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Good enough for a Netflix horror movie
dingane4 July 2018
I see reviews here from people who saw this in the theater. If I saw it in the theater, and paid actual money for it, I'd probably give it a 5 as well. But I watched it on Netflix while doing my hobby. For that it's perfectly fun. It's not a great horror movie. It relies on pretty predictable jump scares and quick shots of creepy things. You can see the "twist" coming from a mile away. But it's not terrible. It's acted well-enough, has decent pacing, and the production quality is good.

If you're like me and have watched pretty much every other horror movie on Netflix, then you'll probably enjoy it well enough. If you want a great horror movie, though, then you'll want to keep looking.
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Not Great, But Pretty Entertaining
chrismackey197213 May 2015
This wasn't a bad movie. I had no expectations for this to be good at all. However, I was surprised. It wasn't great, but it was pretty original, and the acting was well done.

My big problem with the movie was all the jumping back-and-forth between the past and present scenes. They should've just stuck with the people going to the house, and then they could've dealt with the aftermath with the police. It was confusing for the first few times.

I gave this a 5-star rating. If you're in the mood for a fairly original story that actually does have some jump moments that are well executed, you might want to give this a try.
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Face off: Demonic v Deborah Logan
begob9 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Cops investigate a massacre in a house with prior history, but are they making things worse?

Where to start? Good acting in the opening sequence, and the editing sprang a shocking jump scare. Was it just me? I squealed like a squirrel. So simple and obvious, but it got me. All in the timing.

This takes found footage to another level, where the analysis of the footage becomes part of the story. Yet it messes with the genre by directing the raw stuff with various fixed angles. And, for me, cops + horror doesn't generally work because it gives the feeling you can return to Kansas at any time.

The production is big and complicated, with way too many characters. The closest comparison is The Taking of Deborah Logan, which I thought was busy and overblown + lacking a hero, but with an excellent premise. The premise here is less interesting, but the direction and editing are better - although the film relies too much on huuuge music + there's no signature scene. And it ends in sequel bait, so I'm not sure I likes that.

Overall the pace is good, frights are frequent (with reducing impact), but at no point did I sense the horror would get out of control. So it's a solid wobbler. Hmmm. Give it a 5. Yeah, that's fair. Now I have to check my rating for Deborah Logan.
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Far better than expected.
Patient44424 June 2015
For a perfect rate I would have put down 5.5 stars, cause 6 is too much and 5 still too little, but, we have to work with what we have, so 5 stars from me and one positive review!

Without spoiling it or give away unnecessary information, I'm going to keep it short and let you know, that Demonic, even tho such a cliché of a name, plot and even cover, stands up much better than most such productions probably because it was kept simple. Effective, intriguing, good acting, well picked actors, it wasn't the "let's do a horror in the woods" or "in a haunted house", but I genuinely think they wanted to make a horror. And they sure succeed!

So, compared to a lot of similar movies, Demonic offers thrills, scares, a little bit of mystery, overall, a good time!

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Demonic Suspects
shawnblackman16 July 2017
A group of ghost hunters visit a house where a séance happened that resulted in a few deaths. The paranormal investigators decide to do another séance which turns out to be a bad idea.

This one opens up with the police arriving on the scene of what appears to be a bloodbath. One survivor is found and the police begin to question him. The story is told through flashbacks leading up to present time.

Fast paced, keeps you hooked and loaded with jump scares. Bonus points for not being a full blown found footage flick. I would sum this one up as a Unusual Suspects meets Ouija. Worth the watch.

6 birds flying out of your mouth out of 10.
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Pointless Film That Felt Rushed
So I really enjoyed Will Canon's first feature film Brotherhood, it was really tense and the story was very well done. So when I heard he was directing a horror film I was pretty excited since Horror is by far my favorite genre. The story seemed interesting enough and the set up to the film had me interested, but then it all just kind of fell apart.

So the movie plays out with an investigator and some psychologist interviewing a guy whose friends were just murdered at some haunted house. Some of his friends are still missing and the police want to know what happened to them. I liked this, it made me interested to see what happened and find out where the missing friends are. What sucks though is that every that play out from here on just isn't interesting. There are a few jump scares, but only like 2 or 3, and other than that really nothing at all happens until the last 15-20 minutes, and even then it's nothing special. Everything just seems so rushed or like they cut a good chunk of the movie out and then just showed us bits and pieces of the missing material.

So right off the bat I really wasn't feeling the cast, nobody is really likable. The people we are suppose to like are just dull, wasn't sure if I was really suppose to root for anybody tbh. The group of friends are all annoying and the rest of the cast just seemed like they were phoning their performances in.

Overall I was very disappointed by this film. I just don't see any reason why it needed to be made, especially with a pretty decent budget. There is nothing new at all here, no gore, no real scares, and really no suspense. Skip this one.

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My Review Of "Demonic"
ASouthernHorrorFan1 August 2018
The film's premise is a straightforward concept that incorporates classic, overdone horror tropes with slices of Gen X flavor, in the form of found footage - as in documentary footage recovered from the scene. The dual concepts, although not original, are offered up in a clever parallel time line. It creates a sort of murder mystery aspect, broken up by standard paranormal horror moments next to found footage sequences. To a small degree the mixture sometimes feels disjointed, but the back and forth does break up any monotony that would otherwise be present.

The cast give quality performances, the line up consists of recognizable faces, and known names. There is a glare of underdevelopment to the characters, that if a bit of tweaking had been done, could have really became full-bodied portrayals. Still there is enough to make them relatable.

Special effects are the typical gimmicks one expects in these kind of films. Shock gags and sound bites meant to give a fright are over used and often fall flat. Still "Demonic" has its moments of genuine chills, and the gore elements are quality. Think "Insidious" -esque trickery, just a few more misses. The horror moments run the gambit of "see it coming" to "cool and creepy".

Overall the film is a mediocre but watchable horror flick with some quality actors, refreshing concepts, entertaining climax, and enough death to hit that ghoulish spot. It does have some redundancy issues, and a cloud of "know what's going to happen before it happens", but the movie gives enough to make it enjoyable.
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Not at all scary
Stevieboy66630 September 2018
Just watched this for free on the Horror Channel and I will say that, although it is not a bad movie, it is not worth paying for. Group of kids hold a seance in an abandoned house where mass murder took place some 20 odd years before and needless to say scary, unoriginal things start to happen. Only it's not scary and thankfully it has a modest running time. James Wan's name is attached to it but he didn't direct so don't be fooled.
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An overall good movie
irfansalim8521 May 2015
To be honest I look for any good movies to kind of watch. This movie turned out to be a nice surprise. The story plot was kind of same as has been there for most of the other movies in this genre. But still the way it played out was very nice.

It starts as with any good horror movie and keeps you gripped in your seat. You can't help wanting more of it and trying to empathize with the characters. It is a story of mystery and horror, gripped with the thrill and excitement of watching a horror unfold itself.

I would recommend anyone who wants to watch a nice horror movie to definitely go for it. It has the occasional jumps and screams, but turns out at the end you would start wanting more.
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Completely forgettable
Leofwine_draca1 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DEMONIC is another possession-focused supernatural horror flick that gets by on jump scares and loud noises. If you like watching young actors overacting a great deal and spewing up black slime then maybe this is the film for you, but I'll admit that I didn't care much for this low budget and predictable outing. It's the kind of film that flirts with the found footage genre without going all the way, and one which wastes talented actors (Frank Grillo, Maria Bello) in supporting roles which merely exist to fill up the screen time. Overall it's nothing special, and completely forgettable to boot.
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Unexpected and Not Bad
Alise_shenle12 April 2015
If you come to this movie hoping to be scared like the Conjuring, well this is not it. John (played by the guy who died in Supernatural, Ghostfacers) reprises his role as a stupid teenager who goes to a haunted house to catch ghosts on film, except now he's the MAIN LEAD instead of the guy who dies first. Bad thing is, he still can't act. The other teenagers also have personality as flat as cardboard--a weird pretty girl who think by proving ghosts exist she will not be mocked; an Asian; a guy who thinks he's the leader; and the girlfriend. The only interesting people are the old detective and psychologist. They acted well and believable. Oh, and the ending, that was unexpected, because it was too convoluted. To be frank, there is not much scares. This is more of a mystery movie than horror. Plot holes abound and you will find yourself cursing as the teenagers make stupid mistakes. But it has a few nice scary scenes. Do watch this while waiting for Insidious 3!
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I have seen this movie several times. Different actors and names, but just the same.
siderite15 July 2015
... and they are all made of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same. The sad thing is that I like most of the lead actors. We've seen Frank Grillo in Captain America as a decent villain and many other films as well. Maria Bello still looks gorgeous, even at her age. Cody Horn is cute as hell. Even the other actors were decent, considering they were all playing cardboard characters (like the Asian tech-savy expendable character).

The script, though, as well as the entire direction and structure of the film was identical to some others haunted house features. The oh so predictable twist at the end, the loud bass noises, the electronics that fail in case of ghosts or show a ghost when you can't see it or don't show a ghost when you can, the self closing and locking doors, the stupid people that stay in the house when they are attacked by supernatural forces, the police that are always a step behind the events and so on and so on and so on.

Bottom line: if you feel like another haunted house film with young idiots trying to prove the existence of the supernatural only to whine when they find it, this is the film for you. If you are looking for anything original, skip it.
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CSI Mockumentary: Decent bits from both worlds, none of the best
quincytheodore9 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To its credit, Demonic attempts to mix crime thriller and found footage horror style into one parallel story. A group of cops arrive at a crime scene to find strange evidences and a sole survivor of what seems to be occult related incident. The movie works by using narrative of the survivor while the cops collect the proofs to collaborate his story. It wants to add tension to analysis aspect or bring more thrills to the horror, but sadly the conflicting elements simply don't sync together.

The story starts with usual found footage style of paranomal investigation. It mostly uses fixed camera angle or first person view of the cameraman, occasionally it changes to average horror view. The scenes would fast forward after the incident as cops review the evidences, it has neat gimmick as not many movies present actual finding or commentary of these tapes. However, the problems are already apparent as the shift between the timelines can be jarring.

The viewpoint change feels disruptive to both elements. The tension built in the found footage perspective can be cut short, while the crime investigation doesn't really have depth aside from "good cop bad cop" antic. There's not much personality for the character either. These paranormal investigators are far from appealing, in fact they might be interchangeable aside for who is dating whom. The lead character has connection with the haunted place, but don't expect any emotional investment from the bland delivery.

It does offer several good scares. These are made by setting the haunting zone with unnerving cinematography. Visual is mostly greyish for the horror part, which insinuates the tension and separates it from the rest of the movie. Still, it's pretty straightforward and expected. Not to mention it shifts just as the atmosphere sets it, the investigation part suffers from this too just as they start to uncover the mystery the pace reverts backwards. With the inconsistent delivery, even the intended twist feels lacking.

While there are a couple of decent results, the mix of two genres proves to be more incompatible rather than meritorious.
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Nothing demonic about it at all...
paul_haakonsen15 April 2016
Where to begin? Well, first of all "Demonic" brings absolutely nothing to the horror genre which hasn't already been seen countless times in other similar, and most likely more interesting and entertaining movies. With that in mind, you might think that director Will Canon would be playing it safe and bet on the horses that might actually bring the movie safely to the goal line. But no, that was not the case.

"Demonic" is every bit as boring and uneventful as it was predictable, generic and cliché-filled. There are no twists or turns along the storyline and you sit in the chair for a very mundane and predictable thrill ride, albeit without the thrills.

I actually fell asleep during the course of "Demonic", which is a testament to how boring the movie is. Especially since I watch a lot of questionable movies (B-movies) and such, so I am seasoned and hardened to movies, and it really takes a lot before I get up and turn off a movie, or as in the case of "Demonic" fall asleep while watching a movie.

The acting in the movie was adequate, although I can't really bring any particular talent out in the light as being memorable or particularly outstanding.

However, the movie was just struck down by the director's hand, the script and a total lack of anything even remotely scary. The storyline was so scripted that the audience is offered nothing enticing or thrilling in any sense. It was all in all just a long, very long, run on a fully automated track.

If you enjoy horror movies, then there are far better choices available on the market. And I would suggest that you give "Demonic" a wide berth. It just simply isn't worth the time or effort.
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Not Great, but Not Bad
culmo16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A group of young adults go into a haunted house to find ghosts/conduct a séance. We've seen it done a dozen times in movies. This one is slightly different. The action picks up after the expected slauther of those young adults as a police detective interviews the lone survivor.

The film is a combination police procedural, shaky-cam recovered footage, haunted house/demonic possession horror. Except it doesn't really give enough in any area to really pull it off. The shaky-cam footage is sort of worn out by this point to be scary. Plus, the over-reliance on jump-scares may provide a cheap little startle but do little to advance the plot. I was actually laughing at some of the ways they depict the police investigation. "Get more freezers for those hard drives!" And this film really didn't know whether it was a haunted house story or a demonic possession story. Before the séance--when the demon would have been summoned--all sorts of scary stuff was happening. Was the demon doing this? Was it ghosts? Who knows! It's never explained!

And while the twist at the end gives you a "hmm, interesting" feeling. It is only a matter of a few minutes of thinking that you realize that it's dumb. Spoilers: So, the demon, in order to escape his prison must inhabit a "pure soul" while also killing everyone who was involved in the ritual to set him free? All right ... so that pretty much means only an unborn child can be the host. Sucks for the demon if they all show up without a pregnant woman, right? But let's back up. The demon gets John to go around killing everyone ... but for some reason he doesn't kill Bryan, and Bryan runs away, steals a truck, kills or attacks a gas station attendant and then shouts really loudly into the radio to mess with the demon ... so that the police will shoot him? Uh ... okay.

And the demon could only be set free once the pure soul travels beyond the seal (kinda like the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones, eh?) So ... the demon then hid Michelle in a hidden crawl space so that the cops would have to spend several hours looking for her? What if they never found her? What if Michelle and her unborn child died in that crawlspace? Sucks for that demon, right?

The more you think about this movie, the more you see how easy it is to pick apart. The whole concept of demonic possession in a haunted house has been done before, and with a far simpler plot. I mean, Night of the Demons was a campy 80's horror (and a rather bad remake in the 2000s), but it at least made sense--it didn't try to be too clever.

Anyway, this is on Netflix right now (October 2020), so if you've done the bigger, better films, give this a watch ... don't expect much, though.
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Demonical Scare Tactic
kupukupumu2 June 2015
Just watched the movie, and while there is nothing new, it is quite scary with old tactics that always work. You know that sudden loud bang or sound effect to wake us up from a nap. To be honest, hate this old tactic as if the guys who are paid well cannot find something new. Also, the scare scenes almost have no importance to the main plot. They are just demonically there because this is a horror movie.

The Plot Well, it was not boring in the plot, but we can always easily guess the end. Nothing new here.

The Cast Now, this is where it really gets attention. The main guy 'John', he looks cute, but he cannot act at all. All the blank faces from this guy is really annoying. One of the worst acting I've seen.

Summary This movie is something we can pass. Nothing new here: some teenagers going to a haunted house trying to communicate with the dead then things go wrong. But if you are looking for a scare here and there, it worths a try.
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passable horror
SnoopyStyle15 November 2022
In Louisiana, police detective Mark Lewis (Frank Grillo) takes over a bloody crime scene. He finds survivor John (Dustin Milligan) who becomes his prime suspect. Police psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Klein (Maria Bello) interviews John on site. He and his pregnant girlfriend Michelle (Cody Horn) had joined a group of young ghost hunters, Bryan (Scott Mechlowicz), Jules (Megan Park), Donnie (Aaron Yoo), and Sam (Alex Goode). He had been haunted by visions of the house.

This has all been done before. The final twist is completely predictable. It's basically a found footage horror in a haunted house. There is nothing particularly new. The actors are a mixed bag although they are all pretty good. This is a straight-forward horror.
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Better than 'The Vatican Tapes.'
Krackoon11 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There's two things you can count on if you're a director, whether big time or small, and that is - If you're in need of an actor to play the detective in your film, and your first choice (Michael Paré) is currently busy, you can always turn to your second option - Frank Grillo.

'Demonic' is exactly what I feared, which is why I avoided it for so long, but I figured since I struggled through 'The Vatican Tapes,' I can handle anything. Again, I am not a fan of possession flicks, at all. 'Demonic' manages to throw in just about everything I dislike about these films, with a ridiculous twist, that you can see coming from a mile away. The cast is below average - Maria Bello seems disinterested at every turn, and Frank Grillo struggles with his lines, as usual. Seriously, does this guy ever prepare for any role? You can tolerate him in 'Captain America 2: Winter Soldier,' because they can disguise how limited, and useless he really is. Did anyone REALLY notice the guy was even in that awesome film? Of course not.

The plot is the real killer here, though. It starts off as the usual haunted house, then turns into an 80 minute interrogation of a possessed kid who really isn't even there. But you can't really tell how unusual this sort of shocking reveal is, since Frank Grillo's facial expressions never change. He either looks constipated, or clueless. That's pretty much all you get from Frank. As for Maria? Well, she just wants her paycheck. The entire plot, the kill scene with the walkie-talkie, along with the twist, all of it together, just makes the film so laughably bad, you'll think you walked into another horror comedy directed by Eli Roth.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: Personally, I think if the coin had landed on Michael Paré, 'Demonic' would have been, well, awful, but his lack of emotion, and disinterest just seems more professional than Frank Grillo. Maybe it's just me?
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lukem-527601 April 2021
"DMONIC" is a pretty decent little small scale Horror-Thriller although the story is pretty basic about a group of youngsters going to an old house to investigate spooky stuff i still, enjoyed it.

Here the group are Ghost investigators & go to an old house in Lousiana where murders took place back in the 80's, one guy has visions of the old place & wants answers & things get bloody, it's a possession type Horror from the makers of "The Conjuring" & "Insidious" so it has that dark creepy demonic atmosphere here & what i did really like is it has some bits that are Found Footage, flash backs & the present aftermath of the slaughter where we meet our main character the tough Detective Mark Lewis, played by the Awesome go-to hard guy of many Genre films FRANK GRILLO!!!! This guy is the reason i got this dvd. Grillo is such a good solid actor & proves it here as he does his Detective work & works alongside another excellent actor, MARIA BELLO who plays a Dr. Elizabeth Klein a Criminal Pysychologist & both give really good solid & serious performances & raise the film up in quality for a pretty low-budget Genre flick.

Nothing New here but a well made Detective Murder Mystery mixed up with a Supernatural Horror story & two great veteran lead actors of great quality.
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Horror movie generator 2.0
wowhaaa28 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The title says it all. This movie was put together from every existing clichés of horror movies. Which is not necessarily a bad thing unless the filmmakers doing it wrong. Like they did with Demonic.

The plot? Haunted house. Youngsters go in. Only a few of them comes out.

The actors? Maria Bello is the only name you would recall from your memory. She is not bad, but she has not much to do anyways as her character is one of the most meaningless criminal-occultists- psychologist of all times in this movie. Rest of the actors not even worth to mention, which is not necessarily their fault this time...

...because it is the fault of the director/writer. The movie does not have a real opening, does not have a decent elaborating part, and does not have a good ending. The whole movie is a huge plot hole. I warn you, you will have no idea what are the characters doing and why they are doing it. The good thing is that you won't even care as the characters are empty, just like the story itself.

There are some jump scare moments but they are only good for keeping you awake as they are completely random and does not fit the events of the film. (that screaming in the cellphone thing?!? What the hell was that? )

You won't get any explanation either. After all the 80 minutes of the film ( I gave it two stars because it is short at least) you will only see an imaginary question mark in front of you.

Avoid it.
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Takes Some Thought, But OMG -- MY ENDING EXPLANATION
johnlillywhite7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, tonight, I decided to watch this movie thinking it was going to be another "Insidious" type movie with jump scares left and right. Boy, was I wrong. This movie is packed with suspense, relationships, scares, and jaw-dropping moments.

For the first 30 minutes, I was getting a little bored, but I'm glad I stayed around. It really sets the story up for the last hour.

**POSSIBLE SPOILERS** I am now going to submit my explanation for the ending. I am in no way a movie expert, so I can't say my explanation is wrong, nor right. So, if you've watched the movie, it's a no-brainer that the man the doctor was talking with wasn't John. It was the demon taking the form of John. When s**t hits the fan, and the circle is broken, I believe the demon possesses John's body. John then goes on a killing spree, killing everyone except Michelle, Brian, and...get this...Michelle's baby. John (the demon taking over John's body), cuts Brian's tongue out, but Brian is able to escape his grasp. Brian, to save his ex-girlfriend, that he was still in love with, taped her mouth shut, and put her in the secret room. Brian then escapes thru the milk shoot, steals a car to get away. The demon, without knowing where Michelle or Brian is, knows the only person in the house left to kill is John (the body it's taking over). The demon then makes John hang himself, then as the birds fly out of John's mouth, the birds (demon) takes the form as John's body, which the PI found. When the cops find Brian holding up the liquor store, Brian can't speak (his tongue is cut out). All Brian can do is yell. John (the demon in his body), hears Brian yelling, and then acts like Brian is the one doing all the damage, hence John's body being thrown around the room. The demon does this, knowing the officers will open fire, and boom!...that's another person down. The demon still knows Michelle and the baby has to die in order to be free. The demon hears that they found Michelle in the house. The demon then knows they are going to have to roll her over the seal, allowing the demon to possess either Michelle or the baby. When Michelle crosses the seal, and starts going into agonizing pain, that is when the demon is possessing the baby. Michelle then feels the baby kick, thinking it's healthy, until the last scene, when the baby does something weird. I believe the demon knows it must kill the baby and Michelle to be free...and that's where the movie ends.
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Possessed by the Devil
claudio_carvalho21 May 2015
In Louisianna, Detective Mark Lewis (Frank Grillo) is summoned to attend a call from the notorious Livingston House and he finds three bodies and one survivor, John (Dustin Milligan), who is in shock. He calls for backup and also the police psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Klein (Maria Bello) to interrogate John. They learn that the team of ghost-busters formed by Bryan (Scott Mechlowicz), John's pregnant girlfriend Michelle (Cody Horn), Jules (Megan Park), Donnie (Aaron Yoo) and Sam (Alex Goode) decided to perform a séance in the house, where the owner Marta Livingstone committed a violent slaughter many years ago, to summon their spirits. The séance went wrong and released evil spirits that killed Jules, Donnie and Sam; however Michelle and Bryan are missing. While Elizabeth interrogates John, Mark and the technical team tries to retrieve the hard disks with the footages from the house to find where the other two survivors may be, Detective Lewis discloses a dark supernatural secret about John.

"Demonic" is a movie about haunted house where something is missing to be a great horror movie. The screenplay entwines two stories through the testimony of John and the hard disks and the previous events. The atmosphere is gloomy and suspenseful and the performances are good. However the final twist is weak and does not give the climax the story deserved. Anyway it is worthwhile watching this movie but with low expectations. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "A Casa dos Mortos" ("The House of the Dead")

Note: On 14 Dec 2016, I saw this film again.
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Welp, this was what it was.
InDyingArms13 May 2015
There's many, many, many clichéd horror films revolving around the common plot of a ghost hunting crew receiving more then they bargained for. "Demonic", a horror film taking the said cliché head on, becoming something more then what it was expected.

The acting of this movie was quite straight forward, not really giving anything shocking, or completely impacting. Honestly just was what it was, plain, and simple. The cinematography in this film was nice, but at points got a bit annoying. At some points in the movie, the camera shook, creating it a bit weird, in other words annoying to view the events of which were taking place. As for studio work; lighting, set, etc. It, as said before was what it was. It seemed a bit plain, being seen millions of times before, the same old set of an old haunted house. Even the little twist of set in this film; which won't be spoiled, it still felt clichéd, and seen many, many times before.

The story of this film was, also, quite basic. The story of a ghost hunting team heading into a haunted house to document the strange events, a plot we've audience seen millions of times before, making that part clichéd .. highly. The film, though switched it up a bit, moving, and twisting the plot around a bit, delivering some shock, but not as much as it was more then likely intended to. I also felt as if the characters were plain, but for what they were, involving they're movie rolls, they're characters weren't bad. As said many times now, though, it was quite average, yet worked for the sake of this film.

Finally, I feel as if the movie had some legit atmosphere, in this case, the movie had a creepy, dark feeling of which sent chills down my spine while watching this. Dark, old, unsettling atmosphere combined with some decent timed scares. It seemed unique, saying many times before, the movie having a highly clichéd setting, and plot. For what the movie executed, it had some well scares, as well as some great, creepy atmosphere of which set the mood simplistically.

In conclusion, "Demonic" was considerably an attempt. It had a solid, creepy setting to it. But it doesn't beat the fact that this film took on a highly clichéd plot, making this movie nothing more then average. The movie, also, tried taking on a "large" twist, only leading to be average; "Meh". However, the movie was entertaining, gripping. But once more. It's very, very average. Nothing new whatsoever. I'd recommend it to those looking for a movie for the heck of it; Looking for something unique? Look elsewhere. This movie dose NOT deliver unique elements.
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tmfitnessuk4 November 2018
A collection of tacky horror clichés, cheap and poorly executed jump scares.

If you like cheap looking, low budget TV movies with zero originality this is the film for you.
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A Perfect Circle
morrison-dylan-fan14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With October coming up I started gathering up some Horror flicks that a friend would enjoy.Learning that she is a fan of The Purge movies,I took a look at Frank Grillo's IMDb page. Initially seeing a page of Action and Drama offerings,I spotted a "new" Horror film right near the top,which led to me unleashing the demon.

The plot:

Arriving at a murder scene in an abandoned house, Detective Mark Lewis finds a survivor called John in among the three murdered victims. Whilst calling Dr. Elizabeth Klein to interview John,and asking for backup,Lewis finds Videotapes of recordings that the gang made.Checking the footage of their seance,as Lewis continues to search for other survivors in the house, Klein learns that John's mum was a lone survivor of a massacre that took place 20 years ago,in the same house.

View on the film:

Whilst the kids give good,but not that distinctive performances, Frank Grillo keeps the chill in the air of the post-murder scene bubbling away with a great tough performance as Detective Mark Lewis,who Grillo sends out to chomp anyone who stands in the way of solving the case,with Lewis's first encounter with demonic evil leading to Grillo kicking some demon arse! Looking at things from a more compassionate side,the gorgeous Maria Bello gives a terrific performance as Dr. Elizabeth Klein,whose belief in there being something "behind the walls" leads to Bello giving Klein an understanding edge,which crumbles as the horns appear.

Taking inspiration from producer James Wan's adventures in peculiar homes,co-writer/(along with Max La Bella & Doug Simon) director Will Canon and cinematographer Michael "Oculas" Fimognari tape the Haunted House with the gritty Found Footage genres.Sending the gang round the house with black and white cameras,Canon drapes the house in a creepy atmosphere,as the grainy quality of their recordings raise doubts over what exactly is moving in the background.Looking up from the recordings, Canon gives the house a decayed shine,where gliding camera moves dip in and out of the low hanging shadows where the demons lurk.

Looking at events from the aftermath perspective,the screenplay by Canon/Simon and Bella calls out a chilling Found Footage Haunted House mystery,where burnt slivers of film give a glimpse to the chaos that unfolded in the house. Inter-cutting the events in the house with Lewis's investigation,the writers bring the supernatural horrors into focus,as each discovery Lewis makes edges another memory out of John's scrambled mind. Balancing the supernatural demonic screams with a gritty mystery,the writers disappointingly push everything over the edge with a left-field twist from afar,which tries a last gasp effort to change sub- genres,but ends up burning down all the intriguing horror mystery that had been bubbling away for a flat final shock which takes the horns from the demonic.
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