A Christmas Wedding Date (TV Movie 2012) Poster

(2012 TV Movie)

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Lazy All the Way Through
thirdsqurl14 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Combining various elements of Groundhog Day with other Christmas themes could be a cute idea, but these filmmakers just didn't want to put in the work. The spotty script didn't deliver either a solid plot or clever dialog. And if it had, there is no evidence the actors would have taken advantage of it. The movie is not just miscast, but the director seems to have made no effort to get everyone on board. At times the characters are understated, and at others way over-the-top, giving the film an uneven flow. It is also difficult to invest much feeling in the characters. Marla Sokoloff's Rebecca is generally mean, her would-be boyfriend is a handsome dishrag, and the supporting cast are all caricatures. Catherine Hicks came closest to rising above the foam, but they didn't give her much to play with. The movie in not completely unwatchable, having a few good moments, but for a plot that relies on magic, it has way too little.
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good-hearted but not especially good
JamieWJackson26 September 2013
I love Marla Sokoloff, and the cast is all nicely chosen here, but the script and the directing just leave something to be desired. The entire affair feels gauzy, which isn't a surprise for a Hallmark movie, but underneath that there should still be some substance. In this case it just feels like they started with a mood they wanted to create and half-heartedly filled in whatever would produce that mood, without working much on details like whether any of it made sense. (Lots of it does, but there are some head-scratchers too.)

Honestly, it felt like a sleepwalk, emotionally. The key revelations which play a central part in the story barely made any emotional impact at all on the people involved. So the chance for some real acting to intrude on our gauze-fest was mostly wasted -- just about entirely wasted, in the case of the revelation about the past history of the main characters. Shame.

Still, it wasn't a bad way to spend a little time, if you like this kind of sappy movie. There are some fun moments, and I never get tired of watching Marla. 5/10 for me.
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Groundhog day
Jackbv1231 January 2019
This movie felt like someone said "how can we copy Groundhog Day" and yet be different. Walking down the street before the wedding had the same feel as GHD but with different people and events. Learning new talents - again, same feel, but different talents. Same with doing good deeds. I absolutely love GHD as shown by how often I've watched it.

Like Bill Murray's Phil, Rebecca was obnoxious and even a bit mean. But she wasn't the only one so the annoying meter was dialed up a bit high. Yet there were a number of funny moments. And of course a love story. I thought the ending was a bit anticlimactic albeit necessary.

Having said all that, the movie isn't as bad as some people have made it out to be. If it didn't so blatantly plagiarize GHD, I would probably give it a 7 or 8. It's watchable. This is actually a revision of my original review and I appreciated my second watching more than the first.
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Pretty bad
ulara2 December 2014
I have watched a lot of Christmas movies in the last month and honestly this was one of the worst so far; I can't believe the rather well known cast members agreed to be in it. It is basically a very poorly done remake of Groundhog Day. The characters were barely developed and I didn't care about any of them. So much of this movie was just plain stupid and annoying, from the miscast lead, to the way-too-good-looking ex boyfriend, to the undeveloped plot, to the unanswered questions. The causes for the behaviors of the characters were never even explained, just a lot of vague innuendo...what a mess. Basically I wish I had the two hours back.
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Worst Christmas Movie Ever ...
Kijofreg23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... And I've watched A LOT! The lead is b*tchy all the way through. Even when she's supposed to be sweet and kind, she treats people like cr*p. The plot is messy and cringey - much more than in your usual Christmas movie. The characters have no chemistry, the "antagonist" is a caricature, and why did the leads leave a wedding party to attend their own, private dinner party? And why did her mum show up at the wedding as if something was mighty important and then ... nothing? And what about all the other horrible, horrible plot holes? And yes, I could've written this much better myself, and I'm not even a screen writer. Yikes.
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Charming Christmas wedding date
TheLittleSongbird22 February 2022
Am not somebody who hates Christmas or has a bias against made for television Christmas films. The complete opposite on both counts and have made that clear more than once and will continue to do so if necessary (though am refraining as much as possible from reiterating too much). The premise did sound quite interesting and seemed like it was trying to do something a little different. So watched 'A Christmas Wedding Date' with the intent to like it.

Sadly, there are just too many flaws with 'A Christmas Wedding Date' for me to do that. It's not entirely terrible and has a few good things, but there is a lot wrong with it and it is another film where the worst of the bad things are executed pretty terribly. A case of a pretty decent premise not done anywhere near enough with and with mediocre at best execution. Am usually, or at least there is the attempt to be, a balanced and encouraging person when reviewing films, television etc. But 'A Christmas Wedding Date' is one of those films where it is not always easy to take that attitude.

There are a few good things. Marla Sokoloff gives her absolute all without over-acting, did find her character too excessively mean but Sokoloff injects a lot of passion and also some poignancy later on. Catherine Hicks is also good and makes much out of too little to do. George Wendt intrigues.

Did think too that there were pleasant moments in the soundtrack.

Unfortunately, 'A Christmas Wedding Date' has a lot wrong. Chris Carmack to me was incredibly bland and doesn't look at ease in his incredibly sketchy and too perfect role. The characters are too caricaturish with one or two character traits at best and most are poorly used, mostly underused. Most of the supporting cast are forgettable from having so little to work with and a few add nothing to the story.

It's a film that also doesn't look particularly good, with especially cheap editing. The script has an awkward flow and is often cheesy and at times melodramatic. The story suffers from tedious pacing, excessively vague character motivations, a lot of contrivance and nothing being surprising, could see the ending from miles away.

Concluding, weak. 3/10.
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mikieslife27 October 2020
I should have known this would be a movie one should pass in the first five minutes. Do these movies have editors? About three minutes in to it they prove they do not know how to use the words I and or me. Grammar only get worse as it progresses. Plot is tired, movie is tedious.
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LIke a maple tree, it's the sap you notice
cwg2005a10 December 2016
First of all, I enjoyed this movie. I've seen it now three times, and it's not a great movie (are any of these Christmas movies "great?"); it falls far behind "Christmas Kiss" and "A Perfect Christmas List" and about even with "Back to Christmas."

Still, it a nice cast - George Wendt is interesting as the ghostly cab driver, and Marla of course gives her all, which is very much indeed. So for the cast and story, I'd recommend it.

On the other hand, the direction is unimaginative (drab, actually) and the editing draws several scenes out way too long. It's as if they felt they had to hit us over the head with emotional tug, or didn't really have sufficient scenes written to fill in the length.

I do want to say that I have to thank Hallmark for helping to finance and distribute these films, and ION for running them also. It's much better watching than a lot of other junk the TV stations offer.
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Just not good
maryann45104 January 2022
Typical Cheesy Christmas movie ...but very mean spirited !! I of course all will work out .. I have been watching Christmas movies for a long time and this" groundhog version "with annoying characters that never grow up ...yuck the fact Maria was really pregnant was not hidden well at all Save your 1&1/2 hours for a decent movie😬
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Reasonably good Groundhog Day wannabe
herrcarter-921618 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked this movie a lot better than I thought I would, based on the weak rating on IMDb. It was a gender-reversed takeoff on the movie "Groundhog Day", one of my favorite films. It was, in no way, as good as that movie, but it still had a lot of charm and a lot of heart. I think the IMDb reviewers were overly harsh.

I especially liked Marla Sokoloff's performance as Rebecca. She is kind of mean at first, as she must be to achieve the required character arc from uncaring and selfish to caring and nice. I thought her performance was heartfelt, genuine, funny at times and touching at others. I recently watched her in a silly teen rom-com called "Whatever it Takes", and she was one of the few shining lights in that otherwise stupid movie. I'm kind of sad to see that her career never really took off that much, as I think she has a certain sparkling, nice, girl-next-door appeal, similar to Sandra Bullock. With better roles, she might have been a bigger presence in film these past 20 years.

Chris Carmack as Rebecca's old flame Chad gave a decent performance too. He played the handsome leading man in a way that made him relatable and approachable. I thought the two of them had decent on-screen chemistry together, at least after the first few initial repeat days, when she was a real jerk to him.

Okay, so the script could have been better. It was uneven an choppy in spots. One thing they never did was provide a convincing backstory as to why Rebecca had changed into this career-obsessed woman who basically turned her back on her family and friends. The reasons for her breakup with Chad back in high school seemed weak also. She apparently heard rumors that he was cheating on her, which ended up not being true, but she never confronted Chad about it at the time, and apparently, it was a mystery to him and everyone why she broke up with him. I also thought that her getting engaged to Chad and deciding to stay in her small town at the end seemed too rushed and abrupt. They had just reconnected after 12 years, after all. I wish, at some point that she had confessed to someone that, contrary to her facade of success, she was unemployed with no clear prospects. That would make her decision to stay in her small town much more credible. And, with her new-found cooking skills, maybe she could help her boyfriend Chad with his restaurant.

I could spend a lot of time pointing out the flaws of this movie, but they are relatively minor. On the whole, I found this to be an enjoyable, feel-good movie with a good message and likable, relatable characters. Definitely worthy of a watch.
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I have no idea what's going on
joshua_vale9 November 2021
Literally no idea what this film was about. Something something Christmas in the sun & then Santa turned up & danced for some reason.

It's a strange & thoroughly forgettable film that didn't even make coherent sense but sure, it's probably groundhog Day at Christmas once again. Weird film, didn't even work as background noise.
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Deja vu...
tdaly455619 December 2020
You've seen this before, with the genders reversed for a different calendar date as "Groundhog Day," but no matter. This is a charming little film and the two leads make for great eye candy.
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Another Christmas Movie Rip-Off of "Groundhog Day"
Christmas-Reviewer16 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This is the third or fourth film that not only a rips-off of "Groundhog Day" but also rips off other rip-offs of "Christmas Theme Groundhog Day Films".

This is a creative bomb. There is nothing unique about this film. The film not only waist the talents of the actors they also could of had a unique film had the lead been OLDER and perhaps been cast with Catherine Hicks in that role instead of pushing her into "The Mother Role" in which she has very little to do. In fact her part is thin and not very essential to the film. Truth is that all her scenes should of been cut. Something tells me her part was shoehorned into a thin script.

My problem with lead actress (Marla Sokoloff) is that she is miscast as a ball buster. She comes across as someone who would be the secretary of a ball-buster who is secretly in love with the boss. Here she is the boss who gets fired on the eve of returning to her hometown to see her high school friend getting married.

Now of course our protagonist is a very flawed and for this she must relive the same day over & over again until she finally learns not to be "Nice".

Maybe had this film been cast with older (or better) actors it would of been more convincing!

There is plenty of "GOOD FAMILY SAFE" Christmas theme films. This is not one of them. If this is playing on an airplane you will more entertained by reading the instructions on a vomit bag!
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Cute if weird holiday romance
vchimpanzee15 December 2014
Marla Solokoff is so good here. The character is pleasant enough most of the time, but eventually she is really nice. But I liked her best when she was having a good time, knowing she would not gain weight or have to pay for huge purchases on her (former) company's credit card, or spend time in jail. Her efforts to improve herself and get her man are really enjoyable.

The cab driver is well played by George Wendt (who has several roles),

Chris Carmack is good enough, and he even sings, but not well enough for me to believe he will be a big country star.

Catherine Hicks does a great job as Rebecca's mom.

There is plenty of good Christmas music, but also a lot of what I consider junk.

This is no masterpiece but it is a pleasant and even funny fantasy for the holidays.
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Stop repeating yourself!
adamjohns-4257513 January 2021
It's not the worst 'Groundhog Day' at Christmas that I've seen, but I probably only stuck with it for so long, because Chris Carmack is just lovely. At the beginning of the film you definitely don't feel that he should be lumbered with the absolute cow that the lead female is, but after a few times of repeating the same day over and over, she starts to realise that she is not actually very nice and needs to change her ways. At that point she becomes bearable, but still not good enough for Chris in my opinion.

The supporting cast all play their parts as I would imagine they are directed to do, but they mostly seem to be quite exaggerated and annoying. Think 'American Pie' characters!

It's nice to see that Catherine Hicks is still getting work after she ran away to space with Captain Kirk and some Whales. She plays the Mum nicely here. It's also good to see Norm (George Wendt) although he's not looking too healthy. Perhaps he shouldn't have frequented Cheers quite so often? Hopefully he has a good doctor.

The film isn't hideous to get through like some of them, but you can certainly put up your tree at the same time without missing too much. Alternatively just forward the middle bit where she's still learning how to be good and skip to the getting it right bit.
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Groundhog day, groundhog day, weak groundhog day, etc.
info-9070129 December 2021
With all the scripts, from all the screenwriters in the world, why do they keep doing the same stories over and over and over again. This was no worse than any other lightweight, repeat of a classic, but really, enough.

To add insult to injury, in the wedding ceremony, they said "I now pronounce you MAN and WIFE!" Not HUSBAND and WIFE, but she becomes willingly, a sideshow to a grown man, while she is pronounced an attachment. What Neanderthal wrote this script in 2012 that they didn't have enough sense to remove that nonsense, and now in the world did the women of this film allow that to happen?

Good grief.
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A Christmas Groundhog Day
kimberlymackie21 December 2018
As cute as this may be all it is, is a twisted version of Groundhog Day. As usual another fake remake of an original. I guess writers have no new ideas these days.
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Everything that you hate about high school is relived in this ground hog day like Christmas movie.
cgvsluis20 December 2022
I gave this two stars because I really enjoyed seeing George Wendt and the mom from 7th Heaven, but everything else about this movie was a total disaster. There are so many better movies out there..there is even a better Christmas movie with the same Groundhog Day like theme (The Twelve Days of Christmas Eve starring Molly Shannon).

The plot is New York executive who performs mergers is fired and goes back home to attend her best friend in high school's wedding on Christmas Eve. This really highlights that she is a snarky walled off individual. At the wedding she encounters all of these stereotypical high school types and her high school sweetheart who she is under the impression cheated on her.

This plot doesn't sound terrible, but the film truly was. It was painful and unrealistic...and she is an adult, why doesn't she just leave? The main actress is nice enough, but even she can't carry this movie.

I can honestly say that this was a flop that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. I'm sorry.
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period typical fatphobia ruins it
flisssaysno19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tw: this film includes fatphobia strained relationship with mother?? Creepy taxi driver is definitely magic, she's too business not enough woman, she is shaming a child for offering her cookies and telling her they'll make you fat >:(, so much fat shaming in this holy moly, ugly bridesmaid dresses, i HATE her, DAVID DELUISE?!!! Wtf is he doing here? Worst wedding ever, religious overtones, men being disgusting, all of this is so unnecessary!! He's got serious dimples, absolutely horrified it's like IM being bullied, omg it's groundhog day, she's going WILD, if i had to do my makeup so many days in a row i'd cry, girl overcomes fear of being fat?? Idk why she got it in her head she had mommy issues he mother is lovely, montage of self improvement journey?? They sing to announce themselves that's hilarious, original but i can't get over the fatphobia.
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The Miracle of Second Chances on Christmas
lavatch29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is an element of Scrooge at work in the transformation of Rebecca Wesley returning to her hometown for a Christmas Eve wedding of one of her childhood friends. Rebecca was cruel to her mother after the death of her dad, and she had all but written off Chad, the love of her life, due to a simple misunderstanding. Now, Rebecca, recently fired from her executive position in New York, will have the opportunity for redemption in a rare second chance.

The clever conceit of the film is that Rebecca must live over and over her day on Christmas Eve, including reuniting with her mom, attending the wedding, and meeting Chad, until she finally gets things right. She has a "helper" in the kind cab driver, "Mr. Destiny," who will assist her along the way on her journey.

The gags and the little touches at the wedding were well conceived, as well as the reactions of Rebecca to her second-chance opportunity. The best scene was when she was intentionally arrested for disturbing the peace during the wedding. She was able to over-indulge at her mother's dinner, learn how to ice skate, purchase a Porsche, and insult her old nemesis Molly, all in the course of reliving Christmas Eve day after day.

The actress playing Rebecca was terrific in channeling Scrooge, digging her way out of trouble and applying the homespun messaging of the chaplain during her repeated trips to the wedding ceremony. Above all, it was the reconciliation with her mother that was the most heartwarming moment of this lovely holiday film.
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I loved this movie and the song towards the end.
jmarieinca29 December 2013
I thought this movie that showed on ION was really cute. The movie is about a guy and a girl who reunite years later at a wedding. I thought the movie was cute and I like the actress Maria Sokoloff (The Flower Girl). Some parts were predictable but I like romance Christmas movies, and this is one of my favorites this year. She also tries to become close to her estranged mother who she has ignored for years. I like how she realizes things are not really up to her and can't force things to happen, which I liked about the movie. If anyone find or knows where I can get the song "Come on Let's find a way" played towards the end of the movie - it's sung by a guy and a girl, please let me know! Thanks!
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Not good
Aboutthestory18 November 2021
The writing is cliche.

I didn't enjoy however my elderly mother didn't think it was too horrid.
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Love this movie
ginotivon21 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed the cast, enjoyed the story line.The main character grows which I like and gets into trouble without the consequences, but at the same time learns her loved ones don't want her in trouble.She grows,matures and realizes that she can even let herself care and grow and starts to improve herself, think of others,learns to be kind and loving. Wish George was just a person who has an interest in her and can interrupt her life by warning her. Enormously happy that the theme is around how the past people intertwine as a new group. that the theme is not really crissmassy since there are a lot of dumb bits of Xmas silly movies. love how the main character later leaves the scene of the immature acts that the best man should have stopped. glad the cheating with molly is cleared up. Love her former/presentj boyfriend. He is wonderful and patient with her antics. And glad they are marrying.
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Really Enjoyed This
Harbinger_37815 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the "restart from checkpoint" movies I've watched - the OG version: Groundhog Day, the war version: Edge of Tomorrow, the growing-up-and-maturing version: Premature, the Valentine version: I Do, I Do, I Do, the other Christmas version: The Twelve Dates of Christmas - this is the one by far I liked the best. Man, Master Sokoloff killed it here. The story was obviously fairly cliché yet somehow it still struck cords with me even after all these years and times. The comedy tone of this movie was tuned so high for a holiday movie that I once thought this belonged on April's Fools, not Christmas or Valentines'. I got lots of laughs over several parts of this movie. Loved how these folks enjoyed the "restart from checkpoint" function Fate had provided them, and the hilarity they causes. Boy, that was fun. Maybe I was just a big sucker for all these stories, but I enjoyed every nano-bit part of them. Although my people here in China doesn't all celebrate Christmas - maybe some of them even boycott it, on behalf of all open-minded younglings with kind-heart and tactical mind, wish all the world a merry Christmas whenever the time arrives, and may the Cupid's arrows always aim true and find their marks.
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Kirpianuscus22 December 2019
The good point - George Wendt and Catherine Hiks. Only for presence but the acting is reduced at sketches by script. And, sure , the slice of version of !A Christmas Carol". The bad thing - childish use of Groundhog Day theme. Because it is boring, fake and not so convincing. And vulgar in this case. The reasonable thing - the romance . A sketch itself, bad used, but it is not so not reasonable to say a good word about a film who seems just a two hours improvisation.
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