiful.

Definitely season 2 should come out. It was fun to watch the participants' pure reaction and improvisation without knowing what's to come next. But it will also be very exciting when they are kind of prepared of the games in advance.
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Woman's Power
ywznnssx21 June 2023
I am a woman. I really love those women in the show. They are so powerful, smart, confident, strong and ambitious. Every woman is free. We can be someone we want to be. There is no standard. Every girl is able to be powerful.😭😭 Actually, I love, respect and adore those women's muscles. I think I will take exercise to develop my muscles.😭😭😭I spent about 8 hours watching them today. I indulged in this show literally. Hope to see following series sooner!! Girl can be ambitious and strong! Thanks to see these women. I see more possibilities for girls. They are my model and inspire me to challenge myself. 💪💪💪
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Amazing cast, weak premise
Jchakko23 August 2023
The strongest aspect of this show is the cast of women who are competing. They have a variety of physical jobs and are cool. The mechanics of the show are not good. The first base battle is entertaining but each one is less interesting to watch than the last. One team is stuck in the corner the entire show. One team gets eliminated so early on theyre hardly in it. Some of the bases are so protected that attacking teams can't even figure out how to open the door. The capture the flag aspect of the show has to be rebalanced or given less importance. My recommendation is watch the first two base battles then feel free to stop any time.
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I've seen the most perfect reality show in recent years
ellen-5203219 June 2023
This variety show shows great commercial value and personal charm, which is completely worthy of being made into a series and giving birth to a series of related movies and themed games! And the feminist light it shows is unprecedented!

Hope to make this series more people see! Not only do women like us who are still struggling for a better life need, but most importantly, our children need such female role models! The ambition, strategy, solidarity, and care they show in it have never been fully displayed by female reality shows in the past! My friends and I are very, very, very loving it!

Guys pls watch (begging with my knees)
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Had high hopes for this one.
divemabini9 June 2023
Alas, it did not deliver. Mainly because, like so many of the other "Survivor"-type series out there, it devolves into a morass of personality conflicts and political back-stabbing.

The word "Survive" is in the title. But by that they mean, who can talk their way to victory the best, and not any sort of survival talent. There is very little in the way of adventure here. The arena challenges are lame. The base battles are obviously staged. I was hoping for some sort of danger aspect to the survival angle, but even bad weather with lightning is shrugged off with a "meh" in favor of more annoying dialogue.

To cap it all off, without spoiling it, the two most annoying of the six teams make it to the finale. So I wore out my fast-forward button the last two episodes. I didn't care which of the nerve-grating finalists won...or lost.

Great concept. Terrible in the way of actual challenge.
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bob_katsionis-756705 June 2023
I'm 3 episodes in and I can't remember when it was the last time I had so much interests and agony on a TV game show.

There are surprises, there is hyper realism, there is tension, there are plots and betrayals and ACTION, lots of action.

Although I'm from Greece, I'm really addicted to anything made in Korean when it comes to TV, and before I even hit pmthe play button I was sure about what I would see.

It's also perhaps even better than the 100 Physical series which I enjoyed a lot.

For some reason Koreans know how to show characters and profiles, even when the whole rest of the whole thinks "they all look the same" Nope, they're not, they just kick a$$ in what they do.

Can't wait to see what's a new day on the island is gonna bring!
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Korean Women Respect!
oopapapapa18 June 2023
OMG, I have never seen a show like this before!

These women are so strong, powerful, confident and resourceful! I wish I could be as strong as them! They are from professions that people tend to think are only for men, but they prove that such assumption is so wrong. That is the Power of Women!

The show is so real, you can never predict what will happen in the next moment. To survive the island, to be strong is not enough. You also have to be smart. You need to hide yourself from your enemy, but you also need to know more about your enemy. The part that each team tries to confuse other teams is so interesting and hilarious, because as the audience, you know all the tricks they play.

Looking forward to the next season!!!
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Awesome !
gcqcf6 June 2023
I watched it without much expectation, but this was something different.

A breathless sense of immersion.

Only female comes out, but I couldn't see them. I could see only a battle of pride-filled soldiers, firefighters, and police.

What is the purpose of this battle? Is it a prize money? It seems There was no such thing. Honor for your job? These people are kind of cool.

Appropriate music effects lead me. The moment of climax is coming, so you have to watch carefully.

The starting with a thick sea fog was good choice.

I heard that all episodes will be released today. I should watch it first.
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joeysteria17 June 2023
I'm a user from the Mandarin-speaking region and a lot of people around me are inspired by the show. I sincerely hope that this show can be filmed for a second season. Everyone in this show does not depend on their own family, they exist as themselves. Women are separated from the "other" and "object" that are often in society, and exist as "subjects". Korean women are really great. What if I grew up watching shows like this when I was a kid? This show shows more possibilities for women in East Asia, the pursuit of white and thin deformed aesthetics is a public opinion tool used by patriarchy to weaken women's aggression, the existence of this show partially breaks such a deformed aesthetic, as a victim of this deformed aesthetic, I am very grateful for the existence of this show.
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If you are a real woman, you should watch the siren:survive the Island
loveletter-8139717 June 2023
When I watched siren, I thought that the director, screenwriter and sisters in the Korean are really powerful 😭😭, maybe East Asian women can feel the meaning of it to us.

If I had grown up wantching some TV like siren as a child, I and the other girls would probably be a soldier, and I would not believe the lie of absolute power between women and men, and I would have taken as a model for women who were shining like them.

In a place where domestic dramas that obey the aesthetic of male power are rampant, I am very happy to see this variety show in the Korean District, so that more female power can be displayed in front of the screen.💪💪
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Can't wait to see the second season
zhiyuzhang-8719618 June 2023
This is definitely the beeeeest reality show that I've ever watched. Although I don't speak Korean, I'm sooo inspired by those fearless, determined and confident women in this show. I've watched dozens of times and 10 episodes are far from enough!!! If I grew up watching this show, my life would be different and I would be a stronger woman now. Hope every girl watch this and hope the next season come out soon!

I'm listing some impressive moments and speeches in this show:

I'm not Miss I'm the police officer!

It's the perfect day to die and the perfect day to kill.

Wanna fight?

We've only learned how to kill.
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So much potential
jimacfiggen29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was so much potential with this show, but it falls flat. I wish there was more strategizing. Most teams never changed the location of their flag, even after they gained multiple new bases. Some teams never stood a chance because their base was so awful. The alliances ruined it. Just a bunch of people ganging up on one team and shocker, the gang wins. It would have been more compelling if there was more chaos in the sense that multiple teams were making moves all over the island versus everything going down at one place. The women are great. They are very respectful and good sports. But this made for bad TV.
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women power
jiajiya18 June 2023
The union of women providing a blueprint for youngsters that women can be wild, strong, ambitious. Also, the programme showed its comedy, such as an island without secrets. Because your strategies would spread through within hours. And i like the words the police said,"don't call me miss, i am a police." and kang always keeps saying that if i can't do it i die here.and another soldier said let's burn down the thing that strikes me is that when they make it through the mud, they encourage each other not only there own team but also congratulate to other teamsmuscles are weapons which provide women with confidence.
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Be amazed by these talented women!
w-31070-6839417 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am very lucky to see such a reality show, which is also very explosive in contemporary times!

Delighted for sisters' courage, justice, tenacity and never giving up, and moved to tears for women's friendship.

When I saw the fire brigade cheering for victory, when I saw the military team saying they were merciless and staring at the chaotic second camp, when I saw the athlete team cheering each other, I was moved by it. Never before has any TV program caused me such a huge emotion, Korean women show their great talents in every fields , I love you so much.

This reality show makes me feel as if I have seen the rise of women around the world. Let's progress together! Let's fight together for the cause of women's rights!!!!

I am looking forward to the second season!!!I really hope to see more and more women showcase their power and first sex demeanor. It is strongly recommended that sisters watch!!!!!
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I wonder if my life would have been different if I'd seen it ten years earlier.
wqjstc18 June 2023
Siren tells the story of 24 top women in different industries competing with each other, there are firefighters, police, national athletes, special forces, stunts, guards six groups, they made my blood boil like never before.

Sirens are all about the ambition, strength, pride and confidence of women, who have broken countless histories and records through rigorous screening. Only women can be so brave, resilient, empathetic and kind at the same time.

It even made me think if my life would have been different if I'd seen it ten years earlier, maybe I will cherish my strength, determination and pride more, instead of feeling shameful for them.

All in all, the only drawback of Siren is it only has 10 episodes but I want 100 episodes. Well done, Korean women and Netflix! I look forward to the second season! Women need this!
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the very first reality show that keeps me exited
leileizhang-5642618 June 2023
Here we only focus on how powerful these women are! The soldiers, each one of them stands out of personality, every team tries hard on winning the final award. These women are so damn brave in taking on the challenges, they are excited in facing new things, fear only makes them stronger. After having watched all the episodes, the only thing that comes up my mind is: wow I can be powerful, be strong, just like them! Hey girls, we are able to do anything, to protect ourself, we can be our own superhero, these women, are proven facts about that! Hopefully they will be able to produce the second season, so eager to seeing that!
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Every girl/woman should watch this show.
hiogotit18 June 2023
I never watch variety show myself, but this show has been recommended to me many times and when i saw it's all female and it's about survive, i decided to watch immediately. Turns out it's THE BEST show I've ever seen ! I was never interested in variety shows 'cause girls in the show mostly are just pretty and all that, but what i wanna see this ! Strong woman! With strategies! They're cool,smart and sexy ,this is exactly what i want. Maybe it's because I can't really run into women like them in dailylife, (our society encourage women to be 'soft' lol ,i really hate it) so i felt so encouraged when i see those women who are strong ,confident, ambitious. We need female icons like them ,they don't have to be celebrities,they can just be normal people around us, so that we can relate, that we are good enough, we can achieve anything we want ,what society told us are not true, that we have to find our own truth. So i really appreciate directors, producers, let us really"See" those great,excellent women, the power of women, gave me and many others strength to carry on ,to try to do our best, and feel proud of ourselves. I was also touched by the show. Many loves to you. And to the competitors,you guys are so wonderful, love you all very much !!!
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